Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Dec 1915, p. 8

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LAI Co LNTY IN I)EPE N 1) L~ N7 17 WAUKEOAN WEFSKLY SUN PART TWO ISSIJEA CALL TO I IOODROADS MEET* INOi IN iRAYSLAKE President Nash of Illinois Higti. way Commission WiII Be Speaker of Day. FINE PROGRAM PLANNED. Another Important Step Is Ta- ken in Good Roads Move- ment in LakeCounty. The second meeting aoflice Lakte CountY Good Ifoads Association villI lic beld ai Graylake on Saturday, De- cember 18. Honorable A. D. Gash, president ut the Illînoi-s tate hlgliways commis- s.1 viiilie flieprincipal speaker on a varled and lnfereaflng prugran. A L McMILLA.N, The morning session yull begîn at ýGraysiake Man Nmed Speclal Bellîfi 10 a. m. This wil i e flie busleg! ln Coleman-Couine Murder Case. meeting at which t he bermanent or- g"aslion wilIlibe perfecfed, Includ- Ing fe electon ut 18 dîrectors from À#S SS VAluA flie 17 townships ln the caunty, AI~ SESE A U tlash township a .ving wo1etu, I...or.. Wes Atich1nt lch n one1 aItr' TION 0f RAILROADS th onttuin n b-aw i' e 15 OVEf R 3 M4ILLIONS port At fIls meeting and the coneiu ilon and by-laws wlll be acfed upo and ..doped. UO County Clerk Hendee Today ÇountY Superinfendent ut HIe'u'eays Received -Assessed Valua- C. B. Russelll îlI bave a map show- tion Figures From State mgz fhe system uf t saIe nId ronds ihrmugb athe counfy an.d a systaul ut' MOST VALUATIONS LOWER. 0MOtY aId roada vhicis combina i 1! te swilb foîîund In Illioie. Valuation of the Waukegan. The orgauisation of a county rond Rockfo<-d & Elgin Traction Paîrol sYstem wiîî airo i1- :j~su Company Is Raised. and arted tipon ,nd uflier mat [crs ut vital inferest [o everyJile l:ifrestcd The total assessed value ut stearn In securlng the grent benefit ot good anti eiecfric railroads ln Lakte couniy ruade fo Our county.- for 1915, as fixsd by tise state huard The meeting aI Grayelake vas cailed ai tise Invitation ufthtie Grays- utf eqtalizatlon. la $3.118.093. This le la<se Commercial Associaftion. fn *r-' one-tiird ufthfle real value. Tisa der to accommodaIs the big crowd figures vers receIved today by Coun- fiat la exPected f0 attend fhla meet- fY ClerIt tew [tendes. log fliey have aecured the Grayslak.s The assessed valuation for sncb opera bouse In whicli to bold fthe meeting. roati as fixsd, la as flluws: Honorable A. D. GasB delivered M 7 n - siscl a magnificent taik aithfli laet ~ ~ ~ meeting at Libertyvîis lintht If la -feit 5Q C 0 the eapacity of the opera bouse wîlI P a bç taxed by ibose wlio viii vant tfuu jZ iscar hina. The Indlcationg are f bat z a nearly alai flic LaIte counfy super-, vI~as vii le ssat At fat meeting as tisey are taking an active Infereqt MÉ l Ina flicdevelopment of ficheat p as- sube rond system for Laie caunty. . Tva sessions will lie eid. One aieto ~ <~' 10 a. m. Saturday morning and tie n mjM O0 otier at 1:30 Sat urday atternoan. îg OBITUARY OfFOR- MER -RESIDENT, Gfie E. SMITli,_AGUD74 Died: October 27, 1915, at bi1 home, 4425 Perry streef, Dev, Colo.. George E. Smith, aged 741 ~ ~ ~ ~ '-~ Mr. Smithi vas liorn and lived lin Miliburn, Ill-, ail ils early lite. He eflllsted ln Company D, 96th Illinois yoiuntsers, 1862, and servedth lre yftrs ira fhe Civil var alvaya vits thse regimeraf and neyer off duty. In 1885. removeti vils lis tamily f0 sastern Colorado, and remalned nine years Tise last 21 yeari ut lis lite The .dN*fiures tasow httheval u tn or t s yea are onsdral lover for muat outhfie made flan tisey ver. spant in Denver. vere lat >ear. Iratise case ofthtie Tise services vere conducfeti hy bis Waukegan, Rocktord & Elgin Trac-1 pastor. fhe Rev, S. E, Taylor. The f ion Company t vas ont assesseti as ,Cracier Poît, G. A. R.. ut vhidl la a railroad lIat year, tbis accourafirg vas a mambor. tuaIt a prominent part.foth iern Iteaue vl Mr. Smithi vas an esteemad aIder frts ifrneiafs sesdvl ln fie Berkeley Presbyteran ciurcli, untion. Tisa county clark *III le- Denver, since lif organia l0 1903. gin at once to cxfend the taxes onu XI coulti ha said blie as t8e arxnytise rnllroad properfy. service le vas neyer offf as long as hos vas alla ta go. A gitof $1000 for fhe Olivet In- Hlbadl been in failing Icaltis for stitute, Ciscago. rrom tIc ceinte ai a number of yeams. A complication ftbe lafe C. E. Pecit 0f Higiland Park, of troubles finally devalopeti antiho lelI., was reporfsd IBue«ay S tise passed suddenly andi peacetully ta lis pestai, fise Rav. Normans B Barn Th roo.Olivet Institute leaiocafcd et HZ~ 00 leave. a vile, daughtcr, Mis. P. soa*Ue«eu and Bleiok $vgc0t.TIo ,ýYl Tayor,id granddauglsfer In Dca- t wtva.bestowed wUtbe ti gdm>. ~vu, brotherthse Rcv. T. L. Smith, stasIdIli Olivet inzfitute viiei u j;îl Ndeb., .d ats serc Mrs. Ara- neuf Januaiy ta carry iori'vard ifs 1 b .<JOrnse., 112. 'voit on a cash lisis. LiBEIITYVILLE. ILL.. FR [DAY. DECEMBER 10, 1915. ÎIVE CO. FAIR Of- FICERS CHANCE TO IJOLD A REAL FAIR Men Who Were Denied the Privilege Last Summer Are AIl Re-Electedto Office. - C. H. AVERILL,_PRESIDENT. Jay Morse Is Re-Elected Sec- retary anrd Roy Wright Is Treasurer. l.lhertyville, fDer. 8S.At flic annual meeting outheflic e C.(ounfy Agricul tural Association held today, flic memo bers re-elücted wthout oppiosit ion tbe ulltrerà who were elected tu bandle flie cuunty fair of 1915, but wlio .-re denleul thaf prîvilege flirougli the fair being calted oft on s-countf u the foot sud mouili dîsease. The uficers re- eiected arc: Ilresîdent t' Il. Averti], Liberty. N Ilite. Pirat vice-president-Andrew Effin- 6cr. Liliertyville. Second vice presldent-Wm. VIcIt- ery. Sccreîtary-J.>3. Morve, licbrfyu 11e. Treasurer-Roy Wright, Lberty- vilel. DIrecfors-Fred Bafiersall, W. B.3 RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT LAKE COU NTY FAIR ASSN. 31 sand eral that demi the port four not Wau beei stati eral erty nov tyv are stat( C. H. Averili JC Libertyville man who la shown con- Joli fidence of fair association memiers Fd by being r"elcted witlsout opposition. L Smith, Edward Butterfielti. R. F. L Rouue,..Adam Titos. E lTe members agreed lu show tiseir e confidence in tflese men vIa vereJ.A flot Permitted lu huid a fair, liy r.- Aust eiecting tisem vifisouf anybody hsing R. L nomlnatsd against them. A faîrîy Mile: T S o uI y' V -o[PER YEIAR INADVAI $149,i LCueblin. Deerfield ............... 1 s J. Con WaY, Deerfield... ý......... 29 r. Cooper, Area .................. 31 -. Barbiara Corr, Deerfield.......... 4 ph Cudahy. Ares................. 43 a result outhfle abandooment ofthfis T R. Curran, Prairie Vlew .......... fair îast fa]], fhe association -Yan lie- Dawson Brus.. Dec-rtId ............. hinti about $1.000 because ut expenses Frank De Buer. Ronduut ............ necessarfly lncurred. About $100 vas J. F. Doyle, Deerfieîd............... faken ln ln membersîlpa durlng fIe Wro. Edwýrds. Prairie Vlew .......... aummer. Frank Foot, Prairie View ............ ('bas. Foot, Prairie View ............ E. R. Frost, Deerfielti................ FARM4 IIAND IS Amand Fumner, Prairie Xiew ... C. C'. Gerbert, Prairie X'lev......... D. E. Gibbons. Deerfiefd............. SHOT BY WOMAN; Emmof f Gleasn, Prairie Viev ..... EdadGleason, Prairie View . AT AC ED A IR ? nos Geason, Prairieew ......... W .C . Gheason. Area............... John StocIt, a tarmo lanti vlose Edgar Goodwln. Ares ......... hume la ln LaIte county near Bart-S. H. Gunder, Prairie V'ew..... rlngfon. vas aloitlihrough tise cheaf J. J. Hanka, Prairie Vlew ............ lt lfsInt wesi hy Mrs. James Allen C. Hans, PraIrie View............. uf Barringion, un visose fara liava3 Frank Haven, Prairie View .......... vorking. If la alieged Allen attacketi Geo. S. Hep4lerson, Deerfield ... Mms. Alen& 10-year-old son. Ha la Fred Holstein, PrairieVev.... expscted lu recuver. Fred Hostein, Prairief>riev...... __________- E. J. Huffman. Liberfyville ......... Heginning neuf Munday, Dacember Hfuffman Bros., Libertyviliq........... 13, a big bazaar will be e ld ln Samuel InsulI. Havthorne Paim. Braves baIl, Wadsvarf b, under fhe Mms. M. Johnson, Prairie Viev... auspices ut St. Patrlck's dhurci. Tt Sophia Johinson, Deerfieîd ............ vill end on tise niglit of tise ISul vitis Swan Johinson, Deerfteld ............ the usuel losing ceremontes. Fuse(r Ervina B. Jordon. Deerfield .... Fuley and members af bis churti EdIkard Kelly. Prairie Vicv .......... lave toiled lard ta maie tise affair B. j. Kenedy, Area ................. a succes and Indications are, tiair et- J. J. Kenedy, Aiea.............. forts wyul b. revsrded. Boothe eue jai A"........... to ho matalned br ths le u v14@. C_ G. K Laie Foat ........... isUntaas gifle, etc., viilb&-tap3ayc" 1'ranik Ian. Prairie VWW............ and an satiire veci of inrafls Meatures la promisd. %h' lpedbail1 ,being set, for Puay cventn, . GqsIe 4 49 30 17 il 5 2 21 16 42.6 26 1063.30 44 1067.60 120.00 203 7 6210.00 15 245.00 45 1681.60 1. 12 3 1200,00 28 6940o 296.50 6 165.00 18 607.60 70 786.25 37,50 8 80.00 15 185,26 2 47.50 30.00 54.00 47.50 197,50 5f 401.00 93 982.60 24 512-00 32.60 1 55.00 20.00 1 $8.60 4 $75.00 6 12&0 6 6502.60 35.00 6 781.0ô 1 388.50 4 65.00 35.00 46 1343.00 1 50-.5o nir D O IL i stances lie llkely permiffed the vic- rLEAI)sti tlmf enjuy tiese leltar ot lita place su long as lie didu't maks a purchasa SENT TO PRISON fIers. I FOR 3 TO 10-YEARS A DOCODIES WD Waukegan. Dec. 7.- The tbree men lndicfed by fhe De- Dsputy Coroner Ed Consrad Wall çember grand jury were arralgnsd lie. calied fo ZMon City late W*Odneue> tore Jutige Edwards ibis morning and atternoon f0 presîde at the Inquiet une pleadeti golf y bu bors tealinfl over fhe redntm ofutMm, H. Carte. and vas sentenredt b serve frumo tîrce who dled af lier home lu tisai city At tu 20 years in tle afate penitentiary. 8 o'clocIt Wednesday morning. lira. Tise iirse prisoners arraigneti vera: Carter ls a fllover ot Mr. Lewis et JOB KUCAS-Horse stealîng. HeZMon Cify andi a registered pisysîcsa pleaded gullty. Sf oie borstrum ftle vas not in attendance ai ftle bour of North Chicagu Lumber Company and deafli, According ta reparti,.lire. vas arrested Ira Detroit, Micis, Carter linasera sîckI n bed for tic TIMOTHY WELCH-Indicted an an past six montha, lb la believed fiat asgault vif h lofent fa murder charge, ber deaf b vas the resuif aff an atiaci Atturney J. G. Welcl made motion to of pneumonla. quash indîcfmenf. Motion over-ruled. Ball fixsd at $2.000; vas unable ta obtain bondamen, Wite charges tbat lia attemptedto faIll ber. .e4 ¶T,8] CHARLES LEPPERT-Indicfed Won wiJA asaulf vif I irent f0 commît grant bodily larm. Ouf on bonds. Pleaded . . . *V not guilly. Mra Lau Drury of Iàbertyville wi jwas uperated an ai tise Laie 000.41 Purchase of a lease hld ly Carl General hospltal an Maraday, ta on tbg 0. Gibbis, a grocer, on pery in road f0 redo5ei7. Wstern avenue, LaIte Forsat Tues- A patent h" beenI Ifgrfltedt0 day removed fthe last obetase hocWk- John Maclai of Wseigan on & Issg plans of fise Ite Forast Imprave- clufcb. ment Association for fise Improvemenf If ls uraderalo t fai Mrs. Mon-. af fhe street ln accordance vîis fhismarnlias sold tic lot juifso uti et Lale -Forest beautiftlprojedt. (Gibbs, tHollteins drug storseon (m3, the lest PraPerty ovncr to surrender et rëeate 0Ws. Pester, fie Gra0 bis WfÉits, receIved $1.200 and a ho- 'man visa vas dented a rigit t ese nus, tise amauntatfvisicis vas kept a blSuC'isith &hop on Gb. PA& ' secret. Work on fhe ProJected Ims-ne. He lute"dito eet fieý* provamenis vii lia started af oncenov i0% fhe M0uk [ot. BIGHT PAGES Dow. re m aqilev ciiitr sr bot., rvale r. Il d. Dito" 460 HEADOFDAUGIITER 0F OLD CIRCUM VENTS TUE ,602IIEA 0F6. A. R. VET REFUSES BLACKLIST BY 11M ,STOCK VICTINS TO AID IN FUNERAL PORTING fIlS BOOZI3 RWrites to Deputy Coroner la," Gray.sIake Man Goes to Round OF S AT1f'L TE ing Her Mother Divorced Lake, Loads Up, Returns to Him ManyYears Ago. Drink inGrayslake Bar. AiLL 1,893 HEAD 0F CATTLE SUCCUMBED TO SHOTS FUNERAL NOT ARRANGED. WHAT COULDVILLAGE DO? DURING SUMMER-GOVERNMENT HAS PAID LAKE COUNTY FARMERS ITS SHARE-STATE NOW TRYING Soidiers's Home at Milwaukee He Had Not Vioated the Baok- TO DO SO-DETAILED FIGURES SHOWING INDIVIDUAL WilI Be Asked to Take list Law-Drinks From Bar APPRAISEMENTS AND DETAILED LOSS 0F STOCK INý Charge of Remains. in GraysîakeSaloon. Declaring that ber father was a Ta lie placed on a saloon black'ist If cost the state and national g)vernment $149.245 to battis the foot rap tbeanasrigth edos'ma nyigwe: moufli disease in l.,akp county dur ng the Summer ot 1915. I catit each hliadlnou daim ou1 ber, %Ira. Charle'î You have a thirst; rment tate an d national -one hait that Hum. or $74.622.75. The fsd- Tindal ut fturling ton ' Wis.. positlvely Yuu have a homse and rIg; gaver" tuent las aiready pid Ifs shart, of hie total, the state will pay refuses f0 take any part In funerai You lve near a place wbere hure w-e-4e-teisattre gels around tu appropriste the big amount arrangements. i-veti death cannot you'rs flot llackllated and where lias been fixed as necessary to meet thle situation in the stilte. close the breacli that alliarently has there are saloons; Thîe total lusses or cattle. swine, etc in lake county during the epi- existedl between lier and hlm for You have the price to satlsty ic was as follows: many years. lier tather ls the aged your thirst. <ATTLE, 1,893 bead. civil war veteran wbo was killed by Thats tlie conclusion of Grayslakte SWINE. 1,650. a fast train at Zion City last F'rlday folk& whu badl the situation torcetully SHEEP. 47. afternoon and who lias been Identl- Illustrated last Saturday. A certain Goats , . lied as a man named Johnson from Grayalake resident. wbo hasnbeu tai- Uter 9te ldioldiera' home at Milwaukee. Ing In too much Ilquid retreslimente Grand total, 3.602. Mrs. Tîndali ls washing lier banda ut for bis own good. was piaced on the the entire altair, dotsa not even ex- blackliat at Grayalake by Mambl T bis Pa Per lias secured deta.Iled information from .4pringfleld as ta press a natural desire that selie per- McMillan. lie accordingiy was r.- lases and valuationa placed on the lases In Lakte county and the re- m Itted ta look titon the remains otftussd "service" at Graysaie saloons. tshows une particularty unterestlng tenture. namely. that there were lier tather before bis remains are con- Wlien lie would order a taîl one, lie rcases In Waukegan township w bers slaugliterlng tank place-a fact signed ta the grave. would receive a reply something Hite Wsore printed In connection wlth thie epidemic. The four rases In Followtng la a couuy ut the letter thîs: ikegan township were: trum lier receivsd today by Deputy 'Sorry, but we cant serve you- Edwsin Saga--20 head of cattle; 19 baga. Coroner Edward Conrad: lyou're lackllsted." Herman Scbreck. 29 cattîs. flurlington, Wis.. And su Ibis "vîctim" on Saturday Mrs. Jus Ryan. 25 cattîs; 1 hog December 7, 1915. decided to show Grayslake people George Yore, Sr, 23 cattîs: 8 lioga. Mr. Edward Conrad, uliers tbey stood. Hftching up let The stock slaughtered was In every case that ut a herd f bat bad Waukegan. Ill homse, lie drove t0 Round Lake, a wet i aicIt wltb the disease or lad been expoaed. The appralsers for the Dear Sir:- tOwo. a town where he bad not le.. te and nation apulraised tle as-tock nt the value thât their agents regarded In reply tu your notification uftto- blac'iisted althougli If la but two m as wortli.'Te arrangementlatat theli state stand hlnf and the ted- day ln regard ta the mantinfat waa miles distant. There lie purchslUl 1goverroment hlai the appraisem sot amount. killed at Waukegan by the C. & N. W. qulte à quantify ut beer. etc., andina At present but tour fownships remains In restricted terrlfory," Lili- wlli aay Ihat the man waa a stranger hfgh spirifs, refurned ta Grayslk.. rvlle, Shields,. Vernon and Deerfieid. AIl oflier parts ufthfle county ta me, my mother liaving divorced He wasu'f satisfled witli lettlng ggo- vare out ut quarantîne and free tu bandle stock as fhey wisli. These hlm wlien 1 was two years old. pIe ut the village see the tops of the townships may slip In trom other states and may sblp out ut the coun- %Ir. Tîndaîf and 1 feel fliat lie bas; boutles sflcking up above bis wagop. cliere the- shipped stock Is ta lie slaughtere1i ai once and wbere there nou daim upon us wliafever and we sa lie declded ta Impress the tac t l4t federal insipectors f0 examine thie stock, refuse ta have anythlng ta do wltb lie lad retresîmenta ail the more, on Below la flic table showing fli ock owners, their lusses and the thie matter, bis acquainfances. He eutered 'the ýes share ofthtle appraîsement o11n lf stock alaughtered In Lake county. if wilf do yoîî nu goud tu write t0 Peterkord saloon. He nnked for a te FULL. appraisement, tberetore, Ina each case, will be twlce flie amounit any or the oilier addresses tounil ul)- drink. tendering the money, atter flic varlous names.) jon bis persan, as tbey bave no more "Sorry, but we cant serve you. aU One-hait inferest In the matter flan we bave. yuu are blacklisted,' sald fthe keeper. Apprais- Yours respedttully. Wiîli that the -vlctlm" pruduced a Name. Address. Cattle. Swine. Slieep. Goats. ed Value. MRS. CHARLES TINDALL. tew bottles ut beer front bis pociet. gden Armour. Lake Forest..... 1I 137.50 Deputy Coroner Edward Conrad do- set tlsem on thle bar and began drink- nAxon. liliertý ville ............... 4 67.50 clared today thaf leie ntends ta notlty log fthe Round Lake retresisments In . Axon, Areà .................... 10 240-00 the beada ut the Itlilwau'iee Soldiera'fthe Grayalake saloon, saying lie didn't Bachu, Deerfilid .................. 5 176 home tu take charge of thle remaîns care If tbey wouldnt serve biài la Bachi, Deerfleid...................4107'60 or f0 gîve Instructions ftatise Zion Grayalake. tbat be'ed serve himuest. Camac. eefild----------2.60 City underfaker. Tbe old veteran, And suitlng the wards ta action, ho Chieck, Prairie View--------------.2 42.50 rpdae avn is owned qulfe an amount ot "refreei- LChrist. Prairie View................ 3 30.00 daugister, wilIlibe placed lu a nameleas ents. ttîn Clement. Chicago .............. 17 337.60 and s000 turgotten grave. Juat wbat the saloonkeeper dId ls ffý ;w. IlE

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