LAI COUNTI INDEPENDENT, PRmDA Y,- OC'TOBELR 8, 191,. P- ROM- IEdtd hy F. J. DRUCE Phone Il Orders Taken for Job Wrk Advertlsingîrates on application. M. B. AtweIl and wlf. 1.11 fer Chicago Kanclay aser $pouding couple ol veeko attb@O. P. Baron, Tbey ailspend tb. wnter in the south. Isr. C. J. Wlghman le spendlng tbe Vfk lu Chicago aîthe convention of the Bastern star Grand Chapter. ]major John Rankin of Chicago, liaa aussi etfinonda ber". 'Wm.. hank-e or Enoi. Indien&. le bore Alhln ils brother, E F. fibanke. Jonl,Ongabaugb @peut the week-end wkth hie nephew, Thsýodure Longabaugh la Chicago. Curtis Tous b a» talien up theappren. Ussebita et the .itxalilding ,tore. Curtis la a promisiuîg lad &bd 5 gond tudî'nt. Dr. Palmer wanIli ilîlcgo Tupéday, Gu@ s hotz, L. Y Silo.. and [rup rug 1 Co., art baving tile mater piît.d lrito the bank block mmîh wek iai tmrti hoix miii maIe muserchaetiu. in hi@i artwr @hop Dow thtt eim i. ai..i.,ihave City water. Quality Pisotogiapheis. CRI CuOn us-Vant & Bull, Waukegan Miss Mande Turner traicacteil bi. essin Chiceg,, Trnnay. iss iienBarweil, %I aîd ise. Richat Coombo mwere gu-et. of B. COOMbs ant tamnly over the mccl eut et Gages Lake. H. V. Cleveland man in Cbwýa«o Tue&. &W> makingt bis ieservation foi bis trip mest. B@ miii icave nt- Mouuîey ta b. gonsa motb. MdissEsther Kel>- @Peut tht.e w-k-end mth frientis in Chicago R. i0. lioturs>- peut thice dayo in OhcagO ibis meek atteruilng the conven- tion ufthIe Esatein Star O rend Chapter. Mir. aud %I* DeConîhîje î,iEvanot,~ are bore paYlm.gtheir son and isrnily a vWst prilr tu their trip mont b. Quaity Photogrsphers CalI on us-Vant & Buit, Waukegan. T@h aimomi)y lneofutoilet good ba& 30 comnprion. Aok us aboutI tîcir cottiû esamn. Tht. itexuti Store. I)ruce Dineg1 Ce.1 Just thues luore tavm rtri>- ythat saýgraàved linen palier isîd oril uindence saris aI the pri*loe îîîeto rie t.iiernîer pou gel lOienmttt f i liii3--oai Tiei,-Ieail Store itruce Ding ci On Tueets& , Ot t 'i. iri Ctiicago occurred thie inrrntgi ritMi.. [truC>- Doliltteandl tji Atitart. Til.-v ee amtoniiraliii Il'y Mlcri-tu ii tii. rdtt le, sistier ut th.ic ii.. ami Alt Ahat. t'roitlier of the. groomIn itilrisui.e tlm theni. nitrct daugbter ot %Ir anti M r. t: Il )rnritle. ,Mbe i. tavrials vliiowi-il. rt i.cit>- They iet duuctly atii- <'he îriuytoi là trip t,, ith. liaiarna expotro i ii rt, r înîg offa aImans uit tii- tr-iiiirt iJtîigoin thbe trip.Tuie.>- iiile a@t lr,îrluthli aMiy tîlends ltt Waîîhtgin alte.r Jan. 1. LOST-Liucht PF101. Shaw, tueur ttîe C. 'M. &-St. P. tiept ri t ,tiritay -eii LomeaetlDing trîro Iwraid :-I Quality Phologrsphera. Cati on us-Vant & Bull, Wankegan. The Lakte caunt>- grand jury, at the request af the. tate'B attorney-, Ioda>- Sent thîss eit-explaatory telegram 1 ta Mayor Thomuison ot Chcago. - Hon. William Hale Thompion, 1 "Mayor of Chicago, 1i1. "Tht. grand Jury ot Lakte count>-, Illinols, ln regutar meeting 5,,crnbied. -Uuanimousiy congratulate and adi- M ire' yon on your stand with- reter- once ta tht. entorcement of Sunday eioslng law, flot,,as lntilcating thal ~you are a 'met' nr a 'dry' but as dem oustratlng that yau have the honor sud courage to respect your oath of oMie and do your dnty tovard the People ot your cil>-, yonr count>- andi our state. 'AUGUOT SCHWEIIMAN, Foremma. ".J. DÂDY, tale's Attorney.. HARMONY fOILET GOODS -FOR- Paiticular People AT THEt THE REXALL STORE ýDRUCE DRUG ) .mplt line of School Suppliesr o i.~ - T. B. Shsimood mas s Chicago bnci- mis ecalier ThuMia>. Mis. W. Wilmlgton of Round LaIe1 spetit a dmp at msek ih her daugbter hems.1 Mim. C. B Hamhlivlslîed wlth friende n 8&i.m, WM.. fast Friday.1 Mdissladys Antes spent Sunda> wltb9 ber paurents near Graymlaks. B. Ilsndicks, mile end son violted-k1 ,Mms. Bbsimood'a Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Carl Miller @pent 1Sunday at Quinn wltb Mr. and Mdis, b. H. Miller.t D. 8, Manser aud mh'e andi daughter start.d Sunday for an auto trip to Iowa1 for a meeke viol# mltb relatives there. Mis Jennie Uolden and Miss Edlîh ment ta the. ity Saturday 10 spé.nd tbe inIer. Qualty Photographier& . Cati on tus-Vaut & Bull, Waukegau. WIlIIWe.ber bas junt retuined trom a montl,. viil mitb relatives near Boston. iss Stella Kerr was home oçer sentis>.1i Mi. E A. tAilton bas been mufierîn1 fril a'.,nttfiek otthë grippre. lIer. and Mis. Butchinson are lu t hit-ago Ibis meok, mheie 11ev. Hutcbin. son la atending tht. &nnuai etsâin of tht. Rock Hiver Ciînfsience. Tht. arboul grounts are beint much huproveti by the addition ut shînhe andi plants, some of wbich have heen donated b>- tiferent people, mbmle others bave given Cash to bu> plants, ail of mborn dessîve hestity thanks. Berne otujeis coutributed gaiden thock l tbe fair, sud h% masa aîerwaids soit, sddlng materlally to'h poceees. home of E.L. Wald hast Saturda>- ove. lng, andi s vei> pleasanis vpnlnîg spens. Qmssity PhotOgraph4is. Cali on us-Vaut & BuIL Wankegan. - Tht. triends of t)oiotby Bain gare bersà surprtue li u or of ier l2îh irta>-, Oct. 5. A ver>- pleasant atiernoun wa§ ipent andi daint>-r.feiîtîe mr served. Sb@ retýietinnan>- pietty pies- ente. 1ev. A. eii- Sattoîti leftITuesday toi Chi. cago chere be iii upent alem eels mîit ielative@. Qulilt-y Photographema Cal, on us-Vaut & Bull, Wankegan. MIto. Cara Foot.. returneti tro n Wbea- ton, 111 Saturday- .F. M u Hettit. àpent the wmcclenud ai Someis, Wis. is@ G E. iiei1îîau sac a vucau is. toi Friday. Mri andi Mi. J Fi'ecrruid daughterp, and Mis fl. Taylr ofî,lirairgu Hltt are Mililbuin viiitrm sStiiet>- Mr. anti Miii Huppian ot Chicago and Mm Overtaîid outBBiffLakie. mer. viil- oi@ att(7. E. l)enmansSuuday. Meesers t. B Donuer anti J. .'umuur tiaiusactd trusirwu in Mîteaulce Mon- day. A. K. Bain was a Chlrcsgcîhuaineas calter Tueuday Quatity Phutogisphers. CatI on us-Vant & Bull, Waukegan. RUSSELL Rov. WINi preachetd i@isareweit sermon Sanda> aiternuon. The boeiety at Mi,. iSeForrip vmas largel> attenidet. Tht.nextineetIngmili 11e mith Mnse. Wili Mernîie. the Many Ituent, uf t Ie. George Ma&ctuugâli miii lie grie cl lu hear iii the. deaîh of Mis. McDr Sbl 81 passet amAY Sept '26tiu at her home 1 n Omuaha. Mir. MacOcugail sas pasîtîr of the Baptist churcb foi fine seai, BHe loft Ruseieltotn yesrs ago to accept a cburch in Omaba, mhere tht.> have livd @er minice. Quality Photogisphers. Cali On us-Vant & Bull, Waukegan. liii. anti MMs C M. (larbain anti tangi. ter, aIea J. R. lMurrie anti tamily spent Sunda- at Murrie Bios. Mr. anti Mis. R. 0. Munrie were Wauke- gan caiteis Thunsday. Mis@ S- C Brome bas movùt Iu ber home neai Watsmortb. The msny frients ot Mies jasie Etit wili b. pleasedti l eann tha- ber hioken iimb ls dolng nicel>. Alir. Biver qpent Sunday Bt home. QuslitY Photagraphsrm. Cal! On na-Vaut & Bull, Wasakegan. P't. Sherîian, Ili., Oct.1.-Word of a nem hostile menace, the hobiti anti mouth disease, sureadti hrough the ctizens' training camp toda>-. The nemi ofthlie enemy came lu a veil ordereti moud of caution from Washington. At Fort Sheridan ltera are highiy prized horses trained ta, lte vont of the varions arma airlte service. The Instructions front Washington advlaed lte pont olicers ta b. careful af te anlitals allowed to bave teé réservation. L w NDAfl~AiIIET Mis. Irene Cody of Chicago. ià sPend. DIASNILII Y tng tb. week wth ber mother bpe. [A 'I>D 15 Clyde Cari of Gary, Ind , spent Satu,. dey sud Banday bore. Mrs. Ch& asDvlIsin eterteiti.drclntlvpâ front ChicagoIStands>-. mis@ GrSLt. MurpLy nue hua.. over Buuday. Mis Margaret R,îîî.y iuîiî,d Tuesdsy loto she Harrison cottage on Main Mr. and Mis Henry (Jeary were ealtai ta Chicago Tuesday on1 account of the serions Ilimess.of Mis. eiia Metiniren. Dr. Coon and Barry Baseley tank a trip tc, Union Bunda>. Alvin Kimbai and Joe Murphy ni Woodutock, were home over Bnnday. Mn. and Mis. J. IN. Zîmmer of Long Gin. speul ["riday snd Saturday wltb Mi. and Mis. B. E. Maimau. Mr'. and Mr@. Jus. Tomisky and daugb- ter of Caèry, reîurmaed horne Bunda> alter a meek's visir, ai lbe home of Mi. and Mr@ C. L. Pratt. Mr@. E. A Ooidingand Mie. (jeu. Bloek trient, and îei.ttlvee br. turing tht. meel. Mdr@.Dan fLemeyut lterrlngtoii. ri.iiteti wltti HciMalmalan a m-ltrit>- Thursia>- andi Friityý Mr. anti Mr. Frank Fleming anti dauglîtere ut Fiwic, led , and Wili éieli i ug uof ,ii rc -aI led on friende in our village. Tu..eday Mr. andi Mis GC. Ituberte and tiaugh. 1er of Mexîcu. are sipentiug the meel wutil Mr. andi Mis A. T. Glilbert and eailirig un &beir insa>- rient. in oui viillage. ltîI.ten37earois inetbeymoveti tu tht. wesî and this is their fini t'ip back. Dri. Orton Hubbai'd Ii t toi Parsons, E.n.a., Wedneetay 10 again take up bi, mork as assistant superîntendent ut the otate bospital.RBeraine borne six :eeki ago toi bis annual vacation anti mastaken sick mlîh typboit lever, mbich gave hlm a piolonget but nul Vsry enjoyable restlt. HeaW& foîtunste bomever and getting thîongb thee@sege of ty pbolt suo sonanti me bope lie miii have a morm enjoyabie vacation neat H E Malmansa Grand Fait Style Show *îit be heid ai the Lakeaitit pavilton Saturtay eveeing, Oct 16. 1915. The nemeet styles for tatiand wmnter for Men, mLadies ', Boy@ andtitile miii 11e shown livng5modtsa. Tht. sîle siom reel ni thegrest style. show given b>- the Chica. go OCarment LManuacture.r@at tht. Mid- mav (Uartena lu August at a cuet ut $25.000 miilaico tiembowu and l niaIt. tht. show toublt>-in.terestîng me bave arranget tir thîte cumic reel, lu b. gi-en turiux tht.shue-. tialîkes nicti. eIra ut Libuertyvitle has ten engaget to iuîuish muêic thîtîugbont the progîam. Ai th1e chue- imbeing put on ua e bvv expense a cutnl-icarge ut 10c sud 1.7, c % iii lie ciaý o. îtrdetrar' vpart ofti1h. c,îmt. iut wmilîjureaieh orftail egothat noîir- iet edmiss Ceeing Ihiritovet anti iiiteinsting prugiam. Çionc tiuiget the d ti tcSaturday, oct. lUth. Quaiity PhOtogisphers. Cait On na-Vant & Bull, Waukegan. PORTIONS 0F FANOUS SIIELDON ESTATE SOLD Clay ton Cu nningbsm of Chicago, btsi the. beautifui epîît keommi as 'hait Inuill as aicît severai fes't ut tht. Lakie trontage on th. nî,ith @hort. ut Lake Eara un the. Sheidun esate ut Aiea. Mi. Cunnliinha aicao pur- chaset about sevent- tnt. acre, etetîti. iug truni tht. tale bacit througb 1the shore, acre outi-duiion andtiltcbfietd tract ut a record bieaking price, it le inuoret. Nit untit L B flavîlauti utChicagoî receti> euieti tht. exclusive right 10 sýlor purebse.portions outh11e meit known Sheldun estate, ha. any one heeti able to purcbase a tout ut tht. beautitul Lake frontage. Theretore tht. sale le a surpriselu uiaey tChicagu sud Lake cOuutY Peuple. It i. ieportet doit surue nlce homes wiii 11e erecteti on tht. lake tront neat epriuig. W. E. Clark a bnsinesa man of Chicago, bas purchaseti 100 test olsisore propeil>- un Lake Eara. Dnrand, Eavland & Duranti ueguîiaîed the sale. Mr. Clark has seectt.d une ni the sites on tht ncrth short. oftheb.lake. lBe viii edec tbereon a fine home, andi voîl ou it wili commence tbis tuli. The contract for a deep meillbas been ]et tu Adam I'itu,i of Liherlyviile. Mr. Clark ls generat manage.r of the Paramount Kuittieg Co., mhich manufactures thbe Bear Brandi hosher>-. WEÂTHER REPORT1 Wether forcisi for thea week begIi- ning Wednesday Oct. . issue. by tise U. S. Westîh e Bureau, Wasisingon, Oand aeds eece et 2x4 sisellleR make the sofstit. port Possile. eau be rlsî-cd liii troin b,- Imeen the thintea iiia s tus ri. lfour asrp For tht. reziot, ofthe Great Lakt.: tuggtheld theiqiUt liet.NI ,n11.iebdrIv, a» Shomeis Wetneîtay or Tharede>- la Lhe. amare 1tu hngi-in-crrrf.Mate ofit heet upper Lke re mt'-Ssve lime. aâbsur ni Dnatte Senti lui ppnLI.egiOn mith riiug tempera. FREE TRIAL t-are andi Thursta>- orFiita> lu 1the nidr. Tri thenu t __1___ tisys ionthe. JOt> lover Late region. tolowet b>- generali> Ltberai dinoimts tai mestbt.r uring thbe romalader oft ibcontrac*sture. vesit. The sbomens yul b.aqeompanteti Oco. IH. Hansý b>- riing lempeisture ant i miiib. 750N.Dearbom,.- ~ l i içîlomweti b> falling temperathmr. Chitsgo, hI. LEL MAUFA( rHead of Miehie Prini Company to Join E) Lake Forest CU Another *260,000 estate ed tu the. Laie Foreste tait when the country- bom Rele-, president of the i lng Press Company-, la res omner. A chain of artIfici lai ts comPieted as a backgrour bouse, and steant shoveis lng apparatus are arrIving tate dally. Woîk on the. hause wil! Immediateiy. Mous. tu o Cot Oi25 Tht. building vili b. loa edgt. of a naturai oak vood an tht. estate. and viii tuti ficel laite anld swmmngV Ing an ares ot an acre andti Ketit.y estimates thal tht.1 :ost $125,000 tb hutid. Tht. architecture miii be lish, and the. materlilt tle or brick. The. Kettey estate compi 160 acres andi t. on Green about a mite anti s haift Forest proper. Fianked by oNted Ho it t. flanked on tht. not rOn the. south by the. estate of Darius 1Milter, late presîdent of the. Chicago, >Burtlngton and QUlncy rallroad. Knoliwood tarin, Oranger Farwei11- resldence, lies to the. east. "I wiii not decide on Just whst ma. teriai tht. bouse la te be butit of for a week or ten days," Mrt. Keliey said tast night. 'It il! fot be a preten- dIons residenme.1 amn carrying out the scheme that appeals to me as a comtortable estamer home rather than an etaborate establishment. Odys the Head the Crodit. 'A etUl tongue makes a Wise head.- @RYs an old adage, but we tiankIt ebould read, "A vIse head makos s 51111 tongue." ORCHESTRA HALL BURTON HOLMESI rise., about kBay road, trom Latte rth by tht. 3 COURSES===EXACTLY ALIKE' COURSE A-5 \Wed. Fsgs. coin Oct. 13 COURSE B-5 Fri. I-sgs. coi. Oct. 15 COURSE C-5 Sat. Mats, coin. Oct. 16 FLORIDA.......ct. 13,15, 16 DOWN IN DIXIE. Oct. 20, 22, 23 GRAND CANYON, Oct. 27, 29. 30 EXPOSITION Nv.2,, CALIFORNIA, . Nov. 10, 12. 13 Sale 'T'C" TSMenday, Oct. 4 $4, $3, *2.50-MAIL CIRDERS NOW * l)n't swelter in a hot kitcheit this aummer. Corne in and sec Our funl Jane of FLORENCE Oil Cook Stovea Tht. fitotïrl stores rn.'e. FuIIy Zuarnitecd. \Vhcther -rou have decidd tu Iboiy an nil .tîuvc or iltî, kt iii,show yuu th.s Une, Alisilît; reLa.bI-simpIîýst 1) TOM WALSHi, The Hardware Man Giayslsuke, Illinois Roof Scaflold Bràckets Cook County Pair ON NEW PAIR GROU'NDS PÂàI. àTINEFILLNOIS October 14, 15 'and 16, 1915 THURSDAY -CHILDREN'S DAY. 10-Mlle Ford Auto Race-Pur., $150 Farmne;'. urnnlg acea d otg Races Water Fight and Other Athietic Sport, frRIDAY.-PALATINE DAY 2:16 Face 2:25 Trot 1:18 Trot-Purse $900 Music -by Palatine Band SATIJRDAV--CtIlCAGO DAY 2:14 Trot 2:25 Trot 2:11 Face-Purs, tSoo Muuic by Daily News Band Pire Works Dsplay at Nlght GRAND STREET CARNIVAL AT NIGIIT 719 Foie. of J%,# Food$ A New Deliciousness In Corn Flakes -was achieved by Dr. Price, the famouB pure food spciaJi8t, 8hortly bef ore hi, death. Dr. Price perfected a proccu diat bringa out the delicate flavor of corn in a new way. You'11 like corn flakes better than you ever have, after trying these flaky, daintily toasted tid-bits. *ae- ProfftSàa-rgCm»m 'àl RnEm brpêw nie enclusft Dr. Pri*e Pure Food Store in y~ g own iLv 4 TRIGGS & TAYLOR Telephone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE ILLINOIS I~! . -~ loi Ili 'q h ig 'Pm- ou- 1 HOME Versatifityj ÏEL= APPlied t-,I tiiîan@e it means 0 skill izm a numîtîciof di r, cîbono TIJRER lhltY 1-illy thiarlie firm es i descrîbîig thili feature of * ____ ting ress Electriciîy thse word commonly )xcîusîv 1sd s S BACK IN THE! lony. fIexibilityj' colin 11e ad IL's l'ghîing ;phage :n Ils ny O 1 b U ne requ.rn:;';t-yo<isîcan make O u* 0,hi wPunI-er ohe f(rmsof 111 11 1 o Ii ady for tht. nination are iipijwosiblc. s.rf tha en Aq a worksr rnigity fi-w tagk______________________________ : stump it. nd for the.U orIos . a If F l and gulid- I Yo I luse 0gt t ttt .- Electricity Wl urihl ghtO e started where you want it, when 00 y o u a nt it n d n th ' S4& - - - - - - - - - - - -p . p : p p sooo. degree you want if. And O ated atthe from any lamp seeket yo)u TI EL ont sandît can summon a tirtle$s un. g pool cover. complaining servant0 a halt. Nfi. 18=r hoe. wired 0 ~J~ R E hou-rt wtl .0 A Q U RT E tutie n Public Service Co. >O 1 hP ther leofNoithein lm. I l..........