V hy -rldlng h lai daunotbirvictim i Lake county ola second anlmot t is Ide. WiUl people neyer le=ru 1tbevmen bulet of antos and the lest.. of drivera WILL »MIT WITH AÀCMIENTfS unless care la exerted in mlrthn u ihith m ? To tbink that auch a condition of existence could exitt in a civli»zd conunty 1ke Lake county as wua deplcted Tuesdy ilu lie ,a eof the. couple toun4 to have lived for tbre years uis on the river bank îear LbértyvlE seernaailat Incomprehensible. It la a ider they were able to «bang on" during the long Winters with iothun@ more lIai a toit and au où stove sas their abode, and il îî shws to what extrexulties smre people are foroed aid woen willing to endure. Tot how il could go on for tbree yma betore conditions developed wherelu, Investigatior vis nade and achange pomlsed caused oie to tblnk ~thal After ail the dountrylant 8o tlilcky settled, il sn't at ite lghest VU40 of civsation aîter ail. 1The experisébe of the mon in and noir Gtayslae in fr1 0tagr uturaonbylyfiueuould serv t , i ePros pecie chaser bette ook o ut. TherE mor.ly must b oelng questionable about it. Now then.r ii these mon had purchased cmr front reputable agent-. tbey woifld not now b. "out" what they investbd-they aMwould have their autos and would have the agentir tnlg back of thom. Oheap autos purchased in th( mm intd shoausle tthtn are saotenk bo ut garag they are bard to distingulal and liard to trAce. SWe don't wat auybody to misinterpret our position on fuis foot and mo*hh ;igeaev don't want anyono to feel t.4t w.OPPOB*theslaghter of cattle olyno far as it i our permonal toubIj Ibat Itte to100 ad tht sucl a la uet oeuwy aiitbat the azdlmal husbaidydepart- , Mm fthle aatloi hsu't become eéticient en: oug treat tTgdiflmwWàxtb4vii -to Élapghter llLtectedanimals Cm ý h elpbtel tbat, sodig it s not neceasary tb alv-illi contaglous miumnta but that in- acatnot. l toilowed sumcestfly villiuni- W know WlR don't know mucli about -,tcw,»m 0-1 I tact, we're proue to admitwe ~ litt it ot laitho averl ag e to-forthe av- mou ,rm7 eryltle about it% aàd conditions and 4 ubow Ibat evuathe mem who are considéred meprta be uyIle onthe. ubject. Bo, it all reso9vosil.. -lba oporoal opinion aso what one înUF ý the case aid vhat oie persnalyb. buté«raftconcerned. And, that ve are not alone 4~a~a.~-bellef lu ahowi by th. rullng made by fg.l>omel luWoodstéck this week. Se evldently tequfte the saune as *o. And, feeling so, lie ruled ac- *&*in the ImorlUnt Inunction matter. TO i. 'A. R. CAMIP Olineis 10 Ibd '%9Mhtof the1 1ILlns. vhich holdo the "rtgiit of the. lina ai l G.A. 1IL encampmenti! 17 reaian oi the seniority of lit or- gkuiaation, viii b. repaent ed ln Mmre tth e .farty-nintb annuelen canunneat and sens-centennial af the zauerlas: out-of the unian armies. Fres present Indications, 2.000 vet- mu aui t Iis state wili ga ta wash- inlafor thieduel celebration vhicii e sSeptember 27. rg addition ta sendlng onue af the ladet elegtions ta go tram any Wlnl vi in ndtwa aithe, *Mvi ie the. rituw af theG. -A'5-ielait survivore 'of the.firest ~gteÎ,r ot»isd.Thoy are John e Serder ef Caaioa, Ili, .quartermas- t iatlie MUtatiUlnoscavairy and &et quiertermnater gouerai of the. G -A. IL; preeunt depertment command- #ebert MauinWoods af Chicago. UsJpr In the. Slty-furth IIinotg in- I*Mr anthe ti frt sdjutmnt Louerai o eG. A. R.; deparhmnent cammand- or f Mfinois in 1»04 - W111Go. viti chlesgeans. 'PMve tfflders aitihe organ- ofem.r ei Decitur pot s taat.d the m vement. and lItergave uni 1, charter as iti poissA av yuil bath go jogtiocal capital vith the, Chi- dèegationi. Tiie ChIcago vet- gi-te i.ave ou sat~ arln a train a!er the. Penwivauie. ~ Wafk.iuncivil ver veterani Ai 0 ibertrville have beon Aie signal houai of being ap- *0 OestafCI th* departmeut et the amai eacainp- 06 0Q. A. IL t Wahiga - Meedenày. Theai four ; -.iUatoon. D. L. -d, IL Hallet Waukegaa ~w o 4s iLbertyvllle. ýP BLIC SERVKE l'ri% ITri W iÉTS PÀÉT Om U WASJIINi MACI Ai. FL Huson Raceives Word Érom Washington the Pat-, ont Has Been Granted. 'S NEW TYPE 0F MACHI NE. Prinoinal ls Diferent-Huson and Friends CI" Many Advantagesfor It. A'.--R. I }ue'n of Round Lake bai ýpeeIved notice trom Wa;hingn that 'iA pqc been wrantAd a patent on bis waehing i'achIne device. The device 'il F0np wavs ln Rimllar ta atiier wash- tIng maec'-ioq. but Hugon dlaims many uuerior advantages for bis machiine. fil,% nrlrýiml la new ln many ways M'i hie Moes w vhq bave s"en a prad. Ica] dernue.tration af tbe device as- eart It wIii supercede the. majortty of 'naci'ineenDow an Itii.4 maet., Pal- 'nwing ta a teehulcal description of h.'d",. têllirg vierein It differs 'rom other wauhing machines. 1. In a wasieTg machine, the coin- 'iinaflýof aR a ii,a druns rotatabiy I 'naunted In snid tu'i. <aid drurn beiag moade up af EL nluruiity of double wall- ,d segmnents having perforated auter wille the Pude and one aide of saidi loubie wallpd s'gments being closed. ý -pa'is of attaching the. clotiies to. b.. washed ta the. exterlar of <aid drum n and at pointm bqtween said segments.1 whereby fluid le raised by said eeg- 'nents and sprayrd où <aid clatbes 'hroult'i <aid perfnrated valis, sbi itentiallY as dc.scrubed.I 2. ln a washing maci», e. .o«W- bination of C tub, ILk &ut atabi?. mounted ln f'aid tub, means for remav" ablv sectiring fabrics ta thie surface et ,aid drum, ecd fabric being Isecured, 'n the. druin alang a single longitudinal line thereof. a rubbing rail, and mean. .or poaitively and Independently ru- tating said rubbing rall Ct a greater surface speed than the hurface speed of said druin. and ca-operating sur-, faces of the raollAnd drum bath mov' Ing ln the. same direction, substantial- ly as descrlbed. 3. I[n a vashing machine thie coin- bination of a container, a drum rotat- ,bjy mou',ted ln <aid conitainer, meani for scuring fabrice ta, the surface af qaid druin. each fabric being secured to qà1d druns aiang a single longitud. Inel line tbereof, and a rnbblng ras, -aid raIl being ,nounted et a poit r,- . maved frain the. vertical plane pais.? Ing: through the ais ai the. drm.and Mana for pauitively ratating said raol et a greater surface speed than theê surface speed of <aid druin, the, e4>,' op.ratinq surfaces af <aid rail and druin mOving tn the same direction, ;ubstantW]iy as deacribed. 4. A washing machiine drurm cons- paeed af a Plurality ai double valled> 1segmnents baviug p.rforat.d auter walls, the ends and one edge af <aid! dauble wailed segments being closed.i SUb.tantially as described. 0150 001) f3lL4.WS. r II4iILAND PK. TE Sheridan Lodge Entertains the Lake County Asaoiation With Big Réception. 1, tat. $1»50Walsts, 53e. Waiste of excellent quality for the regular prices. Oood styles, odds and ends; 9 to il, only, ý53C. Wenis $8.50and Woxnen 's ail-w o o 1 sweaters in values up to $4. ?.'ew colors and most wanted styles and al sizes. OldaDresses, to 14; special, 49c A Igreat array of -new ýeeylts made of excellent labies and usualy Bell at *I. .Rizes up tor1M. Womeî'S $1.50 U,4o Suits, at 79c .Womeif's fail weight union, auits, well made and Éanshed; $1.25 and 81.50 values, 79c. AUl sizes. 'Womeu's SOc 811k Rôde, Opocial, 29c. A great bargain is of- fered in this silk hose for women at 29e. Ex- cellent qualities and al sizes. Walts to $5.75; VerySpecal,$2.95. A. special purchase brings these waists of fine- crepe de chine, lace and pussy« willoW silks. AiU sizes. GovorailAprons, Very Bpecîal, 29c Made of pretty flowered percales with belteld baeks, pockets' and elb9w sîceves. Reg- ular 50o values at 29c. Chid's $5 Wool W. A UA3 YUIJ3, 0,etwen .three and four bundred Des vua 2.6 Odd ellws ndRebekahs attendeds.!a $ý8 PO UCE fiAS RÀTE ~ladge kt Highiland Park lethelog; tiins . l-w RIDC fA m I ebeptan toi endofbythe riaserge dresin values oua cauuty organisatian&. Wilmtte ela finoIl it n d . etimated that Tolly - e ua. u "p to $5 and sizes to 14., ofmet elstAry ,<U<t nt draoi tromWaukgal, Md'North)Cl- Newest' styles and col- of Vlüntry R ffl o Of ageattended the. receptian. A moit the Price a t.Once. hd * i rned n dêil5.iddu8mi1l lli ors. pragrain' light retreshinenti vere INTRESING FACS oi.served»Attorney C. T. Heydeckr ai Boyg' 50c, 75c Kie. _____ aiACS OU. akga asoe fthe s""aBers hua t o0ly 85c ai tiie evening. Tii. orchestra af the. Devlop Th~ 11e ublc S rv- irsMethodst ciirch ofWazkgan Here is a great op- *jtCmpnyNow Has Wide e LC, mrke g portunity to lay ini a GasTerioryAlo. The.reception Âs.<>d the ,nual' supply of good, strong Gas Terrîory Also. visil af the LkeCauntyAsoitn te the Shieridan Lodge. Th6 recew, pants for the boys, 35e ThePubic ericeComanyaitien vas iield Iu the, Masanlc temple for regular .50e and 75e TePbiSevc Copn oftiiere. aus Northern Illinois Tat nigbt presentedvaus a petition ta the Wilmete village____________ board asking that tiiey bc allaw.d. tu reuc ti.prcaaiga 1 cnt er Ont Triouble nt à lin,,. W<>Di*i coalsa, tbauceanhecubics feet. T0henpttion Neyer bear mare than an. kind cf Very Speclal,$5 thouandýubc tst. he etiiontrouble et a lime, advised iDdvari wL. referred ta the Public service *verott liai. Soin, people vill beur Women 's new fil couititte. ai the. board. Thi, scorinste he ilmtteau.three )kiîad»-ý-alI that 1hey have had. coas inthe moet styllali tharities. la the Orlst ime that a Pub. lithy have nov. and ail tby, ew modela and the best col- lie service campani, has asked per. P«CIta have. In ian ta laver the, prie oi its serv- - orn; very special Thui's- ice, At present residents of WilmeUte ________________ pay 81.10 pet thatisani cjibic et. dy 5 The, price on ail gas uied Prer 1000 inh tth. territary cavered by the. cubic test viii be lowered au a acale Northi Shore 0"s Company wltlch go« 4 Wepl maid 811k la bc drawn np inter. . 1 . sauth froin Waukigan as far as 111gb- fu,..a *. Thie abave article tramt & Chcago. land Park and vest as tir as Ai-as. i es $.5 Daper brIngs forth the. tact that th. Tii, terrltory ai the, Public Serv. îwmî'spdmiss ng a gas business ou a bit goals dovit tendu tram Waukeeaa as fo t hdrsssof Wool and silk the. uortihhrarafact vili vau .'suCHlicthe, tlking trin a iinnesasnmueici gearaily maya in W&Uk.gan "sauthern cilies: Carnieil. St. Anu nth.,so',hoco tiiaugh it bas net been 'covered up" Kenka'tee sud Streatar. syesadc,1e;s~ Fla aur manner by tbe camlay. Tt Tiie Public Service Comnpany's ga 8 styea nd o$8.75.. sp fuît did nat came out in tis wjay b.- interegsihave no connection with th@i i a 8.5 tore. Nrth shore Gas Company, via.. Tt develapa that ince tha Public man, pla.nt ilailu Waakegan. W mnsCu. Service Company name timne Cga pur- Hoeyeer, it has heea feit lu many 0<7 chasiled .Nartiivestern Gao COMa- source,, for a lang tietiiat the <noe han exteuded Its ga4 service a vei Os Conpeuhea cotraIthePub panyaI Eanstn aA aisi.iia tineGaoCompyasd cntrl i ti he.Hr shegeta as its Jelectrtcal service. Tii. ex- Service Company snd that la cours, coat bargains In or neur, pansioa of thie -gobusines, bai boee ai tin ,thebusiness.. nt Waukýgsaeai hejls extensive an" a oglance at the map and otiier norti ual,. towns, vili b. -Wàukea.-TIel gb shows thst the.. public service cens-1 dons mnder the . Mco Mi.d. syles; good iabries aid. peur nav esupplie@ gai tealal cam, %the nome as t1 Lodou 1itlrga-- imunities wvich get electricity frein eleçtrlc fRaidsnov euWliby hf the. Public Servie Company, excepi Public Service Cordpue 041,. À bookil them lu war$h th $i l me# rth ' aim-ise «ère.> tiid; msap ANNOUN-- ca-nd Sale f -udNio 285F lu" k-- ai B s Si i s a a s. h AI About ru Ro-CtIons W. bavé stated ~9a wmI set the , Wb o,wn totakg i He ,ane M8of wfinest;w1~b t'egular values. No matlw wwe yUW amemtaL. ulim,, short or atout tbere is a sut haç tht vii fit irIbÎy, DF'ite F.iJSitsIu, Worth te $Î5.00, loe Seidoni indeed are yodi offered Sucli. fine suits ut $10, but this is an extraordjnary Sale. Ifere are good looking wool serges, cheviots, 'mixtures, etc., ini sonie of the season's nêwest creations. Guaran- teed inings. Unognaled FISIs Il7 i hesM Sttfs at At this price we'll surprise you, 80 gnusually fine. are these suits. We eXn't begin to deacriho thýîn, but wé'1I say we neyer bad better iooki»ggtýles ut this very moderate price. Sits Yoif'11-Likte, -at $15,00 Attraetivc, indeed are these suits ôf whipcords, fash- lonable. mîxturei sand men's wear-serges. Bufton <and braid trimnied, viifitary effeets and sôme silk lined. Extra Spec!al Suit, iat $18,7.5 A real ly great display that every wo"~n sbould se are these nuits at $18.75. Handsome poplins, gabardines, etc., soine fur trinined. Ail the newest models. Al colors. Great ,Values .at $ 0.7 *4S- i'ou '11 look long a.nd fàr before you!li find suits io equal these at anywhere aear this price. High collai,, new cuff effects, and many belted miodela. Fur. Trimm.'1e,,4 uiùts ~~ Most of ~yooun know juat abuth kind o suit you usualiylèst ut $30 to $32.àbý - Weil, that's the kind -We are seil ng $25. Pýipeb rudloths, gabardines, poplins, wipcords,' newêot, trimmiug and stylés* lu hisGkit t~ M~O Reaily wondertul values to -ed à luptime of the eseason, irent they f The>is'ft iüâus'ýtôd ted " » t~ e l sof o n b r o à d d lo th w t i i.u i r e n$wuig. ThËere, .manyo~theî-'î<'èse4 !ally * :~ -~- - ~z-.. -t - -r -I -~ i - sty1lis>i Suit. for Steut Wmgn Spec lafl'y Priced$5 $3 0 Sîzeà up bo 51-this is an apprecîated feature in ou everpoptd4r- wo- men's store, and onu deserving gr special mention. &e are. §xCeption- aily well prepared to take cure (5f large women who usually bave mucli trouble- in getting a suit that fils and satisfies in style and color. Ail that ia new, clever and hig.hly desirable is ncorporated lu these moat wonderful suits àt $15 bo $22,50. 1 '