1, ity. iei4~~~u areide poegitl*e 2b 84,yard, il 54 C. ~.iI<~»the fashionable sh ~ Mbe e~44~hwide;. 5O~qtt1y~a~..?....33c '41 CTeSD I I *b weII ~ nh.r d.pw~'. et the s~or. A WrdAbout. Comparatie rices In operating our Bargain Basernent, we initend to lake fuil ad- vaý,--e of every opportiunity offered by overstocked or embarrassèd, Nvio1csalers, so should our advertisements at any time quote. compara- tive prices that night seem exaggerated, kindly bear i n ind.that thc savings are bonaafied, and sirnply the resuit of a bit of good luek on Our jnirt-not au attmrpt to mnislea(l or a fauilt of our conscience. A good fi= -q.xpalfty of 3 6-i n c h ;.upbilh muisliu; heretofore;3.l -75c DkmesI i 43< sement El Ourks in SlsomWith a Sale of Matchkess Economies forFridayand Saturday one oÏ the rtiost important attravtioe-of titis store in the future w'il be the Bargiin 11aseinent, for throngh its existence Apron Ginghai v, c- shaIdi be ale teu ffer idditioiiitl ad\ aliages teoOur custoners-to assiît materially ini lowering the e ost of v our Apparei, Dry- t~~sandvarimus other needs. Staple cheeks 4 70-ineh 4*=Ok ,wat flue niercoriaid ftniqi; su1en414 p- terxis-975a value, per, 43 yard .... bleaehed 'shaker flain- Me; Worth 7c; 8t5t .Ver yard ....-c Pure bleakd pilhiw ees- W", heef b w; or5x.36 'or 42ï3 sîze; tpcae." short OiB~ of gii- hais'M'd hénibrays: 2 to 10 Y&MAi'd84be 7 ic,0W 121<Peuqi$.' eue7 Fuil pices dz.n 121awx& ,.*s atIc4s cl~,cksaxi si~s.27 i 2ic tiiSoüu.s, 8jýC' Dark.-fIod'attàý; àÈ irm qalty cotn towelIJlg4' JA. white, or with f#ïtý*#ýr boder; alwaytS e 'pér yd. < Bop' .a* Vtt. 43C Soft claso band; 50é vaue4 I bis NiwIy'Appointed Salsroom 15 IReally a Store in htself %llaîidlitng atlilies o. gxeihaîuhîsücarried ini our re,-gular« departiexts. We"shiallfeatire ini pax tiviflai, inexpeniie qiiaIitis, thotughcnnly sit e 's a 9 i=y lie rega ided wurthy of a place in a thorougbly reliab le establishmient. Ilhe Bargaini Basement will also 1w sot of a (learig ouse for ineom-plete and brokfen Iines assembled from our 3 other liôi.Iii, <'very instalDec the merchandise offered wvill bc at a price umdér regalar value-a fact wehl worth rernenberîng. or'I, ""anid bih-neck styles. O@rM -O. .4êthuand nainsook; hmeed ~ibrdi tKnmmed. -mu~uK gr.uI. &VM " "UIJ. A, -gar 50WcQoret Covers, spu.. M ,Woùvl'DrsWruz-Lace and embroid- try tiltmxed style§4 Mêmle lot. -3~q3r. 2~ ~ra S, pecial at 150 -.Wr50e rs, specw ai t M3 MWSU PETIOA IcHftl>tim A'-nd Lu- z6v dat r~uim Md AM- u.btà, POUSPOuti:vain. embroideryty i-iu p te1.00; 39C siod; spectal . .ca t..... C.scob leo'sé,O0« lIlBCIlflnufld and mflghtty BOiIeâmodela- 7Sc vwuSR . V'Mawto 7 speci- 45c - uo, e_. Saleof r1wa& Bat A collection of clever new fail models. The> shapes are of rich uilk velvet prettilv trim- mcd with rilibons, orna- ments and feather- choice ........9 J mimed fHats Handome styles in splendid variety. Triimad in effect- ive *Éeffi with os- traxh a nd fanc4y feams29 prie ...219 10k tciuila l gb.4 qly; = 1. tick a r. ,~ use vair 7c novilSade ~OMWt 11k lgie wth whit fo 0f~qaiY*, er- brin 10c; a 1h ~ ~ '3 '4liiy. .Zc wpriced. pai i?4.fNT'-slik am "le is tocings; vàl-,làgr- quallUtes; ss loc 1BC kne .......7c - rImm"h seta tel Underwear ô OPAN$.- UNION I ouJr hoden' Wui' i4 0 c Union Uh,~t,29é ICI$LDN4L-SlilrISand CMII ÈN$- Vestaand S»aweà.vaiue. t~~I'~. lO toualy scid #or Me 5 xi n $Ubon c et. UérIVmm é fer thée *îe À.ularSOc~r. UNION SUITSr-Fifle ino .... etiona, 1M0tla 1: A.variety Of at- teactive unodels - ail o! the latest fall design; nmade ofsu- vol- patent, gfiii metar d vIci kid 'tleathers; ùbutton ore hucher; Me- diumaamé lil S hla; plain toe or 4 tWppes; M tor lot topa; $2.60 ~tanS 18».00 vIxeo, 1.96. 1 Wo WOPB 0S MOES -8 OSSHC)ES-SBer-vice. 8mdI e1598 onti'; lace and abeS un.mt&l leather; but stylos; formerly g% 'to 6% e t $1.79; 1 to wli iquoet .5 1..8.. Bt. 01.39 OmIs' sOr H-Sevioe- GiRtU' SNOBis - Babi able, -perfect fitting ahOes Doi andl other attractive. la gU-motal leatliçr; itybei of gun mtlad wrb5.0 ie 3 let,; nd 1 8;the$160 Bz 108 luat es uw ; . w the....... la. Sall(I loves KiO ~4>Ya-Fin to. Lowla SIL%.GLOVES-- colSÇg fOrmerly $i I whto>.the linS that -adl ana i.50,et .... qsyaretail for I apd P.50; pair .. 9 tàlbidery ZIgfrgs FiÎë: zFxUIties i width* ps yte I -iu; vabiup te 150; spmeaI, yr. UUBAOIDERY, INSEFtRTIONS-ASti'auortîeit c vîlus upletee e t, Yb . .....................r A suit Sale fer -BOws Stunning new modela in boys' ' Norfolk suits; splendidly maideI- o! attractive nov~ety raater- !1 ialé; ages 2 to 15 yearim- pos5ible to duplicate at theJ price .. . . . . . . . . . . Girls' Irewses Speciaily Prkedý Two attractive lotso! sohool dresmes, inice- ly made o! ginghams and peroles: $1.0 Dreses 1.5 and 9&, Prodat.. $2 Dreses7L suits; made of chairaYs und krinuke cloth; 50e vinuiesat ..29 and infant', sw.ators ln ait coloa; ail wool; specul Iat...... RoySl StOUSES-And opprt shirt.; chanibas ands kirtinga; lot te close t .................. 19C Household ICOMFORTERs - Oover- ed with good ssiaity ilWo une and fillel with cotton battlng; B regular ,flC $1.25 value t .. BLANKETS - Cotton fleeced blanketis with puk or blue bordera; f good ise.; par...49 CRIB ULANKT-3 WO tae; Igured »1'29c erdown: 500 val. TUMBLER& - Pullsi»s table tumbler.. at. --each .............k COFFER POTS - 2,pnt sise; gray enamel- 011; speciai at .. WASINQ POWDBR - pacags r.....25c panéi. lace pana, t.neri- ln e¶pa ilu dtPm&i., vals., 10 66c; cholce loc. TOILET PAPEA-Wbite STOV19 POLIS51-A. B. Uiquld; two loc bot- L ti.. for ...... 5 LEKKO OLEANiER cana priced peeCIa at ................V PUMICE frAND OPRP- -rifrde 6e ban. RO for .. . . . . . . CHLOVI Or 0F mi9*- SotieS -labels; p th. cao .......;c, Netioas (ut laPrive, -Cark'iBmlaTreal, 50 aa -e ol 12c -NeedW sin assorted sauespao e'C - Pead Buttomi, cas ,44b -1 l. -Cornet 5pooi S& coa.oy, apool 2c. -Wosl "Ai Co"teS&a; ý6 ta 24 yd. bIt. 7c. -Enbroidory Tum#sf Pa trs; spcial 2c. -ordcàlliS&l odd cok 0lc spol; 3c. -lOçsmnpleboaface 1 whrfor 5c. -Colai uppots:"Btdloid: per caid 2c. ami, 4%c in fast tat amuelways Ai hrings 7e; yd, fZ' Hleavy bleaehed shaker or striped outing flan- nel; an excellentai 12e grade; y<d., 2 Se baiII tS c ' Reuathable Sale of Suits at $5and 99 Ï- suiti of desirale aIl-wool mater- iaas. 1Sample garments, well'tailored, of serges, poplins, and broadeloths, in lilack and colora ; almo novelty mixtutres Suita that were mntended to retail at $1.5.00 up te $30.00; ehoice, while they last-rý*S.95 and $9.95. Nobby oaufor Fail AtUtrt> new mnodels de - sign& ll' se#era1 of the 1 *" < ' most popular fashions; m ade of novelty plaids and 4 *98 Ii - olcto f rs Plai1! materials,ale price skntb, made of all-wool materials. te e~ hit $1 .98 ukits i$2.98 pretty blouses at Reduced Prices' Attrae1ive eyIe-g o!fl v o i 1 e s , orgazdies and g Iawns; prettily tummed w itb liaces ; orne slightly ~JU. rsoilefi ; vaUesup to 1.50, up t. $3.OO Blou Ss$I ,A ,eolleeti«i of pleasixîg models; dçe- signmeà o! ércpe de chin<és; taffetas and mesmalines; xnany sold as lugh16 as *3100; choie.......... 1.39) Fashionable Petticoàts Of Petticoats th#,are actimlly serviceable quality messa- W'orth $1.00; kàde of hig7hily Ue in. ail wanted clors; .mereerized inâterial, lin regular e250 values attl39~. black and colors, 69c. Cleareuçe o,wgbk in% d'I Dresses -f"reIY selliflg at $2.00 to $11000;,1 t9y sowne glsbtIy ie;Cho.............. Cottex chala in desir- able patterne for coin- t<ters; ordltàii~ily Se; special at14 per 5 yard....... min;a good 1~ tottir .If ps1ty aof, bleqohed .Combric or' ceç*o a, 0< , boC Üîi il ai,. e*e 6c vah d 4e xng in, «a e tripw;j, Firm liuy bleached, huck tô*,ela with fancy,; ~white ièr4er; measure 22x'4 f~b~wouil'be a arêm lna 1 9c; very Pullimse a! »PUW col- ors m moire a»d tffe a, yfiad ........ e '46 1o,4; fine per- 9 ,"iles; 50e vals., n mn'# CauvasMwS Made of! extia. eAvy canvaa; the .10e kind, 6 pairs for 2&; Bn- gle pair.. .... ~a~paiweavea --40 to 50linthes wido; 81.00 pada, per 7- ya.........< attrctivpe aI e ut........ 4 bi b. il p air .............. 9*87 1 sis"-.12 to 2; pr.,