Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1915, p. 4

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LÂKE Cous", Y DEPN1W RDÂ,OTBR1 15. eCounty Independent Waukegan ýWeekty Sun Office Tsi4phone Number 1, Lbertyvils Exchange, @id et ihe Pstfio t Lîbertyville, Ill., as Second Ciscs Mal l atter OficaiPaper for Lake County. ,ry FrIday. Adverting Rates Mdade Known on Application. IPTION PRICE, 01.50 PER YIEAR STRIOTLY IN ADVANCE IT94...................1....................-..........................Editor ýIH.......... ..................................................... Manager MER............................ Reident Manager, Phone 169J THE FOOT ANiD MOUTK DISMA8S. lU comecton with the bighly trut1g artceon the gitution at the Purand farm as dâtafl.4t another çol- uM, au edit&lai from the cago Tribune of Mfonday JO nit only timely but is right, 'along the smre Une of $Iught which we have eýproased seversl times since -the qdemic bit Lake oôunty. The Tribune said: "If it is established that cattle infected with the hoof .andl mouth disease must be kiiled instantly upon the the- *ory that it is the sure prohibition against the spreading of the infection, it is *equally positive that the public ahould pay the bill fully and imanediately. The present Iaw, under certain circunistances, does neither. "The machinery for settling claims with the losing owners 18 clumsy. It might be made more direct without exzposing the state's interests. If the- paymaster and the lppring board went right along with the officiai that ài h killing or ordered the killing it woulid be better justice. Most of our cattle raisers are not rich men or m jen with extensive means of credit. When the state sud- deny dpriesthem of their herds it takes away their daiy wrk ndmeans of livehihood. A long drawn out eotlemnt oesnothing but make theii: lossah Uthc heav- ",Another feature of the law that does not sound f air ~to mnen who are stripped of their cattlee in thé public in- terest is the rate of compensation f ollowng condemnation Sproceedings. The miaximumn for one cow or horse is $250, ÎvtIi a $200 linit if in a herd, and. for sheep or swine $50 M~àd $40 unider the'sanie limitations. It niakes no differ- -ence whether they are for beef, dairying, or breeding. At -ebUd knows that there are differences, however, and a law1 *at limite the liability to the value of the common run iu udair to the faney breeder. Yct Illinois cannot go on rec- ord for the discouragement of stock breeding, either pro-i * gesonally or by rich mnen. It ail cornes back to the public Sbtter mi[lk, better meat, or better horses.1 "The law passed l March needs an overhauling re- grding this limted liability clause on constitutional %.tounds.1' It is getting the whole protective seheme into iutbe slow moving courts at the embarrassing tme when it r.Ž*DUlmd be striking the hardest blows. Some of our fanev ý,n.eeders bave 'waived their rights and accepted thec loss ýY' ut f pbli,ýspirit, but Illinois and the federal govern- ijam, tgeflercan afford to pay theiir just ilebts fully." Tii. "rookies" at Fort Sheridan =mel are surely got- .tga vivd tait. of what rosi army life i&. The woather ýM.odd2it have cbanged more qulckly to give them the most »mtest possible than bas beon the case during the- V"pstew days._____ S The. sudden appearanco of foot-bail weather reminds é- ne to se. that doors are tightý that furnaces are working ud that the coal bin hasat lat a litte onhand. Stili, *Uai the. good weather isn't past, for October usually is one of the best moatblof the year. MafÇor Thompson of Chicago doclares Former Govor- r Deneenisla traitor." Welwbat Thompion hassaid la *hat*several Lake county men thought long ago andb bave oven said-the only difference being that thoîr say-so9 dldut attract the attention that the inayor's has.,But thoyE 'otit just as strongly as ho. The destruction of GracoE placopal church, Chicago, carzies local interegt because it vas in that church that the lPomwWaukegau recto; ,Rev. William. E. Toil wasmade biehop of Chicago. laiyrm the Waukegan have attended services at Crs hurch at varlous ~thau. Its choir was oie of the noted boy choirs lu the 5 ?hogpuera féeollng of mon vho thlnk zeems te be thatJ ilol mou et-this counryshould net nake tho boan of a1 lihio dollars te, the osie, principally bocause it helps vr utheo w, and s.condly bocaume it Jeopardizos this1 iuolus nsutruity. If those forulgu counatries aut te, go'% why not lot them figlit it eut ail by themselvos and1 bave nobandIn it, not oveindfr-tlY Looks as if the allies have just beon rosting up, per- lttng the Germaiiu and Austriaustoi do ail the. aggres ut,. vona&ad nov,t after a ceno.e est tii onugh bu. startod. The. nova trom the f be td l qut s ouraalng to wbat bu been commig rlght aloug for .~uymonbs.Tue. expctod drive bus pzoducoed oven bt t« progrous for thé allies thau thoy ozpoctod. Stlll, the. Ishlsor hasn't mt vhat could bu caled a docisive dot eat as j* And,it's a long, long way to Seolinl Let'. ses: It seems te us that tuer. la a law vblch Vmskmsit a penltentiary offense for anybody te moroly an automobile 'without permission of theowover 4 d,«tr ive it. That bulng the case, prospective joy-rlders bottr'" Iy a itUecaution about tollowlng tis lineofe It a Bible te proveoznlgty costly il the 're dotoct- Thbor bave been tvo or thre. sucii ss Zey, and itiWqes ounlthe off endors are certain to bu culied te a hait betoe*.g-aad tuent Vo vder itu. bank and postoffice robiions keop *9 MEle village et Ame just because lits lamne nod W ' rSý,and tUnir conâclusion tiie10 lethat the town is burdened with monoy. A year ago the village bank 'wua robbed-tho robbors got nothing; and, a year prior to that thie bank wus robbed-and the robbors got a littie. Now cornes the poatoffice robbery when the loot was $30. Area people just can't figure it out why "lthey pick on un,'11'when thore are other fields which surely must have more to work upon than Area ever could posse. Libortyville business mon have advanced a new idea for creditors to get somne of théir money out of a debtor who jumtped tow21 and loft a tangible assot behind. Here's what th.- Ind'eprndenat says of the mattor, and it nlay ho well for Waukoganl'usiness mon to remember how it's done-for many such instances have developed in this city during the paut several years: "1The local creditors of Owen Woolridge, who failed ini the moving picture busi- ness here and moved lis family to Elgin about two weeks ago, have agreed upon a plan to operate the Ljyric theater until such a time when they can either dispose of the place [or give up posspssion after thcy have cleared enough froni the proceeds of the business to satisfy ail creditors. The local men have placed A. C. Murray as manager of the theater, who took charge of the place on Monday. It is the intention of the creditors to operate a high class pic- turc bouse and to put considerable "push" behind it 'to make it a success."' The tovi conuissioners of Waukegan have been very busy lately getting tue roada of Waukegan township in good shape for tue coming winter. Thoy have made much progreas, and, as Oomnissloner Blanchard said, "Give us two weeks' longer good weather and there won't be a bad rut lu any of the roadsi in the town. 1 The improve- ment made on Grand avenue, Milwaukee road, and others is such that the average driver bas cause to ho elated. On Lewis avenue the commissioners have extended the bard road considerably sonth from the point viiere it endod be- fore. On that streqt they have dompleted their half ot tue road wbich they àgreed vitu tue city to take care o- t1fe road lies partlylinthe city and partly in the town, 50, an agreement vas reached that tue town would build it for hait Il. bength and tue city wouid tako care et the othor half. "We're almot flnisiied vith our ahae-nov ft'sup te tue city te do its part," said Mr. Blanchard. And, if that's the case, uurely the clty cannot talter, but comane te the mexk as the tovu comissioners have dons. Lewis avenue SHOULD BE a good street, being the veut high- vay at the city limita. - lfow that tue county of Lake bas provided such a fine place for canlng for the zick at the county hsitalo vo would like te suggsst tha thtey conider somethlng olse vhich vill tend te place LaXe county lu tue -hlghrak that it la entitled te. Why net begin plans for the reco - struction efthte buildings at the county tarm at Liberty- ville? 'Those building, viien nov, no doubt wers as geed as aiy county providod. BUT, they have grovu old, aid nov are a fire menace; tuey are dangerous for the county te nintain for the purposes they Mtl are usod. - 8, vhy not make plans toward the endwhlch theocountynluittface' butore long Why net provide suitable surrounidingu for tho poor e thte county who NOW are torced te depeiid on tue county for such aid that la given thons? The coat wouldn't bu more tian the county should ho willllng te. put lt, such improveinenta. And,, tuey would last a decade and anothen stop vould have buen taken to elevate tue standard et Lakis county, oie et tb. tonemost counties lu tue sBute. It's Worth cOnsde"n, for net ene person lu Lake county teels that the buildings tuat new stand ou the county tam are consisftent vith tue othen advanced conditions ef this county. ýW. <ôrmend the-suggestion te the board of supervisons. C» aureÀ?/w FROM - LOQAL. CHURCI4ES et. Lawrence Eplacopal. Boiy Communion 1:30 a. m. SundepSebooi 9.80 a.' m. Morning Prayor il a. m. Preebyterian. 10:00Va.ta.. snnday schoo& Clase for ail. Mortlng ServicesIl o'clock. 'rheme, 'Wha la Your Lute?" Chritian Endeavor61:45 p. m. gubWet "*Wbat will make our Socesey a Greater Evening service)~ 7:30. Theune, "Thte Short ighted han." Choir praciies Frlday tvenlag. Prayer metingon Wedueedaytoveningf. Subject "1What date our Cbunch Noed?" 1lte a long step frore Sabat.h to Babbath the Wednesay eoeing service will help Son maire te. We mesi at 7:45, wil Sou bq thore on time? Alil are lnvited to ibis houri biesinge andl benefite. Pasto,, B. M. Aiburt. Methodist-Epxscoiual. There wiii be topeciai mervices neat Sun- day both morning and evening. At 10 il ociock prograin for Bably Day with exercices by members of the graduating clasei in junior depariment. la tht svening ai 7:80 a progrant of Sacred tIusic wlii be given by the choir. Co ho 1 be i sý 111 wili he the sabject of tht Epworth Leagne meeting nexi Sundcy evening ci :45. Leadet. Oto. Steadman. All are cordialiy invlted. The Ladies' Aid îociety will mesi next 'nesday aiternoon, Oct. 5th, ut the homs oiflire. J. S. Bysti. Mr@. Hyati and lire. H. B. Eger entertain. The choir wlII mest for rehearsal on 'niday evening ut 8 o'ciock. AIl] n- oer nrged ta attend. NextSunday evening ut 7:30 the menu- teri and ionde of tht Libertyvilie M. E. hureh choir wli ulve a "Aacred Concert." The entire service wiii conclsut f Sared music and B1er. Resa wIl give the iymnology af the hymeus ned ln the trvice. Tht progranus ioliows: >rgan Volnntary........................... Anthtm--"Praleetht Lord, O Jerusaitun' .......................Bj, Choir Hymn with HymnoiogY, No. 829.. .................By Congregation Prayer .............B.... ey. T. E. Resa Cban t-" Lord'@ Prayer . i... -vChoir )rgan and Piano Duet ............. Î liri. Mattoek. lMrs. Lyle Morris Solo-"God Retemniers When tht World Forgets"............................ Carne Jacob@s Bond, Crystai Eaton tnthtm-"l have e Frlend 80 Prtcilous" ..................1....... y Choir Offeratory-Duet......... .....--.... Mrw Mattocks. lire Lyle Morris flymo with Hymnology No. 621.. .................. y Congrestation Solo-Stlerted................ A.t'. Murray Hymu wiih Hymnology No. 677.. ....................... y Choir Solo-"Tht Lord la My Llight'..... Ells Ring Ingrahamt A nthem-."Jtsue,I My ('noseHavecTakeni ..........B............. y Choir Bymn wlth Hyrunology No. 386.. .................By Cougregation tienediction ........................... Organ Voluutary .................... LAT THÉZ L1'T~S "Tht Christia" letht tes;t acting flm Qu~ayle, gives a vivid Inupersonuation ol Viola Alitaso greate-it pari. Hen ian- lonmance viii stand companîcon viih tht heet dramatie stars. Sheis splendid, artistic, wonderfui. Ecnie William@t, in ,portnaying Jahn Strn,-a type of man vho le aimasi a religions fanatie, acconîpiihes equaily briîlilant work as ise Siorey. Ileithe bout o! the many great performances ht bat glten the scritn. lu their support le the fineei cat of Vitagrspb Stars ever "een la ont plactre. Cherles Kent, Barry Nortbrap, James Lackayo, Allierta Galiatin, Car- latta de Folces, Edward Kinthali. James Morrison, J. W. Sambrook, Donald Hall, Jane taraity and many other. Liberty Theatre, Fniday, Ct. 1. WEÂTHIER BEPORT Weather forcasi for tsehe k beg15-9- ning Wedneadlay Sept. 29, jsaued hy the U. 8. Weaiher Bureau, Washington, 0. C. For the region o! tht Brest Laites: Tht vesk viii t e sof gtneraily fair sud cool veathen, excePt that rnains8ans probable Frlday or SaiandaY snd lu the sitreme nonibvesten portion ait tht btginning of the veel. NOTICE Tht ntguiar annual. meeting of tht stockbolderi oi tht Meredith Flover and vegetabit Company viii bc held ait tht office o! tht Meredith Flowen and Vegt- table compapy, Satardai, Octoben 2, 1915, ci the hout a12 P.,nM. 4i11 giock- b oudons are requested ta te Preomnt at this mueeting. 1C2 John Doiienaisr. gSret&rY. you «an raoh 15,00 persons week- ty through th* Indopondont. Sof Ciieriyvile The Prembyterian Ladies' Aid wili hold an ail day meeting ut tht cburch neitl Tburodaày, Qct. 7tb. There wiii be a picole lunch at noon. ,]iss Carnie Chard, the local piano sud vocal toucher, lAsbffl - engaged tu give a Ou)g prograin at the Baw thora Place, Chicago, on next Tuesday. lirS. R. E. Osborne entertained oeverai of ber relatives on' Wedrwsday ln honor of her aliter. MI Mos.uiai, Who Whfifor Robert B. Bond returned on Tnesday front tht Est -where hoha baeen travel- - iagfor tht pas t wu weeks. Among the ctles vipited were New York and WaaI- Ingion. 1). C. Leslie E. Warren ba$ gon» te Wanke- gan where ho wil asistinlethé Leo Mdaiman drug store aweek belore retarD- lng to the North western ichoal of Phirmaey. whsre ho wlii again lht a etudent. W. E Miler and E. H. Wells, inho again had a dispiay of grains. veaetabi.ns and fruits. raiel and gathered le Lake Connty for an exhibit repressnting. tht counity at tht State lieir which ciosed on lait Saturday. soecued second prize front tht northern diotrict, there belng four eutries from tibis district. Thoir everly yeas .hey hav etaeon it. Ty siaty etat if thavt onIionTbins #httety wi ere okndiis Jeanbc n.ut he sci, te wobail th hei hac ev en sowirting finîte bttit cy o thoir negetahies bcd ta ho picked er'eu and tht exin'me liti cau*ed theni to @poilihefore iheir car reârhtd Springfild. Tht Mahier Manufacturing Cos@ office le the ntobt înieresting place in toinu for sight-sestng. There can lie iound abaut on@ hnndred dillerent deanse ieWtiei ilghting lixtures. the produici of Iht iactory. The collection embraces @Oo ai the moou beantitul flitureto lio iound tht iii*vligbta emd'uonsirated. Tht ComPany etAnteiltu menunactune igbht- ing fItuir"m.e.abonut n ye..r egoa nd toua c', i lînsi nid ir pn.idnnntmto îal pointe in tht United lStatie. Tht factuyny bas visitons irom distant cutles practi- caiiy every day and tbovompany aiways encanrageo people to.coeee again. On accouni ai these visitone vho sisecys get a good or badi mpresson o1 a ioWa upon their finît visit, Mr. licher, thec pregident o! tht company vanld like ta set mometilg donetutoImprove OrchardL street. ait act between Firi andl Secondt etre't.île ronplaine tha i et urnes Orchard sirpet iii in sncb a muddy cnd inîpaâsihin' condition that out-ol toinu peuple iýouiiig in itir bue taiîring cars can Diii divs. up to the tactonv, and anc obligeil to Pave them ,,acbini'î a tiork away Sc] n Ile t, the 1plant A- ti.c eo0nlpanUY ii- . nlàvcrv iiî.lengaddi- tion t. l.îlcrtyn iii. t ,'il li4 m,01hi, gire na n . ll cl..i tîi'îtiL to gise. DURAND CATTLE RECOVERED; NOT A, ONE WAS KILLED (ContinuedFi rom Page One.) We are fumlgaiing mest hike they do aftcr they have elaughiened a herd. "This distase lsn'i hait as bcd as It ls painted by snme. Ih nesembles persons vho bave influeniza. It ne- mînda ont of a persan vho bas cold aorte on thein lips. That's the vay tht catleisappesi-. "Our- cattit have bad no sorts ln their mouth fon msny days--and they vent neyer at aay Umee neal bail. "Arn I happy? WeOU, 1 should say no. To think thai vo bave savtd this fine berd ithen thty no neanly met siaugilter la enougil to make onset tel that be bas accomplished. somothing for tht dalrY Interetesof the landl. And vhtn thet farmerestoe the pie tares of aur herd o! 60 that have been taken, they won't be surpriseil te think ibai 1 insisted that tbey b. pre' served." Fod the Milk. 'Mnc. Dunand erDlalnod ibat tht mllk vhich le dally taken tnom thf cove la boiled 20 minutes and thez laten ted te tht young stock. Bc while she canni hip' any tram thi place, It le seen thai she. le making use o! h anyway. 'ro Clean a Refrigerator. Whtn owbite spots appear on thl refntgerator laing take al the taa4 ont and rub tilt sinc vith kerosene Loave tht retnigerater aven tan soit tral, bours, then wasb wltb aiailil and tarm soapoudi and lot dry tDr .£»y Wsy te Clten a Carpes. Instsad of ewepng Tour 1stlir car- pet grI vplng it ove' with . daaP clotil, Use a tesspoaM iof iat ln tva quarts or! va ria ',Yor carpet viiilok dean sud briht sMd thon. viii be Do'duat. dresaed onttce a ay n herf or10dorce a Ysh os t u ao 10ryorîtti soaysthed brnbte nt a ek ltlze tht cobranrbuttin t otherfoodme they ost much fea't otnd coa egnethei fomer bealpth and so egl nothpontformehelt e rand were WepNt onenofqrntdie tbree monibe. and a veterinanlan vie- lied themn eveny day. In Denmark. Mn. Truelson sayq, est- dt suffering frou. the foot and mouth distase were klhied yeansago, but during tht past 10 on 12 ytars this practice bas been dnopPtd. Tht gov- trnment paid for aiH catie whlch were k.illed. but ibis was found te be ta- cetdlngly expensîve. so of late yeana, tht. guvernment bines a veitnlnarian ta attend ail the diseased cattit. Mr. Truelson dots fnot kiuow vbat medicîne vas administered te the la- fected caille. He says that It vas given te him by tht vêetnanian yulh lintuctions boy te use It. and thai he never Inquired as taeIa contents. There vas a mouth wacil and medi- cdnetel put on thtlest.Sutaîl cloth bas contilning nome soaked ail ineai te whlch tht medicine vas added were lied ente tht coite' fet. By sa doinsi tht eowe feet vert keptIin tht medi- cattd meal for days ai a trne. Fresh bag, went put on each day. 'ilr. Trueison. from his expenience on tlsi faoin with the foot and mouth distinc. doe.9 net conslden fItsncb a horrible diqoe..lie vas hept bu.iy niilking the' coit.. appiying new dntns- iniestii tht fier, washing ount Iheir ninutb'. and makinn 32 cloth bage ach day. but be consîders thetlime and labor veill pent. vWýhtn a coin vas talien sick It wa% removed ta the quarantint ban. and ils3 shal dlslnfedted. Tht beîlding was always burncd. DlM.lnfectants vert sprayed about tht place .wto and ibreetitmes a day. Ai tht end e! thethiret months tînt quarantîne was llfted and tht cave were taken baciz ta tht herd. Then 3tht quarantine barn vas fumlgattd. 0 $118 irnng Bofef. 8 The Intetilgenttieman vas beilg ezamintd to pans on the jury lu a mander triai. 'Do yon believe la cap- iai punishment?" inqalred the attor- y ey. "'Yon bei I do," came tht prompt rompons.. "in agin' the trusts. and aI aat te sea halt of W&atsret iia dJal, vhere tbey belong.11 POTATOES-Olione. Carrots, Beet, TurnIpeCabbaap. Beau@. Cucamitre, and other Vegetabies. Aiso appies and other fruits. At right prices deiivered in, Libertyvile. F. W. gbchicker, Phone 286-&. 2tf ORCHESTRA HALL BURTON HOLMES 3 COUISES-EXACTLY ALIKE COURSE A-5 Wed. Evgs. com. Oct. 13, eCOURSE B-5 Fr1. Evgs. com. Oct. 15 COURSE C-5 Sat. Mata. com. Oct. 16 FLORIDA.... Oct. 13, 15, 16 DOWN IN DIXIE. Oct 20,22,23 GRAND CANYON, Oct 27,29.30 PANAkMA-PACIFIC jNv ,5 EXPOSITION .Nv25, &CALIFORNIA, . Nov. 10, 12. 13 Sal ETS?5 oday, Oct. 4 14, $3, $.50-MAIL ORDERS NOW TELLS ABOUT TUE TREATMeNT Of THE DISI3ASE IN'EUROPE Andrew Truelon of Fairview Place Cared for Çows Sick of Foot-Mouth bisease. DO NOT KILL TKE ANIMALS., Government Found This Prac- tice More Expenslve.Than HirJng, Veterinarians. Andrew Truelsoin of Fairvlew place, in 190"60, was worklng on a farm In Denmark of 320 acres, wben the cat- tie became sick of the foot and fnoutb disease. Tlxero were 125 cows In the bord. and elght of them bad' the dis- The si l cows wsre taken to a barn about aquarter of a mile trou. those ft affected. and quarantlned. Mr. nTrueison took care of the ulck cows. H-e was flot allowed to go off the place, nor lnto other sections of the farm. The other cows kept weil, and their mllk was sold. but noue of the stock was allowed off the farmn dur- ing the quarantine. The sick cown were miiked three Urnesa day. Their udders were a littie sore. Their mouthe were P THE DRU( ommun 1 m hiLcuv Monudayi bic Wcos C. ouL tatorda> laWicn ei Jon L( Dr. Foi Cai n uh men e!4 down on t to say as, place or ro Leonard day ai ho Mark Ne day wîth i Mr. and are opendi Barron bu a. V. 1 Chicalgo. C. J. wl, aings ood Mre. Bin Lake, wer. stetter soc Bert Kr ratuned trip. Tht Bar product a Why Dlot Drue.' t>rui Cail on IL burt ah i. .Weeko ugo agaiu. Tii" 4N mee Mecn ldre. Ruhy, .The mpeef a 1Was lanizeI, Mim@ Gr,. Qu Cail on ui Burton velogue. n 1hie tae!it3 l' wauke,. h 1Wednesdaj baiurday a ainsi Oct. 1 daye to St. Hi@ neit I November weeks to B ý urgh, Phi Tht sub-ject tautoritati "Duwn la i lion", and' Potomac "Extra.'* Quu Cali on ne HOI 1. y Lg le .1p

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