Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1915, p. 17

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f LÂEOUWYI1)PWWT RI>YOTOE M.1.r * 's~i NUiOW4rrr~*Irr c k * ut Mgn.Colonfial furniture asgowu esr ë A e f at must dot mereir' le dyi go am sd Ilib ouro sed1legodfo snsung. For Ce ivngro the furl!oupd * fuaitor ad sb.dd le cmlCiIldcLMi7dileret liaof - your furultiarkh If btue eau e nirducodefcfrl * Raa arielejacobrean sofa tables fit spdna thde ta ciot ruia. o a las a more srtiatlc vaq 'd»an Ch ~wvqrndngLKf Ia sJIeleCid renter tables ve nlaini& 'Aatoi Qnt of tsre, wllof the taimperlouicd r~wC tmPl-asnme Pur-bléés dorange brocadobo rpé 14 u 'vt gaémm hr.eç.i nd « d ster o pa te bâ k loe halas n. yalue.oft bm md orange.ý m A. à . m dAaom ud eloater.d luidea femé b~du~utrdëcoethm and "lckad du ehelemeuts rrafssfte I u -. sd xreon vui s - n xud tads -ts A dinln aestcoaslgo square Cabkra pireofChait ircle con- soles. *ide chairs and aru chair had a buffet vhicb suùeated au old dresser. The fntaitnre vas paintcd b" ansd white vas emrbdhiabed vitb devwers and heaves i ryiah cler. The brakfatrooms must le essenial- ly informai. The palnted furniture in biaclc, soft gree%, creans or gray wltb iloral decorationa are splendidi for hese racois. The rugfa may lv oq or tv Cane wlCb tome border cor if pMin.va0. are used a Bondal design is net ont. et place on a neutral groused- Striped cirtain u hich -the clot schemie of the roomsa predonsiqate, ame left umilme go aato ct tiesoeubineflier in. >Car- tpnof aoment doth 'or net are ai- ,zý- . elcrl igtbub. ieabT p w nqhe wh utl-calo. A set cf f ur- tu amoie ib, tSe ure pltdon s ground coler cream adireof Ch. roc.. sa- ma meae<ngray, green sud yenmo. f aro ndaysdbalwhy sd yellov ;U m YOtjn o umaeia.and the rteis malerof x-en dhlitely bsndcd ins opsu -t lvfre Tis Abd o hicb dons lo ro r le i ~ a" udChIa.,charma cf rose aud creasu hIa of 1leBmu-sinhaecale eaur.=ceacolor, painted furniture of cru 1 ruga in aterl hmu drlsl M aeenaruelset with canie -sud hangings cf C8 meeréland' 404am e1 bm.rose alfeta. Turquoise bine and Mlle The jacabean f UàUgII rs re Uie colora cf the loft mg. ôàk he i.dlt u spare sebrade cavera thc couch sud cush- la in ee Fa <UIOuigé ons. uile bila iC e la oI t cam sd A nordl ides for thc dresng table wond dmay le subtèact0Q4 BC ate bto ave. on tdu rigt band aide a front amodier ta fors twoe» si drawe eulpd for writiig. A qidng Ther sboM b.a fhtise t tay bolda il re stàtionery requrstes. 1'where sudd eu nnfiedsai. of ft Quite odd vas a dres»n table cf hiai hm«bigtUhe dlulug MeM. un mu 1 i knd iu dulI ren iCIneacfblacki .koew justvwbere yen ameg q eptand bine ld faahionedW!,?e. Insead -- ..- re 1wrs yua1. from MNorth Dakota wvlrç ho paVU4sljy Cloued a deal for the pusuihue cr * W u~gaaLoela *about hit a Section ot land*near sa * arn lieh hie som 14le. os oewéd à *0 # @*. ** évte- ais. Mr. Gorbam, viiinet IAYMOrde ofMoos ai he tam it," aving made the 4ésl mere- "- meetin nThuraday ulght 17 as tu investmént o spel Sioo topurcThe e Seventh snniveraary ef the ata te eéquipment cf the nov founding 01 the local clapIer of thé ldoé clubrooma ln the Dietinoyer National AsOciation et Blationary En- bIldIng on (M atison Street. Thé gioeera vf» celebrated b>. 32 m Ob"uttte. var espovered temakte bers vilth a ba Quet and teceptien tig pureuasé of furnituré immédiate- held at Geores' Café aturday night. '1y snd they annonnced that thé>. waukgnbsbilfsheeh voul dotrt oO'this Bf ternena. Tt la thé Cîao Cbs d hall abae Box l emP.ofltatstthe rnaiority ef thé. fur- acioe t fbsllUBotxey lav Motrs vii béha -thé club reomi by senthé Chicago flo ds slsybore IboOra o!nei ~vek nd hé estThey verelntereted, ther«M. ve *Aï. Aie on bond ahoril>.., Tt ta Thomnas McCann. mamagr ",P the fiapmud te ave a grad.openlng thé South Bide baseball teaun, axaucofi IrutoftOslo W and aI lIaI tiene the today hat hé bas made arrng. equpuintvii holuplaé.There ta ménta to Play> thé Chiago ffda at .0cm.15kof m&king thée pelna bis South Bide Park ou ThirUr *t. niai a "adié' niit."ernoon, Octoller 7. The #Mi*.eu Tt ta réported ht Charles teelé. agreement vîll arrive lu Waisbo vboIola lshlp is mainq boat Ce St. oervmrlgsdVîIOum 1Ablýs te take part tu thé races-heèe, mditl ndrtme o _ yUlAaeralpthé boat tCe CeBau ager of thé Chicago lesgutma. FP*eloIf-air.and go her. lutaire Ther. vl ho ne hitci, accprdng ta goit u seue bigevent.. MCaun, for aIl thé détails bave been l~oetastè Banal Gddy as Is ttled over thé ,tolephon,. Xrl aseada no Hudson tonriug car. Emma Smth, ! hrougi .êîioreys ~M oMCune. ieéd nreat th. Heydecter and Heydecker, 8 JET 111 laisCeuI>.boaîta, rt~suedfor divorce againat batlev. Iamit. l" ~ a veek's vua ' t$ClBVaM nt lSe gasys they vere nfdaIIlgi bor larent» at Kirsvil VSvs. vode'lvdt. SL!bwlu Jofleasudvite, taCcWau. '4hpu atudayte tted Ce eleba-gelIer'until .December 3,1914. b Satrdy e, ttndýýhis futhr'a- charges him. vltb drun1xenuss 1Mg "a hnorof isauké- ruseelty. Bsé >asîs for aiIino«., biUa>.. Tisee M oasis Y'Mms Hlmrnlreoi, humaag,po»r, T>J,làr 1%*.e n wr. T ,* E. L eSChe 014 i aabloned tiers cf long drew-I Its a loy Loi of' cretonne and enamel bas the upper..baf divlded l'nto Spaces for bats and two iaui drawers. For sboes there is a cabinet mnuch Uikc a magazine stand curtsimd< with slk to match the othèr"baniinp of the room. Who w*ujdn'Ile te breakfast in a MOUnS vth gra,'Pjsneld alu sud ray carpet. The co4ugs au the console amd chais ere painted hi a design ln tur- quoise gray, uragéta and yelleW. ýA majenta poreelajï 1bovl led vltb 1ev. gre had theplaie Jo or on the lmktt 1.09 s acalcd Moéev crash; -as another armer ln thé vicinitys on a crueit>. charge. Arthur Meeker, vice prosidont and geera manager of Armour &- Com- piuy, vas made Mofndant lu the praeclpe ot a suit for $10,000 'lam- agea Ouled yesteçday lu Cook couuty circuit colh'C by John F. lIciter. "HeStor vas worklng lu some Insti- tution uer the Meeker estate lu Lake leoreat laut wnter vbeu thé accident eccurred." sald Attorney Franklin Raber, representng Hester. "White valking along the road, ha vas knockéd down and run over by the. sleigh, vhlch vas driven by ene of Mr. Meéker'a employes." thse name implies, ih la of rougI texture veli adapted te adopt Uie cler. vith tdu stencils on it The day et cretonnes as a anqumor f . lie, bu assaed .nvay. Thc ev qslt-of ,the .anradstic, scbool vit i ts fé'uwt tla st as certain degree reapffs i c orth brighter bues. Net c* bas -the use et cretonnes advaniced, ftrâu cisicu tafs.te furulture ceverinp, Iqat vbot é bdroosusets vith =eusee f raines ane tound of service Tl~e. laaloge cllecionof tai -on. f thié ta meatysteu d an d s mâïll fgres nmnbdy. 4eteoted tram 1usd voven teaturu. NORTHI ClICMiO Itla sréPorted CisC James Garrit>. oC Highlaud Park la DI wtvth typhoid lever. His brother tormerly livod lu Nprth Chicago. John Gaum returned fres, the Wsnkegan hospital, Saturdsy whero ha bas been recovertug freux an oper- ation of appendicitis. The auuillary hotu the lirat me«t- ing of the year lu thé Progriés club house lent eveunug. theré eiag an at- tendance ef more than 30. There vas a short business aession, preaided ov- er by Mise Ward, who ha& béen p@. a9pointed chairman for Uthe çooallil year. The appointmeut or thé@gct A unu-aceft fr'ld lnte ntasd purposes apf, r. ' le woý dI.tluc curtais-a pair -of fut. hem-1 r I guleed voile curtain vitb cretnne omi- bsai90 on thc ontaie, is'decolci& for. ouly. onm alerial is naciL .4 ý pù%W ounm a mterial eau lic pzrocuredto match for ulpholstering of cbaisr'N cheumm d ait Sie asrtaiuai a perlet e semaud thooghaprlg ha vy la not ly a h"us uia I. tive committecf thé auxllary vhas preWed heraelt botiha holibtWW tihe cnlY IMPOrtant 'plecé of buailau "emeona ts"bmt. as Chis firat muet(a la mata nos ~tlt5Ily iéiidOiUd ""149Wg Clal attair. The coniîtog,, ne ovrsto les heml et the followlng Young'ladle: Mig ra m., M"Marie chgenoe Margaret Ward, chalrraau; Miss Kath. the chiot offendr 'ln - "isIýj érine Drury, Misa Elizabeth BUret, deemed ber forfatit .b. so.e,1 Misa Huids Nelson sud Miss Marga- dancing, whiqb vasminci api rot O'Keté. Each person pr iRefhrMeebusts ver. tOrvel a54 rePreaeata aL »osan sd the Iliums «crd' dlsbanded ai a taté ~ew Ward -tu, be as~ <>hoth@ m1."Ct btia, irst meeting ocf lb.- luckt>. visrnn4X leimte« Aftér Illar>.-auge"s vqll'for' a thia the club é Ul- eutleJ7. by the club Criu'hWvîh Mr.- Bieck er the Publie,': 8 a nu.bro slciossdCOopay expeeta te bave tih réspffled te msny encore.. réady for the ev Oo 1 auatai Misés'Cornelia Lindeman favered réady by Saturday eveniiag. the club with a solo whicb vwas much T. A. McKMkme -vuas lu jica eujoyed vhile miss Margaret O'ICeeflbuates àonday. "Music Should Have a Place in Every ome.' T T is more than mere entertainnient Iand begets culture, refinement, and is a building character. Our large stock of Pianos, Piano-___ Players is ready for your inspection, selection and approval. The price 3.-- are the lowest consistent wi th go quality, and each instrument is thé best value in. its grade, whether selling at Victrola No. il $100 The Victrola is al- ways ready, and there are records for every age, mood and disposition. Prices range fromi $300 to $15, 247 $200, $250, $300, $400, or $500 Let us demonstrate any of our Musical Instruments for you )IINE Beàt Line of Piaios Manufactured, inchidhiç world famous Acouitigrémte' ,209.North GCî i k ch-'-' tbe 1 »M obe or- 1

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