Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1915, p. 3

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LAEOUNTY -PM'4DNT -Y, OCTOBER 1, 1915. 11391?IJfly* SAIM AIIE PALL [S CAST oa~petpet VILE gNUFc. $ N£KICMO OVER FARI LIFE D.S. Es (IRODINSITO1JD MJWNY$X VQJANJNS OtutIti Chicago Court Issues a Fore- f ConUnuei promu Page 0O0e) Silence of 9pesffled Hlghwayst OF CHICACO clos, r1efde on Home of doemnt kWnovhe cname of the man Broken Only by l4oof In- H " bz è ed an ôffioe't1 Libertyville to test and lâ Rainbow . Co. Head. fram vhom h. parcbased 1Il. spector's Auto. glaie., n i order to get acquainted ho vill To id at,âker says nol>ody bas trIed fmlhg sswhen needed, on a 30 daàp Ires til WANTED IN_91 OSHORTAGE. to dlaimsaà car and ieh wlU now ALL THAT IJVES IN BONDS. every Wednesdy oniy. figbt any ofot te do sa, bis ikely O7ftCE WIT EDE. SuElu ENEUEGUR Mystery of Disappearance 18 stand bigto re4Y on bis bil of e" Nothing 'May Leave or Arrive1 Houi b ~»OffDepned by Sudden De. and Put the rfl fight up tu h.- of------- ----- ity of Plague RealizuiL - . . a. ThMyse-74tieiiapernc FENCE' IN CHICAGO. rucsM. BulIvisa, tmermiut Utîa diret rassit or the "oer alln natmbl la lhmn clicerk of CSor countY Probate gourt f 1a t.à I uoobl lio ihmni prominent Tblrteentb van politicla24, <>i tu Lake Sut7 tva black rubber cOmis, black rubbe bats IL C. 15urri'çgi Son- Nursery3St oc k andibesdo th RaifbOW stand t101008 big suou stour and black Iloves Spod dovn the de- I ng Compomy. vhlcb oPerated for mnote. uobina ver, seized by Chi. serted road betveon Llbertyv'iUoaani AL.K IS0 lyoarslin IbertyvlilUWho 1in'wsftêd cago detectives In Wankegau on ibt- lHait Day. BMon vorkîng in theflelde ALLZI M IFla onecio vih heehrtae f rdy. TheM h tadt looked u e nd vatp±ed tbem pu.. PIa 2~'I' 8 RU' S, Ilcbicsso tas a resuait of a dotault orier bWisus~smoh-,o y are: But Do one halled thoin in tb. us00î Pi Y L&N W , SER BS9 ontered by superlar Judge O'Connor, GEORGE SHELDON, of Fourth C0untrY vay. No chickonn fan out qforeelosing a mort'se of $2.600 o Lak». acrOas thel r peltb and no wsagon& came TRM » ga~~~~~~~l illivan's former bonne at 2414 West EAR STRANG, of Grand avenue, ubrgov te fisa lne tâllumberieg strrett, bhes tagd entere ù eq t hte cogt for autumn planting Sd~erlr ree sal e in luisofEmm .ntere egan. their right of vai. For the group Pmrsus, bolter of thse mortgage, an4S Satday thse dotectIves seized cars of mon vers the state andiboveru- Fairboloe Gardent Phone 102-R t e mattrvwlllbe referred tu SM&*-belonging ta: meut cattle tufedtors inîg through c D7e"Sfai L u1.,,Wni., M. ter tu cbancory for publie auction. M. BAKER, a rug merchant; ho tbe quarantin district of Lako cuu-t Net only bas Sullivan disappeared but tho vbereabouts of bis vife and bought bis Ford fram Earl Strang. ty. Along I: Particular rosi tho ______________________________________________ amlly of soen sons and icugbters in WILLIAM- LEWIN, of Wads- vorld bai stopped movbg, save for unknown ta frionds and relatives of 'wortb, bought bis car through George tbe onu blackt automobile. thse family. il la sai. Mis Elizabethà Sheldo. The fermera whe stappei thoîr t Theodare M. Durst. Proaidant. W. a. Smith, Vice President. L'. Keenan, 6442 Lakewoad avenue. F. . huchil.Senear an MnaerRogers Park. sister of Mrs. Sullivan, EARL STRANG: ha' bought bis car work for a moment .to vatcb It passt F . .Wcittll, ne . etrandCounaer sali shle diflot knov vbere àny ei from acoalier county resilent. dldn't know If paeba ende- I them bai gene. NORTH CHICAGO MAN; came net claredIin Europe or if America bade Loft Defore i Famiiy. revealei by police or detectives. been dravu ino th a ievr. Theywevoie TKLEPHONIE 81I Sulilvans disappearance was a mat- ter of vide notice, fellowlng the is- The four cars were iriven back ta unavare even of vbat vas geing on covery of abertages In estates In Chicago Saturday by Chicago detec- lu Lbertyville, a few mlles s'My. l SECURITY iIi.L & TRUST CO. wlschhe had been applted adula tlve and Police Officer Calahan of Chicago itself might bave been wlped lorto r uria y h Dose h lclforce. off th uail, and they would havef ABSTRACTSOF M U , E TfiTLESGUARANTEED court itlaosai that lho left tcvn MBkrtergt rhn.vebe 0etevsr ______________________________________ about tva veeks before hia vIte and M aetergmrhnwobe oetewsr family movei away. paid Pari Straog $280 for the Ford Whst Quarantine ftoquIres. Capital $2, O0 Emil H. Schintz, real estate man In car lie has been driving siyie Zonq. On the front of their bouses bunga $1500.Othe Cty Hall Square building, maie bai bIs money ,retunded ta hlma by thse white signs vhlch laid dovn thec Is theban an the Sullivan property and VVAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS sli the mertgage ta Emma C. Par EarI Strang. Strang Malims te have rules for the conduct of quarantnei -sens, vhose place cf resiience be re- houglit thse car frote George Shelion, ferm%. Dogs aci clkens vere net a fused today te disciose. The mort- and Sheldon dlaims te have baught allowed te venture outside thet gage and last note were due Nlay 25, the car tram a Chicago auto ageocy. grends. Mail was nelîher permit-1 1916. ..s" a1 Mr. Sullivan came itacMy office Bath Strange cni Sheldon wlll lene tedl te arrive or depart. Nevspapersc AH'&s Not ùàke Tmat Rjitters about Ivo veeks before the mortgage big sumo of money, Inasmuch as they cnd periicals arare barrei. The wes due coi askei me If 1 vouli gave contractes ta bain Lewin aoi pigeons coulint leave their coups.c Soige cakes ame fxed to catch the eye grant hlm ao extension," said Mr. Baker. Cattle, stock, every forta of animalt and fool the tante. But they wouidn't Scbintz ooda>'. "I laid lmretisatI The car vhich Baker bought trom lIte on the tarm vas secureîy fan- eve tkethebobyprie a pue oowvuli do so and tai hlm te came- e eventak th boby ris ina pre oodback vheo Il fall due, but hoe dîîo't Straog vas stolen from a Dr. Schaef- eei.f show. Beware of doped cakee. O.ur* cakes, came. 1 neyer saw hlm again. I fer of the Ruah Medical caliege lai The resioients were uoder guard. >like oui' bread and other thinge, are have't aoy Ihec what became of hlm Chicago., The car which Strang vas'Fine codilmPrlsonmieot awatei îisem e made from the best of materials. Our or his famiiy." rvn a tlnfotamnb1frbekngqrnte.Te e,1 reputation guarantees this. TeLeased ta Saioonkssper. drigva stlnfoeamn yfrbekig uratn. hem. TeSullivan property vas leasci the namne of Blumingtbai, whe re- wmen coin chiliren llved withln thet l7ieLieryvll B key te jioep J. Whie, wio a asa. sues on West Madison street. an boun darIes of their faime and the The iber fl e aker loo et 60 Nrth esten avnue. Thedetectives are a work on aonly human beinga they saw were Phone 68 LibertyVille, ]l. Sullivîan. or bis vite. It ls sali. col- ciue turnished by the Wcukeganites1the black garmientci cattle inspectors lected anc month's rent betore they h v __________ ~~dlsappeared. Judgment an the mort- anidNMr. Sheidon, which promises te Who ovd h h l uao gage and ane' Intereat note vas en- terminale la the arrest of thse thievesbile and saietimes topped off ta tI e arei lune i2. who stele the machines and then un- visit theni. In Lîbertyvilla', where Sullivan was beai efthtie Ratnbew ioaded their loot on Lake county res-* the inspecters are heaiquarterei, ex- ...acu g eîao ibet-lient, The detectîves do net blame;cilement ls ai an unusuai pitch. V .1. .1 vile, vhich is sai ta have bad prap- .... erty wort $50,.000 or $60,000. This NIr. Sheldon or -Mr. Strang for any Seaici Tighter than Crackeru. L IB R T Ycompany, wbich tmanufactura'd sweat- part they bcd in the transactions, for 'Farmer Benson la stock an his ers and woaien ipaters, vent toto the thieves represetei themseiven ta place.' sai one resident ot the nelgh- THEATRE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~te bands of a receiver aiment imme- b uoaet ihofcso ih-brod Sae ptgtrta diatelv aller Sullivan lett. He wasbeatadnswhofceonMc-,brai "eed ptgt'rhna IF A.. -A Pop aise hieai et the Shannon Spart shop gan avenue, Cihicago. box et soda crackers. Cant move SUYDA.UI Prop. bInhe Tower building, which vas de-________ off hls grouod far lave or mono>'." forReà fteendant io anoinjoniction proceeding 'And Bill Hazla'by," said another. starteî yante concern of IIitheR A1iguesaa theres nething ta do but BetLcne itr aine.nanme. JWL saj Of À c waiî tiltIthese fellaws gel through s-~ra'yYggaTKautw~, 111V K ('H DC.EI wth Iheir work,' sali the irst. ]FRIDÂY. OCT, ij'KLLIIIM IY JÀL BOYI Ail HE.i1I1UL-On tise visle the attitude îowarî THE CHRISTIAN - - -TIIE BUSINESS ise inspectors was one ot necesear>' speciail i'areaal ftataar who did nut iuaure woauld 0f COURT DOCK.ET IN HIABEALS CORPUS tolerance. One et the Inspecters de- 10 anal 15 ceots, his credit rut oaff the minule rieI detail the work done in tisaI fact hecame known. SauuÂY K1II~ (Contînuci Prom Page _One.) determinlng thse condition et cattie ST RD Y OC.2 lire insurance ja ebore tisae a M N ONIU~3II I NG I~Uand wing out tise hoot and mouth SÂT RD Y, CT 2 credit jesuranaje. Antd le tise casa.e______Isno mîttimus, and that hie la net disease. "The geveroment andi ade FOUR GRAINS OF RICE - of Our policies eaiprotectio[n.Il This Old Frm sin eid held ib'-xrtue o! an>' mîttimua. work together.' hie said. "We learn - - 2-rav i agraph-Drama l, aiea> an a,"el, thueii tiraiee' lmOm uen evvd 'Tha: tisere la geai reason ta e b- Ibhediapase lbas ieen eaiserved In THE WAY OUT - - - aqikaie. Orcm ls in an Effort to Clear Up lieve that unie-as lie la taken lto the Lake' cont>' cnd we'ra' sent eut there. Blograpa-quactn a sset Our c mpaesesthe Dooket. jurisdiction et the court coi bIseibody 'ýVe firsl get a man of the tewo- NEÂRLY A PRIZE FIGIITER - brought forward that bis baidy will ship we're Inspa'cting, c mcp shoving LutauCoaa'Dy .uand &oe urarid Notices are belng sent te the vcri- he taken out efthtie jurisdlctlen et the ail thse mreancd we arder thorm Featrinc Bil.vlteveb rigs Big.,Librtyvlle ,, ttorneys Ioda>' by Circuit Cierk court and that hie vili sufer îire- ciosed. Next we starî on a bouse ta 1' 0 Brckwa, Iformng hemthatparble njuy.hous esnvas, visltlng ever>' farmer Pbe 2,.Ubertiville; 470-M Laka Bluff there wilil be a preliminar>' cali of the "That under section 22, that cil sev- In tise section. We wear black riais StTNDÂY, OCT. 3 ______ court iocket oext Mooda>' atternoon en grende have been violcted In the ber garments coi black bonte. Il's THE LITTLE DECEIVER - - et 1:30 o'ciock. This la c plan that malter et comnoîtuent et your peti- easy ta tel if a fermer', catie are 3 Sr-el Eeanay-Dramc used laeha' foiiowed but whlch bas flot tioner, Ihal ne procensavas ever la- dlseased. We open their meuthe. Usu- CAUJCHT WITH THE GOODS - een carrled out here le somne lime. sued and that the court exceeiei Ils ally there', a tisick saliva hanging Lubin-Comedy Il was revlved Ibis year by Circuit juriadiclion; that precess was oh- f romt the mouth. But on the tangue _________________________Juige Edwarda, who believes Itlvii l ained vIls taise pretense and vllb- of c diseaseal cow we fini white patcli- greatly tacilîtate the work. Eecb at- eut due respect te your petitieners' es coi sores. On the boots aise coi 4 O' terne>' ls exPected ta be present in rtghts, Ihal there la ne judgment, or- on ollier parts ot the body. ,court next Menday atterDn anvisn der or decree uponitwblcb ta alIow Governments Olvide the Cost. the preliminar>' cali telkes place,. ready proces. "We then asiaralse tise catîle, The ta lake up whatever cas he ifsay ho state paya 50 per cent ced the gev- Interesîci In. If lie wisbes a conInu % pHSi"'8 ernment 50 per cent. We furnish the acco e wili conounce the tact and A t UI6I~~(l fermer wltis laborers ta dîg a long Exember the is resoens. If the case la reai>' te trench, ltib is trench the lnfected go 10 trial Il will lie lett on the ccli. DIH N caille are ici. The tanner ]oses netb- flfnnîînn~hn Thre re coycass wicb have aswsaKA' fRe S , tEN i la s traieht business. We huy 11glcR I WjluI 8W .,IUJ en cutlerlog up tise docket tor sev- the rews and pcy fer thete cod the>' Makescyourolaidbseos pst as geai as eral years. Il la the holle and beltef Organization evercam'e numbers are ours. And of course we have ta 0ev vhlla Yeu wat that mcny et these cases can ba Tbursday when sfsialomres of Lake kl hm hyaecvrdwt Don't tlrow avay yow' oh ahoes-W F'orest college, sme 28 In number,tu Iee Ti>'accerdwh bont tlsem-ea's e od ospeam drapped at this lime aed thus dioci co-oporated eanthusisstlcaliy l u-lime. Oppsit PetesBlakimth hop up the docket of deai cases te a cer' mcrging hiait à bundred trealimen lu 'Tisen tise farneislatumigaled. If onSrgtSrd ietvle tain extcot. the "gym' pond. They thon conduct- lisere are any long haîrci donge on the W*E ARE NEVER o usu tel ietvhe Under tise plan tisaI bas heen toi- ved thear ci ate illagnovade-tairai aetei ret h TOO BUSY SNDAL lowed for saime lime v as neces- ta the prograte. Tbe fresismen were pigeons, chicens aed acli ther ferma .-SU AVILABLE 8c sr>' for attorneys on one asde of a then escorta'd te Lois Durani bail, etflita' ara'subjecte tumigation te give iminodiate attention teaNLIETVtL aset serve natice on the attorneys whcre tisa'program vas repaated for soi dîpped In balis. Ail the build- semergency culato arvrk fwiso representci the allier aide of tise the isenefil et thasle ca-ais wbo feund car s4iddeniy case, theno Ibe case vasIl Imposaible ta attend the Ibeate>'.loeaereei Te gruia yeuxr sildny gees wrong Because ofnumeroe.srequesta for cae Intormlng hmtecswa The Tresies werc agaia duckcdInb the saked witis a solution a! chioride o! Phono us and we'ilIbuonl tise job copies of the Dail>' Sun at Liberty'- te he broughl uia. This resulted lu pend wliae il was founi they lied heud lime. Tise caser surface o! the bey- ville sacis dsy, we have arranged ta Innumerable delcys whtch Juige Ed- an election. stacks are remava'i and the' rest s quick 1 y.ýas we cao .get .there. have copies ent ta the Libertyvilie varis alloes la avli. tetdwt onadb ouin thlng tisat maTes dan, for tisaI malter. Andi& aIlctlvIi>' 10and trou tise qu&r- antinei spot muet be stolped. This la rather toygb on the fermer, but il's for the geai o! tbe communi>' and mont of tbem are bcginnîng ta redlize il. We mave trou ane part of tise stale toaenotiser, vcrking aIl the lime. "Our Ugit aaI etise beet aoi mauts disoase muet ho uethodlcse woi) as scientIflc and no effort or ex- Pense lassPared la extermlnatlns dils- esse tu the sections ve visît. DIfçft WÀTJÎt PIE. 0F TE LMTS BI3DS Fear ExpresSed That Flowers May Have Bee DeStroYed by the Wate. Waubegan peopleo ia bai ooed forvari vltb anticipation ta viciting tise famoun lotus beis ln Use Fox Lake regbon Mbi yeer have boou doomed te iseppointmeoî as tise bl hlevel oaf tise vater bas maie thîs Imposai- hie. Tise labo levols Ibis year are !ulIy 30 lncbus hlgbor than the>' vere lut year. On ilierent occasions Wiankegen people bave peud visita te the bois Ibis year but ln acc case the>' have beau disappolnted. it ln saidthat lesa tisan e desen et tho bboasous iave appeared Mbisyoar viie la olb- er years the>' bave been ps-osent ln coontleas tisumanis. The buis ln the m«Jorit>' o! cases camne ta vithin à.hant one foot of the surface of thse labo and gol no farther. In oni>' e fev rare cases dii blescema got as far as the surface. Fear le exprosaci nov that the betis mc>' have been damagei me bail>' thet the>' never viili -ecever. A fev yeers agc thora vas an excessive amaunt of rain coi Fox Labo rosa hîgiser than usuel. Two or tbree bunired acres cf the blossoins vcre muinci at tbat time. Ho"e la expreesei tbat this Ma>' nat bappen Ibis yoar. for Il la reaiizei that the lotos bois are oane ofthtie best assets trou an civer- ting point ln the possession of the zounty. No one seus te knov bey tise lo- tus bois gaI plantai ln Lake ceuni>'. but itle as kov tact that the>' bave been Induced 10 grew ln oni>' a bond- fui ef thler places ln tise vorli. Ev- en the meet ataroful Iranaplantiug bas been et Oc avail. People have. come trom ail oer the United States te see tise lotus bais ln tbis cont>' WIRE STRIPPED FROM IIUNDREDS 0F POLESIN NIGiIT Chicago Detectives Enlist the Services of Local Authori- ties in Chase of Thieves. Mile atter mile et coppar vire vas strIppei frcm the telpbone coi tele- graph ronds Thureda>' nigisl b>' tisevos who maie geai their escape. Tva delectives vorsing ont ef the Chi- cage offfce efthtie Chicago Tolepisone Compan>' arrivadIin Weukegan et 2 o'cleck FrIday afternoon coi enlI.- ed the cli o! the local police lenlise search fer the thleves. A rewcrd of $200 bas been offered for the arrest cni conviction et the thleves. Deledlives intise empla>' of the compan>' bave been gucrding the tel- but the lisieves maie their largeet haut ln>'ears basi nigist vben the>' stripped the wire off a bundrci or mare poles. It la generail>' bciievci le be an orgcnizei gang et wire thieves vark- Ing out of Chicago wlW~ have slripped the pales ot vire iuring lise pat tbree or tour months. The wlre tak- en was used ln the communication of messages trom l'hicago te Mllvcu- lien, coi tise Interruption ln service ciws>,causei c big boss 10 bath tise telophane ced teiogrcph companlea. If occesser>' the coupanyIt>ntends ta place guaris over>' mile or two along the highwaym until tise Ihievua are apprebenici. PUBLIC ROADS TO OPEN SAYS CHIEF 0F ANIMAL DEPT. In anaver 10 a bItter to a Chicago paper from E. H. Tegtmeier of Rural Route No. 1, Mount Prospect. Il. compbainîng lsdt the heaf ani moutis quaranline bcd closed the romaete the rural mcil carriers, Dr. J. S. Jenison cf Chicago, In charge o etl ocal brandi o! the bureau et animai indus. tr>', sai public blghvay- e wre 001 ln- cludeai ln auaranline crocs and shouhIdlie open. Interstae oshlpmenls of caIlle tram Intecled crocs bas been probibitei ex- cept vbcre the stock la iotendod for Imueilate slaughter. Thse Indépendant la th. county's on- 1>' 12-page weeky-thst's why every. body Iakes il. ]IL DIMD t ALSM DUN" A8UNO&5N Spel «kt l n Kseses0f . ~dm.Ta li~ W. eal offcest um. okAv foi»d& DYMONDIlA MTI = ai s DLII us n »*qfPhnelà& Rson aw t bdWAN W r I Office a o. Coab e. Petr iaS4 NBRTH ICAG. LL 01 Librtyle - Mmies Des 0.oole-. Oies . jý DR.N. .TI C. DCKRGE OTmaNsATLLwMU Office UppB. UbS. lotrvi sII Tffoswno 88 Il' ias onae 8 .)R1. C AY ILIO PAoUL M t 8bC GUP t PI. LiberzyvùilsinEo DRfiePoe1. . IU'ITDRF 4. -e. tyflle lnl DE E FL SMITH DJIITIBT. 3vMB LAla coutrry tATION" A M AE BaUMs-8 te 12 Ma . Md 1 *0 acS p Udbertyvllle. Uhloi ÇMAS. N. STEPHENS, &. D. HOKEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAS a"sud RGESON Poles. 10 0111eove, Oms O. LibertyvlUe, III. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNE OSTEOPATMIC PHYSICIAN 215 Miadisoni St, Wmakegoa. Offi1ce Houri 9-12 A.MIL 1-4 PL.; 14 P. I BundaYs b>' AppoIntMet 017 Telephone 3 J. L. REODINO, D.V. I VETEINARYSURWM 4 Oraduate Chimo ageVt. Office st Reios71 Ave. Phane 118&. M PUBLIC AUCTIONEEPUNÇ Cleseet attention pali tOc anaa acchon salatsudni est reeutsla a lng Rame. Alil kinis of herse, vagou wse baros for sale or exchange et m@A thro; HENY SINE Phonos 148 or 48 MION CITy, Lai. PHONE 1140-M Violinist, Pianlat 9Mi M0 CORY AV. WAUKOAM lu0 p t« Noausow br you W* 1 os aeba or -mlom 5O P a Ion l iesge Cooposse wu FMb. C6 FL NaiesMbe. oee a ra.svdia'sohel Want F«er Sale. ele as 1 DEPENDENT rmah lem0 meeky

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