Business Oft the recordera office for a ~the week euding October 9. 1915. se par lin.ea«Ch.Insertion Number of transfers. »0. -t.« tho M4Number of loas, 31. $et firet Insertion Total mimber of instruments fIle, Total amount of lbans. 178.850. Business bas been fairiyL bri dur- . . .. . . .. . . lig the week and joan about tihe + TO1ý 53M ~+ average. . . .. ... . + ..+..+ ! The biggest deal of tbe, week was FOR SAt.E-7-ro00 IIouge on Nov - the sale or the Howards Mineola hotel bsry aenu. lquie o W.B. tg"V at Fox Lake ta, Edward M. Bertha of berr avnue InuirO01 - f-.Pt Chicago for 475,000. la Benton township Barbara J. *OR cu5tCfter, Douglas bought three lots ln block N. .J. bundee. Phono 14-R. 4p1 10 of Kellogg's Subdivision t Win- ___________________________ hrop Harbor for $960. FOR SALE-lBrge self lépdlug leguer. la Newport township Mary E. and Aie lrgeIc bo lquietlêofis.4t1 Allen Dizon bought a lot et Rose- crans tram Jas. Crawtord et al. 'for FOR SALE--Q.Slitiff of Jonathan. 50 Eusette and Grseuug# apples tram Michael Leable bought.80 acres ln 8hedon orcbard. ÂiO eosstSIPltCleder- section 22 tram Byron C. Shaw 'for 1'hoft Arsa 812-R. tpl1,81250. FOR SALE--Charmilg Universal bard ln Antioch township Charles B. Laz- "oalheter, f Spi der. luquire T Van- sonl bought a lot an Deep L'ake tramn derW.s',uicluiei ave ,uLbertyi lie. Pl Wm. W llmlngton for a nominal con- ________________________sideration. oOpAE4Wht ydit ult Standard 011 Companiy bougiit a lot tram gaod liue sr train, April hatch. ln VllD.85of Fox Lake tram Chris- Nre. HIL usiUbertyville. 4p1 tUnsaMarvin for 8350. _________________________ lu Grant township F'rank and Mary FOR SALE-U1pright Pioscher piano tu Maly bought a lot lu Stantan's Subdi- good condition. 875 takes It. A r*Il vision on Fox Lake tram Joseph lMon- borgua., u Ie. t aonce.Idmn. Lilul del for 93100i Nattoce, Lake treet, Libertyville. 1 Ktherine Gornan bought tva lots Phone i2o.W. 3i!on NippersInk Lake tram Converge Marbie for $1000. FINE FAR9POR SALE-0 5ac. 8 John McNeil bought 20 acres ln mâses tram Liberty ville, 1 mile tram ra i ortbwent quarter of southweet quar- road statiof andaut useOtderi'lun$. Vry1 ter of section 12 fromn Thon. J. Wilson fiue building., iuated lu osk grave; for a nominal consîderation. oo-hoMl mie tram laie. Price 0150 per lu Avon township Katis M. Phanea- amr, Worthi 4200. Easly tenrme. Aieoa tiîl bougit egl4t lots in Roslng som. vri flue bargales lu boumée. Heighis Subdivision and one lot ln Dymoad# Autinà, Liboty ili.. a-tgRosing Bras.' Subdivision at Round ~ ~ Floyd Cuiter bought a E-foot lot later mor. Rev. Il. Roi-., R 1. Are. nHeersreGaylkfo Io. IL, Everett Cutyer for 0100, Iii~I ic ALbertyville Genbard Schreck IMoM SAt-Iew modernu bouse laAra. houht a lot ou Plrsft Street tram Wm. on deymour Ave., 9% blocks tramPet p. Hamainnff for $50. coua. WIfleli vii anlot or faurtemu. Wt. . Hafemana bougit the, isamiabis trme., . L Tripp, Area. lt Sch.ll property on Broadway for $3.- ..eseoeee.-.........*.~000. FO AS~'~Ut USUI 155, oui Wm. C. Trigsa hougit a 64-foot lot b@O M àd«M TiujOUSC000i- j ou Mllvuieeavenue norti of Austin tI su0 ,aldmw^ DL. WbYt tt avenue tram A. J. Austin for 8400. t 3 . eli Gidlei bout te Thei i9 WOSSISSOl.boegtautuh*nged paort ou Cok avenue and Brain- IL Uel haut iarom sa"t wagon. er4 courat fiçai Jas. T. Robertson suda Owb or ternis. NI.L d, phone 4, vit, for 82,000. - Lleryvll. i in a Ares Clayton Cunningham t h- ouIst about 65 acres lu sections 18 + s + tn 19, sut 28 lois lu shore *cru . * ~~ u'> JJ ubdivision, on La'ae Mam ram Ares t Insitus t BsinssTechsolog sud A. lmF. fblon for 915,000. 8* U8NY-TweaqPrOOMeturniebOd ln akeForst H. B. A. Oison andt lo IgA iukeepin. eParate e- Chas. Johnson bougt a lot on Mo- tri.. Mro. jismes Layeci, Orobard Klaoly roat ln Rose Terae s ubtil.b 8tvision tramt Chas. Toukyn for nom- I PO RNTRoseouSooo srstmal consdération.1L POR ENT-30Mon sboo etrst. Davi B. Jones bought a 95-foot lote aton Oak avenue. near Vine, tram Jahne Griffith for nominal considération. . . . . .. . . . .JohnP. Kerrlgan bogt a lotait + WAUTRD +1 Westminster and poreet avenues tram . . . . . . .. .. Cthet..Maslerean for a nominal WANTD:- 1i~ catervltha 1 taconsidération. 14 mcitio:a t cutter wt gootco.Willts W. Grime baugit a lot ln titiani. Cal Llbertyville 266,P,2 or Geen By Aditin a700a.A apply John Petons, R. D. 1, Liberty- Nva o 70 ville. 4e2 - la Shieldis township J. Allen Haines _________________________ bought a lot on Grson Bai roat lan WANTED-Wonkitag marri4-d oremnan section 8 tram Chicago Tille & Trust1 Ian large stock sud grain tarai. muet Company, truste"", for a nominal con- undenstatda ahLinde of larm wovan sd siteration. bis able to, mn suecestlulil k inde ftai n luBannington Gertrude Heît boubt ,oaaioery aud pwer. Muet board beip block 28 in subdivision of lots 9 and and have abiity to baudie samq 10 10, Chicago Higlands, for $1,500. advautage. Il yau are airait of hart Iu Vernon township Herffiýn H. AI- voan ad to uas bave the abililts do brecbt boughl a lot- lu Prairie View nat apply. Reereuces requit. Address fro I Fred. Prueve for a nominal cou- "Fonaier" care of Ibis paper. 4c1 slderatiou. ln Highand Park Jua. A. J. Wbip- WANTE-To buy a ferai, 60 to 90 pie bougit tva lais la Ovuer' Sub- acres eqnlpped ton dairyiug. Wiil pasidivision on Sheridan roat tram Rob- part cash ion lame. Pries ual ta ezce"ed, er;,t. McEiroy for 126,000. $126 per acre. Calor write th.ficee g _eE Andrews bougbt a lot 8P21an Laurel avenue, near Laie lino, - - - -- - - -- - 1 rom Bastetoaf Mary C. Saiall far + LOBT and POUND + POUNOý-Day mare ou sept. 201h. F. K. iie,-4bmiei. Pbons-. 294J-2, Liberty- $4,600. Jae. R. and Mary A. Moffatt hougbit a lot on Linten avenue from Boul. woeuaieyer for a nominal consitera- ville- 2p2 tion. _________IluNati hicago rank. Romigar Wt~i'n1U¶Uibought-,a lot On McAlister avenue, DLUwv G UE south of Eleventh street, ftram John1 FOR »Enliant-nu for 82,500. ~I% I3f S? iluWauiogan Wai. C. Parier bought tRhie pré'perty at Grand avenue ant Asb Clevelad, Oct.£-A cure for dia. stasolt ram Mary E. Sted< for a1 btes vIlcit may ran itvil tbheoinal conslderatLlol. vorlt'e greatest medical tlscoveriesi Wm. S. Keltih ougit tvo lots on1 bas been developel by tseRockefeller Palmer place tram H. W. LtIle fori Poundation of Medical Research sud a nominal cousideratlou. la ta bc etien inoth e nçt Issue Robert Dady beugbt tva lots on ofthle American Journsl o! leietcal Souh Utica street, near Southt ave- Science, nue. fram IL Aprahamian for a nom-, LisIde bosptal of titis cty asut mal cansltoratiou. Johns Hopins (Baltimore) bave pin- litnile J. Kerr bought a lot on torenit or on patients which bas South Jackson st-net froai estate ot ounviaetd the toundallonte cure 1» John F. Doyle for a nominal consit- effective. ration. -It-là is anonce lb.ebais of lts Cha les F. Kresela aiea houait s lot remeti le bicarbonate o! sodium wvIl 1 on Sout Jackson street fromiti a mueamotsioS f sali Estate for nominal cnsideration. FifeenMothi 01(1ChUd Had Not "a, AnyNwlhent inThry ou. Wiuiegan Oct. 12. Shortiy after 2 o'clock todaYe a one- legged, oextearaied manansd a YOung woanan ereseensupuýbIng a baby carntage through the streets of the Cty. Wnaly the Cripple vae issu ta enter the. mayor's drug store. "Your hanar, 1 baven't bat anything ta eat since yeaterday noon, but I'm not asklng for aid for myself, what I want le enough food ta keep My vite and 15-months-old child tram starving ta deatii." The young man' vas reterret to Edward Conrad, poar master, Wba gave hM91 ta buy foad snd ralrgad tickets. "It bappened, thlà vay. I'm a sai. charmer by profession. 1 bat 15 rat- tUs suaies, al of vhlcb 1I mported tram Mexico. They. ver.perfectly harmless, but praved a curiosity1 and ver. a big aide attraction taes"Y Car' nival compan!. We vers shoving la a smaîl towu In Dakoa, and vinter set ln, and the campan! broie ID. I dtd't have ,uaugii morn e obey tick- ets home to Detroit, se'I bavP valked a greater part of the distance ta Watl- kegan. Weve bat notbIng ta est since yesterday, and -l'aild our 15-months-ald chit vwill starve to death." The snaie charmer gave the. name of'Davit licCarty, sud her daims that he loat hlie leg and ara inl a tretgbt wreck at Kansase C fOtw sr ago. '-1,ast year viien the show season closet. I had $700 whdn 1 returnet go Chicago, but tht. Yer l'ai brake' sald he He left Wau'oegan at 3 o'clack. LIR SlIOIJLPB STKERD VNFS uSmaur uw,5aUr1MI11 A1 Dso4md Upon Sotty's Pool o Rooiad t s Ud Some Ahests Winblo 1 -IOW. lwaliegau,Cet. il. The 'jplice radet 'Boo sPool litUUIItI roopi" Otai and foundt tree or foutd i u Ow "geuLts , playing wlth the*ta Yss, they were shooting flç a nd *Wt=IImm #amgkbr Us leu&es he lt was rumoret about the police ita- .UI I. tion thus atternoan tiiat warrants for the. arrest of the proprietor of the! place and for the men oaught lu the' raid wilI be Issued withln a von teW hours. No names wer, mate public, but It vas statet that policemen ou &Il béats bat recelvet Instructioni'ta LiBERTYVILLLE ILIOI raid aIl public places where gamiy~ng vas allowed. The Beatty Pool main was the, oniy- raid 4onducted Sunday. but lit la MH iliradvietn moret that the Police vitt enotb.rt REAL I3STATE TRANSFERS . ~ ~ ~ ~ t . A. and NOTICE- PFRO ndniud nedig d1>11 1Nia . E. n"110131 lot 9, blocli 1. Bal- RDELTIO place~~~ sud oun "ntbiu dong.larde SubdivIsio, Libertyvlle. q« Ntie.Bereby gLivEtiat Wbot's mors, thi e s oOf Wau-, LAKE COUNTY TITLE &TRUSTCO0 C. 82.. noiel rsygv tt kegan véïe sciased yéstertay. It was Abstracts of 'Tit*..Tities Owaanteed' AresaInstituts et Buglues Tecinolo- poeas wili i40 ricelvet at ite. Possible to get a drink iu tour ot of MaSonic Temple Bldg. Wauiregsn. » gy ta Clsytos Cunningham, ate i.Cut ueltuetn I b i o c iss ln Ca a d o S h o r e A ce s u b d . va Y s b y th e C o m m is a o e r s f R iey.bu 7.000 s m o sbleCtipgo estervision, Village Of Area, sud 10 acresyse i.Tw tBuo u day.~~~~ bu tvsipsil agta Oct. 4, 11.J J. Morley sa" vit..unsubdlvided land! adjolnlng.$0. wayI of theBridg e mnteon ad drink ln one of the 20 saloons .4 ta IL L. Mrriman, norti 15hfa«AftlAULIENSS. Bodad 0BSri rsoritee Wlaniegaa. ~West Quarter and noiti 4.50 eh&. Steve Korasek, 41. North Chcg.srtolfth Kiog Bridge Gsnbuljn uWaukegan bas beau eauth hait eauthveet quarter iexCept adEv èplvi,4 a ge. Setnl fthe Keaboutg.misg tabooed, te saloons ara forcet 6e subdivision) section 35, Weset Aaioch aenc èe iehI.249,ionClty an 0f 1e iti.od bu oemW close their doro t 11 'clock each township. Q. C. $800. Caec ih,-V inCtadO I iy nlght. and Sunday apmalng la net and Charlese Tunkyn and vif tu, H. E Sylvia Orr, 21, same- Alffl for the gradlng ofuhsiN basB Dot besa Psrmittet.1 A. Oson sud Chas. Johuson, 1 *S* Lucine G. Bele, 27.. Waukegau, and Rosit for a distance of about 0M Lu, F.AFOI,24,saîe.On M*t ide o. f this bridge, lu- Bcatty, or Scott, came itt promu- Rose Tertace Subdivision, Lkut, L ul'or-eu 4 Dn nence a fsw mantis ago vhen h. flled est. W. D. $IL Ga. Hagner. légal me., Ubertyville, cordance viti Plaus! and saeeIn a sensational suit against one of Chicago T. & T. Co. ta Barbas. j and Lulu itobte, legaf &go, gme. tions Prmred by the etate Higl Wanega'a roinet gocesThe Douglas. lots 4, 6 and 6. bloci .QXlý1 Walter Luscie. 23, Chicago :autCommiseleners sud the. Couuty sus Waukuga'ousIprominentl grocers*.Iteneto lbo, n nd case *as settled out of court, it 15la gg jubdivis!o, deirpf~ Mmie Ott, 18. same. uedntoE.gwi51 uOe mit. »ssd s 280. Arhur J. Meyer, 21, Chicagaoaut'the e offie the aforesait offels. Austagt Palice Tyrrell canflrmed i Joséphine t.. Kellog toEarbam 3. Elsie Boenlng, 19, am. Machb biter May submlt bis ai IWincis Pisianakus. 30, Waukegan, plant~sud spscticatians for a bit4 the. report thattse Police b.d raidet Douglas. part blocz< 11, lCellogg's eSai -ie eteaprvlo h ç the pool room Sunday, snd stated thai division, Wintirop Harbor. W. 'D. andt Milina Gublinuke, 2o; Wauiegan.sulctai. prvloftiaf he vas of lie opinion that warrants $910. NahnWxla,2~* a , ga.sald commuioners. for the arrest cf dicote taietn lts e verett Culver and vîfet, FloPi<l and Sylvia Roeeuzeig, 18, ChIcago. Each bider yul b. neqtsret raid vouid ho iasued today. Culver, norti 60 feet lot 7, block i, Hamr Addleman. 22, Chicagoandt submit t il@ hiebd à certifled 4S Oraylsie. W. D. $1. Madelin. Thorne, 21, Rueins. for the amosat of $200.00, payahha« J ,sCrawford and vif. et ai. te Ray Waters, 24, Antioei, sut Mai- Burnett« Love.,'Town Clerk of Be«4 LEAVES AIL TO FANIYLY.! ay .aJ&-e-Dzuws ~gn Shannon, 21, gamet as s guarnatte. that If avarted1 MrodLs nd lfusoxntb1 os0 o , wsectIon .iellu msm21, Kenoba.sutd Je- contract he yul enter into aune01 WO IY WaTe Twfsip 16, Nswport township. W. D. l mie Remicii. 22, sme. nile the. necemari bond. ForMes'L«Ve$ 32,000 Of Prédi. Prueve ta H. H. Abresit Ignais Ludis, 24, Wavkegan, and Bide ta be opeu.d a et tii.oncu a* to fa is Wife. lot la Village of Prairie Vlev.w. fltsabath Nornettez, 20, Nrth Chi. County Superintendent of Hisitu The van .16-2,11-h. starte- lu FRY EIT I IAK D. nosae 31 The *Il of John Kein, a promînent John Martnii sud vifs ta n Jos Brunner. 36, Chicago, snd Emily L.ake counlrs représentatives lu Waren. ovnu5hP fermer vie dWe ReMagar, lot 2, blockil1, Wauie» aiu nis. 40. smi. .he senate sud bouse cf represeta- July 16 bas bien parobatst and shows Highland, Northt Chicago. W. D. $r William A. Musgrave, 25, Artmone. t Iveo shouit se. ta ft that 1ake MiI' at Mr MIn ppe'<> bs sn A-00. Oila., and Anna.A. SBIa .20, Okla-A gan la tocet viitt Mfrnt thelb. tate bor.îKlslsas ,ezecutor of the ,5tate W. 8. Ketta G. H. Remaier. part hoaiCty, Gils. etcheri t Sprlng Grave at toast onCes wtiieuten bbhond. lot 2, Pearsou,Lttie & Brogau's abb Otto J. Anteron 29. St, Paul, I yeux luntseopinioa ot A. K. Sterna o W 1t eniKliM. division. Waukega». (à. C.'$1.. Klan., set Edltb Andermait, 29, Ci.i former member of tse tas legiss.. Klen le*yes $2,M luaIou of ail dov- Oct. 6, 191-John Grifftth and vifs go ure ram bisdIstIct Du~- or ai fl<ts. sfvf ber oa -eth t tab D. B. Joues, eauuii 95 test nova, -vhils Mr. stesoafu a srepremfu- eeivlieovmtiee. 20fe es 1 etlt32 aeFARMERS TRYING TO Lative-iie causet ty th Ta- Uduard 515Chatles Ruine, sons Foreet. W. D. $10.STPHME FO ta ho placet ln Lake Michigan. He of bis son Abrt, he bequstiedthel P . L, Mclroy sud vifs ta J. STP-UNER1.O ai te esit a Iisacio ae ovbouseesORf Ieseteatcotalnis8 aWhipleftts 7 and 8. , «e @W> TRESPASSIN~G OfiFARMS. Baya hefsURg tieelesastisseM IO trsct o 9 acrestu the west hAlf 0« division of Lot 6U, etc, Ravinis. W. ' sor hbunem are mars re matUring. tet5ortmet quarter of section 1. D 1). numerous ibis fail than tb.y ever "Th vn hoitbe onlnsd~'tovrnsblp 45 seorti, range 11, eagt of - Baai of Mary C. Smail (teceaset) bave heen butors. Thé, tarmers ln "Th wok houd h cntiue, te tirr ph-palmerd- ibis taB.loAdras,étay60are o lttrylngc ta ae t luvtenten he saititotay. "A largeqU&ntit Of cut hr pfcpl eilnLELa .E Adee Si 0tet oeme menus of i.olng tbMarsoff their lii should ho placed tel b e b v.ry cut, ~4.and ailey adjoining ln blôeik S<end. yosa tram the state hatcheni. 1 lau'- Teo b graudda*bter, Ermuee s- Igilaut Pari. Deet 84.800 Tiie situation la mars serfous lu the id lais trout. vblteflsh and land lack- risati. ho hequeaths the suai et $1,00. G. W. Manierre snd irite ta 'W. M. nelgbborboad of Sprint- Grave bo- it salma ta ho lacetTu thelie o i. ldrsn et bis teceaset Hoyt, tract of 700 acres lu section 8. causes of the tact that hunting bas daugiteLAmeltaaihol, h sait bn9,the.16 ant 7,oblaust-ictiy forbidden flu Lake caun- "*Wankegan la Ideafli localet oh the dubeAnlaPnl ondb',1.1 n 7 Benton township. Q. tylawiug ta tiie provalence ofthtie foot aie ta ho a fshing port. In tact, lie gave .$OO about tva or mors ynnrs C. el. aud mouth diseso.e and the buuters lsbing lndustry le ",-t hscoeing a 'ag adbe deemedthIis ta ho thir B. C. Shaw ta Michael LeabIe,,sout'i foci avernufrom that caunty 1 very Important ane. Hundres o f tons mthr'. share of bis estats. 80 acres southvest quarter sectnsvarms and are causing land owuorv .1f ils Ilhari.o lur lr,,nlmt 2,Nwor ohbi .C.$30 I tbe vicluity of Spring Proie and offa haeaipped out of the cîîy ev- Tlo h bni saeCla. an lmte 2aryNE.rteetov anhip Q. C. 9,. .!Grass Lake ne littîs auxiety. ery yqer. Anyting that in toue t fteEILuaeaslah eft Mr . leksth;bn eW A promInent Spritg Grave farmer improve the flsbing Intustry vlll ho a the nulle ar $500, requesting bis son C. Parier, lots 5 ani 6. blockt 15 ' tatt t a Gazette reporter Wetnes- boot fr wuîgan îîisa cmpaa-Albert ta boit ft for ber support. Northi West Addition ta Wauksgan. 'aY that samo practical action woul4 eos o a e a geLlat a e i cTobsoonAmparegaesal-ho ý 1.,have ta be ta%<en ta Proteet tbe stock tuvely y matter tasuteefa ebsnnAbrth le i h .D 1 ad praperty, but It vas a dîffleuit for tockîng purposes andt Wauîogan iest of bis estate of ail Mnds aut de-, Ida C.' Hutchins ta W. C. Pope, proposition for the Individuel farmers people should avaken ta the neet for selptons.e part lots 2, 3 and 11, block 31, orlg- ta koep tisse poncthera tram their oaci ctio." .Dr. A. A. Radcliffe, Arthuir Radcliffe l Waukegan, vblch lies norhb of promises because of tbe rot tape Il suhatin"and John Itereli. ail cf Waukegan. Prospect avenue, W. D. 1250t. lis nçcessary ta go tbraugb befare an lie sgnlu af te E.offeuter couit ho pinlahet. He sait van vNt.wee ituesses ta tesgnt f h .L. l1utriins and vifs et ai. '..ii liun his opinion t heonly remedy J.dg os iii. Andrev Cooke. part lots 2, 3r aud 11, 1 ay in organizatioand uth le farmers1 lieu bave commnti!More. PleaureIvuit in te critictil vhicbhutlite th«Isnl,, bock 31, original Wauiegau vilci îoaîîtîegauîze ane tey bave in sale tbt iciisiuouus st~.~Confflmnd. lies norli of Prospect avenue. WD. naIls thon pragress coult ho thaet i a ie ooseve tand bsas Fresi tashions are passing.' Com-:25 mate tavard cpnbtng tbe nuisance. hearts than eftbat vblcb tolle NUD 1met the Clevelaud Plain Dae.W n flt amnvaaa lenly n U. gave-Rtiil'. juet Icaket out the wlndawan, bi Oct. 6, 1915.-W. F. Hafemaun and large tairy lu liaI section, bas vrlt- tenty o th grve.Rusin. Jove, you're rIgt.-Boston T-InecePt. vlfe ta Genbard Schnock, lot 3, block mlto,(4ert vie t u ont out 10. WrigbV's Attltlog te Ltbertyville. what aîeh doue nome action vili -W. D. $50. ilkely b. taisu by Spring Grave tarai- Btaisoaf Illinois, Laie Caunli. se. Emma M. Auer and bushant ta ors l a curb t.e hutera liaI are lu- lu accortance vit-b an Act of the Genéral Asseaibly of t-be State Of: Margaret L .Btrdick sud hushant, testlng tbefr preaIlees - Richmond Illinois entilet "An Act ta revise tbé Leaw in Relation ta Rtonte and Bridgea,"; 164 acres lu southvent quarter sec-_Gazette.____ approvet June 27, 1913, lu farce July 1, 1913, 1asesinendet hi ail ameuttaents.'lion Il1, Rilà township. Q. C. Il. beevitb are estImates Oftht-benoone auMlle 0f'roat of type. viditb andt Catherine Mont.tec a John iP. EIGHTEEN PEACHES surfacing lndicated as suhmitted hi tthe Stale lilhava Commission, as ebovu Kerrigan, lot 1, block 2» Anderen'ws ON ONE SMALL TWIG. by their communication of September 30th. 1915. and adtresset ta the Counti Subdivision of lot 340, and part of lot Board of Laie County, Ilais, as follove. to-wit: ESTIMATES 0OF COST 0F 334, Iu Lîke Parent. W. D. $10. As a grever ot fruit Thos. ICircO1- ONE MILE 0F ROAD 0F TYPED. WIDTH .AND BUEFACING INDICATED.j A. J. Afftin and vifs ta Wm. C. ner boite the record In Waukegsn. WlAtt of Trlggs, part lois 10 sud 11, Couti At hie home ho bas tvo pesoS tries. Gradet Wdtîh of Clerie sufbdivIsion, Lîbentyville. W. A mouth ago ho Pîcied four ant one- Type lSoa>. portion Pavet. Esîlutate.I D. $4"0. baîf bushels off tram one Ire., ant Eart h....................30 ftest O foot $9 c10:0 Cic Ttfdirs Cma totay ho pickedthtres snd a haIt Gravel-------------------..30 "1() 5M00 1 J AHatas., lot 15. MoGuirs & butsbe off bis second tise. On ex- Gravel ............:;.......0 15 6800o.00 orls Bay Roet acres ln eection 9, hibition aI The Sun onfce la a tvlg 10 600.00 Siels tonshp. Ded 10. taken f ram oue of ths Irsos on vhich Macadam.................0 165100 E. C. Hovrd ant i vie ta E. M. thora are 18 peaches. Mn.. Kirchner Concrete-----------------..30"01000lo.00 Bertha, part soutbwest Quarter sotht-puup2qarsffuipcetrm Concrete-----------------2. 0 15- 12500.00 vet quarter section 3. Grant tovu- the fiait lree, ant the triit, tram the Concrets-----------------...0 " 1 14400.00, ShIP. W. D. $10, second tieese ia leglvlug ta ber PotintCeiet.Cocrts10 foot concroe. it-b Oct. 7, 1915-Marell Dvyen ta Ger- trient.. '"The peachos are Just s otaa d mnCobiet 8 4fo mcdmtrude Raillblock> 29, Chicago High- manth leétht. yeur, tue ta tecold L ndMaaamCobie..0 4fotMaadmlande. W.' D. $1,600. sumnaer," explafinet Mr. Kinchner. ehoultder en eacb W. A. Rosing et ai. ta Ratio M._________ -aide 10800.00 Pbansnstill, lots 66 ta 62,1 blockc 9. Brick ..................... 30 - 10- test 18500.00 Roslng ltelghts, and lot 27, subtivi- Tva births are reportet at the Lae Brick--------------------8. 0 " 6 10()o.oo tian of block 2, Round Laie. W. D. County hospital as tolios: Â taugi- Brik---------------0 is' 22300.00 W.Lits utvteto ter ta Mi. sut Mis. Oscar Linthal, l le furtiier ostimated that lie probable expase per mile tan bridges Iketh, lats 13, 14 and north hat foot Jackson street. Wauiegan; a son ta %in Laie Counti vouit ho Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars. - lot 3, tteamsn. lttle & Brogane Sub- Mr. and Mm ,Joba Kennedy, William$ tLUCW A. 1RNDUDE, division, W&ukfflu. W. D. $10. straît, W5uiOS5IL The. ospital in 1Counli Cleni at Lake Caunli, Illinois, and Cîri of tiheB oardOf uDervigcrs. Benugnltiiioveamoyer qut vite ta nov, accommodating ilt patient@, nse ,My7 (»t 815 7i, Hululant Pari, W. D. $1. tvoiaevrsck (10) dais atter accptance of the t tract and cotipletet hi December1 Datedtii 27t8 day et Septemu A. D. 1915. George M. Balrstov, Martin RuPiB»l, Supevisoset Rosd & Bri C4mftt@O. R~ IL A ien, George W. Lambert, Arvtr 8. Benett. Coisloners oet ugb Buruett 0. Love,ý Town Cluý chas. E. mamslI, Co. sbpL t Miii vaiL Final Speciai Assesament Motis .ttef IiiioWIinntv of Lak.». Blaelit " Eis- ltii,-Mater o! é-peci a se No. 1 of Village of! Ai-va Lake Co% licolla. fonr te onatructiou Ata' os-itel "vmt*m of 6 inch i-ast ito,n i mlipply fie". w itilà bvraato. valvent [loiot NO I Notice- le hvrPy gi-en ta aIl pl« intens-wd. that tht- Board otf Iiuprovsse».s. aifthe said Vilaj Araiorn s.heratMorp iledin o ald lu .aid sel n -a tteste siloIDR: lie sait înpnsîvsuss-nt liasbeauý peot"f andt liaIth, e as- csut,,naer l'întialiy t-a the requirernenîs o .irgiuai ordInaauce for tie construst sain improvens-t. Vhs bearing ta consida-r antd l wisiter or ual the f tce as a said eenli ieats, are true. yullasbe sait Court, elth-e Court Bouse,. <liyofni euan, Lake Couuly, L ou thei 301h day o! Octoboar. A. B., 'Bt 10O'clock a in .,or se netheii as the business a! the Court vii*p Al psisons deaiinag a bot o, a objections lu ait Cout eloe. s aud iay appear oun tshe arh" maile t-heIr defens. Dated this l2th de-y uof Ocober,, 1915. o B. A. Wato Thomas Ru William R. Bosa!rLaoflel mppoveettt. Village of Anea, Lake County, Dit4 B. H. billien, Attorney tor to ,ceal lImpravemeuts. Or~ am H. MILL. Aiee - ADJUOICATHM NOTSIO senier Adtuiiasor 0fte ista e.e Shisdi.deceafld, vii] sUendtisih Court of Laie Constr. e ter te b hoideu at, te Court Rossme lU lu said 00tiy. on the fii Mondar 0f *xi usi,158 hs,, ld viens sm Perse e staissatnàtit altatu ams n vêqueseed ta unesent the sum»le sit *AUGUSTiSCHIDTn'. Aduaiuisintor 9 «MeifilliamS chidt. decesSit Wsni. u., ..Oeioben It. 1se5. ladegtetat rtr? DU ti ti 91 ti tg m ffa b il yee 1 -