Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1915, p. 7

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LA ECOUNTY INDEPE»DENT, -KRIIAY. OCTO BEll1, 1915. TY BOARD.. rd Commis-, bhat state Jsed for. =aMission viii [on of atm*e Md to do su, by .apoft*at 4Sl, i eol folloW.- rodes of querlée In uhether os' ad lau permit- fondes for oU Lhese OU roadaa, the reapectiva emmissian bas i pilait IL Fol. oent out ta ail Policy. Ian>' Inquirles lent,' tise MIata àas deemeit l andt dalla, asý polie>' reg*j 1 onds for tbol aintenance ele a.ccordance v and lhereby f tise Questions v as amendait. Lhe privilege or« of rosI 10 bVa bal la, vissîherý adai, concret* be construced Commission la y cf preparieg a and s5upervie. of the wark.' upon auitable- ,ateve- type ar tila tise dut>' of mission lo draw beat known the type cisce- ltent inspîection ýver 10 thse ta%. la possible on- tise mcci>' ex- Requet. -(-i sked. WIiIW mission permit, ,d. for lise; pur, cfm? o c for ail law. This* lu] ire propositioni n>' underabocit nbh roadil la il ind ai. best ils ced. Tise cou- le slew of th. an of s proper- nihrOtement 10. le the conatrue h roada. vison îty boards, but tisa lise cou,- ýg from year to fired. as a pall. sucli lsta als lave lndicatet bhe counl>'. Abà te lie a rosit rainel. tisaI le, ows filled. nec- s and cuivertlS urface brought if ul bas bee% durable weal- d thoroon w lh- le work aireadf> d Funde. e cf tise ead9 bridges, tisat i ise commise ated b>' tise le aid mono>' edi frein y j culverts sha if tise road col ni lme ln liai i coueties lise île In tise count>' aid, k satiafactorily where tiser. funda for th wili determin tise state Ai jr tisaI purpot le bridges an sucb sizes an onable tise dt lise work ec Cast cf conalru sz-vIsion." tUauf(egan Né~vr PRDICTED DEATI! WAUKE(iAN MEN ENTERTÀMWR INSIDE MONT§; IT ARE DRILLINfi TMY OR. MATRON PROVEDCORRECT EFFORT IS TO BE MADE TO OF EASTERN STAR John C. Kennedy Tells Clerk of RAISE $800 TO PURCHASE Speolal Meeting and Banquet Woodmen, I arn Paying My FOR HRE FR TE Held in Masonio Temple on LastAssesmnt ow. NEEDS OF MAJOR A. V. ThursdayEvening. - SMITH'S STAFF-HEAD- HE KNEW HE WAS TO DIE. QUARTERS DETAIL CON- 162 PEOPLE PRESENT. .Most Urwsual Premonition and SISTS 0F TWENTY PICKED State Officers Attend-De- Admission of Nearing End MEN FROM OLO BATTERY grees Are Confered-AII by Waukegan Man. FW EA. Enjoyed the Evening. Waukegan, Sept. 27. Because Battez-y C of Waukegan Waukegan, Sept. 28. Entrig oletlna ru ~ was mustered out recently there are At a speclal meeting of the Orderi on Sptember 13 John C. Kenne. i;m people who tbinkteloa or- of Eastern Star beld In bonor of the dy, soucd 62, a member of Lake ga nization la out. of existence. Sucb, Wozthy Grand Matz-on of the State ofi Cam Woden nd a ilk la iearned, li not the case, for the Illinois Thursday nigbt ln tbe Ma-1 Cap ollstein: d t Ct bi-hadîîuart,-radetal r Major A. V. soute temople degrees were confez-zed *'l ^ntto py m Woomensu- Smith la tili located bere. This con- uPon tbree candidates b>' offcers ol. omament." ~adsh,18'of about 20 men. Ail these men the local order. He pald td then sald: are nmembers of the aid battez-y here. Among th,? state offilcers cof the O. "Gond bye."1 They ail are picked niembers and E. S_ who attended the recelon and1 "Whereyou gong?" aked M . i,î -. ,.t-d out of ail the rest to go banquet were: j H:ltein. yonong"akd r i Major Smtjils staff when the bat. MRS. FELNIiA WEEGE, Wozthy1 '*Vmgolg todie Thi lathe ti-re a-imumterptd ont. The bead- Grand Matron cf the State.0 isat aaslaement V'il ever puy." iiuaricr.iditail consista of two offi- MRS. NELLIE C. KEENER, Grandi "Why, how la thar' asked Mr. c-rs, 'be major and the captain-adjut- Secretar>'. Holiftain in surprise. ant, aho ki, Jo Durkin. The 20 en- NIRS5. EMMA ADANIS. Grand Cou- "Wall, I'm ging ta die;: 'k be listed men are divided Int musicians, ducîresa. dead before the nesi asaesment i d mvl-.sout co'-torai,4, signai cor- .NlRS. OLIVE MULLER, Grand la due." lirai., pris aIes and agents. Esther.c (And ha wael) Th'e î.ld Armorv on Court), street MRS. ABBIE K('NZE, Grand EleL. But r. Hllutin, ith emie, l stili used and tbere la considerable tOrf slu t Mr. Kietedny:tî mie euipmnent therp. The United States ALBERT DAN'UELS, Grand Sec.- "Vou're fur troam belng a dead govenliment lias agreed ta furniali al linel.a Man intat, ou-e ookng re tb te needed forage wbicb includes ba% KATHERINE SWARTZ, Gran4 maIn ac, o'r ioknpety grain, etc., ta furisb seterinarian Warder.d But Kennedy, wth a fiz-m ex- aupplies, horse sboeîng anîd empioy M.RS. AMELIA }lt'EHL. Past Wor. presson onhi@ fce, sid; be heliiers ta laake zare of the borses tb>' Grand %Itati.a -The docter hue toid me thal i wan't live a month and i guesa hes right, for 1i tel »Il in; I'm »bout dons for." Mr. Molitein recelpted hie bock, Kennedy put il In hi& pock- et and waiked aiowty out of the store. That happened on the 131h of thîs month. Mr. Kennedy died Sunda>'. is premanition that he ,Wou ta dit proved correct; thse doctore diagnosia aaltowae mast accurate. Mr. Kennedy neyer lived to psy &nather month's Woadmen due$. ""r. Kennedys lests 100k place ai Io'clock Sunday aitIlls home, 6l1 llian sîz-cet. [)eath was attribîîted 1a complication of diseasea. lie til tieetî aling since sîîring but had stbýen ceniled t10 hie b ouse exj ept for the lst week. Hie was bcrn on thie ld Kennedy n leAniiocb. le 1983 ise movel, bDoon, Iowa, wisere be remaiiedl ~rabout 20 yeare, altez- wiicb bel lae 10 Waukegan and balt ived bere trcicalîs- eser since. le waa eti ged iiliste reai estate busines.. Tving an office In tise Higie>' buil Besides is wife be lestes two iIdz-en, Gordon, wbo la in the a.g- MIservice ziftishe United States an>' ~r Washington, and Misa Relit uénedy. He leaves also a UsIez-, SRobez-I Daîziel of Ingieside. and mbrother, W. D. Kennedy of Wauk- Puneral Tuesda>' mornieg aI 10:30 lcock at tise bouse. Rer. Walerbury ifthe Congregational cbuz-ch efliciat- pI.ntertnt at tise Hickory ceni- ITES lIER» TO PROVE KILi4N6i 'WAS NOT NEEDED Durand Says Contagion 'Sp read Where Caftte Were Slaughtered. Mira. Scott Duzanit. proprietor of th. b Tree dair>' tarai. ffida>' expres& a itesire tc, lake lanoe with thse ex. s of immediate slaughter cf Infected vils lise foot seldaiouth 'The disease la mid," elhe salit. liar In consequences 10 the meas- of chldren. Tise stock get avez- attacka andt sufer no fartber le- es..eNot ocee lerd bas heen Infect- froai ai ftrai durlng the 40 days t tise herd bas been under quarain- e, vbile lu the district veal of ai> e, wbere the slaughterlng ls Ie e tbe disease bas spread untIl berds bave been Wnecteit and it kW "y cale have ettirel>' recovereit, tisez-e are no Injurions atler et. . The. cous are aitdailk. âa weli as they e ver didY" lmnle dent 1les ama deciaration,- Attorney' Beaubien de. clared Ibis moz-nieg. "l'ai more tban pleased ibat he bas lIed il as I it cite mie a chance 10 sbow Ibis thlng up.' Tbe aiieged libelous statemuent waa made durIng the campaign last sPrng. Tbe deciaratice whiz-b z- views tbe Incident. la Pz-Inted in feul as follows. J. Pl. Bidioger, Plaietil', b> P, L. .tozgenson, bis attorney, complaina off A. P. Beaubien, defendant, of a Plea of trespasa on the case. For tbat, whereas, the plaintif. hbe- fore and aItbte tume cf tbe commit- ting by tbe defendant of tbe grievees and bereinafter mnentioned w»a a pe-. son of good repute, and z-redit and deserved>' enJoyed the confidence. es- lem and good opinion of div ers good fer lierloesaoetInstruction and dz-lt Srs. B. A. Munson, Woz-lhy Mfatron l'or Ihat. wbez-eas. tise plaintiff, cas Tihis la upen tise condition tisai thisaef îhe local order. presided aItishe on tise 271h day of Februar>', 19i5, iez-si s shahllie fuz-iisd. nt'-etiîig. tise dli elezted, qualled and acting At tise Prouiet dîne Major iSmithsla Eser cisalîtoz- in the celito f Laie mayor of said cit>' of Waukegan, and etîdasoiiig tu e scîre sîL;bacript ions tu sent representaiaîves le tise meeting being dcly elez-ied. acting and quali- th.,- aiouiit or $ýii i wiicisla lu be bold bore, le man>' instances offt- fied mayor of saId ci>' off Wautogan. ueil tn puzchaatng four bies. Mucti cers were sent. Kenosha. Racine. count>' of Lake and state of Ilinois, oentbîislasm lais eisg sisown and l ln Wiimeîte and Eianalon aiso sent del- for a poz-led et nearl>' four yeaz-s. esiieCede littie difficulil>' yul be en- egatea 10 lise meeting. Guesis vers priez- te the saîl date of Feisruarv .17, ceentez-el. prosent frem Banaisco, Wis, sel otis- 191-5. Major Smith la beal eftihreo bal- or Wisconsin cilles. Foz- tisaI. wereas. i10e Iciinîiff tories iii lie state and t la quite an' At 6:30 a banquet vas servel le sforesaid, J. F Bidongez-. cas on tise lienez- for Waukegan 10 base Major henor of tise geests. Plates foz- one 27îis day cf Februars-, A.D 1. 915, a Snittiis staff iocaied bere. Tise mot- hundrel and slat>' two were laid, candidate for z-eeoztion et mayer le liera of tise staff wiii attend alon- Special music cas fureiissel b>' a tise cil>' cf Waukegan, cocînt>' and state zamis ciiitiste major sel ciii per- quariet, and lira Dz. F. L, Gourle>' afozesail, and as su(ih a candidate fez-m tise man>'soz-vices, such as pt'esided aithtie ergan. cas making a camîcaign i.> attending sîrincin andl using lisefield tele- ,Tise banquet hall was mo,.t aEls- meetings. I ieh tii hesle loal votera phonos, becoming etficIent In wig- hz-al>' decorated In pink and visite, et said z-t>' coul cerne and attend vwaggînK or tise semapisere systez, 'sel tise hall was decoratel vils fez-ns, soldisear tise argumotnts for and aciin, as orderlies. 1 aimsand lcnt foyers. againat bis candidacy fer mayor. Pltls are biong belld Dur- Tise eetioz c-as citisout doubl on. Foz- tisa, wbereas, oit the sail 271h ng theolast mentis tueniez-niez-aorcf cf e mos ntonez-ainlng sol suce-sa- day cf Februar>', A. OD.ît 7 tise said h,- Iciail bave been wozkel ine'iu- fui cicr bell in Wsukegan. J.F. Bidinger, cutis varions other ahi bhard. Major Smiths wii not aI- candidates for tise arleus offices 10 titu i. lut it issaîl uhe zeauien fezor bc c rn ' le illel aithtie cernîng spz-ng elec- h is lna tisi.war with Mexico seemq C 3LJ S FFERS tien0 ,atlende a n.cMfetiin tise luiid- inîmnlent and tise local me oeul ho i ing knewn as Siias danc-e bail, lo- aîceig te irse It te ce catîciloeut in SUGHT TROg E;Ie calel on tise soutît sudi cf Tentis case et a criais. 4 fl street sel knoyn as 1; (catis stz-eet, ht ta imperatilsetisai oins member i h iyo ot hrgcut ofi tise detail sisoulisec pzoicient I U leERN W o aieadsaeafrsi.Ta horse hack iding anl for Ibis pur-______ai such meeting tbe safli plaittif sitb pose it i-i nocossaz->'tisat tise ozses cuisez- candidates vas gnoen tise time sisoul ho securel immediatel>'. Pa Voice and Right Armn Were Af- sel permission te speak, and set triotîz- Waukegan ctîzens are expect - fected--Hardening of Arter- tortis their canlidar>' heore lise vont- ed te corne te tise front and zaise tise jes Thought to Be Cause. ors present sol ai .aiî meeting tise necessary mnons>' - defendant A. F. Beatibien cas preseet -Waukegan, Sept. 27. sol altendel tieseanme. DID 'T AN GIL 1 C. J.l.Jut, 68 yeaz-s nid, resilizgaet Yet tise defeedant. coul kneving tise DIDN WA T ÛIL -5 Fist tree, hd a ligt stokepremises, but centrising and wickelly LEff By E; 'E on Satuz-dand olat lIrsI bis relatlvev sud malicicusi>' intending 10 Injure LE T B VIEwere smwhtwerzeî, but is con- tise pait zIn -i anidacy le lie diino udyadtoda>' le ffc frmao, ntise cil>'of Wau- mui improvel Ihat tise>' are aici kegan, aforessil, and to bzing ltt 'WANTED THE BOY m?,c. hopeftuI. tise public scandai. diazepule and lis- Thre weks go ýntn Srell's e- 'ie ae iclind t thnkandthegrace, hezetatore. te wiI: on tise 271b Tbeevekaug AeonSaelo' s-dector agrees vilius Dz-Itlapob- day cf Februar>', A. D. 191r, at thse nez-a disappearel from iebi home in abl>' a ligisI hsrlening efthle artezles hall of Malt Sianas aforesal, le a norîbere Indiana. Anten dldn't minI Ihat caused tiese troke, rather tisan certain discouraseIn visici thdis teend- ber leaing-le fact, ise vas glal cf tisaIt la I paralysie," Mz-a. Joal said anal thon and Ibere interruplel lise IL. But tise seoa .taak Iei el>'nl son Sunda>'. "Mr. Juat'a condition la se plaintif uI hie remaz-ka tison ait vii.b ber, andt lefItisheir sonorieta wit2n mucis Improvel lisat ve feel quite ze- tisez-eet concez-eing lie plaintif len hlm. Anton vas eut te the heart. HeIlievel." thlip eseneof divers persona, lise ennployed it rt> and vilage policemen! Tise stre'ue seemed to1 affect Mr-. and lier. le tise hearing cf tiose1 to assisia lm tle séseaz-ch for bis Jus Bspeech priecipal> sel at fit peronae, tale'sel ndmalcioual>' spoke1 vif, ait on Monda>' of Ibis veek on-' il vas liffienlfor hlm t10 articulate ait publiaseji etand coecereing the gagel an Itallan dietective. len an Inelligible mannez-. He la na plaintiff, lie faise, scandalous, ma-4 LaIe Wednesita>' aigh tlie bee- mueS better nov, isovevez-, Ihaltishe licloos and lofamator>' verds follov-1 Ive locatel Mrs. Sarello le Waukegan. mombers of bis famBl> are able te un- Ing, tisaI la la sa>': Tise plaintiff dur-i Sse vras living vitis another Italian on'lez-stand hlm. Hl@ rigist az-m casoas lng hils alk -asa Interrupted b>' lie Market streel. Mzs. Barello's ceai. affectel bol he In alovl> ' uegalnng lefeelant, vho Jetopel tobie fe panion iisappeareit froWthlie Market uneocf IL Ho la ,able to e hoazound ait. Ip sumandi substance said: "Telli street resileace befor. a warrant for the bouseald Mrs. Joît thlnks ho uill lise audience vhyis>'ilas tisaI you pur, bis azret coulit le pracureit. b1 iseif vithin s feu laya. cbaeed an automobile ambulance for «Oh, 1 tak lez- back vils aie. I He diIInet feel Juat rigit uhon ho $3,200 visen you coull isave hougit1 vanta 1h' kide," sait Anîr lie ieo- gel up Satorla>' morang. butl liauglit joae cansiderablo cisesper, aidtll i lIce. «Me divorce ber. Site bait. lie'ho vas able la valk avez- love. His thom vis>' It vas about tise samd time à rue ava>' aed take m ai> b">. Siso condition gr.v varso the fartiez- le Ihlsacutomobile ambulance appecreit1 he a ae te girl butne v ant th'gil; ent. He stoppei t atheboGazete of- an tlese treet, yoo appearel vilS a1 ah. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fc ctoaeiigilbt sa b c.b50ishie son-l-lau, Jamnes Woaod- nev Chesterfield Six madeb>' thse1 boy." man. The latter, pez-eilg hise ta- sane campas>' tram vham yen pur-4 Mrs. Sàrello compledIthlsbez- bus-!liiez--l-law vas III, bal iim taken cliasithtie automobile ambulance," la band's demanda ait vent back with 1 home le an automobile. A pisysiclan wiecl remarks cf lieitfendant, lie hlm te Indians. lusa ealed ltmiatelly. At lia âie platIf aditressel lie detenitent la "W'lfighttllb out le tise courts. 1Ibsam. JusI beeuno10I thli t lb vam au ndtsubstance: "I am ud l t vant theo boy; nose boa ho e e'll lt1 necesear>' for hlm la go to lied.Hlia peaklsg la plaie language, Aleek, lte courts decil.. 1I volit l d relatives se>' he ove--.erted lilamelt al bg titis aueneoandubmuslf te gel bath chliren," salt lhe vife.1 and blnk thîs osuseit hi, cordltlou. t-a yon u1eý.ab>' thtia- etate6*t Thét case vas calijedtothle attention ! For mas> yem r s. bat, b« been To wh=", t4ý44 dntaVý« of tise local cutioribles anti biey cou- 1 engag h rdeo-evuto Let ittho lifr w OWà J sepiedto ettheIndaggatthot4e ,makea'. Hlm place of business la on, houa," The pàainUf len asked the. take charge oethtie prosecution. t Water stroot. e1d uat ltth lovlnsquestilos, b among the citizena of tbe cil>' et Waukegan, and was ln the measure respýonaibie for bis defeat as a can- didate fürr z-eleecticn of mayor ln tbe cii>' of Waukegan. 10 tbe plaintifs damage ln tlese ut of $5,000, and tberefore he bringe suit. SMASHIES IN DOOR; FINDS HIS MOTIIER DEAD IN lIER BED Mrs. Martha Johnson Dies Suddenîy in Her One-Roomn Abode on West Side. Waukegan. Sept. 27. Sîrs Mlarliîa Jobonson, aged 76 years, %%as found dead ini bed bv ber son Hierman ai 10 oz-toz-istisis morîîing. As- was bis zcutom, lerman went te and Meirose avenue ut 10 ociock and wben he rpezelved ne response te bis repeated knoozkinga, upon tise door b.- .«nla"ied titroucis an oaken panel in tise door snl tiiere' stz-etclîed oct in bel as if asleep. lie found ltus moîber --dead, Atparenil> tise aged womfan liai been dead for ses eral heurs. tr. Jeoson linînediatois calel in vit- nesses and tison -unimonol Deputy Coroner Elward Conrad. -ira. Johînson liad been a resident oif Ilinois- fer tise pat 50 leursBishe bal liscd in Waukogan 1-1 voars, Mci Jolînson IlotO title te a large tract of landi n ttîe siclîjttsof Illit- rick st1roi-t and Meree as enue aîîd il bad isein lier Intention toe (z-ct a hoinete pon Oii'.Oeflber lots tiiere tis Fali ln tise iiiaii:ime sise iived In a tonipecary honeu elier son called oucli nîorning te ifliuire a,, tebier tIeitlî andlo 10 otitiilChres about tise bonse lii ca- i vtli lasniotlier Sunt das anîidi iii diîîc iohi-i statements to a plis siciaii ie found bi- moiber In tise hec-i of beaitti. It isid ItisaI Nîrs. ltin on-. doatis vas caesed by nateral cauises An iliiiuo,.îoser thie romains will be lielîl ai tise Cenrad & Wetzel lin- deztaking Pazlors ai 7 ozlock tilss evenlng. Coroner J. IL. Taylor of Llb- ertys 111e c illpresido St tise Inquest. TIIREF YEAR OLD 6IRL STRUCK AND JNJURD BY A CAR Waukegan, Sept. 23. Virginia, tie tisreo-yesr-old daugistor of Mr-. sol Mna. A. Tabonglan cf 119 South avenue, vas struck b>' s norz-s bouel car on tise Chicago & Milvau- kee electrlc tracks aitishe Souths ave- nue crossing aI 6:15 Tisorsa>' nigist, Ie compane>' vîtis Iotetor chhl- dz-en tise lithoe girl vas playing le tise street, sel aecordlng 10 one or tva vîteesses, racel rigist le front efthle car. Theo molorman appliel tise omer- gene>' brakes, anit souelel s az-aning, but tise child vas toc dazel 10 race eut cf langer. Tise chilI vas etruck sel 1hzove fu>' dfv.est, When Dr. P. C. KelgisI, tise ceaipan> pisysîcian. maite an examination aItishe Jane Mc- Aliatar isospital, wbere tise chilI vas bakien,,il vas tounait th le muscles ln tise cal? of tise rlgist bog hait bee babi>' tare. Itlausnat belevel that tise chilI suffrel Internat inJuries, ai- liangis lime alone vili tel]. Mr. Tahongia ls mploYel as a vire Irayer b>' lie Amez-luà taeel00 & Wlre Company'. Witnesaes dlaim tisaItishe motorman 414 ail le bstepavwer la avol the sc. cient, sel lentel saibandt vien lise. chlld vaq)piekoit up andt taken te lie Jane MeAlister licspltal. - iadp@Umeu ada-ruitb>' 3.000. SCOTT ACCEPTS $150 FROM WEYER; Young Colored Man Arrested by the Police at 10 O'Clock Wednesday Night. Waukecan, Sept. 23. flsz-y E. H-ayes, coioe-e', as ar- rstol lae Wenesay n igst ce coni- Plaint cf lIra Matilda Rtobinson, a Kennard sîreel nosideni vise z-arges tise celoe-e saiesman wltis bavleg coh- tlbel inene>'unIon taIse pretenses. Bue z-arges tiasaaise vas 0ne of four or more celoe-el omon wise paît IHayes suis saz-ylng tram $5 10 $19 for dz-oas geols visici sera neser leliverel. Hayes' case was continîîed ten laya penling an Investigation. When ln- toz-iewel b>' a Sun reporter le a celI ai. tise polico station, Hayes saId 'I vas acting as a salesman for lise Ileal Clothing Compan>', sol as sucis rep- resentatîve I salI Mrs. Rlobinson sel otisers Iz-ess gooda. Sirs. Roblesoi pail me $5, sel contraclel te psy me $9 vison tise gonda vere deliverel. She neYer paîthtie balance sel the goods vore not deliveroit. What col I do? I bal ber $5, or ralisor t tuzno tise $5 over te lise fira visicis I repreben tel, seldlise>' ze- fuaed la mhip tbe dress gonda unlil she bal fulfilleit ber contract ael pail tise balance due." Itla sexpeclol tisat tis eucae yl lie settiel ouI of court, aithougis a tee-day cantinoance vasasakol b>' lie ceaiplaleai. Hayes bas livedlnl Waukegan about a year, but cilams Inianaepolis, led., as bis home. Tise warrant for bis air-- rosI vas maIe out early Webenesbay aiorning, but vss not sez-vel until laie ie tise evemng, as It vas disco,- cre1 tisaI Hayes vas le Keneeha playing a matchs gameofet dleckers vili anotiser negro. Ho lest lise gameof etciszkers, ait vas azretel visen ho retorneit home. Ho lasaie- gle, sel baslilveit Ch Mar-ket street. A. C. & 1I. olecîz-le car struck s Ford touz-leg car aI Glencoe Suela>' morning about 85 e'clack, Tise car vas baIl>' saasàneb sel some of tise occupants vere hprt but noms vere killel. Tise part>' came froto WiI- mette. tndePoudont resiter? BIC ONE. c t1 t WOULD INDICT MEN WHIO REFUSE "-i F. BAIRSTOW ýMarble and Gé'aite Monumeis Cemetery Work of JEvMe Desciption Correspondence 5ollclted 16GeaeseeSt a I%~bINjEi Vr~.c ord. and ellect: Do yu men t. Infer that 1 received Ibis Cheterfeld DE ÀR M S IN Six car yu sPeak f through he pur- bI%~L i.A'rtJNSchaae Of the automnobile ambulance, or le other words received It through SE graft?" He replied In sunm and sub- RIS5 DAM(E C se tan1ce.- "Let the crowd be the .ludge." The PIaintiff then sald In SUING ATTY. A. F. BEAU- sumi and substance: "No, you muet Uffaswer that question by yes no," BIEN FOR $5,000, CHflflU- and the defendant then answered sa>' ING ALLEGED LIBELOUS Ing ln word. to the effeet: 'Yea, I REMARK HURT HIM-RE- think you did." And afterpard. to-wll. on or about SPONSIBLE FOR DEFEAT? th" dzst day .)f Maro'b, A. D. îýI5. and -HE SAYS IT WAS, IN A divers dates rliereafter, Tbe Wsîikc- MEASURE--BEAUBIEN EX- gan Dal>' Sun and the Waukegan PRESSED SATISFACTION DalI>' Gazette, publie, secular 'iewspa- OVER THESITUATION. Pers of 9:el' cir'ulation In tie c;-; That an alI.ged llbeloutStBatement said, ccnlained ln detail and at made by Attorney A. F. Beaubien iengtb the stalement made b>' defend- Wae In a measure responsible for hl$ ant, casting Insinuations, refleztion. dsteat for mayaz- nt the racent muni. and inuendoes. and ibat said papers cipal priarlea, and that thse aiieged were largel>' read b>' the sciera of Mtaternent h»a brought hlm Into pub. the City'of Waukegan, ln whicb ibe>' Ili sandai and diegiace, are state read the statement, faisel>' and mia- mente made by Former Mayor J.. ~ liclousi>' spoken of, and coecerning SidîngarI. n thse declaratian of hie the plaintiff, ane b>' means cf the $5,OOO damage suit flied fate Friday cOmmitting cf snid grievances b>' the fternoon against thse weil kniown defendant, the plaintiff bas been sud A'aukegan attorney. Mr. Bidînger le Is greati>' iejured in hie good namne, rpresented by Attorney' P. L. Jor. credit, reputation and standing ln tbe lenson. communit>' and bas been brought entc "I was afraid he woudnt file thse Public scandai and disgrace with and Settlement Is Made in Aliena- tion of Affections Affair on LastSaturday. Wau.kea. sept. 2-, The reai reason wby tbe suit al Webster Scott againat lHenz-y Weyer, West Side groce-, waa not gene ahead wltb In circuit court atter Scottfiled bis action for $10.,000 dam- ages for aileged alienaîlon of bis wife's affections la because "Veyer paid sometbing Ilke $150 ta bave 11w case dz-opped. Settiement was made Saîurday, As- sIstant ('bief of Police Tyrreli belng one of lise "Pienlpatentiaries who aided In "fixing tInga np." Scott. it is recaiied, aued Weyer sOmetîme aga for $10,000 damages, cbaz-glng tbat Weyer bad alienaîrd bis wife's affections. Il bais been known for some lime tbat an effort was being made by Scott ta settie tbe case ont of court and as friday waq tbe last day on wbiz-iîtbe deciaratioi Of farta could be flied for tbe Octu> ber lez-to f court and as none waa liled. It was generaliy feit ibat a set- tlement bad been effez-ted. ht 00W cernes out tbat Scott wîs witiing ta setîle tbe case for about one-seventy-liftb of tbe ameunt sued for and the report is tbat Weyer fig- az-ed tbat it would z-est bito more bhan tbat te bîre lawyers and figbî the case, tberefere bec'"came across- for- tbe said amount. And ta show tbat be was satisfie s'ltb tbe disposition of tbe case, Scott, It ls stated. slgned a stipulation or agreement net ta renew an>' prosecu tion of Weyer along ibislIIne, le efb- er words. tbat, the payment ef tise 110ended tise case sa far as be was concerned. Sa Ibat la thse reason ne declaz-ation ras flied-tise case isad beti ed nil and tinancial setilement made, wblcb satisfied aIllparties. One of tise daims made ai tise tlm? the case was filed but wici nevr was niade len court because ne detals ail ever been filed, was that Weyer had kissed Mz-s. Scott, tbat Mz-s. Scott .dznlîîed tbe fact ta ber bcsband, etc. Weyer aiwa> s stoutly denled tise fact and does even stili. but inslsts be5. rathe- make tise setîlement tban su)s- Mit ta tbe notoriety tbat would fol- losunez- a case in court. CIARGED WITJJ OBTAININ4i MONEY Chicago Detectives in Wauke- gan Searching for 'Fence' for Auto Thieves. FIND 4 AUTOMOBILES HERE. Two Have Been Recovered and Two More WîiI Be Seuzed by Police This Afternoon. Tbe American Automobile Prote-- live Association bas sent three dete- l ives 10 Waukegan to see< out tise fence" for the automobile thieves Wbo bave been dispesing cf tiseiz- bot ie Lake count>'. 0 Tbe tbree detecîlves arrived le Waukegan sbo-tI> before 10 o'ciock: rSaturda>' morning and by Il tise>'bad Identliied two Ford cars as autos stol- en froni Chicago residents tisis suin- mer. t "Te 'fence' ls the man we are aft- er. Wben we gel our bands on hlm it wi]l be an easy matter to land the thieves,' said one cf tbe detectIve. The tbz-ee detectives now le Wauke gan wez-e thse mec Who seized the six cars at Grayalake on Monda>'. "Ailtithe Information we coul get f rom Grayslake resîdents was that Ibe>' bad met tise tisieves on thse gra- vel road and given theto $75 for tise cars,' said cecf the detectives. Four stolen cars have beee locateit le Waukegan, and tise detectives say tisat tbey expect 10 locate at lest 10 More. One of the detectives Intimatel that lise>' proposed to go before the state's attorney' of Cook ceont>' and ask: ln- dictments againat men found with stolen cars le thelr possession wha refuse 10 divulge tb. name of the man froni whom the>' purchased thse cars. The detez-tives believe tisaI tbe mois Who have le tiseir possession cars wiih were tolen In Cicago are sisielding the thievea, and tise>' pro Pose te ask Indictiments ueless the names of tise persons fronwbom the cars were iîurchased are revealed. IIARRY P. WARNER DROPS DEAO WIME IWALKINO TO TRAIN Telegram Tells of Death in Los Angeles of ForMer Wauke- gan Resident. 'Word bas been received le Wauke- gan of tbe sudden deatis at Dos An- geles a few daya ago of Harry P. Warner, 52 yeara old, a former well knewn resîdent of Wau.kegae. Mr. W;%arner dropped dead of iseart disese while walklng along the atreet. Thse Warner familly formerly resid- ed In lise old Dodge place on Marou street, near wbere Mrs. Fanele Gra- die now reaides. 'tr. Waerner 1.11 bore about 20 years ago and bodt re- sided In Califoz-ela nearl>' ever aine. For some lime be had been a trav- eling saiesman for tise Standard Woodenware Company', located on Spring street, Los Angeles. Tiss compan>' la owned b>' Dod Wtber, a brother-in-law cf the deceaae&t The message of bis sudden death was received le the fez-m of a telegrani b> Miss Jessie A. Hueter, 318 Oak street. Mise Hunter lis an nid frIend cf the Waerner tatou>' and as a cbild played with Mr. Warner. At the limesof bie sudden death Mr. Waerner was hurrying: 10 catch à train preparator>' to leaving on one of bis trips. lHe hdbai uttl isl wife gool bye as seh al walked part way to the train with hlm. this being " custoai cf hors. 5h. drappet dead " tew minutes inter. DurIng the, thmo the Warner tom- Il>' residet la WaukeZan the>' woe mne of lb.eioet praminent familles. rhey were staunch members of the. FIrat Preshyterian chuics. flesidea iei uit, Mr. Warner leaves two sons, George and Harr>'. The. notice of hie death came as a shock to hb ise>aiod' frienda here, vii. isad neYez- known liaI bis hoalth vas e 8 d b a tg ti a a Il 01 T F ti ni tc bi Pl

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