Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Oct 1915, p. 6

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OIW .AI ffTW'flaTPENDENT. 1lWIA Y. OCTOBEI S. 1915. ML p~ -"lx- -.---, - - -- A~EA 'DA Compact Unit of Mercantile Etficiency. Built to n Interests have Solved their Problems. Sncb puabiese as"ve aceti Lusalu P~ Mercantile va>' have been solvsd b>' tii. mon via ar. euerierchant body>. Tilt> years aMo tii.>' acedtheliiquestion cf uppl>lag an sgriculttiral ecumunît>' no Wel that tii.>'mlgbL elinlste the. competîlon cieh sprang up aronati. Thal tii.>'bave uceme IDtilathila la latilcatedythe>' LilaaLtih. lova hai eova a steati>, heaitiiy growth anti that no branch of ber business Interats, ether aId or ne', falle to suai up a gala la bth volume anti terrltor>'. Uer lagicral traie lerultor>' ba@ abown Do warplag or cruuabllng under the, cou- petîtlon burletist, ber. Ou ths coatrar>' Il bas onl>' stîmnistedt ielu effort ta maie gondti wth tiie cutomere wbo depenti on t hem aud on Arcs for an outlet for thielu arai producte anti supplies for theiu homnes anti farine. Tiiat overi$100.000 Wortii of talit aud nearl>' $500.000 Worth of1lIre stock alone enter luto Are&'@ ycarly budget ofl abipuiect to the. ontalde world give a fuir Ides o the productive value ofl the terultor>"' bebluti ber mercantile en- dearoe lu serving tbie territor>' theoe buiness men have iept lu mind the tact that their ever>' custoicer mut b. ahi. Lu es»y trutiîully oee01iltwo thingo, ettier 'I eau do btter in qualit>' anti s eleilanprîce t Area' or '"t rau dos wella quallty anti botter lu Ares.' lt le tue s bility tu serre these aeecde cilthe.Ares corumuit> jut s lttle botter in al wsye thanjle possîblefor Lb. outetie lies tie ecet of the mercantile suece that marieti Ares con the nape ati la k.eping it there. Ils the parent of the custemuer matie slogan "Tustie at Ares." à COUBINATION STORE d Just wheroeommercialefflcicnc>' woulti show iteeii lu a store onciiase that o1 Will Knigge-Dry tioods, Men's Fdrnisb- luge anti Shoes-becnme spparaut ater au investigation of bis stock. Tii. stock la peculiarl>' sdspted Lo the buyîng neetie othie tuade teritor>,. Nt to. mciiof an>' on. tlalu>'anti jet cnougb ano that therele awlde reedoru ileletion. lMr. Kaigge bas hadti wentytive ypare of @eeectlng anti bu>lnatheas lnee for dflerent commnnitiee. On tuis expert- basses hie stock. There are ne Iussee. rom testi stock wiich tilt not wet bla cutomeus approval therelor the cont inleue on their purchams. Thees Iqases muât be carrieti anti wrong 8eIt.c- ltappeninys ai j By T. F. SWAN Corr.spoederrt end Agent Oscalr Penny 01l Cicago, Opcrt Sunda>' vidli re. Wm. Cropley. lir@. D. A. Ajaute> (il gland Park, lated wtb relatives ber., Isat geei. 3dre. Ch&a. liorlier of Ivanho.. ad Mrs George Rasugof Round Lake, vers viittrs at the A. L. Dorfler borne lat Thurada>'. Idr. and lira. Jobn Beese of Chicago, arehborefor au extendêd vtlit witii the fohme'. parents. Mirand Mlre J. I.AyneleyseDt ftD- day vli th eir danabterad faili> la Cicago. lire Ayailey remaicci for tii. Ira*. ONE 0F TH4E MAIN BUSINE15S CORNERS 1 la MM foend tioe. SPecl1aln >tise Wabteon store cvould ucqulrs a lot of affl *vec to, Dame tbeiffbut heu sxcelletbuslaessonKodak*aadsupll eai l otattention. It lndlcat!5e uat th. pmoi pk f theC.ommiUrcây !y cjrIfes ýcat p-oeftlug a KutiakIol a plesure tba1 =ore hanrepaye the. cool A BAN KINO 0001W. Aresbasa»ot eomewhat of &D oddity IM ttse bail would. A privais bàhi Wblela, thuh not rrulred to doso, 1lesue atimet lever>' time tuer. leata anIt cali. No bank bac -a botter rlght te do tbf. than the Citissue wheuhe tlb.> h.Private, national or state ineei tuttioas, Tiluplendid lacreaemi@eu lice> starteti busines ssix eare ego ie mid should b. a matis> ut pride. A itatoaet lsuned Sept 2, four years ego .howe their Lbaasandti Dscount@ to have bffen 014,816.70 wyul. au lesIti Lait week ashowsa 57,005 30. au sttraite gala of cirer $10,000 a year. At the. "aMO tiie their cash and ruserve bas lucreacet troin a lithl&- over 85,000 ho neaul>' 18,000 Thiifr deposîts ln tii. 70&r glnce thef have been la thelr new building have «one up to 025,000. 89ch ai ncrease eau b. accoubted for la tîhe tact that they b ave bes, abl. t, serve tbelr customeri with grouter f"clih>' ha an>' ot heu hankota' wluhwlh. la thefr radius. Taie the. matter of certificate. cf deposît. As a nunai thlag a bâck pays Intereet on the. six montii perolid oni>'. Tii. Cliteni hanies It tillerent. Altersa certificat. bas bsen ta effscl for sil menthe inteacet ls paitioon th. sIl monthe aud on an>' month atidi. tional Tbis la contrar>' to custom anti tion cil stock îiinowe theur ban aon the The market &epartaient i8seu dean se meas a large stiditional outla>' for Lb. buayer. yonr cwn kitchen. the buti o the cauned hat but tbeir astoundlng lacreasre .Tai.e fou instance mens@ cltbiug-onl>' gonds, etc. le the celebrateti Club Bouese shows liaI It i. s uciatter of bauklng on. cil hie lnoe. lu hiii. b. carnies such Braudt an which tiire ià ne bettertuo .icieno-y wbieb bas heen apprécîsteti. everyda>' htiugau imen rus>'neet not a be secuiret. Tii. mets are ilU. & This anti cther efforts ctilkeliI.albre large stock of reidy matie germents. lnepected sud are reati> for uislete c m plae lb.h Ares bankIng faclities welI This woniti b the cuatomer'ca toms. In- soîti. The probable radius train Ares. alnag lu thc ront rani. steatihoecarriei tube 1.m kon Taionr i ne. s-ret b>' lhe Mainre atre le about flva 15,000 SQtJ IRE FEET Mades te order clties et reeti> matie miles but lu @ornedirection@sexceed@thiit. E;gbt ypsrs ago S. L Tcîpp seeureti pries practicatl>'. Ciothes made for the People wbo inca cil lhe Morriseff eslcn> cotrol of tha Ars Lancer yard. Scre 100 point in whther h be ic aenl, togeth-r wlLh hheir prie.anud qualit>' are that time ererytbcng bas@ Wcn rebilît. fariner or laborer, Young or oId Baeed very a eutuho lureaee the lire mile circle. TOI)AY THERE ARE 15,000 MQ FT b>' the reputati.n of succee9tul ,lothe Cîmparedtiwhb s>ny asSt cr grener>' OF1 FLOOR SPACE UNDYER ROOF. It makers thie lu,@ te placeti et thc die- within s&mach greeter radius than liaI la a laek oft Iis sort that resl>' counit.. pesai oI Ares people. Tii.> get better selochti Aea people wctuidld 1h bard 1% show@ that man>' people ut bll Iglea fit, botter style, botter service. InvestI, te locate auD 51cm et rpason lor chaage. district are cutoere Why? Becs... galion developed tb. tact that lthe @ho@ EXTRA LARGE STOCKS' hiiscanglt better eevce-bet ter prlce- anti dry Gondistepartaiente ver>. ver>' lu msknug an examlination col lhe hust- boter treatuient. complete and that there were ver>' ew nema boumses ci Arce euene oiapreeed Tiie yard oecupîe a full blaci anti in IL articles tiiet would on e tfount i Viiithe ladctiieat h>. drug @tore ot onesmanfind ever>'nhing thâtle needed for representeti. Thepe caubo ecurediquc. 0. A. Wason cardie au extraoudlnary building. It Is-puscticallvr Impossible Lu 1>. le apparait that the entireW stock fou the ize cof the communit>'. etimai. the. enormone quantit>'ofai Knigge stock la selectedtu t meet the. Se otstock counnuemareln a Drug Store matants) wbich gee. tiirengblu tic needa of Area people anti se celectedt tat tiau la other Hues. tirage Ic ill1 your course ofl a yeacu. but lait yesr theirl ticir purchases represent botb qualit>' preeriptione, aeacc4trie ol ail i;nde, drainage tile.. iees alan. amounted q sud prlce. tollet article sud lhe ticeusa adsuns to 15,250- Iet, 29) mile*, caaugb ta MODERATEC0ýT IS ESiENTIAL tMtge that appeau on tbeir icveter>' reasebtro rain alto thie heurt ai Chica- Nt ouI>' abilit>' ant i vitingues ta muet b.o'anere>'citwant tberu vien yen go-te reaeb intanaAres I18 miles icto iserve but the ahlit>' te serrevel et s want thera. IL le @o ah Wasaon'@. Laie Micicbgana or to run sy cirer the. 1moderato rail are e.'ential viien one Ftgncatirety epeakiluirthe>.drug huai. Wieconoin bornder. Elghty-sereu reight melle guoceries anti meet8s A large part messa k dtrîded ttu tbrce divisions, cane wve requaircti at Lb>. saine.' imas to oftour ycsnly expntiiturps une Ionrlod Prescription@s, Acre-soeasut Speclal- brigrvarioue kica ti.oraetito tbe yard. istages L. A Marrie hbas soIvecîhi, til,..Mr. Wasonu adtie filurauca. His Dnriuccthe saine pereidth le busines probieai. lu the Marrie @tore or the druge are pure, lts incwletige anti shovetian increese col 300%. Thses Marrie mariet svu vili Sud juel chat exPerlence icin aompountiung imsane accur- farte alîcca, tuoatrale titat flej1aeve yeun aut età .prie hbat meesyonr a-y thus inunrlng the .rcsults ex pecteti b>' auecîtled inludoing uorethan their ebare îappraval witb cirer $10.000 inveted >our pbyoician. Uniler the. heetiocila nguaranteélng thi ercuieefcec lu orticu that the tock cas>hb>.comploeteseesaors cones5toikt articles andtioeue@cilAea. Whoua lueigbt ceeue tthelarget anti cel houoeti it la cut) conder tint glance et theicaes sehoiws tit it mn,.t concprn, lu s trede territor>' eau remnake titis le su.b. a praeticail>' ankcmwu article -whlcb s->'rd-shocw an enonanous cureame anti Mfr. ancd Mre. Win. sta'Inkc cof Chicanao, TIc. minutes cf lthe prerlone meeting sprattheii. vaSAwtb N . taiiriceswerc reati sud aPpprcd an motion eof ['DcmrJEV'IEW parents, Mn. anti Mn@. C B. Alordi . riug anti Kuîgge. TeLde'Adaceyilmt jeu Ft'ilmore bas entedthetIilintares aI Tiie tr.a,.crer theca rend bis reguLar Ti> aI Adoet'clme Druy' babe sici ati asacunei auotbl>'report wbicb vas auditeti b>'lire. A WehrenbergTiiui'say,Oct barbe r froua Chcago the finacaecou-icttîce sud eccepteti ou lins.Frank %Vellrîwlct ecrenai c Mm Toms qlwladeilrebpni motion et Rueseil sud Murii..,lest cek it hbeu braîber in Citt M--d- adSudavin Itcice. M. ITii>. oliowirag bille ver. reafd: 1 Tii.people cît Prairie View %mer. Ruseeli vent up Suito l or>'. id udntMlre. John Beete enîcrtalned Company' franc Ciiego SUcdsý. The DomeeItir SieneniaI. met Wpd. neetis> eveaing et thc, F. c. Siiadtle home. Toalght <Frida.5> the .Oncchre con. Oort wili b givenata the churcit et 8 c'elock. Don't mis i Quahît>' Photographers. Cal on Us-Vaflt &Bull. Waukegctf. COUINOIL PROCEEDINGS sevent>'-ninlIi reguînr meeting 01î th- Board af Trustees 0I the village of Ares al te#Village hall Monda>', Ot 4, 1915. pisa ,WMtOupeie' rees Irvtrg, BAMissl, Knibge, Mumie, Aibrechnt. YOU aEUVEFUND EVERY wdtenmqed businss Pro-, VWss for a resere accotnt to mneet Whtreaerye fumore y" 169109 Up gor siduesas acddents or od ae? Start dha Savimos Accouat to-dag end be independent. 3% mrTREST ON SAVINGS 3% THE CITIZENS' BANK 8.1. DeposkB«« tfor rem tAr&, Mlinois Un ]ETRS A« KYOUR BUSNESSHONE» Lak-Cc. ladepentient,publlc.btug 2 90 W. H. Stutier, àenrucylur........... 5 (0 W. A. Shaw, taping vatur pipe.. 89 40 H. Mlueler NUtg. Co, tapping Machine, e.................. 1IS 29 H. A. Watson, eletrier powVer.... 18 60 T. P. Swan, expensca col type. vrillin.............................. 4 20 Publie Service Cu , street liglhe@.. 45 88 Koc'sd b>'y nliasud Irving chat ail bille b. allowecl anti warrante drawn on tueeaurr u Iipaiment cil sme. Motion carrieti. On motion cof Ensseti anti Aibret t vas tiecideti topurchase etiliie gradier No. 1. A resolution te treuster lie enu aI $212 81 "rothlb.Lîgbting Inu tttiie Ilotilng funt vas adeptetiou motion o? MuvieuleaniKngge. Meeting Bd journetionmoeion of Ruafilî anti Irving. DLAMoN~D LAKEf M. anti lre. Enri Kane epeut Sundai. lu Chicago., W. Andrews has gone to> aukeeha sautariu whee b, la an attendant. Mar. Po veroi anti Ismit> oflChicago, are occupylng onme of Dr. Craune@ cttage. Mir. and %iraE. . liltniell of Chicago, @pont Buada>' at Ueo. Mitreli'o. Electrlc llghts wlllsonon b.reati>'for. une at tii. cburch. The officiaIs of the echureh wil meet ln chureh Saturda>' sîternoon et 3 n'cdock. lire. Lawrence and Mire. Simpsonc cottage. Mra. H. KuhI andi sons lielvia and Keaueth viosihet t eo. MIttcel'. over Sada>'. Qraslty phoporapmirs Cail on us-Viut & BuIl Waakegln. Oncînge Enopf anti AlIe N"tcou oecannnti neanlj a nontii ega. lIre J. T. Vacan, lire Ueo Rcý PenriRay'spect Tueeday wcru Frank M.tctaell. Jo>. Richards entertaiued Mlr. ai( A. L Rcharcle il Jaueville, Wid Mn,,. Tnpp cal Ae&, orer Suinde>'. Mn..and lire. Bert Smah enîcri M. anti Mms. ortan cil Nervoci Jeu@ SacailiacadiNeti Dolic il ofDee ove> Sucîdtsy. US.>' aew cuatofove w hIle holding the lu liii., face 0f ail difficultles thsy have old ose It meaus that tbm>' are maklag 'Ir"cargt, that tii. qualîtla I.rght anti *e tieatmeotirlgiit. h namssthat It la thi et place tu bu>'. AILONG THE FACTORIE8 Whle J.I. Irving us>' doeribe 1dm. seilf asageneral contracter it la by nao usans tii. Most Important part 01fhiei bomImess. Mir Irviag le acontrachor anti a guo ti tractor, but hli laisale casauf c.turerof eusaI Producte, bricks, blocks snd ornameutal affaire sncb as lawa vase., columno, etc. la tus 1huai muenho hum practtîcal> 14 000 lnrestpd. tu laut he han s $4,000 stock off balaieS product ou-bandi. Tbhisle rceccc>er.v la hie camease lb. business làshowlng a steai>' ineese, 25% lu theiaslat taci jeare, antititheumandti etesi>'. Tiie fermera ofthtei Ares ddistrict bave evîdecil>' founu t tit ceaient bricks and blocke are anelMr. Irviag clslue. CHIE %P. BRtAND) MORE LASTING TItAN OR- DINARY IMATERIALS. Tii. atctblat lhe tactor>' elipa loto Wisconslu shows that the. preterence le not coallueti to lbe home trade. ,r. materlal shîppeti la tor bathi bsr» Inaialmoo i l dIs cas.. fblllleavel 'uM hem LuTforgew iiactircci thatwi es Ul tlia asor e be kci) aue n tas tii. Tal, Itu a Tes t lseebu a gooTleCit.sYJutbelaak amqtue liaa cillers sd& dîrecto;o W. Dettmet. 0 cficr a.ndrlpp. H. le.H. A. Wat.n 8BL.tri . B.bameus War.KlgB. A WThes Roa areB.Lmelia retlsetnifpuoduTm mien a r lide a ld nti tisseosah. oI>' a woresul-8 lE aghreea bug cuacou s. Tha.y'baeitodalnordre.,oub oble t @mp hi bu.>' daIl wcae Thst ÉoeretuIl wl tes i &Ilrouati of sflclecy Orne ulbiar point outelde thes sîry in that :beu the>'dicîclet to Issue 015,000 wcrth of gtiaratiteed char>.. the tieire 3vaa to keep ihe result cel tîcluficee>'- at home. Thcydteoided iciOFFERTHFi STOCK TO 1HOME PEUPLE FIRST. Thot mease taI lthe newPlbuit, wlth tasplecdld future,, àb unly lan a e peuMple bat that svery dîme of the reàul ta cI o tlaelaefnieney viii remain bore. p 1h le quî lolythat liaslogan, "ciffsr it Ici the home people Blrit" arigl- àBled vîth Job. HndgP. I1h soatis hi machiner>' ,hicii vii b.c lustaîletitble hume peuple Suif..If une weve Iookiug fai wIll mais meati>'for spriog husiese furhils plat or mercantile hanse the> a large lino of arn &mental ceusaI pro. would have to go ne lartiier than John ducte. la lant the. Ceusut Producta fieId îmell. fle ho@ a.1ev ticite and pape'.a la titaougicl>' oreretisud ln suri s wa>' eud hlngs but th. eaistplabt la lu the tiiat the, increse in output arllprotisbly ma bîmiel. as bellevîs lu Ares, lu A VIEW 0F BEAUTIFUL LAKCE EARA t.rl aon frlaes fr bae lv meuablue and autmobries f teir mrto! it. adeton bmanlagtei err, zlltsdtMr. wheumuthemanaere as sseitla whilestel bon. tywuoulâl (kdaa poirbeicou te't. uml e ow900f anoibne? coutetarÙi aumoble omneherut an 14k. uot aandA ouPar Btd,~T in Lmber o local àuomrs ave aly y- take afvaaaiso ti.bavtetha1 th b.'. en aoranIlof he tth hq. bave eseer o. t hometh' bave st boy InceereewTlh&$aith ae la ls lm orrak of lclh pts la appinate foruran o.loali b. rlaht bh. sud com a tat cuestte ra eltiirs Bruit are satlalled i wtb tres madie gouda. BOMÉP, MADE farinera anti maie luasnc a wax tiss t Isats. Home made thlngeamar. eusE> boat au>' way-remembor mothèe splat The. Ars harDe*s. @bop i. owvushlB> . G Pshbe. Who maiesa spMctat>' af uos marhinerur ant i bles a mlii» goot mac to make a sp@dlt>'ofthLIe iisrm e huai. »e». "Olt i Uck' la the pow.r hubltu lis tbioas w bon ILcomme to barausma4 hl& tis year record with arma bamuse shows that be le Worth calagf a povêr. H[anes Dow day. la Moetl>' 01 tii. "hbesv>'type" andtILila aatact LiaI Ares bornee« le bsavy enoucbh o ligbten the repair buis. Ob-le. %bey> taie car. cil aI repaire even ou chocs When auietiwhy the>' coul beti caiered efficent lrou a miercantile atantiptlut the sasysr ua. "'Weil we put s full dollar anti more loto ever>' dollar tracsacîlon-tiiere to't a place cil cori leaves the sbop tiiat coutlé be doue better an>'where andi ever>' pless' of materlal le sgondi as w. eau l,.y.a > Tb@ tact thiat tiiere f. lihîle harase buse - ams aow cocuacared i wth a lew pears aUn sud that Ares nestis a a rses maier ought to cause tb.peopl.. to the tsrrltor.r tumaie Ih s rules asfollows: "~DOT>OUR BARNRJ3. bUSINESS IN ABEA. TUE STEWART IIELPS There ares& gooti inu>' differeat maies of stores au>' ranges avallable andtiheb tact that W.A. Sbsw caunle the Stewart ludicates the. standard oI hie ahole bunmàes-Plumbitig, Beatiug anti lard- show an added stininîne ud.r the. nsw Lake Coun ILY, ln hums..ll ad lu iig6t ware. The. Stewart store le buit te plans. lintual LiI. polccc. Hl e a perfect serve, wsli.rnade. iieavy and strong, te IFARTRE8T REACHING ".11 or effienev and the. round million that It prcbably corne eserer belng a Tii. Degmet Quartz TII. produCt dollars lu .pcilicies euId tiirougb hi long time I rieud titan any thlnunec can 1reaches fartiier tban the nominal trade effort@ lbave lueeeasedl the eMfcenc>'y of buY. e radina of Area-much lartiier. It g,,.. the.boîtiertt.A Ile inscarance poli. wiwtii Mr. Shaw selée cstewart Range on ýoutside tii.boundarîca of tbe(U. S. Just the. Miclîlgnit Mulual do>.. chat you tbf. baule-tbut it aoatitiige hi@ecuâtoaners 1eîgiit years aga tbo' Ares, know. anti make. traite Irieacl. That Io oas of e tarted to ruaks a produet ta takae i.SLIPS WSST hi.contributIons to Ares's commercial place col wocid Iloors-nînde àt-made it Atdd to your lict off&atcîic,!et§ theArea fitnes-ncg trade friends TLebard. gnd anti MADJE (OOD t&o gocid in 0.1 UCompany,. cotiijoiindern il aile ware stock available in Ar« esso seet. W& t ttat the>' arcor. th. Pce(ei rclr.tcg Frtoni isplatta tie Nortbwest go&s ed tlaat a ltle bit of Everyting eh btheir espaciry. A trip tirougli uder pouati alter pound cal Ode aid (tresses, Iatwaymoinbatid. idr. Sbaw, s pîcmber ilant wil r11ovP ofi it&rcet t.. every mcan Dot tu mention> JaIinte and ev'atc.buael r1,te,, ptcucatrs Whowowrk anti women la the districtet>ai etuow Thbietoril i ircu,.. id haattraetc'e nder io ii. rection. sud the. Muellt 0tlccm.bilacacoctier uiaige.abton bui atatof aiber A rca tisiiwme.. Tbey Bc>ler-tbe long Ille. d.e.p tire lit. ti cocuîug large industrice clthe e .1 ar reaicbing lartiier andi lartiier attelti absolute a@ek,-aie s rre clc. fitju.ct bcing born right u!tdcr tîcere)ee. enut tie t inte. are *a,.y aaiticg lfur heating suid plutnbing of tbe Ares Eogbt 3ears ea otîcir 1pro-ict w ,a@ aew "eelcenigcti ta)pet) edditioncalt trrl- diétrict. Eight y>..?. in Ares:, bending F nnnown-tcda~tc c.c idamous ,cronac tory Addcttioux ofi ccacl>tcery eradl tbu Ares buliiese cco eticlact>rilytyIiblis 9the bcîldero ofuc iw ian «yt., iltii.UtK i are to b.. tbctreolribu.ion u tA rea e.cuetoniers thut evprv yesr ebous an asud bette> t.c,,rraitin ltontc îan~d Los itîeir ebcwiiag il> tacrea.. i pulsata cl laIclaninthe. 1Angeles than in Ares I its aud l.reaaecanpciutded undéreritteiene>' ucccd -Advý viiere eh, undeuverct e v..rr ecaccs.'cul hjors @lloa. ret .y.1eý«u etwiH ally De>'ç% ns clîcerred iu t1l'iney t wltb teriau chunrl. Sciay hy »'a rery fitllrcg of pvr g r ec. ISYS cii IMrs. Fred liaugle vas Lthe Scnda>' quit. li re John A. Sîryker eutertaiaed th@s guesfl fin.. Piiiîp larr-lI ot Chiasgo. ag ' Ladicw.' Aid ofthle UnilýdEoti g.1lial Quality Photographens. cuica cburcn i er homce lueeîfev alîcrucon, .Cali an us-Vaut & Bull. Waukegauî M i. Freuck L Scaman cil ('refis Plainem __ ________ I y and Wie * visalîc t t lphomue.of ber parente.,IA- --OEj Ili lire Mli n r@lIa ea. arc. I ___________ Mies Eelen Schinicl'er %%as lie mseel.. lr@. J. L. l.baabcrliu enterteineti lra uti lire. 1end gcest ot Miss Eizabeth Knicker.;Am suwit , rigPrat . .-AIhocier ofChllicago. Alm. ' a Far....,..1 Mof.Irvi.n Prk, an I Pari. Plaines, lins. Will Esay anti chiltreu ai Ares. arc epeninig thc e si vilà heu laher, Miarian Eneiler. Qualft>' Photguaphems Cali on use-Vaut & Bull. Waukegafl. bisle Myrhie Bîcitisee visited itLl relative, ant fialnde la Chicago fou onie week. Si. returasti home Monde>'. A numbor front bure attendeti. tbe moving plcture mbow et Palatine Scin- day. lire Wm Eiciimsu,Jr.,wavaeChieagc silton Mentis>. Chau. Carde. bas eustuneti tuChiceago Ici Secure a6 po*tcitl. Mn.Mary C. liathu. returmedti lere hîcnae lu ChicagoIfnrLthe viauter. On accouaI of the aploncid w eatiior Scinda>' Laie Zurilch vas qulte bue>' fer s great maD>' umbclDes vere seeu bore. Mu. andt lra. Cari Ernet andi famul>' @peut Sutdin luVblcad. Miss Elizabeth Uoccartbv entertaiuei heu counu reruChicago over . Saturda>' asti Scinda>'. gmil Frank Vas a Chicaue visiter 1Tues tasd Wedneqday. tiMr. sud lins. lames Dymouti are vieil- fug relatives ta Cifli. Calon ga-Teat àBull. Wauikegaa. mimesEleanir lMeyer ectertelueci the Clauti and lVer.. Sciti ol weuicgsn, C. 1 V. elub St ber home Tuestia> even- vielteti rlaluvpa ber>. Scnda>'. Ing. H. C. Payne rettiurcet hocme Sucit.rte> Mir andi lre.Lb J. Wilîot anti chiltiren Iromi sthne re wéeiscfft wdli ie daugb- anti Haroldi Vaut aIt aukegaci, vere ter aud lamil.. lu Teru>', Montana. the Sonds>' gueste cil Mr. andi lire. R. M. Airusud Mus. F. S Dolph eaicd n thai Vaîct. later% oncle, L.1B. hBryant iu Northi EurI Smith of Chicaga, vwu the Sun- ebicage Scane>. Mu. IBryant bh e Le day gueet et the bornent W. A. Whtiug9. ver>' hfi ut io gaînîug low îY now. lire B. FH. Krees returneti hoe.Fnida>' Tii.Cereter>' eciit>' cr11 holti an ail frona Largo. N. D , vhere oe bas been day meeting et thec.. i oî M oîalli J. L. viiitiîg ber sister, lir@. McKeller. Chamborîi lci icrsday. 0.-t 14th, b>- Ewald Witer vas the Wetiaesds>' glnalngst 10 cclock Tbere i. extra gueet of Mise Erua Bartinaus. woni lt c duit>. se Il I. ,ord ticcre vIai Mr.,rind lire. George Snyder sud rhild- busa g0091 cttercclîmute. ren of Ereuston, vereguestea tth, home lire. C. Dortter riptteti ber ýon, A. L cil Fred Horeuborger Scinda>'. Doillu sud farnil>' cclAneun, Thureida>'. lire. william OstibrmBu anti daugbter ire. b. IB. Woodi snd lre. H C. PsYne Flarezoe. vistei at the boue of Rd attaetie tbeCongregationai Association Willlaaa Scnda>'.t Wlmette Tuestis>. Mu. anti lre., Peter Dufi>' returnedtheLb Quallty Photogusphers. lut Ofthl. e si lrom thelu veddlug trip Caîl on us-Vaut & Bull, Waukegan. ant i viiimaie thhelu hocAs in thWes- sltug'm apautaient on EasiË Deerlelti DANCE AT IVANMOE Ave. Dance at Ivanhoe bail Wedne@day, Mue. Clyde Batrih ati au ber gueffla Oct. 13th. givea hv Irauho« M. W. W. Fuida>'. M. anti lre. John Hatcii, Mr». lotige. Qeeod muoe. Tlcits 50C. Stsbilag jsmu Macadile, Mus. Haery Clark anti fres. A fine time assureti. dsuubter Marlot, of Chicago, anti Mus.1 Fair suad daugbter Prudence of Anetin. Count>' Judge Pemous on Saturda>' liesas itba Karci entetied -9ev outieretiLeray' WiliamIs ofLiberty- fuienti s t ter bau, Monda>' .venlug. ville to us>'$10 a monli tovauti the Samuel Ott of Chicago, le vîsîtîag -at support of his ahîlt. Tbeme paymente the homeof Geo. ocuit b. m tie before tIce 2th of eacb thr hmeatUe. acsuact. other support, cases vere Mis Carlson 0I B8rv yu, &etnthtbcoutinuedte t s.later date. Tb. court wesk, end a% the home e1 CI&Ylbou Jsrvla &à.roevé reports on lie condiulicu bL"I.Maria uLandau vas taleon quît t 0* ch liwho are ont ou puobation. alckla" "Sda' wtb appeadWctWm Ses- de>' ci. vastaireu hoSt. LuW@ sbosp4W 'bflaesolMt s-resti 1>'U GAGR'S LAKE lire. J F. Darlîcig anti son Jaci ot Osk Park, acre grueoe l<1 Fred Vnr Zaucit and faunily Thareda>'. The concert given by Mir Lockyer, lIr. Riddle ardai ls# Enor', ai of Erant. ton. was p..înly atlecclei. hiaster Fred ltuttértlid and sister Caroline, ace re vr Sanda>' viaitors ab thteir Grauidma ('hardea. Mir. and lire Henry Tsa lor risied tia Joliet Baturda' and Itunda>'. It le rc'pcrted ,cur panelur, Mr. Lockyer, e .11 prcaeb here tihc' ceece yeal'. Mi.@ Laura Krcss.y and sisterare visit. ltcg relatives at Stcngbton, Wl. Ueoý Mortomnlha@ goue ou an extendeti trip souLh, wbilq hie lrotber, . lMorton cil Fargo. North Daicita, le vîcitinfi relatives bc're. Jutige .lones and Vite cil Wanlcegau. ver, Suida> viuitors witb the Toil lamil>'. Tii. Ladlesi' Aid coclety cmté tht. week oni Thnrgday wlth Mmr. Ahîgrlim. Quallty Photographera. Caîl on cia-Vant & Bull, Wauk.gan. tir. Usuel NM Mu 'Bow diti old Bankroll get se mueS tuaghr "Pnealdent et tii. Soar trll lad il.>' watelred the etocI. *-Judgo, Mill Runin g Prairie View Flour1 & Feed Mill la pormitted to grtad wheat and, l"d 4>om outaie the. quara"- tlned distriot* Pirtiesmid. e'the 8- mile limît vil taring their permit KNEDLEitR'RS.O , ~PLÀaI -INMI PULI Dead Do Bed LU Otite RHo ted suleld et th: hou beau board Nselha. revolver in tiigr. dresser, reg "Tis I mile la t My mincI> phone Dr Roasehis Mr@. Zeiler about 5 oc «e having 1 PMva. The, iinve taken 1 o'clock i Russell, 1 local plant Wtnre Comp las mince N. blie d bae imu gthe, for bis rasai Atter her busleti hers. "ý I gnest Mid ta i bfrnder. SIc. Vent MaM calleti MMs Zelier haver. Tii thremiiholti a bat liveti Bt ftzil>'. 1The bcd>' an resgans.. turried dtov 1 IM iafral Ryder w,: te Young I le Pulsation hysician w bdy was ne: Fatzel un ibere thi dteunoon ah Rosseli ne, bere Vasaa a to Viiere lur. Zeller ft bawer anti 0OR of shella *ccynîzedt] t eauemberccj ie ago b>. ha sul to shooat euI viereil Ecceell'a Un &ken charge leuls. Rosi ;ung nuan bocked at thi PÀTIE! TIM 1 Thi. i at 1aw to fait a bv. been lu km ît vas e ffa B. MOu tGeorge T. reau. Zion li"a lorri ~Sm' mora Ucver>' Pl boe SepteMI ii. Young 16aettihe tir W been tait Its trOUI ? bule tier. t lWu cf the. ( lsi concînal. lhe dilse»s vE S sncei t'ii 'puMan irn Wote el Xilan Morl knint> for tû dev.lop lIn 0àt the bsp le tuirned oc &turulb.M attants mIsite vai ti- -- 1 1 1 - . 1. -j tl i'l 1

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