Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1915, p. 5

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LAKE COUNT'! IIEPENDEiNT, 'TRIDAY. (OWTOBER 11, 1915. ___________page i¶î, 'q e 0 éyZ k il Phll Malman, wbo has, ben epsIIding - FROM i --1- the paot week with bis fatliî.r, Henry A DIT' 0P F Mamaî, return.'d to fim houle in Mr@. Erneoit siepardsun epent a few Wsukegan Suilday bqjrq Sliff**O d 1 Il .pasi wck lu tIcago th lir Mr land irMiJom ,ne ,iri rih M S E .1~~litr Mis. .RUEPhn , bfI*àwu Uer of cary, ejient th. tiret 0uth11e uvek _________________________PhoneIl Mrs. IHorace Tower ha'. heen vting viitli Mr and ',i Orders Taken for Job Work. la the eity wtth bier hîîeb ndeé parenté; Earry tieary aloi Poiîre flolî,,ttle of i~ aS i'~ Adverthéing rate$ on application. adbrcc .(r>Jk-ria îlî~t,,u'îtg _________ Aisé Fae Putter, alc,mtjanted hy ber Saturday.Inidocar-acN Etéerton Potr of tira. N. Y., left aont, MrsWe mýr o OnkPark in M. W». Hughes tlIanlsutt#.lbuwrieus in Monday alter sPendID li a w days witb opending a ilone vacatilna ith rela- (Chicago Wedneo4l3 taui hie s <Uin, Mére éFloyd Culver. NMr.tives at Knoxville. .Teni. MimesAnnîa 11,Mabon o Ch(icago,.n teai Potter waa on hi'. retuili froîn tt;e air. Patu Avery traumected buminem inthe penuiug th,)'.ieek % îth finendo inounr A 'p ntr FOR SAI.-Dried union.. $1 00 fper CiySaturda>'. vlae d u cu bu.hel. aico ecider barrete for sote. Are F. M. tiamnlin wa a Chcago busneess Preldent fR C. Kent and _'trugtee Ir. p W ki ldw'h Maklng eider overy dey, 1,l'-Ratta, enalter ()ri Monday. R C. NicCouniek, Gi. D. orker, Aug. A [o e Ôrayutake. [>floue 8-J. 2,1 J. K. DIrtug halé preseuit(d ',r echooil KuebkerartA 1'. E l aimian took a trip A lo C. 0. Lol]s:abaumgh : Cicago. spent with a vanophone sudêl iiin teiiIK lîuch tu LaLeZreiantCr ac rt.'.u i<t-i't Satorday and Sutluy wah is parenté. ejoyed to t0 the pup.. 1 in..p.-tîng ttîr 'ionlter îrvo~ t-l ut e tuiis Miss Nora iitxer in vteting ber parent» Mr. aud Mrm. John Naetr lent tu Siteer tu ai.îertaiii tth' protîntîle cuit ai,.l 1h, iWisconsin Lake one day tacit weck L lok uver Proier eybteiu for Wa uconda Theywlla Itil woýickud'-A/ ' Mn Kely etorttne lie cosin r emle property tilera and u.ay poséit,îy malle another trip tht.. aeek to quine ot Chicgo ovmr Saza nd cudayrom iw.te there. dinus l>eep Lake le ehut off the other neighhurînug towne and report Ist like It'un i kthuble tw, l ratier ineonvienient tereulto01their iivt etigation atth EBller trtiigtcted buninese in Ublea- for he stiuler trade. re-gular inottîtv meeting uf the village Bu s r nonw e go Monday. Hamnilin tBroîthers have flot np a silo huard rneit Ionday eveiuo. Dr. Fuutwood, Wtho ha". t,e-n epndlng .,iltl i- Stratton ftal. occupieîi by Sidney Qualtty Photographers. y s r thiatniotîuîîc, et tdh. Fhi i,Kln j ('ealil on usVant & Bull, Waukegan. W lp satw py WUbtmeaontuîde. und fl ol n Quality Photographera. Frank Roues la n t t r3 tal Lakie the 'ilsaplace in my thr( ChiagoMonay.Cali un us-Vant & Bull, Waukegan. tîrt of tth week .ippit)g t"k. Am [nu Mme. Cham Wghtnîatî and Mcc. tBald- h tr a u3 norvtA 't e l win atle.nddl th-e amterilStar entertain- Teeot a u>iiîu l'i[tyetstck laIl te etîîjpeîl rouiLatke county mient at 44aukc-gau tact Thurmdt'.y ntght. tamt week anîd lt a -3c ou a î,hn -Iihm li l0%v aiîîicig cver> ttîng lromAn oh My John i LoIgtau&ctl rnc lt-dîusjit i". t Fox l.ake, and aa ltti.-daughtler,,,ir lieiîry tountyî',iIa-atartin' a s t F o a lt h t o r p h r M r . a n d rî i e S r i a i . I l u r e t t . A i i n K i n î îa f l 1 . t l r % o td .t i , e k V e . _qn sr t n QuaityPhoogrphes. - il- ra îî,, tîîî. place aîîd >lîe ...ila; a tîr,-t1t'. a me-i,îr.d einîîtîy. lia-f 'l CatIon s-Vnt Bul, aukgan ttlatrîli- 'e %tiiiigtoii lit Rouîîît Lake., [aient lun1the Oliver T>jîettritlig fact.ry. *____té____ James Mîîgu bas ptres.-d a bîounee etlee-d îîffto Chcag, Mr.îndaj aî,d i 1îsNettie &uray utf<'lhiago spent quiety mariedther Mi.Stîe.vî,î atîîrdav klid sunday atbl. boune in dua unthetac fuit'A - r'nlt atîtfe bac h'rgI, î,f titcnul k tact(,ry lier. anîd oniliag. to say as tu i S tctler iw i '- W -ul> thés 1, itie odeet sonu of lr. and Mre Il H place or rent ît fiherwîaî)d. lsblride te ttle îîîîty daugh- i.E lliîaî.Waî-îîaCUp tu i.eonard ltook ot Chiîcago,,mienert Sun- 1er ot Mc. and Mrm, 'A n.Y' lilliun fd ate clcthîer, w titîî,ld his. grand fta day at boule. Round Lake, and ftIunertv ttvc-d ucar style show at ttîe akeside pavillon Mark Nevile uft bltryvIlle pent Son- bere oo t'e Wlminngtun farul. She Saturda.> evc-ug, Oüt- 1l, amhberc- a t the day wittî big parents, attended whooî uh.Lake NVilla for moule new fait and wlnlcte ut ien. Ladies, - Ur. and MémIsl.B. AtwelI ut Chicago, tlitnie- onc.quentltvha*.. nl!frîcrîds Buveand Girls cilii1te chown on living >. bere Lu wtstî theni a long and proeperous mnodela. It witt tie the inest disptay U I AIIK I x ame opendînu a lewn dais at 1 i te o0 P.rarried Ile. ever mc-n in Wauconda and wort UT f Berton huue- B. V. t ieî etand sent SnnîtaY in The l.adie' l 51,llety uilIlt a'ith couitiig Maily tmites lu cIe. itun't fîrgret IN(.i$c'a O FILED Mccl Potier nelt w,,ek Wcdediaî tbe date Saturciay evenîngl, Oct. ltith. O 40 Chicego. Election of offic ra..411 merutîe ke Qualty Photographers. I 'T J C. J. Wghtiuntraneacted botuiene su neffort tut corne. Calt on us-Vant & Bull, Waukegan. G IN E E T C Rtugauod Tuceday. mi. iseItay A u.- î"t atae Mire. Birktc-y and danghier of Woreter witb ber p;lr.'nîc ucar Grsi tahe RY T Ukewor guf.@t of m. in.Kran-N, tPéoA-in Two Cases Ried Damages1 etetter and fanitty Tueeday, Quaity Photographe.. R TO ID PÀ Are Asked as a Resuit of Bet ri",)al sd ary tla it alon us-Vant & BulL Waukegan W&NYaiinures jfèturued Tue-.da'. front Iteir eamternuM NIT O- OTW SEN I UD The Harnîî,tîvtoitet humele an alein rJ-- LltIL IJ- - ___U produet and used by thie tet peopte. 1ier. Witt wilt preaîh hi, fare,itl Nick Grana Seeks Damiages Wily no% ty vî,u. Thec Rexaît Store- m"rîr ix udyatrîo i 2.45 An Attempt to Capture Harry for Injuries Received by Druce Drug C- tct. kE.erybod> iîvîted. Greenfield in Kenosha Fails His Small Son. Quality Photographers. Tlîere waemo éeervtî.e laît Surday on When Hope Is High. Two st aggregattng $30000 were Cati on us-V'aut & Bull. Waukegan. a'îîîunî t ttaimn. A ktdnaptng plot luvolviug three filed tnu ctrcuittcourt Frlday wtth1 Clautde Neltîse pent Sunîtay wltî ir. 'taond tlakceecrtril LAMB'S CORNERS a*.d Mie R. L.NNI!imand lRuiîy Settîs m.mberî' ufthe Chicago poltce depant- hro a dfdatik lu boin al-s nokigtl. .,tlý ment, lu whlch they planned tu seie thond ams era skdaste e Mré. .otîn, Wb., wa. qiîllte a.rîîîî. 1111 uît'i î,ustne..,.a man lu Kenosha. tie hlm with nope,sthe damaersonal injuriessrtee burt ah ui ticr hors' rapsas aivî'verat sud wt.trl binuan nautomobile taecs Suetofrge Cuipihrour is arneve, WeeIîe ugo, lm îîow ablte tu lte îot arîîîiîd Quaitty Photographers. th(, Wiscronsin ftin utéoIllinots, came GereCltouhbsaony, agii.Caîl on us-Vaut & Bull. Waukc-ga, t noîhtng Uriday tecause une ufth o- ne of wbom la Attorney Hervey C. age%aîn ýjtiAs entli ii1 rae r.CN ildd' av h ser"t adCoulson of MWaukc-gan. is a.cktug for mec-s M edeidavoti tîcu.nî, Il t c(;. ultiiter of Uilauhcgîuîi, aud 8r mc Iî M\c-. .ta ocl<out blow behtnd the ear ut the $20,0O0darnages. tie conteuds that Mie. Ruty Flkner. Viettîre uil-îînîe. GE lo t elîîîdcn i(i-î)f o tL., t aîî tîey acre alter. as a result or the negligeuce of the Theli.rît i meetrnlat MîtanetiiiI.»TIto-e fin'.olved In the plot were 'tr et car coropan'.-lhe rcceived fier- Wali larutély atîenîîc-d. Laura Ciîrrî.c lme tedi lln e (l,,il Liut Ptîit Katz, bis sun, George, and marienrt injuries. lti- î.. hurt lu au Mime G(rcce S.I ryver aànea /.inu t î ti wtt 'r d'hr I.ti-la. 1tt diýtectîves accident that occurred near the eoutb visitor iWîurday. ilati' an1 -.*i et Ail , , Il-nid 1uetimte ago Li-ut. Katz weut ou n ftecopn' ie Qualty Photographers. îî,-r .choolt, î,rt il ifitllîi'i',-)or~itt a a$1.000 bond for Harny Greeufic-td, RThedaothi asd rkho Matin 1îuncî f operating a confidence Rndh fHgln ak h si Cati on us-Vaut & Bull, Vcaukegatî E,ir, Pt-tli andfi nd ri ,'iî Kt,-l.ýa tî, ' 0$10.000 damagos. lltngdahl a-as ilu spelt Sild. 'ili h. pr'ti. vine in Chticago. Ater tcing releas- eîi'îît Stîi a w LI h * rn .. ed (,nithe bonud Greeîflc-ld dtsapliear- iurèd August 7, 191,. bie croasîng Burton Hotmes to Begin Soon Mslc.NItc.t ll .îtt1. l, d, A tua da>. agu thte lieuatenant the companys ritzlht of way at Cen- Bturton lilîlnîea, autiî,r (if ithe. Tra tng hec su etotirge- %% lion.i eanned lie was In Kenosha. IraI avenue, I-lghland Park. H-e con - ,ebignewv% itî tîar lts tinne. wtlt ticgin Quattty Phot~o graRihers. Story of the Ratd. tends that thé, car approached hitm his tac-nty-tird .eamiiine. a ecturer oni Call un us Vaut HuIt, Waukegan. T'.kîug the other three men wtth without '.otndtng a waruiug aud that tiavet, deî oting tve Tuesdaye Ltu Mit- "!ni, Lient. Katz druve'au automobie the tIret Intimation of danger he re- wanke.. tegunng,- t)îber 12th. litre , Iltiiene Friday. lu ttc car was a colt cetved was wbeu the car struck hlm. Wedilesday and Friday esenWpg. and ire *MIofR je rope. transptred te perbape He was qutte seriously lujured and baturday atternoune to etîf-ag.î. begmn- - ______-lcst tuld b>- George Katz, who retated clatms bie wil lîe lucailacitated pc-r- ftnu Oct. 13, 15 and 16 and tiee Thur- . Mr. and lire. fluntlcy ut Chilcagot peutth untuaRcerpoeudr manently, Rîngdahl couducts a gaie-- days to St. Louis begiuuing Octuter 14.a week wthttteornierveîcîter. Mc.s. Jan- lç trtoaRcnreren atte a Ri etCrutbgnii r el fnett Mattiewe. the Impreasion te was speaktug to a aend Wer1. stable near the point Bt nx Crrît igtl.iigti cc- tý dlci.tiy eberif. wbera the accident tuok place, November 15tti, witt take ilatiî for five Mi-e Cara Foot.. f let &iiîay tu, î,pc-.. W'd drtven through th.. Nlck Grana as next trtend of John weeke Lu Baltimore, Wahlngtun. Pitts- a week wlth her netre, Mre I f. bL. tî ccta about an bouc when My tather Grana, hie sou. wto la a mincir, to- burgh, Phadelptta and New York City. 'Abeaton. ai Wbeaton, Ii, spotted treenfield,' he satd,' 'As he day. through Attorney R. F. Folt'er, 1The %abjects uf hiesiiew serte@ are now Mites Cara Nelson @penit Thurmdav and kuew my father and tbhe detectives,1 started suit for $10.000 damnages tobrtatively announeed as "Florida' i Friday in Wankegan with Mllce Emma '.as ceiected to tackla biné. He's an agaînst the Chicago and Nortbwest- "Duwn la Dixie," "Tb@ Grand Canyon of Studer, an'.fuI bg guy. au I decided (n give.. hlm eru ratlroad, He sets forth that bis Arizonia," "The Paniama Pacîifi Exposi. Qualtty Photographers. a bat hbtnd tb..Iear. Young son was In a box car on the tIon" and "Calitorcta" wlth -Fruroi the Cati un us-Vaut & Bull, Waukagan. "I waited tilt he was looklng the comPanys tracks In Waukegan snd Potomac 10 the Yioa'etune"ý as an uttrwyaite amdhmoestarted 10 leave wben ordabd ont, "ExraMr-n.and Mie, E, A. Miartin, ln, arîd that I thought would make lftadopHa contende that an employa or the lire. W, B. Stewart, Mir. and, lik.. a log. But It neyer feazad lmi.*ad pusbed bilai.ont causing blini10 Quallty Photogrupherm. Thaîn, Dr. sud MWla Janîlson and manv He urned and, ceeîng my ftber Iu break bis leg in falltng.lle sald CatI on us-Vent & BullWaukagan, others truni this vhinty mutored to theIlle tit oo, stresk..d It down the street, an xray pîcture of the fractured bons Eltitioru Fair tast wee.k RaptS Retreat la Made. will be ureseutc-d In evidence. HeBcnry Edmond wa. takcn (o Elgin 'Ttc-n thne Kenosha coppers came H A Ru iO N T tast wec-k. W.. tope for tic spcedy on the Job. so a-o shot for the state Why Animai@ Chanege Coler. recovc-rv. lin.. -tlh a motorcycte copper chasing An ha, long been known, the chame. LvA.W. ators vcaionbeanus ail the way," bon and severai ther cotd-blooded Re.A .Sffr' aaiowea rlll. Senae asblet hiablllty tt T IL E TMonday and lhe'witi have (brea weske. Later Yuung Katz went (o Racine wil cr e nceturies ar be thiane colo He wttl visit relatives and friende. (o 1ook for Greenflald, baarlng hliedaSmixnte cetls situatc-d tn the cutit and gone tere. callad cbromnatopboreéé. Ttc-y are filledl The Ladtes' Aid society a-IlI meet wtth tie pigments of the varions col. G O S Oct. 7tb at tic chureti. Pieute dinner Tenants for Centuries. Ors, and capable of contraction or en- wll tle eerved. Two remarkabl.. cases of unbroken largement while the proces of color -FOR- Qualty Photographers. succession of tanancy wera mentloned change le guungen Cal aito sVent & Bull, Wal,,esi: atthe sale of part ut Str Devidl Dalvea _______________ Brougtonsa Cheshire etata élt Crawe, 8eD~. wlsuà ,IuU~. * ngiand. It a-as stated that the Bar- ~~ALI~L A U.~I. Ou on. o~s~' D~t~~tii1own tnt, aili ad been tenante on the.R o cIod Bakt On oe ocason awel-klown ub.estte oer wobuudred yaare, a-bIla e n descrîbed the set ofut g@a the Cooke fanîtly bad beau tenants In Ced e c-ee.nI2x4 icanilink malie tieseetcteup aucceau-tuni-f-00 --- port iiosMttic-Ca e uc-it i ti.cîtî,î i . 1 . 1 1 - - - - - - Pure Foodi The Food You Neyer Tire of A cereal that has a distinctive fiavor ail its own-different from anything you have ever tried before-yet a perfectly balanced food. This is the treation of Dr. Price- the famous pure food specîalist-a com- bination of grains that contains ail the element of nutrition and energy in the proper proportion. You'I like it, too. The more you cat, the more you'Il want to cat. Pnei eesProfit- Skarsreg CompoaesinsEverPackag Try it for breakfast tomorrow. Thse exclusive Dr. Price Pure Food Store in your gown i, TRIGGS &TAYLOR Telephone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE ILLINOIS INDEPENDENTS 0f 1INTIMIDATÉ N0 ;_»lI ON CHIAR61NG UN= ! iAME WARDEN BY OND ENDURANCE FAIR TREATMENTI SHOIGUN CIIARGED ITCOMB RiLe.y Say Independent Book Stores1 toti;,, Rohe utofCrass e s Could Not Get List of Boc kS unaue efendant toda,ln an Intor- Icry no mom-, no môre. oioiv ord int harligînujolaIlo uth le w, rmacan ma e o VoivaBoad. eainc "laîvwt.jch was flled lu couuty ea'M cn' m keTROUBLE OVER AGA S TANK. ioui-t toda>- by State'i Attorne-y R. J. 1) bite Mi rubbQttbatt Owner of Zion Garage Is Con-1 Th,,information charge:t4At 0; anSs hsidering Taking lias Case ýIlatefIlGeorge A. latin, a deputy state it. anQs h take Into the Courts. gauule xardcu, b> pointiug hie shot- ,h the SbbiQ-FL jgur t,, i m and at the came tîme as- I 7len 'I,-sif ttîe ldependeut ta1t tli.iîg Itahn wîth abuse aud obscene it- ame t at t ti t ai Zon (Ct!are cousilterabi> e-uer 1tanutiage, C" ni-euto'11r l ld le s-ustha, a-I . ,Tho - ataîeattorney cxptalned te- Ciy îi.iiiV *~J ~ il Iitid u tn e a d ' h ut b - iamit ta'. liai t h ,was lu the Pertnrm. -ia-taithe pu-uîI>Ie f the I- ivis an<e uf hI'. dutY at the lime and b.. r s.i nitty an enot incltned lttc- ta.r un-" aas traveîlng about, sopn i knmy brwath'eralsieisotnes soplg i !,ý 'etu-natii circimiltane s i pee huniers te make sure that tbay had an' do'me, .s ..ofe Svrldtslcfoeeho pndtheir huulîug tireuses. When ha ~ ~. ~Il la claimcd the ownc-nsofut to Inde- came tu Rottens. according te the i ougnr w o o; i.itiî.unt book stores lunilie ctty a-cul state'q attorney, ttebuter objerted rir mto the neinher'. or Voivas hoard uftet dicplaytng bts huullng tireuse snd c in -Iltni,ioti ln under that the>- mtgtt made tbe depuîy stand bis grotînd b'- Eafl'teet yÊs, i arn thebhouks that anc 10 te used potnting the ehotgun at hum In a Ii~,c4.'ee~ e s t i 11) T'e sclîools tht'. sear as they aouid menacîng mannar. S 1ci t mIII rVV pas il;-iii gtî l n odec forsamp so they It le satd that Rothens aas arresîed hurt so - pal st, <ifld te ou baud teture the upenîngu ebortyattera-ard aed atter hting Ip, ut mhcti.uil hi.. clainied tlie-sclooi 1 gtvc-u a beariug lu justice court, the r-01!iboaiil refu-îcd aslottely to dtv,îige case agalust hlm was diemie'.ed. The in-Iteitn, am.ot any outhîe books', aia] tates attorney a-as appeaied lu and in, but 1i'won, fer siiorel tiittt1 si îîttiricdtebc tas taken a baud in the matter. I tîf btîîî Ioî he.ti -Theocra t book DY M metnoomorc Th lt r, if r.hi,.said, a as 001 pc- Mîftîed to eIt au> hooukasutil ttc- day -tchlopened, in order that the ln'- tiependenitbook stores migitu nut learn ahtat books tueccure. .As a neiiuit, ahen the Indpendent chlldren lient te schOul tc-y aereu- able tu secure tlir books for cc-v - c-nl days. The Independent buok cc-Il- Thî..ghtfutcf i r.- c-s tad rec-tved a tlp lu advauc.., gu Han-y, agcd four. ici c ni ,I iketh lon- ttîey te secure s fe ofuth(le don torme, bu, 0ci. accu îîtt cilts textbooke, maul'.pide l.thfact t9 ruit réeereit Anoîlier instance bas devc-Iuped to. Rccentty durlng,,a 't(nu ln the wtlrhbtas cauiued cunsiderable Indilg-. o' wkrl o ice nizbt liea-as aa-ak iled bty a tre- nation and a-hidi It le tbougbt Mayv o' wle i o ice inendoug clap of t tund-r. and hastily ttud ils wav into tte courts. this somnmer. Corne iu sud sec cltmblng out orfhlbtsbd loto tue motti- Our fi eo c-ns bed ha grahbed lier ttgbtly arou n d The owner uft(ha Independent auto Orfl ico tbe neck and sald: flîdu't 1 told yon garage at Ziun has asked Permiscsion I -old akecar ofyouwhe ilthun-' u the Zion Mayor te place bts gage F OR-C dared'" jlitnetank lunlb.. ground lu front of ., , hsgarage, followlng the plan adopted (>1LO Rao e C romwell. inluneanlY ail citles. The maynr, it 1 Ile S o e Cromw-ell ha-j nu noyai blood lu hl&'a Id, bac rcfoaed Permission, Seepit.. f re er velusý The conte ntion that eucb w h a-ast h arg odutdb the case fstled a-heu put te the tes a Volia masn la eald to bave tlie tank Thearantcd. Wterayou havc The Oid Protec'o_ belcnged toea-bat ln front ut bis place, The gasotine LdedTobuhaet sohve o le non a ta Gc-tr.'His onîy tank as t now stands lusîde (lie huitd flot, ]et u, show you this ine. rank lay in hIc gentus and uucouquer'- lii, .Its said tetic- tac mure daugenouns Asbtl eibeamit ahI.. a-hI poa-er. Hia 'hloud was s t hanibm would b.. in the ground. The Aorteyrlalesmls Plain Engltch blood, and cuuld tn no garage man ta conslderng the plau of! prae a-ay dcaim Lu have 'crept through seektng te mandamus tic- aor t TO M WALSH, The hardware Mani ecoudrela icrur clore thaeluod," issue hlm the permit, Grayaleke, illios 1 - MIE re

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