Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Dec 1915, p. 8

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______ LA"m OÔtNTY IN~ MRWA Y. DECEMBffR 31, 1915. - 'N..EUNDER FR ~I$Sifi«IAT JIALF DAY WAS MVERTISING SOLD FOR $70,00 RATES This Is One of the Bigaest Se per lino escn insertion Lot s asi 6lines, 1 ý25C first insertionl Transactions in Lake Coun- ty During the Week.. SEVERAL OTHER BIG DEALS. --_--Total Loans for Week $65,370' .<s+++q++++ -Business on the Whole Is 4. FOR SALE Rather Quiet at Present. ++ ++ ++ + + + + Buiness o! the recorderas office for FOR' SALE - 10 yu'arling Bolseen the veee ending December 25, 1915: Bi!" . B. . r.'r Fart.. i MRS. DURAND lIAS NO INTENTION 0F DROPPINEiS U I T S Fact That Nothing Has Been Heard of Them for a Time Has NoSignificance. ATTORNEYS BIDING TIME. Attorney Diver Is Awaiting Word From Attorney lies Before Proceeding. Just because nothlng lias heem said of the matter for some timie te no 6LVA FEs A DATE FOR »D 0F WORLD; IT IS 1925 Overseer of Zion Decla ýes He Believes World WiII Cohe to an End by That Time. GIVES BIBLICAL PROOFS. Interesting Deductiorns Forme d by Zion Leader in Chicago Meeting onSunday. "The End of the World. or, What Wlll Happen to Chicago When Ga- ~im.hlc2 u e.. pe r- ~ , uber of transfers, e5. sigo toat Mrs. Scott iiurana lias 51v- ij "" o uws ie cruimpet. was Voin. ýt %rc 4b . 1t, N,.fbbler ofi bans, 16. en 01) lier intention of seeklng re- 1 vas subject at tlie Don tabernacle, F0o B.E'-Few. Bostein toits ( Id Toitl numlier of instruments filed, venge and damages front those re- Mclilgan avenue. Chicago, Sunday qeq losuvîcanaavraiig grdesponsible for the' siaugliter of lier atternoon. Voliva gave abondant Yomah~eewtsiadt rae Total amouni of' bans, $65.170. prize herd of Gurenseys. Her local proof, scriptural and otlierwise, te 00e. .Raté raiued tbem front my be.t Buiness lias heen rather quiet dur- attorney, Carence W. Diver, asserted show that the end of tlie age ls upon coa.é"d oaliof OIne bul. Nuet redepng the wee', but soveral deals of today thet thîe two cases are hlable us, but hoe forgot ta tell us just wliat taisulard « mount of faed and te malle Importance were consummated to hoe brouglit up for trial at any lime. would liatali Chicago. Ho gave fi as r@M ii yew stock. Rave aise for alnang tliom heing the tallawing: "I tlilnk It qulto likoly that we will lite opinion, liackod up, ho Baad, hy mas12 years old. weîlors In Vernon Township. Edns B. hring our contempt of court proceed- blile prophocy and the opinion of riait,. e~sbey mare 4 Yoneol Prast bauglil tho Nettie E. Gunder ing firet," lie said.. "We hald planned varlous writers, that the end of the *é&lis12lOls. Addi'es Frank Ilalbli farts Of about 400 acres at HaIt Day to brlng this matter up as soon as Presoot age, or wliat ls orroneauîty. Pr"eeti h, IIL 15t), for $70,000. Chiarles H. Morse. Jr., blie Coeman murdier case was di-1 callod the "end ofth<le werld" wauld oi Chicago bouglit the Heerey farta posed of, but Mr. Dles, Mrs. Durandes takre place somowhere about the year 900 NALE-Slnger gowing Machine in of 116 acres ln section 2 for $23.000 counsel ln Chicago, who te working 1925. Bible oclilars were agedta god odlton. 0.11 Phone No. 1404d, and aiso the John H. Limlierry garni witli me on the case. was busîly on- Tt would tako place somewhere lie o &Mjte. P. 0. Bar 182, Liberty vile. ao 40 acres in samne section for $10.- gaged on other cases and coutd not tween the year 1914 and 1925, and ---- ---- 5. 000. h li erseat that lime. 1 arn expectlng Ihere was every Indication te back up ---------- John Anderson houglit the Mathil- a letter from hlm almost any day ibis opinion. frO$tiPLE-9arred Plymouth Rock da Frîlîman property ln northeast 00w and afler that 1 witl know JuI Volte adai three relisons for lie Cooek"s. B. Wlcox, Area, lit. phonse quarter section 25 for $1,050. when Il wiii be possible for boîli o! us lieving that the close or <lie gospel 2704'1. 14"2,1 n Llbertyvitie Township. S. Rob.' 1e devote our entire time te the Do- age te upon us. ---------ert LIII sold to Mary E., Park W. and raid malter. First, thie falllng away o! the FOR SALE-Baiud Alal a Be 1). Paul W. Allanson 80 acres ln soulli- 'It la probable tiret our damage suit churclies. Roue1k~sp Llertvtie 14ai 205J1 eaet quarter section 30 for $11.200. wIl net comle ut> for trial liefore the Second, tire lack of failhi on the t4' Roy J. Fries bouglit the Baldwin next termi Of court becanse we add ed earth. FOW.8ALE-Aehoice lot of Rhode 1.iandt farm in section 31 front the Master Iiew dotondanta to our amended prue- Third, thle broaking up o!f<lie na- I. OIéOIC1U oepolea.s i' A ln Chancery for $5075. cîpe.. Mrs. Durand bloends 10 prose- nations. g%à"eI. Phono2?.RI, ~î42 In Antioch. William Gray bouglit culle this soit vigorously. Ho belleves that the prosent age 's ;Zr -a lot .n Chamne i t,,ake radIl Vil- Ire. Durand recelved no compen- swlftîy drawiog te a close. and the PO~PAE-W hve .1mabr infsu lage o! Antlocli fromt F. J. Gray for satlon fromt the stalle for the staugli. building up o? Zion was one of the reat Dymond &Austin, $1,500. ter of lier catîle liecause she tought geatest Indications that we are in Lt"r<v W s 183f Kato T. Rood bouglit a lot on Clian- tlie proceedlng. At the tîma esle sadili e "tIses of the end." -----1- net Lake ln section 12 front Wm. H. she preferre oscr iFdmgs Fîret. thora was tlie Antedeiu'.iao Mi! £l2-fte lbood Duruc tOur@. Rood for a nominal consîdoration. Ilirougli the courts and il was§ for thal age; thon there was the Jewtsli age. LAi~Iami burti ville. R 1. 8p3 la Grant Township. Ni8ioulas P. rf tson that the $100.000 damage suit and now we have the gospel ae. ,Greuter bouglit lot 53 in Tweedsa Pis- wis started. Eacli age liad a perbod oft tme ai ils ~U ~L-4mue busIer White takee Lake Subdivision iront heirn o! close knawn as the 'trmes of the end.' I>Iefflguat h Y lStalle Vslerlaarlau John Greuter for $600. # ni 'lTLIE' TT In the Àntedeluvtan age tbis perlod wu#» m. t r advirus obsti. n Graysiske. John Dowel l ought FOOT I RfSJ3IIL UN-j ]&aitd fer 120 years: the Jewlsh age aw ohex. a lot on East Ralroad avenue tramt lasted 70 years; and wrtters belles-e eieU~a eisai .ouh orsevie.Wm. B. Parker for a nominal consid AM I A I l that the 1'times of the end" of the gos- Wmgtdi o a No. 1 esbear I exchange eration. DERt Àa e,,vv', D pel aie will last 75 years. This wltl to*à"Oaee tututanj ai the aboyasI 1héIn Hi Mghand Park. Chas. A. andRI ft F bring ua up te the year 1925. or thoro- ReItainNettie H. Stonehill houglit a lot on V 'I f CÀ LE about. ho àý V Owboaehs Parm, Thumas W., Lincoln avenue frram Nel4ie M. Scy- As a proof of the falling away of 2.. gt Ar", IIL 1(111 farlli for a nominal consideration. Edward Gillings of 420 North the churclies. Overseer Voliva calied POeSALE-Poiand China boar, tb1." Jln Wauoean. James Morrow sold, Countv Street Receives a i attention te the fart that tliere were Buebed r. Pgstared. ta Wilder Tanning Co. 2.85 acres inbifl nuy 29 different kbnde of Mthadinse 12 sa-D#boi S Pla".ase ue a section 15 on the faets for $14.000.anlnjr. klnds of Preshyteriane; and 17 vart n.,' driving mars, twalva jean. aId J. Carl G. Pearson houglit the Edward Waukegan. Dec. 24. elles o? Baptiste, and four Dunkards. R.'Moribh ear lfverett, 111 P 0) Der- Clark praperty on Liberty street and Eda-ard Gillinga o! 420 Northi (oun- These were ail man-made organIza- Sfid, I. . Lae Ilore 797-Y-4 llif Marlon stroot for $1,200. ty sreet an empîoye ofth, hiergolions. "God nover tounded aoy of W 1 -1.L.- _ - ,Wm.* H. Pester took titb teblock Teletulioze Company, uustaîned'a sert lthem," sald Voliva. Speaktng of the FORi SALE--Fine jonng Wite aow 15, McKay's Second Addition on Glen eu, îojury Tliorsday afternoon ahoutl1iack of failli on the earlli. Voliva salid Ampue Lo wai, Are&. R D 2. 1&3 Rock avenue and Southli S. James 3oclocli wh-n one of lits feel was the people lauglied at 700 now-a-dus sîreel from A. H. Benedict. crusher]d under a 5,000-potind druni o! i if 700 trusled God for anythIng. FOR $ALE--New Ares. The Wlder TsnnIog Co. filed ls elpînne mutle. "The whote world Is a seething oaumyii'our'Ave, 2)j blocial frolu pomt certficate o! Incorporation showlng le was ruil c <to e office of Dr. 1cauldron and the eenta ihat are ôfc.WI llwtî01 o'tIlOr Iouut.-n a apialstock of$100,00. .<. FDile.on-ofth 1jsca î ranupiring-ouglit tbule cî>oîîgli o. 8~eoabiter S. . L Tripp, Ara. s fi ~Eva F. (arman houglit 40 acres ta foir le îteeptiîîu.-conipany. soterpte ii-<-onince any nian thul the bresent or nDrtlieast quarter section 18, Wauke- îijîred iiieinber m'as treoseil UTtseai dec of things was about teoclose,"soi-. IDhIL FAON l14ME-240 acres Ii gan townships. front Josephi Brown founid <iai spiîieoft he' bon-es of the<tic opinion expressed by the over .Wa»ckoicne. Modern bouse- mordel fr$,5.frtme iage ut ai u hsep' t -IdntbcqrpIe u bffl -(bout ta countyl silo: other fr$.6.fn ~~eiîîge ui ai iiii o>dntlesîpie o.c bf&1dhug;;prica $140. Stocker Bras..' - i ma>exptressei lue copi nion tli> thi Ucnitled S tates il awn loto tii-.wi r .+itig wsr ip i ii',home. . . . . . .t.t . TheMinlesola. -TRAMPS REPLACE ngagcd MARRIA:EuiIiENSbS + FOIR REN'* ' .+ SCRUB VOMEN AT i Ila ing pnaeit<ut-..ll of il., ire-s + + + . . . . . i~~~n mil-- Ir.CeIliiig 0ms0 lM,5on lnarvikii21iiwake ++ + + ++ i CIi~A 'ffI I otce if ili>engge( i iist Iiiiing a !., aond 22n Pzr, \18,wsanie. FdOq RENT-20 ocre garni, establtti.-d i iNO. CICA60F dAIL <ahi lecri \arkI oist--pisl,-nk, Oî uî -i iin 'zri>.11sn mlikmulta ootectio sippa.'gat-it dourd Stiigen, LI.S, lilwauk('-, i t'ipi>' <IT!îelairge (0- iianit-le'il22sm. 76tmstomems Wit nigge. Ares 1I5 1 I For mativ years police officers ln e< i lcatI- i, -s w oîil on ltige irîîiiî,, H is ard KienberPul, 2, sn.iwloe <tho employ'o? trie c'ty o! Northi Clil tic -tire osý, Iglu of h .ich iî about Rihr anibg,2.Mluçe, FOR RENT-8 roomn hou-s'on M1t.cago oltlclutedi as janilors o! the city 2 >0toiiîd-.Tbîlîîîi. iianii ii-sd Ernii Valluer. 19, saine. wackse Avé Irrqnire of lRobert Eil<> hall. batI sine Mr. L.ux waseappoint- t .>This> a <fl>in,,m r 1<1 5utreoi , >îîdtondîîà Seirenon. 14.Ramie i. U~sa4vll. Pho1e flhLiie as police chie! thinge have andt tie cblte l unwonutîd asfasot as .ndhEdnler enim,8,in e ,. 'lai FankE T8ilrom i n n0,h. changed. Tramps have replaced the T . edd hse .Cnmns 2,Niwi St.e G . xinpaer Phorw '142 R 14 fecculi wbmen and the police offcers itî sortie manner the lies-.>. druniý kee. \Vis., aîîd Matici R. Linsîroîn, i ___________________________no longer wield tire duter, and use lîppeul andl rolled iover Mc .Gllîngas samne. - ' ~the duel pan and hroom. Cil uîgig<i lel nlloe.I(harles L.. Reed, 25, Waterloo, t'. + +*+-+ ++ ++++ < or earsNorli hicao hs e te-l wasoune o! those cacidents wlîlch<va.,and Ienna J. Jolinson, 22, Fond + , ED+,tatned no testhan 24. trempe every i< lableto happen at any ilimeand dlac., Wis. *+ + +++ + + + + + nîglit durlng the winter menthe. Lest ovîtio catînot bie foreseen or prevent- sud olJ. Cade, 2,cgIl DRA FT- MARES WANTED-Wiah <> nîglt they entertaîned but Iwo. anidg aJ cadn 1 .e Il was 0oo the coldeet niglits of _________ _Veulle liauglienlsugh, 24.'Sidot, bu4~w gop ~un drft he I iM.. snd l'erre Miller, 231. Waukegan. Oos~ . (aw, ibetyil".Putne'ble ear ok Ti hy o' he Mlennium. IArthur Nelson, 22, Harvard, Ili., 9oropS. roe, ibry"Put hoe, te 10 Nohhe wn' -.ody lias the fintest Idea whM nd lg I - , 9 si 179.1.1. ~~~~~1 stop I i.'lnour city doring tor, a ,tdOg ebe 9 151t. P 1 thel-.If ever, the wsr of competiton l<Ote rns .Jnis < akgn WATD-laaii furitl t eri t.' run raves " satd the assIstant te Ilie po- cese. It may ho that son-tbime mon Ens .Jnis l akgn rée.p.uu.'fui iush.l' ie chie! on Tuesday. will livo oniy in thouoglts. net deedB_ and Fannie A. Weslon, 21, Norfolk, *18 V'"cars lidepend'-ut t~.. Waukegan entertains ail the wev ln a beatîfic contemplation of tlib Va. fromt fiee < 20 trempseovory nîglit, own Ideals. Sometime the vatieys tuay Edward J. lieim, 21, Milwaukee, ....but <lie pi-.le chiots liera are netesat- De exaited and thse mounitains brouglit Wis., snd Elsie Mententel, 23, saine. girl for tequirri h,iee. Isird wilh the abtlity of trempa iow. and we ebail luve ou a higli pIe- Han-y R. Hyde,. 56, Zion City, Ill., W. cars )ofulr.d.r..alout the line of sanitatton and dlean- teeu oi ca-operative equaiity. solen. tz' snd Alice Tippen, 57, semae. 1 liness.osiply nia wauts, a man m ili ihave only Lewis Petersen. 27, Detroit.,MIic., - -Th trmp ae fotgien food te coucb a lotIon and t<li oarhinery and lvy Dlavis, 25, sanie. The ramp arenet lv t government will do the ret.- ++ + lien tliey ara turned out ln Ilie Truth-Busbness and Politicat He> Floyd Garwick. 26, ClilcagoIll.. and olUS + nonig,7yD. Estalirook. in Nationali tlagaztne 5Asta JStreibert, 20, semae. Ê Ï Ï 1linrvGScwat-27K ,cetIiii, 0.spe.t or bave,+ LOST and FOUND + 4.243, Ares 11il'. L. ..........++ 144 .Y-For rp",ults. t'y LOST-A rtm and tire for Overiand wigwo P arty mar. car whie drvlng from Waukeggan L.oldeutil.srwttoa, t arin just West of Ibertyvili,ý. ~peee.D..suq - Findor will Ite rewarded by returntng oegWfuI l >h " M ro same ta Lewis Garage, Waukegan. Other F .1uîqren. Niture lakes cui. that 1h.' saler nal Instinct ehall remain tresets iy etrong la every cîses. Even un childbese lndivIitais thE rc *,eseldos a resI decay ai Il. For proof uftlhts itatement note that lu every ct'tlîeed commonity the pensons who lovt- best and work mst for otiier folk s chid dren are mature single womon. Oetly Thought. ii!e nover seemns se dean and easy te wlien the heart le boating faster tt the elgist of 505e genernos, molf- -lsking deed.---Geoige Eliot. %N'tg., snd Lithoe Bartie, 24, Miwaukee. Wis. Praîse. Pralsa May puf up as ilallow na- bure, but lb always liringe somethbng oi bumanity toa adeep ane lave and commendatbon are sweet, but just bocauso tliey are wortli mn much the true and earnest spirit le tuucned wIîb a senne of ils own unwortliînesa as It receives tliem. a iongtng ta lia btter ittaul for the trust roposed ln Ilb. It is not the flash o! scorn but thelilglit ai love that raveals us- ourselveasand mattre un to nom best effort DON'TS FOR THE VOLIVA TO ISSUE REAL ESTATE TRAMSER, ~iRI VITIMS0F IEATIIORAM TO LAKE COUNTY TITLE & TRUST O. Masonic Tempie Htdg. VWeut'egan. WAUKEGAN GIVEN CITY 0F CHiICAGO 1flt'c.20, 1915.-Margret Blrown S Epfidemnic Has Not Been Check-'in His 'Sermnon Sunday He n Q.8 C. ake lbdI ed-New Victims Reported Laced People for Running to J.l. o wmdw *bte. ai der. lot -320, Shaw's Secnd SuhdW- EvryHor f heDa.Doctor for Their Ilts. smoý on Fox Lake. W. D. $1. Entate o Cidad ark tdeCeaselé SOURCE IS NOT KNOWN. 'LIVE SIMPL,Y,' HE C. G. Pears'on, piart lots 1 and-18 3.cMc leKey',, Addition to Wamb» Other Cities Report SimilarCnend Ta ofe o a.Deed $1200.t!lim erry te C. Epidemnics-Especially Act- bacco, Liquors, etc.-Said c. H. Morse, Jr.. eouthw'est'4 acrg. ive on Lake Shore. Appendicitis Is Humbug. !nortohp. W. 1), <cton1,0. GRIPDONTS FR OE AN AL %. IB. Parker a id wte to John Dow- GRT DO'T FO ON AD AL.By E. W. CROFT. ei,'lot l, Suid1iîtion of block lé, 1-Seep with the wtndows open. Vutiva anotinced Sunday after- Grayslake. W. t). $1. 2-Watk at least hait a mite a day- nioon at the Zion tabernacle, Michl- Nelie M. Seyfartli and tîusband te fiv mies lIido ou oregon. gn aenu, Cicao, hatlietntnd-C. A. Stonohili and wlfe, lot 25, Ballu fivenifes wll o yu moe god.gai)aveue, hicgothatbc ne dl dvision of block 72, Htighland Parlk. 3-Breathe deeply through nose. ed tu Issue stxortty a code o! "Ilealth- W. D. il . 4-if you are subJect to tonsalitls, agrams" for the ciy of Chicago. One Dec. 21, 1915 -C. W. Lawrie to J.' have glands removed without de- of the tiret, and perhaps the main L. Metzen, lots 281 and 29,.block si. iay. roie wtil ho 'Keep away from the Washburn Park, Northi Chicago. W. 5-Stimu ate circulation by tepid ordoor. D. $1. doctors."F. J. Gray and wlfe te Win. Gruq. cold sponges, niglit and morning. 'Neyer mind Dr. Dii Plckte," he tot 101, County Clerk's Subdivalum. 6--Dreau with iight underclothing- says, "bast give them aIl a wide liertli, Antiocli. W. D. $1.500. wear heavy wrape outaide. and If you shoutd get sick, your Nettie E. Gunder and husband te 7-Hae oficeor orkroomweI chacesof ecovry re sre.LotEdna B. Prost. tract of land linsouM 7-Hae oficeor orkroomwel chacesof ecovry re sre.LethaIt section 15 and north hait a» ventilated. the body atone," ta his delinite, In- tton 22, Vernion townsip. W. D. S59.. 8-Oon't kis those with activb coids. struction. *'Live the passive tife. Eat t.. 9-i1f attacked wtth Influenza, ltaY that wiiich te good and don't drink Netîte E. Gunder and bomband bu In land for a day or two and cati tea, tilt at tans your stomaclis thatttons .Pot rcto adi t n your family doctor. they're as brown as saddle-Iiapm." %%. 2 1 d)23 Venon awnbI. lO-Remember, cuIda run into pneu. 'Some peop)le," lie says, "have the Mathîlda FrItttnan ta John Ander- monia. 'coffee complexion' and some have the "u, t rat of iand ln northeast quai- 11-Don't take patent medîcines and 'tea complexion.' I don't e l ack' ter section 25, Vernon township. W. 1) . $1.050. irresponsibie dope. pepper, or use any stimulant of any Jooopb Blrown and wtfe ta Eva M. tioctors are workiug ai higli speed, iktnd. t don't est or drink anythtng Carman, soutliwest 40 acres in nodb- iking strenuous measures noces ýthat t have any suspicion of. eagt quarter section. 18, WaokteA sary te prevent furthier sprcad of the 'We don't hase appendtcitioln b 7 townshlP. W. t)'. $4,StO. ,grip piague in Waukegan. A min on. bIthe fret place, wo haven't who bias one of the varions infections mnyeogi Rev. Albert A. Pfansttehl, father a( absolutoiugh.Oniy ricli people cao Car] Pfan8tieht o! Northi Chicago, commooty slyled grip teaboutl have appendicitte. This appendIitis wh lasbe prcin tol.b wuhot ellcenc, an ha heto b usineesste a lot of hunk. PeopleI teroed soidiers In the Netherlanda tlm at home in the tiret place. Secondiy, think Ite tfashlonalile to have the ap. more than a Yer, lias linon appoinaff lie lu a menace te every allier person pendîx cut oui t say that God put a member of a commission trou fRO& around hlm and therefore it la a it there and you're sinning when yeni land to the Unitted States by M money toeiog proposition for an em- have It cut out. God put the spleen t)utch government and wiil tour 11M ployer to lot auch a man work. one there. and God knows, mont people coun try from New Yori te San VraM- man said. oeed IL cisco speaklng ai gatherings lia th» One or two doctors in Waukegan "You go ta a doctor and you MY leadlng cîties on International idW are sutfering frons the grip. The epi- 'Doctor, thore's somothlng the matter lIons. Dr. Ptanstiehl Whoa la a flie. demie le particularly dangerous ho- wlth my ears.' coîlege graduato. and a former Hda- cause It mîgltht oilawod hy pneu- "He o oks at tbki lad liays 'Il land Park resident, lias reched IM monisa or head Infections. If a vic- guess thora le.' The tMu of the mat- cutyadbsbe odn o2v tlm dosenet tlioroughly conquer the ter la Yeu haven't washeà'tbèm. ecuntrytandUlias te ditatesd.fp'. grlp geri lie may become a subject Voliva'n ruies for lioalt l n brief mont of commerce ln Washlngtoa.111 te clironic catarrh.* are: expects taelie on the road contlnmoag The vlctlm Cu grip, sas, Eat no plg. No oysters, lobsters. for about tliroe menthe, speakmget sliould lie put te lied lmmediately. As or sheil-fihof aoy klnd. Drink wa- mn ftelretesenadai medîcine doctore iie many af tlie ter-it's Gadu naturel beverage. diany ot ete lretastr Um compounuis o! salicylate-quinine. as- Leave aIl stImulants alone-this. of!l perin and the 111e. They try ta keep course. Includes tobacco and liquor SHERIFFIS SALIE. the baose and throat sterilizod. eep bn any formi. Don't est too muchi, r SIate uftIIIlbnois thie patient on a liglit diet, give bina sleep boo n<ucli. Leave the rosita OL.ake Cnunty.--se. hut battis and plenty of air., tiod. Public notice le hereby given &W~ New cases oi grlp are reportel oach hy s-lrlue of a certain allas err i l day an on vItImof he ise,3eCourt o!fILake County and fIate et was taken eick at hie une tîusy Boa- LU.)LJ$1 0 ONl'Itnois directe] tuthe Sherliff fai sa son ufthtie year. Fred Fine? wlio cons LaT.~Y I'ke (ounty, Illinois, daled the 110k11l bebween l'hicago and Waultegan eiE E day o? November, .A D. 191,1. ln favea îIay, doing niessenger servtce for bui- I, M SE E;M N Y o wI tadCmay acr.,a nesmeu atd obliece. has been sick i 'ISI A D a 5105< H. Kitchen and C. M. bcd t tn gci to tOepautfourACKi)ring, t <hall on Sii<urday. the 16tk in bd o th grp fr te pst ouri LIE INBAC YA D q;ýi* vorifJatuary, A. U 1916.,aIt tée dayu. lits sou Js carrying on b-s I- ro!fiii.- orlock i.1 the afferno.. l'uýinc'îu. Hundredu o!ofiîuilr mai-s on netîn WI tteo? id day ai the Fast Door of Ibo a '- Jhn nge Fids ad it he oui IluseIn <l iet'iy o! Wauk- hiave b'-cn cepoc<ed diîring tlih îo er HsHue-Got ,an. 'otiriîe o!ft.aÉe snd Stete o! ilS1- lic.~ e nav., .s, ,s uIdaI pt irvendue ta île - ~~Money at Bairstow's. i1io îlidîr fubricahilterg. I iiiiio. sd .iiiece'îio! <ho said H. W. I W'autoegan. Deýc. OcieiandCt'I pring ln and te FORD MOTOR iO 1lias' ,lî<st $100 touiir a-cuies and tii- fol'oang iiesrritiet eaI ostala lis- 1000 l'us put an ad ln oiur «pcn7' ' ieonîîî y ue by vciîe o! sau wait. wqjUu> CUT w I C M li hrr nc iii<i-.aht-r Tue Si'n l.u Tbrce (.1)lin Btlock one Il) la 1waqon iPie n -'- ili<lt.uas '.tove -:<-lJlohnE. a)suhdI0"jon ut Fox L.ak. MISSION 0f AGENT r1 r. aîîîî'îîug ruirs bo. ru b-I au uoîntv toTe Suin office os <h <iit se worde ' Illi ilaI ii-gnLkeCn i I 't ooîîiis 111h. ibis.t 4<1>day <'f lecombem'. A. ,pr nt ruduct on in deaIer' ic<inl ia -<-itatrrly,1v.l'. t RIFFI', oniisiii >>'bta-s i -cii îroîîused iy ni-,t i.>'t fi- tor,, coi uso o <roui Sherliff of I.t.a'County Illinois. <the Ford Ntlir Car t'Company to <<s their Iloro a tilf iitior cacer. lii' 1 t .1.IlMORRIIS, rcproenu<îcs u oer ticcîîîntv llîcu wcrsdi Iset dn cco lic AItornicy !fr 1ainIlif. reprsenaties al orýrtheeoijtrv paers prodfýjircd n eenos- kle Dec.17 24 31 Jan. Y. Thi- company also proposes <o drai ruiral i iitr1cîs tiefîre li p. m. îirnccI wili su' -deai-rs instead o? Thrc-e houîrs l<1cr OMr. iig-c founti CHANCERY NOTICE. îlîr>îîghî lisreguien agents as Is St biq $1<00n <lie harO card of lis irc-seiut tihe case. The Fond company home. sta f llinois, la ahieoîîîing bu pub Ibese planas lie sanled the nîuîîey un Saurday 1('oa !Le e <hrougtî at once regacdless o! the con-I 10 5y of! lis emplovs-co le cashîd> Circuit Court o! take Counby. Mar& tracts <liat hume atready been dnewn ia checki ior $100 aith<le lleirstow coal TrîI. .196 up lIatt able to du this wtth ailt office, and tIlin wenl barli home., Coni rseMurhle, Trustee, and livie is agente It wiIl mean a tremendous lied 00< heen gone long when lie raisIlio savtng luaIlie company. In this catun- Into the Bairstow office and tuli! them oehFnia TutefrPa& ty atone there woutd lieeaving lie- of tosing tise wad. Then ho can o i- lw een $7.,500 and $8.000. The Son office. A year ago a Zton kee Country Club, a Corporattas., iand! The Pistabcee Country Club, ai TisaI the titan la tu meet witli atout acoman bat a big roll o? bis on Çnos opposution la a foregono conclusion Chitmas evening. but the wed waa opoaion. lu Cliancery'. Ne. Few ut the Ford agents have compbled founti by a tocaI woman who Imme- 775 acilitiste roqueste made o? ilio nsd dlately sent word la Tise Sun offIc-ý. Tise roquilse affidavît havlng be.. thiose wlio have refuseul 10 do so havaeIZoger was une o! the happleet m en filed ln the office o! the Clerk of »Wl been threatened wlbli the los of tbeL ie.n <lie world on Chiristmas day. Court, notice slaiseretore liereby III agencies. Even those dealers wîth on to tise sald aboya named defeni. contracte monitis in advance have Waer nta, thet the above named Complais. Adapted for the. tr. aube leretofore tlIed their Bill et heeîî told thel unlese tliey comply AI! fishes havetir hiaulderp In thoi opsîtnsl! or n h hs soilh lie demanda no more cars wutl bodies, whucli enablo them ta cise and1 opanlnsiCurontehe ho ahippeul ta <hem. Saome ofbliese faîl in the wator at ailI. Near tishe cy side theceof, and thal a sommoe. dealers have v<ocked up lange budi- botbom the weigit o! the weten com- thereoton Issueul ont o? seld Caurt nesss b selIn car tasubdoaerspre'is these bladders and as e con- egatuet the above named defendanta, ln tpirteritoy. he ompny oweequonce lie body o? the iaeit elInnks returnaibe on the firet day ni lIe in teinterîîoy. he umjage n t ,til its liulk le nf equal weiglit witb itermi of bthe Circuit Court niflAbo Proposes lu take ail these ae t h.. vatcr It displaces. Cutt ohl tteCutHu uway from tliem and deel direct. thus 1007 ah ede h or oe ln Waukegan tn said Lake Counby. esi sasîng the emati commission the reg Goethe muid Buras. the Furet Mondey of Mardi. A. . otan agents are n ow making. Goethe and Domnsvwere bath 'in tIl. 1916. as lealiy lew requtred. and whlok front rank'* o? groat men. fbooth ' suit lesteuh pendtng Old Ctl« o Wesern Ala ived to a venerahbe aea while. BurnsmEI RCWY The mape o? the Roman empire deintehrlsbtoh eetirt showu western Arie dotteul with cities, elees artiste, sAtd proved it. Tise name Clark. and Byzantiurn wes. ouf course, stand- o Soln' aln"wl iea Waokege-i, Illinois, December 70k.- Ing oviere Constantinople stands ta- long as thet o? the German Olympien. A. D. 1915. day. ait the tip oi Europe on the ieet- W. C. IJPTON, ero aide a! the Dosporos, IbThrace. Friendz3htp. CompiaInant's Sotîcitor. On the eastern sIda of Ilosporus ovas Thq moat I con do for my frind 1% VWkly-Dec.10-17-24a"- Clialcedon. Southi oi the Dardanelles, ut'nkly ta lie hie friand. 1 lieve no the clty oi Ilium, on Troy, markel on wea!th ta bestow on hlm. If ho knows aprsad the Lught. the mapl i fthe Ulie oithe Persian thal i1arn bappy lnb ivng him, hliil If gais are ecquainted with ma empire, bl i Ippeened andl oves no al Wttno othor meovard. le not friand- noe. ,inti-oduce hlm to.yourhi9I on mapm o!fthe Ulies o? the Casoars. t stop divine tn this?-Tioreau. -Pliipis Brooks. e nns_--

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