Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Nov 1915, p. 5

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bàA. COeUn lBIDENT,4nUJAI, NOVEMBER 19,1915. ~Editd by F. J.ODRUOE Phone Il Ordor» Taken for Job Woi'k. Adveitlng ra!es napi~In Xmas PIýotos, bave tiiem made et Boyd'a Studio, LbrtYrille. - & M Bod'. Studio 15% diacount on X me Photos duriongNovemiier. ,aet Saturday Mrt: White and hi@. vif. ver. lnvited ont tu dinnlerut the. home of their eon fi. <. White and fauiily. Thia aeemed nothing unnanal to the. pirents., o sé the noon hour came they etrolled lieurly np to the home of their son. There tbey were greeted by a nura- bar of reativtm. rnuch tu tiiir pieanre and teurprie A bontilful dinner vs. served the gueitp. A musical proram had aima been arranged for their pies,& ore. and tuao day, that nsurled tiie Sthi acciverary of fiuperiJetendent White and vile praved to b. a gaia. day and1 one. long ta)b. remsmbered by thooo who attended. The guente frow ont of tovu vire: Mfr. and Mir@. W. J. Whte of Mli- hurn; Mrs. John White of Wiimrnburg. Ililch.; lirs. tico. odge of Alberta, Can., and relatives of thé.Jonger generation. Jean Lonnabalg traneacted busins. ln Chicago Wedneeday. lira. Cable entertained thé Cemtery1 Society Tbur@d iy afternoon lira, 0. Waifgram le entertaiigi ber two aisters from Buriiogon. % Madame. Thompson, Badwin and WluhIe and Miaeliabel Turner leit for the illoaeWedueday. ]l» ii. ltha Whilte of Miadison, apeft the weeak end wltb ber paeant@, retors- ionato ber scb"olTuel jmorig. Mira. C. A. MIller land the ifortune to aprain ber anki. llut Saturday. 1 Mie Kosad, tasnber ln tii. grade, vao cailed su, Chicago Tuaêday. lm. ESson aubstituted la ber plis. 1 1 TP . WHiior and lMr. &~ty r.turmed f ron thabir wesertaritp lestSaturday. fthy ver. go@. Utc. veeka.1 S. 0. Adama of Chlnaobàe pent Sondai Mt the OlivrBook bomea.1 Juses asslonsa,.t.rtaln.d a fev of hi. Moucd.tou Chicago oser the vaak sud.4 Jossph vW a Chicago vs.. tot Toaeday.t The et. Andrews QomldWvs. atabil. i 1 elot ahe bosse cd Ma. C. Thompoos as Fort 90fian altafuco. f MulaaEsahar sUY ns tthse voait aud lot bhomeoa i UDvaukea. ROUND LAE Bord'@ studio. 15% dlacoutit on Xuaa. Photos ductug Novmiir. 6C5 Imm. Photo., bave them made at1 Bord'a Studio. Llbertiviiio. 6c8i Hani Drumrnond -of Cicagowveas a rountvlator bere.. C. Jauge sud family inotared to Cii. Ï go S atnrday.c Unr. M. Ltvllor etertaaiod ber par- eote. lir. sud lira. Portais, Sondai. lira. Lo lRende. ln viltlng fronda lu Chicago for a fev day..à Blor to Mr.andliMm.GOw. CobintU aj daugt.r, Nov, là. le Roeing & Thelen Poid Richard Saga oI Warren an Overland, sud Jamon Râueban a Fordt tai we.k. Mfr. Ferry, the dapot agent ie cove« i. Iamliy loto ou*.1 lthe nev Rolln DMe Poseuble Way. g1" ays feacn W. . Palma, «Uhem la n» oher wsy taget your Vif. toa e wth bu Jutat mm BigOne C ent Sale, A SUCCeSS,- , Our big One-Cent-SaIe vas a great auoces-nany of our custorn took advantage of the sale and the fine bar.-aina it offered. People are resliziusg the. fant that the cheapest place to trade, qnality oonsidsred, it si The Rexail Store There you viii find flot ofisy fait prizes sud good quality but excellent service. This Week's Special Bai-gain Canuile soap, tva 10Oc bare 1 bc* .A few boxes of vniting paper and orreepondenoe carda toc each. THIE REXALLSTORE ý.S. 5reThst SsveeYom-bouen" RUCE DRIDUG -CO. hm piu.fs 1 SchoI upplits MILLU. The Schuman (fIep Club of tue 8hore, t the uljîber aiflourteen2 men, under tihe aumpicý.eif tlhe1 Aid, wiil ie Nu. 1 Concertt oburch. Thiank.giviing Eceniug. treat. Mr. snd Mmre.W. 3J White àttend kolderr vedding of M r. ad lMre.As M4 bite, ut the bhrnse (f David Wl 3agee Lake, idaàurday. Mmr. Wm. Ceveand opent Sau aud 8uuday with ber danghter, Ruby Wait. Peter Johneaon ha. mored to W gan wiiere he ie employed. 1 Mr. aud SMre. E. N. t"unnon ret from Birchwood, Win., Suàturday, Seet a few laye uhere witb hie br Wm. Cannon. idr. aud liref C. E. Doumati1 tained iende from Wlmett. Sund I.eon Strang returned irons the1 ta& lat week. Peter Duncan ai Grand iRapide, butied i. littie son, Peter, ilaIi emetery Fridey. lit. and M r. D bave muid out Irk Wisconsinnai mute bere lu the user future.. The im .lichougall'a of Hi L.ako, gave thelr annueli Mimions, et their home Tisansday aiternoat Word reached hera lionday( deatb of Robert Pallock af Glmar son oi Mri. James Polank ai Wanl formemly 01 miliburu. lir. Pollock tirother oiflir@. Jack Cary ai Haa Lake,asu d lre. John Pulton aifIW gai. The remalns ver. bronghî Burli ai etilliburun em.étery Wedur ldia. A. K. Bain arrlved homq veek. Ret. o. Mtchell of Waukegan, iacted iuue lu inMlîhuru éMondai Ber. A. W. Safford wa. a Ch viitar Monday. idra. Spafford returmd from WaUI luot woek, vhsr e svlited berd ter, Mir@. W.. Mitcedi. VAUCONDA Xsnoa Phioto@, bave tbam mni fluide Studio, Liberclvlb.. Buyd's Studio 15% dimoot on: Photo dunlugiovesubet. Clyde Ceraio Gar. lad., @pent E d"and sud adey vth i. parsnta i 1~ake ~~ BILD AN0 NIMAN 'MAYOR ORDERS NO. lieflrd n rc .Brrn 0CS FEIKO CakjVi PranrklA. Xsan ,2.3, Caue A SEOnE U youg _______ TRAIL ON ARMOUR CHIICAGO SALOONS 1ai, îo tn CitylIl., and JID C N IIE LA EIU U I L 3E UIU I ainas \Vii, z. i4ela elan UTILD Ô T N E ut the tir. and tre. W. Wr,.r red Weber 1 SDM ON v< hite Nu, 2, elfast.oeand. AA M rAKE FOREST .OSEDONfiUN-c Willitm F teusdne27,Chicago, an A aan.âý. ltj-i li- Studiyfrie Spllane, li, aie. U ____________T leol. ~duday in th. i r.?',V ith relativer Ji f you ,chance ta pas. urear Ihe J ie rrsted for Violations of, Elwoî,d F.Roaera. 2 . Eranstir, Waukegan T Nov.13, dd t he . V and tire John Phill ippi âdD. I e Amu fr I iae1'ores Nn rr an hudrew ad0fr TILtin n'DrOgesArou frmatI.k' "Act-Two fIl, and M yrtir. 1'. Fc, 1.,Rm. tie Esther Eriskson, tii. 11.yo4~- adMbTlotmutSusrdlay in the and hear a succession o!f oud, shrill a Byron WIA yc.2.Easofl. i cldvs a prîdo o bite . wti'r whoops, you wili know ihat lihe! Saloonists Plead Guilty. an~d Daisy Hfansren, 21, sanie. congenîtal hip dislocation et the Iigk Bapiin & piona have hegun work on a noble red man has corne 11110 is OWfl Seeno1te - e af-- epes! Albert 2furphy,.7.'Racine, i.Coty eealhpta abu x ttord a'y dne Cl9apelur t Mienrli, again. NrhCiaoaret< ody and Ida Duda, 27, saine. 'm ountsy gsdoe ~smac ir. U. C. lnn an sd litte daught.r Theres a renoua. fr.Arnouorc I o lieCm ard f.uv on cagso n giczaMzrie ame. e ntha god is ada ni tise Ihaticou. ai1 New Bedford. 111 , @pnt a few dye bhaving an ldian trait laid out iceClfE u ncagso tGes a rsnewee ekreaewias( acqualutancea here. throuitewoded portion of bis voaigteSnaveol af ae Wilflam fioreniergpr, 29, Dpererltd, due to the act that the'. paMu Fier huaud ijeu former principal of aur country ceitnte., Other L-ake Forest- been orderesi to rîrrear before the UL and Lilfian Errefrer, 24, Gler1 wlsbed ta take the cbuld 'home ae r re hrfrar eln i htclty couneîl Tuesday exepning; The .VIew, fi.11g1,ehsfltfly eooe saving m arn thyliesu od inmaufile for . salooum eo wIl fthen he cal led upon Iuhsebsne ul eoee b6if ui ieadiaerayfirj. the noble red man, believrng tirai the' \fctor Koskinpn,. 22, aufceganr and from fhe opieration snd needaspe rhr, The Ifoineeifij Science club met in the gond old daye o ,scalptng and stock efraplaoIui Io ltg i hma Niemi. 24. saine. ciel snd expert lreatrnent n l eu a of ote hare etune, wll ie ttrctI1 y. If tfisaltoon men ptead flot guif- Harry A. Rockowl e, 21, Chicago, of manipulation and massage bforem ochoo11lfibrary Wedneeday ulternoon < aebaertrdiib"afa ter y and delectives and police officers adMblPFizel,18sin. h wlrgintetegthéof heu euter. this week. te is farr nlu4ribes snd hordes. are abîle to prove, ire',ond aif reason-1 d51>. Frk Sonne Lake Foresters, h la reportcd. rable douttisait tre saloon men a Robert L. Campbellf 54, Chicago,f wilbered limir, witie thse baspital eu- FakSherwood wao ini the oity oul hâve even gane au far as ta buy musgulPy fan,]crmecElreizIa beor M. Mock. 33, saine. thorities were interested mrely to Daà 0. buoel r t m Fidy eveurug tili Sin. kels ad fintlocke vith l*éch lu pro - i t f t e ci e c a g o, M y r Kennef fi Chalmers, 21, M ilwaukee, he extent of aeeing the opertiott day. t ect tiseir beipleas fmle, ;ulr Jofley sud is associates propose t0 faile' utearevoke tise saloon lîcenses. Wisuad Norma Gouifon, 18, Saine. ýcarrled ta a successful culmination,' 1Win-.. R, endrickeq, wif@ sud -01)Oufainlglé. sud chauffeurs trom thre atlacks of Two of the nîne saloonkeepers ar- Chiag, II ,aud Marysu29,Na rtho 1stretcher ibIs rorcntg coutten a Ilîhburu side, vioited Ireo. Sherwood ou Sunduy. bloodihirats- Comnanches sud Sioux. rested vere arratgo ed hefore. tise po- Chicago I].' ad amarne. (ao-1srehDady isad fi.Satons At. uncan Mise.Alie Larpen ha. heen si.iting hem Ai ans- rate, work ou- lie f rail wle lice0, aaie.strate 0f Niedorlb Chicago sudïb- i ilparente near Zion <City. fairîs- under vas-. hla to fie one adSfld [ magisraleaded NrthCh iecag e.nd ifford L. Barneil, 26, La'oe Forest, n iatls bfdb1ecae o R. , . Sherwood has had the isay one-haîf feet In wldtb Sud a mile or a ievrefud$5 u oa u sd Sarair E. Saucisez, 18, Galveaton, pendent and ordered cornrntted ta s.@ting preonea huey for ceveral dais, sud ha@.a n l eugih. Ai fasi tis sdi r y wr le 5 n o Te Tex. the L.aIse County General hospItalinl 9ath oIo1other seven airpeared before tise ro- arsF.H perls 7 tode (at iecudicr is iry te. ahipped a hundred tous orni o tfe city. rernoved the apace fit ccupipod la fIlled CraliceP magistrale3, an.d pleaded flot gui!-crè th ilStemgsrt adpeddntg ier an, isu MagrtM-tetntsdceaiend. oftbe tirs. J. K.irWî andFrauk ereinwitls tanbark. >Sorne. 5,00<' abrutisand tYe The two men who pleaded gur;ty ISheridan,IRad Mrre ctetenadca s ed. of, Clicagad hethee otbelngDclaplte*ntedl 22, samne. White different vitneaies declared s physicisu. suce wîitiste general laudacape scene liseir saloons wee not opnare John W. Andereon% 27,Ciicago, and thec ciuicould fot secure thse Isoper kea a ceoi about th ear a comlpwli eteFle 50ndCoB.ertha 1. LowetI, 23, South Beud. mnd. case under ber envlrounenta. thse atiiig abot NTyersOCHoplteth ANDRO PUCINI Stale. near Ele- It wa-s report--d on Sunda- and tu- parents of tise lîttie girl aI.erte4tbst ber..g lu EIl mîtr afr H ee wa- igtcotgekornarfd m venîsi. dai. i at thre agent for tise Chiscago they wvale as nsd vould se. tisat wauke. E BLAZcottages forSiateenear & Milw aukee El ecîrlc ralroad at the se gets ample medical attention. Tise ,.,d'y. Seuce an accoun t ai tise îckneeo ai1lier ploy-ez are alsois elng erectesi ou the Eieventh. . L.ake Bluff jonction had been beld up court fIually continued thé cago e l holather, ha. retumrrid sud talion up ber tarin. Saloons Were Closcd? and robised laIe Saturdas- uighi. It next Saturdas-. This va. after Dr. e é choul wark.. W,.lKORTZ-1309 Souths Victoria. was aIea reporled tisai the hold-up J. C. FoI.Y b.d 'teatilfl.dho vas vii. lire Oiuratits returned ta bfin.el ~ ~ JOSEPH KOSZIEL -, Fourteeutismen sud been csptured hy members lng ta give the cblld visat car. she itrtan- iagstraiwdyvst vs hmi- IULÀ PR K Street. of tise Lihertyvîlie brancis train crev. needs ai ber owu borne. kfý paenslir ad dr. W T Tylr. u o DrRw iTB GAGlUS-Tenth sîreet. Tire marshal ai Lake Bluff clairon h. icago Tb ocr ie ne h upc. ID ID JL I GORZINSK-Twelfth Street. bildfot heard of a hold-up and 1no The Independontla tihe ooutyo o00. aI D cr. tro.imat n vs rgtelîattend.KO3IARÂSI-Fourteenth aireet. Prieoners ver. broug 'totatise couunty tir ag. e lly-that'sWl.*eMy. akegan o D. Theart.ista lgetend'ia II hÇIW ' N ZDÂNIWIlCZ-Nortb Chicago. Jolilat .Waukegan. - bd> t<. t dauh-so. Te rtstetain pat rae: i" T a BS'aaIan..,a, WI4EN-bodyh Chîcago. aui-Belon, violinlat; Mia Pricilla TCH Nr hiao Csrver. panolt; Ml.e T. W. Wilson, tender. sud Dr. Wilson, orsii. Lake ForestUs ciy beautiful Idea la tu b. imitated by Highsland Park. More K1ARRIÂGE LIC IME. W D T I If T W A I Mr. litnsd lire. H. Barber vliet.d thie tian $160000 viii h. pent lu recon- HW AR*VUwiM .as *....w UT W A T vesaiti tiielr oon C. a. Barber. strssetiag tise business neuter. A nev Hrmn P. Capelle, 23, Ciîcago, and- bde a#t 6e8 Satur. lirsd ie. wad dugb. ter ai C>yel Lake, vsited relatives bute Rass Spler apmbam unay vite Moud. et part U144P. lit. aad lite. H.E. Vaimmnvoe licary vistots Tbureday eveang. lims. R. .Prims sd childtea vlod vth tlait.. at Woodesoet Saturdsy sMd gamay. lit, anm. W. J. Saurt tisited tel. tdve. t PrairbiewS uuefs. B. C. Km% 0 . D. Otroket, D. L. Put. nan, Her liissa, P. L Cars, Les Brovn, Arthiur Doomer, E. H. Daisma ad E. K -Misslan attemdd tisLakf, county Good B"ad meeting at Lbety. viii. londsy. Noslyoundad repre. setatives the varions part. ni the counay vote la attondsane sud a per. amanuLake Co. Good Romde Associa. lion vwu Io" wd ili su initial embor. ablp aofstnty-oms., Soverai goad speakers addtessêlth. meeting sud te goad romeis pliritvasmantient thtough. ont th.sutfeeseblae. Agoodroade meeting vill b. beld lu aur village at tie village bail on Baturdal. Nov. 27,1 ai the 2tii s. asouncsd lbasa veek. Tse meeting viii oison at 2?oclock1 p.rn.s.udmauu ad speaker.aW b. présent ta ex plaIn the propoaed rondi impruvem.nt, the e.ibmated coat, stc. A1 mont cordial Invtation le exteuded to &il.q The Odd Pellovo beld an open amting lu tise à. W. A. bail last Frldsy oveng and guesite fram ail of the nelgihorlua tovua ver. lu atteudance, A fine pro- grain ba>lbeen srrsuged for the occasion after vhicb a fiue lunch vs.e erved. it> pompkln pise belna iucioded lu ihemenu. Tii. openlng ai the Community Ipoume vbfcb vs. iormerly thé Baptieh,ýhurch vas slebrat.d by su elaborate enpper au Tnesday eveniug. LD.MON;D LK Boyd'a Studio. 16% diacount on Xma Photos durlug November. 6c5 Xmas Photo., bave tbem made St Boyd's Studio, lbertyilie. t6c8 On. of thoeiportant tiie Damonti Lake cburcb 1- the nov eectrlc tlghtlng ayetern, pald for by Mr. Samuel Inauli, ta vbom a vote of thanka le exteuded by thei. oRnera sud mombere of eald church. MILLBURN MUTUAI. INSURANCE ASSRS8MENT The loue for 1915 of tiie Milunn Mutuai Insuranne Company_ .anîonntlug ta $12,761.52, the. Directors bsve ievied su aneeement o tiiredollar.sud it? cents (83.50) on euch on. thousaud dol. lare lu.ur.d.. It la due and wiii b. cali.d for lu Doember 1915. John A. Tbsin, éSecrtary. Mliuru, Ill., Nov. 2nd, 1915. 7<t8 Tbi Tad.pendoat loadaaIL UmisB ande Bragau of Keomoba ybit. @id ber usothet over flnnday. lits. J. I R On, viio andervent su operation lu Cicago, in Iusprovlug sud la espeelel boumeIbis voit Ilira.jmnnlQ O'Brien vs. a Wankmms tisésor londaî. i .VItor1Vil u v& aWaukfgsn vinitoir liaKim i. BateSoaiTreva vas. su Antiom vioitor tht. vek. lire Berthe Glbert vMtod ber paenta lit, sudlirm J. C. Jaules overIuaday. Uunday lit.aad lire.GegeVob entertained a number oi irlsude at a dismer perty. Asn«qthom vetO: lit. Brad. Webb, lire. Stevens frorn VIt. gillaMli., sdlims.Cins. Weblit. iary floylaansd lit, sud Mrs. Grimm.. Xmas Photo@, bave them made at ficyd'a Studio, bibertyville.. tis Boyda Studio. 15% discount on Xma. Photo. dort«g Navember. tics lire. orguson ai Cbluigo ipont the veek end at tise home of ber faber. P. f0loaget. Mins Ada Ku.bker vwu a home tioltor Suadzy. The fusera]lofainu. Luok va. hild at tbis ciiusvh Mauday alternoon, lie bat. iugvamad avay tery ouddqly Seturdaî mornlng. Mir. Luat bail spent bis entire » Bon the iurusou wib lie b.dled, sud tbat lie vs. reepected b, &Il vas.aboya la the large number of uighbor. and irisuda vho uttended the funeral, Re vas a charter ineuber of the Wooslmeu eud My stic Workeri,-aasd tbe Woodnsen b.d chiarge of the hurlai service. AUl exteud .ympatby ta the hoeaved tels. tire.. Mr. and imae. Bert Chamberlin, Missa Emma Ciamberlil sud Eari Ritter et- tended a play lu Waukegso Saturday evenime. Tbe Ladie. Cerneter>' Society- viii hold a ipeciai meeting Tuesday, Novr. 23, at the home aiftira, Ranaorn, beglunina at ten o'clock. This meeting la neeSuary on accent aitiser. belug so mucb vork ta finish belon. Cbitmas. A large a-. tendance ia duàlr.d.'1 Il. C. Payne vent ta Chicago Mauday toaselet bis brother vith hie Cbl.tmas greene. Misme Emma (irsbbe and Edf th Wirtz and Fred Otabbe vlalted at Glen Elljrn and Arilglan tielgbta Suudsy. HllI Day Congregaiional1 Churcis Thsnkogiviug services Suuday, Nov. 21. 10:80 a. m. Sundsy echool, Junior chair. 7:45 p. m, Preaching. Subjt "I Arn Debtor." A velcome avalte ail. Benj. J. Triekes-. Minister. Frankt Geirens, a chauffeur charged witis iavlng robbéd a freight car at Lake Villa acteraI moutha ago, vas paroled ta Ptobatlou Offies W F. Wess toddy. Gelirens et fi:; pleaded '"Dot guilty.Y Todas ho changed his pies to "gultî" an a las. ceni charge as u va prad. $10,000 hispitaili h. h uIt Am=&othtie aev buildings wiii b. a $50.000 Mazoutec temple and eeveral business iblocksamare nluded. tallovIug bat. anuonuced building piana: Mari W. Gsell vIlI erece a store building vith 0o21ée abote on tise corner af Ceairai avenue aud St. Johns avenue and D. C. Purdy & floua vwi iiuWl on Central avenue. Thse building§ vIll coat about $25M00eseis. are planning ta hnlld sun qme à trset An orarnontal teer lgiitingsysten ta b. Iustalled under the mmaage ment of tise Bu.ln..i Meue Associa- tievi)l add greatis ta tise appear* ane aif111ereJuvenated basines cen. ter. DAUBE» PAINT ON MUSES; TO. SERVE 60 DOYS IN CO. JAIL flever al menthea go John Jones ar Cc asova arreitedl on a charge ai rllclôua Mîsciief dornmittod et Hlgilaud Park. It vas clalrnod h. isad daubed aévéral Highland park, hoasesvitis paint as tise resait ot, s$=,$ lalsor dl0culty. XIt la id tise houses isad been palnted b>' no-un- Son men -ta vhlch Jones la Mid ta have oiiJected. ' e vais given a hearing aud vaa beuud over ta tise grand Jury. Au ludlctment vas retx;ýned againat hlm. Wben arralgned lu court et tisat tise Joue. Pleaded 'flot guiltY." sud bis case vas.&et for trial. Monda>' moru- lug be appeared in court sud cbauged hia plea ta "gul]ts-." Hie vaasou-n tenced ta serve 60 daye lu tisé COUD- ty JaaD.- IUnder tise lsw he conld have been sentenced ta frorn one ta ten s-ear lni tise Penîtentiars- ao he sp- peared satafied wustiste sentence. Ms,. Sarah Faulkner, 58 yeara aId, Paased avas- Sundsy mornlng et 8:30 o'clock et the Jane ticAliater boapi- tel. Deatis la attriiuted ta a compli. cation of dîseases. tirs. Faulkner issd béen slling for a fev veoets but vao flot removed ta tise hospital un- ~tl Thursd&y. Her isuaband died abut five years ago. Mmr. Faulkner lestes six chIsldren, the youngeat 'o! vhom fi nîne yesrs aid. fuie vas su sont of Lou Gullidge, onue of the pro- prietore of tise Central barber eisap. Tise Faulkner famlly vas one of tIhe béat knovu ln tise viits- of Gurne,. Lakte Zurich propoaep ta have au 88,000 aeverage eyatern. That tovu bas more internai strife Bsnong it. Promîneni cîtizens tissu sus- tiser tovn oi lias ize, s-et that tovu gets theé ImProvemnuts sud visen these aev erage sîstem lam installed vifI bave evet>' public improvemeut that le nov énJaîed b>' Arlîngton Heigiste, a tovu af over 2,000. Sa people do flot lage heart hecause o! tise people of this tovu do flot lhink, bellevo, act and vote allke. <ecll, M. Bérquist, 22, same. Chtrit Nelaeu. 29, Racine, WIs, - and Jahaune Petersen, 24, same,' EBIvard' Wlison, 30, Cicago, sud Aima Johson, 2E.,a%&se. WsIker C. Rusaei, 25, Mulvau'free, Wl.., sud Elalo Rugol. 28, isse. Dextar Mugis Brahvogel. 22, Cisi oan". sud Ilîan " Elteabetis ltarnck, 18, mre. George D. fSkons, 24, Wsukegan, sud Ragua C. Etrogstad, 19, sam.. HUiàJohsn, z3, cliutonyllio. Wlr «and Malon M. Delsney, 19, EmiiaraaaWin. ~Nra' l. Gabriel J. Fris. 3,NraWn sud Ragua C. Grogatad. 19, sare. Herbert C. Groenwold, 22, Soauth l da Patter 0 lur TOM Attend teo jour houa.heamg »w. Do't vait .untf l V iter vwaa Sow. Il,.a mier and c"aper nov. 0MW b"~ for rqWsrblg or reugevlagste oreboe vaeor bestlng radiatoro, pipeswahie, etc.. arte eocptlmo.Iy geod. *am expertsent ev Inotélisalono, eheamk - irca etovoe to farasse uffl, éolp sud ebectvel. Stsm or bo4.** v ~~ b.at4nuguvse . Whalth, laber. Va e asiâer, quicter to beat, glves & atuiles beat sud toate hsdangur of ls%,Il ve de It, ils@vlght sd guesuteed. ni*" .~Me The. Botter Corn Dr. Price's stndard of quality and prt means.P" Dr. Price bulived up to hi amar in the manufacture of oereal food&. Hia perectd rocos ormakmg cnasp, flavor gorn flakeuis o f bis magt e hieve.. ment n his flecI. justy -and sec for yourwN f ow différent- and bctter-they arc. Tise exiu&Wm Dr. AJýýPure Food Store in your town Li TRIGGS &TAYLOR. ' Telephone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE' ILLINOIS -9

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