LAKE <YIITNTX NI)EPEX1)FýNT "MVAY DECEMBER 31, 1915. 1I 11 PNINGS AT Ldtsd by F.J.ORUCE Phone il 'reaTknfor job Work. dvertising rate* an application. Mie Cura Whtltite fWilukpgiin, l &pouding ber vocatvin with lier parent@,. Mr. sud lirs. Andrciw Whie. Patil Avery andl fainÎl3, BI Hamlih sud famully an.d Aile Knpçîh' iadfariiy, L~o ake Villa. Plecnti ian day at il. bomne of Mr and Mr.s Fl Kappie. Org. Pd %Wagnr.' ,. v ictim i ofla Srani)(ia tiîiii. iiniiii . ada Suada3 iaiii th fhr i-niCh at f hoiivinuand falaily t t4he lartn t Foîrt Hill. Mr. Gec'r;iritv <f ihii'ago, si.nt tire. wek etnd a'th hie graidpir.'utm, Mr. ai Mii El KiVi, Porter Iuali aid ,ipt.'r ieturîî-d foti. Cicago on Moikna3 'v tr.'thi-y sent t» wee .end a'itliiî'i. ir. and Mie. liave arl'îîi . iVdbWkv'. gai, îpent the. n mai. dai, ah Mr. Uaid Ur-.. (jio. Kaptle. Ur'. andmlra.lui'.luer cpcrt \ mii, ab i Lberiville. R"eMiller oî,iiatî l t a aa edtuin& st tUe Chl.'ago Iîîo~hjàri 1r' t, i., tbe No r th Bid)i ee ck. C 0. Longaliaiigh s'..'luiiNnday wîli hie parentm. Bey C. A .'niib' ri '- l lildel preaened thiir -a ...,I i)îînm la.t $Un0daiy O"P., b lîîiîgîîiî'i. ha. îîîg uebned thi,iciii.tii Mre. ('nai, Ihi-l.,..a- anMary Tebfr,.died et lier Lhî,.îu Chicago oln ?.ueeday, l)i.2l tiurîîiiW"aat Gray.- oecemneterv rhiirbday, Di..23 The yourlg mon o! NIl.. iîd lUre.iFrankV Oalager, otie Jon Il îik tar.ii, diedà veryaddiî'îîvlu it Mi.î..% firo Stro ng B t.'h."Ii, iiiu îîral ol bieoaitpr, lire Page lI.t1Adwrt Imt Mouay la3 liruill-- i t %lo ii Dr. andilira I-3 le su-ttXmaa eitît relauntii i ili( ivi go t'.J i tîgu-anditlibii, iy cit,'rtai ieil rda tiveu îitauLahGramuge, Itid., irng thé, bî.lîdtb3 C Bon, tii Mn, atîil lre. G1',.'., lvrimg a pubm, tii-v20tt lmitH Mathilllit kIli 1, i. nîk a til tIie fýti e riîumi iunu n li îîrijîi.tî la-reek () i l fîtnîi, pritrlil lii,'i un i, cc LLiilOîi 1,,nnpciui i ug hI'li. ,tliiiy Tl'h.-Livi nAidi i l iuleiti i l t.. au. i i lie.elîîi tîfr thelui' iiîiing ear, Everytiiidy a eivoiiie. Dulug the mîuth iofJanuary iiiaeday et'hi'.li iil1'e filîclut <th... ohLitf lintdi.' iii y nruiuiay at 2:30 1).Io. I hi 'Xtiaecxnri'incn givciî lamaThîîrn d.y i'veninig b h, lîluie u iiiia3 au'liiol wan iaigciy étti'dd(. 'IlbleNma, tri- was v ery prittily îlevoraicvlfor thie recuîcmlcrcd l'y '"Santa,"* Mlo.appereit ai thei.. <'beia . iii- the.'Iîlilr.,n fruit, i'audy anîd iLer pretty gîltte filt Ste-el. if Clhieuagiv ina.. tIi.gunt at thec bimni- if Jive Lav ie ua a MH.BUN tii-iA. J atmîeen anud nithcr M r,. I anc Jmuîcinniamt the- \in.,a îlin a-hith h lattere daiahtere. Jv--i7, aud tir,. Litihie l' ii'haritatin. Illi. trir îîtd Mci %H ibîcaig a rn vîNlîîng M r. Snrauîg nîsreii ai luire.. i lvii' fi-iivl gati %I1r. iai..1lM- W it "'. 'u iý 'l In.'.. - 1 -l' i 1'-.i - ' d i. (iii -- ....@Cho -, ' a,! . . - - .1l"'i'0 imtnsr .3liound JCake WILLIAM A. ROSING Correspondent - Agent PHONE 22-W oî,,,î a iut nii1,, Il . 1. ri''1u..'Il 'i o mou """i to %I-. jrinu, S ' ofr i1iiîiagii. -%r and i '<ri- Juin ' lit iky ast w.--i. 'u lc n .. ii... i tnhi'ivi. Il t Tîîcnîhî "y IZ, nI.-i. uic f,- Lk tr ant Mr . Frcd Hnircuritv'gcr had a8a il,,d riiii.vitr of il 'Ir na 1la l,.- 1 fn u i - , v Iil e sucveut nFinni iiý H Putv .>îîîîlv uir au1.'hà aiiilc. tîî .".cd guente 4%% un l'g-ri uàd s"iirdiai iui.,l niii'u; aii MrtIr u Mr. aiîul r i l,,, i j Il, I ;. 'n"tai .irunîgh iLîii i lin, a m. i,, ,-.tnu ireit uofi î'î pda nuî- .0 , \ immn l.fu.,Eiein 'm-nr.i.ll,..u' ct erc ' t M.rg . u nd Mn, <..-îrge miiidcr tIra - luPrtt Mr a (]Mi %ni>l k t,ý%iitrz Me, ontd 'Ira '. A 4Marii n l na î.îu i.iin-n II m.l.-.i-n.urtii" i M , 1 :;;. llg, li aî, 4 , .4im '~tike ui-ili i tlinardiiiiiiir.t . h . iilia n.. nýdt iha e aii»l i viiix o iFé'.intettu i'iul4r" h i 1.iiîv îîlisît ble at % w en ,o]vviilIr %Irtii sIt-Mur. n"irah Ad. a d ii '.iia vi'.rc thei1. r i 'r Ib t Il- , Mi- . à. . . unît .n A clin.lar B re..-î.i!îa iili ii iniand-uii.uîin rdalliini'-11 i-il mmhii wotîîîr.Ir 'ina. liainMmr. M farry Ilîiio inn iMt,1et'dfl 1 Fîn (,t ii ik A.N¶IIIOC~H M '<l-nm mtm iîm I rk ot Irving farttil ,i'iih- luie' iii.,i-it Park. a l iend f u .i 'n 4 n l li..n, eMi1,r Vi t 'IlIlut hbo i l'f i - i-i i.....' i' il. iand'lai'i loniumuua k . il j, l, rp i i' " 4 Fi.L\.minîg tr.,li5au'iliiix alit iii uic ituy Jijat tilir,' MI. i.' T,.iir and tIiiI- im.,dî nen,] lit. a Ii-il Fuillav1.1 ipl-.ndulîmc 1,iii M rnu i-n . . 1 The - ,',î ii. k illms'n i ,rtnuii,' mg 7tîleh a.. ai-, f . u ., -iii. i i. l il -- hi h r l .im m-r I, t 1,. F ; 1î,1,î1,m1 -Iuta-Lur..- .H,- -. .l t,,'. .,,dli.lcIN SA NE.uuiie î u le un uquî m 1r I i ,Ii. lii tiil u c . e i i.'-, 1 .' iium , u i - i. i.,îîuh jr i - ,i .. i. N.i u n iiv'ai I I T I' 1 V 'I'lC ', i be rrimi-v u.î. ,,,.iu'l .ij-. biiîd- mluI- ]I. lai..nt Iuî%i,4,- h.ii r-.,i i'm-n '. iir hom- Il FUN ~AT IEiI'ENS.E OfI l iiF h l v !-IFnm.î ),.m, . '..- p.I., ui n>' . , ' I "l Ini g , ii l. ý I M r J %,. f, M - U J d .l -pi-,r i. , g h..' t . -,uit iii' Imum bruit beriiiiii fih is f . f. 41 i Ii rnI. . v ml t 1 r-mrimln i '.'.lil,-i l i - i.uruî- 'vI i...'vn- r lrmr.n i i n ugi ' mi-mnnîIti l ii - 4%, M In i. ,,,Aren't Yùur lhiskers Getting Ai mu tu n. i là .' t u.h--lnrnm,m I Ln 1î;-.1u.i. n. - itii li r lin. ,ý . 1 I 1i. .iIlii. i 's.I n i.u'mRather Long, iudge?' She elwir _150li arî l r mm týuîî -K li,.trai i i iG tvthle< trimiiiU RYFired at the Court. Ab ut lt -i , [1a.. ai'ti,.Il .-T .'iî'.'t i, ., 1 Wen. oi', ar i1- ai arldui aluaîîa'a i i l %\ i n1-1 .liiý-'uî 'r iaýî. ii-ive dollinri. tian %,sar mii t.litieo! advertîmaîîg îî ii'e r.- nitiîin li i our cuetvvmc r, o i.. hîîî i i îe-. tiiat t icv moly dprmve Il. iiIîîî ioir.' T- l>T'irgi. Re y. Barfa will pri'ach oint Suaday afiernoun at tbi u@uual tim. hundaày uebnol at 3:80 p. m. TheCbritmaseirercîeee imere véry good. Ii trie wa very beautiful, the' bamre tise eeg nied et Roeereas. Tbere were soreral family gatheringm as Critmas, naînely. E. A. Rmves, B. L. Neill@, Marrie Brus., enry Gunîler- oe, V. R Wllby, H. Patcuh and others.1 Aile siBver @pent a coutile of days at Tb@ achool eblîdren are enîoyiag a woa'i vacation.1 L. N. OkliDsla able tobe aroumd again.1 19 A. iteeveeshbas ratvered trom hb@u A patent bai mîst been granted Elea' mS M. Petits of ILke Forst on a lag cuver. It hla ntended for hot »Mter bffi and fountain syringes andj b u books for them to bang on and a1 ni urtala ta fld ap aver them, thus add- Muk to the neat appearance of the1 bhlmonta. l1iln 1.1-î,iîuul <vnd iii imngbt.'r i' 'ui aii itcu1v1%aritnt ri lî. fiuiiiLa l'h ii,-iutuig ai. 'c. aiuniug Lwn irotiîeu, tIr iii Irp. ne-r ui' lumanu andl laoily vi] înîvc l'y .ihn:iunrr Isi fr.îum iNi, - n t'i tidti M iwi' tu e r aii .mn LeItoa' aprni c. viral duîyn n Ci- cagoîlat wcek. lire Margarct trarg Fil1 dii-d Friday at ber home In V. adgwnrth tinr@fi cas a daughuer of Pter Stnang ut Miii- haro. The fanerai vin e lin the Miii- hun umeirta wlmhbhuruai at Milburneem- etary ou Nonday, tien'. 27. Mine ViuaJamiponentertained liunday evenlag in honor ofber brhday. Msses Franche Smitb o!fIRound Lake, Mlhe and Mrri, Murrie of Grayalake and Howard Amen of Gages Eanke epent tbe eveaiag eîtb Mies Vida. lire. Jonele visitiug ber daugbter, Mm. Fred 'ihlîhage, at Garnie tiIs wcek. 1ev. and tirs. A. W. SaBford, Mfies Helen Safford and MIse Clara Forte are speuding a fea- daye eltb tir, sudtir,.. R. L. W bsatou ai Wbheaton, 111. The Misais Ida and Madgc Strang are vlîltiug friendA la Clcago thîs ciel. ANNUAL INbURANCE MEETING Thie arnouai meeting of the Milîbaru tintual tnrance Compan, cilîii ebeld ln tbe lower roorn ni the lionle hall, M4ihîhaco. Ilinois, on Satarday, Jannary t thi. 1916 at 10:30) a n , to receive the officiei report of the compaay. 10 tale - ari ton on Boy basiutcî that may be Good Lemp Lîght br.,uiiht hcluure the metinir, for the 1b thosa cho bave il lampa a faeim'ctiuof al ofthccrs.Ia-il ia tu the »Mt cll mpîtfy tieir case. If theY Iitwret of the n.-mhirn tu at tend. wenîed every nfgbt, they ahoaid be Jiun A. Tfiain. ue;reîany. rnt filled andi trimmed every day, Mli un, Ililinois, fle. 28ft, 1915ý Wasb Uni iamp chimnep's henthtte1c Ë*ee are uashed. Do not fuil the 15C.2_____ km qultefMILl. mve about coe Iclhh npedn racsaipht l br eapsnsntreclonU.oltsI Liake Coantty. i iiu ti . i sîîm 'i-a.l.i" ,j ( t i ie .\Is %iiuinlialilcd (;ra.niîii îî asv i i- iir é,ii r i lttiies kult i fruie, 1 s i.,.. Tacs. day - Gé,iailýiv-ire. m.' icunlivtn . i i- h, iit- ing relativîes lier,' iinriinynm(Iio.,i Vao m-iiî %lisse, Dora and Clara iilcii'ni. iere Ciirîgri viuiiorA part (il tanct wcc flimeEva Lux, ahoi le ariuin lu îl- aaukce, ae bonncfuir Christmas. Mir I(ÎI-tLai viftFlint, titi-b - nn Chrietnae with the borne fok@ The fanerai o!ftirs.flargaci-t Hili, wbo died last Friday mormieg, Bac hfid at Mdilburn etiretian Monday aflernon at 1 o'clock. Sbe ieaves tu mooru ber Io@s a busband and daaghter, heelde8aa boit of frends and relatives. The fanerai of Mr@. J. R. Porter,' a-ho cas killied lu Chicago fast Frlday by beîug @tracktiy an auto truck, cas beld ait the borne on Tuesday at 12 o'ciock. Romain@ cere taleon to Wankegan and plaeed lu tbe vault autil the family, wbo are ail ou the slck lit. are abile to stant for their former borne la Nortb Carolîna wltb the romain@ for Int.erment. Sbc leaves a lbu shand and sIx ubidrcn 10 moaro ber iose. Oldeat Writlng. According tr i e ciaims off the [Tni- versity of Pen,î ivanla muaeum, theu oldest iafeves nofvrttng koown to un are from tLb. Babylonien tableta ne- cently decfpherrd ty Profeasor Barton of the Unversity of Pennsylvanie, Titey deai with events aa far hack as 6100B. C. Clu On, Tell the Reat. Probatily the tient cure for anre- qulted love la to meet thte object o! It fieye jeaater ber marriage te an- othen- man.-ToPeka Daily Capital. w,1 il m bmil le . l.,iiighinna sLIl . Sa,', juduge. a.i'î'îy-lur ahi-hi-rs i..liitIf , fni 22,i afi nîd iIii-ýliit gî'litîg r.îtlo" iiln" lui-c îil art o, IlIait lia . Il,,-i23, 1it a i teuicge ofianyway?" 4i y'i-r- I î6îuiohn Ili-leint.. iimiiiiti Thti a ne u of. t1tht- iceral ne- t',e mmm,' t liir-- J aiea ii t iit l m îarks 'vii.' h El i/n i lut Sansuîaou ff <4iikvii.Jui' l .vaihi uauw!P (if! ioa('ilt', aged ie ntt50i, huîrted au %ili,liiaiiim, JlinI, flm amgiliiu ua-ttc it .ofudgu' Persois a-hile she was being Hall [là%îh, tfour îuîe.'i-s iandîcu î, le trient for ber nanityiun county inuitt al. a grainîuamu i luent aoni>Frida 'i -Si... a n ot partil 'lil.' utinrai aivrvil-es wa- i-m-eld Suîidii. thie jutge, howcver, fon aLhei'a ai 120' niik' cihn. hy thc [mcv. I- ItIcamie imufor uheur slian..offber i- 4 iiunt (if lilicrtyil.c fuial iîuhu etion. p)laie in ecntin vernctcryn. -Iloilo, Cul.' Ilow young are you?" nbe ttred at Deputy C(ounty Cler'u OBITUARY John> R. Hulnet. Then urntng te Johtn A. Ibrietwaas boro me l'hiu'ag.u Lhe Jury nhe anked, "Isnt hi nice T" Apri1, IM68,i andt cae tae rîidest oif ive About thin tîme Dr. L, I-I Tom- chiidren, hume-i of whom bad premedt atigh, the conaulilg pbyelvlan In Lb.. bim lu deatb. Mn. Cbrist died Lecember cage entered titi court recru. Mis 22 Bt hie borne ai Bal! Day at the agi Sansom epled hlm. of 47 yearn. alter an lîneeso!f nly a fein "I.ook et hlm.'" nhe cried. 'Titere dayo duration. Tee funerai cas hold hi come-look at the enile on hie from the home Sontay ai lernoon at 2:30. face." the 1ev. B. M. Aliburt o!fbIiertyville Assitant Stateas Attorney' E. M. Offilating. Banial cas iu Vernon cmm.-Rnnyard alsn came Ini for his ahane etery.- off te attention. Mites Sansom acîmned to think hi could bear catch- tilamond bake ie the place whire tng. thiDge ccan bedomne in a buîiness-lile "Titieebi la!" ahi crled ta the manner, Duriag theflrît elk in Jan- Jury. "Kiep your eyem, ou hlm! Dont aary the yoang people are Pzpecting tn lit hlm gît acay." complote the l'Everpt.ody canvage" eut lu rePîY teI a question asked by secore piedgcs for the suture financlal t,.- Attorney Tombaugh Miss Sansom saad Ilgatlons off the cburcb for the carrant Sbe cas tco Years old. Site kipt Up lear. Literatare Is being distributa-d to, a constant lite off rîmarkî and quis- every home Ia the commanity and ail ttons al the trne ber case was belng cho are Interestet cull have a effance ta trled. Had lit not bien for titi patitet- boost for a geater I-iamond bale. Relaai ivade te thte cage ber remarks could teterpnt le beg chio for the suer..,,ou bave hein conaldened an higbly th,. years aurk. amuclug. Mica Sanaom hanstieen livtng In Wltlnng to Lit It Acne. Zion City for neyerai yeana, lier con- A tiarefoitnil darky, a-hile hoelng dition, iL appears. ban been gettlng cotton on.. day. niaw bin big toi under corne conauantly. fer acqualotances a clod, anid, tlinkçiatIig iwa a mole" d.emed lutient that ahi tii sent teaua tiet. uI Itatt hrt im'iiff Aterinstitution for the Insane. 1-er brout- conklng ithit Itfon a hile hi gol nt m ltr e onuiae tl',. set bis Doon 11a tump mdes n itrswr omuiae sait: "Weil, je, pain acab i cJ itit. Tbey dld net tale the trouble 'Ioean't care. yoeniturti jusecitcU'a te corne boe, but crati tiack tiat tn le do me." thefr opinion the Insaneu ayim cas the praper place for her. &bout nobody."1 WARMTII WITIIOUT WEALTII 4 ttend t.> your bouse beating Dow. hui t mai!, untîl 4%inter elade bloc. lt* a if.r and cheaper no w. Our lfaulhteu tir riiiilg or renewhig eteam or hot- %vat,'r hînamng. nadiatore, pipes, valves, ~'te , aire exni'ptnvnallY gond. We are expcrnîi at iewniintallatmons, ebanghag ro u. ulVi-nita rnai.serapidly. eepiy anîil eft..viiveiy. Steat or botweater fu.'atuumg ceave, c'oal, heatti, latilr. Ibs .aatur. ii.ii'k'cr lu iiat, gives a stesdiur iîeiu.ianmd i i mn,î'ethe dan.ger of ieIl wi'. mi i te riht and guaranteesf TOM WLSMThe 1fardwatre Mon GRÂYSLAKE, ILLINOIS Trheodore H. Ourst. Presîdent. W. B Smith. Vice F. W Church il,, Secretary and Manager Hon. OeVWtt L. Jones. Gen. Counsol TELEPHONE 81 SECUR1TY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS If TIIERE IS ONE MAN WHO ABOVE ALL MEOUJ HAVE PRINTED LETI'EIWEADS AND ENVLDIS TIIAT MAN IS TU1E FARIER .. .. .. .. . P RMERSyou who write for outa- loges f frmimplement, imedu& poultry stock. or demire other information, do you know that a letterhead be~iug« your name and address, IL.IF. D. Box med the name of your farm means that you will get an antwer qulck. Your letterhead locka business liks sud tells the bouse that you are prouv and modern. The letter wituo scratchy rough raled paper marks Me. writer as one who is flot fully awakstoi present day correspondence. If you have a photo of your bous., barn, stock, orchard, etc., bring itlau ud have us make a cut from, it. Use tbb e<u to illustrate your letterheads. INDEPENDENT JOB DEPART« ýý the__________w e AT NORTHI PRAIREi nîghî, Jaîî I lit.îîviii, V mnd ui.ciit îîiSti'înili..gui iiburelé divine warviî'..o,îNe.w toi. tLeon-iN~ S ItO IU i.h-@ iv..'..IidIi ti nilO BEiDnEra lodg aýDg a ý-utt tt leI'". V 'li' îit th- il. îee t i hd t he a u l îîi tî cea iii iîiiîi i îî"îr atnui in stîî,allatîir! <if & aio.FozkSar l- o l meen.ting of th.. 'memhý-r i iieh.bellid. iîthvý1. a(lf:îiuvt i %VWdnianday 1A Modern Structure Takes thei .an ii(ke-ilatdb,îk. Nit Sunîli'tt..e ,uedi'r W iii ireaî'h bln îc Jaig. ,fi) VXis.., K .nu.ii i l Place of OId School Buit 1 4ù'2 Kî Tib tei. Ld i..,'Ai vv il incet I 'ii i nrii iimanage.r, wil h' About Year i1840. Miss Mary ki'rr c1...ithil.. uaL weý, Jan. ieat 4M r- Fraiik f plc Jae,,hslt-raulI th, ltîi..îîih-t'.'agi] witb he'r itcr ii Ecaii,'t..iîMini tl.giiri't Vedd.'r liii, Tlirîeîay itiv.. ta lieioin r.voiraI it , 9igri-emf Ai uiraiige'ioi-'ni have been nmade H P. Miler wair, iiWauk.'ga n-for Aiahiria. v. bselle'iii 1teri..îd t. theii. irdi'r. %Lu iîîiiîlrailîii ieiiîg ai' ,ifor tl i tcation nexu Yriday after- day. w n 1errai.gcd fo. rtfi.' îi.-îiîî îd ai]i inl.u-...of ii i'cioik off tie ni-w one-rofonti 'he h.. 'tnîtmio . n' ar aît, .. >al Miss Icabel 1li,'d..rmi it of i-îlbiaiil t. i vii'îî't-'.t i b,. ii.-..mi anid "'.i ,-îhooi.ii-îii ai NiirtI Prairi. T'lhe ti e choîiois î,,. lriiîaî afi..rioîiiwerc ['aik. Mr andîlMnid.. tyHankine vand itîav Dfn i ri-ui vvWiillii.ii. IL ivîti ni"\v%,i .i i h his one of tle,. mont uoîîîîlî cijiviýd t'y <lii-e . liriîi... .îowh 1iti idalidlhtn'r ovth ii..î i'e. nîîî t\îae nt 1 ii't- a i. "1, .v ,îi'tiin'er i, niol.'rii o i ti kindin iithe nia'...vot to ..<i. .. t" irn'i liei..'tîi'n.. ut thli.îrlathi.'s n îîîî '.t" .ii.'.t..reiadt. lîrinvt v,î ..îîîîîî i ,- " ilttdue ha- a nd iii .iii iipiii'i'd i n Id '<'hool iandiîîîî~1 pup i vntrk.Jit ir.1 t ,' iak, IL i FiR.$it md t .. '.+ ut' i s ~ proi idî,d i c i . -, 2 ii il Oua titlitli .ifotit ixv4i 'l'it',i'ery Ia W.-m.'e I lnt, i . - ing i ,it i.. "tliilay i toiîuîîî'lîi- i-.t bi. . w. i g t u i- r.. I. h-1ilai.. iil- ,ii. i ,i foi,îînîîîî'riîî'a ligii mi'huuIie,i îvid c ..,. n.. , îi liivd ia irli' a i t Nlic- ii.'Si'iii. nit 1Eliiinriîltii 1.n ria.' it i t ii , îîw' ii i' i. iii),,..-ptî'n.'iivli % inL ind iî i i iîai.îiiîî havi' heen liî.ivl- lt. îiîîîîîî 'i. ..4 iili.raiil ti'rî' iv, î Mvho1 l-n' aiii.itnig fi,..' suaeai,.i.i. i.rlii ii ' imi a il.i ()i i i il i ..' iiiii iiii il ,,, Y gîo,îl. "t'iiv ii . w r.'avliti Nirliî,11i tiii Il b a iiiil M.- r.i rî uniiin ivtlii ii lt vi .(, i i i îv'w n ivitten t al] ftrîîî ' ieu ii fi.. ," v i ii .îi'. .iîiîr li gi' unilt .iî'ii \j.. t 'r, l_ o. a.' aitfile. iatilt,. t . . î l!. j iiiii i îî1l ity t11 l d 1- a( i . ir'" of lii'NortliPrairie ab, W.i . van fiii l l 'l 1. 3 iiiIlii'. vW <d 'ian.1aiwij are npendi g zthev'i'i'ai itiv Iil.tiv 'y<1 a nîii i2:; li.13' r h ' l mi. ("hnol and.uiîi îî ffort lis hcing lmcifa iaiîtni'aa l. îîcî'îratîius ati iî'ir îîîîmietiiemt-iît) ii. .ii iiàý i p u - s Ioi .' il'lntii gi as ni y ni'. possiible of the. m 10 h vol'tttg 1prî 1îit v i. iai- and Liiindeti1 (hrînLtiîu', îtîifîvit i ci,' tvn.' t iin i I lhîn.aîdi. 'a liii ar, it» ii ftîr prîe,,ni r ii. ll cîicalion. Thon. who wer cr t'ii tifiii 'ne f Iv t 4r'1i. t ii ii iia i.. Wi ia'r va n ni lii.p i isî,nti ire ask..d to write A lamniy rc iii ile P t itie 'î in fiîii y t aul'n E 'ai 1%iiel idig lieir îlrigriim îiit.i îr v'i' vin iiliig lve' li' i ii îî ecea hu wa. <iii itiTouîlirii ,ii ii .l biti t- Clrîisiin. E-; PimI'Ni ti'riaii giv , a 'u ha i iiliir 'illig, i'. i.fUa~ i i-epi i.a k cd 10 vril.. a hialor>'off thP llla, dayt 1îansîarîy Monday î'vciiim.g tii thc,1be' ietitig a Iliii iti î nîîîî.ii. i.; ni and tIbis to to tirisait. ' C'iii.n« i-n. a fiiziniri,i'ýrliiiîndcntî priiiiarý d.'pari tient îandîj iraîhic .,îî and i 'i cri lii<i Militi i iîîîî t îîa i., ii iii T.A. Simîpsnii. ounîy sitpc-rlnt.nd- oi ei ' ii. ltîumec I i 'it ii <i'of Soiuthti icr ;iaji is, ainu Tuestiil i-îvcnîg i cii'ii 1uýd l'aiiî g iicîl < [t a - la liiiii' o iiî li5 ru giv.. th..dpdiea- Diakoita, cpcnî i. 1c dai n hcrm with hi, ti:i, iiutormaiid parent.eait h."iîiiiiiîty iriy iileti 'ii/tliav, i' it.iid. itMilutn viiîrv'ii- Thon- wiit tic other a'f l at. .-k Vii inmg ini)îîa uad- 4' cd e.vîtay LIi., tuait)v n L e i.îîr-in.ît..d iit. w BîarîlIiiA ii-.ailii- nti nii., iii' linlgrani and the.oa- iii ve-r lii lin lm b.omec for lits hlitday Igi c 1h..e agean t, The ini tdI«'i 'v atgeti' ' lio vu'<led i. M ho wiai i,.bel, - m. . . l < a il' iriii -e. iii h.' the .i1o t va.'t col'agai'..i tfilriargrai iThtilr> c -in o ui irgy. an d il t he sntni-i nie r-i'îi iî'i ifilir hat i'ormiinxý Mi i Geîrtrud i l iI.r luia, rclut-rîiv'it irai ii r I e C'<n i c ! v liiilren vi cccenf er- aient i" a lvioileî ih...'. i i iirepoirtI iliir h)ne t i me. be etr rpmt mr,ý nt.ain..d ai iithe tiii'oaij. '. wîIif th. r'iilmciiti<ntheb.viiiagn' ivijit Tii..NoîrthîPraiit.. 'chool wau on.. lîcali ii !iiliiw i îg Monday ai tiia Xmaa part y. A jit 1 irgan i.att n <if tthcheu.a.îîvîa i iriv' Io b r e î'atahliihed in the Mr irnit tre 44 iliiinion o ound iii Mtr, E B. .Jordani i'ntectaircd atl a lifiriivi'ienii Ilui. and the 'farinrf iouiiirand fir ihai reseort miiebfl-' Lakec, sepint haturlan a ilhi Iiir daigh Citmv bat efrhr nvîn Rt'ti,rîI<lrcennrjnity ia.îîcîîg agtated This '.'ii m(iii i.ti'ddctr'a.v te ea.8iurday. iri,lia <b.d a m<ii n the .riglît direvîin, i(", Tie T Seprdý fiiil mmet Mr. and Mlie 141<. Sbuîciand nthe farinc",aini unr viizein eiiiiuid danhtr zeuwee hee[ritl,& 1goî hîaîîîinlu and iu, iirtheriiig thi. IMcii Value of Virlous 1000t.ý Thic ET. Sb,'îai Sun a itlh d Mr@fni arete nitiiButter woutd btic a hlby energitzng beamu' it gueflte iii r, ami ir. Arnolîd rvlCbîvagîi. ira e . onui a 'Ferfood for tbhe body, but proves wortb- Suiiade. lenitr aid ru<ily i-tîîr' n at Roà3i Srkr and icnrsaremtîtîu,.iatîîlmtha jollît 'o- lese; as an upbimlîder. arepairer of the 1b 1guti a d wirt'ou ble t i ltryker amud MI 1 antt;,FL e ason Alvina duitudie Knaak were the oîcaîî h i îieiiiniinçle aste constantly going on with every lh, ira iiif, iarntala' nuat lea dr as toi umi i tehmeo r.TL i. h gîîîîlbreatb lnhaled-exhaled becausc of ite I it.Kanak'. Alvini. Kîiitituvt, witiii v irkiiig at the lack of protaîn content. The gani Lr tiGlb..r i'tlo% ltemaim n aei fintk,%t iivcr Typrdit.ruer tn.'iryat W ouid- rue bolde gond wlth tari'b and sugar, tole Tu.da nut irtk ou li- uitthie wai-clunid gucai. of Miss SadieasLi ouý e. laat,, ild,' nu ,tb r ii aaa ndîl8ai bliiiwttt. iin uir villageer lmr'la)] i i ,ihe ut, Thie la î'îîe.niiiîactntt';Mu', A E lrî,'c and tatfil lai- ;lie., iij titi." l iling aedhj 'r' iaiEdao iiti.Pciy x unv i.riii-.iiWîi' One Thlng ln Hia Favor. Weil an 'ai. b..cpi-t.c l it..r miîtbcr, tenitichait-hi. iillîhâea 4« al(. ' iglit m ,, "I-'t'ia'îdia 10 be sailliabout de Mirs, ii îu ,lti.ui1. la îa'iliiit e q'iimmii om "ia dat taillsabout lilsaeeli" aldUa n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ftu i.Frtda.- iu'ygt iu ndlr Roit . lidiimiandt tzaiy Ein "He never alnt sayln' naobain kierie. lis and i hi-d- A1TORNeY leH CASE IN CMRTM. HiS OWKUVINM1, Attorney Hervey Coup T tifued for His Cin Latter Did Not Appea. CASE IS RAllIER UNUSUAL ' Several Small Case9s'-ô,%s- posed of Today-Bg Are to Be Tned Latevu2 Wankegaa, De. . . ' W.hen the valve Of Freller vs. porc- man was called lu 'Circuit couvi tti ziorntng, acîther the plainti« Der tii. dv'!endant were preffent. lUkeWIse the deffendant was flot repueiegflt'ty vouneel. Attorney Hervey GOmbos,1 roimiel ffor the plaintiff, cwu tbi uaW party preaint wbo bad auj tmtet in tbne case. ýflie case mighi h WM been dtamisaed for lad et PTOOM~- thon or contlnued to anme Inter Mae, had flot Attorney Coulsan tgeI forward an.d offered to salve the. 1«Ob- lem. He eatd be knew e iProd casl ta hi presented by the plaintUt u0 at hie own re-quéit h. cas Pube en. der oatb and ltatlfied' ta t108bla the cage. There cas 4wsît ?ds pilte anytblng hi hab h e_ court lnstructed the j i'ta gis. bu- ment in the sain of 12U8.23. PasS le the ha-ad off a big tiquer bof1. Foreman condactsa a aaoi M ta* uthweqteran f t) thecouY. Siffle several Case& Attorneys tbig mornhng Vif Dot ready ta try cases, altbaui e ea«» waa ait for trial for tOMMOMTiU 5- lng. several amaller cases Gis.W mleeed, aettled or continuainse & a namber o! tbem bhave be.. 410161d from the docket. Thei1&79! Mmd 5 more important cases vure 'onaaia- ued. There wcliibe n Ju Ry s next week as thte next Pîanie ci Juapi do.., not came In outil JaaY 14. Delly Thoght Happinens éa-urnema"de 1» Oeb&"&i 'A à