Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Nov 1915, p. 3

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A-UD-ITO RhUM 1 I.IBE-RTYVil..LE, ILL. Saturd'ay, Nov. 6,'1 Return of the Popular FÂv ORI TES IN ANOTH[ER GRAND DOUBLE BIL THE TURNINO POINT and IIUMAN IIEARTS Pnices 20c eami1lOc rirst Show et 7:30 SPIÂ1L SÂLE 0F Hot Water,'Bottles 1 -. 1-AND-- Fountain Syringes if ~ A 0n. e1i~ 5 CENrS GUAEAI*TEMDFOR OUX YEAB. e. B. LOVELL CO. luDRYin JE is->-. - .L. = IS Frrners Attention 'fhè big" 'Ëre lomin th<.4 èommuiiity recently' proves the fallacy to fait to wecure ample pro- tection. We -will be very glad to submit rates and al information if you will just drop us a card ont- lining your wants. Darud, Ubaiand s Duraud Iwo« # DMler II. Pmatle2 Lirl kl FL C. Burridge & Son - Nursery Stock ÂLL KINDS 0F UAÂRDY PLaNTS, SHRUBS, TRNÉS AND VI&ESl. Lot un estimate the oost for autumn planting Dymend Eoad Phone 102-R Thoodone M. Durit. Preeldeut. W. S. Smith, Vice Preeldant. F. W. Churchill, Secretarv and Manager Mon. D*Wtt L. Jones, Bon. Counses TELEPNONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUSTCO. ADsriiAcT OF TMn£E MlS GUARANlTEE Capita $ 12 5,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS Safe Investment!!. Village of Area Improvement Bonds, .Sosldto »t a v«eo, 5% boude rua froin two to ton yuens Address T. H. IGL!IIART, Contractor Roose 718, THE ROOKERY - - - CHICAGO, ILL PHONE WABIASH 771 Job -Pirinting S? j: PIRE LB TERRIFYING, at &Dy tinie. h is far more 0 wbti the proý )rty, or firnitturei ,ýofinmurued. fIe one way to ge rid of th,. dread of rin by irei Co get inisUrtd t ortc 1,(,t i supply yout to-day with' a poliei tbat âffurds perfect protectiona a moderate cost. Drand, Ialvland & Doraud Triggs Bldg. - Libertyvilli Ph... 2, bieryvflhsi u BERTI THEJATRE P. A. BUYDAX. - Frol Four Reels of the Beat Licensed Pictures FRIDÂY, NOV. 5 WHO PAYS « - 3-rpet Pathe--4peetal Featu A FLASHIJGHT FLI VER - - --. Kalem-Coied Featornieram aud:Bud BÂTUSDÂY, INOV. O= TH1E CONFESSION OF MADAN BARASTOFIT - 2-ruel Boodway Star Fet TME GRL ON THE ENGIN£E - -Kekem-Eallroed Draa TlE UTILE RuNAwAys . StJNAY, ]NOV.?7 * . VItwrapb-Come Big Values in Stov es No mattet- what price you want to pay, we cari meet your requirmewnt with a heater or range that will give you splendid satisfac- tipn and big value for the money. Step in and aee us-it wil be a pleasure ta help you "~e your choice. TInse eonuly, coSvenlent, fis- iookiasg slaves score big aucceai wherever u»e&.They arm built by a slovemsker wilh s repu- talion Sud wM loautothens Easy ta sun and reulate ani vony .avicug of fuel. Now in the tine ta pick youns out , Schani Uaýrdvýare Company LIBERTYVILLE, .ILLIN( Men-, Muesr. Ur. Ttmkins--"You ougt 10 ha atmu our cet lest niglit. Plu ventc la the. pantry lu the durt and'caughi mouse. Stood up on hie hlind legs i drove the mouse out tram belitu, baklng soda c9u Iu one af bourds." Mr. Buttenbem-"WelI. wý ôon't you keep your mice, ln a me emuvouleut puace?" ?~mC1AL~~RT THIEVES CHANGE PLEA.ITELL F10 I 0F LAKE COUNTY Albert Coleman Pleads Not NLN TRA D S. S. COVENTION the Criminal Dice. FOMUI AE Wýatîkegan, ti. Albert (oIernai.held on a chare It s Dclâed e ave Provediut buvirsg murdeèr d Thomas %îorri- Charles H. Potter of Kenosha 1 One of the Most Successful s.on, a railroaci defective. at Rondout Gives Details to Readers of Any Yet Held. last May. was urraigrned hefore Cir- of This Paper. cuit Jud0g. (laire C. ldward-c todue_____ The 4.3th, annual ofuc ccc t h, and ihrough bis attornecy, Janmes G. ýýo thce ditor:- LaeCuunty funday S( cccl Associa- Weich. pleaded no guitty" tu the luI the yhayur tbeme bas beýen tu on vened In the IilchIand Park. charge. Although he had been Inu wholesatee lsuighter and loss finuas- pu Presbytertan cebircli Friduy and Sut-icustody saine tînce le hud nul been ýeiully tri Laçe rotnty and couties ud- je ndy.Ocobr 1 ad 2.Th cu.arralgued betore beause heolied fot joiulng tro thut dreaded fout andf igudyOtbe 1ad 2 hecu etained counsel. moutis dficemsue amungst cafille in thatt et vention opeued witb a large numberl I@ ln attandance. The program whtch imus"e e h hr uIavi 1y i hsti0chl edn us was ana of thie beet ev-or beard nt criminel doeket. The irsI 19 that of i the tacts ln your paper. I have de- y Lake countY Bada scitool cOuvený Lewis Brown, heid ou a charge of huv- termlued to write my oxppmienc-o vill at lion was carried out as panned witis 'Dg mardered a teluow state militia- suld diseuse lu Eugland. ln the erst no alterations or substitutions. man ou tlie rifle range ut Camp La- tramn 1880 to 1002. Oif course, luc those Re . Dnie Brantof ionCit lgan. - The second case on thee rlm- <aye i was but a boy growing to ý.10 Ra hev. Dan au il to!Zn tu iIai dock a t Ibt of Edwurd tun- iYears. su lwriîaicemy experience 's e session. givtug nome splendid taike jingbam. who la eharged with te flot wortit the paper it tuaces la write vlilch Iuspired the dlegules ta a attemptad usurderof Rev. Venerable. Ibis siple apistie. but be thut as it higlier typa of Christian lievîta colored mlnlMter Then comas thelnay liera feues: praar p ipre it lts withColeman case. lu Lincolnshire and especially on At the Thursday morning session James Cussens, another man tac- the north part of suid shore it wae Rev. il. G. Higis ut Waukegun gave lng the same- charge as C'oleman, eues' bad, but ta my best memomy we dii a rIeur-cnt preseution of "A Weil Or. on trial eit the sume time. lie lear"p- flot slauglter many unlass tbey kot gunzedBibe Shal u Jugedbyres.ueted by Attorney Orvis. The lut- beyond any chance ai cure. We used an Expert" Ollier brie! taIReaun er conteuds that hie client was nt the beat judgment ut aur command lu "The- Needs of Our Scbools" lu thea1 mixed up lu the affalr ut REailnd tisaI keep the sick animais troam thse eel vurlus dpartant w'r givn b If ise vas culîrable ut al it lay ln theansd some job ut that. as lu tht part. Miss Irene Roclcaubacîs ot Deerleld, tact that lie may bave lied wlth the If vas mostly sbeep and futtaning [.) s ,S.ILoeuxo cg. Coleman broters. Ond suye lie vilI steers and halfers. The sbeep proved Rev. Adoipli Erlckson of Waukegau. ligist tise case an Ibis gound. He tlu lie ur greateat trouble ta keen Ilt Faxon ut Highland Park. Miss couteuds fihit Cussens elrnpiy wau parted. but we got slung pretty vell 'driu-eu out Of the depat by Storrisous . itt a stubtoru delermînution and a Ruckentuch pleade for superinteud-I enta viso vouid uudemstand the neede and started dawu the track, tollowed diligent filglt and hIf remamber rigit- ot the lîttle anes and provide tocý by the Colemans and Morrison. Ha lY we did nat laie more than thrai those naeeds vlli the ProPer equip- le of the opinion that a charge if par cent and lu a lot oi had casas ,je ment lu tte Sunday echool ruome. measlaugliter ls thse mont serions witis large liards. not that mauy. 'W. Nim. Lamareaux spolie o-how the charge tisat eau ha brouglit agaluet Put tise ulck lu a givan lot aud tise dy teacher shasild strive ln the teuchlue any of the défendants. well as tar the the allier sida of the ta meet al the prablama ufthtisaYaung John Massov sud Josephs Rais.,visa iarm au passible, va used lima galore lives under bie guidauce. AIlof tise ver, arrested a tev veeke e<u lu tise uraund aur enclosures, six ta ton teet. uns speakers ou tise neede ai the Sceboj vlinity ot NothChicago ou a charge ssch side thse fances. Auyaua thit -emphaiedcousecration lu teaciser Otfisaving stolen e quantlty of copper ever hao auYM-ftnlg adoWWIththe sk-W aud mare of Christ lu tise Suuday vire tram tise Chicago Teisphous bord vee ut eiiov.d ta colas lu con- school. Compauy, appeared before Judgs Bd. tact vilb tb. vsll bord Mitho b.iad Ile Darng the. Thuadey aftemnoon »»,warde today. cisengng heir plosof cbagan il au ter germen t., nod- inesn tvoluapO ers re -d, aue o: "Dot guit,'ta "gunly2' They vinIi gbat adsu te oe ur driveveys ta Bible Scbool." ly Jo Gibson of R'gi»I d Utb.lvii bo punlibed for petit dI'eid wvihlh»im once a vouS aud dy lc Mai tbe otier oau-Ii larceuy as lthe vire they aoseiog "M Oe lner tisan ualst 11Our ferine *Teeu Age Girls IDomin uthe Bible tla have itolen &Mount$.ta about 110- I41N. vrs pIItIdtva o tour test echool."by Lois rone of HlgWmsd At the lime tboy ver.e rre.ted.thé 1bio vltb plus tar. saloi*II Joo! in Parlt. Tisa.PaPene ers vrt*esu iloli ait vouud ltsevire aboutamittssute U91111,1,Job, . i becais rInm ithe'tom «ie boys' sud 9tril. Uti rbadinelu su etoforta bide Il.' Buû'W W . Metirbuit etf iM&i idy etandpolut s»d sboved boy univer*àl kqTard su lb feIW bt vstd'W*100 la thse duire amenat boys and Igi 'l~l'J Tnvsailc olsbt qa - 10 thse best tisng lu tise bible scbool. JIATISI I IU I dlslnfectei sverytiaig coonssct Tbiepapers vIII bo publialbs lunlise ~~~wiers cattle asi w. er. baused DIluis Tumpt Cal. hire miai- UIL IL1~LI W ili. eveny day vlth a solution of Cenbolic Illinea u asireCearthe ele- acid and vater. nat too mucii velu. tary, seoondary sud udut divisions C I S» AUA~C Nov, as t t 1bave Is tenei tu respectlvely vere held lu differeul I ay adJbleet âadyw h part ai isecharli. erelis.vanSI hst iuetiod thoen and at tts preseul ai aucis dapartmeul vas diseussed I Man Living at Grass Lake day. ofthepiion that atr.Iain ual different delegates teling a Ocf e- GvsPoeuo 4 or ncsa aasinnOr ré tat iatvtse fui methodu emPloyed lu Ibair sciool: *, rgaadtanaurgrrt2g4niprsus ' Thunady eveiug brugintont a h LU IDUIloizIL goad nov, tut lu tisscase I mai covd vhlch filled the large churcii pu 1n Oct. 28. tanIlavritsera.Atss. auditorium. Specil imusie vae nen- "Uniese yau apalagize la meui Iliver. an tise fara siaguand vers caugist. I shonld try if, but I am not. dered by te Lihertyville Presb2.tertn lMy motter vithia 24 haurs 1 shal utaottoadahl!ym&o choir and Ia double quartet tram ZIOn turt a damage suit agaînet yau: I ut abounteretva au aahaIt ren City. Mm. Lamorealix. veli iflowIn lusubstance this vus lb. stateuseut btssllrc uta ahl vrlter and speaier ou Youg peoplo'@ made lu a fletter neceived Weduesday ttvslsm uiessdisfi vork gave a tali on "Tisa Parsoal Iby SaasAtme apsDd rmlavieonov as vhîu actlveiy .ugaged Factor lu 'Teen Age Wonk." Dr. F. a in living near Gruslaie, 'The l a bsIe.BeîsvhtIae S. Elsalen of Chicago dellvered ai' nvs od h ttmai a tated, vs bout a rauvey no tisaI address on "Man aud Hie God," vhlch w vtuesa lu ts. casa agaluet Lewis cd ed0 tc a ati l jitpped every listener. Hi empisaeized Rthers. viso vus placed ou tia adaly mari lu single file (il mnus ast- tisa necesslty of haviug God lu the te-w daye ugo ou a cisarge oflbavigftn), lb. sheep nat more tissu tva an Ite and showed boy one muet frei nliaei euygaevre t tree lu thel unvay. We bad a mix- have thse true conception of Gai, Itieipai0fa dshotygun Thardvnîtatore tiat immerced tise bouts gond si Tisa Fnlday mmnlug sesson vas ne- tise latter vas ana afthlb. ituesses tisntgallopnrs gtpluete, eusem-i vated lurgely to reports tram tise Of- sud llb.thecaur. ahie emai t h. ton ofgall ot pindraiebal gai- icers and superinteudeuts. These tates sattarney made a siateneutntaai arbollsaidsud mv lginsoeda luprt showed encauaglue aivance vîîcis miglut lie ntarpretad ta meun usey tuait vas ou thein bopt as a in uday school vomi lu Lake caun- tisut ha did net halleve the vitnase esn.Sm se sio eas t>'. Five-minute taIkse au Churcli Ac-, vussiteiSainne 1h. trutu.caus tivities for Boys and Ginls" vere glv- Tevle fl.letracrf l a hae.Te I ltres or eu 1)y five diffeent pastans. OTgài 1 ta lb. stâîe's attorney, vas a man hf ou lu ahes o mieec r ued lzed clubs. a chldrati's service and tishne, iJ.Ellauden. - Thesa ltter lu thebu ultt ages<g te boy scout movement veme given as hie Wlet a snid ta hava tod Da tu Se alsotramistlrge.unyo auccesetul methude. that tisa rosi o mide vhat ho co.ann- u ed n iea At tise clasine session an Frday sidered an ttack on hlm vas lie-.aontsumlI transdcatleai atternoan, Ganecal fiecretany Huglias h Elndr a aMs. dissolv.d sud mixed lu the feed, v. CorS introduced tisa comulty train- Iu bis cep!>' Dady bold Ehianier ted It lu mach or pacte from îraugbs ing acisoul. Ha suggesled Higiland that ha bai net kuovu iefore that in lb. enclosure dovu ou tisa groond. Park ase a meeting place aud 8a ton hio vas a Mason and sai that If Il taci. ta tisa best ofMtia>'mema'>' vomils' course lu teascier training ta wudhv aen ifrneaY otsxt ismnh i w * his taien b heb.mainters ai lb. claie. vouid bae slmtaie toheîfoeran O au>-aotsxt lamus eev Tise 1rrespani5uce sud readiuggva He idtatl.ormn ogt n ofI th courses verlema stiaued, sust have'-! underetund lit dii appear lu tbal toutsesfore oa vsa oud n t a stndi'tait tise sme va>' tisatho (Dady) pf e er -tr u hywn tut fo thse ho oul no atenddid, for ihe returued a verdict oaighpart fsv yndr sitar tut t'e a rsgular dues. 1Roy. J. S. Dance>'el "guilty" lun spite of Ehlsnders tetcî- rlet fent dun coqe.dni Tis Cble inan adresi O th "Chrlhmon>'. Dady said today tbat hae coul oli m li fteFuture"' gdmare sit egr-eugister. Oif course. tbey vice con- amugt ifena curhsan aepravo uuy tatsmnts lia made rgr-tîuuaîîy ou thsa job, but avec>'tartrmer L sulty lut ifer tlid csurcs.dmueing ile.__ _did lits hast sud tise resait vas 0. I. Tise iollonlg offer ver. lu- j. W.Funston Wakgan; W. M. 246v. 1 dont Suov as 1 am doiug stallei tomrte caming year: Pres§I- Brand, Highliand park; 1Iev. b.H. anygood. but I sendifita 0yau, Suov- dent. L. J. Yager. Waukean; vice- Svaatlaud, Lake Bluff. tng fll veli tisat 1 am ding no haras prasîdeut. A. C. MeNeill, Zion CtY; 1TecnvninIlsdl pae e secretar>' and lreaselie Mise Agathe t>' Rav. Bryant ta meet lu October. succeestul. If si>'of the veterneXarl Roaman, Waukegan; district superintt1,116. ut th. bibertyville Mettodilt ans or yourself ft-el dispaaad. vnile tendet,, . W sltf aieguu: rhuaita the Vetenlnary collage, iÀncoin Dr. J. F. Roamar. Waukegsn; 0. A. ____Cty ngad frthtmttrs NvmLbrtyiî -n Oe ANOTMER COUNTV QUARANTINED collage, anti you wiiî fIni thes above berg. Hghland eari dePartuseutu- Anothar lilinois county vas placed tatement saved millions ai doan pernutendente -alemantair> -IMIss un.der quastine Thoreda>' whan 38 for titat part af tisa coutry. iree Rckahais.Deefiei;home- raille, 76 hues and 234 shOep vere i muet 55>' ta every tarmer, do ual M)Slrs. AdoelaeCanon, a{eai;!endinate wtt it iot miIdriva cattia or sheap on the hlghvay mrsd pAniedes onntis seaua'and 1spred ut lited ieusehuaian-. 0f APPENDICITI- LEA VES 4 CIIILDREN Mrs. Ida Pearson Dies at the Jane McAlister Hospital at 5 A. M._ Sunday. -Mr. Ida pearson' mother of foui children. the oldest or- whom le bt flve Years, <ied at the Jane mcAlIstoe hospital at 5 o'clock Sunday Mommh&. fOlowing an oPeration for appad". lis. Mms. Pearson wag taken I~.~ Wedneday leta.end on Fd*W n1gbt It Wus deemed @Ssentiel that M operatIOn lie perforined. The opus.ý tIOD was Perrorxned but a few boula- after hem arrivai at the Institution, but ber condition grew worge unt»i th l'Our of death on Sunday. Mfrs. Pearson bias Ilved ln Wauake. ,an manY Y ae r',and ber fionde aie hund reds ln tlie bundreds. -Rer bus- band ls ensPloYed as a-meet ÇUttstjl tihe Finnish mercantile stores o Alister avenuie. The four children, thse youngs~ tng but four months, are belflg for by frieuds ut the iemlly. e Pearson lias meot declded wbetber ho wll continue ta keep bouse or 1vwth- er lie wtll Put bis children ln $- familles. THE MOUSE OF K IRCHIBERG DIAMONDS, dI erso Houet ereh&Ddliùg ssud Golib Ro. ervie iLu o., ervumfer Ionurvoues.. 104 N. S-.iStl., dooe N. . si ugbss. Chup DR. HÂBUNOLEVER PIIYSICIAN AmD UGEON DYMM LD & AUSTIN LIBERTYVILLE, ILLN@.& 'If~EV. OW* AIotoutaw ASE05514E.L&W 't LibeftyuIUs t 1 ~g. as.. races lutol OmS. hua w wryI .LE y Misses RATE. CLEAN WORKI A FULL COUNI q, t-- Ulqes Up.m£eaist. uhIé aum.o ý)ffiosPhono 88 Bé. Ph., iMOR M03TU CUICÂGO. ILLINOU PAUL MAC GUPMH ATTORIUT AIS LAW. Ubortivle IfMoln DR. Oa P. BUTTDIFIDLD VETEINAUT sulèNON DR. N. W. SIIELLNB!RM! 08TE2OPATIIIC PHY8ILUA' Oid TriggsBIdst. UbscUsb iI office Saurs 10 until S Tussdaye sud Ide» oa DR. IL L..TAYLOR OffIce . in se National hD*Bedks souue-1 to 8:33) sud 7 boSap M. - "ax 'u Broadw0a. oppodus Parom DE. GOLDIN 1 Hours8 o lie à.-l o Over Viret National Bank Office Phono 1l". Be..Phnos157-.. DIL S H. sffitH CA.N. STEMM& .M.D. IIOMROPATIIIC PHYSICIAN *sudSURTGEON phemeoe O* e0 ere.o u e (iosst attention p.Id-tb,' auction usand buot tw=ntW,'%, lug s"Mn. In hindi cf1baose, waom Mdo haras.. for sale or exchauea ap is HENlRY SMN Phonos I!f « 48 zmO ', " . tPHONE 1140-FA 308 CORY AVE. WAUKffBA$I LS..- OR. S. P. GRODINS Optrometulstend OptIie EVERY WED)NESDAY O]M OFF-ICE OVER 1OVEJ. DUUG STM- Hmus: MO. l.mtLpM

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