*~~~~9 eEAN9E 1 4- fi -,o-iraès~csoi' wbon! fou ii tbt. wwdf U O II *t r Mt Mt sw$aWiB tu Vibiqïla Ill 11110 wzi,*à" rdtt -6m. 1 là ~~ .gé, ontàe éa l smm u Aliee.siém~ ~~** Ï 'hion la 'U 'owt~ it la kW»Aw~Por'p~~I vl.iU49ctl.213 cette. lIâet> 7>8x ct.48ll vn. 1h. mis 4<I~w ~4a ~0~c~bwlir ». Ilut làe' Suistr vo. fre. 19 'pd'M r ml.o 'ukl i ic 'Stor aa nd~~ WiilmWshe 1* Mtiebare direat' kadWi ftb* . sà. esa 4 Mp<~i ei". 1"e <iui nfectionIl 11409ap. 4.fl 'akr i.uv <si; <DShm@tontactViiianimal$ lu italiU. b. éoiaaèclow. 1. iflrie têtrough the mea" <iW4Wbet-t 0re *où*, lAis mdmm tflIna4l ~the !" w u <.t~<u ogmsi m.Menenusor n ta show tme ov5 %hJia à rime ta *fig 11091MI ul ut~laflbdiWg'S boàâd l ~'W.tear the. bila -osu bm.oillar te ni obiean oi disanola t»,h&bq*w *di.Tcdie. bge îl ee MM . 1hs im1551a1 ts Wca10urn ý Mat«but W Ult" -.6.!êu *9 bt IemM btlm m&'l it* 80fimelies. là AJBs tnM the dlece eil Si ungie l u . h"%* igêet(à fectioua pover, a&leSr ton dam ilb<al h mi' the saliva WilN 551other a~~ u 'fi 4hUs ramrlyd~o., '11 sautlit*é. Bai" in, qtfkendl'à. .1 o s " lgda n s snids oi 5 'ist>lr ipt et ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1c lb. il 4a. ie da Ml r a i 0.1 a 08 pt C.atttPea Um Uy.-tao.l.'ag;Ie ma aà t heuM'ortmlly I19 0la iii.ou. 10 porossI.Wheà th. ileoaa. atae",,ta. lokltb Cttbe am e !fl0,r*4lb tmilu ""t0&,d the sal th eeue, thon "s1ht *ViW1 L 1. duolé eikle*tl ni".l g0Thei~ 5lb. 80ef4. i*é* wthe pause. luaoatng th.esf1- *0osUhel , vlbl1.ha peamdo lte. If i~l oreàMdo sonieth MW"rc bi *t b ' olse.. Th.animai Ce" os' la at, Diague. 'e t mtndam* tiliwilh Uvèdoo@&.m la re yez. and tbe Mliv. dui. Ubýto ent -' 'aundue-. Ihene. ,Thc eni- boues.lit meule e he 0 r4skln #8PU a.and la sotàeUsidvloi 'mnusuxlng lusido tbo lips. vkhslt~iS 1~W he aguma lu bot, dry sud Outesecond torthîîI da se blistdlia or puttules ap- - - -- - -- uuldeofaIthe lips thé m4-ý in& ]à > the toothls poIùt'à Jawv on the back and odgee, lb.ls mieof oUi es n te«a 'of "luofa imea Man le Ut *5. rovu imcaDmc '1'- flslicofen. Atlltot 'hhas ldsil . atr llar,' Id aud et agryub hlhte J or mor-tbm r one ta three day. lb.e puutdl. "a" leave a MW. higiji lu- toialiSme, A.frwb o _11à;re t*. sh ores. ame ovi4 Wdb sïe ud thseluib~u u ebU -At the'oualb Th'emmi. '09 e'~ t, to mb sx day.. The zamlk la lu quantlty »di *nMoolu ,UiSt 'haaau dMid i' Yso . 58* 1êWs g * ë b oat 'The sbrehop eêalg 'md lb. m~aeabe. tlnder Utheacabe are I~ v nftmaed, inatl blôtdlles b*Pm OO e Noi~ektlb.eveltm Tho lsIainatto i reuoutly et- .Alt ko fat .aeutfug'IWMbla thb. 'hoof fthe.mbeep 4sd theeo mecreta a tiisklot" M«*. Thou e rw ord of otion la two tel y" émdeyand a efcsptonal cas". iZ cb"efs f «-l*ttei bis disY'l labôr WedaNoniy ho rélmlred ta ~~ , S~eubOnesee atreet mna" s here leMet George Lavane. Levane. he e MaYS., roqed that ho pi" 'hiM a Ï&Wlo f carda for a flvo-cot dik Wallne consented, and theo«e assva startod, Walllne loslng at carie, so is l*Yted Lavane ta bave a diu<. LIAV'ase otdered a ton-cent drink of lubudn. fve-cent drink." zaid Wafllino. M ~Wflllne daims tliat Lavano truck MARR1O ~Y ÉV ~ hIm O-r the 'head wlth hie band, and that he tore the pocket out of bh: to anh filght wblch follo*od. DIdý Net. '*As biM Vus 'and Captai. Neleon cfthe police-force Fu1oI~I*aUt Were .IWerei on the scece about thie Chah ~ f, owever. trne; and bo Placed Lavane under or- Ire.t COUrU et 4110 Au lse. > *foqg .0 Oonlp fitha,1 1't tgbkmoAM favor*O abl h hi. ts brtà In a littAi.'log uch'ool hnue devlolp..at oftle.post.aes le le. YIv-ln fllghland. PU*k uulInatod lu -tm laotU dam .bel fie dipeesooOtlaiaOs Munbg cfdà, popuar Wadks Oie, Ivo lp » 'leskach. flsdu -etaremsn loy *,* Pmmeonnt roifet 0Oout t sai sf1 sler boamlu - dis-gs litmi4" pt Tke d m lcalIse4la the mOutb tChurch of the lam ulate cancepuog 'boule la a iseek; loodgelnss theuet o'ciok iMduOday morulég. ft- boofts i.1049-Ï'ai.lo a;whOmjtber Ga"vi ited lun zarrIago is Ibo gif am lhotes am 9eted e. Agno, Du4qan etWaukegau mun inJ. ser ts» «L uePb L. D»q 0ý f ilIlland Park. &«« le aw bin r 0f loca001 pote '"Why lhoy fýqdl iu love vlth oacii1 andt h. iappearaucofaI b. abuci- lofer 18 reare 1<6. vbeu tlhey ver. jUal »Uulvsne.athee anial, begluns 'krin luechooLsali e relative ai tbeÉ 10 jais an Quickr ronchon îUn Bor- bride. mal 0cadilln. Put 'tvo MO, Ml ai beau n vIttal Ani'mea.wbkcbrecover nMay b. ren- vs. i bmn. T~ ur dsred 'ratues. by ladUCte4 dlme»Sa. 'laaiDg4. brolliér -0f.the la lbe nnevombîs came. the destb groom Who Iau4bëom tmed to dl et *et.gwm'a"uà ai m tus lust- ',ete a t a I .su ai IÉsIiàtai osMin.-IUe esouit Of fie heoaPtl f Pattes or Çitioftand Park, wlo iosru&d. Pdem MWseil f tât ice see- sbridemabU ;Boutoe u t 0*e M nd u»Ooitla rts. la other tbe .nov. fiat lbey vere te b. 15sf-. cees. deali eOum. uebtn greouls tried tais moral«g, andaure nu pneumonia. XII their reltfilq ad a largo mua. rber aof*le"*e t'o et ta he mbmlllt * vîtuesa the cereniany. OoMPIUplems mar ychange the Siftar the '*0"bln crSmoy 1h.' mwotfCUness. The 'formatiobn {rIdeasnd g , cS id friand, rdvaireh :eltipal o kolir atset the bcdy la the. borne eot 'bé bide'. brntgeh-.1 e* rtu It s5nfidaae. Thib'M'ay oc-. bohre ammlaboria weddfng brukkjt car vhere the hair lb Ibin, eonthe lWas rvai. T7WYber oe IhoeeeL lie u'ftoMe lisin ft fthe -WU11hrie. befoefe evboartled lbe MO*~ MÉSI 10.. ISIDU. sMPWMlcata nolV.- ,WJs t the, Nerilavesters degbL' it ai Wthe use r tn E fi N O CE lepsa l t.heSif OUo aind eits UejWug~Ot 40tes. ftItlusl two a'ls itet eathenoayhgAtl eae bris. t nfa" ialloS fe udiwa rW eToaManirna p. 4gte o -ik ais mmosg la otr eM. W -Iak ensd 0f a uo!a. i'ndln g ie. s i eoi"fr t'4t'a- Ua. la he iahdIliIg f toh ls4e laliat akM e M&WL I IdiXUI -%tiph sadl eo ure ne a-roon.Wl1l 'MayUrn ueo»w alà -idrtood under te pu Wde" àbti Thé métlhode uaed wvbeo handîlai 4therlilboub'dfsoe.. Imkny h. e W lm 'iiding 'thla dis«».. The fiWili meutai thouglit la uakoep boneal aimais avay trom every' obWd eSlh eau poasibr eulmnt. Ahi dli. T w'o 'wéelks4 qu u e du l s i ci .-animal. Viking emIvec maW froi motboi'amg i edlug flou a mllk vblcb han ý~eu beated to'-Iâ dogegrsPalireuhelt.t Inoculation vlth virus 'le Prac"è mebUa' It la attempted la produco tfi dIs*serfual animale :»d shortei f toùrse. ?rêtectlve inoculation vIt aS minture of lympb ani loren et* 'to sire Iiftmufllty vîthoUt sMe"u ft lar woi'k joug fis limte bas b6b dnly P*Ually iuccénéflil. lUOculatilli o*Iti ef» sprepaftd i frornI 'Sill-the dl"«esean be use ta um curg short Imiunit>' for at mont thre vee'km. Pil.work. PolAco vork separates the stecli l 'talis"<Wi malutejusa a erong Q"ll thse *ad'teepa cloue wmtcb <iuti marbÉfa. 4«Ule.transportation, sil buyei' . %Îcf mont 1 contutoud votedmarali. RIdes are ta bef'Ob liifectod. Mlk îlis la a. hoate"< tua aumthoflle,. itid e sot omer tin tt, 'ýioks ittek cure of aIl suimalsot the lait :2 '!iitittectioii. lu or the utmcai M pttkance. Thoreebo cleaalàg f'IIý 'et 2 per ceut'eoda u.lutoli, Ipatae Wýoodvor&ttili lr. VidaS iM, s.ciesAilas 15.1etf-aimais "ýeI lysaI preparatloua. Mlxlug th.' 1 40 1*5 and ilsieW t1 he bat bWil oure "and lbllowL'ti éelgit té 'wi Me*~ib ta, tllobmture of the mlgturq ta maed't l0012t, Wl5thwoefe cou sgion FllI' IOu' t 4adrulk and 'dls5orderly charge aud WaIikegsm, Oct. 27. 1' oueted oatapsy Walllne 83 ta Aithauga flotbug h&ambeen beard a thuVe bis doat répalred. Ha refusai l4tO wlth rfflrd la the Prooaed plan luh -do %oasd vas Agalu Iocked lI. aofinâstaling a> b"tlng £ystra la the M66. 14tir.lu the day ha tld the -b-Of aitheClWà . t VAS IpstU.d W0 ji it o*st th.l ho vanld pay the -dayfiat lhe Plan has adwaneed tId line, If lits 'ait. Would boan hlm the such a stage Abat It lu about ready tu rnnos.Y. Hia vle cousenteal. sa ta- b. put 'loto, flepesan. gaupltaa MorrO'W Lvane plans ta return ta ais eut W. C. 'XUoeik. vhe 4 qUatOse vwoih ati Me PMntlebl plant ln North l vfiregard la lb. situation lo"Y &e claroel 1ht5 ât «been delays Wbc vore iinex#flledHoautlclpatem f il the Plan VUIi"go aheod naix vîthoal more delay. "0 The sctÔoî board ver.elatod vîtb the. proposition vies'(tvW» pie«entei SUI LE WODMA lthem by Mru Kokasud thya% ,frem 11. *Iot' themI Pluba.nitevlng t 'illth OlOIly be me ai bmy brienis Ili'John uOMMYdlblno. about n,1Mr1."01 ýt« wàitor e .»ea--ss ,zaa»wod em os.al ia egfr. "asWed ln bas Married quletu mrbaMi Av-Wbu o ws. .glate Jtfot. a*lrgepeie- WaM ho h labwot'th boad a. Helke thium lHemb0f.ta & peup p ipth bea aI ~~va a.rIlurd ho pute i chen l ap4to. berav banorŽ-ay a DSJesthempluh a JM-lukb* he1WWnMa-fOOd» uwO4bt ebMb 0oo .p Tr"Ob Ait1*1 Ùe «y e bi ad sp«tbt6t u t tOw TO BE MiNS*ý su". lnoelk'Recelves;A»prval' . 6f Sohool Board and Takea .ft MaperUp With Banke. MELS VÉRY ENfTHUSIASTIG . ' Pwedésta hat. Vue Plan Soon WiII -80 Workin Out Very Àtna SvOwhuny 'Hure. kîr>s- Jokit L'ux,' r.' 6l2 MR.dgkkiz*t1w d0 vk A wome go.-piuCè.Sst Ofkgw>r'Si'i'rwa'pe, /&r kcou'is ~Mcaua1 j?eCaCbinet CIeh Conte'sed. M*s. L«ux -j l Mc&~ 1au' hrfe.~a/ frmI~u~a a -Aiother club of 'tei.iMoDougal bo osters wlI be forîu<cd. We flindtlinstue bemt.an1.surest adver- tisiîîg f<or se i'italeapieoe of furniture. We know * that to get a certain number «fusers distributed thî'oughout the city that the MeDougall wiII get the, best of Kitchen-ï'C4binet arguments. McDoug- ail Cabincts rag inieeii q,2 o$0 e prie you-*îI ý pid es abnts toxlld - oi'ng t ( the finish an d quip îent. At ev ê-y * We'have 'arýranged 'witb the. nim~ufact4irers, tg%0 to'have. alotbor set of Rogers' si1ver,.axe awaré- cd te oiic of Ibis riew elub's ten inïrmhers. Btètter'ý take advantage cf this Iimited off or. et bo -sbu un1 toi R1 el oertila syour gr3pM 4ffesuit at hl ~rh.. a fI~IB h utarês i ors., nit In goodloking, d du»oy*dd #n e e smin haudoome et values. Vi Thisani 'M Mo Doug aU J~a~ ý1lf 1- 14V&O. as fined $3 and conta on l ý >.à& 7Ï. 'tu& Ï-. ý . ýý- ",Ir, - -- - ti