LAKE COu.NTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WFEKLY SUN VOL. XXIII.-NO. 3. TWEbVE PAGES LIBERIYVILLE, LAIR COUNTY, ILL., FlitiJAýY, OCTOBER 8, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT el 50 PER YEÂR IN ÂDVANOh. North Chics&- gtreéter. 24, Wtlmette. nii. ha Forsnt III. Chicago, a"t a4, Mibwaom, e>', 24, Higis- Buffalo, N. Y., [lgivoed, IIl,, Mame. Chicago, sud 4 Wau'iegan. Lave, Ill., eund srne. 29, Citue,{ xtagtoe, Jwt 28, Chlicame 20, sme Attelas> bttiement il Lake. as. Il, dçat-assit. (>11e of lbe beirà dt.-easd: lie urderbignr.d, atc of Rtuth 8. )f Monta>' tise D 1917', ai lise le t'ou rt H ousa 1Lake t.îuuty", niab!e Pairry L. raint hi.# final gch -nese"rvateo @ait aid clom, andu eniervalor. at t on "v vso r. NOTICE. i ieres> gîven ar>' T. Keyr of st yul sod err, decesset. Court cf Lakte ot toe h oit-c luI Waukegan, ' first Mionda>' etf> risen and visers mea agatuat sait id requesled te said Court for T. KESR. WIII eut Teis.., r, Deceased. September , rDECKER, tate. i>'ffept24-Oct.1.8 NOTICE. s iseres> givan tixecutor et tise - amant ot Jôhu,. 'ilI attend the ýe Caunt>', et a1 dan et tise Court.ý lu sait Couuty. December nexi, are ail persoa saIt estate ah , i te preafent the 1 ion adjudication.~ Slxecutor. tor. Saptember 2, kIySept.240ct..-#S a NOTICE. aIron hat the sus,ý thse gstste ci Luer attandà the Cit>'ý a termthero Z o9 ofds n Noveuibet- efI mlioos bavia asre notifia d n- a e ta id Court fQoC WB. Aduiistrator.. er 1;. 1915. c-Sept. 17-N4Oct. I tise immortal ad une trulsth s Lee,, tisn ar at mal tepeuts silipa BO*lta TWO 0F DURAND IU3RD f113, VICTIMS O F CA1TLE PLAEUE While Officiais Explain How Cases Have Been Handled, Owner Blames Them. OETAILS GIVEN BY DOCTOR. ?Van Who Has Had Charge of the Durand Place Makes a DetailedStatemient. Two of the covi an Mi&, Durendas tarin, vblch the owuer decisred in a statemeut Tuesda>' as getting along fine and entirai>' free of the heof and moutb diseas, dled on Wednesday night of ter many days of ufferlug. although the>' ves under thé Son. aieant care of doctors. L. H. Krueger and Jas. Hughes. who. according tu pliblished reports. claimed to b. able ta cure the berd of téss disesse. Tihe tva covi whicls died Wednes- 4ay elght, one at 9 o'ciock and thse other at midight, ver. tva of thse finet In ber herd, and vere n0oslck for a utimber of days as to be abea- luteiy beiplens. according to the state- ment given this paper b>' Dr. J. A. Stoeckinger, bead state Inspectai. visa bas made assular vi"itoth ie Du- rand farm. He statea tisat he warned lirs. Duread severai days &go that the cown veau lu e precarlaus onadi- tion and uaeid die somn and Mis. Durand muet have knowu that the cava vere very &sieksfer the mw them practically ever>' day. In making a sitament ta tiis pa- par, Dr. Sto.cktngar mes: Tvo of Mir. Durand'a cove diad Weduaaday nigist. due to complicans of hoof and mouth disete. Ona of the cava vu ver>' thin and ver>'liti.and isad beau on the deeline for titreeaveaks. Thoer. ers ibu» sors. la the atis wbli" la time bâd besisdi but ltter becâmin ascte&. The sors. isoe tha digmes ers ver>'extensive. and owlng ta tise savais Valn thseaia vas iylng an ber aide conttinnoui>. Bath cava could not stand and there voe extensive bad sors.. vblch &IBO hocmme tlected. The pont mortem appearences of oeeof the covs were given b>' Dr. Stoacinger sasfoflava: "The linlng mucous membrane of the trechea, and branchiail tubes vas a darli green coler. The longs vere hesvy and ver>' back and extremel>' degeuerated, showing a tendency tu- verds bacomlng gangeroun. The liv- er vas ver>' soft tand pliable. Bath kldneys vera ver>' blackt and could be squeezed readil>' ta a pulp. Thse spleen, on cuttlng through thse cov. ertng, shoved the contents bad es- caped aud aise sisowad It to be of a tarry pulpy conslstency. Tise mu,- culai tissue throughout the body showed degeneretive changes sud deatis was due te complications of foot and mouth dIsease. itadlatiu.g trom the bed soes underneatb the skln sud muscles wera foimt-enor- mous quantit les of foul-smelllug puss. "The second cow vas aquatly as sick as the other, sîthougi tise post mortem appearances vere not as great. The boues of the feat on bath cowa vera necrotic and could be read. h>' picked oif and bad a ver>' tout odar,.? Dr. Stoeckieger reported that tera are severel more cava on the farm wbiciâ' have tiseir hoofs isandageit, some of tbem balng le bail condi- tion. He stated that he vould have two more deput>' sheriffs guarding the farin, and tbe quarautine vould be more rigidi>' euforced. Dr. Stoeck- luger ln the man who had charge of the bord of cattle et the National Di' Show test vinter for the state, and bas kept close vatcb of the Du- rand cattle trom the very begtnnlng of tbe quarautine. Tise veterinailan further sas thot there are 30 boofs that are bandaged nov and tisâtlise expacts a mn> more deatbs in the bard. "If you write enytblug about lt," Mrs. Durand said ever thse taiephone. "pleaae se>' t vas due te thse crim- tuai caeaessues of the state authori- ties, vbo vouldn't permit a votert- nanlan te come out to my place for tva or tbree veeks. Dr Josephs Hughes has been iooking efter my hord since Saturde>', and the>' vould ail be saved If the authorities badnt beau so stup4d." SFo a tar devapmonisin this mater ses page eight. Secretary of States Grants In- corporation Papers to New WaukeganIndustry. Waukegan, Oct. 2. Thse Waukegan Terminai Compan>', capiltal $100000, vas lecorporated to- day at Springfield wvus thase men as lncorporators: Cari E. Sayler. A. F'. fteaublen and Benjamin Parmalee. Mr. Sa> er stated today tisat wiiiie the papers provide for $100,00 capital r.ow, tihe plans are ta maie il e $200.- 000 coicern immadiatel>' alter thse charter la secuned, after visicis stocks wilii be soid. TIi "Waukegau Terminal Corn- pany" I ýthe nev concaru vichispano developing the aid sugar refiuery property long in"a vhlci have beau detaied ln these coiumus. "Thîngs are coming aiong fine. They ceuidnt ha bettar. Tt loks great for us," sIt Mn. Seyier vheu astet' about the compen>' hing dul>' mccc" porFted. SEEK TO DISMIS NANDAMUS ACTION VS. REMI3WBOARD Attorneys Claim Defendants Were Not Members of Board When Suit Was Started. Attoney' C. W. Dîver. repreontiug WUiliam Matisen Lavis and W. IL Whiste, tva members of tise Laoinee- t>' board et reviev ibis Yeu,, and At- tarne>' W. F. Weias, neprosenttng Heu- ry' Xger, cisairmena of tise board of su- pen-isors ant ciairman of tue boart af reviev. steredthte special appear- suce ofthteir clients lu circuit court Tusoa>' for thé purpoeeetofmev- Iug ta dismisestue mandamus pei- tien tirecletl against the ibrea for- mer board et revlev mambers. Thismlistion vwu tak.en, aecordiug to staternalmateetantisé appearmace. an tise grount that nituer Uger. Lav- la nar WbIte are ummbers of tue board of rsvtev uav, baving cem- pisted their vor ndt iledthtr re- port, mut funtisermore tuat the>' vers net membera of tue board et tise ttiue is mndamus suit vas startet. Fer Met reason Atorneys ier snd Weiss contant their clients Lire net subject te tise remet>' sougis le tise mandamus proeedlinga. Tise mandarnus petition vas filet b>' Attorney' aMrtin Decker on behait ofthUe tovu ot Warren, vise see'( te maudamus the board et revlav ta reatise assesament ot tua Richard W. Sean asiate. Tisa petîtion set forth that tise amount et taxes an tise Sears sate as fixe b>' tise boardi vas net le accordance vith tise tacts. Attorney' Dcker ma>' amant bis orig- inal petitIon If ha sceleects isefore tise arguments are board b>' court. WATER AT TIIE LAKES WAS NOT SO DIlin IN MunYYRS. Piers- Washed Away on Fox Lake and Fox River for First 2 ÀPPOINTMENTS 0F IMPORTANCE ARE MADE BY CIRCUIT CT. New Master in Chancery and a New Probation Off icer Are Named on Wednesday. MACGUFFIN AND WEISS. Former Named as Master in Chancery, Latter for Proba- tion Off icer, Circuit Ct. Judge Edwards on Tuesday mate 'v motantapitet tiens connected viti tise circuit court end a Libertyvilie man, Attorney Paul "MacOeuffin. vwas "houored 'b>'be- lng giveu tue mont lucrativee oftise palIr, Ie tact, ha bas beeu preaented vith a position et respenstbillty and remuneration visich is second ta noue In Use caunt>' but Use circuit ludge. ship. The appelinments vare tisese: MASTER IN C14ANCERY-Attar. ne>' Paul MacCufin of Libertyviiie, vice Edwaid J. Heydecker of Wsuke- gan. PROBATION OFFICIER - Attorney' Wlidism F. Weslss et Wsukegan, vice Attorney' Eism Clarkce of Wauk.gan. The master In cisancar>' job la the big oe et tisa disposition ofthtie cir- cuit jutges. Iu Lake count>'tue job pays lu feesau yvhare tram $4000 np. It ta aaid Usai It viii average about $5.000 a ypar. At oua tima visan tisera vas extensive litigation a f ev years mga, it la said it rau up ta $10.000. Mr. Meydécker ban ielt the pool. tien for three or tour yemra. havlng succeated Eiam Carke, vise vms mas- ter for several pearsamnd vho vwu precedad b>' Charles Witnay, vis later becasue judgeandut hom Jutge Bavarda succeadet. tirst b>' appoint- meut anut ibu b>' lection. Tise probsation oMfcer Job pays $800 antd tue smar>' come; trou lise boar of supervisons. At thse recent ses- sion bfr. Clarkte, vise basieldthtie position 'a couple cf years, aPPearefi isatore tua board sud gave a ravie* of visat hisoffceoshad doue in tise probation van viseraupan tue bort fixed tise salar> ton thse camiugYeasr the same as liat >'aer, $800. Whiia Mn. lMecElufin matutaInsanm office in Libentyvilleansd restes hane, it la tait tisat ha likaI>' vIi open se office lu Waukegan lu enter te 'bebaud>' ton tise vontvisici s a master te cisaucar>' vil devoive uts- on hlm. it la reported tisat ise viii stili maietalu bise Libertyvilie. office and ru>' eltiser bave su associata lu Waukegan or lu LltbertyvilUe. Party 'Driving Like Lightning' Has Narrow Escape Just South of bon City. A Dodge auto. ewned and drtven by John Soda, a sialoonkeeper luit south of tise Genese street bridge, dasised ton tise ravine near Hiram k'errys place on Sheridan road. nontis ot Waukegan. Wednesday nlgbt, and bat net a strang pont caughtIs I h, would bave gene ever m tis te creek. some 20 feet beiov tise road. lu the car, it las tated. wera Potsa sud tisea guesis: Edward Oaks, Ethel Lutter, James Itosslter, jane- phine Hansen ant Mamie Dove. Oue etftisa girls Beys: "Tise>'vera drlviug like iigbteiug wban tise car seemed to dasis for tise creet ou tise veat sideansd tisen et a sutten it sverved te tise east eut bit tise pont viicis saved us trom golng ever tise brnirkIl Tise car vas damaget on tise tender aud thesazslé. . ALLEUD» MER* FR TAK3N BY ClICA- Co POLICE MONAY Abert Coleman, Charged With KiIing Railroad Watchman at Rondlout, Is Taken. Albesrt Coleman, 37 >earis eld, vas annsted Manda>' in Chicaga b>' Ber, geant Wilim Cales and Detéctiveo O'Neil and McDansdin luconuéction vitis the urdUac Thomas Morrison, e special looceuffl employe b>' tise Chicago. Mliw* & St. Pau]rail.- rond t et Souat.Ma>' 36. Marisan vas abat andkituet b>' four men isa bat enteredthtie sta- tion ai Sondont sarlier un tise eveulng anud batieen ordenet eut b>' the agent. Threa men ara nov undar arreat, cisarget vitit merder; tva of tisea isevtng beau tadicted. Tise tbree me« haittonolte crime am - JENE GILAHAMI, as 40 Yeusau> restedtwtvamoutits &go, iseld lu Lake OO0nut>' jeu. IrAMEP CUSSIN, age 31 yaars. ar- restet vitis Grahame. Tsese nmen admîttefi haîng mambar of tise gang thisabt antditiled Mon- rison, aeut Ue>' vers turuet aven 'a the Lakte cont>' authorities, and vere Inticte b>' tise grand Jury ai lis last slttlng. Coleman elso admItz balug a member cf tise gang. Me la te bae brought ta Wau'iegan taa>, and vîll be lodged inam ceil et tha Lake cont>' jai. Marneaon met deatis at 2 octock Use mrnuing et Ma>' 20. i body'iv. fount b>' employas oethUe compan>', Tisa appolntrnent ot Mn. MacQluffln eutIl vas foundt tiat ha bat beau viii pleasa bis man>' friands iu Llb- siset b>' bIs owu revolver. il la gan- ertyvilia and other Lake cQenty erali>' bailavadt tat tha tispea or tour points visera ha la vaîl and populariv mon attacited hlm from tise rear sud kuovu. Tisat ho vîli fil tise Position taled hlm te tisa greunt vitis a blow vIts cradît te hismseit eut tecourts ovar tise bead. Tisan.Ilii labeltavet, vici carnet hil a a toragoue con- tisa>'teoit bIs gon trou hlm sudi.tlet clusion. Iu succeediug V. J. He>' hlmt. tecier, ha flleva a macnvise bas Tise three men charget viti tise provet a meat capable eut satistac- merder made geedthUeir escape, aut ton>' man in tise Important place. tisan vaut Iluiding lu Chicago.,visera Tise master in cisaucer>' position lsail tisraa vare arresiet. Chicago de- eue whitci is le a va>' a sui-court et tacîlives ara stili seancbtag ton tise tise circulit court in tisat iseaninga are j tourtis mambar oethtie gang, and It la hý1l hfnA hm ââ is . ul. ir. are. - e»eved *h4 his. hrea.k... 1» lime Since 1883. (fld befvUore hiul nd LSrU nâ r elv..a i nrebuewn passait ou late b>' tise circuit court. relatedto tehie datectives b>' bIs reta- "Mot since 1883 has Fox laite eut Tise office wvu createt as s meansof etliva Coleman, vise vas ennestat yes- Fox river been se ita; net sînce saving Use circuit court mucis détailtarda>'. tuen cen 1 reall visen Usa vater vas-vonk, especlali>' ln mattens et estatas. Wisatisan or net tise merder cases no bigis tistai ament avarytiig bas Tise probation officer ls a ratiser vilI ba caliet tor trial et tisis Sitting beau lnunuatet." nev Jeb ln Lake count>'. bsvtag been o f tise circuit court in not inovu, but Tise aboya ramant tram Et Howard, lu exstence but a fav >eers. Tise It ta generail>' believéi tisai State's ovuer et tise Minecla isotliet Fer probation officen ta tue mrnute vbo Ateorne>' Dat>' vhli asi s continuance Laite shows tua condition ln the laite tise circuit judge, lu case a prIsoner penting tise arreat et tise fourtu man rsgten igist nov. ,appeara before im ton tisa firat time, viselas ikewaisa charget vitis merder. Mr. Howard' continues: "Tisera me>' parole tue defautant. Tise plan Indîcîments againsttofur men vere re- lsn't a pien leti standing on Fox laietesl for tisa clan te be given te eunter- lurnet b>'tise grand jurars. or Fox river. Tise bîgis vater bas stand Uset, If givan bts liberty', hé t la tisa belief ofthtie local autheni- vasisedthtism&Il .ava>'. Lasi weeit muet maie sciseduiet reporet thie tics tisatishe men viso %hot eut iulet Sundsy 1. triai taoit ed molorboat probation olicen iu order Ihat a cieck Monnlson dit se tiaiing tis&itiseir réce, havtng put up Rome goot prîtes. oea>' ba '(pt on bis actious. Iu case vhctn vas Charles Mayers, tis eval Tise vaien vas seoisigistisai ve bat ho strays tram tisaigist pals. the ef- tuovu sud teariess EL, J. & E. de- te abandon tise cont et I1dont ficen bteas a igbt ta place iim ln lait tectiva, vise iat mucis ta ta vils rtt- '(nov visan il cen be hai.' sud tisa court then rnsy fix a penalty. ding tise St. Paul freigisi yards at "Tise vater has Inundatet ail 1ev- It at tisaeuetofa specifiet tUme tise Iondout oet tsevesasndut tuga. Ma>'- landsansu even soeaoftisaeiigist man bas beafenudto ta b ail rigist, are bas been attaciedtwiice, once pointa are enter vaien. Man>' of tise tise probation odficer matres bis ne. sicce tua merder et Mornisen, bsut ba tlants about ibe laite h#ve bien cov- lport ta tise court eudthte chanes ate till cectînees iis labols as If colis- 'eret and lninosearases oue cen drive lise gees free:- Ing bat heppenat. e bsoat aven vint betor. vas a arnali Tise ceuni>' court le bas e proba- ceci et lant or an Island." I thon edfican, but aise bas uotuiug te doi Three Laite Forest collage studants Witu reference ta, a star>, tll- viti tise circuit court vont. The vare arneted for ticket scalpiug dur- tie rgiof tthe learuconintise con-hepes:nt cont>'court 'prabstion a- Ing Use NorthvweslenLae Forest lake rcgfocen Misse eary Paimeacon-n.otbiall gama Saturde'. Tisa>' van tition vas causetb>' tise breaklng ofcri inMr amte.fluet $1 andutetab>' Police Magie- e large dam lu Wisconsin. The vatar traie Boyer. Tise>' ine Ernest Gri- lu tue laie regieh n lulie ceuni>' la Dail>'Thoutm liait te ba rilg tul>' tvo incisesà- rva smini; for fi.rcauu. fiis, 17 years old; Fera>' Oie, 1id te>'. Sôme etftisa roads are 'unter n"tu eerroras' autait »mutirutis dis years aId. sud George Auneron,17 vater. 1.eourt.y.-gerbert i>'easaoit. I I SALOONISTS AR FACING SUITS FOR $459000_DAMES Six Suits Against Waukegan and Lake County Saloonists to Be Tried Here. 70 DIVORCESARE ASKED. Twenty-Three Damnage Ac- tions Have Been Filed ve. 3 RailroadCompanies. Suite aggregattng $45.000 bave beau tiied agalnst Waukegen aud Lakte cont>' saloonkeepers and le ail prob- abilit>' viilha triedte tetrin of court visicis epens next Monday. Tisera are six different suite, aIl ot tbemn having beau fliedb>' Attorney' A. V. Simiths. Mn. tSmiths ls tua Pio- neer Laite cont>'attorney' no tar as saloon prosecution cases are ceucarfr- et sud it us te bis cretît that ha bas caver lest oua oft tiem. Foiiovlug Io alitst ot tise cases vtis tise amout ot damagas asked: Campbell vs. Feiva>'. et ai-$5,000 damnages. Predan vs. Cessar. et ai.-$5,000 damages. Morsn vs. Wernhan, et ai.-410,000 damaes. Monan vs. Wember, et al.-$O,000 damages. Mauen va Kirvan, et al-$10,000 damagea. Jackson vs. Johsosn, et a"-5,000 Instead of Jury Giving Plaintiff Verdict, They Give It to the Defendant in Case. Que cent and coste vas the verdict viîci a plaintif tea a case had as- sessed agatuat hlm Tisursday at Grsysiake visen he tried f,. collect au alleged acceunt et $80 visicis beisad sued suother man for. A Bjer'ý of Chicago sued Harry Mogg ef Grayslake, claiming tisat this latter ewed hlm the sum mentiened. Tise jury iseard tise evidence before Justice Chsurcill sud atter beartng tise facts tise jury, lnstead cf giving tho verdict against Mogg, and thus mainig iim psy tise cosasofthtie ac- tion, somathlng like $2.1, tisa> turued tisa tables sud assessed a fine ef 1 cent againat BJorit. Tise pWaitiff stated Ibat he would appeai tisa case. Ateorne>' Jorgensen of Waukegan represented Mogg. WED(i13SIEKS TO HIA VEADLER ADe JUMGD BANKRUPT Files a Petition in Bankruptcy, Showing $3,000 CIaim Against Geo. Adler. Heur>' Wadga o? Waukagan. viso vas svindled eut of $3,000 b>' John KUne, amitas John Bock, elles John W. Bernhard, alias George Adler, hsa& filed a petition askiug that Use noted swindler whn la mrtlng a sentenc damages. s... --- -la m -----ML I It viil entîcedt tist tve Buttentise Wisconsin state prison &t W&u* have.beau filet b>'tise Moraus. ()na pu, ha djudged bankrupt. Tise peti. le filet b>'Mrs.Mornndutee y>'tien va filein utise United States ber ciiltreis. court on Monda>'. Adler vas sen- Tise Laite cont>' court tocket. Justtencedtote v. Yser$s imprlsoment for off Tise Sun presses,.lis betng tîstnibut- sileget forger>' atter bis sensational et ameug attorney's eut shoso e escae, tram the Wanieslua alI. otisar îuîerestîug dsamage cases are te Mn. Wedge ls net tue ani> ansevisa bc tried it tisstarm et conrt. Tveut>'- la sseing tu have Adlier adjudied tree mage cases huave beau filet banirutut. Tisa llst aoflettionlua ags.Inst riliruads. Tise fllovlng num- credIters eut thelr dlaims are an f&l berof caes a» eenlan agins Ila: No. 626, L O. O. r. ai Bowling bher et. caes bllaeb51 15 Em Green, Ohio, $3,000; Heury' Wetgs. C. & M. E. ralroa-il casas. Waukegan. $3,000; sut Gabriel N. C. & N. W. rallrond-E cases. Deip, Reading, FL. $3,000. Thé cila St. Paul rllroad -- case$. of Wedge aut Deip are baset on boans An unususîl>' large numiser et dil- mate ta Adler. voreca ea on tise teciet. reet>' ta h Tise bgnir-ptcy action vas stsrtOd tisposet ot aithiis termi et court iu inHelena, Ans., and vas receivet in tact. It luen beau a long time since no tise easteru. Wisconsin district Mon- man>' tiverces haeve beau filet. Sev- day ton service on Atler. , ent>' bille fer divorce and six sut on Adler a is atito tavarscleanet sepanate maintenance bave beau fled. up between $500.000 and $1,000,000 as The case ot Willem Yustaustas yUil tise result of tisa man>' evindies hé come op) et tisis tentu et court. Tus- ta mieged te have parpetratet. iasssas ta tise mrn a.ncrged vitis bey- lng bittan off bis vîte's noie. Ha automobile uis accuser case that la jumpat bis boots otf1.,000 eut tespite expactet te cocue up ton trial agalu et1 ail efforts te lecata hlm bas managet thîs terin et court. The casa bas beau te remaîn at Libertyvîlle. Hia bonds- tnlet severel limes betore but In Bach men oea>'bc oblgedtet mate goet on case tise jury bas been unable te rnchs tisa bond provitlng Yuskausitas cen- se agreement. net ba produced In court aitibstarin. Tisera us te heae triai cali et tise Tise Dort vs. White case lunvisîci court cati betore Judga Edvards nextj damages ara askat of a Grayslaite Monda>' atterneon and at tisat time it1 man for Injuries sait te bave beau la expectet ipany casseeviii ha re- 1firtI,, - a CUv-I O..005 U wit IsmU 01o hedck PRESIDENT 'WILSON ANSWERS DAILY SUN'S FIRST ÀERO06RAM THE WH îTE mou SE Personsi Wsmhlngt., Sept. 30. 1915. Mr. W. J. Smithi, Waukegan Daliy Sun, Waukegan ilI. Mr. Desr air: The Presîdent &Bk$ me to acknowledgc the recelpt of your wireless telegram cf September. 29th, and to mssure you and ail tiiome concerned that ha warmiy appreciates the trlecldly sentiment@ to whlch you Ulve expression. Thanklnq you heartil>' for your courtes>', 1 am Sincereiy youra, J. P. TUMULTV, Secretar>' to the Prenidient. CAPTAIN MOFFETT WANTS TO HELP COMMUNITV. Of(ce of the Commandant U. S. NAVAL TRAINING STATION, Great Lake@, Il, Oct. 1, 1915. Edîtor Delly Sun: i hsve recelved yeur klnd letter cf Sept. 29, 1915, eupreusing your appreciation ot my action ln grsntlng Thse Waukaen Dbily Sun the privi loe of sendlng the firàt radio-gram trom this station. It gave me great piessure to do ne. and 1 admire thse enterprise wtich you showed ln fllng the fIret message te b. sent by or new radie station. 1 c6oider It especlslly appropriate that the firet message shouid b. sent by one cf aur nearest nelgihora, Waukegan. i sppreclste your assurances that Thse Waukegan Osil>' Sun wisheo to cooperste wlth the Naval Station ln ever>' wsy, and assura you that It la the commandant'& desire to co-operste wltii Wsukegan and its Cther enterprises ln every.wsy that the sltation can. Wfth assurances of my higis regard and esteem, i am, Very sincersi>' yours, W. A. MOFFETT, Commander, U. S. Navy, Commandant. MISS IIOOD UNANI. mous CftOICE FOR. Chicago Womnan Is Re-Eleoted for Fifth Time to Head the State Association. OTHER OFFICERS ARE ALSO ALL RE-ELECTED.,, ,. Interesffng Meetings HeIdon Wednesday and Today--e to Naval Station Today. NEWLV RE-ELECTEO STATE W. C. T. U.. OFFICIFS Preticdent-Helon L. Hood, Chicago. Vice Prasident -UMIL Etta Rtoot Edwards, Pickne"vih. Cor sapnding Secretary Miss Epha Marshali, Chicago. Recording Secretar> - MMa BossUsa Trabue, Jerseyvil. Treanurer-MisaL I. ngraw Wacs, Bloomingten. Audtor-Mis. L. Sseii 00.4 "Mn, Champaigu. E-ditor Watch Towsi.-#Are, Minute 9. Horffing, Evaeo. Secretar>' Vouuge pqe% *aneh-MIssCathori. e 8w yer, Chicago. 4-. T. L.-Mrs. Lue.le s.m DecstM tata Reoporter-Misa Ipha Marshall, Chlcago. Sscretsry Parliismsstary OviN --Miss Elizabeth Waiint.. wiihout an>'Z.Mpositn~t~s sigls delugates ofthe WL. CT. li. convention et Eaptiat chinoistbbs morning re.oleautd ithe&r aid aS. com a s havuabove. misa Hood. vho, for four yeurubau beau presldeat 0ft te "stame"s tient. a vm unopefr tinSS.o tant offIce for titis wvil mite b@ M« year tisai she enu mrve tu tis ap acit>', the by-iavm of tise uis.pie. viding that ne pers« ay us' hat» office of presideut for mors than Ive Miss Hood bas provs orne et tàb mont effIcient exécutive oeita» association has over bai Bai tisse fors the feeling vas nunaintu t givo ber the position for osatbwu year and thun round out ber ftu 111UV. yesrs' term. Theacitler offléers, ail regrded a ver>' efficient ln tiseir lBs oe re-eiectad vitisout oppoition. Vîit Training Station. Thts afttruoon et i thé vauen, loaded te dozens cf autos furnisha b>' Waukegan meu, veut ta the M&. val training station, vhere tise> ver- guesta efthtie staff. Commandant Met- fet met the voman and thé>' veine,4 corted tisrougb tise varionsuaiidip after whici the>' vitnessed a br4gs4* drill b>' Use uultormad young meà. If proved s deltghtful diversion for> t» delegates. Réception et arwsil Hoe. Ou their neturu bacis te Weukogsa - the delegates stoppad et the Eratt* Barvell Goodfellevsisip Club, wbee' tue>' were guestil of the insenb«esqi, tisat asociatian and thd W#nhqq<j&' Woixan's Club. This proveil a V007, delighttui mitair tonthe tleltes w»-'4 were isigisi>'pleased vitisthe ho» aed Intarested ln the work vh"ioh «' vas explained to them la bieng @M. complishedt tiera for tisé young voqa.s an of the commuait>'. The rasuit etftth. grand dtamoiê modal content aPpears lInanothS r4 umn of ibis Issue. Tise convention opened this mQàWu4. Ing et 9 olcintathes Y ln»wI, cisurch is ttb adevational servie 1 b>' Mrs. Carrne Parksinson. steito At 9:15 tise convention vuas * to enter and tise minutes orthtis vieus session vers r«&i.Thdsisr toleowed b>' reorts trallathse 8too1 ieg: Ediior and publialer et state paper, "flltnoia WatchtTwp Mrs. Minute Beckeér Howulsg et ton; state lecturer, Ml1IL4 Maca. Bloominngton; ietate *UId8WI. At 10 eloek tise 610UM t Qe. c cers teok pDac.'The re4letio Miss Ho" wvaafonoave by, tion. ]dise Hoo laLesitw tthansiod theedefltosfoà ts conferred on ber suAM p~ hope th thtie vot vi&s <CesMut s e Pm td, - 1 1 1 . 1 1 nfilcted on a Chicago boy with hls , movea rrom me aocKet.