CONTY iNDEPENDENr WAUKEGAN wEELYSUN VOL. XXlIL-.N0. TWIVE PAONS LLBERTYVIL',LA"E OOUNTY, ILL. FRDA Y, OCTOBER 29, 1915. ONU TO EIGHT il150 PER YZAR EN ÂDVÂNÇO& N lS NOOdas Longas Yor Arm,, They Say. SERVE TERM FOR BURGLARY Xan Who Asked That He Be ~Pared la to Wash His Han&a of the Natter. Tiirty.etlx boum a fter ho vswu- le"IMtr h» abulse meiteatimst JolietClarence Mitchell,,colorei, vas habla la custoY by Waukcga pouice. eftew,fi la1, uesi. hle i tth vat «te cutbis vofu u t ount- The vaut lmvasadetegi have beu, Maie 0vS Se teh0n»le&f IMue via Bretaon- omplalat of Lieuten- &MtObi*, 1U. 8. N, Who employés Mm. Mieel ua aCoo tlbils hom.. il la @Jaiu" stt telicU.Odiiie% vife over the phome aid tltiber 11*1 b.ho~ om ta.etcnt iber héart b.- cause ai.ebai pot complied yw iai ffquest ani returnei to ber home ta 7ion Cty. *'Te, I'm an ex-convlct. 1 gave th. lste of Ilincois two yeal5, Ivo manthi mnd twa dalla of MY lite for entering the home of a Chicagoan la 1907. 1 'vas PBazle4 ta a laegro by the name of Eivards, vho reuslZIa n Cty, and 1 ave tried ta live a decent and uprlgbt Ille ince; that hour. I1vwu sonactai la Chiaso Ia VYbruary of this Peaer. Iwva rreted aon spi- clon. sand vbeil ther founi that 1 bai a pententiary record. tbey returned me t Joiet for breking M parois. 1 vas releeaed fromt the pententlary teu days iter, and i returned ta my home ln Kenoaha. 1 vas arvetei In Keno"aa Io or three monthia ao on a seious charge. Il vas sali that 1 *a. t@aching the yeutb. of ienosha tai Waukegaean ofa, 0<boue-break- lusg. They kevt me, i jeuI there for olx pee*a. and on thic 1h day of Oc- toher they rlesei me. 1 «.vasumarlei toa agirl traonMis- eleippi ater 1 vas gratai a parole frram thc pententlary. Since the hour of aur Marriage the 'white tolite'of lKenoeha. ZMon City ani Waukegan lave tried ta Makte my vite blieve tbatt sBbcocalid lot marry me and lad e.1 becaume as a parolci conviati1 k vas nt entitici ta a marriage licese. W. have tva mrnat chiliren. 1 vant ta vark for MY vite and tamlly. Be- lore 1Iwvasenenecita the peniten:L tary 1 neyer put on an bovnt day'm vark le my Ilite. i made a living vltb a pck af carda./1 Iretarmed. and 1 'hbave nt piayed a game of carda since 1 wam releasifrtrmprison. I vant *ta retarm, and 1 had anc veapaceibie. position durlcg the pnt ev years Seven tIf v aman ex-canvict. Iva jantoraitheIcOlg immonm plant le Kenota. and Mr. Z. G. Simmaca lu- tciceded tar me vbenC'Hare az- yested me in Kenosha a fev vee*ca Sago. It latrne tlat 1bad a ftbt wVj be ebriff tu Kenosha. I sot a rap over the bea wvtt a chair becausfe 1 Iresentei bis caiiing me a t.lgger.' Oliare vantai ta rairaai me bac ta the pectentlary, but I best hlm tu It. Hie dldn't have a t&lug on me, sud 1 wuvasproei an (naboct Mac Or ~*oulin aJoiet tOdaY." Mitchell edaims Ibat le d416 not Iireaten ta tsqe bis vite'm lite. "I dii cmii my vite ove, the phono ami - aked ber ta reture ta Zion and care for aur chliren. 1 lave bir - ai I lateci ta have bier. If the White toima Bt the tation Nould levober &unoe, mie would camte bock and itre vftt Ime.ghie Ihinke thatth1e vhite tll a&c maie of telicblMcjni liey ean maie ber belleve thal vhite ia black If tbcY trY. Ther. lasfanitY la ber tamily. He rother iledinl the lamine eylum, ber cousin didlu aanhaine asluu. a MY vitela a nervous vma 'II amn baspersecibecause 1 *u i& iOeM Mâibecue 1 amn au ex mouVt. I diflt thbytet itatesMY Viues lite. anidi thcci'Uf et the ma tion ametrylag ta ralroadime because tb" *vMt MY vite ta cotinlua thelr servant.Sibc la a gond cooi, sai ber servies are muci la Ûe- mani,- ald tUe ma inhie pria- on bus. à Mitchell vusparled a ev years licol ta a negra living la Zion City 4 y Uic camne of EiDvars. Bivaris toi the police cties t iit tiat h. inmeicita Irrite tic variec *at jouet, tcfling hlm te cone ta Wanuke- (Cotlnuedon ïpletIs. DOSST majiI MIUTARYbIWE Tvo hundfed boys ef th Deerieli- Shield i hbacool. Hghland Par*c, assembici ysteri in laeU acoal gymnaum Bad ree7» hi lu rt tante of UieM tlfary dru i Icb la in bo eetabiabed for tlcir b«eàet Sec-r ond Lieutenant W. IL W. bimg aof thc ]ifli Unitei Stales cavalry, sta- tlonei t Pot Sberian. cUMMaithe baya ta attention a=4 outllaei plans for their traîchag Tvo comanes vill ho form. tu orutu bproduce rivairy. OUests vili 10 éomettrou £mong the boys vbe t51e b.greit. uet proflclmercydulag lie unr drille. Priacipal R. U gSsndiek miiithat he expacei the boys tu le tOfy rlguai emt in unifarusMBU arms vith AN ESTÂTE YAIJD AT OER0~ ,O WiII of Waly Ubertyvijie Resident la FIted in Counte Court for Probate. The viii of thé lt@ George H. Bchanck of Llbertyvltle las been lid far prabate in cousty court aidahoys he iett an esiate vatne i Btappraxi- mtel178$",000. 0f this amount $60, 000 vas la rot] asiate acd $16,000 le persosi propcrty. Faryruera tMr. Schanck vas engaei la the hardwae honins et Liberir- ville. Hie mois stml condetthe ces- tahlsâment thora. tMr.SOchack aIBO ovaci a large lumber yard acd grain eievatar. To bis non, Geargo G. chacci.ho boqueilia à number of lots vltb buldings aidmaebinerr. vaiued t about $14,000. 0f titis amouat tac son la 10 turc avar ta bis tinter. An- ni 3. SBal, vIa la cishier 0f thc mutte, thecsumfa!$46000for diatribe- tion ta Lewin H. Schamck and family ucier a pavhlch viii bc givefi lat- or. George la alto t turc over te is aiter $100 ta Puy ibheois af settllng Uiceabsatc. Ta bie vIte, Lydia . chaeck, be beaves Be acculr o! $500 g0 lang as abe lives. ._This la ta ha pali * in monîbîr paymects.1 Ta bis son, Lvis H. Scbanck. tMr. Schanck lbaves land valuci at $2.500. He directs liaI vben is cievtar property lu sou that Uic follng amaucta ho pald: . Ta bis son. Lewis, $1,6W0; ta tirs. Levis Scbacck, $500; ta, each of bis daughters. vben they sbal became 23 years aid, $500; ta bis son. Richard, vbec be la 23 years aid, 1.000. The viii states Ibere are sufficleet stocke and notes ta psy Mr.Scbacck'a inter, Imogene C. Scbanck. 83,000. The intercat an tbe remainlag maneY atteb the stocke and notes shall bave been disposei of, viii pay the $500 acaelty ta bis vite. Aller the dcstb. ôt bis vile the mocey le ta bcliedvid- id au tollova: Ta Dr. J. L.. Taylor. bis aac-ln-iav, $1,000, and tihe balance ta be dlvided equaiiy amfong Mr. Sciaacka tbrcedaugîters. In addition ho bequeaths bis daugb- ter, tirs. lanra I. Taylor land vorthi 12,M00;ta bla Ibrea dauglteri. Leurs L Taylor, Anaie ». chanck aid Mary C. Schaack, he beqneaths land valuai et >27.000. aîklcg lIat Il be ilvded equally. To bis iaughtim, nia niMary Scbancb ho gives the- homesteai, vltb all be frnIture aidboneîald effets. a stipulation heing that is ater. Imagea. Ichanck, have a home vith thcm as long as ahe Uives and a onethfl lie laterest ln the home- alead. Dr- J. L. Taylor, aom--c.av. George G. Schauck, son, Bcd Aunie Scbauck. iaugbter, arc named execulora of thc viii. The viii vas made outaid sigued April 18 1918. SHERIDAN ROAD ASSOý- CIATION TA&E -UP WAU- KEGAN GRADE PAOBLEM. Acquisition of a laIe shiore rlght qf var la Uvanalon. tic elimtmaiou o grade crossingi la Waukegu and a gavemcient appropration for lu. provements on the roais lirougi Poert Sherianaid LAIe-Bluff vere cous" cr06 at a meeting cf thc ooceriand directors of the Blerlisa Rod lim- provement Asociation Btthie Uniou Leagne Club Nrlday. AuSI ELLO1WME CÀTLEI~S NOT TOUEm ,Bys. IS CN 3SUYS ÀS CDDIS SNDAY:rtqctOct. lO-The govern-. AS C DI>IS SI I>~ men l Its *gt agait the foot mai mout114,180>8e. thh:« Lake County Sirnday Sahool ception ofet olJ8W rnte ln l Workers TakeOrastlç Action four Maai arete Iederai restrie- to Keep Boys ln Selis. lions on tic moyuthent of ive stock _____,__ hlch ver. Impasic an accouai or NÉéON LEADSMOVEMEIIT. h autbreak etf iKedisonse tu 1914 bav en oved. L J. Yagerkof Waukegan Re. mlinois la thec«Onr sate le vhlcb Eloted Rre"UicM ilh- ise nov-ibs mucb houd,- Rosme la ecr.try report of lie iq(pment f Uyleul. TicSuay sclo tnches.@ of laiere S0 f Ove Othcè la nortbora lei couaf? have delrei va,4onthc mil, noisaeeoeséd lite Uni"n stock.' lionare golfer" of Uic orh shore yrds la Chite h le lnained sea, vio perast la lie employacat of retiklci eu bayi as eaddiein on tl ut' a"Y. one herd la aUtictadla Worceuter Rev M.0. obsn.pasterofetti. cOuty, main ïmtgB d portions riretpmbyËA, cm a Stbe nte. New Todt aid laid Park., vitbal oe etotheic e Hudso eayc s, Jersey. ane the thiesi cbce la tle Miidle 'Wut ,oUi.etriotaiUas is te an heai lc Sniaacioohiau Ote mlocieclubs, on lie nortitIOI'T SMRIC shore te refrain tram empoyiag bois aàcdison Suaday ln the sense of EN W Ife TYPIOIl) sportsmamabip. The resoietion vhlcb he bai passai Miss Mae Vaiqdemark Con- et the annuai meeting ofthUicLake! tracts DiseosV md Is Con- daunty Sunday scbaal varkers ln ses. fined to e euBed. slan ut Highland Park, reads as toil-» loy.: . Miss Ma" V; iemak. ane Wau-. "lnasmucb sas tinlacutalaary vithl kegae-youag vouai vhbu h..made norne ofthei golf clebs illa aour the "«care of helie aid"bar lite steir. haunda te ire boys te serve Uic play- las uffering tramai attack oftlypholi crs as caddies on Suadar, Band mas- fqyer aithle Jeane tcAlister bositai. much s is practice preventa lte Mi Vaniermari la lie tbird nurse bu"oi tstending lte semsiona o! at the Institution Io sufer tram lie loeir respective Bunday ichools. and pangsaof the disese ville the past thoreby leterrupîis ami everely inter- fev montba. Once oflthe nurscs, Mie tere yith tl»crecoards of the ichoala arro.. .died a ,lctim o! tbe disese by prevett ic hepresence o! lhe but a 1ev yacks ugo. boys la their custamary $Uses asMisa VacierpiaWo condition la flt vo»l asuvlb toeir Parets lae luregardai as oriti«caiutthbs, heur, ei homesi on Suaday; therefo e bli r Uiagb it 1.a amitisi It ph. la.ait- Reslvei, Thati S canveation oa!BI-: ferles tram a yery 11gb lever aidap- bic odhool-vorkeisila semion *ai High. peara te ho la- pale. land Park, ana molitous of lte vel- "Hov do yen account for Uic lire tar% o! Uiç boya hereby petition tUic casofatypholi tever iarocg thc oMetciasand directars o! lie varlaus urss sth ho bpitai? la Il lte inli clubs vhoro golf lo pisyci on 'Haday. or lie vatr"aked a Suc reprte, lIaI they ai loatprohlbit the irlas 'of Miss Ho». of caddies an the respective golf TIc uperintendent of lie institu- couraes on lieniay until aller tbe lion usci for thc receptlon aid tra bour Aot1 ooclock P. im., unlesa tbey'ment of the ick said. "No douht. Mise con sec Ibeir vay cloar ta retraie Vaaiermark contrucîci the discase tram hiring caddies oe acy part ot 'vhilcaiminiateri e thIe vanta of tbe lard'a day. cammoeiy calîie 'Sue- patieets le tbe typbold fover yard." dey., The tbree nurses wbo suferai an "Tis reduest ve make ln lie le- ttack af Uic disease vithie lie paut terest of bbc boys, uni appeains ta 1ev monthes are: bbc senne o! Ibeir play and bhc spirit ! MISS DOROTHY DEANE - Com- of truc spartî,aablhp on the part of pleteiy recovered tram an attaek. lthe gofers. MISS MOIRS-Who gave ber Utce (Signec) 'REV. NI. 0. DOBSON, for 0lier. "Poater oftheb Higland Pae, Preg- MISS PLAE VANDERMARK-Wbo byterian Cburcb.' novocuples a fer er-taîsc bcd pI tbe The mllionaii goitora viii "Ukk" Institution. their ove bage. clhsse th. littie bard jIl le admitted tiraI great precan- rubber balls, and built thc litIe sani lions are bcbng taken by Ihe other mounds freim vbicb te tee off, and Young vomen at the Institution ta the>' wili do ibis tram day light until prevent a spread of tic diseaae. Ty- dark betore we surrender arma uni phai tever la not regrci as a con- give up tbe baIlle ta sava bbhe boys tagiaus diseime. altbaugh traquent c- for tbeir Sunda>' acbools aci for'casions bave been recordai vbere a Ibeir bornes, sali anc paator. nurse vai trIcken villi the disse The bible achool vorkers elecîci thc1vhie adminislering ta the vans of foloving oficers ta serve tbein dur- a'lever pattent. ing bbc ensuing year: Misa Vsndermari la anc of the Presdnt-L. J. Yager ef Wauko- niany popular Young nursea aI tbe le- gan. etItutionandni Iere la net a nurse Bt Vice Preient-tir. ticNell ofthle place vba vauli fnot glail>' for. ZMon City. -get ail about ber meuola and lepa ilecretar>' aed Treasurer - MissadInselter te ber wantm. Agatba Roamer of Waukcgan. Reslulions commendlag Mayor Tbompson on bisa nt of claties bb., salooanaof Chicago on Sueday, andi O H S N M offrig taelsAtorey por J.IST MEETINfi prevent lie saie o! liquors ln the Amror, mi., Oct. 21-Alton va aummer reaort iletricta, vers puise- oc slecnvnind fcx Tbe Suniay ecooal varkera vin rer hi lIe IIieoia Baptisi convenion hem tioda. A reaouinOaiPloring hold bbir 1916 convention ut Liberty- lIc agitation for an inoreBs Ituc ville. .«aMy_-a«navy of lic UuItai tata" CIIEER SIIIRMAN T !«Ont of every dller 1h overa- ment reccives Il speais 41 ents for miitar protucticu" asiartai Scustor Lavrecce Y. Berman ymruelr$ la au aidreas bcforc UicTas* District Pederalion 0f Womau Cluset tic, Highland ParI club houc. , "Our goverminai spem oue moner for nililare vtechon sud We- toives lusa for I la poo tio tm "Yi country' la uOe'm ii- 111 have alvart a8". lSoth*icmu* fragst iabll andm Iunesfamt raid lie enalor, and- hapibu c ihmerc. 1 1I lagWdopied n & lruavom Tot&. . D . ooe, hrua*ttmer the.l or Highland ParxId> a lcpsaeorcfa sut for 8.Wdm mIMaltr. uni mira. :Embaia ;Mo D ul.Action ln àa smar suit vu' ilarlciassicatthIe Murnefdafai taa y lcart Ha.tMoore. ia or, Iy W. D N. Moare. his lieut éend. 4u Weman, Irosi Afloma>'Or. ils. ibis aflernoan tarle suit for $I.O"ýfor personal lajuriés agast OU40ot 'scrurlroi. Ne clali taI a a84cetcar hît a vaso ~ he le vsridins lieau bthmeiOUet lie ilemem etreet bridge laut juge, lacelins hlm aff uni bralingséme- oral ribu. 119 Iq ada efith ie eeUabeon- 1981 lRaewaelly-tbate why eveu-y- hed tek>a i..1 Ky MNO COUNTY; JAe- 15 ARRESTEJ) Mus. Mary Johnson le Caught in the Act by Sheriff Grif- fin Saturday Night. SHERIFF HAI) LAIN IN WA11T. String Nad Been Dropped From JiN Wincowte, Which Whis- ky SMtI Was Attached. Lylas laivaila i he af ca tch. log il>, person vbo bas boonmomg- gsnias vsly to prisccra tn tbe coin- ty jomil,abrif Grillon Satindai qighi about 9* dclocl. nabici tira. MUTy Johnson of o*uti lîcaStreet just ai aie wva ttacbig a bottle a! whisky toa string vhlchh ai been iroppcd ont 0f lie lau vindov. Thc hflplaiwisky bttit bai been slip. pei ito a amscc vhich va. tici en lie oui of a string. Mrs. Johnson vas given a heurtas le police court before Police Mia- traie Water Taylor Ibis matgins. Up- on the sbavlng aht wvasentenced tp serve 30 dais In tbe caunt>'la».la addition ta vhicb siteinuit pay a fine o! $50. This le tbe maximum fine that aoutd h. lafileîci undor lie circun- stances. For saine 11111e lime SheriffOriffin bai lnovn thgt vhisky vas boleg amuggiodbIt thlicjuil. Front lime ta, lime be vouli fini sueompty vhisky bottie but b. vas novYer able tu detect the persan In lbe actei act o! sinug- gling. In bis efforts to mule an arrest lie bai laïI n val several nishts, ready ta paunce cul vben occasion demanded. Il vasacat unll aturiay nlgbt Ibat bis valcllulnots vas e. wardci. tira. Johnson iid--she bai been Possing by the vladov vben James Cusseca, hbld an n charge of merder, 4mPppcd a quarttr dollar ouI of lhe 'vlndov and aloi .ber tu gel hait s "Int aofvbisIr for hlmn. N'tveen the me' compartinent aA th wo vmen's compartinelIlethe icunty juil thon, la a Ieavy val Ibul exteais ctear t h. ciling vitir jIe exception o! a apace about tva or Iliree Incdes. vide. "I'm canvlnced that Cussens, am vho- ever Il vas that ordered tbe vwhisky. Indcci anc af the vomea ta vomI villi hlm" Ilerif Grille sai today. ý'Tbcvomac lIed a sock on the end of a long string uni Iben iroppcd fitout ofth bbwlndav s0 Ibul the boIlle af wbisky ccli lic iauled up safeiy. The plan prolialY vas t assesabbc aIle ot vhisky timougir tbe crack lu tic vailto the men prisaners. Itlai probi- ale lirat Ibis lS the va>' tireallier baIlles aofvwhisky have been smuggtei In., Mme. Johnson iras licen in tire lime- iight upon several different occasions. and ceverat tipies lias heen warnei liy tihe police thut she voudbave ta mcci ber wuys. ROTIERS 15 FOVNI) EiJJITY R ÀA JUy ON 1 0F 2' COUNTS le Charged With Having Point- ed Shot Gun at Gamle War- 1den at Grass Lake. Louis Raliers. vbo livea on lb. shore of Grass tale le the vestern part aI Uk'e county, vas tauni gulty b>' a Jury le coud>' court Tbersday atornoon cf baving souglit tuajlti. midate a dcputy liatand gaine var- don by poltias a sholgun at i i. TIce er ontva couala la lic Infor- mation Biled agalcet Bothers, but lie vas fouci gult' on onWy the firsI couait. The fine for a conviction or tiile liairanges trom $20 tu $M0. Thc attoraey for Boliers basmaie i motion for a nov triladis isylbe 'L.raita vas lic dopaI>' gamts varden. N. sali the laciet la Question 1001 Place, on lIe mora- les o!fHEoptember 1 of tiIs Yser. Ne' t«callla laiho vwa rovlmg about the laies t. maie sure liai lielit- ers diii oi tarit toshoot belote suc- rimé As le rove Inlafront cf Boliers. vIa vu bheim a nalural blini, ho raya Bolmier iore aI hlm uni or. dered i bila,10 t off tloislae t te rame lime polatlng a slkotgun ut hlm. liahn myae, cmnisted upon soeing Rothere hunting lîcense Beivaswu-m tusci. oRhers Icllilng be bi bean a gaine varden liin.eîtand id itI n- tend toabalw bis lîcense t., a green- bore Boliers preiocled character vil- cosses 10 ahow that h, l. iinot use lie kini a! language credilci 10 hlm, but tvwu of no avail. 22 COMNTES FE! 0f CATILE PLA4iUE As ir resut cftle auccenafel iglit vUa"f Binthbbcfoot aidmout plaguein Illioisthe bureau ot ant. mal lndustry Salurday released lIa folovies 22 couaties tram quaran- Uine- Adams, Boons, Brave, CarreR., Caou, Ebri, Henr, Iroquois, Jo Da- vis, Kanlales, Luoan, tMaaon, Mervor, ticLIn, Ogbe, Rock Ilandi,. fitark, UBevenson. Wbltoiie, Wooifor aid Wlaaebao. Tveity-four ocouties re- Main uaicr close restrictions. They_ exteni la a ilagonal lime ront. l.dee cannty te, oIDpnough. Tiche. cdrai laspeetori t t a lteIcbolrds cave that o!ftira. Stt Durani uriei vlthiiis an am 4 mcacv c ame touai yetcrisy. CAW Pl Pm Ys. Cau. IENIN4 Attorneys for Both Sides Are Engaged in Discssngthe Proposed Settiement . WIen lit e agains1-t'Ciarles Hennins et ai. vas cailcil for trial1 ibis afterooî Uihebte'. attorney aicpped forvar aid colle procaie lie Information. This vas donc toi- tavins a. long privata conférence bc- Iveen the interotei Parties. Palier .. B. lPoley, ructor 9!1th. caliolic cburch ai Waisvcrti. lai causai la-» formations t. bc fBleida&aonsttir. and tirs Cbarles Heiicî aid agalat Charles Thamasson. a brother of tira. Hennins, cbargicg thein vitt diir- doriy conduet. Hie clargai Uey lai assauleli hm ani lad coaiuotei liemmelvos a a iiaor<er Mannar. I'auler Pale>' annotmoei today lIaI. be voeu show vMercyBai drop the pracecutian Il the defenats vauli ugree ta refrain tram visitins any but tbeir ove lot la lhe ceuitery thone Bcd 'BIsa tram resumIng their quarrei ugalcal hlm. At lie »Ma ctino he le- uai thein a cordial Invitattion'ta bc- camne mémbers 0f the dhurcI. The tbree deteciacis mcepîci lic terme of peace affoem by lie prient and lie came vas diasiad. At lie lime lie case vas fili4there vere vague raure liai he Heaninta migbl iel to take snome actian against the prient, but il nov appears tbere vas nalng te, lie repart. Irving Selpp pieici "gullty" t dils- orderly cacduct In counly caurt Ibis nmrng uni vas assei a fine o! 825 uni conte. Hia latter. Prai Seipp, pinsici "not guilit>and te case vas dismisci. Seipp caninces a Bacoabiu Lake Zurich. At lie bIne the trouble luaiiclgcd to havc taken place It Io raid Ibat red Selpp vwent oth îe home af a ma"nnamd. Bickncsa gel a key. On lteé vay home, accor4lng ta tatemonta maie tada>', Blnesavertoal hlm ami 'lit. hlm aver lb. bend vili a base hall bab. Wlereupoc Seipp la sali lu have mosie saine unkini remarlm ta Bldk- ness, upan vbicb the latter lasamud ta bave basod bis Information cbarging disorderly coniuct. The con, Irving, la sai to bave chailenged iole-0 ta flght, adibisuconatitubcd a lochai- cal vioastion oathl av. Hienry i4ornhostel, wba lives near Liberlyvîllo, pieai d "gulby" tuaun Information cbargieg hlm vWitt aIl- lcg liquor lu anti-saloon territor'. lHc letorinci the court, bovever, that he bac no moner ta par a fine uni le raid fnrtber tbat ho bamsot vialatod Uic lav icce bbe Information va. flai. The lmpoeing of sentence vas diferrei unti thie January ter! ar court. Hornbontel'a condnct le the meuclime vilI bave mutI todo vblh the pmasbmeet méteil ont to hlm., RETIRU PASTORS Tbe tuai for lie retirci miaiters cf bbe Rock river confereace ot the Mticîodiit EBpiscopal oburollà" nov reachei a total ef neerîr 11,0, Mc- cariing tuanmaannouncement Hiday by lie Bey. C. A. Keley, aecretary of tbe fend. - "The resolutians pasaec by the Rock river conférence ut Is réent session. the Rer. tir. Kelley sali. "vli mule tbe subacription of thc ninister. $40,- 000, whie lie laimen vill adi $220.000 oi one-boaloaithec mount psu for lie salarieé 0f tic mliers for e uerM MIS. URN Mrs. Durand Declare ShW l Proteot Herd Ifi Munculon* la Diswovnd. CALF IS BORN AT TI4E FAàU Lake Bluff Woman Says Fit* Are Dsproving SaueE of Commeso rs 'FWhtegaaOct ., la lte ovent liai UcheaumetioncO- lainci by tirs. Scott Durani te Ve- eul thé "auter et tic prescailla at CMri*Ultm. Lake Bluet le dI. = raila I9SrlaglldeutcvI oifor the luince«cdt Mi DOMr<s saver. mIc declirel MOau l! um-- laat tmpis t. quasi the 1lsiumUIsa, arc iwuceful aMd là"aIrif*me. faderaIom"cl atien tri te 1 cMW 'of ber beloffl Gensym' ttui becuse0fU bor B iseec-ae iiiproduftIc rprul.1 ver aud gir. 1cr beslègnmian coffilaly latereeti nese. Tella Juigée.Premise,. *Whou JudeDoiicll lassaitint InJunction t Wotoiohé ledeiauuý tht It aboi reua le, for»e MM lie cocattUlicBty af the sishIec ta tlOe teo iis t.Mr tmoa hbau ee stelci" mud Mms. B ai 'If lie atate lire été*Oc O&m- cen have cuffcient ilueeAt *S11811- di ta bave tbe ilUactios diui ai try ta ahqugter M 4ào BIt 1aacmsYlae Uatl'Kpiumi a *»0a 11111e Coltla revolver. A" d III i l toc, ifl Ihave 10 be lanami fer Il. *'HomeIdée, ol iov muéch em-m missions resUy lacu* aïut ý disoase tboy'rf ftbtg he ý bë talmel tramtUcthéiiob"11crbôlé îhm 4 a cov tl as bai thé, M 1 . f give trtautea «IL Thé ftuiMW liaI erer vas biou taffiqi 6UM arrivi a kv isdoreusM. mWiR et a cov tlat vwu jusi reo.veln &Ms bouf auni mouth imease "RuI"Deputy eh«*&~. tims.Deraci alec bai s«MUagiltet say conccrning lie acharne! lu dopbty alerif a asigni ta ispWO lie quarsalne Louai heulp -Tlcy albcp aIl day ail Rn~tiaUl 1 a tent jusI off My trc4 a livm,' ý nid. -Tbai'a about mSU lter de. am4 gel 86 a dey for Il- "Lu nighl a dot maacmms,Ibe farta, pausai before the liai Mdile. gan ta varble ut lie moon. DUlitl vale thc députiez? No. laee. 1 bai te do liaIt toing liepa tf1 thcy din't catch thé iog t mugie,, ipreai the discase germa la 011cr farmne. They chased the iog, but. dDeltut." rsaid'sic vas dt tari>' suspicion$ ot anc deputr', mcli t. be tram lie goverament bureant Of animal ilastry. Fesrlng4some secra ullemplta oInterfere vili 1er mig"e she bas leatalledl burgiaralret ail barns on thc tarM. Scott Ourand, together vWuM# u -- couasol, .Judoe 1l6@ of ChIeuge . pearcd before Circuit luige Ç Edwarde lanc61118 ,utwe fl~ and argued fer a eodlJ~ rgatrainlng the Ms WmifdIl~ ffilie fron éaie mluhie 4090WO arsc etll uflico quarat,"a fS thé fe ind mentidiecase. Ilee ffup M aked t lmue l0.retrailatl Og g witheut notion te thé a1ita i0104 îlen. Aller bureer MIlte fas~te l the cas thi e urt 4elaed te %élut thc lnjw«w ite« tiée, sail$4 matter wee defeim. i. Il ay le brousitt up *gaite BraI poet thé teck la lic arguments presenim i ge',Il, 1he court il vas palaîcecultat Wntion fret 'vus lsumi ter la CIamerY Hceoluc legaz, styUlg tlia alaqiMW t-r outie. Tic matai vas Iatales&. belote Judge Donmmetil w ho dissoîrci tic lal4IBOLu- oue a estein« rdeeta8l bave*uteeluallth exprtt e msu md tà c aupreme court vlhi waw*, juection Iodaila Wb",lel W ï thc vand valli be lsIbqiII iimceilatcly Md ~s a~p couli be taIe Ucthé ual lade voli stoP ln Bai shootlIe evll 115s reaahb. iued l lave «W second Ijatc m4 Thec lalmvmwu mad i C INW* lie lae ic Duaibord c«* ?OdL