Overueor Voliva of Moin l hie atidrese In Chicago tunda>' declares the kaiser te ha the groshoOt man intlHctually In the world, anti places Theodore Rooseelt eecond. Ho did net continue with the lst however, cohtfentlng hlm- soif wttb eaming the. kaser and "Tsddy." Wondr If Voive*s uutdeat>'cauted hlm to-utop-vith tva? It is an interesting tbing that architocts nowadays are dmraring Zot4<n i -concret. worla by oi~~t. tlie'rd1' â rwheu they uay the ûtrbfl du 'c tteaMgiave l"They now read 1"uand coent an4' poibblB.O" tbei seMif pebbles bolng to indicutecdean- liluus. in the, eSt gravel had'Wulfl4m.u*'i <Utfi 1y inaiatng thaït bbIes bonedlntei4, t1ct rWe*d abot- toi tixWsàè !w&be seOid. Emil Tews, the. posbossor of the oI Qr modal evei ~~cin mWank.gan naturi-l"w~V eUd heiWekorWr and-as hâ 9owil tov omet eng it'à~ f,4 0IuL Thrho 1mev ihe fearod tome prntera' ink'sdIt ' ~wIpe~.rp0 *u onrtiis n1o.~ hnh ofl IT ISN'T YOUR TOWN; IT IBN'T YOIM TOWN- If you want to live in the kind of town Like the kind of a town you like, You needn 't slip your lothes in a grip And start on a long, long hike. You 'I1 only find what you left behind Fotý there's nothing that's really new;, It 's a knock at yourself when you knock town. It isn't your town-it's you!!! Rleal towns-&re not made hy nmen afraid - Ustsoinebody else gets ahead; When- everyone.works axtd nobody. shirks You can raise a town from the dead. yonr1 *And if, while you make your personaf stake, Your neighbor wi1 make one, too, Your town1 wiIl be what you want to see. It isn't your ton - it's YOU! -(Reprint.) O useti fer fie maintenance et the â %ÂMYL~A I)¶~~t roads Illab holdtte uom d coulti he useti tovardIbelp lN put ln the ruade lu the -9 P U The idea appeats ta b, orlalnajMt >'the Gooti Roads Association a l ko Iif~ P~> county, but 1hlaeheltevedt fit Il *111 appeai erongi>' ta almilar ausetél- ~ievSujgs ono Us n . ~ thê Tinttfhe opeatlons oaitho "paison ~-i~IdsIs à -Peu trust" erloudedti ul cl>' tirquai le elt- l - out Chcago, but aaltate ug ntoyme à and ccilles lunartiieruniluos, wu The suggestion matie aettthe meeting siovn >'Qsetds>'br li4 nmëîoDï# lu]mis a t, est ardatia> t» ~plainte recolvoti b>'Diait Attorna>1 IA~ tiffl* Goti IcailsAssocatiîon Cbarles F, Cdyne. Mr. <llyne la com-1 Ütt ~sefob espadt- tiieb. dtuctiug an 'Investigation, lMie i lIdURaWUVsto aiA, t bv uti)Mggtivitleg et fhe .$poiaon 'peu"-4 1 àl* #9 th fe Mat ute molipi licanse vtttots via have heem 1~uoIiq ;i mono> taub. Useti for imnproytue at*f*o caga vainen durisge;a vr4-plr ots fmnh lho ane1 ..Inn~fé IÜ439 Il. Meu-li for lUppa tabulitiopnan wvo vil ~no dîSfculti 4 eu q4,~pousiduereti auexcellent laying aur banda ons etleut 109 i ~ae~ieaeaeIelq iii recelve these Poison peu lettor vrterz,'»-aalt p~ath of aslaose- inbiagisg th. Mr. Clyno. Citer 1,loa altom6n Oe te 100 lalfi. 4l saé ia 0iemater ulîlAmbitiejas Voutia.. te tacil diferal outea teahot Bluffer(dtes*nè&- te do -th. paIt sIfiuawSau~ me, efhlI. te toit ee igandTi e t trou>-' iwoud I, onaos iemçsaers f1et 1Wol-the" tilOt W' S &urstn'i tel pan vould, moetnt eeua-im Ye u thf*t,«V 4U presen-plam et usia lis auto licena. mmn . to beip eountfea ué gotnd mgr Ch". **dusaat ovW dliatotle aus rbel- "The.man 'whe Uspà uwve vlit que leut ane anti esuts la -lh. buildingofân _W hati l le mn ifî me* ams>bard raids fiat otlonurisemtigt flMg g>,'p'o al> L b. ýput off for a long lUme, mmeiohisa rïp>d i aqr riom tt."'>it'I Maid tbe doue toWanti blpialau , b 'sUIntais thonsa ruade for avuriia fr3émsveme P biavy burtien i. liraun iseantheo * caunties. UIthlistatalilcena. <mné la- 4 ç1to Gt4 o Meurned Home Tueplay tighj lem*$ever ays. SOME £# pISMISSED). Reg asnûsal That At-! W aukoeen, Dec. 2i. Because attorgWâs ektier vore notil prparedt6ê4é'their cases go ta1j trial or botauWIéi ti.,'tI ndIlpsueti ta trytheOfl*Mnà,fl'VuItitiO seaî came fé.oIt5OW abolil j4a uqIjl»g fin te do buWtNddd e '~gsomeocf these lavyers are nef #a ,angmeua1abapl :iavlng their emas, Irteti s ho>'. voiild litve us be- Ileve" thé e tpsi.,al. Tuesday ait- ernoan ho took -hé -4 b'loclc train for home. Wheu ho ameIt bai boau sup- posed hé vouiti- hav,. nough wvan ta koep hlm for sereral tinys, perhape as long as he tounti It convenient tu romain. HIe tried but one cases. that of Chuda vs. Taylor. a suit for damages. Thia. as mast onough ta whet is ap- Petite for more. He turnedtit the, dociot aitti callei tho next caue. The attorneya voro thoro vitb an excuse anti -an,aâpel 1«a a ontinuaaoe. a80 il vas ail the vay doUe thelost. A few cases wore d4qmissed. but the big majauit> wore coftinuedti ndofiniteljr. Just why attorneyos houlti continu- ally apar for lime viion the>' have cases on f10 cWl bas nover been ex- plalueti vor>' atlsfactoriiy, but thr, are man>' cises whlch haro beon put ave,- tram lerm ta terrm for tho last. sovoral yoaru. Jutigo Cdward. 1s In Woodstoek ta- Iday but oxpocts ta be home tamarraw te ta ti casos if thore are an>' reatiy Ifor trial. Waukogan Locali +i Amr iagelîense vas Issueti lu âbe Wuduoseday la Chiarles Osten-1 b erg ast and dgafreGunthe,bath oai lusseli aatid 25 asti 21 respoctivoiy. - ien Loiette, BuWre. tescier ai 1he 111th grade of fhe Central sciaoilul oflue.tetaer luamo on lie Milvau- kee rond wvîh the la grince. Mr". C. E. Smithi af Des Plaines, who visitetilbore vilb Mr-. Smili nallier onz Utîça sîreet WetiaaY, leaves Buntiay flo,-Calfarnia te speuti tva montâts, joinlng ber matier ai sister, vio noW are Ilote. Mr. $Mltb' goos autlnlu ebruary ta accompany ber bomo. Mise Jlulia Killy, a sister ai Johu 1<101> ai Waukegan, dled Thuroda>' lu Chicaga, ber parents recelving word at 1h01,- home lu Belvider. She bati en voriisg for a mail ortior Word <rom Mr. andi Mrs. Charles 'Lyon la fiat thei are at Las Angeles andi expect ta remaîn thors for the The police vote lushructedtiet shoot tho cat af lie Pîtta hmbonleOuCarY avenue.vie,-. a case e! dipbb@rt developed dtui-ing the veOI. The phiscians lu attentiauce were afraiti liaI the qat voulticarry lii.tilseses ta olier homes lun111e »%ibborhaad. lu a note te The Sun, Sarah A. MIe. omorly ai Waqeoaan noIv ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 . 4q ce lr. yr * fou-munI>'et Wauiegan i"d ashon tial3i OU >ei , I lst Jily. tIueir e hi.s ero vîli rnd ith deop te- rt of thqnew bereaveMent lu lie T he feti*tal gavorument la seointi reporters, andtihe pastansgthof au-s kefan, bas, bo a e4 te, iodure foi lia gaverument a Orgt-çlses roporter lu ever on, Ofthe tovus lu the caunL- t>'. Tg .job i* nt goini ta be aflooss on. tram flue tandinlt ai romnrs lion but tiSse eeotero are 8gainatI hon. a chance ta do smni rel vonk xprtheur fellov mon. 1The gaverç eît vanta iè erpaores ta oentiW ,e«Y m'onîh durlug lb. year anoai gf boy fhs cor ultand sticabbage flutiffuar bqeo4 r. arowvln t hoi 0aiao The inatter 4a 4 wvork et iDe»%rtmenl of 4riculture but ilbsbien tinn hog h a *Maos. vitftheli. onuof taihe ot. ffS ee teunt, P<Ùtiuaser Grady ~pto re~irte reptives, epplicatimm VIIlte. g-armpatyou ,"m: W#utehl v ' i >en â' t heis litia> âwft. ls mntaI'latidutiPari. Mr Omo1 ew ,zin ý r s teof LIVID lIMU 44 YRS. A re a Youg man's OP30tulàlté*v5hItu Of ilOpSt tjs 4 O-- aw oa ____,d irh munity? ' j ates Wcpl4~bei~U* ThAt l. the questIo. .aailof aiev- smIler 'oe."n 44t- f l tgnL ENJOYS 6000 HEALTH. er~ niWaiegnasuodemuL. huai-. viiet rmo who hem w. it 1 nqg Men ou, Kpntiay. 'O*$ aidslQontng tee.l* LMOVO tbe 0,t two wM o »naere4. que$- t i o' ~~a 0~ a.at h 4ln~'Mbi" ,said Quihaint ?:o.w ..ahoos ù* husle.&wilh.p lmTwo Daugbters and e sF erutervieweti, But ail agrlei thin th ebnew Bel14. Tjpleeo bu Wl gbt and eerYe s7o Moth-,t g -lnpananl snt cm ma o. o~ '1l'bere la 1 t.ndency on the. part home of Young me o te ileve lat fortune - "Souk nov fi.lds ai endoavor," adi- Waukogan, Dec. 22. awaits thom 1ln soie fer off place," vised- angther Manufacturer, "and go laid R. N. MiWII. aecretar>' ai thewbero the. opportunities are idçst.. Daviti HIrtuel af 918 North Short- C0 M rari lIîb Upuglhy. lhe - fexery o o 0 1# eia omutou-dan roand, ceiebrateti bis nefoy.tlitdt portantes W Jcli awt a young a n ovctle j eCwas. would ever ho loie> et home are as I s thos le- devoloped. tialesa cauditiope a aeo ,spte lis age.tii. voll kaown rosi-. lar5 and8to,~tlIO8 las , W &;ilti nuce esç r d M a ip t of Waukeiau andti plaeercf1 111-' ejuefprete fut 'ant suie ity vu 11, . ovt oeujOys gondi healtii and in able t.n -W.rietl8$9pIqtUtT" o 1e 011, 0Wn t eli0 up>anti arund 12heure ofthe tboust, th t'a a speculatian" laid citty My- ad4 a me o teOs hU it1alauStatr- W. O. MKlunuey. preeietof tiie jPoalmaster Grady bl halitnthle abil- myndam tofe nie lto Commercial Club. «Ability always meis oftheienmsu immef deterinnot vien a Young man. Prior te bie or- saqku th. beut market. The, matar îilg succesa or .îaiw. *-te, ffl u. rival ln Waukegan lie was a resident1 cf oehievement la wlhhin the enulthe mb ian hlmqeli who auce.eetis of Chiesto. lu 1871 occulte tho great mag blna.elf.lHe mustboear in mipti or falla." 'l. salt. ,HoeaMuet haveo Chicago lire, and Mr. Hirtzel And bie thal suecoça muet always stand a tristihe l.ility t ai i t he fi. fî.î1.1,lop n ýhoaUt o blus pio> n l» m etiyatl've ti to Waunè- .lho- W. Barwell laid: "ILlau Ull- wbeà ho sots It.If b. stsysa at Ihçmu liebasnlvedt u the sanie iianslit ally nat for th. bue tas>lu on* u rai flîs. ho yl regret hoie id net -$18 North Sheridan roati for lii. pet native cammulty," b.e.1 i. "Yau maso te no ew a. 1_ f ho mvu ta 44 years. mon, put on heir mollie, can allen iF flidu, andti4118,is. h lU regret At faon today bis two tiaughlers. do btter la nev fiolds. Tiiey findthe tii t h. tild xnt s fl nç." ny. 3li« of Chicago, andi lrs. Car- InO.@ leus rigidi>' drawn anti tbe OP- ,>isyqcr ;P'e .rée. -%si4; There' 15 nieli cd Wiiegan. ltb a nembar of pe43nlllo b~er auntba± aecouai. mathi te be aMdou bath aides aif1the the nlghbrs blid dinner wlthb fhe 1Tbeqt,,.àare tetbe. siv&utages thit pragmadio& n.Possabtt lier. la *so'e e a. comn. toem atqulrtng a'nov sn4 l in lItl": Thia f Ma"1>85 Iat Sunimer the roof af the Cor. b f ve*Iov Moi raie Greele>' .4v!ie e fl atnf ev totrilcr Ol J 01XDew nlabhoôme whero Mr. Hîrisell ives vas goiuk vwatt The -place oi ppotffity p,Ôle and nov condittions, ho l0 dostroyeti iy fre but the sg<i man rle tlîp place.to seeuk, viielir l la alrongtbaneti a"t devélOpoW te a vns able ta oit ln the homie ot a neigh- mrost~~~~~~~ ortît r leirY res ege lni ha ieiiulflbi . r andi vltneeo the flght matie by lie Charles Putnar#. suuerintendent of eun SmiJr irpftiaSq remon ta savo the, building tram de. ethé vhtvorks, salé: "Iin an>' ln- 1bis éearly yearas â4. accoptiq t111bas ntA.n tn es, jOô.>nng Man living ln the. Itbey are vitou bisa spnrr.4 au te surnIer rmmoealti f liotaies adl-do li. 1.8." vhi i U s 'bien i"i earches 1Je Wt"Pco-egovat-on bY"'rt lut thei, o f Individus] memuets JHerbert 1, Wiiiett ai the Unlvagsty af the. Piarim Patiere. it ia sali ofobia s le Iader amana the that ho brinssback mas>'InterosLin$aug e ?fu Dslis i 0 tacts with hlm. urhsothDicpe.TeC- , ,&nl. Gargotta af Waukogan tod5y arogationallst pastm thon se theti filoti a bill for, divorce against ber mInins er, ai 3he,- deuomiuaU.u busband, Antonio Gargotta, vliom she t a icues the matter wlth tioni lu marnleti la Chicago on Soxtombor 10, 'anuay 1911. Dsertion vas chexeol, Gar- - gotta eajereti bis appeagaun. at the beaina hut put lu nu tesUmony,,toe Utheret b>' dofaultlug. The court vli outor & ,aC C~ 'Warren' Chittentien of Ournee bas4 a tiecree far MmL Gatgott4. 'fiAh Mcago may ave an lece purehaseti a baby grand Ciievrrlef , ating rlnIr. Agna>tion for tuis wag tramn Ieo proprietars 0f tbf Ceaua sîatated some lime ega by tho Pros k garage. club viseftithmater ef a arand A, son vas hotu Suntia>' venirg at î3fld lot Pt>PspPalk -l" bieu 99 the douat>' haupifta eM. Hoatîy bu t Il vs i ta~heo.l ýt tpdrtl Benjamin but the Infant vas douéâ up- il untîl vlute 0w hie estlon on litearrIal. .boln tfsiounp anti as tedlà Lea 8. Oamfleld, former cil>' editor IM=âIn5±rrai pond ithe itPark tlii of fie assette, antinow emplayoti a s beue.4 fair,& tarter I13 va a r.vrto as u le CticgqEam-,hougt that;etb., Park boardi coul mer, sustaiueti a nintul accient. la ng lb. ondthéubc#*ande l lse sia Chicago, ths maruing. lio vas on aqionln fortae a ntgirs. T street oat vbon acollision toait place.qeto u otie pa bi u Tis cars- camatsudi n utden *top meeting. liaIlaiJIl4 as înrlti orvrd.ilm Goridine Joliey luaon telie eli st nou lîipgpaeued aiato sos Is r, t. N_. Nevii» spd ,cidnaL*r la front of! Il..The, accident ton- rIvptl. late Satuitis> evenng fmm dered hlm unÛcansoos. Whou seen IsouillielnMisfsouri. Tbey , un d fils aiternoon Capîteld'a noae vas.en- change lu cliàat.Tii.>'had badistis ca"d In,* oivez, ogat. , - 1.' 110 f rozbg veather fiem. go.Mg.,. City, of$biaokWbave matit a demanti Hubert Hpnpapin » m" a>- il on Joë Diainondti tt he returu lu- hia, motier ~4 i rql4em O.9, i n stanter thtiolàt re station huit vbich street. Diamonti purgebasetifat $73, a lew Hubert 'Heury', vho ia attendîin daits sac, =enthon satI& fer $113 t.a achocI i 81tis l..evisl"tiute, lu iaii mas la C4leago. Dlsrneo'il pays he or th le Cbllstgffs bejl",pp ifl» motl turpthe ,bell, untl» î Ios lamoenco wye, 9 > e attondinâ riniiuraot. Tihe aid bell. hIlch w_- Ochoal lu Iowa, la haine forthle balý iastslied hors lu 1859.,vas matie 0<dy liver anti capper asti- veiglus 490 Monda>' affernoan hereaiter vîlI b ponts. dtior ol a nuaL arts -at 3he Noutl -sehool, Rospyà1 a nipîuenqI tbii l Wm. Sunderlil. aoeaifWaukegan's ~ or a organli da. lasu plâti Planeurs, sa"gUisIlai18 he le-sdhv monuter z~qeae iero qlove pe Pof Higlaqd tai»k.nid Miss Veulla ImriispofaiCb»iago.. A Bon va#l>p>'thla morning In thfe Jane MeAlilâer lipupîi t t Mr. anti Mrs. J.3. LW4oats ai129 Prospect LDrive.C e IT-Mr. anti Mrs., Pred Worth will colo- ,brute thol,- golden eiigsurr Y sary on Christmas day. Mr. Worth ls a nmemisi- ai the G. A. R.P $ A no fermer CQupty Troasurer Cari P. ,Wetutfleld, a saiesmau for the Amer-- 4' can 81.e1 A Wlre Campes>', -bas e- rt luruti home frini is territary lu go tE&lalola. He viii spenti Chrstmas irt, v is amily bheo. 1 1k George Joalis. avuer ai the cidor t nilîl, mtluu,on Tlureday ls t. hicb ncssltaled tie taiing oftote ly atilqiies 1»' a diOQtar. Wblle en route as:5e th lie n.cfa nelgibar be fulon lite lcy Wali and ti rck on.bIs bond. rDr. 'Tambeuah vas caliolu Inta sesv-w I up the, vounti.- i. Sunda>' ait the slutamil lu the à-, __________________ racs laid ýby lb. Northirosteru ta C itr~.. ertf ~the Wildier tasae>'v ste, vo ]ladm CONCERT VIOLINIST AND the von ai balluastla or, oilges- T1<A~Mo1fei5p Cflater balast lebeinp nseti -an tbttask ip lybhè nlieI GradualeofaiSt. Peter-sburg i tuurvwsm"40tstn le-L ie (Cohustvalor,' aiViollu.'Studio- st w"bv ois ~~ a iipltéi. Scliarl'Buitiig, ~niSOL Plans for us01rlm 9jëtéltIo f the ethurebes a',l15ý il i Geneses anti Wasington Itti. Chrieast kli.h. ouupalt Opon evor>' Tuestia>' tran. l churtdes On ChIlagoa vil: i. dwmUs. - at a iolt meeting f-e %aIvWs CI a. ni. la SP-. Llte tva dmsomtatlqio oqst' MUSIC rfUNl$IIED eathle ofliçestl. toconguçllsinô litvies lie àwu! 4TU.@ W WAS HuRT ATr RAVOLAKE.1 a VESPI3R Rev. S. Wi SUMOBBUOYIC. 40 Faot That'UinMeWO Words Wbrl WaUkfflà, DU F'or man>' years Rov.S. Wý t ter, IL D, pmttoftwe W864 churcb, bas bemon *édeti sý t#eo huaI grammarls tho Win l tlug elate. - However, It vas on bus$ that WYtusua d teo'lul listening ta one af the. ulUlé mont talenltd ualoita. MKW4~ Lotivard of BYvau*e4 u, i te the Chria, e e jés ot wore vritten l'y Rev. ebhlul music b>' Massenet ee OWS L reateal composera. ý - The .sang reais es f1ollo"', A Prayer tetheiC MIS (ward@ b>' Rev. S. W. Cht*%4 Munie il Msmset), -.0 Josus dear. O Jesu m éat Than EP1ght7 savlor, . We vorship At Tbi> het Wp reerO. vo adoe. 0 leaus dear. O Joans noar, They 'love-lt ce aDVet fusa Tiuu i itpiy, lrWetO e i W, brisa aur smade t te*#e Our sorrava anti Mutpâau. Thou wilt not IOtIl 'Phe>' prabers aval]- 0 Jeuns dear. O JeOsI. - Charles Huntington, a wel inown Thon, 0 Savior. hoar. . oiMdent of Orayaigke, bad 4e f il&- 1108V our ples.ding. ff gSu on hie rigbt bandi badly erusheti i0 Thou Who are Goda Véry %- lu a gasolîne engino late Tuesday att- We pr&y, Ie prB1y 13.7'j1y E le qraSo, andi he vas ruseotito the ee>n usidae tier mars- an cAlilter hosplts.l for cam. ltee ~oij. ùr 1)rtï ln Tala.ailt jardwevd At the, hospitaiet 3:80 P. m. Q) Jeans dear, 0 JeU'buSlUe NgM9T 4 lACTUAL VI . 1 .1 - - 1 4k T~II4 -sent to the folks at home or tho8e who caw abouti- you will ho met'welcone-w.il give ti gresteist pleasre. Môderia photouràýhy imn't ý trial to undergo, it'â* aah experience to eujOp Make the Appointment TO-Ja . ý . 1- - . ý - - - l - . ýý .- s ,t Orouoed Floor, 207 Northi Gousses St.. W ~0.' I..'i. nom=~ ,FPWA