Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1915, p. 6

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J~7~jy - hvodd t hhmehe oArce, L. lutI s, ~ ~ labelai me Ars GomaM afci or . *WANoeksUg. Th~e hrt al* the Lae-i _______________ orU. Aibrmah vsIr i na. lee re*dit. im4g78 yesa efflusthéa"am WIU KbM md a badaetrip te 19 day.ohi aI 60 dmai Us death.0e Bis.O.Douer mlsrtale.dber 1842, B6d c"D amer Aleal u 186-4. ' 6e~ Uo ma. Kmmiyaiiof my. y..~ tleSr lmva.marW on ta LesUA VUN a e, idue w v.s& Dure..'Ta tht. union vore born aS*e3 vi~,eii~~ t ~ta the Great Doead. l Uv.. Vrelasa tu glyQ aitojai Mr U. Abmut ve a aprmmomuelaMerW ùm nifmCaly 9 Iaube.-e Wt-laFroisant whs. ho rotrsi mmd maved tMg vitb ber sjeter, Uv. ILP. Wowux. ta A&m nerly 18 ypesa eg. H erd I J. J.LOSoe &"d iuwhtetMuBr e"ut hmu e hjucat hie dYo.. Ithodau emdsy wtb Mr. andUMm J..155117. ofistyonth hbuva. oSlirnedla the l Utet.. k lvlug mml sfra iayeoré leLuthsvan chuch atf<emra.b veesk ilb ber paret e Wdsorth. gis p@elng vie very a#"don, hing HoM anKg hlm $ahm Ib.oRBR& Wood mlck but a vt ees idars..90Hommave home.n.umt Vmulby iL . ROMPl.e vs, tout ehildon, 12 iguadeblidnen aMdE Mai mur* ons rne hrst@1eklda bout of frisudo. Mr. **4 MUn Woodwrd.. so have vho meuvsbihlolae. hmsavotleg ifb 6Ibofrmos'. mltr, MM ILR. K.DoolttIs. fais Monday for CARD 0F THANICS Ibeir h a e w York. Unm Dolittl e w v ut.btaank tb. ueghbormsud meeapaali 65110 ai xlêtdêd isi. frisads for tbir sueur ktudneesel u NaNtm anos..eut Mander, aftsr- rnasal beravement sud vo lm ima eta »Moanad evualug vllh ber lnjuved thik 1h. @ioger@ shaaMoltd lnuthec brother P"a eRlghlad Park. . The laitsad rite.. brohu houes amendteffig nlcey aid It lir.. Frederlck Atrcht and Fsmtly.c le plmuued to jovs the patient hors khlm Calvn Kilray, sho brok6 aaimai) bans L..DIAMONDL Kt la i slbawvomre lime ega, vue taresd 1 ta endsoitber brsaklug oa! 60 joit tPark Bartettsud faily of Libety-9 Monder, hecaume t6e lnjur.d mmber bad vilne. spent guaday wtth his faiher, 11 P.t moi beeled pvoporly. Bartilot. 0 Uvm G. Bidemaun of Elmhurela t.unr 1111e tovu vaa. qut exciteul overà vlmtlng vîi relatives bers tht. vesk. th. hold up Monder ulght. Mr. aid Mm .John Deses.Jr.. vbo Ur. aid Uts Lt Mitcheill atChicago, have but vditl ga et thé .. lia.. spen& Bandar at Gerfe Mtel*.. bhe m vave rrned tu thdv home la Gordon Raj tot Bunday nlgt for Chinae. Aflber ion P" aud vile Waterloo, Iova. shere ho vIli .peud a qflt the week-end bs. couple of dea s ill hie brother, Lloyd W. A. SIns whoh. qdutdanad tImthereho vwigo tu Belle Flanue, hadvreeMd ,uhegIa br owpa, shere hm . couin, lovard %W "M av5é geImmsalom t lesW$sesh Io, yUl accompaaY hlm ta Ban ab ait Conmils iWet Odeo. OetFracisaCal. Ther vilii pend a few MWm mt a"eloseels o ta gelrg@*$ e heairs. e* aid $ lm ée 5 star. o t!he lisUn. a!fChicago, va.s vWmtor at hml %e s .IL U. Useer'. Uturday. Sanda 1h.> Tho veko<ifuldgmuny fat h. otaotored ta the ina home la Chicago »mÉala meeligvlth v.rsay.1 and atndsd the M. E. ceh là h nI Jet Quiea s-mbas leyMihg.avenus. I besrls aI lii.e«pstod 1h51 6 UMm.aJlla Barbareiem a LthWrtsytlte work ofi caatratlon viho siartud viotar B nday aidSuday. Howard Vilhax wuvabete. as Chis- go hosptai o ?h.TSdoW af tht. v.ek and viii lu ain preabllty, have ta mWdergonaopéarton. 1H. ljuved kiw. »N l anOobehr th vhhlls t wok t the hamit place and h& condition ham became serions enough ta neoSultate tlklng"tastp. ttetsi l"teof abut a vsek Fred .Ubuht ase s aay et hlm home bore anuBSturdoy. Otaber 16th. Hgovwu etrilken u'lîb Bpopery a ýw oa .beoe and althaaah .vevthng pomeble W84 damnehedld flot Tlly »ndthe end cane vtth the ,fltrefBIfly hl t isbedside. 'mise Em aok §peut leit aturday &bd uday et home. Mr@..flsnry Meyer and danurlter fHilda spent Thuraday tu Chicago. Mise Bairbara Amaune@peut Sunday at home. Mater WîU Seb&ck of Chicago vilted at R. D. Cook@ Saturday and unday, Mr* Frank Stril of Cicago. @peut Fr1- dey and Saturdoy at the liarney Amanu home. IVAMO The lvanhoe M. W. W. are planninge a dance for next yack Wdneday evenlng, October 27. This tleonec of the serieg of Ropular daucès gvn by the lodge. Tickets 50e pcr couple and th*e tablifg ila de. Plan to attend. lt Independent reade' BE ON. The f. L. Choral soclty hm. decidedj ta bave Pro!. BlaSier Wilson ol Keooha. lauetctthein lu iDmlnn. They amrs propavlug 10 gîte a concert lu ths near1 future. Imvi.Turner, ns. Becek, sud cbhdren arrived Fvl;day fram Csie.r6la tor té proloueged vieit vltb ber silter, Mrs. Kinuman. MU@..Turnerçva.s aformner tombher boes The f. L. chnrch ha declded tu have marvices tvlcc each guuday. Sunday @Chouf! at 10 o'Clock, peftlng a511Il o'ctock sud eveunng service ai 7:45.j Rie. Blehop nt Erauston, tvill ho the patar hors. Hall8 Day Caegragatiqnopi Church 10:30. gm. Suuday achoot. 7-.45 p. mn. Prsachiug. The Junior Choir viii meet ai 8:30 p. m. Bsinrda.y. Ali ho are totereetod lu the workIng np a regular chorus toi- the rhnvch are amked lan méet Satuvdsy ut 7:30 p. ni. Boili of uheme meetings are au le ai the cbuvch sud the, pasior wtîl le ut theffe meetings. 'A velconie to ail. Benj. J. Trickey. tilulster. Al theaters, churches, ichools aud other public places ln Batavia, ucar Aurore, bave been closed becanse of àdlphtberia. There are 21 cases lu the tavu, The cburch bell falled to ring bfundsy for the first trne ln 10 y.-ars, as Ëayar John Vau Bu6ton of. the towu bas ordered sit social fuuc- tltonsansd other public gaiberings called off to preveut turther spread of the dîsease. A Ban k's Vlue MEII VALU! of a bmnk lies in its strength a= te application of its strength for tebnlt of its customers and the commatu. Sijiceits orgatiization this bank bas been serving the people of this commuaitg liaa nos i lberal. cootteous and accurate manner. Why don't Mou open an accotant and let us serve mouf $1.OOOPENS AN ACCOUNT$1O THE CITIZËENS' BANK Sue.Deposit Boxes for nt Ares, IMinois "MA"E TMISBA" YOUR BUMM~ HOXE"_ »a4 Ooar aiola, vom Pm%est thé LE.~msls a..oqmetSaim'. au"d", lire. J. Doltenualta"d taultj ni uhsrayvlIls. »d Um..Rob. Rams 1104 Maily et A,4je"a Voulu' ad &'I. Lyosb ot Chhego. Utan md . .A. Mauonepentth6ej vesh la Cheego ad Dseled. U9- Dis. Carmago eud Um. J. BSt. Bt 6elasttev'mhom l bovtyvlle. Kra. lWagner of OUvohàle.@peut lasi j b vsivtbber seatr, MU#. A G. 0asàr." Un. EMot*pent ihe vsek-end vltb tiensde ta HIgbtaid Park. Ut. end Mv.. Peter8tin bavs returued train a veek's vieil lith Mr. Blju'a brother ln Wiccan. Un. H. AIbruch sud Mr. sud Umr. C. gormpbber sr 'eChicego vietoart l Ut. ami Ut.. C. Gilmauan sd Uv. sud lire. Art Peter@ @peut daturdar sud sonday ln Milvaukee. Art Ue.yers of Llhsrty ville, mpsut son. dey vtth 1Uoyd IUmeiber. MimeBrtha and Uatte Bftie vers Chicago visitori tlut Monday. John Albrecht of Glenoo. UMinesota, called on old friendeinlu bis vlclnlty r.csuily. The lnoveai of Idvrsud Mr@. ltcCiellan'a two year old di&ughter va. hald bers lait vsek Tburaday. Tho entire coni- muultyoeitende Ibeir deepest iympathy ta t6s bereaved parents' Mir@. Wm. Edwards lia. been on the ik floetfor lbe pal itwo seeki. Mvi. Wrn. Stanelillo bas heen vtîîtlng lu Chicago aud Wmncouda for tb. palb vesk. 15eu sezaur 0f Chicago, speut Sunay ab the Bort Boeall bome, Ut. anddlUre. Paul Peglas and nou of Besdsbuvg. Wle., ame vieitniugfvlende and relatives bom. 0'DiVrUARY margaret Jane ucet»an vas botn in Everot, Ill., April là, 1918, sud died at et ber home lu Hall Dar, Ot. 13, 1916& gim haves ta mauru ber Parents, tevmdipsoMutm. ono brother, Io sente. as uncie sud thvee greali unl. of ihis cOonvy sud oue aunt, @eV* ueble l Scotlusd, The f userai servces vers conducted hby lheb. . R.dMAlburI i of the Uberly- ville Prsebyteriari church u Fvday, Oct. 151h. The huril avlibe Hall DAY ceuetery. CARD o1 THANKS We iu sorrow, vIi to express our Ihaiks to the pulbeavers sud loger@, tu, those sho contributed dloser., and tun the mauy Inonde and neigbharis Who so kludly sited us dorilug the mlckneuî and death ofounr tisr ittie heioved, daving dsnghter. Mgargaret Janet. ,àir. aud lire Wni. Ucellan. * LA"E WRCH Mims.o"uneand Cars Prshm spetn seveval d&4i vtiting tricd@ and relative@ tu Cbicago. Emil Frank aud f.ii.ulv b artmïe Into their new ru-sdence. Mr, aud Mro Pliilhîp Younga are: Palatine su,îdav Mises Clava Orth vîsîted at the home o! Mvi. Fred Sip seveval days ru-enlv. Mis" Maniui.lokem@yervas th Chcago vsitor Moiday. Albert Hid eftai utWauL.u-gn ou the jury thus week. mi iss gaEsebran. Who lm vlitIirg ber sister lu Mu;kegon, Miri , capect s tu returu horne th!@ wpek. miss Banna May Sloiz, who in teach. Ing ai Lake Bluff, stan, Saturday and Sunday wihli br pareits h-re Mir, sud Mtis ea Je-keon, Who ssieni egveral dsys in Chicegz;, retuvaied Sa'a'r- day. Ed Brauding epent Satnrday and Bunday at th, nomte o! bis parents bore. MisssRose Eichwasn epent Saturday and Ilunday wiîb ber parents bore. Mies tirytle Ifjîsae esu s aPolatine Vîstor Sturday. D. L. MTggsrt sppnt Saturday sud rBuuday lu Chuago. Mrs. Magalena Meyer Kaeiinor. wîdos, of Herman Kaestner, vio died FrIday at Barrington, Ill., vas burlod Monday moruIng tram the boue a! Mv.. Arhur Wslcbelt, a daughter, In Marringtou. Mrs. Kaeitner vae bovu lu Mannheli, Baden. Ormany. lu 1836. She came ta ibis country ai the age of 13. In 1859 sho came la Chicagoansd married Hrman Esel- uer, tobacca mercbs.nt. Sho a s snce lived lu Chcago. 5h. left lhree sous. Oswald, Oscar, sud Otto. ami tour danghters, Mrs. Weluielt, Mire. Cwro omrer ot Tla. w,, lL; lir. J3, A. Bolani. tialcaga, and Mrs. W. 0. Ises- le. Oak Park. tndepoadent resior? EU 02(1. Uemmaoqe. 12. Ber. and MUv.. MB<y ouÎle 1ks-iOce,Y.à Sb* vil ala turem lady Uhqà*o Lp lesde frams Elmburet. thrir former hom. Ail sPont a very plemaey.f"MI lte. MAi Ms.J.Damer ofai Uhhmg. * IW- hmile.J. @PM q bnde« witlh 3e. aid UM,. cAouanet quea ail yyls ~ bti s Lwsier. Mr.DBomer b ha. 0rfputlias cial fth hgbMoboltabdit hui ailmetus s «»q1bi 7J"~mss m afjijëà mm expert lit patattagat l pume Pak. vus t.ue"d lb toge ou cm. niaha.îe ý oi Ibtéstds for ubohsad gpublie I hal. ewav = ii515hS4IW60ntl à SWMIOWMv. s atuu 511*mi o . Mm: m t i Wo -tfom Th Pltbif il uf f1r b10,h bt, mte i te .*& IllnmlSmashm a lmpmsmlhl dey. oct. 28. etthe mreidenceof Ur. 'a ppil là*lie 01001. 55,bMtt' hvitbueirsi of thoeo yougsters. h..a Vorher migbt7 ow t"»' ame.r.S. ys., owssd ta' "%."emuaw 'immtbe. tei t daY the Bt. Paul'$ caugrega - &b« heprimolal dtlmu s fOre m6he émlle trenehue, eseg*qi liOn 551 celebrte the annotal brvesi sp=Mallty forthe 0mafta-he de. t6.1v buste "l the lieallly *atuq of a o leeivailtu eonuectou vwtt$vhicb h.0 cu» hlm pugelhmui th e lad wu msJiultamm bm* sa sl Lords Supper viliihaadmisilstv4d 'LOuis MtSi 0esses't= il ties a.osup' s.d"« abwon. !IwùIjty WiUn b Iuh a Ur. andI Uv.. Wo. Scblip, UhMissLitas rj t»l e iCo. onte rivalbne eu" et aat IL 4b« t aud 111rll Babil.. Mri. MacDonald ai Iunchrtomm--O5 la the a.600 beild- thUMaierk«tu the jachie.'bhste ves h son Jobs sud isa. Ruth Lm"l d 1ai13 85-4 thé01hir uSa &MMW bY AP mmre bau fo miles ditac, ok «h su 4d i -hê: motored ta DeKâlli ou aurdey aud thir Voteri a graduate ofth6e ShOl ovqd ailer ton minula, by voules delft POt teXitIL. AW epeal the dur vlmtug UlsoGvsm e hl-.din tre tatail th* pupog stohs tom the i6oklé eaech. .The jultis hem any lalup se" ty« shah lte udilg shoatthoe. the hololinchroom, aid ldiiDot tbli 5out il a 1.200 yardso. atfdu'p MmIm a iMliihr ~ led ta au aider'forblddlug the bc". 9f hoie-thea th. battis vas o.u1 lctaatI" ir Km mm&Do o4M1dieor. Vý.tul[o lsteshool gpomis durinithevuo19 M .M44 n vt.ladMvm Lydie Bayt &ad aiher te.....1jrosi «Mt lleV free ua ny.'or au infraction of Ibt. ruithéb. Th* imof the yonngaterm t la »- la= ho6éslnd Ut.. Flovencesômboru of FI lbland Pu- k,* Enduer boy tlId bis motior. b.u w lgaitgst*c séiwred the «Ibsthumaof Pbi tbrowu dosa ou lie otr and boston evy aray votera.os lte soens andi . .XIVIzc ... va the week-eud guest of iss Elsanr by the principal, vite, ut on hIDI aibd alrby esceee .6v ~ pg, 5 Mo.puncbed hila te tfae. PCë hi & Dteéépbuf Jobs Coruetl eutertalued the Rover _________Boy'@,____________ Boye Ouaod ,sehool clam etaIbishooe 'le b h uor y t uttrue' se. 7 tst WBY , nd p Ibe so tesuf Mr.Uudvklu1t ait. "Heienta s projection. hla.sed a*ay ai lte nooie Frday nlght. sucs boy and bis mothor bua 5bad,1doensax Thoi Mî&mes v..euiertalnd the 8@. e..loper. Whou 1 canulaIhlm aut of IDuua.u-R log Club Uauday eveanu. botnie gave him hlm ciolce Isoiveena Calomel Nicholson eh*"a s tae ,II a lpplng snd expulptW ~Hoe6c»» Point on the Oete 1i rclie 11 Uv.e. Oea Vesr of Chlcago. i.. @Pend. ta ho expellad. a id s Impudent and arnîled ai the Jackie, sho fire& tog lb. seeksttite home out mv.. t.ooard liai 1 look hlm by the ihauldor and ibeir ridles lu hie direction sas hey veose, Who laestîli vevy ili. gave hlm a ittie shako. Thon ha eogbdhlm ai the commandor-ln- Mia Mldved Wbitug ensertalued s " ca orvy loccurred," ald the chiot of thp doisndlng forco. V e number of frienâsu ber home at dinuer Rotv. &P C. Wolcatt, secretarv af the One delacbm.nt bt the naty lads r iie V e Tu.eday svenlug in bonor nf lier tirth- I choal board. "Mr. Bandvtc-< U ' lalrnbed tu lie brick a! the lrenchaq Fn i .UaiU 1f dajr. ~sbarply an accasion$, but ninally l er lire e enoauntered bhre.hd-w1e lr o urW eLe.U ig, day. vise lu sdmînisiaring puntehinont. Thoes tili be ries luntheoechooi Thoro muei bave been erlan, Prova- etaigemeuts. par lie minute the"u la p.rmitted tW 41m1 ammbly t'rldey evening. caton far shataver baPPened.' praved mare lnieretng ta u ttau WhSt sMd feedFrn Mv sud Mvi. Judicuitaýuou of PrairieAa cantoronce Bunday sfierOOtriio i oOkubeuecheîs ad tehe llâat- out"i the quarsa- Vies. ver, gut. at the home of C. B. Inthe ofie Of George PhilUPB 0f1 ad tua ispect ijaircoanstruction aud z.dirot 'Highland Park, attorney far Mm lI ok aIibe other irop& sbich tookie p j ~ taa Emeln evavl dy. ! at se. Thorea Bodner. the chargete mde 0 genulty haîtdedvled ta stop their m". Jouie Woqdniau gave a recption agabst & Uk padwlck. ripl of ap1 ml ,1m vibring fur Ur. aud Uts. Johs K. Wodmu le osîc h theïr permit. Friday nîshî. droppéd. Uri. Soduer iad doclared Afler 20 minute, lie recaîl bugle the principal @truck bar san. 14 yeusi.onnded a"i lioy onterod lhir buste N D E R S,! aId. Bandvlck mîd lbs bad 'merely sd aîmdasy.aliagl dmos f ___________________ ESU M RDCO VCT à$ke lebo."ThiIl'5 athein asked ihoir afficer. for permis- 15 ~ ~ ~ 9 baebesu iboardby a justice o!lie o ta na sect the deoemes at theRofSaol Brce *snJ'm 1» E t PbaeSMOndzy alternon. at vhicb1top ofahe lufe .Cbsor&fe hrRo fSaol Bec 4 lise f wa anouned ber wa toi tey allil " apimOfétd emaslnt Ike tanoas se UrneIl as anoucaitb5r 55 ta carne tru he roakies aà iysle noprsct .avay snd gaod naiurodly the Jacklo aeu is inhsls fa. scoud fteîs m '0 ITliO KII139 SWI'I _____________lugsboldtbe ssitfgt. Ne nlil Oio ___________ gave their buam for th. roodo.. daman e. tua rfior roof. Mide et et ________duvn AX Arstrong, ho dled at _ _ _ _ -mai. ave âime. labor sduai. led fer The Similarity of Names LeadS, his remidenco la Highland Park. plgilfI, c.1.D.ornIFREZ TRIAL Many to Belleve Lake Cwjn- 1 builed tDetrat ua.M .ra Dyson. state veterinarian sha bas LbeTsf dle.Ôime ty Mani Had'EscaWe. strang was bo a et oit. Ic.,in *been 111 sith typhald leyer, retnrned 11tii rOn b848hiHeoffice todey audrenurnedisbart e .t'iay ýf A rope tabou, tram Ivo hundle ocf rttrnOf osyas55.peidu ithe itate flgbt on tgat andmronth 750N.Deat. nwcreInte e arden'i iuitepro- o eI LE.A. Armnstrong Manufacilr- diseuse. No new aue& has been quar- cagos, in. vlded a metne of escape frois thli DU. lig CampanT of Chicago. He leavei antîned @Ince Dr. Dyson vwu farced noe stato penitoutlary at Joliet a vidas and s daublter. tu les" e mpant. iid.eiaioent byl . i* Wedneiday nlght for Henry BiI __________________________________________________ bcolred. The canvIcl sha id4 d tape fram the peulteniary wvasnot, oJoe Smth,the negro sho kllled an, s ged Ma ansd soma.o! Wankegsi 1,hy the naine af Swft, am manY sus- pected. but ho wu5 a rsildopi o! Chi- caga. Heows serving a nine-year sentence for burglsry. Wbenu-e.' jkeganites reed In lhe mrnrulg pape that s'negra couvict by the usine of' Smih sd escapod tram Jaliet tioy if lmredtately drew the conclusion thai I Smirnth va the coored man sent down to Joliet years ago on a mmrder couviction. Smibh, fh develape, la worklug an the parole farrn. sud ta flot aun isiae of the Prison. Smith wsi one of those asslgued ta Wsrdeu Michael Zîmuere quarteri. sud enJoyed practicalîr the saine prlv- lleges as id 4 Chiciten le" Campibell, the negro accusei of lie murder at Mrs. Edmnud M. Allen, vite out[he former varden. Wardeu Zlmmer suspended John M. .il urphy. guard sud varden bouio'teep- er, thia igiernoan alter makîngas thorouh tevo4iilstln of the matter. Murphy vus IEtelng vîit bis tamlly on the second 11ar vlan BSmit tls the lengtb a! rave trom the carPet sud crepi noiseleiily to the fourtb floor. There ha entcred tbe îewlug rnmsud opeued the cast vlntias 0v- erlnoklng the root of a cell bouse. Hie let hîiselt dovu vlib one plece o! vope,ad, carrylflg snotber plece, mnu croucblug acrusa lie ro« o th le 2-foot sali surroundilg the prison. Here be let hlielfto th e ground snd freedoin. The roule sud manner o! escape vas the saine ai liase employai liree years ago b7 "iAttle Jef' Sharun. a nattoualîr otrlous forger. Twn employes Of tbe Public Service Company ver. Uned ln Rysustan Fr1i day by Justice Ba6yer for trylug tu make swag vlth 1.100patuIdso!fcap* per vire The mon are Thomas Clana- cey, 1106 Madisi etreet. Ev*nitanl. a storeke"pr, agnd Tbhrna KeaveurY. 110& Davi& treet, Evanalon. ,agnamit.- er. It t. Clalrn.d 1ha1t t4 liet va dtsacevored wben the imna tiernPtd ta sdI lie vira toa ajunk dealer Who bas b... l lit e habit a! buring oddm and ends flo oustpur. Whea approscbod -itlb& âe etof -buYing 1,200 pomis ORsn hothaughl ore. tteg vu. yrvazJo reprted lte cme tathe op%.. Il IS with great pleasure that we ané nounce a steady sale of Prefeçrred Capital Shares, also an incease la orçJr9 [or our products which are manufactured in Area. Ang one interested and wishiog to -go further into the Proposition ol investing ini a I eW $ 10.00 shares are invited to visit our factorg, see one of thie officers or write [or information. READ OUR OMbservationl"Pamp~hlet! JjDSpîtQuartz Cile Co* AREA, IÈLINOIS IAHoine-Growii, Iland-Picked variety of cmay hm. ode good-now rapidly beooming fanions.] %ÂS VICT Found IU ing Fr( thel1 LATI Dr. Ka tue at Il tagether vlctlm h. legs, cai tite.othà ane o! F O'Connor wlth Or. te shed Me COUuC of 1h. a lacs he i Ralowsk, dîllon W. heha@ hih hie lilf. Edie 0O buster Ho la a crîtice i10rreas pl CaIfftion a iK T. Wet MWu bottei turnbled i moice havq 1etnine. wurlisvo Kan -vsut O'Cannor arloug t larH. HE wtm that "train hi Fat be Co, rin addlitlr Shlm hea gsas Ir ~gh I sn 8t i-oc a5 over t ~Bbody hry le aly Bt j kmvIet in i1 n oon lai l'a becau feared h clie are hler or Ta Pour col were ~.age Ir en lo and w, ~nt or t the daý are ca WIIN sOLL< liartîr a accurin hie ho let. Syear bd a Ps »i lu h thour b 'os besi 4Mrs. I the fort t Chr ache D( ë positi mago DI, Îru had up an pa.she r ;aune w v. Doler yearsi ,brothez -ield t

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