s'. A i j -w cies i, innoeiw! fl ortsar wr~a' ~ander Dowle Is oiy a htntirace * i Cu4rae tae tkio curcli." Voliv* aima o Sinmeliedth le PD>iile to stand film by thi. piniciples wbtcii had tirawg tii.. togother. "Nover give up," iehoi. "Walk liy ith andi net by »bt. A maon Who, waIks iiY faitii go condyctit bimseif and ata as if is prayer *as answered long bisiez lie amsthe visible reauît. Reslat tiht devil andi hemlil icfeinamyou. dram nigh unto Cod and i îe will drmw ati tinto pou. Do net ro bock to thet fdesibpt Dt Em'yL Remerfiler Eant Who Juat bouuatipb lie gre ii littie bit hungry irtnt and moiti hi% ba4 for a mtde et diabdellona. o8<1* t% 'the Job and 0E ylIi sec you tlirpgkl" PaItIitp 'and i Écala Wliernag wbUia polilà retknopàent, cuituip and treetias are hl a o "Y gau iients fort .rtlaLdi- y t4~is oye foi Ipaintn1É di Ut fEW cUital- tat tribis heurt ho'DMi*r l W.ý10» lai prini le tthcrttch, of ERelb bruudt'o teeffie, or the -ioffl ot tI@i bail) ta leetboven*Va "0 UILrIBOTl Pflti."Janei eNait Whuetlor Tniith ln Short Sent"$@g, "Iapatltude." MW iIuleRe."lIt -het a mat camplaînae t visai le watm to, tiraw bi!r &dia*en #à mal svr 1, Ld Or Sui 'F1Î 1 -0«rer 1at VOIlva hatiaemethig to aay about r in cler a = ; & liy*fl.od Proplietýa"ia ShioliTaber- I euais4 kun tat * - ocle Sbday.d bsi*k6silppUd: "TrhO ouent a mon ays hehlan a hoe duaç.6* "lii Pe0ple but hiÉ.down as a fraud i anti Ét intpoter.uIiey brontietiJohn If#IAwS ei as'ý a fake anti a EIIfUhI~I5 *I~ ku4 bi e eclalmet taulie El jth anti t memegei 'sent of Gad ta 4*c9t ti. e ple tagether froni the apoa- SM~ nt w thIe Ochurthes. But lt tlrem biing iip *dead' ifrophetsa nu theY'il talk for ill 100 lt ~>~hotir about theri.r onderful wa-,>s. -1< '~ 1I tak abOut Dantel. andiMood - eI4JLýlfi ii. Tibite. bat ]et a for fat X e tafid iup oday Who prociarma In o~ ai<llisthe'~ t i od tliat ho han a divine cl uptItlastsof#~ and ho la btuntied riglit away a-, x J jfate anti a humkuge Deoti pronhets viere eJWAYS po#ula? and living proph- aeu alwoys popiuar. John Alexander DomýQie VOs cllai of Oad juat nas mucli ..s Abrahlam axé Mon.. Voe. He was 'alaiof Gati to latheii people out ' et tii, cIuiUr1 juat the smre au jý« lemmv, sent ta gypit tob.fd tiie ffllireiol rael. Any mon wha does net bale, that Goti calleti John Âiex- aIba e .Vdi-dreum2at m pe & rfa a th q'- l uer ~ d ~wm Thél*AlîMilua(0U l mwwbas tIM I. - f ber »ed toa*a ". Mdtoc lb.. Vii i I r- WOMEN EDEMAND STYLE IN SHOES' Wooeni demand mmr than mue comfort~ fit and IONg wearung qw" i s uaas. They demand fot- wearwcmboietees wdw i.of fahion. C. We hke to deai with wowmen juat becaume they are so pet- mustent l in demancis. W. Lb. to deal witb womeD because we kaow wa have what tbey so mucb deire- infootwear--style sud beauty. Style and BeaUty i Footwear Our Une compr imes the larget assortment of real nobby. tip-to-the-mnmt Ldàesand NimasShoes in die city; I you "u on wcazing the latest modela ini footwear, buy your shoes ai Antbwm hl4&ù bolave iyti*mtiico Danies Uss Potaffoe M. l'd.t0W tkVUganUt.e ut tt DUF 'Ils ohm. teec. heRate « 1 an 30and f- erta'n bufobé onsdur Whors at W ovkroseHerenle ,11 thetirh te.ir. r Anvu4 bV èrd& or, i tlê101I, d!~ u t . O eti pnie. * *ob Carrier .......l--------- hO, ml carr ttie y tniat ierexp i" an th lcino tef4ol< f ~2I*8 'f ,~uieei hlfl DO*TYOq.U tbrougout t a açkVWWi, Ice laily i DU li tunli tt T ho taitI V i ng 01elde t hc e s.o Ot.Le [ Ew wekL IN -PLA wat iy lriamPoasn ait lease duiatibasuteti. i Y'1gbaactr«i oSellpap . w t~.~i0~n pi te tita nti tnipa maomlfiny: blnka ntirotiil ei- tthebflaed ( Octber .Ea.b b çreauqu.U tklgan Inveh ntr oelpus olci y carMer"o. id fwu-et",______ le, àm ,tmon ch, le ,y that thora, .rofand the ewte wiof the Ifll *atra& i oseatsa4rul ird i e igS.ile i.'uVilwo wta d ro80 ho rnsy 4mrsiii laisey e ue l t asttakwactc-c#aruporqnsiollas edeëuy -Gra>me cectasc ie on stand# i lv f wo i lit bes nteragi.sr- Grace Thi lt i . " Thigwor basbee cariec ~ (I he l (lerIro Pntue Yy. i..hl r~.at h ulafniln the"vy a n avpaoDrc e pirmt.dlahn ~povs i dl c-oor ac.wltFor!.ta t u a i rtiI la Poe At e*st e ' Orl y eated 1y titinals~ter e a disributthe i ~o Ii*hc nca Lew - ----~-- *----- '~I UR eletionwc resnt nwlydesg 1 et ,orn o among the -0werua crttons w-hith chasacté courw >fIe'.Womien's SaiICWIdred~s Shoes. Our fal isiue offçr4 4a mo4ttketensfvc'Cb ~Lv ri ty on c ul dsie f" uat pa*t , shapes 'dtcrn ha- adçeusiflingiy ta a big , bstan4r of qualitl, ii~mt~ Our F'OSTER ËWOE8 for ladiesI .ina exprmioiw og aariti o i in footweau ' t 1 ).dàiho womàenuof S îtoal tite. ii, la the on flué soes onl, for gentlimen only. we, if NETTLETQI{ SHQ'ES are t "' cuaow~'e.Exp - -nceasjust1ièd V* shoesWe have reached a hNUh'otandardÏ Ploex »aueIýA < .-I t4ni ItaIitting perfection of our new mnode tigbuyers. Tbçy cd~on ii the. arch, 01 spbgviÏ a e4w a4d more g~eWq ape cau4etey eldtheir skWe.___ hy do we se» 1'Mb!N RS? '* hé" suçIpbSS"&styý h i NT i. NET'LEON~ wi wer a lng esaN ~f ~alitr,. eat thoe for ur ~~~sl dé~oa ur les.-expenîive '----'f -tu 40