Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Oct 1915, p. 4

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tke County Independent Waukegan Woekly Sun Ofllo iephons N gbriLbI-tyville Lachan 1e. ýoawm m stto - I ~.tylle. . u oood i.. mail Mate Qfficii Ppr for labeoConu. Adveitieimg BaIes Made Enovu on Appliaton. PRlIE, 01.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY iN ADVANOE ............ . ............= .............. ..dt P. S ...i4.. ............... . . ..................... ode*i;;I;"*** marag, M. J WEBER ...............Radn aaePoaU The movmenmt belng waged throughout the country h, wlîlch in le placeULy. Shermau in the. toreground as a8, logical ca0" at for President lnaspr.adlng i a mauner inal fut i tekln ii. lilssentor .oie of the mot' formidable challengers te the oeveted: honor.Sear Sherman in the type of man tbat the nation needS il, tis, lime of turbul.ncy; h. la 1h6 sort Of wm iwiiom thei, "comn- mon eole Il admire because ot bi&Shslplicty of manier V and1 r1ý-His 1d. on national preparéduesa are such muto demand reniloat thls tiMe whn tiilatioicon- fronts a «Mi~s i itsb""or. 8enater Siemn n l a self- Md" man, oie wiio vule h. bas attained ooveted Positions i the. political world bas neyer turn.d them te biso i ad- viatage and therefore la net a rich mai, but oie wiio, 1k. LI&coln, if iie formally enters the conteat fer chief execu- 0 t r eu ib ei able ta b y b a . auriyt e i . peopl'a case. M. Shemai ut be r&cknedwthi tii ipotat presidential situation. c Xia eod ent8t>eent made at Boston Senater Sherman made several references wbicii show the, iinerative need for a Republicai victory. He said: "Imperative as the need is for a Republican victory int 1916 there is somiething greater and more enduring11ow and herea.fter. It ises above party and politica and race and creed. It dwells in a region bounded only by our fiag. "Lt calla for the allegiance of every son of the republic native or alien born. t la the spirit of Amiericanisim re- generated, redeen»ed, and rededicated to our republic by ail who are gat.hered 'wvthin its sheltering folds. Hall the world la at war. None may ask that the ties of nativlty be broken. We ask ouly that they be subordinated to the ,welfare cf lie country. "lThose who promote disorder within our limits to ad- vance a foreign cause are properly rebulced and returned te their own country. t ilaua offense against the sov- erignty of the American people." Witii Great Isakes wrelef station picking up mes- sages tram Japan, it la at once apparent that the. local virelee station la second te nene in the country. lIs im- portance viiib. felt more and more; il vill be et special value on the Great Yaks i ime ot sterma, etc. Its pres- once la one of the strongest arguments for a live saving station in Ibis immediate vlcunty. Wbat is more reason- able te tbink tiai te bave a lit e-saving station right close at band, Waukegan for example, snoviien messages telling of distru on the lake ar e ard at OTeat Lakes that if e- avoncould be rushed eut te give succor. TÎie Ivo go bund iniaid. Nov for the, life-saving station at Waulce- People who attended the. important ceremonies at the 1 training station Wednesday afternoon were impressed by the order and general good feeling that prevails at the sta- tien, one of the. gretest and of its kid ini the world. Petf est bamony and good-wuila apparent'on all aides ani everybodyseems te b. buckling down toe t ak of help. ing make for a better and blgger navy. Tii. young men, the. ofîoera; i act,, ev.rybody seems imbued witii a spirit bf patrlotAsm and pride for the fine institution which graces the. north ishore. ITii. commandant, CaptainiMof- fett, ile recogm.zed as a wonderful *iscpLnaina the same lime isnlnd and courteous te tth. men und.ihu and theref ore the. v.ry best resulta are bemng obtained at the station. This condition of affaira la important, espe- claly at tbis tlme wienthisnationis quietly recognising the. need of lncreasing its defensesini the varions depart- umti Thq gret naval achool ia turning mai out who viiib. a credit te the îorth shiore andi 'Mddle West and accordlngly Waukegan aid viclnity siiould bave'aid dees bave a natural ride I wbat la being accempllshed right at our door. .Waukegai ahould encourage the, work at the zéheol; Waukegan sbuld appreclate wbat la belng don. for young menu ithe. way of education and general mffi- tary expelence. The Independeot's Sworn Statement Mode Under 1912 Postal Law Stalste0olhe b. vnruhip, Manageaient, Circulation, Etc, af tb. Lake 02u1y Independent, pnbbed weekly, et Libertyvîlle. Ili.. requlred bjy tii. Act o Amut 24, 1919. Siftar: W. J. Smth, Waukegan, Illinois. Mhanagng Editor: W. J. B.11h, Waukegan, Illinois. But»nse. mnager: F. G. S8.11h, Waukegan,Ilîlinois. Pabllaer: Lake County Publiehlng a Prnting Co., Waukegan, Illinois and libsrWytile, Illinos. Ow".": (If a corporation >cive nae.s and addree of etockhoiders holding PIereent Or mc,. oftotal aMount 01 stock). W. 1. 5.11h, Waukegan, Illinois. Kuova bondhokIe. mortagen, and ucher seeurlty holdae, holdIng 1 per W MoM 09 total aMount o1 bonda, Mortgage., or other seeurfltkc: àAim»@ahs cf copIes of eath leue oh tues publication aold or diatributed, OMMbuI. &O othervse. 1oý pald suhecrihers dnrlng the six mot. pr. Sd.â 'i09 te:statement.. (This Information le requln red adlly F. G. SMITH. Bu.. Mgr. OM d i oodeiboroeno ibis 22nd day of Septomber, 1915. WAYNE T. 8TUPEX, Notary Public. ~s .ze. 5, 16, 1917.). LAKE OIJTYUD0lam 7 FL4T.- O4JTOBE1R8195 _MU MTU Xdddina/ ~7ews ~ of .Ct»enyo~We I !~ M I I Wili Gould of01cagmo. calied on Libertyville relatives Sundzy. Mis. J. C. Ahleman o9 Mllvko, and P. D. Aileman or Ob. Charls, Dr,,spen Sanday with J. IL Alleman and bil. Rabrl bond Wluttoday for Tsvry, montaaie wbi. f i uiteak.bisfuture momu. The bot wlbbof ca great mn blond@ go vItbh lm. Wi. a. Pester ha. oposied a boise- hboog andblaekmith sbap ,in 11gb- aond Park on N. U1 John'@ avenue. Be formeily orn.d lbhe@hop on ivauka. avenue end vhieh b sold tu B. Railli. Mis W. L Wbippleocf locielle, In.. rlsîted villiiMonda boe.Wednaoday. Oboeuslajrig la Ciiicagovitbalir son L.eonard, vho undervunt an operalion ut the We.ley basptatb Ihe rot paît cf the voek. The Myotlc WoikersvIli haolà thlir semi.monthiy busines meeting Tueeday ovening, Oct. 121h. A full attendance of the members la desired, aiea ail houe belonging ta th; drill teste pieaue attend for piactice. Bon Simmous, the agent etthle uev St. Paul station, leu Tueioay alght for the southern part of Ibis utata vhere ho viii @pend a severai veeke vacation vitb relatives. J. F. Guyton, operatar sud. cloik at the liraI street station oftheb moaill iliug bis pla(e nutil ltr.8immons returne. Tnesday nighî tbe Mer-y Makera bell tliu initial dancing party in lb. Audi-f torium and thei tret attempt at fur- isbing amusement 'loi themon hlk@ suI tlrifends va. a big sucmes..Tii. bail va. vîry pretlia-dicorated vltb flovera and theo bar managers voe rigbl on lbe Job taoie liai every body1 nad e goal time. Flfty.three couple vere Prisent. Tb@ second crop or stiavhieriso. and blackb.i-rie. are being pickel la this viciniby. In tb. past wve a. W. Smith vas ebowing hi. friendes saue nis etravberres vhich b. said sers pickol 1a hle gardon. W. J. Wels aiso hrought a box of niai ripe hiakbereu ta lb. Independent office and said that lhey ver. fohioilisgardes. The berri.. vers hll gravna nd porfeclly ripeurd but lb. onIY trouble villa tir. wa8 the box huil uUhiy tlaree. JoaePb Chek ai Half Day, va. ari-et.d an Tneeday by 5ierii Griffun and Miarsiai Limberry on lie charge of haclng violatol 1he quai-altIne i-nies andlgone to Chlcaglo alter iavlug bora notiliel uattl a irbis iaPlace. Il. had a pis- iminaîy heariug before Judge Lyeli iB. Morris Wsdueaday atrnoon sud the case va. continuel 10 Thureday main- iug, ah vbich lime tiheleral sud state inspectais oisI or a contnan5e lti te lSlh ou account ai certain legai papers uedd. Cbek vas given bis fieerdan on bils ovurecognisance. ELECT*DIRECTORS FOR TUE LOCALUIIREENROUSE At lie annuel meeting ai the stock- bolIers oh lb. Meredith Fhaver & Vege. table Co , bel lalet 1ýaturday afaeroon at tie office of lie greeu'honse, the folaviug board oh dîrectore ver. elecl.d: B. B. Eger, Win. Warond, Oea. B. Meson, John Doleueter, Oea. Sykee, W m. Runke anul A. M. Ceaey. ,.Tb@ company bas urechel a large nev holà@ 1t t. e eplace oh tva amali bouemsat the aarth cul af lie plant on Firot etreet. au lbcy wev ouhnnI Lao taa loy and ual iu condition ta praduce th. quaity oh flavera that lie public demande. "Tbere are nov grovingl16,000 cars&- lion plante, 10,000 rouses, 5,000 chrysan. Ibeunune, 500 poinsettias. 2,000 snap. dragon. beoildes a large aotuont of pattai planteaud iveel poeuand sith fair pruces prevalling lb. plant ahoul piaducesa pond snrplus dnrlng t. »»aon,"' eil one ofheb.diectora. At the seat meeting eaitho lirectars tie offie,. viii hoeleeted 10 serve for the ensalng yeux. la speaklng oh tb. plant anc oh lhe direetaeaid:"Tb@ plant and compaay ha. reve several bard knacka and serlous set-bacis la lie paua, and i hoa. heu a acontnons up-hI fglt, but hy Uts deermined pervissency on lb. part o the diectors ad ha i lio te stock- hoidera deuiag the çeul ev maubthe b pant va. ave ira. goinq Into béat- rupici. If local people vii paîronise Ibis indaihry em faitlilly a. vedIieclois are nerviag tb. counpan" and incdentaliy lb. satIre commnaty, thon ve viii bava nothing 10 harIlathie futureannea.the plantinl gradually geinig, on a botter paying taIs thora la a briglilor ontllok thon lier. va. abouta sar &ga." POTAI'0E8-Onioua. Carot., Bute. Turntpe, Cabbage, Beras, Cuctbera, aud otber Vegtetablos. Aiea appiso and aImer imite. At rialg ipce. dle W la LIbertyville. P. W.Shilcke,ý thon. Iadupadunt: Momr ramorÙ» @Dai couaty voUbli.oumbinei. ORIANZE LIIÀIT SMC Tu5 AT fNu SCIL Tvro wveka ego thepupls of the Uhbertyvilis %hgliecool vo,. orgeaIced mbt tivb Lltsrary Sci. Thoy arc known a.e ihe Ciceronlsanand tb. Peri- cieianUteray Seti.. andtbihor pur. Pom la 10 hodutulsaryprograme fr0. lime t0 liom Tuhe cera of lbeCicronlana aen: Preo., Mari, Uagisbreebt: Vice Preol, Mota Br»WkoOsi, Sean her; Tra"a, Emma cent. lu officers or. the Peri. elh$"ea oclely art: Pie., Lois Anatin; Vice Pie., argaret iMcCormlck; ecy, Lima Dr. Tr u eeAtlridge. Le wdyatsraoon the Closionlana bbeId7t," tb rlproura. wbkb loclnded a presdunDts inaugural addres., an masy bi Helen Sipatu, oration hy ennu Hibbrd, Docimation by ReoaMiller. dblg"~in by Nias Luséky, musical numbers by Rnoby Williiaxn, and a debate. Tlh. quseton for debato ma. "Esoied that t lai. ood Reanoné for flelievtg lu Sigtne, Oaiens and Pigatmeta." EBinKox and Meta Brunke "on on lbe afirative. Thée negalivevasenpported by Edith8uydam and Beau Airord. The piagrau va. a succe. froun every point of viev. The Freubman elies. have huet orgaufi. ed for the year. The followiug officers vois elected: Pr@@., John Allen; Vie Pios., Jean El! nger; Se y, Fleury Epker; Ties., Dorothy Allen. Colore, purpir and vlaIto. --Dia" EcEAION DEIVINI '"Dick" Ucebon, the noted horteman front Libertyvle and under vbo6e per- sonal direction masny green colts bave bien talned tu came under the vire la aIl hoato villi a gain neuaiiy made le ta. laut lap and hsld beautihully ta lb.heaed ah lb. race, le vtnnlng sou. ici-y higb honore on lhe Grand circuit races h pulliag dovn big money for lie oveer afh b. la drlvlng, Mary Pntnay, a tbree year old trotter owe by Chauncey 0. 8»ais01hFalRiei, ma»s. AI Columbu.0bia, on September 29tb, h. ted the liy tuau even break witb uvo pacers, noither vlnning the race. Iu lb. fnlurily race Mary Pnlney oanied $5,000 and a $500 cnp for ber'owner. la tie race @ho va. favorite ln a Reld oh tvelve. At the startabe va. on a&break and dîd ual riglit hereif until &Il othore Wsre abpnd Pv trotting the last halh in 1:0~2% che Iniebed siîlh. In lbhe il tva bealu th. lily won impreasively. lu the Orst iDniggmile se. oveei-d ao record la 2:07%. q At Lingan, Ky., ou Oclaber 5th, Mary Putney von lie $14.000 Kentuacky Iruterity hor 8 year aid trottere, the feature oh th. Grand Circuit pragraun.lun straught heate snd broke lie voîldeë record for 3 veri ad iles by going the second mile lu 2:05%. FIRSI NIJIBER 0F LYCEUN COURSE OCT. 14 The sae a! tickets for the Liboityvillr Lyceuni Caure comméeed Oct. lot The price oh ,tickets viii ho $200 for the' six numbers, sud entîte boidoes o reserve @set. ail seatà lu Auditoriumi bing hor reservation. The chant foi reservallon la at Lovoi's ding store. Single elmisalon tickets viiili e soid ouiy un the day oh cadi eutertainument sud yl ho 50 cente. The talent oi raciad every number bas a national rputatlon. Firel Number-The Rb.rd.b.r-Bklhin- sky Coa.,- 8 artiste, Violinanad sirïglng. Octabeî 14. Second Numbr-Bamiltan Rait. Ledt- nier, Editor of h lInepeadeul Mdaga- sine. November 29. Third Namer-Reuton CourtlSingers. 5 artiste. Jannaîy Il. 1916. Foui-lb Number-Mise Wilmier, Bander. Febrnara- 22. 111h Number-Julge llen, wvia a hore vith Oui Chautauqu Isa.t entmer. Marci 29. Sîxth Number-Tia. Apollo Concert Comupany, 5 artiste. April 26. POI1VLR LAKE COUNTY COUPLE VED IN CEICASO John B. Ahert, son of Mu. anul Mr@. Johb Ahart of bhbertyville, and Nme Daiay boolittie, dangliter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dolittie ch Graielak., vers ioted la marriagi Taeday,OCt. 5th, la Ciltago, by latier Robain, Cbancellor -oh lh. Arcla DioceesofhChicago. Ther vere attendel hy AI Ahail, hiolior of lie groom and Mise. Ruth Doolilîlo, sobter oh tho bride. Mr. Abart hoas a reoponsibls posliin eh tb. National Enielope Co'. at Wanke- gan. Hi. bride la a blgbly reapected younng lady of Orsysînke. Tib@ young canvle lefi for a Ipannh'e trip tu Son Franceco, Cal., tu attend t. fair and viii stop et Denier, Colorado, Étai Laie Cty and auber Point. O! ilat The bride anulgroom ae bighIylirs- pmwleland bavie boail if riedio le and aboil aie cuctny, vhc viob th..s a fong and prooperous manbelif. - Upon Ibsr rtru tbsy Viti reode fla Vaak. gan- 1l Chu ro h ele W, Éli FROM - LOCAL.- OMUROMES Si. Lawrence Eplecopal. Roty Communion 7-.80Ob. M. Sundy echool 9.80 a. m. Mornlng proyer il a. Me. Mothodisttpicoo. B.rvcet e mos funday au follovu: Mornlni pruacblng service at il o'ciock. la the evenlag ai 7:80 there vii b. an Epvortb Loagu. Raliy service andMids Cma Robinson of Chicago, viii mako th. addree. peclal munseotea the even- Img services. The. choir wiii muet for rebeara on Friday evenlng nt 8 o'clock. Ail meto. ber urged to attend. .The PromIse of tbe Woîid'. Evangel. sation" vili ho the subWot of tb. Epwortb Loagne meeting noii suad..yevealng ai 6:45. Leader. 0. B. Follett. Ail are eordlaiiy lnvlted. 1155 JIOOo UNANIMOIJS CROICE FOR W. C. T. IJ. PIS. e (Gontinued thom Page 3) whlch culminated la the recoption at the Hattle Barvell Goodfellow.blp Club on Marlon street. member. of the Woraan'. Club belplng ontertain the guesta together vitb the memberu of the Barveil Club. The vomea at the training station liard np la front of th. admintratIon building viBre, vilta starff cers, they vievol lieextzesive driling, Us.- leaed ttho, beard tho boyc alng Ibeir "cbantey'e," etc. MION BAND IS ENCORED. Crovîs lined lb. alreots lait algbi le veicome the onoband au lbuy ar- rlved la Ivo lai-g. auto trucks from, ZMon City. They vere a littho laler Iban vas ixpectel, but no on. eomed to bu dlsppolnted vion lt.he mmer lard np tour ahi-al, ready for the parade lova Gene... stroot. Tio baye bad fiue uniforme vwilayellov or goid decarallons and a ahl eon lhe ieftarm roPreaeatlng lb.eZMon emblem. At the !ead lb.y hadl a drum major villa a gay ualform, and tall vhite iusby, and abesd of hlm voe Ivo standard bearez-., la guard un- formc, carrying tho Stars ald Stripe, nul theZMon calora-god, vile and hias. As tho' dram major blev bis vhitle thoeliadmarchel off la mli. tari style snd beaded for Pearce's corner. A llvoly uplto-dato march vas struck np and ou ove-y band conld b. board sncb expressions au, "A finr baud," -Gi-ont mnie," '"Tiey play fine." etc. Crovdjs tollovod the baud, nl von they arîved et .the Corner of Genecee sud Washington ctreetl anatier large number bal conga-egat- 51 on aIl four corners. Automoble3 vere liard Up along lie elles of tir streels hn gi-est numburs. As the band reacbed lie corner liey formol mbntoacircle and »layed tva ceiodlons. On. af hie, vwas lu- vercargili mai-ch andthe oth., a a- ci-el selection enlllied "Refuge." Crovle gatherel arond the baud aud viea tiey svuug lato lise on the mai-ch north again the thrang fol- loved nul automobiles badked np thei rear lu a big procession. The Iraf. fie vas no dense vian Clayton atreet was reacied liat Il vas a feu' min- ules hefore lie autos could tluS eet. The baud thon marched l tolie ai- moi-ybnlldlng andl viesieî ai-i-ied ait he outrance, arrangement irat made ta play s national air as lhey led ln. Thie vas a situ for lie ail- dience ta ris. and appland. Aller 1he dovotlonale Mica Helen Haod lali-olueel lie spea'cer for lie ovoniag lna s ev veil-ciosen irmna- WlaaI lioy vantel, sgl ald, vas 1 se.' ta l hial men ver. chosen Ibat vanl enforcethie lave. ald Rev. El- mer William. vas, one of the men vio a balobly fougiltfoi- lie main- tenance af lie lav. 11ev. Elmer Williams, kuova as "The Fightlng Parson," thon 'cme foi-yard and procooded ta, address lie audience. Ho va. a strange mixture of humor'and patio"s-Juh ie kial of a mas vhc causwsing an audience, and as an eslertalner, aulde froua tho voi-hy cause bova. osgaged la, io vas vorti a ball!dollar' to pay ta boni-. Hi tlid masi humorons scoles 10 illustrai@ hie pointa, uucb. The speaker vas accord.d a vote of Ibanhi, and MisseLU Ingram Mace, vic vas alac scioduled to epeak, lien spoke a tgv vords. A eong hi Mina Hlda Sund,vilci vas grai enJoyel, cloged lb. proginm. Afler tie benedîction bal houa pro- nounel lihe ZMon baud PlaYed Selec- lion aller selection as the audience applandol. Tioy played l I lsix mlecliQus andl n earty vote of lianka vas accordai hie. by ail. The mombor. of lb. W. C. T. U. vers dolighted to boni- tint every momber of lb. band wva ncleaq Christian, Ho aeit#ier ainoked or drant ad tleInlt. thal vas the IdanI for- vblci thoir Inter- esta ver-e ugoitrogly pol*& NEWS BOUT MDOO, ROADS MOVMENTS The work of buildIng an asphait- Charle îme uae, coaty gupérintend- macadam rond on the Deurflld rond atcf gc@d ronds la lakeo ovnty, and veut of Highlnd Parlc. the etmb l ue9porigorsDaiatov and liche have for vblch vas ]ot te M. M. Long. bau nDIUMonday for Cdai Rapids. vbore been poetpcnod until nt Sprlng as t»y vIi attend a fcuidy @«"ionof It wa* toit th"t thé aqhalt could Dot the Nw*tbvot Road emgrss. Mr. b. pcUrod to adytmtagu la cold veatb. liueil va. appointed as a *4elgte or. The aphait va. 10 bave arrived by ýorDior Duaie. The lOUal om- long "0o but va. dlaYod bOcanu the mittIso onveo tr«ee mch valu- tactory la Texte vhoro It la manafc-ahi. InformatIon relative 10 rond turod vadan4ud by the recont hur- building ricane that svePt over Tezas, It vwu County Uurveyor Cbarleo Russoll declded bout sot to tako chance. on la worblng bard 10 finish the. plans. hnvlng the rond spolIai by oold veaib. for the nov county aId concrets bridge or.. t la t. be. buift jusl north of Zicek The comcme.road la lbe lova cf City. Thi. la th. place vhere go DéerfilId ba& beos completed. Thimnny automobile. have son, ove, ln. mboe. an nabrok«nDU-@"to f con- te tbe ravine. The ostlmntedou0t1of crt. rond frmIbmthesuth Uin. of Hih- the bridge la $1,600. Bid. are 10 bu land Park te GIoco The improve. cailed for lmmediatar ila oder Ibat ment la cao thal ha. been aeied. Ibere may b.a n dolay la the wmk. Sheridan rond helvee Lako Bluff and LaLke Forest la being immedroaiby thoapplication of crusbod sce. The property ownera are paylng foi- tbe voîk vhich l. being dose by Contrac. hor E. E. Fermer. Tie rond lias beena ln bad shape ta-forneUme but tb. Improvements are vorking vonders la il. IF IT'S FOR AN AUTO iveu bei-e, viother il ho extra tire, a eau of ail or a chet-l of tools. We hondie reliabie makes of auto Mr. Ruameli vi " finihe-b. plna hi touight. Charles Gartiey of North Chicago, rond commlasloner of Shields lova- ship, lis gradlnt and vldealag tbe shouidere ofthle rcad la Shields. He ia aiea paîting ciubed atone on the rond. Tbh is ii mrake lhe hlghvay co of the. Ineet possible. I BERTY TH-EATRE IP. A. BUYDAM. -Prop.. Four Reis off the Licena.d Pictures. FRIDÂY' :ua8. BRAGA'! DOUMDL" - - 8 reel EAoaay-Drmn Hi! WARD'5 SCHUME- PHILANTHROPIC TOMMAY - wa .vsui ,Vtes hy. A uiy ,anî.a ,flOf pi-aven menit ta lie tdtuitt,~d ber.. SÂTURDÂY, OM~. 9 An echag. only rua<asITHE HAIJNTING FEAI' - pricer for theni. 'l'lie aid extra- «i-'. - 8.eiKlem-l)rama vagant chargea ai-e gone sa faru au MS. JARR AND THE LADIES CLIP vo are ooucerned. I.. .. tagrapb-Comedy THE DIV[DED LOCKET - RUE 101 R - ,- -, liograpl-Drama MqcQUAID OF THE TRAFFIC SQIJAD Phone 8 I deun-Drama 'THE SILDENW. LIBERTY VIII!. ILLINOIS l.î ;. - OPPORTUNITIES ON LAKE EARA Nov that a l imited amount of acirage and Lake Fza frontagec ar ibc purciaed, CicagI.o ilareuc k to take advantage of the oppoit uty tuo cur jîr in thise ustate. Citizen, of Lake Couinty wiIl no gloublt the .ju-y ignýal", anid buy np a few of theve ellmice gituem-withi,î the oext week, hefor,, ail the north tshore frontage je ïakeu. Durand, liavilami sudd1)uraud are ina a pomition, tu0 exiend reaitonaiîle terme on purchases andI viii erect a fev resideticos 10 suit buyers. Paîtiei detiring information, or vim-hing 1.0 SCO the property, should cail on, s rite or phone, ah once, Durand, Ilaviland and Durand Phone No. 2 . . Libprtyville IF TIIERE IS ONE IAN WHO ABOVE AUl SHULD HAVE PRINTES LEITEIUS AND ENVELOPES, TUÂT MIA15TEFARNER .. .. .. .. . 1ARINEES, you who write for cata- F logues of farm, implomenta, edî poultry stock, et do.»'. other information, do you know that a letterbcad bearing your namo and addren, IL.Ir. DPox and thé naine of your farm means tmat you will get an angwor quiok. Your lotterhead looks business like and tolle the house that you are progressive and modern. The letter written on~ aoratchy rough raled paper marks the' writer as one who in flot fully awake to presont day correspondance. .If yen have a photo of your hous -ban, stock, orohard,- etc., brinx it in anai have us make a out irom it. Use this out to illustrate your letterheada, INDEPENDENT JOB DEPARTMENT' i2Ord. LEditeOdo Ad.orti e 111 -Ili K onnay a lb. vinter dr. C.Jý vsek lauOhI Major le gautiet!fri, i l a l . e f i la Chicago. * Carie Toi Ilsilieti le a promnisi Dr. Palm,. Gn@ Sijîjlt Cob., arrtlbai bani block viii mate 81 @hsop novwIl w ater. Qui Cali an usn De« la Chic, Richard Co Coombe an( Gages Lake. H. V. Ciri a" uaiing go»e a mnn dis. Etibe viti hîhende R. 0. lOa Ohicago Iis lion aoflta. E Mir. aud l ' are hors payi ilst pinir tg Qui Cail on u- no campareir genume. Tbe Juel thr,-e mogrisved lins oarls at the yau gel 'li. Store. Drue, On Tueul, occurrd tii. Doui)ltîle au. elâter 0o h.i'1 cf the. grolîn dauglarer ohf ,8h. in fav-î, Tbey itdîr,. tip ti h l' off aetniant t' lbe trip.Tbt Miny ins LOST-Lixh m. &-St. p Lfal,- at Duî Quai Cati ou uit- The Lakte roquest aofIt sent ibis à to Mayor Ti "lion. Willlla "Mayor ai "'Tiegia Illinois, li-o.( Unanlmoualy lie yon ou ý.e.o tle ý-locinfg mv, Fion are a 'vu oastratlng lb and courage ollice and dc People of yac oui- etate. ',AUGU5T S8 E. JDA&D'y HAF 1TOII THE RI DRUCE ompIcetC lit

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