Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Nov 1915, p. 2

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XXX XXXXAX XX aadua~5;~COtERCIAL CLuB g ain@ ut basket bail wth a picki.d UPR * rm eluteM. E chursisl gym TO0 ÀD Y ERTISE - u t l t r n ithe fi rot to ha played bere tiisîl401%,4011lVILLE v o u s~ud no dcsut wM lha weilI stteîîded. IE Y IL The Rev. Gien L. Rice and wife of.Lig.TeLbryil-Cmena lbl it have * t~~~~~~~ouer, fue., and 0. L. Petersi 01 Chicago TeLbrtvle om riaCub1 70UK D ~ rebeig otataued oîrth lgog to marie an ad v@rtlelIng campalgne * su~~~~~adbUr@. B M. Allburt. Uir. and Mn.r@ uiblebudt 99 0 ________________ Riesud Mr. Peter@ are to aielest in tbe eawakeu e naee obg b ________t___o_______tthe___________ nmarcbante and tbe buying publie for "L A K ~* XX XX X XX XX reialob îvn t0h pe lye iles &round. Wlbth.isue of the 66 E K*LC S 0 T nuepulcto nteIdpn churcb on Friday evening of thie week Indepoudent the ciub4ffluIfhts * T isue ubictio i tseinepn-by the churcb choir. - dvntaes ai1dl WDR uoflocalth tround the House, Cisterln, Roof, Cellar, Windows, 0 dent. coiuv muet bu in thoffice no later datgsglelnptoiIQ oa 1) than Truesday of each wook. Adver hLast Sunday twenty-flve membere of merchait@, Do matter wbat lineu tbey Cbioney, Guftter. * tiers. especialiy art. aoke d to atke theve@ted tboir of tbe St. Lawren el*. *particular notice ta this e.Wec t. Episeopal cburcb went to Antlocb to Naît week tbe club will bave taro ét st i t orvicPs beld ld St. IguAtînu pagesotu tiheconter of tise papes' filled 0 church at'4:80 d'crack. The servieswtsts dstssnuso b oa W~ ÂVETHETHIIOTO AiItiualLoal ewsou ag 4 wers couducted by Bey. Edward 8. mrchanUtswbo sf1 matte attractive WUR VoTET IN O0Witeof iLibertyville aud Mr. Carr !Offotra ta holiday chopper. tu do Ibeir 0 Mis@ Hautl Davis le IiIwith Lagrippe. &ntiocb sas thseaMsistant. trading Id Llhartyvilie. Tus wiliumen ST O P I Il U RJ IE V E R I Frts Carîson spent thse latter part 01 tMr. and Uirs. R. P. Scbnaebee returned a concorted action on'the part of every laIet week wirh relatives at Waukeêati.en Bunday eventing frosu Palatine where fliircisnt In towu te flot tenspting bar- £Bay to apply-lOver cornes off Iri Andrewsansd frend 01 Urbana they @pent about a w ee k witb Miresgatin ihéb.gaverail hues sud %0 put thoin spont the week end with relatives boe. ~Schombeo' parents and other relatives. nie ind Obc a way as to command atten- *On t3aturd&v tbsy sers présent est tbe lion. *Chas. B. Kaiser spent Opudey lu iliver wredding of tir, aud trs. John T'he Commercil Club bas toison tuse 1 rse -se y,, ChUicago with his sou, Oscar snd fanily. Baker ai isici about fgrty relatives @tep ta bol rie rig LIberly ville to tise N ow i h i e t i J I 1 Miss Stela Stohl suterWansd ber tsera preiient. tirs. Baker le a sîster of front ila acommercial *&y, taOmak@ ie inother from Lncoln, 111.,f rom Baturday UirIl. fchuasele., m=oreo! hpping conter. Our raiiroad < COME IN AND ASK US ABOUT IT ta Tiiesday. Mi"s Myrtie . a inte was gi * acillea or Idanor ncbefutheripeol Prebyerin ale' Aid -111 muet birthday p~art etber borne ioudal who "einluLibertyvillo viinîty ar _________________ o 'ths r. j. Dolleujuaier, December 2nd eventnain luho)or of ber elteeutb birtis. brougisl ta thie village ta do thels' es t 2.30 dey. A big supper sas iqers'dai t six Christmas bnying tbey wtîl ho eiicwn V uubhIuUUIIIf (MIi s Laura Calloway of TaylorvIlle, o'clock sud Seated aI the table with Mishs ht ie pays to radte boesand tbat theY' ufruuvuuuuh un * ~~Iss@ h gueet of Misn Faybuel eml ests ise rne ihp au do just as sal inl Libertyville as lu bu Walker ovesasu ise Edna Knox, Rutb Prîce. Christine Smuiths otier citios. tIu u II uuR pand:dngThHolan2e~ n :Ste e:@u:er@'M'a Tiseesertary of the club roait au in- Mm o.Auna E. Alburt of Plttsisurg, Hser, Edîtis andi Rosena, Perved. Iun tton from tbe %aukegau Commercial Dewa hy tihe Old Det.DBoe.there 20 YO&earsl.puin h bnkfl gmasnteevuO i vr uetandu club lnvittiug the local club mombersta FL A. ishopMgr. 0 w tb ber sou, tbo Bey. FI. M. Allburt sud thoatre party'at the Liberty Theatre. tbsir montbly ernoker ln the club rotae Phono 47 E0A.Bih ,Mg. ee tr. aundtirs. W. H. Wbigam of Cbicago. Wodnesday nlgbt sud listen ta Artbur The Foresters D)rill Tesa of thse M. W. @pont the week-end at tiseborne of thae<i. Taylor, au expert ounsalemausbip. W 5.W WA. sIIl bolet ac.,r party sud dance st former@ parents. Mr. aud tMre. W m. Tisa clark sas iustructed ta ackno wlodge the Woodmau [liitTneday oveouhîg, Wigam.tbeoccasion beingtir.Wisigam's lthe Invitation, and ail thooo sho could! M Nov. 30. it ssventy-eigitb blrtbday. W. H.Wbigcam do so sers attend the meetingr. Tbe Misses Minute Jocishe lm ansd Auna l a member of the lîlinois Firet National Président tMaiier ststed thattbeoffieore 7 ln h e D a y o th iittner sdent Sunday and tiouday sItis Onard aud laavesi Chicago thus waak for aud board of diractors soulà report on In d e D a s o f th ethe former@ sieter, tirs. Fred F.berweiui a marcb of about 120 miles. The course thse matter o? arraugiug the constitution in Chicgo.leuas y-et undeterminad but the firot at the Doit meeting. Tbe ofileere and îu Chiago. acamprueut bexpected to ha ruade at directoire sili meet Friday nigbt to draw - ,PhIl Protine. sho la attondiug the Lake Zurich. up the constitution T h u d e rin g H e rd Uiverstv at Valparlso, lad., Pe enaIitrtonbilAgI t o Amporary eutertaiuine ouiritte Tankpgîving wtb isuotier, tirs. M. Ti amnstaio uldn-o h A. Potif. beldon fichool is jut nwudergolui sas appointai! by the prac,îdent, stîlci o#e ..~~Mr. hI aIl$a Mr@ . eztensive cbanges The Interlor or!thb'caottes silI look aitar tbe sosia' A sEIJG FRONTIER DRAM>. 0F 49tr utis Clay tonltaPle@ ofA n't'O, building le being remtodeled, ail the eend. oftis, meetingsountil a permeanent Wrttten by GniteaN W LTS came Weduesday to, @pend Tbankogivitig partitions beiug removed. A niew beat- (euIt*s.leaponted. The rueniters ____________ AST _________fi eres ith the iormr's mother, tirs. îng eystem is being Intailed sud the':.:= '-.ited uiîs committ&eaare: W. E. Tom tilngle .................. .. ...T-n \Ii. %lV ra. TcAres citvsater tm beuig lut in. No Docker, PaulG. Ray, IR. M. Taylor, A. C. BerIde Milîon ..................... - I: ti MIro. Clarence Clby and littdedaugbter doubi the building le belug ruade reedy Maurrsandil . W. Maher. cSaitw.......:............................. liedakîng of St. Charles, 1 Il, are spouding tise week for tise tinte wsea the Sheldosu Scbool Prasidant 'Maber agtain explaluuid the VIVE REElS CopýrigIrtd 1914 by thse Sells Palysepe Co. at the borne o? the former's parente, Mr. sud connectiug otlîias sabicti Dwa îobject of tise club for the ticîsetlt of tise sud tirs. Henry Lawrence. locatod Iu Chicago sl ba moveé bsck to Des merubers wbo were notj preeut Thisieon3e oftise mat bietortc*lly Interetna motion picturese verArsbfeth lto!teyer at tise tiret meeting. He tated that the Wodnced.Tise ens vrse filmed on tise gréat ranch of "Pawuee Bil"In l trs. Worruer 0f Olean, N. Y., W ho basAr&btsthButote a. club dld not Intend ta work againet Olshboma siers over sevon isundred Pawnee Indianas maintalu thaîr beau viitlnig ber danabter, tirs. Stanley Dr. J. h fa.ylor bas raceived a large auytbiug the village boailya doing or vitou est rs uilne !tebgethed !bSaons xslsra atoan ad iamlly, for a short tîme solid cliver medal rom tise Motor Mage.- ta Sund lniwitb auytbin tiat bod M reardadt to lier borne Tueeday. zine Co , for ruaina a transconitnental band doue lu tise past or contemplated IlBE >RTY THEAI~ TRE MIes honties Cater eutertiued about trp receutiy in wicbhal drovo is owu fér the future. To the cotrary, tbe- -- ~~~~20 Senior and Junior girls o? tise lBtisr.e h npssteM hi aclub bas s temain aloi tasorkt sa s aIétS^Yo N VEM1ER 25s95 d les montisi ago whon ha took the board aud lu periect baruuouy, to THU SDA , *~s es. 25.191 seool ut bar borne tast Friday éenila. bis@farnuy ta San Francisco, tbey ising sujet lu anythiua tbay may ha calleid un ADMISION 100.*,ma Ise Tbey report a vry sujoyable timte. accompauled by tise Dr. Forey and Nici go do and that the lub's series sers Mirs. F. E. Oversou rstur.sed Frlday Wetzel fariles 01 Waukegan, sacre iamily alsayâsest tih, disposai o? the village frotteSpringfield,.DiI., sisor slise sont as going lu their owu automobile. ou onue1 bOarHe furtiien tated tisat it ilî liho a dlagate froun the local Indue 0f sîdonotise modal le engraveditiihedotor'sa ofatm h. tseciblista sestbat thse ~IA2~ ~l. ~&.1~T~JF.A.OP1BJJ1I Co.) RBbekab ta attendte le B.cOuVeDtfiu. naine and the danme of tbo auto driven mansos boobtter acquatuted sîiti Desigers .d iIkereo? , Tise Mystie Workers bild au oyster byim. The rsverne Bide contaiD titis li-n. ap mosr, t eton squat grounde Deffigers MsMopters etttieir regniar meeting on icription: "Transcontinental Trip 1915.'l end lu amarr riendfy pirit. and tient .1. G u T I u G I T L R Tuody ngis. Tior srs larenun-Dr. Taylor tats@tise magazine l iso î so n uasrtereet sould ho vr a' ÎJG H IN G IX T U E be of embes an hirteuds promeut. Oflerlng tu give a solid gold modal for E. A. Binbop. Who bas alsaya beau a m eoeplia ou odelieeete bout story o! a transcontienftle.ip ale"advartlser. usged eveny business Clarence Luvtai, Fruà Protide. Parout man lu the ontu ta trau advertistng W. altso have a complet, platina plant for reâmiiigSibsdtsr lsot.soae Workmeu fir tise Public Service <<~CaO.,ui is oclppe e rn AUTOMBILEP4TS ARIEWAJE STOVE PARTS atteuding the Universty ofIllinois. epeut hava beau engaged @Ince tionday ofIihidaybusnsand to promots traite URAUSS D EUS UaTHROOUM RIJIIUNOS SUNER PLATING tsiwiueiia saiua iî eek lu the sort of rsbuildtng the lor tisefuturs. Hie discussion sas the ifisCElffi LATiN4G - BRAS FLAXING COPPER MPATING synern cf polessDdvsirtioouelihseveralInceutitre for a goderai tarit on advertis- GUNIMETAL PLATING DLACK-OR WI4JT ENAMELING home@ boe. lagsud thse outcome sas tise rusait a etreets In tits village. Wben tisenDo utined abovre. Show routm sud aclory Second sud Orcisard sîrel. DuraDd & Dumait bave nord igit lots cotract between the vllasge aud tise A tempoaay corumitteeon advertisiuig TBLEPHONB 68 LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS lu tise Kngston Heigisti subdivision ai iglit compsuy sas orguei ltant sumrurnn as appointai ta look alter tbe sork of Te Lake Eara la R. B. Swift, wboss pera- the corupany agreed to mate msau rvanglua tise"sadvertl@emente sud the ~îety djons iilot bauncasdfrm cangs s tsa rueee reuosed.AtPsesldeDt appoiusted tise iollîîsing mpm- pory ajol@ he otaliepuchaed rot cang@ a te tuatfl@reuese.Atboes0on titrécommittea: F. 0t. Just, 1 the local real astate flrm. tiist time the corupauy put lu a uumiser E A. BisioZp . O ltRay, A. C. Murray Miss Auna Rttur entertained anani- o? the uew lgbte aloug Mlwauke and M. J. Whr berof rieds uesay venng n bnoraveue nd loofitrte tosetnewpo e' A vote of tisants sas tsten ,for tise 111, m J j br o!frinds uesay eentg lubonr avuli sudalsi strte to et os pitsecelent service rendred tise club tY LU M M ILLi -FET.EJ. andlu (( of tise bride sud groom, tirsud UTr. and remnved sorue o? the nId onee, butsý Walter H. Itaed. S.crtary of the Racine Chas Jochiselun. Carde sers played and large job of changing tbe lighting systeru Commercial Club. also ta R. N. Magill. dImmU1TC a chop suey supper sas servod. at North Chicago fî,rced thea cnpaniY te Seretary of thie Waukegslî Commercial SALT TTRUM R V transfer 15e wrtruen tathat itv. The Club, Ibat the vote ho tilacd ou record Attoruey Paul tiacQffint put tbrougis intiie minutes sud alo conveyed by adeai w streethaudrd the Walommittae basne ade ltter ta the gentlemennme SElarg ndea Learky esidtheJas Trictes of wtre e iselun finuruben o! places Tbenusit meeting o? the club sili ho farmneprLak Vila t Jas Trggs fasd tisePublic Servi"ce.,iisli t t@orue bord Monday lghit. F. E R ~ ~~~~~~~~Wrren. Thé new osuer expects taof iepie ate u uta ia i A~J' 5 ove utotisetarn lutis spnng. conforuta the newifiues for part says Tolephono No. 50 Lbertyvile, Illinois Miss Bert"t Jbcisbelm la havin8a Stso The case o! the Vilage ni Libertyville 0 ...thé vacation tram ber dulies ai the vs Albert W. LitchiIld waet board be<oe ChCicsgo Talephonie Co., aud silI go ta Justice Lyell H. Morris ou Satnrd$yA I I i Ceicago eu Frtday siserseh. s ilI vîsit mrlgadale h uycosader~ :.:;b00 -s-u~:::.msiUUUUUSSB~Uê-- sth ber etter, tirs. Ebrsein, until tb. case agaînt litbiieid be sas iud u DROPINT TR Cinstmas. guilty sud ftitad $25 aud comte, wsibl'T i Mr. IOT T n d tirs. W. W. Carroll and daugis- fiue sud comtte'ta did Dot psy as Mn 2 =m R - A ~Sters Missfes Helen and Katharine sud tir. Litchfield said ha sould appeal the case LV RIC RESTAUR NanUr.EwrCarl ultl obgectitroutweOâo lu Chicago wîîtiste former'@ son, 0.0. automobile ovar a uewly laid cemet ARE.&E rady no, I-O FCarrolsud sife. sait lu iront o? bls property ou Qeborno W B BeaUtifUl oreP< H O M E CO O "--D- M E L S 4 lare nmberof te Ryal eighoreavenue about thre eeat. ago. sud the for KO0THER, alliter, at OYSTEEB NOW IN SEÂSON 4lreume iteRylntbsr charge agaînetintsim as that lie destroy- Icdge saut ta Wieeling Tuesday evenIna dvlag rpry u is!tds ilk BOX and linon ha DA2NCES AND ]PÂRTIS CATERED TO sisers the local drill toam iitisted a ordînauce Tseo equare@ of the. saItNclefybdkO B L .large cam. A banquet supper Wsas sesdetnoyed shëtsulbedrose sera@ i isce o '9bd hot Phone 40, Libertyville LIONELBU L rop. ,,rvoditar the meetngasnd ail reports sItisbis s ul,','Tise cou traiQr puttiiîa grandIII4, b ates ------fiue lIme, lu tise saIk t th tbime wdm eugoaged bY the village tu dii tise seintas tir litais. aprons and littie âapro11B M trs. D. S. Prrîgo returued Ssturday field ia eaid ta bave refueedte) comply Igv"thng in needie evening irom Wbtiug, lnd., sisers Die witi tise village unotice taO put In tihe bail benu for tso seates itislber daugis. I aIt tir.t.Itclaflald twill have tweut Daiflty collar and - u u or S to c tan ~rsRayFowaewhbash &ne date (rm nte if a3'o! tise it lu SisleS worsn, and isat but net1 'Xember of the IPederal Reserve SYftem"' OV ADMIT eANKLY THAT wewaot YOU to do gour banking business with us - We absolustebg belleve that our service whlch le the resuit t oance thontweotu gears of acitua banklng experienoe, wili help- gOuselve gjoor lienciai problems. We ère IOW gervlogover 21000 cstoleies eid we want <o serve VOUP no motter how sioNgor accouat might be. $ 100QPCNS AN ACCOUNT $ 1.00 Lake CunyNationalBank Oýapital. Su&ium and Profits $ 1004=W.0 Total 1t«Ourm0, - . 7MO000 1 RU ITS _ I .coRLETT & FREDERIÇKS MIEATS tj GI ERE 0N13 OOD TASTE DEBERVES ANOTHER Ihats why sui fine', delicnnum e iere soin muh in demand. Onei.,aa haju called piethe iliîouî of the Auricaui pantry. But that wag hefore uwn i i ru.eaitary haksholi inethodis much as ours lhad doue ne ay withb othersorne kits ien pie bakirig. The Liberty ville Bakery Phone 68 - - Libertyville, Ill. AINNOUiNC<EMENT A. D. PALEY, M. D. V. VETERINARY SURGEON Has opened'au office ini Iadd's Lî'very. FAILL MILLIERY.l andl Cbildrenm. Yen are corilinivited to ses tlsss. PRICES MODEIIATE. We &ho bave a nice.selecioe of Lad Hosley W= tsamd Fsncy Goods. The Parislia Corset. A. W.- LINDROTH LLcI,,RSTMAS s24. ow te fnrnish yen With a gif t for eVeryene On your list. Sde chine, lace, chiffon, or p .ussy willow taffeta waist tie or cousin. andkercbiefs fer* FÂTHBR, brother or. uncle. es for granduma or grandpa, and mice big aproils for ittie postage utamp"l affairs. Fudge alprons, sewing of ail hindi for the girl wbo loves frilla. lework,"frein nigtgowls te pillowUliPS for "bher" hope Ld ouf! sets and tiny ties that are suitable gilts for every leagt, every kind of dolîs for the kiddiel. Obaracter E, rag'and just plain doîl. RROL ,&SONS CO GROCERY DEPART-iN m»Oefflem ------------- 0 -e-ý 1 1 - Phone 30 IIBEILTY'VILL19 1 TzL£PHONE 4 (EG-ETA Libenyffle, IIL l' . libertyvMe ý PHONE 31 GROCF.Ry I)EpARTMENT

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