Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1915, p. 8

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LAKE Co (JNTY IN I.)EPENI)EN71' WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. =.I-NO. 11. PART TqWfl jw jjcb A V %f Lý1E) i Il1 1 i i 1 1 , I.V si'. l11p A '1 3151,u J,1 Qze ttb1 i JA &1N ýWVA LIBEI*'Iri ILi.5. 11.1- PRIDAV1.>.- state, the Village of Oak Park andif UTWW Tuwr 0FWAREN thet several other taxlng bodies Inter- WOULD TIE W lit te nthe outcome' of lhe case. TO (jET FR131 TA ES esyn hta sssmn end BEATI3R UP BY THE FOR VEARS TO CO~jj3pro:erty omltte4 from, taxation ln hi&~ TIM ,B TDD ' c-iiel o pnig eoe thec Bulkof te BCk TxesPaidinCook cunty board of revlew. Frt e ack ETaees dnThat the board fixed o November Police Magistrate Taylor Dis- PromtheSear Esate oes2. 1915, for the hearing anti that Mrs.1 charges Prisoner When Wite to the Township. Sears was duly notifleti of ths date. Says She Is Hungry. iTiasaIhe was representeti by ber t- WILL GET MUCH THIS YEAR. torneYs andi requesîtd a continuance BT YS BAKND 10 Décember 7, 1915. whlithWas grant- 1BT YS BAKND Will Not Be Njecessary to Ra-se ed , andti ta the heartng wilI tabeTenHsbn umeo e A5Moeplace on liaI date. Te ubnJmpdoHr An Mr Town Taxes There That at leastit 81.10,000ln due tie and Buried Heels in the Pit -MoneyApportioned. ciste andi nîber taxlng bodies, andi o HrStmah Wit th acionOf ounY Jdgethat saald daim againstt he estate o e trah Wit te cton f outyJuige.~...... t. . KELLY MUST GO BAC K TO E1 f Mi1, r <îrîtt fort$1, - CANDA RLE LEK TO LOCATE !-ERICKSON CnIID FACTORY MAKING 11.ý ,p.d i ýwlrati J CASE NOW TUIESA N.À y:,fo. :fj00.i CHANGE MACHINES inAonTwshpJoehA ROSîî1111111, DIFFERENT ANGLE bo ht t losi- snsub tiisi-on ai Round Lake fron %%,il_ Machines Are Usable in Banks, Iitm A. Rosing anti others for $400 Father of Girl Says He Is Un- ITheaters and for Cashirs in Wauconda Township Hernian L. able to Pay Hospital Bill in in Large Stores. 1 ,rooks bought 80 acres ln southwest Advance as Required. _________quarter section 27. from Jay W. Cook 'DEVICE IS QUITE NCVJEL.ifranmalcsdrton CANNOT REMAIN THERE. 1in woukegan Township Will C. and Carl rSarah L. Wedge hougist the Annie Dr. Foley Says He Agredt CaiSayler Is Said to Be ',on-' Mines farm i section 18 for a nomi- CaefrChl fS eeWas ferring With the Man Viiio n loideration. aefrCidfSh W s Invented Machine. î-n the City of Waukegan Nicholas Kept in-Hospital. - Larsen bought the Edwardrc' property If aufficient inlerest la manU'esteti en thPistoul street nortis of Seward Litle Esthser Erickaon, tise il-vear. a new concern may be locaod in, a"coe for a nominal esasideration. old girl who submltted tri an opera- Waukegan ln the near future. ItIateA 3tito ksa ., in o,cogenital hiP dislocation at sai tht CriSayler, the man wh.4 9ught the Pence house on North St. the Lake Counl.y General hoapîtala satitsa or James street froni NI. R. Fsh for a few monthsasago, but who waa 1-e. swung the Waukegan terminal deal nominal consideration. and thse man who always has laken Lewis H. Williams as truatee hsa.;mv rn the hoaPItal by bier par- such an interest ln the Northeron -r purcharre th ie olti Warren H. 'Ellis enta about two or three weeks ago, Thomas Kelly linois Induatrial Association, takea lioresteati on North Sheridan roati who was madie thse victîm of a con. WîýVnnipeg contractor who has tout 'suftlclent 'interest ln the new propos'-fro William MI. Atielson, et ai.. for a test ln county court, anti who Jeter hsdetermined i fght to go back taon nominal czîncriteration. was taken tu the Jane McAllster boa- Carv2da, Judgeý Landia today ruuîng lio tumaie a thorougis investiga- Froc] Brown Whitiney deededts i b lan hr i îa eant pt thal he muat returfl anti face trial in tion whroh if la saiti he ta dting atteIrest in the properlv of the Charles the present lime, can remain there connection wilh allcged fra uda ntheresenit time. Whitney ostate to Charles Ray and no longer, because ber father bas nol erecting the parliamnent buildings. te eEhlMWinyfoanmnlcn ________________________ A WeIllknown Genesee street huai- sieth .ionexfr omnl o ept the promlse anti solemn assur- Oea man diacoveredti liat a certainr ance hse madie to County Jutige Per- SanXTailNE YEAR a patenlt on a tew 50ona that hie was amply able tupa SITYON Y A S chngANSTIEmahie.LheTOvcefor any isospîtal ramnshmit , I la one. that cao be used tu ativan-ý F N TE LT requIre, He haa failed in1 pay for O F WEDDED LIFE IS 1lage in banks. ihcaters anti for cash- kef care at the hoapital antilit wîîî b. lers ln large stores. I a wayh S L EP A JA neceasar>' for ber parents to te NJYE Y mtu IE N at ie an atiting machine, for IlPl4&be elsewhere, makres changea automaticallY. For C ~ J re itr'0 i aewl exampe-if the machine were useti OSeaIN IF V Sbclarify the present situation. Wel Knwn ae Reidets fln a Iheater, Ihe cashier woulti place rAbout seven ntisa ago thec citd Weil nown ned RSidens ofithe coin ln the machine,, push a bu'- a ae otecut optL Waukegan Celebrate 61 st Io.n for the amount of tticietaoc]Will Place on Mark et a Produot was lako ten nlenco oun- pta Wedding Anniversary. the change would roll ouI go it couic] the Equal of the Third Most t>' Physîclan Brown, Dr. Frede"i bc pîcket iup eaally hy the Patron., Costly Minerai. Mueller of Chicago, tise famou.sope- Waukpizan, Nov. 0 Thbis saves the. time that woul d be cialiat, wos induced la pertorm a frée Slxty-one yearsagao ln Detroit, necessar>' for tise cashier bo make Amoricas second greatest electrical operallon, The chilti was recover- Micb - Mr. anti Mrs. . G. Green of chsnge anti give fit 0tlie patrons. wizari, (Carl Pfanatiehl, general' man- ing nicely when she sustained a 746 Grand avenue were uniteti l th- încidentaliv. it was founti hy the ager of the. North Chicago laboratory gslgit fall which resulteti ln a frac- Per-sona on Montiay aflernonln clo%.- nouid o unpain ocore the citate la Waukcgan, Nov. 2 lng the estale of thc late Richard W,.loseti,; The nexl lime you heat up your Sears, andt he immedlate turnîng aoer wife, no mralter whelher you are tb County Clerk Hentice b>' Charles CE E A A II Idrunk or sober. I shahl ortier liat >'ou S. uttng consl fr Mo.Se JsLof E LRAL 14ÀPU RS hli hung up by the Ihumba for 24 aShek. e $9t1n,1un5elafor Mmears f bours. If that punisiment faila t bank taxes for lie years 1913 anti UP F R IS v r I carry out ls meaning, we will dig 1914. lie town of Warren In Lake a dungeon ln the aleyway anti keelî for y a l oudlnt i he nviablpîe InTHECOUNTYCOURT oii i Postinforshul te pope her T E »U TY OU T ,>ThJ WIhe statement matie te elccl It wilI 1net hoe ncessr a r e rine - i lkie B lozwich, tise wife beaier an. a town tai Ibere again ai an>' lime. Mn ae r e o ria rsteti on Fcicav last. When Bloz- Tise Inlerent on tie vasî auratatM yCss r Sfo ralwlci was arresteti, his wire la>'ln a wll lie paiti oser wlll more than pro- in County Court Here Next aeml-conacloiia condition oo the floor vide tie amount levieti annually Thus Sturday Morning. of ber home' on Prospect drive. But lie tban la placeti ln the Position of Se-ra atera were disposet of ln for the arrivaI of help, wlînessa daim beibg aile ta retire on ias Incarne. Ieea m hat her hustianil would have killeti The assesseti vluation of the counîf, Court on Monda>' anti several1 ber Blozwich, arrorcing ta tie te%- Spara' property ln Lake count>' for oliser maltera have lîcen set for bear, ,,yI fa - ns, a ele i the two years as fixed by tie board Inaý A number of will cases wene ta ife ta lie floor iy a ilow ln tie of revlew, le as follows: ke p on '.londay. AnIong thoafcadte ojme nhr n For as te pobatng f th wIl ofEle-, .lerked her about the shoultiers anti For 1914-1150,000. nor E. Brown, aiso left an csrats valu- body. To men, bthi employes of Tie different lai items are appor- et i a $7.000. tht. Powell Rooting Company'. wit- tioneti an follows: Slate&s Attorney Dady bas filet bineasedtheti assault, anti one of thera STATE TAX: couritly court a petîtion direclet JnmPed from lthe roof uftishe new Cen- For 11-855 gains, Ilermnan anti iertia Syirandy, irai garage ta rescue the woman. For 1914-86,480. demanding that they hoe etmpelledta '*Nie crunk: me no know visat hap- COIINTY TAX: laIte care of tiseir two anti a haîf year peneti. was ailtishe foreigner couIc] For 1913-S6,196,50. oIc] taugiter se>' vien arraigneti on Monda>'. For 1914-S7.290.00. A petitlon vas liled lnl court asIi i Ie cdaims an employe of tise TOWN TAX: that Hilda Stranger, et ai..bhotieclar-, gas compan>', anti furtiser alleges tisat For 191.1-136450. eti tependent ciiltiren. The hearina ise voulti lieunabie ta continuw iii For 1914-4406.00. was set for neat Saturda>' morning et vork as a gas maker unles b coulti ROAD AND BRIDGE: 9 clock. bave a drink of liquor once ln a For 19U3-$7,411.50. Nets anti Entra .Johnson filet a P@-1vhile. For 1914-S8,235.00. litlois ln count>' court asking tisai hhey Bflozwici, althoug i bis marks tic GRAVEL, TAXI lic allowPdtia1 legally adopt (lfford second lime ho han ieen arreated on For 1913-412,150. Linneman. The prayer vas granteta sîmilar charge, vas diachargeti For 1914-$13.500. andtihie chiltia nome vas orderedtin o c ustody. "Mati Iortiered i hm SCHOOL TAX, DISTRICT E0: changeti. sentencedta 1 serve a 40-day sentence For 1913-$9.963. A petttion was led ln county court ln tie cit>' or count>' al, hia vife For 1914-$10,665. Ioda>' a8king tisai Dean Cramer, ageti andt Iinfants would have sufered TOTAL TAX-For 1913, $445900 16. Ralpis, ageci 12; Leonard. aget 10';ie pansa of bunger, Tise mother for 1914, $46,575-$91,165.50. Carence, ageti 8, anti Olise ageti6,!. bld a Sun reporter liai she hadtifo 0f lie $91165.50 the onl>' amounts lie ticlareti dependent childîren anr partaken of an>' nourisisment since tisaI do ne0h go ta Warren are the be talion from tise cualody> of their Sunday morning, Tise two chilfiren. taté and count>' taxes. These parents wiso resitie at North Chicago. tic eldest of vbom was but four ltmount ta $28.471.50. Tic amount Tic case willlhobohard nexl Saiurday years, looketi as thougis they bac] tisai Warren viilrcceive for tic Ivo morning at 9 oclock. Tise faiber anti alept in tic atreels ail nlabt. yeara la $62,694. motiser, M . anti Mns. ngeînlght Mrs. flozwich sal&: '.Ne forgîve The owntax f WrrenamontsCrame r, re«Ide on Twenty.second bim If he quita drinking. He gooti la onîy about 1400 a year. provititngSte. man visen ho dont drink," for the salar>' of tise assessor anti A petition was filet in counîy court Hle was told 1a cali a police officer tise lown expenses. It la comasderedti otay allegbng tisaI Violet Berger la lise llrat time bc taies a drink of Il- ver>' probable tisai nov tisai ibis feebie-mîntiet anti asking tisat nome quor. Taylor ha promiset inhl an large aura of mone>' le a hobeurneti stops lie takeon ta provitie for ber 80-day sentence ln Jail vils breati over ta Warren township tbat ne entre. Her fatiier la deati, Sie reaides anti waler as bis foodi if ho taies a more lovo taxes vill b. refedliseraa oti iiag ii1brae-fte.drink in a >ear's lime, 1h lnaiase possible tisat lise e case will ho iseit Saturda>' morno district wyul place ils portion of .3 ýjý t 9 o dlock.B O E IPlA ouI atinuierent andt lii ylmale B OKE , P H tic achools for ail lime ta coma 'or et toast for many years. On top ofXIEE H E -I YT N E TIO school bouse, IPN WINTI3R IN A G ED RESIDENT Ontop of tise Immense amount of IT money already> piacedti10tise credut THiI COUNTY iJAIL Wauiegan, Nov. 30. ofWre tl adtisaIthe taxes_____ A broken hip bastenedth ie demise for 1915 on PJe Sears estate yl cof Mm., Michael Brown, viso passeti amaunt ta about $45.000. This ivli Sent to Jail Today for Fifteen ay>aithle home of her stop-son, he atitedti a lie amount already ap- Days for Failure to Pay Albert Brown, ai 239 Fairview pace, portioneti for taxes turing thie pré- Aimony tA Wife. cari>' Tuestia> morning. ceding two years. Mrs, Browns deatis waa causeti hy 'il stay ln jtau il vinter hefore1 a complication of diseasea, yet il la PROTEST 'FROM CHICAGO. yul pay ni>' vfe an>' more alimon>." lise helief of her relatives tiaIttise Michael Fubrer ls allegedta1 have ne- injur>' aie sufereti nine wee'is ago Wleiier or not tise astate of tic marked a day or hwo ago. Tisare- hasteneti deatis, Nine weeka ago late Richard Sears shall be reopeneti mark was con-cycdta1 Jutige Etivartis as prayeti ln a motion filet la countyIrit circuit court totay wvien il'uhrer ',Irs. Brown foll anti broke ber hlp. cout lte uesay ftenoo, wliovas brougisi ln on an ahaclament ant i Snce that bours- ie bai been con- cour lae Tesda afernon, ilIbe as aked tb show cause vi>berhofinedt t. er led, decîdet nexh Montiay b>' Count>' sioulti not ha punisieti for contemph, i wa 2yer ld n wsbr Jutige Persons, i "t gnons ve ahoulti noltîsappoinî i a 2yaaoi] niwsbr Pollwin thepayng ver a Lkeim, Jutige Edwards said, 5lfleen ln Williamaville. N. Y, Sic came 10 Follvin li palngove 1 Élevda l n tic count> Jali."' Waukegan viti ber buabanti 17 yeare, count>' on Monday of $91,165 as omit- Sutitenly lie aspect tIti not accu aga. Beaities ber belos-eti iuabanti, ted taxes for the years 1913-14, Jutige as peasing t F'uisren. Me sit laco Mrs, tBrown leaves two slep-sons 1a Pensons closedthelieastate. ditint care sa muoun01hlis ovisac- orhedmi. Lae ueda atrnon te taeceunI, but be vonderet vlae vas go- mu0hr eie LaIeTuetia' aieroon ib s~Ing ta take rare of his caltle. Rev. Louise Kelley will bas-e charge of Illinois, by P. J. Luce>', attorney Tiis la not the final ime that Pub. of tic services, ant ilyl conduci the general, and Hiramo T. Gilbiert, assist- rer has been brought lot court on- ont atorney' general, tise village of lhe same charge. Hia witéfe m a îîîî sermon at the Brown resitience. Res-. Oa~ ark Us Ga Par ani Rverfor divorce againat hlm aeverai Louise Kelle>' la an ordaineti minialen ()a' Pak, te Ok Prk ad Rvermonthe ago. She waa grantet soUcei- of lie gospel. altisougi shae bas no oesi tovnellp blgh echool district, îor'a fees anti temporar>' alimon> 0f ciunci ln Waukegan. andthie board of etucatIots of District 94 a wel. it'hner aI iraIt idtianet 97, Oak Park. Ill., b>' allaýneys WaIte pa but vien tisetenet villa a jali anti Donovan of Woottck, flileth s ant e e eka ait rtgn l.1r~Pun> caution. motion ln the counhy- court bere, ask- ta pa>' the veeki>' almony paulec attted e>'pm <raofml lng the court te set aside tise ordo.- broughl tat court on an attaclaieut. lity. "H. that observeti lise vint approaing aie final report of Anna UL1Iit vas albwn thi.e ourt tiit pui.s- uai net aow; andtio las airegardth Sofeurs, adminItratrixof tlb. satale of rer ponsessesas pri caeadofcatte, lia, clouta shlal fot reapi> - it la as .ýh 1 hubaa, Rohad W sem aulbas a barn filéd vill a ba ' nd es»te noPoliticail>as ef otiier spheres 0f iser~~~~~~ issaaRoar .Aas dantislabale tep4y thse ahan.,It U D ths ho, Ms'. ie e@"ta 4isbarln.ise asatmnisratix, jla se tlspoo. Thse count'4#pçIant1 gagu, or W&owa podum et lt ieo The folloing «aRotmhfoi tise Mo- that. If N1I5T55'd'i It, t lthe, A 1ie h e t flire fqr 'allabas »ne fet .tnar ie 1monY sitar eervuis 5dm l ~ iOe l. a> t1o aulybat '. blh tie ho is5l .sent iack fer 80 dors, aÊM aniiatofMrô#.,el tathafe Tisat a pettioas ona beilf of the. ihave to e rtiula isnulal er,.f màu ý sie position wito the. inertcan Steiel 0. & Wire Company'. Total amount of Insrt, $8,664.07. ELMER J. GREEN, depaI>' sherif BusInsee has been quiet turing lie of Laiecdormis'. lias sers-cc as siser- week anti bans below tise as-es-ge, if! o! Laie count>' and as police chief John Gs-uffith, lie wadi inovn Laie of Watiegan. le regartieti as one of Forest real estate broies-, figures 1%, tie mosh trustwortiy ofllcers le tise biggest des] o! tise vcek, having count>'es-es- emploviti., negotiatedth ie sale o! tise Chas-les P. MISS ADDIE GRlEEN, viso lvea Paxton propent>' on Green Bay' noati, vils her parents. lias isat charge et Laie Forest, atjonbng tise Donnelly tic fancy wns-k ciclartmcot ai tise & Cloa estales, 1te1Frank, C. Lette for Globe depas-Iment store for many $760 >'cars. in H-ighland Park: Benjamin Loy- Mr. R. C. Green, before he netireti enneyer soîti a lot on Lînden avenue fromrs active life. was one of the beal to Emes- J. anti Miltia G. Sciafer for knovo masons anti niason contracters $1,500, anti anoîber lot on tise same ln nos-tises-nIllinois. Frequentl>'bc avenue te Kari D. anti Besie S, King visita, witis frlentsis n tie business dis- franmnlcnbisain IicI. but of laIe bIs relatives have 1 nLibertyvbble: Frank E- ant i Rt- netaineti Roine>' W'ells ho accompany' lia M. Oserson boughîtishe Callie Wooi- isimoon bI visia 10 s-~rns 1li i.bdge properl>' on Thîrd treet for blocks awa>' fron lie Os-cen residence $31,250, on Grand avenue. 1 n Benteua Township Gttfiried Do- neers ani architecîs 10 prepare plans for a building again as las-ge as the bone nov tin use at No-h Chicago. Wbsn Tise Sun rocelvedti U report, a breporter bntes-s-eaed Ms-. Pfanabiesl He saic]: "Yes, itlelatruc tisaI ve Intendti 1 builti aisaddition 10 our plant, If our business inereages as 1lhbas dur- FIng tise paat fea monlis, ve vill1101 libe In a position la fIlou- os-ters. We sbouiti ant i vii bult an adition. 'Do you expect 10 speni from $50, 9000 10 1100,000?' asicdtihticreporter, r "Wel, nol oulite tlis um, vas bis rep>', Tic compan>' nov enaployes 160 men. 'Because of bthe lncs-easet brade, due ta a apedial paiented plis- ceas of maiing certain eleciro-cseni- icai tievîces, ve muai builti,' ho sait. r Tic new building vîi li e tva-str' ln icgil ant ilhioccupy a loi 35 b>' 130 fest, terer bought 40 acres In northeast Awful Racollections. quarter of section 32 <rom Sanah A. Guerdln1 Agnhist Typiault. Wbeb ve consitien germos wvs sid- Wletn talfr$,0.latorten la guart against typiai der to tlita of ail ties lales v.ektl ilronkt I, o $.00 es-et, foot of ail kintis shouit b. kept turing ciiltbood-Kaflsa6 Cilty Jutige. 1 n A inoch Township Hannah Sciu- covret or wrappeti anti qut of the ler bou t hbie Anton Eseniaci prop- reacis ot files, anti urcooket foot@ as Wiasre Englbsh River Risse., es-t>'ln eclion 16 for $4.000. a general proposition abouit h. avai.t' Tise Dustdon, one o!fise moat pbo. n Gra 4 Township Louis Narovetz Od, tureaque af the EngUl Is-riera, aozes boîglit klot on Fox Laie In section ni> Ihroug# a bcd of mous near tish a>2foaV8IrF tsi ertop310O». DS hult cf Wr>'soae Feli. a tieslate slitude. Anton anti Sophsie A. Chrialensen pu>s . Y'biUi oourace. visicis despises al yet remrable for lis buge masses oP ciaet UIltTaesPitks oeIB WS iimake a mdn brave la ont 3rotruding crage anti tisevaren d hat sottli Te 'aPltseeLae M; 15andmoral courage. viich tielfi vis-id colorsaoftie moasses vateret bY 1 ulidivilo fromo R. W. Chsurchill for &Hl opWaon, viii make a mais brave tu Um trm81,500 andti by lois tu tlis mre sub- &DOU.-.Colton ture of one of ber legs. aibhougis lis Ias flot discovereti until aftsr an I-I-a>' Picture of tie member vas tak- ens, aocording le Dr. Browan. Belot tiey kncv the' lcg vas moks, thae Parents of thse --MrllaflueSuos»Y waa people, anlagonislicle ohixn, iad tolti theas. vent t te b bpitai anti took lie chlt home, Actualeti solel> f rom a bumianitari- an stantipoint, anti deslning onl>' ho sec tiat the girl got tha best of car, Dr. Brown filet a pelition in county court, staiing bbec ciild couiti net get tise iroper Ireatment ai home and as"dng tiasaae be declareti dopend- cnt anti sent iaci tu the ceuni>' bas- pili so80tisaI th' tseatmenh migit be continueti anti resuli lu an islimate cure. Tic girls parents appearet in count>' court. aupporlet b>' Attorney ýW. F. Weiss, as tisein couissel. saying 111e> vere alile to Ps>' for the chut.% rare ln a pris-ah, hespilal. Dr. Peo. ley assuredthie count thal be voulti furnish ail aie medilcal cane the chiu mighh neeti anti woulti ask fer no cou- peomileon, On tiss sivng sione thse court disaisset tis epaition, andtihie chîlti vas taken to tihe McAlisher boa- pilaI vlaere aie has been but 12111. os-en a veai. Incidentally, I ma>' b. saidtia liataIlie ieaning lanceui>' cous-t, Dr. Brown vas exoneratat et es-en lie silgisteat blame for tise ac- cident vilci befeil the cuId. Like. vIse it vas conced tici iat the tact tisat he tti net tiscos-er the fractu, visen it titret occurneti vas nat unnau- al because It vas one vies-e aie brui. en 4ragments of lione vere Jammed tigiti>' hogetien, Tise fracture vas flot titacos-ereti until lic x-ray pic tus-e vas taien, Unable tb pa> tise boapîtal blI the parents of tise 11111e girl are in a di- lemme. "Tiechclld neetis boapital Ireat- ment," Dr. Foie>' saidti ota>,«Thae falses- of tie girl assuneti me ise vestî se tisat tise iospital bill vas paît. It vas upon Ibis untienstantibng that t tionaleti ni>'ses-vices. I baven <i. filleti ni>'Part of the agreement. Tise ciliti cannot recebve tic proper cam aI born ant i iiibe unabla te cars for iser If sic la takeas tlasneY Pnlinaing bis promise bleite cnnti bo psy fos-tise hoapital treatmnlnt of ils csilti, Erickson ia saidti 10have wos-InSU lwo or tiree tisys andti tan quit ils Joli. Juat abat viii be tuss about the case nov ls nat inowin. Dr. Birown upon betng lniers-iawed toda>' saiti be batiab'aoluhely nohing 10 Say'. Thels Maksup woat Biffes One.ffiop ef pouttai viikWia 'U~ iuuiaatly, but t appliet te a beà tu 12Y' lt viiib. quit. ineftedtve bol>' bonds of matrniony. The wet-i local man tiat a certain combine waa vIlîdi bears isîs name, belles-es liai ding vas solemnizeti b>' Rv. Williamr seeking to force lheise scn t tisethe cwil succeet in placlng on the uMar- Hicie>', lien pastor of tic Second val su tisaI be voulti lose tie ad- ici a Produet wkîcb vîli prove as in- Meltboc]is.t cisurcis ln Miciiganas lar- vantage of tise patent. Itla h sithie fusible anti r"latent ta moat cicm- geaI - -y - Inventinn cao be purcisaseti for a IcaI reagenta as platinum, but wbici "Oh. Ini tn tic beal of iseati, and nominal figure andtihie idea of tihIIIIi for haif ahat Piatinumo brings amn happy 10 state tisat we have spent wtauîegan man la tisaI If a stock toc]ay..- practicaîl>' aIl of our marrie i me bln company coulît bc organizedtihie de- Platinum la a heas->, almost ails-es-- Wauicgao. Mn, Green la fot iln lie vice coulti be manufactureti here anti viite metaIllin lement, ductile anti beat of healti, anti ve fear 10 senti, be tiinia liere wouid lie a reati> sale., malcable, andi la usedth ie wtrld os-er hlm out on the. sireets alone. 1e 'for lb. Mn. Fayler probabi>' ahI ne- 'for ciemîical ilsises anti crucîhîcas, for isas oui. been ln tise best o!riseaitisport on tise atisisabîlîl>' of attemptluig stills for- sulpisurbc acîi,. andi In tise for tie past few montha, but we are sîcis a proposition afler he bas oin of foit ant i wre. Man>' of thce awfully happy Ioda>'," saiti Nrs loeilool irogs>.langer Industies of tise vrt r Green 10 a Sun reporter. Ifarceti tabu>' fromt 10,000 10 500,00 Tise veddlng annlveraary of tise .d~£a~4 iesies osf platiuinla thc manufacture welI inown. loveti anti reap ecteci res- LOOSAII 2lIN 34 J of the vwaires.-Tihe necsssiy of us- Itenta, reveaieti anoîher anniversary I ng platinumo mean" tic expentilture wotyo! note-bte Ils-ai eding a- fh»I TU 3JE( f millions of dollars la u . r nîversar>' of Iheir son anti taugtr-' IF I> I TII1U ElLd IdII, ,,ntîehl blescthat 1,bas I,- in-law, Mn, antiMs-s. William liten r>' cosereti a metal whici ahI prove tic GrenofL Nonrth11ca streci. FILE M i RANFlJEft equal of Platînuni, If not Ils uefr Mrs. R, C. Green la 8.1 ycass oic],_____ from all atantipoints anti testa, anti lier hîslrant is pas 84. If he succeeds, It means that Carl "We have liveti in Waukegan, I'm Realty Business Rather Brisk, Pfansliesl ahI soon rani among tise happy bo atate, -for oser 60 >eara. mWe Although Few Unusually Big worîti's weallîliet men. Tt meana came 10 Wauiegan soon afler ous- Deals Are Recorded. bal thie Wauiegan man will occupy marslage." saiti Mca. Green. I_____a Position ln tise hall of fame vith Thier mas-nage was blesseti b>'tise Thon.A Edilson anti oliers. bîrtis of îiîsee chîltisen, viso totia> BIG DEAL AT LAKE FOREST. Tise Sun lcarnedthtiiMn, Pfanstiebl are amosg tise beest knoov anti mosi vas planning 10 place a metal 1h. nespecteti citizens of Waukegan. The Business Of tic recorders office equal of platînum on lihe market ln lhree chiltiren are- for tie weei ending Nov. 27, 1915: an accidentaI manner, WILLIAM IIENRY GREEN, viso Number of Iransfers, 84. Yesterda>' lb vas reportedtihat lise celebrateti bis 33rd wedtiing annîver- Number of bnans, 19. directors of tise Pfanstieil electrIcal sas-y ioda>', anti wbo ioltia a respon- Total number of instruments filed. laliorator> bac] Instructedti udr engi- PPR VRAR TW ADVAXCP 19 «P a tzip.q

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