Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Dec 1915, p. 1

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2iJJN 4w FLY SUN" 'Y X RII»&Yi DEC ZMEn 24,1915. 0141 TO EIGHT si m PK dfb ie late amd Ai- vu *imwoom-uw r«Uim te the glleva f« the na broben bei. T* e nal amalo"et lie t. Paul ffl et W~tmu craion liu op auameImt auatotruk uellmmtrerer comuR x e t ou 'unir lits Coutl oisa e fin i& Ho vau tiiovaout a eh tii lgt H ne wtiles b, eéeuieiv e 8 'iS Slr byalui, fOr a f0ovMbLk maJeety 0fhout vere va.w red la c0oul ftISa 4 te bis lavyera, à,*. Woici a&"-lime wrtW ia ursis mees oer main"bId11M. t sops tib1:bandm of s'o itz m bho o xffl J. M Vauird 0f *b umw t ona K Éabo oety.1 ete4" ud . o1819 I4I7~~ .or~to4eRis< aO RYTWO IU1N thY 'ÀSINS S STÂTE wI4I kSu te ~*the ~~I herfi "m"mFEAR ASbIECEDENT. q5Î q lhe lit- OU IIW caASfl0O ies *0 Plie P, buat het 'riegauperImors cm Titieda>' e.I fft rU1 aiaeia ytiter tigOiOfp..,.& peang te 10 ée eu t elhey vowteai t" $2et hth 'A Iolid t Io Highland Park laborerafor ,BUd hirinu uM»e apl Iili teopifich~ tu vhel<> t 517 ove- he von valUIS 0> e a It b=b ou amth en1e maugn s morder trial il-'w iWo t< il up nxm - later ludieu Theo mater wepfu m eti lunite SIL Chîeo 5h,1 ane O u'r~lealiOnfro tmise iai. "'j>yh .oaid lalthhev bhdbeoit ZtarW iorulxv ant iedato aI nnt six deys ln velhnI. ont nover 1dV9 T O .. wa'ftllpd ee a vituemaat ail;lb other temtlfiet a Mtlle. DÂ Superyler? Clarke of mRiilnt iR W JALpr, nst un-rvisr Walsh et gluh- uaUdIpit thIat l theCrcmtilta voe Xten»punl& <bat lieuemou "dcoit tan thfe lm o f lthie.M UT egdClarko oxplained i fl ooe Met o.-9 hau Men bis.job coettel>'. Ar Iirobuer of Cuba eroti i. éfit DliI etate' Atmere Det, a& w etei te aogetelii ot ln a ut11 < ll o .0 Im bom* t vie te b.ed. IO EL morseirma WUv th O - te oxIalai bbel aaMo Ddl 10 «ý*A UntoIuiaat i 1IUCII IJMEUSE Of AUTO POLJTICS TO WAM wi PAY NMIT LINSE MONEY FORU?> AFIER BOLIDAYS L) DaWft tFew Weeks eLI .oe odRd s * IIeBt Ce~P BIR 1.d t Jha boue ot0 h Sat se;tvii wla lthe oU betore long antluviMaryvu the pluiuiotu. :dei1Q <nASLMET AT GRAYSLAICE. **t jb hometb ei jot uebldateéhot lime.ou 0urugus 6f trotrFrm nVad- dm*« bd» t taglI bue s an ma U tanyWeut From Nove. î a4Wouve, e ve lieMoTce itM leaderPt" tin ita u et boue MdI&P-1As the renult pi aaduacualon tha excoedotlgy Ch" o tk place Uaturdayet Grafmlake at yo u Wi uë phty O0f eitofeut 15 Ruhuuteso 10a feelIg oft <ohe "&Oounty Oood *&Y pIllc~ Way bte h. ýa bler det vioïdis Associatio n Mapui WM e Ud.,* t hova,'tji e -ane o v th ae bal Bat met ta th.e tate legill atureahg I1OI$bi li111<Ooil C 11ro5lied that li Mâa te atee be paamd vhéreby, 0 1 t~o~e .b. fRled A e b&aP -the U'flk*flOd un- vr 1w e posible la *», thé mueyp, Mâhll~Vind Cil.'ety 010«1004 , [d--oifeth MnteI~td ri touale automobile il, terwto labo place on April 3. andi Roaie der home m»e« for mauntahnin rom"tietirugt- lte latter on Avri! 17. e 1>01 vweting vith ont tie itate tat orftorenlihng 1PM"j LIUST U Mbe=etbtrdebBOARD TTO Ro aubM.avere prea- PRCPli I3A % m SUPER George Damlmatov, r o Lou Rondoau, l Deirtov anti sec- l f roter,' Meuheoft he Waakegan Cou. u 11M~~uaw (h~ ~~kY loea Ausoclaion wo rotary of the Good ecadaAocia- Md- r Tua Foie abers ofte a quceflm vn 7ie tIu Pruàhs et n»GS *s&t is ow UP T oVýt~ OAWE SOCMT a ~.uuoun" aMt iw .IF** qDI pgfled.,li IIOO 11 r -i l i até, bu.f', bg1 .re1o. i vois ýit Ptb i A Rev Mli r la fý, oura l x t u a OISMIO f &C 9 e = - li ho r lc t rbo ý M ge ft o e eca d t . du e t t ' i 5 nut<John ue " n athe outle kim>m 0 auf Il ~0 isColeman -caled bad ot beo> taMPOrol iti. The ~r Ma ad ho itoilouàe layer'o! labacSo Iultie vg peobot 8iI!OU01 te O4OIO. dovnou a tmthi.SI ho aien vau d" &4 b- ueptclgeua. Ha oSIiuX D mutaMa W&»y e mb. tme -or bysanyoue aboli go ta tie oxpeuae i11h a iiny Wbic ho bhdf mailing <vo cbeep »~O*sg f t0- M iM If$ m"I th" - Il bM baovien lcoud bit hietb i et lier, JOhn Colomuta.*vo any l obscco atre la Wa*êpü. Ho $'a révolvet ouil Of bhm toe a&esome Of, lie tobaecm o :Mied ieabat wUblai 111101 top anti thora ellellvwo Utle viala, S. ~ ~ ~ Te 'rie,'voe oeauunqtiy a becol pitia. WMch. hlmt bthor John. îcauandi vefoudla onfttaaa ýV. Orlag. mate.voidoiuul erybgh itiîon or Morpine. te ý aiiY*-'rie ImpiOflOEITihemu via onMtho pac*g MM-Off Uhe luron Ibhat'Ai f1OUllaly W dloftI a reh atirem a"o * d vitl"Ya other the package. The mtte, -lm tabou aihave doue If bhovaoup vitih . o.aiwaobaiu. h ~ ~ ~ ~ u de*..i ena ti ere«enie l0for ho ~d ia Aior (olenuan ont lbegan o avealgaion ta ho f-Iubbut ei e hus1. tva, the arOt0f VQf No ta lie juroe .taI ho icmO.The latter vwu con ln i R th. reolvier Mt0h0viich thle e 1I ,oml,' Jan et on. ime andi etoctie. it tala i. liatwvie thon ho mate dlaùtpofntod lmu a, a thé o ubmt" O f Convay. ,, dbug et tho jury la 1014 maot IW twodio- e sot t a andv Dot 'IN lo%-HOSPITA L"Uo»tâà M40,oc lat~ lae t nuek*ICA tfor the bou et0fhlm per- __ C»g.' Re> vu vthut à lppleet mua la theo a. Joun Pionatil em ~ma olt, BavWou kua .eadeu ot IIe<hChcaxo0. ca~ol ruai a .QjII -' Atmnoon. -y b, i 5' ut o ",edah b- . u.iHo nia net n fuel <bat ol ta Aibont au 01: Cale-t i iev>'era v .-,.,. Ch n n "11e 0lein but- tlU x»mnirs nMd tW 10111031111 ail orc ette ndn n y . . . . .C.a. --- Die<.mle ~f ai~ tenigaya O~ed-4o~~Her or ne otier moans or empliy- Thereport of th. eooqo*týoe vul It'itap« va4tb la lae ae- la,' <ngr« fag priounemetai'lie otWay. 0 li<d$ thea rna _ nomai 1Wlafoue the commttee itatibon olectlag data tô tho Rumane o SetohWonta i làb -cu th,' aaasmqiet h oMMt trom u aioven te stalo but va, fpot day <Ortepe»dntýnl siMien to are400fld< gl St t >Sp 04bW ou ' vet ready ta gi. a report. iumetiti ov*r te, 1t bulveot»lie' U'" evig.«o»l.... %MOda4 rTe board lien v3ted to ive tho ev illtom a mu>b1e2iedla co«rIn e d- c tol i"nov mMiOnU rTheth eaw ie laie tbem depondent andti ts Ue neg si o f t0he aaaocltipn >dd. <ou h a Chairman Mainaof Nevport ad- wvm eaI n beoaherd.'Te HUnM»«nec11el h t l"eCiy aM lie lmaI ,uplaliclvy utal dresti.Me board l inte normjng -Mex lo>officeru bave prosé the Th laJaler'.bp up U&iboi l" , vlei liai nainhu inttaI ev' aat ho, talt »wMiL rouIa bouseanti bine 0f te me -otin meor eb. va>' te billeailte eoâuh tdl- look mter -th ehlre..ndlng ti la oubi Honorable fIit.xo«hhd à put<>y o i ver. pald, adtii tliat'ho fcolt te «ail eap.nfs aexcetalig ic-75-oatMA, 1 pesiep o!<h let nui~'a etotumtte. ab"ui 0. IL aiu iilla 11e- a day. lbgàituaiwuadentn Mn Oaitto fore lie>' ti i >eaenty pi*- On suggestion of Suporvise ara-h lea~el llta<oco-owrme. vatdI o ele e.<a Idan vha laue ChecksauonULA. Hmu- 10v a motion carriedt lat 1h.fiance lu ow,' WAý ay make <he oro0f tievanore otiimsS. dec~~~~~ ada Ireue flt tal o us ommttee vork hc itlte treasurer aaçiclation 5.-aIiPP- R.1010tu stand titis s;Ipne a z Theite ono atlappearedt taanti cterk ta deviseo an m foutte Man>' 6i tho advtivanleom - a b. f1- neuime> or ay 1e anothir move, 10 aûr thiagu up la keepte funds as approprIate dte t aineti saal.the Caume 1lMntancl ission ruYuo-" lte hoaptai vwu liat Dr. rovu msath haro the varlous coumltle ee h., orti yone. He old of the tarionsum nat<bellaee ou.4vMM W he did ont tcareboy 'lte billesvir" uthiln teappropralloàa etulde vaYa o!fnanciug tié building of god The matter inally veut te 4S vOl t« git4 ailditeti or palt, liaI ho ulieti il for titeir resuective departmont%. rmade andt ld boy certain obtacles anti the verdict wva,Uulmus'te'MW e. 'veode] mi done In au,' va, thoeiboard deiredit.,i The Jurymen. could 11e avercomé. Continue lte pr"ea oaif Me MM 'rh" $Iame va, finali,' agreet on suggetion of j The inwv Uit of JurYmm na draun. peylng for law book& ' , ulator aid1 Dr. Brovn. that In futureth li hapi. Woukgan-T. H. Burke, T. M Tiat 1te luro VIII uMtresewausa tue<à tal commtte. aeR meet on lie Sud Hope. J. iB. Fnnoen, G. W. Eva,, ~j,.Tgu t.ehnte lela a cr0 1 rUU M 0%*of t l of «sChtmentit. lock avor ati . I Dk. raGrompe, Wm. Ragegou, rie.TO-DISM UIE tie remark mate b>' On *n.p toulpa ofh. l te bille anti paymentsla vbc malleieu . h.P. Dlger. ~attoiney uho wlid: "WeR. Ibmbboardi section bat on ths $rd. It wva, en-i<nhm l-Henr>' Ragera, Roland Bueller, bu alow" odo a lotdthe w ur c*_. lu caussviero ho, cmn gel diacots, John Tuyatlon, iCouls We.tfail. Wallem U S IN O M . yhaelndyb o . a eislittad<he-cntut b>' paylot viitil n .dâysatmter pur- Pluge..action la ee#ataiarn isia andonitilt bolAe cita*e the aiperlatoaâdont mien Issue Fremont-Il. i Cool, lied Dyer. IIIIb LA UJItK monl kick.- vio bave criion mmseoneu .povaay0. M. M-tlon, Joe Tille. JohntU rmi v Wlits. John Wagner. Wli-Stiu eltnn~'- husiJohn Sbýumebet, on. Prouty, . vlp ta hie checksla par'- rIIE IS M 199" m a i Me,â Lu f ooent-Cha. Brevç ey e, l-ment of caîthe 1usad b, lie Sate la 'ha&"le - f oies. Wm. Gleaaou. JOUa-. Knox, sa e>' s preat of te foot anti meuh jyifhmiltu LEF ~W . &Lun,,Isaac eSi>ei. disoamo yl11a dltrIbuteti la tho op- "d a I( Evnaon l mik. wimtffe l -l M W " un EfXu vme ido-C ?eGlf! Ney Lapi, derA1vla b ite oit erti oe iled. W11I1UIJ ý U5U 1lN1~4~MUA~i~ft Tis* -e d ui, Jr., H~ suanson. juvi recoîre lte tintl Warrant o.i thJjJI V W LOiiIl MJ~FA. f 4V 'mi oue Stêlemopa~l, eeurer. Ho viU pet $414.149 the re- ail lie * $ onitsa~rtn ous.ou~' i. -rcttle and j» Bmyhué vote ap, Vie Rtuitiarti vintaface <ho-bar 1 sA Th yl i islae ams MoMa- Ril eoMrtiId-) ite.Il îpaut.or justice op a ferçory charge. i . rak*. vio lied at hlm homo lu Walube- Sumore. W. C. Ga"le' Lavrencol »r. O.,. Dy«0. stalo vogorlnnln. li eai xWaukeganmon 10 <hak ire fr9i ian du Deeemb.r 14. 1916, vas admit- O1Ouor. W. . IU, Wm Hasgie..j nid titat, lion bas ual tbeena single 'for cuot«agto'hlm umIga"lehiaOe.u ietat u#n0w te t poial l 'out ourtltlits Waâucond-E.I.uouW. LXI ee o!fot admoulth ileemo ne- iiis'vinbs ei a uhei o et"e c tu oiche ts a-umfd- . ied;T b .ao-î'rjitenC.E. W!,betlo=1 rnk WU-':beitet .ilu talO meince Deoeaber i.tri!ie iau ahi. to' te» lii hum e ntu"ri" mueaof'a!an' .015<0 valvinti aIabout eOg. Ray DoveII, soun gasoo1.but Il a5lian armla ovslleaè altnola ieWu0 4 5 $15.00. 0 lis*10,00 vu lami jAvanlmonnari, Sur1' ,lm, onauWetlo&yi.> onai baak cagiei bar agreit a, 4 1- estate anfti il$10.vms WU '0 ei -Ava. ialon PMella.'itvi Hocd., Ivo of hlmgualalauntareporleti a ierd cept a note iget b> ' MIxMea 0 < sî,vr itiopot>'. 'Teé,vli vewumatie VIltis hMilen. Atbeur *1. 1 !f79 bo uffe«Ixg tro lie piagne Cily as Peyaieut folie ê bbiC4 ue4" u~ h sud silor.b,'Mr. Hollmmleetem- LIakeo Vlia-Charln Shettoon. Hon- e afaubut ont Mlle aoli ai tUi- an lte check i. foiget..,',EM ber là, 1915. uaI liree Menthe bp- r>' Quadenfielt. John Oilb. Han,' ettule- 1He maol t lias athlialaut T'r ite mfef volgaeeth le»Mt fore i. tmba. l va vllnao.Ebi Mosi. nfeoleti bord rrte"ob nnunu- amr&Uail oillado mou, anti li«e,'a.Au ngli Conradi Rolloll n Md ..lil anti. ,och-Wm. 860e&. Walter- Cbitn. de rund fotr <vo da"m ubsulie re- tan Inla ubbards Premime nS- cst1vii Awmo.Gereva »dsé eoclo l~reimn Fox, Wm, Deaas, Wmnlport iumade liaI rminoisu vuesc iura hem- vhesho SOU homl 1eatdffl lu ~ ]P 6l iih.tllgaeSu 1-tHo.lrom tire infectIon tr 17tdeys. cylunder ento- uhiCi. iP meso recto<bmled ils faopI pag FMetDorflld-N. Iebemn, ILJust vi aCdie iestato andi na- change ancm i -_pu' Ii-Theafeu lie. ho palti. lie thon bsqpsab is Lm K 1<0v. 3. Lag,. 1: Chor,i,. lIon viiitalre relative toe ie ueout- daim itfarehov. wu' ti vldgv 'ito bf b e 'W UIa*l<ntalw)thl, IL. M. Moore . break' noasLUienl,'rll i laDualkuovu. Ruitard bua lie nit la bis acrs W8 hlm vwu NalIeJnkbus mls at ulVemon-Joitn Danutos& nesallionga Brestp.t ~ fiureare Possession nov anti la tn'a e mei xnug aie wumitib. ntlMU il1 le , H rtel, Fiant RoI& . XuMsn. .glati nov liatthie,' d intualtae a4Ilfor $450. iRs baa qnso v io lte uldov'm lover. - - Weireniterg, Carl WU gattsellonal ili lie alate befor tlii.pools, anti le oititou 'ia*00 B500Sls f *i oac vse liu Llerlyftl-WM. Tiagt.' Bd hohur -foi mu,' o! lieu amc psnsIts h bitlaasle t touenetie mAd*,- th Ie faie? g: Cormiol, Bcec. LWOneO. 1ins 'roep- lato ie iae Oomone o b on,'coav a, r UnnP accoA IualaWne wbeinôa.K' II . 1ev. Hain,' leavon. Tom,' horis. i. pge-at 'ibes. - 1va11 alsprxueuy0.. - FM@wbltu. 1 b.W. i. Armstrong. H. A. ftt, 'mca. for iosee a miained b,' lie killinzohet hcuM . SciaW1lsh. j IfttS ior.xpoooti -catle o vii 110Want. fr b, 8 ci*" 4 lae <n 116, *170à crawlsT-AJ. Sàthi, M* MUloS, dltxdnteê b, tlclet' i-etressaI,' üINT rshj Wis~Nevt.n.Hen,'~'Fun arn ~obdeeVahopt beïffno hie 1 toreu- [Pn-

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