Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Dec 1915, p. 10

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1 1wv LAKE CJ0tNTY IND on a sim lar riglt-of retainng lu on pub.SES I Ipke, County Independent WeIIdo in *REO *Muêun ÇJukUy Sun ncY, lu Justice t& lii. taàpasof Lake cOuuty and te be 0FCUL J ____________________________ onistent, must beglu uults W oecover interest mony re-ÎONOFCUL THE STTES OPNION-GOD AN] BAI). taiued by predecessers cf Mr. Weslerfield, seme of viom T.A ID8MS THRSTTEISOPININ-GOD ANDBAD. are dead but viiese bondsmen ai are held responsible. Y II,1VIED MO. The. severe condemnation of thé Lake county alma- heusq by the iutate boÜ.d of éharities is conclusive évidence that iliee ouay board m~ut of its own initiative take stepr Mo ue.tliung at the county farni in caring for paupers or *illmakce a formai, demand that it do sol Nçver b~a lk couty been hit such a wallop in a state, b<~i~'hr#>rt on auy filature of the county's institutional mMhtonaue. Neyer have such sharp and really vitrolic, vdsb..» hurled at this fair county. And the county1 wp, ithout a, doubt, vill, as it alvays does, riset h ý.g.Cy and, take the, ateps necessary to remedy, things l;W~ri =vblch thitt bloard bas condemned.. In fact, sUe formai report wfflIiely open the eyes of many super- vore who failed W réalise that thç ceunty bas perniitted condtions te exist whfeh lie state board would se strengly condjemn. In ne manner in Superintendent Appley cf the poor farm blamed for conditions at the almahouse. It appears that the général dtate of affairs is merely one which has1 bSeipermitted to grow as did "Topsy" in "tîncle Toni's' But, while the ainishouse in given a severe rap, it niu8tc in4eed b. a pleasurç tW 8heriff Griffin and Ceunty Physi- clan Brown tW see what the report says of the county jail an4 the. county hespital. The. vords of praise given by the s lî*iïttgator fer the state were as strongly in praise of lies. places as they vere severe in condenming the aims -d After ail tbat han been said by enemies cf Dr. Brown about the county hospital, after ail the offert to 1'get hiu"t because cf alleged mismanagement cf the place, it cannot but be mnst giatifying W him and his friends te see tnat th1e state investigator declares the entire éonduct cf the hospital is net only abève repreach but that it is almost unrlvailed in the state. Here is what sh. said cf the hospital: "The equip îuîent of the hospital is of t he fie-st. The blîdinig r4ieesits the inost niLîder-Ili<l<s-in'sîîii,,îîntal a relliteettîre. 'l'iee C(IU)iii1t is the best that 1141i andi care (-an 1rvide..... '.Tlîe op-e-ation rooni is cquiîiped foi- t'verv kiid of opei-ation.te otpefe "Th pr~~ lant waus inl] Ii it erec rder. 'i1î4-exquiîs- ite neie ss of1 the mîainî buildinîg vas ina intaind ini aIl the other Iiii 4 iugs,. The patients had dti apjua rane of well <are(l fo4 r rvate patenîts of a wealthi'v inistituitioni îatleri tlîan that ofenîiît arges ini a rwîintv instituîtioni. froni othi-rs is eoinplcte. AILltîîhereîîlosus patients live iiî the paiulunîs anîd <-4ttagt-s. Tlîeur fou<1 is prepai'ed in tîn- main kittiliei, buit it 15 servedt lroiigh a different seî'viîîgi I)i-(eight intu, thr mois used for the heiîefit of othPl- And read these wonderfuily laudatory words cf the way Sheriff Griffin handles the county j ail: The prJ4isoe, iiilail 50<tj4lfl,4 Nvvrviiiusîall *v <itliisiastin. il, tlieiiliiiSl seloîîîthat evenii itle sinallest juils 544111v 44411 jela1it5 1lOi t ia(4, buit i tisjuîi 1141 414 <i < plaint ofanY iix rt xwns en-.. REABON APPEAL WAS GRÂNTED. It is worthy cf more than passing note that the appel- late court In granting the appeal in the. Westerfield inter- Mt -Malter did se on a " certificate cf importance," in ether ventds, the next highest court in the state, by designating th1e reason, admltted liat the interest question on county tuMa hé-Id by Ireaurers la cf sufficient importance in the eftWae state Wo justfy a ruling by the hlghest tribunal. ',The court ruled adgerde1y te Westerfield when it pass- ed on the case recently, but vien Attorney Beaubien for Westerfield appeared before the. appeilale court its meni- bers at once said: "You want te apeal that interest case, don't you?" intinxating they reahized that the case was suif iciently important te ge up for final decision. And, in çrnting the a eal, they did no entirely on the fact liaI 19,18IMORTANT ENOUGH te justify a high court rul- Ing. - ALL DP WRIOH GOES TO PAOVE that Wester- fteld and Beaubien vere RIGHT in Iheir determination to. h ave the high court ruling ratier than rely on the state 's1 altorney's say-so iu Lake county. Ê,ven the appellate court admits liat il is a much moot- ed question, eue wiich its one decision cannet be accepted m 1h. state as settllmg lhe mooted peints involved. Il is uaid but thre, cases have been permnitted to go up from the appellale court on a "1certificat. of importance" baais. ,This agalu proves the reàl importance cf the issues in- - vojved, and, no malter wialt the higier co(ftru-ngMr Weslerfield and Mr. Beaubien will bave been "eftfrely ab- solved from iavinig tried te "put someliing ove' in their * flht-they vill nmerely have asked what cther treasurers, -,Plwced iu Westerfleld's position wôuld have doue-de- manded a hig h ruliug, before surrendering muoney which îAbi3 feit Sugt belongY to the treamurer who handieçi the fumgds. The iigh court may rule against Westerfield. If ,'Lkdoes hie stands Xeady, te, tu.rn the mnney ever; if it .SHOULD rule for bim, tlien h. vii retamn the inlerest. .1:]o matter whafthe rtiling, a state-wide issue will bave. been settled lhrough bis determination to defend rights --bi other treasurers in Lake couuty and in other count- tieni the state have clainied as their own and tie -ques- Ùoup h. raised viii for al l ime have seltled the iulerest on funds question. à-u-othermv-rd-, - t -remaiue-for L1ke-conly-tp-se-h MrIER fIiflT TO PIE VENT TUE PAYE- INi 0f JUDOMENT Estate ef Lavina Raymond, Ai- l ecied Rail-Rider. Questions IAS BI(i EVENT- A BASKEÈT SOCIAL On Friday evening, l)ecember .1, 1915, a basket social aud enterta n- ment was heid aI the distingulsh e d Ii.,,,.-, ,,ha,,. Thia , . - - - -j ý Silvia Eichman-of Lake Zurich' Says Husband Was Very Cruel in Actions. That lie kicked ber on the hip o Juiy i8l, 191n; That lie repeated this performance. ývrying it hy pinchhig lher;:îrms unili they were black and blue on Novi"x. ber 25,. this year. Action in the Case. achool, where "annuai r(eunions" ha, e Tbat he becaîne Iutoxicsted fre heen beid for manY years. TfuS quently and whiic under [tie influne ARE TO TAKE AN APPEAL. 8sOhooi1.a .sItuated near Wadswortlî.* of liquor abused lier shanîefully. The_____fQ]lowlng programn waus srIen These are a few of thechre diiyredeedby the puîîils of ilb- made iu a divorce billflild in circuit Say They WuIl Carryý Case te scliool, under the supervision of th cour today hy a bride 'of Icus than AppelIate Court Before They1 teacher, Mies Olive ilenebin, wi) ,! elgbt monîlis. Mrs. 51 lhan W iII Pay the $1 ,500. Igra(Itaed from the Waukegan Iligl'îtlrough Attorney James G. Welch, hI schol wili he eassof 11a. sulng William Eicbman. bons uf Lake, Not wlîhout a steru flght Iu the "Toastlng Song"-l'pper t'lassînen. Zurich, for divorce. She asks thatl cuts wlll the Patate of the late La- Recitation-Mortimer Ames. shle be permled in resume ber rnald- 1 tcitattion-Roaabelle iiagerty. en mamne and that lier husbarsd ho re,- vina Raymondi, a]ieged to have heen iteitation-Alire 1Ioîbacli. stralned from molesting lier or (1ispos- coueor h aosbado oowm ltectatlon-Kenneth Clark. Ing of any of the articles gis e lier cun who rode NMc,. John Richardson Recctatlon-iorence L.uras. as wedding presents. The lnunetiou' ou a rail. pay Io \irs. Richardsion the Recitation-Thomas MçClure. was granted and Eicbman is ie- $1,0f)verictordredbY he ury Dilaogue-Charlie Lucas and Geo. stralned from going near the home tof $13,0sedit ,rerd 'yth jryEmery. 'trs. Ziclimans parents, 3Mr. sud 3lri. whlch tried the case. Mrs. Raymond Recitation-Fiorence McClure. Fred C. Seip of La&ke Zurichwh <ied a short lime sfier the verdict Rewtation-George Leahie. m-hom she la staying. visa returncd. Violtu and Piano Solo-Norman Nirs. Elchmau relates ahe was mar- At ber death NIrs. Raymond ieft a Wellsansd Rosabelle Ilagerty. rled ou Aprîl '_9, 1915, sud that ou comî,aratively large estate and At- Play-'ttaby 2how aiIluevlle"- December 4 shc, was obligcd tue cave torncy EV. Orvis, who wiIh Foreiif Fight Girls, ber husband. Shi! said lier people K. Smithbhadil posecutcd [lie case for itu;itatlon-Albert flagerty. furnished their home witlî the foi- Nirs. ichardson, appcared le eouiity itecitation-Bertba Meyer. lowing articles: Piano, buffet, table court and iled a claim agaînst the lllalngue-Harold Lucraqsud Alvin lInen, dishes, eut glass ami silverware. estate. This cdaIm was suPPosed t0 Ames. She fsared ber hu4and miglit ai-1 have been taken up, aaidlsposed of oo-.aceieÂms empt to dispose of these articles un- ueary bIat a efrrd o heJn- iRec'ltation-Edward Seebsuer. less restrained. Thary ao foaImlsIday.t Reciation-Irene Leabie. She says he bas threatened to "fix Theresonfo ths s tatAttor- Play-"No Peddlers Wanted'-Ai- ber" and she feared be wouid do so ney John Pope, represcnting the cs- vin Ames, George I.eable, Ferdinand unies restrained by a court Injunc- late, bas filed a bill Of exceptions lu Knox and Abert Hagerty. tion, tbc circuit court In whlcb the coter- Solo.-Maudess Ames. lug of the Judgment lu the case 1s Violin and Vocal Soio-MsIaurice queslloned. it is charged, that Mrs. Hagerly, Miss Clara Hagerty. MIss Reymrnd dbu tertverJd ct was n- rlon ao Nrmy taWs. 4i '. -jt lecerysuges Raymndbutle fr e erdt was Mtyand on manryWeislls eieHg lng the motion for, a new triai. The Too mucb credit cannot be extettd- sffesasne vu charge now la that iudgsnent should cd to Vie directors in assIsting to not have been entercd against a dead make Ibis social one cf the Most suc- person. cessful if not the moat successfui VATre 'p a noneule ednti col ev he wi take the case to the appellate as aucintion-chol court if neeessary In order that h 'rldgri e s aoed a ain- may get a rulng n I Invie of e er a nd the resulta hwdhi bl this proposed lilîgation It was deemed IThedrcor ftesc iae best to defer the claimt matter until Tedrcoso h colae January. President-Mr. J. Emery. Wadsa The Richardson case was one of Worth, 111. the most sensational ever tried 1 Cierk-.Nr. LeRoy Dietmeyer, Wads- Lake county and for that reason muc hIwrti. interest is being feit In the flght t0 Mr. Hagerty Sr, Wadaworth, 111- secure the payment of the Judgxnent. Signed by OJne Who Was There. Where Gems and GoId are Fairly SoId' ingalis Bros. are ahowing ~t Things Rate Beauty It is the largest and most amnbitious holi- day stock it lias been our pleasure to invite,, you ta visit. Here will bc found the rarest, and mnost beautiful cf the season's latest pro- ductions in jewelry and other lines of holiday goods-a showmng cf exceptional character.. And as is always the case ber e, you will fne our prices unusually tereptmg-compaf- ing favorably with prices elsewhere for goods. of like quality.and excellence. A Few Christmnas Sug gestions FOR MEN: Diaoeond Rings IJmbrellas Scar! Pins Very Thin Watches Cuif Links PocketKnives& Chain& Monogramn Beits Cigarette Cases ~ -Flair brushes Fountain Pens FOR LADIES: Diamond Pendants Monograin Stationery lvr Tie es Diamond Dress Rings,, VanityCases Diamond Ear Studs Slver forthe hone Friendship Brooches Bracelet Watches Pocket Fountain Pens l IN, A onDsa AUCriM B.t SA TUNA Y Ria 11, 15 At the, Wilder farr, 211, miles west of Waukegan , on telegraph road, at the end of Washington Street- 52 Head of CattIe 500 Bales Straw 24 Head of Hcgs 400 Bushels Qats 5 Horses Farm Tools, Etc, WILDER 4 PEMIiW-OOK ofpiupa- GEORiVE VORAL, Auationeer Big Church Pair prr,"r» -ILL, WADSWORTH HE( EM HEI 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Biiiit P u t a îivk s C('inreh. Bazaar opens with playlet l>x pîu1Àh <, f Miss Eviilian's Sehool. Wedîîesday after- Ywoi: rogessveEuelîre froîn 2 to 4. Friday veig Ball. 1a#udyevcningý Closing Feueni A D)ans~ant and I)inîîer every cvening. Grand bail special. Miisie all the timie. Do4 your Christmas shopping with us. SEASON TICKETS, $1.00 110,1915. Phon tf> thail vv ild uiih la use." * '~Bring-ing the Life- Tone from Wl Your Records Thegreat audience i AuA cd. Low and sweet, the rrnger's voice joats out, gent/y as a - breatb, tsf/ly as a dream. If but-from a phonograph-we coold hear the utter tender- ness of that 8inger's tone i But no record could ever "Itake" that. And neyer existed aphonograph that could graduate perfectly the strcngthened tones foi-ced upon the singer by record-taking necesities- neyer 4"tili the Vocalion came." The Acolian -Vocalion is se truly wonderful because it rectrwfis reccrdi. It utters every suggestion cf that velvet soft- ness a singer would wish to use-net by mujing tone but by contro/ing it through the Graduola device-just as the human throat dos-at its source. Its wonderful Symphonetic Hern preserves, too, more than mere tonal Aeauy-it preserves the very character ôf eiery voice. The hard metallic pËonograph tone bas disappeared 1 We urge yen te try your own records on a wonderful Vocalion here without the slightest obligation. We greatly wish your friends te hear your oinion of how it bas brouight out hiden beauties you neyer kneqiyour record! had. "TUIE PHONOGRAPH TI!AT CALLS FORTH HIDDEN BEAUTIES FEOM YOUR RECORDS"- In apite of its finer musical quality and many- advantages, the Aeolian -Vocs.lion costs practically the sanie as other phonographa. It is sold on vMr moderàte monthly payments, and liberal allowances are made on other phonographs iwhtth are taken in eichange. 1m nf STS' rOKOiI Uý piano1 piias) Jeweby - q Pan

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