LN, UAL., WUOBE SIJDDE!? Robe -X'. Pofllock Former 1i,ké county boy alto, alter ieaving thé oounty, attained promu- rionco-and unutiual curceus as a businesman and lanker ln Gilman, I, Wbeli t- iic-4 sutdenly fi-om apopiexcy on Novembpr i5tlî, paiing away ln o-xactl) theeunie mariner a- isbl father, wbo succtîtiéd mix years ago Mir. P'ollotk w-- it aIor of Gilnrin. ('otît srning th(, rouent tieith of Rob- bulIl up (he argest Institution of its ert I.M P11 a former Lake countv kind InthIis port of Illinois.Ie bas lt, "lv ,rn at illburti, but for years -i aiways takeri att ;at-ite parit ln thé i-t'ident tii ;Lman Ill..- wbere be it- management of Ihi' batik, fret acting tairiel iromnience anti auccesas, i as ouhier, then ilion the tieilh of the iîankc-r, thi iltîtan Star of Noîoli laie à. I-lanrk-r, Mr. i'ollockwas Ici- l6 said:. eicctu'd prétsident, whlî h office be béiti -Thi' 0<-ws of tihe'déaih of Robr* ailh lionor anti intéérty until his M. Pî,lx t Mondîay nîorning ale as! death. a great <'botk to the' petople ot O "Robert Ni Pollos i was a mari of nmîi1: tiea ovî'r town as oitn ti- n uiuuaiiy retiriug anti reserýveti of tltc Anmi. Wierever if touchedtIlnature, iatoii r of etmiticity anti udtx ie-fi ii o andtht iie epression-% of lof show tr i fi-, andi those who iréw to ge>nîtatlv f,, rthe, hereaveti orle weroIkriow the'matt behinti thé reserve mauy atnd front the heurt. Ilite dealt'found(b ere was no favor he wouid tias liroii,l'tt the' litter t-up of orrow flot do for those whonî ie felt wcre to hli tifo! any 'riendts.its qwatt hie friendts, anti that any favor of a he-urt of goli. lie,- ama ont- of n-kintirieêm <hua niitni was always dou- tire- niîlt<-ni-n tis et ruets ne ".Nt r. Plock bat bèc'n ln iiol Iteailii fuir conotlmie ît thlie peet few weli s liait g t s <n hie frieiîl ssu sîr ahi,' <encoragemtlent. lic had gtitn eecrat we-eksthic 'ltago and i iLtht niti toitlis ;i Krairier, Imd -anti t-tr- home lwo a-coke ago mut-b improi-pti Hle wai,,]tut-x, oai tht- tank a pai-t if t1i- tti' andît uit afttr the affatrt of tîttt iittiiiffton, Siiilay aterri 460 teattil s o Ili, lt <uu - ltv'ialoa-t tii fruit 'inaniiiî anti about 7 o'ctos tt ualt v- iîng 1luid OtIiclgosietti ai; t -y wetrt- l-as ng..Ij.,t il ftv. mtttttt.-u att rinards ho lii-tff't-s-(tIa tar altl, i-trýke antd was ilIt -ut111till. Shof ly aftera uný ie hoiesanît'uni-on- st-tuuamîtii risspi away ut 2 Moln-lt ilay mni ritî ai tii ut tregaintîg tcoic st-tiistli' . lily repatid. "Hée was a fitnd tri, he rich and poor. <'attoitor i'rotestat l sutanti bis t-ona<rîat.Sm in buutîrfls lbis matie the conmounity at large have abeolute confidece In the Institution m-hich li ue itt ai 'At a lime a ttiîtOc' cttinn0forG!l- mari were 't-itti ' to upttft the morl-a toie of Its oit îîl tirt- 'Mr. I'ollock <'onst-ntcdti10asueetht- office of niayor, altboutth ty ile acceptarice h,' woîclti ring tîpotu bimself the mriy crilit lams alas accoînpanylng puub- lie ant i îttai Ile.Thtieewas no otuposing catuttatl,, as ail felt th2 fotilits tif a ot'-t-it ttia mari of hi. st aninttg, antdîl Iii., o ti îiiy deitti beaves a vcauatu-y iii lie- inayor's of- fice that wélt 1), liard tb fil un sncb a crt-titalle tiamiier. " ituher t 1)i't, Ici, 's eil<-t hs tht- i-at 'iti' itiath of Mir. i'sllnck est-rat in a fanîl> tif fitar-chîltiren, bis posit ins ti ti-isiici--, t-tri is of - brottîtr, Ili-niv, of Omnaba, NX il as- t; iiiîiiî tuaf<t- ,- t ri a de' tarant it-il tu'rs i -îrh1. i 'u (ifCicas-go, anti Ad- wlti tic hmrd t itît witli as manch it-. die FultoîinifViaukegati, III., anti bis lit'ietiiy as ttîcy w,-re hy timn. 1lIusgt-a insalitîtother stît aurvtîe h1m. was îtrt-idu-nt tf tht- Pi-et National ýHlm fathîr prece-ieti hii six years bakin ia5 tr of tht- otly and luutcrttary agoin t(îe saniemaniner as tire son. ofth liui tir.nBiuiingî0'& oan Aiso- 'Mi-. Pollock-ithîaitaavs luen a man ciatton. ltvreslice wtl lit' gt-cicty excellient lîcaitti aidtîl (IclItresa of rnisseet as tic a-as always reatiy (o heITi the î<mt few monthe came as a gréat anti tdîse. Mr. loiock' bueines sbock tb the coniniutilty. abllitly was excoîttionahti- good andi 'JUst one wee'i mgo 10dm> the- broth- many were lite fri-ejîdea-ho sough' crs ant i sters epent the day logether bIný for advice andt 1looo afler tht-i in Chit-ago. businîes affaira. "The funcrai mci-:cee were lit-id at "MNi-. Pllock a-as a monitir of a titi' home Tueaday afîcri-nîtoti 1 number of lotigesa among (hem te o'c-iock anti was one o! the lai-geai Masotie, R. A. M. Chapter; 0. E. S. 'ever helti in iman. Rév. Fr Giif- and i. 0. 0. F. Ho was one of the fy, of thée('hurcb of thé Immacuate trustees of thé latter. Conception, itaitia fie ribtîe to thé "Rtobert Mason Pollock was bort t'n memiory of théetieceaseétIin a few i-e- Milibui'n, II., M.ay 24, 1867,.niîtdmarks ai thé funérmi. passeti away at hia home Ilu Ijîman, i"Thé rématns were takén W'ednes- Novénuter 15, 1915, ageti 48 yeai-s, five day moiring to Waokcgan andti aken monîhs anti 21 datas. usHia MQ chool 1from ibère 10 Miliburu wbére (bey timys were spént lu Raciné, NVs., anti wére laid toiest In thé famity lot in lter thé catiemy at La(e Foi-est. thé cémetery. Tbey wei-é accompa- "Hé taited bis sucéegsfui, businesst niéti by thé famlly" careér when but a boy by joînlng hi-j j. father in the grain bbaîness andtirli j rom celluri-n( jarret thée Pieuh>-- 1893 continuéti, il withbhis brother terian cbtftch lé bélng rerriovateti. Thé Henry, In Colilson, I., then at Blray wallis lu thé cburch anti Sun day ton, Iowa, Whie in business In (Col- sohool roornA are bging, freahiy.ftéd lson on Jonc 12, 18X, hé waa oîîttédlIn tans anti biowns, thé peéwéae be- ln mariagé (o Lula M. Ciiot who lng revai-niseét, anti a uéw ç~t .çe la wlth (heur two childi-én, Bei-tbmatti to hé laid when thé decorilors finih Liai, mouru bis losé. hu Vitrk, It la expéelý ha té "«In 1901 Mi-, Pololcit. wlbothere. tworkwiii hé compiéteti hy théSun- organlzed théePi-at -National Banik o! day. béforé Crlaa when (il, an- Glîman, knti by i consérvativé busi- Inual véspér iervices wi - 1ýeSéd at neas methotis anti écriploué honesty 4 o'lock lu the afteM'naon. LM~E'UOTTN!IT INn sUGOES&TS TME USE OF STONE ON DRAINiAGE OAN<kL fOUTU iConilnoued [rom page one.) le no g00d reason WhY theY wouid not, do go now. Our railway facilitiéé fa- vor Libértyville geographicgliy. ,It wouid ,be weli te give this mattér saine attention. It migbt aieo hé wel for Dur-c-00tYty o advocate andtietoen-. o0quragO bot fln îholught and desdth te 'Possibllity 0f PutUing aPProximaiély the 1.200 te .1,500 prisoners .to work, that really need the frésh air and the exorcise. I have, lquad c9néiderable opposi, *1011 In the ;sar] flp GiPerma nnt roade, largeiy péihps owing to the tact that landi ownera, anti farmers !n general, béidte t the Idea, that the cy.i clItatnd liter the Motori were re- celving thé bénefltsadnt olthey. This lé atuil in the mids of many. For i (blé reasou t wouid he weii te start a campalgri anti give our land owners the facts as (bey are, baseti upon what baé been done, showing them (bhat per- nianent roade iby (bat I bean rondis (bat- are gooti ail tbe year arourid) are a gréat beneflt te them andi the coât chéaP ln comparîson. The mnts Important question hé- fore, the people today la (bat of im- PrOving hlghwaYa9; the food éuppiy 0fi the worid passes on wagons over country roade. The tonnage équasf thé aggregate of raiiwaY triafic. Thé f cent of delvering Products over hac 1] ronesla two or tbreé limés gréater il roatis. Good mrade benellt aIl thé pea-1 pie and aIl classes of property. Thé,, wby shouiti Dt ail contilute to (beir building in Proportion as they arér bénefitted. IDn lt opinion tàé iand7 Owner 'réciveï the greateat beneftC andi yet hère *as our greategt opposi- tien. Raliroada, electric cars, h, wondèrtuily incaeased land values; (bey wèrè both impossîie wi(hout 19 road heti. Motor cars go fartberthan éltbér as (bey réacla evèry nook sud corner. As you builti thé roade andi Just as fast as aé builti permanent roada, jmet that fat wlll other lm- Proileenetsfoiiow. sncb as homes, éeetrIc IlhtbtsteleVhone, achools,' cburchea andi Postai service, anti jus' RBs fast as thèse thinga corne sjong- Just as faât will -Mr. Landownér, raiée his Price or ieut. And for aiii thèse tbings hé pays notbing. excépting the increaBe li (ix on roiti Improvement ente wbich ailbecome légséRasthe yea ré go on. i bave.some very interestIng figur on abat bas beén done ln thé Eastern statés. but I amn afrald (Mis article lIM Eetteng (Ca 1o38. Howèvér, il. clos, ing I want t a gay that New York sta(0 witb a ammii appropriation of #50, 000 jump to $50.000.000 ln five yearos Il mugit Pay. Wbèn 1 mention good reands or péri minent roade I don't mean i magi- sbitt liké grivèl. Thé material cpm Posing it Muet bhé kstlng and i Éfecteti by rm or frost. 1t muei good and uéablé at ail imes. T'bal Practicaliy eliminatès ail but concretei. or vètrified brick on concrète beti." Persanally ar neDt lu favor of wfid roati. one (bat wIii barely permit 1X lùàýdâ of hîy toPaé .isapfficiently altie, but building (hem narrow yawr matérfaliy reduce the coit anti ai do away with thé gpped. maniac, as hé wili hé obligedtie(ocbeck Up In ps,ésng Yan f romu thé rear or lu front-. When oui- county bas finiéhed lie goot roa, let us Dt forget thé sitn- hoards andi let us flot forget (bat Un-! cie Lani aise usés aur rondséand there-1; fore national aid ai wéll as tîte aid& Yeu ré truly, .IOSPH 1F. GtTENTI-IýR. Sugge.ts use of dtmae aai- @ton* for Lake oouaty matis. -I Mrs, Aie Pancranzi il! Lake Poi- est lé vWstng ai Mrs. daîlageréa of Eighteenth stréet, Mr. Frank Wagne,-s condition ié mains about the aime. Little Walter fluécher, who léaiM Wlth tyhiholti féver, reins ibo'a thé saime,. Thé Sunday tcha o a'ny c hurcb éýnd esmt0ally tioes this osent to p (rué lu North Chicago. itecognizing this fact, l*év. P. M. Nealil of the étte (o thée Eundaiy échool chîldi-én es',ry aun.dày iiQ-lng. Theé, uttle sérmiata are alwayé, llestl'att dn arei râuch appreoitéti hy thé chiidi'er. .There la a etraaug attitton arcumd town (obave 'tÉbianiéof Posé iai-k cbaned.Cox4eaanan asala -nfot very poptlia hère st $bé Dreseait lrne. Many féel,(bit be 1 lé à lâme0 1& the loéé of théeWIdr- annery t at tblcâugo - tier tannery ban ifrltéd ail the foices aiý 1orlti OhlÇp«c andi ýb!9îjs É oolç- lg h fgb t e reaà%Mtton of' à commeércial association coniltseti of el i1e"s 'iém! tdrofèlinil,'men P,'FRmAY, DECEMBER 10, 1915. = 7 ToweIs Extra large and exvee- ingly heavy; fancy borders in novel nie%, designs, in pink, Miue and yellowv -îft, each ... . .. . ..I. *IE GIVE e.W. TRADING STAMPB S. 1 n1 ias Fh let isli fiii , 70 i- ells wide oeandi other beai iilpteis atîîî fin- ______ _____ ______ __25_igradepoi. o rtceors ............n..., 1.00 DOLL4 - Gooti gsé; ravlng éyes: $16 . vaiue c - POOL TAmIES-uooc size; féit trianigle anti cués ..........5 --Othbers to $1000 A gift of one's own handiw'ork fîtrnis a presenlt that is usuallY prized the' highest. Ini Royal Soeiety Package Goods there arei' xany useful articles stanhl- cd ini designs that are easy to wx'uîk -anîd execcdiîïgly attractive. Amoîîg the ar'ticles ineluded are: -Fine Towela -Table Runners -Pliow Tops -Underwesr -Waimts -infant'm Wear --Ceflter Plaes -Dailliez -Laundi-y Baga --Shirt Hiiters -CorsetBSgm -Pin Cuthions Pî'ices of Royail Soeiety Sane gom<cs l'ange from 25e tît $1.98. Beautiful Finished Pieces at 50C UP to $1000 One e-au ehoose here froin a î'e- mîakahly large and hiandsome as- sortintunt of flnishled pipees in art uîe-îIiu articles that are finie in inatet' li, ieat ilu design and (aeliî.eîn- br'tideî'cd. ' Exnbroidery BilIrs and Cottons At ailtliméèi a tomuplae lino of Oie popular cm- broldery Filkm ad cottoris In al desireti cîades. spec;,I;. ..1.2 -Others (o $12-50 D DR U mS- Large size a&It mea;neati> deorat 25 -Others- to $E ~A SIê W ikndkerchiefs at 1~c ~-5c mm 35c mm 50c Tkausâàzds o! Dain/y. New S/y/es MWhoeVèr intends giving hnkruitsforî Clîristmas, 'shoild take advaîitagu of tiiis spu<'îai seliiîg event, for tiey are inuli betteî' values tuait are ordiiiarily offered at theso prices. Materials are the fincst pure linen wjth lheitstitehed ed-ges. Included are eni- lîroidered corners, 1 a c e edges, initialed, etdored cf- feets and novelties of crepe ' (le chine. 8 H 00 F L1lE S I'atntu-d wlté: tîptîotstet cd béat bark .... 1.0 Othrrs, 60c ta 85 'c' BOOKS-noya' andi Girls. o! TEOOY BEARS-Large Bse; ickens; welliltluitrateti; < gooti grade plusb; fin.e good bintiing------------. 2 C ,feutures-------------. M DeliihttuI New Morni' Gowns fer Milady at $5 to$O Surnli ne fIii th'«govns wouild malu a most iii~ ~ i \l i ivgt . Niailu ot sitt, erep t(l lile anîd silk et'li'tvY l:oiMssess an exîjuisite î'îclîîess. Thêy ar i nat11»isti t ioi il and îoifo'tatiî'in size. Un- ilmîa~ild values at $5.00) to $l0.00- Bathrobesat $2.OO <o $5.00 I uît ifl iatiîroiWs, tî'ettîily lesigîîcd of Eider- dliw n antd (iernian hituiket t'1g tii; îîîalîy uioii'e styles -111(1 att rautix'e eoloritigs. -Women's Boudoir Slippers .....c0 to $200 -Womenl'âIBoudoir Caps at .... 25e to $1.50 SiIkm Wimo1 ?opin $ 1 600 $1,00 i.Crepe de Chine at 79t A wbifdêdWtiIy fine quallty of slk anid Nwtt op- 1)01> - Iuie si(li i' dt-elilu. withl a sOft. lustrons fin- lin ini black and a full î'ange of leadinîg utiors; 40 )inî- isbi; shoiîn îin ;ail the tai pastel shiades; 'Ifi iches ches 'ieea',$.0 wide; pur yardl 79e. $aat~Wiil Be Here Saturday M&e WÏX Arrive In Waullegan Over The Not*Iwestern at 9:40 A. ?Je Tis tinîc-lonored gentleinan of snw -w iu îard andi sîilinig tface 11àia uti us tîtat l1e is noîw in CJhicaguo and, ' iil aiive in Wa ukegani ut 9:40 o 't-ii tk Satin-t a* v iwiii i . Santa ïs com.ing as our esteenied gii st anîd w~ii I bu itoi at the dob t i, * a SI u(i;t l iegat j' t oi i flic giil imn Lake ( ilîîity tii b xx.itîîîÏ fr t i h'îi Santa WiII Deliver A Speech in' Front ôf the Store t'romptly at 9:50 O'ýcIocl< Santa Wanis Every Boy and Girl anîd Every ParentI o be liere "Tolad"Is tleaping Full of Thingbs to Please the Children; BLACI< eOARDS PIANOS - S-keyRA1N 0N -wîtb reoal-rng mahogariy finish; TRACK -Round; eh«hss t; w llnade UJcl l guare. j en ril...- test 6.00 . - tpec1al' 100 l o;hrs§Oc to $5 FOLO 1N G- -Others to M5.0 n ODESKS--Natuî.ali Scores of Beautiful NÎew WMater Coats,,and Suits Reuced Tiiere is, a policy ini tlus store that tings' îiist Ilei kept nuw)%iîg-tlîat stoeks must nitver bu allow-ed to acunimîîîate-that as SOutît as inies iiucoîii(*bit kujior assoîtmients inuîînîiuite, timev imst bu iiînnîediateiy dis- Thiis sale is the i-isuit oft tiat îniiS ev- erai lîiiireii garnii-îts asiibulfroir vaiontius hiles aren îtotTi-îi-il ut stairtling lt t livit ions. in $12.00 to $15.00 Coats $8.95 $16.50 to $18.00 Coats $12.' $20.00 to $22.50 Coats $ 16450 $25.00 to $27.50OCoats $22.50 $12.00 to $18.00 Suits $9.75FI $20.00 to $22.50OSuits $16M 50 urc 1cîii' 'It'aî'tsi tt $25.00 to $27. 50 Suits $1 9.W t$7.95$10s95 $30.00 to $35.WOSuits $26.50 $14.75 and$U2.50 4 1 ýe