. OCTOI3ER 29, 1915. IL C. Duig Son - Nursery SO IL !fl«>ln Ilj -'lIt ltu q gtctufiantumu planfg ph m .1 .. '-j. - il sai -W. S. Dm111,Vice. Meldent. Non. Dvt .Jns o.Ln sECU1QTY TIlLE & TRUST COU EADSTRCS OF TIMTL MTEGUARANTEE ---CapiWal$125,OOO.OO - ILLINOIS Sale Investment!11 Village of Area Improvement Bonds, $OU te amot lueaor 86% hqpuiaruefrom itwe t. ton jy@- Addreem.I.ILtAT 3nico naus71. THE ROOKERY - . CIOCAGO, ILL. PHONE W4BASH 771 1.31 Values1 i Stoves No mattuw h« t - you want 1» PUY, we con Mm ypw I!qmfrnUltS ith a hsoe or raat nwoli give yu l sadualac- tioei O' wu ~~h the tnoey St in s e ol.-itit b. a pomm. to Mep you make your chokce. STOVE.uo RANGES Theeeecdeanly', convenieul, in.e- hooring staves score big succes wlerever use& ,Tiiey are built by a stoveumrker wilh n repu- talion and wMi oulisst others Eagy to, runanad regulate andl very aaving of fuel. Now la the in»t l pick yours out. Schank« Hlardware Complany UIBERTY VILLE. -ILLINOIS ia lu oeeof the v«etiongesi ota- p Uls avc us make on.ete you un yo eued have no furtiver vorry about fire hags, Oui oumplules havc phenty of mopey tg psy suy loos and our record for prompt sud liberal mtthcmote isQuneiollcd. IlDrau&li vildi &hra LYRIC, THEATRE UBERTYILLE. - ILLINOIS USUAI. PROCES THUEBDÂY, OCT. 28. THOU SHALT MOT 1.1-2 Act lectere criuug Violet Ilersersan & Wm. Oarwood. alen IMRLI"TGOT IN WUONG-A two Vr IDÂY, OCT. 29. pkiuy Smesayin laA CIGARETTE wJIH ' AU-intwo Arts =HA"INEMDWELLS A OApE0 LOVE R&TMM~AY, OCT. 30. MU il bn JEWEL-A 5 Act llroadwsy feture, a peturo you % Ilneyer forget BUNDÂT, OCCT. 31. EXTRAVAGANCE-A la -part feat- or@ with IIlen tIadImm n» esrlpa ý e1lv HIS LUCKY VACATION-A Netor CoSmIv NKONDAY, NOV. 1. No show W TUEDAY, NOV. 2. BOTH SIDESOF LIPS-luil 8varte, witl ISEl Bal As thse leadiug lady. Tony thse Wap comedv, WZDISDY, NOV. 3. THE BROKCEN COIN - Anlmated wepkiy evente Mt thse bescli o1 lu- cognito, comedy." A BROKEN AUTO WHEEL is't as bsd as itl olo. Just mnd tho est bere and -We'iI repair thse vitesi me you veuld nover knov lucre hbe e. trouble. W. do ait linda of auto. impair voul equally vell. Foirsafmîy aud îboroughness botter snd yonr machine here iN bsn tiser. ia trouble. LiseRTYVIUZ IWUNOIS ta ZAI. Dallai, laAsiýee. tc eVRW7 eu, egI cme .tan 5000 fout basbeen oesbe4. mik in i. bt ta, f*a done mb 'e> ater lnowa it now appwa n a m 00 Tafgauyila, la **MI4 m s &purooetwls dOtl, riSw eda ecÇadns cid * t> sA" a odel094« ou lamater bavl e pn gnou mm *Mwr. Teauepwasdeep' ut bpticu luai astM1000 toee 10 1.0v se love!. * A Modoa Leve. 'TatIima donna inut l1-e muai Gapn8ll. -014 1 nlàbu"," me pD tic mmang UIb à» booM sp C«aets lo f eplo o e ot dý ba tmg au"l0duej bng yj -lit fn Washington, 1). cý..oct. 38.-Anqili. cr chapter todai vau added tote c ou- trorersi beveen Go,. Dunjie aud Con- grcsamaa Saai over the fetentioli Of Dr. 0. E. Dlàà, state relerlnariau Of Minois, vbmu Departuielit of AgdOgul ture officiais tateallteir bellofthlat Du. Dyson lad handled tIebMinuoi quarantine situation trou November to February lasinlu scb a manaer as te, Increase the sPresil of tbm foot and moutit diseaae. They assenleal thal IheY truggled wlth Dr. Dyibu for limee monilis la an effort 10 persuade hlm tk adopt the methods Ihey lied usea lu ollier tates Id combat thte diaae. Me teadilY ne- fuamal. Finally a letter vas addresecd to Gay: Dunne, they gald. la vhich tbe de- partment titreatened te, give up Ils icark in Ilinuois entireli. tell vhy Il gave up. place tic biame on Dyso's systern. andl Ihen quaranline tie n- tire state until the epldemlc lad run If% course. Goy. Dunne promptly ordered Dr. Dyson, te dppaulmeut officils amïda, t0 adopt tite federal regulatinn. itit the resuît that te dises" vas vipeal out abortly tiereaftr. Started by Ifected Serum. Whcn tbm recent epîdenile started In September. due, 81 la sald, largly ta Ihm use of eerum vhlch contalaed Uic germes of thie foot and moutis disaee, the departiment quarantine aIl portions of the state wbere he acourge appear- cd. Il tol tufun eposbllty Iodai for the quaranîlmnn of Greene and Ple countles, vhlcli RePresetatîre Ralaci character1zedi 'as au outrage Ia bis lot- lers le Goy. Duane. It quarautlned thome countlm5 liowver, hecause Il dial flot knov vhether Ibm eappeai'auce of thie epidemie vas due te te serum or vhether Il couid depend "uon thie tate aulliorities for that cooperatlon whlch il regardeal as necesari 10 dlean up te lutectcd borda. "We do flot regard the mnaaagement ot lb. present situation b9' the stale authoritîca," maid onle of the biglicat Officiais o! Ihm departmnut Iodai, "ai ail Il shoulal le. 'Ple quarsta. of Mus. Durnds faim st Lake Bluff moal certalnly ,aboulal have been better maiutalneal." With respect to Reprenentative Rat- omy's charge Ihat Dr. Dyaon's hans- dlng ofthîe situation bas uesulled tln a gucat profit 10 the Chcago packers, the depaulment officiai decIlacal 10 comment. Dodges Crtiesu of Dyson. Dr. Mein declined llier te cou- menal on condemu Du. Dysonas manage- ment of the Illnoissituation. "At telime of Itmealfferences lie- Iveen te state anal federal aulisori- îles.' he salal. "we feit onu meîhods, If appled ln l inloois, voulal hasten Ibm endl o! the epidernie. For nmretlime D. Dyson helleveal his methoals vere ail ulghtl. Wien tise state aaloptmal our melliods, itowever. Ihere vas an Im- mediate change for tbm betîer. 1 shoulalnelile 10 say viether il vas duc le Ihe change lu sysîern or vlieth- er Du. Dyson lied accomplImical bis vouk but, vas net alloeealte reallze l-"» Another officiai. eccupylng a sttih! itigier position than Dr. Meinl, aid net beallate te liante Dr. Dysou's sys- teta for Ibm spres.d o! Uic diseae. lu Ibis respect he aupponteal tbe conîca- tien of Mu. Balaey. "The Department of Agriculture," lie salal, "vanted te prevent ahipmente from lnfected teritory for auy pur- Pose, Fon a number o! veels Dr. D)t- son peumittedal-rmeus te ship stock iUt Chicago. Itlaisthe depmrtments belle! lIaI the uncontrolleal iendlag ofttlise caIlle from Infecteal armas throngb the atate dial a great dca! te. wards spreadlng dlsease lhrouirlj lic stale." Wltb referenoe te lie puesent *Pl- demie, Offlelials 0Of tise dapailmeut nov are caurlaccal liaI ilcm eaultraeal eh- treli 10 Uic useof cf leteal bog choi- îera seina manufactureal by thm Clii- cage Scrt Company sud lie orna Wmteru Scruta Compsny. CoÙnty Cleil Lcv A. Heudeo.' Hori 1gev, ebaIrus of thc board o! supervisais, sd Supervisora Ira IloIdriOge and WMiim Itratton eft MondaY for Bprlagflld vicee tci vilI attend thc anai cuMfntou of counnu lerl and supervisora wv*i opeus tomyorr. The Indopendent labt e pn bl. lî 12-page weej-4hat'e why ovory. 4ey aitIl place Ibm cause on the hearlng docket' cf the present terrn andl a decision in the case wiii probahui lie rendered At te December terta of court. TIWO ILLNOIS OFi VIN VESTMÂiTIONI STATE FIR LOSS SKW~S AÀN3CRASE Mt un ~ IYEAR À-IIAREVOLVER (Conliacci rom Page Oae.) tbe dimease at Ile pussent lime sud baveshen for i st lme. As tii. malter stands nov, thire-u Ipeasoastop le on short motes saS sboatt fIa- Imjnalbers lu ýcsec won am *tha tireaup= court 6:dqo~c ie nudlo mani se!th *1gâcnl vin ledonc HEARIIM 15 COIdTINUED. SlutnuO, IM., Oct. 11-Tsesao board oflire stot* commIusionem lu su effort in proeat ani furtlimr delai lu tbe alaugbteig cf the herd of cai- île of lire. Scoît Duranal near tale [Bluff, Lalec cliti, wvIscl are affect- e4 viti thc foot anal moutîli dhease, Simd a motion lunlte supuemne court loday ln lhc came ot Durancl vs. Dr. Oliver E. Dyson, stale reîmuluarlan, anal the stale board ef lire stock cern- migslonera, le setsolde tbm order o! Jualge Charles Hl. Donencliiln lie cir- cuit court of tale counli, centInunn lie Injnctian vhlcic b ad Issumal pmnding lie appeal ofthlie case ta tlie aupueme court. 'PIe motion vas tak- mn under adrlamabent by the court. Tise court alloveal the Joint motion toa State Live StocCommission 'lf" nu; are nliebsns and Gov. Dunne Act Upon et arson seemîngli Immune frutti lu- fi Charger, Against Men. vestigation or puoecution. Sprigflld. ILOct 23.Becuse Spre Rod and Burs Barn. SprigfildULOct.23.Becuse The abore suggestion seema to liea ot an alleged traMfe ln the carcasses fulli as truc as the cld adage aboutm of choiera stricken bois anal diseusemil "spolîug Ibm chilal," fer of 665 flues auimais ah EutI St. Louis. tbe lve eotdoth IliisMelr. stock cammlaon tda uved marsbal department during the Dr. Josep A. Grosskreulz, depuir mentis of Mai, June. .uly, Auguai a vterlnar"a In charge of tbe Inspec- and September, ouly onc vas reporteil I tion dngau len ingat . loernoeas baviag occurred on a nodael build- ' pendng n Inestgaton. ovenoring.. An Investigation of Ilim par-a Dunne also ordereal tic suspension QI, ilcular flue. bovever, developea lie ti William Kane. state burnane officer. tact Ibat thre rodas ad been Installeal The suapSnsiona foloed a long wtotartriaeo ons conterence hetveen 'Governor Dunne, vTheiolainermiias oripints. a Dr. Oru Disan. tate veterlnarla, 1 member of a pecullar religions sect anal membera o! the lire stock cota-1vhlch dicjcuntenancea aIl oulvard b mission. TPhe commission also au- show or sllsplay. andl, helieving thaI pounced lse intention 10 prefer chiargea ieai emIasveiptlpmr ce negligence of duti againalt tc vet- futhowrtriaefors tuy rpumrpee erinarlsu before lic civil service com- frfseow thavefr them rplacrobs, mission, li eling a civil service em- bidnadsml ntle eu ploy. Kes apeard beorethe'ov-lation ,,opper calbe rod vithont points.0 ernor Iodai anal denimal lie as guilt it lis the opinion of moat anîliorities a aIwroisgdolag. tint the rals mo lnstalled, lnstead o! I providing protection, createal more o! 1%JC a hazard than vould bave exIgtod t WIFE VI L gw thomi lieu. lu anY ereutl Ughnlag1 struck tbe bain anal it vas deatroîmal.I AM ENTi M N4L ED' aTic tollovng sumrnarY shovs thm a ~~numben o!flgbtnlng Sures duing eacli AT LA Eo! the past flre moulus, togellier wltb lic amounî o! properti aetroied: a ________No. of Properti MrS. E. H. Peters Tells Of Montit Pires. Damage. Death Threats Because of May ,-------------..71 $ 77,426t Husband's Business. Jupe----------------... 60071o« Mrs. Edward Il. Peteus. vite etfaAugust--------------.563 4.178 rea esat oweraid clubman, de' peptember ........... 67 77.879 clareal last nigitt at Decipaîli Inn,l La'ie Forest. chat site recelveal anoni-1 I5 $64[76 mous lbreala on ber lite on account o! tbe actcvitY o! heu huabanin elu si-ire Pue-ention Tsught lu Scisools. Ing supplies to repuesntatres o! the 'Plie state flure maushal o! Illinois allies lu New York. lbas puepareal a 11111e book calleal Fie Peters vas auresteal three days age Prerention Sciooi Reader, whlcb is on the charge et "umplag" a $1.000 uetoheeaer bond lu Chicago. MMa. Petere, vho nov being dssrIuta 0ieechr lo sîopplng at Derpail Ian, Lake o! lie stale o! Illinois. Forest, saisI that Peler, vas tic vie- It la a 96-page biook, dealîng viti tia o!f persons wbo ver. persecuting speclal Mtues o!fluie prevention, hlm for his business reilions. îit the allies. vitit 26 illustrations. 'Phisliok con- "Mr. Pelers lias been sellung bleu- tains muci materlal fou essais on kets, aitoes, eau muffe, sud dilln!ect- Pures anal flue prevention, i, lI sugges- anIs le lthe alles," sald Mm. Peters.tinad rgmfothobevin "Erver siace he veut t10 Nov York tienoanalpuogamndIhosiev ao on 1118 work I have beeun icecîring O!flue prevenlo danlaseis anonymous letîers ana lo)pbone cal!, 15 sepaunte lessens, ach deallag vlth ths'atenlng rny lite aud 4i husbaud's seme patîcular lire lazard. unicss 1 peusuadeal hlm te get eut o!f_________ bis presse business. 'Phism bond malter la uldiculons. Aldeal by the entire Joliet police Perci H. Fletcher ef Blue Islandl foFce, Ive tederal officers trou Chi- brougist action agalual Mn. Peter. over caga ailded John "Dinali" Morris' ue- lis proceals af lie sale of a munici- alnJie eay pal baud. I thilu lhc conslderation gro boardîng houm aJle al imder dispute 1s about e300. Mr. Pundai, captuical 60 negioca, sud Pelera placed a.lioud for' 83000, locleal liemu p lu lie police station lurne lte maîler ori 10 il!,attor- sdImcunil' u ors h nmy, andl went ta NeýjTork tu attendanth otyJLluMr]0Wo tg. urgent business be ba" tiere. He vas iâ4en vth bis "boardern,," lie tei'got ail about lihe caao. vhîchlcamc depaulment of justice mon declare up September 30. - thei have cangil a secret agent vho Il vas Iben liat tlIeue poople inlias beau supplilng pvaeily lie en- 2(gv Tork heard abouttbflt tler la iesaeo lioswt oan n somie vay and 1hieogttAbout bis ai.ra tl ?Ilnl vticcoaa restInlaNew Tr. I X bon lusi rM- ther narOtes. t coved lelegrami fadI t ovTak Ibat X.Peters lsa atIlbertiy teparos ebis IWaLuis andl returu te CblicagoBole Novomber 14 la World's 'Pomper- uMe later tu take csre of ths bond suce undai sus! a ncv proirata bai motter heie" been lsiued for mac oflie Sunda ichoo hihcm eau botatued froni thc Nationa W. C. T. U. publising Reni Tut .bous, Evaustený. IL . undai achool "Dolarei consent' th îour engage.e'spsliaendoats IdIfy takce notice sud rmoat vtu my de&Uhges, I insIuet h sentidIdrectly 10 tiat addreus for lhe Mam ti ou arc A sec"! Icuesa eutreal numben of progranli. mms. Suppoi nov, a long sud bard ftçatvesto comns ouse»d ou, lieutas George ilaPPle Of GMYDIa a Wa eil- varelouse tfoi or oea *uud , .u)Ovarosideof o!liaIcolumunty Wb" voulal on o Vvtir-ue. ans! the falier of Miss ROua Kapple, lmmloycla %the eIty offices st Won. * fldo DIseUr ca . S & a serions condition as - I thc remît of a strol vhIlci ho nul- Indopndc~unesii?. ~QN tf ed ont Itday. m ln hl to pe na Il cA IA i se S(Contiuued Prom Page One.) gan andl get hie prisoner becaUte lie intended te give up hie parole pa- pers. Tt la expecteal that Mitchell vill b. sent back to Joliet te serve the balance of hie sentence. or ton year. Pince the bour of bis.ameit thc negro ha. paced the flour of lte laU luceaaantly. At a late bour Mouday lie tld a Sun reporter liaI lhe would lea.ve hisevte and vould go to au- 011cr part of the etate andsersmn a- ey vill i hbte suppot Ilt&cOb& dren if they woulal net tate hlm bal to Joliet. He lalma te10opart Moet cau.,a d caim.te o a aSrte vas arrentod as le epel'u. telephomé bootli eu Badar. H* h.4 been 4iag an at*cUfl>to occumiaI cate vithhi. e- iie i arfle&tc , Tt la said tliat au ejui imard vaU agni, out from the naval station o« Saturday te bunt for Mttchell. They voe ordereal te retu hlm te the station aI the point cft th bayonet, if ho realateal arrômt. Lake NForest academi muasacreal Racine Miii. 89 ta 0. 'Ple vinners ehoveal ctremeli vel on offense. IÀ.ke Forest detealeal Lawreuce col-1 lege on Farvelilfield,. 17 to I14. --Tdl 1 ào w '. L 7t lx & L .00,uýbe -' ,1wm WAUKEGAN Marked Fa#Ing off in, Figures Ths Year Over Lait,'State Fire Marshal Reports. The fis» 1e0nesla am nlIte* ofliii- » orT lte totu ninioutlaof D1S glow a MarXed deea.. oy'er tb. mme perloal forlb.heaser191f. A number of Influences bave op": rated Io produce Ibis 'deai"rc cult. Thle actMtly of the state fire maimbal th the ntatier of Inspection and re-1 moval of bazardons conditions. the Investigation and prosectlbOltolui ceudiarles, and the education and en- ligîteumeut of the people along the lino of Ibeir persona]! rcsponslbiltles, bas plaîed a proudlneut part In liring- lng about tlim leeeening of the vaste of tie reourcea of the people of this atate. To thia may ho adsled the Interest o! tbe chlef. of!lire departrnents In tbe mater of Inspections, the work ot tbe tire prevention bureau of the clty of Chîcao. ,and theTiMre Pic- 'vention Asociation of Illinois, andl least. but flot least, the vigorous andl 'uncompromlslng manner ln vblch the stale'a attorneys of the stale bave promecuted cames of argon and bum-~ ing te defýsud, mai lie mentioneal as oue o! tbe prominent causem for some (i! tbls reduetion. Atter tlie prosecution and courir-- tien of incendlarlea lu tbe clty af Cil- cage by the tate'satatorney o! UVSk counnu, tbe flue oBsslu that lty vas notapiy and even curlously dimin- 1labed, and lie smre laslune lu a lemer degree ln ollier onunîlea of lte atate wliere tila artlcular kinal of crtm- 'DOPE' FIEND) IS CURED BY TREAT- MENT IN CO. JAIL Mrs. Lardner Deolares Stay in Waukeran Has Freed Ber ___he Itu fabIt. 'lat at hst one 0f Uie vitue.aes aI the "dope maen ulo bave beau cepi lu Uic Lake comnty Mau b1M 'simd, 0fîedu at e*4. m06 i toef Ota ber - 14= 1 evieu a ~q taesesg '0 ma"de 'tbaf It vas et ebaernigof! . -4 ludiuti l&aIevidece ewu p de otehow lie bat s@9l4dope te v.$ou aersOIim, among the the lite uemesl and prisosiers vbo bave 'beu bept In lie Lake cout atîjl for nmay mouijie eudlng Uiche baulng nov on la the This patient vuas r. William laLrd- ci., botter known bore as Elale Gra- ham, the latter belng ber malden ame and lte name unster vhlch she went vbcn sie vas on the stage. Mrs. Larduer said vlien ah. came to the Lake county jlau last liaY she weighed 119 ponda. Plie came oui cuued. alie teatifieal, veighlng 150 Pound». Durlng the Urne Mua. Lauduer vas aeld In the local lai! as a wituess lier busbaud made aeveral altetapta te ses ber, puetending et flrst Ibat lie was ber brother. On one o! two oc- casions lie la titeuglit te bave smig- gled "dope" te hl@ vife. He tried once toe otten, hovever, for thc lent ime ho carne hors e ts h ie vile. eo brouglit a paper buckel 0f1tee :ueam. Plieuif Griffin dIscovered Iwo bouies of "dope" lu the crewn. Lard. ner trled t0eeape but vas overpov- eed. He vas the osent back te Cl- cago ana placed! under beavy bouda. .Irus. Lardner aeemed te Improve mndci the course ot medieal treatmeut andl declareal several veekha go that cite la curea of lte drug habit andl ne longer fecîs a cuaving tor "dope." lite stateal te a Sun reporter that she hqLd a large arnount of "dope" 'planted" An Chicago. Laruneu teallfteal liaI for tvo noniha lie obtaiued preecriptions fomi -Dr. BMont nnder Uic naMéé 09 'lira. William Harvey," and "Mmra Mabel Ludvlg." He bougît Morphine and eceins. lira. Lardner testifieal she boughi morphine 0on Dr. BinaI'. prescMDPtOUis «,i «» te teDr. inuai lu liay a"Q told hlm I vantcd te ilec c r the i rerolu hal."she laid. -mi. Ulait told me beroin agflla M»s!tirhIn nore than morphine. 'Plats 10v I lot thc trot morphine prescrptiOn. Whncu I bal itilmade me .1.1.' "Does herola put j'on te SlcPr &aked Attorney William MoIrOv for the defcnsc. -Netnless 1 take too mmci.» "Wall, wben net1 io rach, dcc. Il uive you deliglitful dreaum?" "Tes.". 'Pvcnty-Sive prescription& Idenitfed by Lardner as harlug been given te hta by Dr. Blunt vere placeal lu .vl- dence by Mr. Epatelu. Il knov vho Johuny vas,"testi- lied Mrs. Lauduer wbeu cie vas Calleal te the stand in the Chicago Iiearlng. "He vas johnî PelleIL.Ho Came out to gem me vheu 1 vas lu Ihe JOl1 il Waulegau. le csAMOe t to tec me once snd gavi me $1.50. He laId hoe tbought -1ulgit anemIt t11beylir- seif aomctllng out there. "«Then le ment me a letior vlti a JE bihlu In I lle 1 va. a *In oaa lic dldu'I vaut me tuo 1.51117 aalau Dr. Blunt or. If 1 aid. lhe dlda't vaut mie te lay anythlng tiraI iuIt hurt the nidl man, as hlied Eclhlm" In and ont o! the court uccu Ourlig the thiee day. o! the trIias Sca10tca a continuons strem of Men sud women, chauffenrs, cabaret outertgln- ers, chorus gWil. laborerà, clerli lMd more thia a fmw In the hilo, poOl- They ail lîsten wlth Intents Inter- est vhile tliey are thore. 'Pliu Iboy gather In tieCcorridor and 'dieuse the legal battle vici perlape meana s0 much for tbomn, for the decision at the endl of thia figlit proballi ilI af- fect the goveunmeut's polici la the fu- ture enforcement of the Harrison act. EXCONVCT MEH TiIRT TO RT OUT lis WIfES UEART? s ol ol ai ti p D Yly= LD &A1ISW LIBERTYYILLL , IUJNOIS. a« hANAN V. OOp- sûxil MII44% ai.L&W Libeulyvl A l.e e Des. e Pbou rs 10 »Wl 5~ DAR, 1I . ÇKLRE Office Oin. imdif S. ou&ab8a11ua 31e.lomo %08 0 %bd.7*lo 8 mi ; -%a grC4Io"we. opuAtO&M DR O Fv. dd Offce hoe 14-a«ra 10 mai »14 Tub.geda ndFIdlao.l DI. IL ILORT O - c t IM elaIM.~SsI J. LGODN« OUFirt Natia amUberàvll. lmw l SIE WAàSul Good cooks am re bwt Uim bar in Waukegan todar. TIm bla a àh«l amis of tbemn, so tIl. 1u $MW Dinnt«lg llepoit I*belaolow Omgo and MlvUleaXO. -. À few da"m &go lb.e .*at w,Qe the. big bote!. la I l w itm .bo Job. It vasu floutl «W simed orne te tales a t k la elm 09- * 0f whlcb mp#oed te aup. the. Cook asllng for a 64~e Thon be even veutt 1 e inaOiô1 Whenli e arrlved aet I ot'Ise tbrew up jr!, arma ll brr Wh she vas as big as a b¨. le.,; later. Plie welghed M 0pôlnutU'4 43101 investigation 1 fou"ni Iai could flot crowd lu betweu t» and the kitcheu table t18 out = "*What dld 1 do? Why. i& dbW Inserted an adiertisement lua * VW kegan paper." Te, lie got a cp*. had ince then bis businesas mluftqd up 10 D1er cent Thon en 4 nows hUr4 The average man Ibinla bocoeiM be ont Oontlnuoua round «cI IIM*0 mutil hie vite la 111 a" hobe W1e S geM bis owa breakfals t104 N. is lt. "dm ev. l WUWlPaeqI 0 p PI4YSICI A M A nSI UROU