Y.QÇTOI3ER 1, 1915. Style ~, WeeI~.- .-Style Show Wee>: SEEY, i~nd1"Wiin ues m44posr 46ft*q t fidc of the seas6t's new~ $ul# 1j 'u", -G 'fM ~ Mer tàHeitn store Wià "re% p*s JEver fatrly bristles vith- thn àcwa--iie bavç irnu hfewer ci, the ~ zir e fi¶rptcd odelsi wh;ch o*1ý*a few wmrn toud wee~ ~ we have 'm,îîch more of the piaical s'I4l cstobtkde women out i f ten' ?Astnfla14 e are çrepOtW"IýM0ESS teI' Lake county womeni Misacçs ât childr<n-*¶.ê*ies In wlMh here is more wor himi WS o *Vèry dollar i" .eii,i'hemn tËwe have ever been ah4arte show bdlofe at tMs l1iw ci thï geason. Niue tWômen Wii Fid he# AMM4 ]Rem_ý. able VqIues in Cleverly Stiytq New I~~jSufti. M 9.75e 12.75, 15.00, 1 75 2z,.,.2500g Ui Û9 7.50 up te, 42.,O .1 Sunart anê fashàionalhie to the last thread-and from the firXt být 4f*rOUn tbe c6llat. Suecb are the suits asseîuibled li alunost ixitless Vauiety, -ad Ào splcîîdidly rcpreqenting ali that is new anmi desirabIe in the hest Styles brought o(It tbis sea'on. Sui* ?pdIf utcd at 9.75 and 12.75 Nothing likc thelle aui was ever showii before at such rexnarkab1'low p rieS. You cn choome front fne serges, mixtures, ete., in asolutely new faIt 64Y es and in the mnott wanted eolors. Your greatest opportunity to get a low p>'ied suit. We hava outdone ourselveas o e woiffidt~ nderfulis t $1 14 and 825. HON ara bandeome PrancIt. aeraa, Chevînta. Gàbardhnqa raè4a etc.. wth hlgh colla!a. norslaeffet., bitai and half botai O.ats and sons,. *t k ckta. Then there are dmiens ai thenam x sy=s~fur ghd' bisld trimmei miltary modela. ~ft I7~ sg 250Stâits '32», ta 42»t at ri« . slu m I veraecom»auihoi lor thoso of'you Who vait a highe*71l$ii dMl sh fln ustabafo.L?414u ibif amont them we have (hem and vo bave soes a bevdUiero cl. l.mant wanted Modela i novwand becoming CIcUol-th adt eeio i u etv uS éts. tmwiqma troismeellei t etaa ai4 or the.bu to n tl att ecietn a es eaih Clae talioetésg. The variety la the arabt wvo over the othei-tll ara se becaxnlngly handkoM flîEhe -. fur trimmiug and hhgh «91mai. Children's Corus L» Pretty white serge eatarlw . efieat stili. Sar the little folks. Very speafaly prilcai Chld ensC0,W heautiful oorduroya for boya s a.*ef a faWorth ta $6.00; nov at $2.48. ChiIdr.m's C~pcI39 Cffll'a eut» th "U-wea inlabeaithlu nov styti., ncollent fabrîcsanad ail aite.. "Oý i1p.00 The greate4 Hln4iaf bois 'idgirl.' coiib over "een hWabanhhaopriced from Ji ta, $15. Pua tsimn#0 boît ih scollerr modeblnhichia- chiadqordm a echialclora, aises ta 14. TIw C., orsets Wo hava n mi' novcoaât modela andnon coniploete hi aise rau$* anidotails 'that g"co«a y type of figure au ai otted. Have yozr cmort ftteb by Our expert ooraetier I~am4soe Pêw tyles in Dtès- e, n hu of Al Kinds 'Aur.. 'y .Priced met :ev tcra# 1959 5.00, 7.50 1io..u 15.00 At 5.0wP are ahovlnig abind »ratty serge dresses tu clever novw modela that you are sure ta lite. Spelally pricéd for (bi8sasle. At $6 are stil more oi thèse pretty wool serges, but ni a lier quality and more betomitngly trImmedi ýh îuxber oi the newest styles. At $7.60 are the Peter Thlomson and Norfolk dressas for ynung valu- ,M. cf excellent al-waoL,.mrMoanad worh 82.50 and $3 more. A 10'to $15 are somo réïlly haîclsomae dresses ni fine al wonl serge. :IcI>'hk ýmbinathons ai t9ffetaas likaaid plaids..Al colors. StJW.u.sKu ~ and Party Wear a~é~ t 's#0<ol, c10.00, f5s.0O,. 18.509 2«GOý 251009 30.00l, V 445.00 At s$5vw show you soiualiy pretty dresses, aIl (hIessoî's înois pet1 deslgned aird ulcàW rhmmed5 Gond quallty and colore. At 8.50 youllha surepd et a the excellent dresses we show. Many at this prîce were secured hla aopecial purchase, aid ara vorth about $8 or $4 more. At $10 tn $15 are somneofai ho bandsomest street aid party dresses ai fluéë silkÏ croies, etc., ail moBt temptlngly ernbellished wlth fine nets, laces and fMlii. At $18-50 tO $45 IR a collectIon ai-dresses and govie ntai al kînds, for ovdry occasion, such as la soldaIS seau outshde Chicago, but these are mail canservathveiy prlced.t1 Th &e New>? tiery Styles Are smarter, more vareia M'»kablY more haccaig thaA any bats of rocoît sosois. They are fashioued sitar (he sames Idea. which douil. Date the suite, coats sud dressles sud are attractlvely prhced. Womewis *WF PrieM at 2.989 5.00, 7.%~i 12.959,15.00,22.50, 25.00 te 67.50 ~ Coatu of every description are here in tho moat vomier. fui and bewilderlng variety-cloth and ft«-tabrie omts, 4l* rillap and fine furs-at very reasenable prialei i @ui 1WYo>aa 'Dg Sa13. Cpais le 6.50, SeI 429 Ca~ yo Imgin agreàter pPcgtm*lje *, thodb'4à%dt a real 1% prlcold eoat9 They are values vorth"t.o 86.60 igood' fabricsauad styles. Éxtfa Special Coais ut Only 5.00 liceluding new chinclhia5tOas,âbK ,i or«Wi0Pio tfirhfl. etb.. In t»e season's now afylèoi. Uastoremr, a Ilta 110 for these. The Coais from 7.98 to 15.00 This is beyond l al doubt the Iairgt dh*piay at tei ever seen In the City. Smnart ahito i1Cbilaà, noe mt e and corduroys hn belle dand semibelted modes lo:al styles and The Coats item 18.75 e. 25.00 IVIII mako you open your eyos wlde In astonlabuont b. cause they are so n usually âine for the.se prices. Pur-trlumàd high collars, new leevos and cufs. belted and pocketed Modela - In newest fabrics. The VY FîMest Cnas froe 3250 Up co 67.50 kt these prices wP will show you thé mnct beaut1w loigt* Imaginable. The most successful ideas oi ismed ueiut.atu>'tW are seen intliese wonderful garlients. Don't to, «,# p4 ii rt* le 'a4 Gold with Sap- Niew Waists $1 Thora are dosens of pretty stylesi 111I1 laiE bltsta.etc., vtth the&r nvcollar aid.eaboya affecta. Coma in seis.thau, Ail speclay prlced. W.Isu L98 aund 2.98 ýba prtIt e repuoa eÊ nel uxo~u itosia are boa re I 01Wvazti-loukff s laewCooll". 511Ug QINif ad ail the oh atyle faturea. AU ohmanad stylos. Wè*ahs 5.00 de. 10.00e vt giltercft mutai.la orhe Mr. plaida andi triPod modela hIfine alîka-tha verj' lateat Ideu .. ni iaahlon experte are 81101M haro hI fdering aaaortmet 95 f and $ caeté 0ustbrugh thoreamaredoaons ai oUser hand- »o tytle.,ail the vw fri $2.95 up to S tu hé borichaflesijanad boat W NSPIECIAL&, BO VAUS T< UOT ME .3TOREMo-T 'AD! M. -- - - ' -os - -ý . Mi ; i. ý . 1 1 .. -