CýOuNTY INDEENEN CNO. t17.mta 1 R'1LL E, LAKE CR TeILL.,n phesRIaYJMN R EL EN SM TII OimN£lty ike Waukega.nR N- DV ________ 9RÂ HE RS E L N AIHof persona who have been buuied IN 8 f f » 1 A uyla Police Maglsrate Tay Cerl A. PtanatIebI and the 200 loin f ront Christ church. IN- POCK e'I ir fà.t eeM Ct y Z vos- IIN A RILpidyeof Ie loctrical laboratory i LOSIES WN(i8k LE The floral tiue !amah n Idents gulty of violatiRg the cty or orth ffleîago entortainefi ach other f~.i. ldesa hypue nots as riten rom Chi ottabccoon ho ublc ~~éJ At4:3 P. M.Monay the nd Pa Sance b Hlgh- A4iANST DIAB LES home toelie laid on lier C. M. . Cr ftn 200 rm -h-fo Ilmn$0 P-M ody to y The Pranstiehl reidence ls a roomy mMiles an 1Amn&theplce0O Woman Who Signs Agreed to Pay $1,20__A___ttu "a to 6o al l*structure, but net, anfficlently large Mother of Messrs. Smith of Importance wero: MA beaan Hmul Ge.tsa The tire. mon fineil were: eioe o89eDil O her Laura. ALBERT McQUEZN-Vound gulîtyi Settle Cs Out of Court. tea accommodai. 200 guests. II For that1 Daily Sun and Independent Ajar"sent by nsCouny e e e ntREIDNew A)IdN REh' TU ItD ASD MO E . L. STIIAINS-Former garage BNIG C.PY OT Hall of them arrived M 7 o'clock and esauay7hpecsro ueW.RCtieMti 0 u uaDw à resident of Kenooha. Saonepr adl au hour te recafli., when the se- Workers. and the Reliekahe. The Go rm Saloonkeepers W .HL. Haggied tnd 'ephift"ttraggd in et 8 ocock AILING SEVERAL YEARS. m esago!f ympathy as expresed la o 1s O m n a e u v 1.6d wth ile111oui(MOf tayng nti smre sixty-odd floral tributeus hoVeit DebilS4flb o« TmOofIl> 01-1 1e b y D ah e 'W ti Otr M -fnd n e e n eut v e $ 1 0 A ilPa, y - H a 1 0 P i n tMi. ! st y n u t lt o a a re e d d e g re e t é e t s n u e a i s a e u t Her in Chicago. cut h th efcendas s we for A-ed oPa 1," e 1 p Mrs. Smith Had Spent Practi. wihMn m taheld. e i wid a e sR o f t h e m a n v i o s e c u t w e h e . v s c l é o a h r t a u i i h m e v a~ T h e e m p l o y e s * t . t h e i r o w fl c l i i H r L t e i o u t ic r . S m i tn Y h a d .b t f u l i - I o e t a i 3 e a n e o l j lmtUd ude u hatrial, 9o the attorney for the cty, At- nieteneher t en s o! it hesl s te2 rhea te tofurnist cueicfor Ali-Fuerali iSun yr".anmith eeor ha t fourmed quît Moe a Man eme letr e f GOun iued w a a equartets. The girls *ngsle"an r on Gov ws ecréI Arn. leW on F.e its, and ,Catmen, the four dfendants In the $20- several of the gueetl'gavemimono- HMf . ctsprop ea ersefor ons hlier uMedr-. taes ndcmxt~i lete lun A A Wlkrontie ites san.000 damnea action brouglt bY lr. logu. e aîttélssho ere r.ElnM mih lo fP a. ta alereorcryn irmr JSitOTusa i~i.Ts 1 la ba etr a d on ohad t e tchiotteovhénamied nhoyMrnprfre! aac marrîed onîy let %l, adnohve' . Smith and mother o! W. 3. and P. tai remie sto thoir lest reating plaei&mause iS.1rai eI 7 k, 10 vahrd Williams, and hll iddtcs téaoésaé lier terme o settiement and et 4:30fogtnho eusoth see. '»@ t ro Csie o. 11 a n te a t o voal g ie o ok or 'clock Mond aY afernoon tley agreed ere as m erry uasthsoffice hlep. and Lake CountY Inde plendent. di.. Pla ie ; M. U . H. Smitli, Franks 0. Tri- , 5- &. ih 0» 503110, > 1 das in ddrestepad toÎTWfin s ttiSeémen u !cut.Ti cinPlanstléhl vas aliOwdto furlah ré- Wàukegen, January 7, et 6 o'clock. isegan. AW mm.lO lt*odand le-id thouglit apsluthecsetoeay tgher iour as net taken untîl atter seven jur- freshmént, but nothing elae.. M a Her Paasing Marked thé lent!o a o iOdHighliand !Pmr'k aisé a nuMl. ile been steying teeet aea h ae ihrCII ras li e aelectéd. Crsmsprésent te em loyes. k vhlch dtd beck aotsev- îeeTeusKEIOIs #rom thie trend! of the 1 The défendants in the case vere. fnt h ae t ie m avérag n nYears Whou dialietes appeared BoIn - -letKOWOb -,Wilm At! sURTu OB KZIOL paur cent of theirIvsgnes.lier system et a daIlaa nva M IU ttI TStnsr, Robert, eondueto. - lf apeaite hie daughter for ~ F E1L ISAAC HIBLER._________ had previousiy been an unussially ro- W snioaiy Sio s ýýàa ait!fi vas impossible nr A PETER WEMBER. bout constitution. Tka:' ' *riti hats Wnetayflhi bS or ber brother te sent!liîm rTTON F A JOHN JANAS. R IÇJîTwo years ago eshe ousindcer A I hr OR Mrs Moran vas résent in court 15.dI4154Y54 M.ANYsenious attacis but fought fit off suc- S Y S I3 KU Y CblAgsloetaeu.~ % r buy ces] and1 provisions. M 609 D.h berefiN chuîdren. teldest i in l ésully and lever ince eh.elied com-; 4Aeir oetaen4,,,t Ibà 1tat lie go te Chicago "h"' bing e boy o!fl-thé youngest,= 11 aESO CASES INEM L I.LL cliatét!the ravages of tilae mysterlntls Sca S FRD1so s' w ack lIn aclford. bbe in arme. She esrepreséntéd M,<F RTM aliment for vhich tliere séema te o be £de mF. Go" listii0 Wilias ws pttig Larn Tht Tw Grwn flp huAttrne A.Thesa-no known curé. Off and! an sellvent Liberiatz l ato oxecution for visen lie sn iea oeadAe loonkeelers vere représentédt! y A~ofthe COcthén hcptlr f ete Mbut s oach, LiFarmyesMntituts m o thae lFokle, J.oupivymarchnt, io. athse AliguatPrye place Ale upotWoa. torneys J. G. Wélcli, W. A. ,Deané, shé relîler rentlrubuu a v Z aer'stl-ow Cufty 'ofl f,1a¶t Fowler. Me.Ha>, W làette Séqi;Grove. lie said lie vas on _____Arthur BulîleY. Mai Pyzylioréki adBle rm Oto h atel le andte! ________ , Cony n rda. oies,,M M B.Wli$ A w@ tiC111ag40- rye aMYs the County Judgé PersoasSeturday IN'. Ii. Neims. Thé latter attorney Th t so Many Cases Are er permittet! lier te énJoy her home cro imiýWute.A lm VeTIF muclieunder thé lu- m,)rning refused ta grant eanotier's replrésenta thé bondlng cornipany o!f an rm Dok nt! ber lite In géanéral despite lier ..The aid thoory vas te make tWO M afdk4ÇIe, »lnc oft iquer et the time. WI esof aln.Sophia, fleudrickson I vbicbthe saloankeepers are méais- iiéneovl ru té ucetcondition. biades o! grass grov vhere onte pv HsynRbu, lniL - tel.!W rye lie vas vorking for on th1e grounds that there la no goot!es liens.uvlfotetedc lwa nyawe ao ecl- foe"Si R .Siho Lbry ilMr,4 iGeo 810 - B eing Machine Company, reason uéhy elle shouit! réclve aIt!'Major Smiîl iehbd béén esked pré- o! practlcally ail thé criminel cases lier 30, thet elle vaiket! tuwu îoW.n. tvile.fli~reathé Kano County Forn. HopksuO ies, .ubbardi Wq@*S 1ý4 èIM . toemerly lie lid beenanaufrom thé caunty. It vas shawnvis s nvaaly ai, vhet grounds hé vouldth ieré ta mucli speculatan as ta Sheelied Chisltmas dinner vith ber! ers' intitut.etiGeneva Wlt!ay- "The H0-4W- , leG5e. ~ hrthoBingr SvlngMaciné hé videce hat bèr are ArosettIé thé case and after e conférence vhetliér on net maey et them evér son on Carry avenue ant! siteround! réelpoint la to make 2grvvJee ,oebson. filmer, Wiffmutio grovn stépsons steylng et home with 'with bis client aunouncedt iat $1,200 vlll corne to trial. 11. ls sure they gre eiltl hé tactta iroege eo.ly ae io JueLA.W1i Itd 11W. itEllsvorth Wieoi. vbo lins. Hont!nlckson. On. la 18 cnt! the lvas thé teast that vould hliecanait!- ylnto ted!et ibis terni o! court heaini lied permitiet ber ta pesa, blades o! grouas grov viso one KR*, Mm Jasmo.a » Wood besile thé rond! near allier 20 years olt!. ThéYoagér anc' cnet!. BRYniyluthé day on liont!yandet!If théy go over ta anothor tern i trougli thé holiday %eabougrvbefore. but asilil 1have c bard t tise hom*etL io %&W .~va hora. and lugiY la esnployét! but Mrs. Hendrickson attorneys for thésaloankéépera ten- théré are mauy wlio thlnk tliey vii It W" aietmidnighi St!a , .t îme alsing caille ant! covertiluif tulti a grenue. Higilà litlooket te hilm as If said eale dit! net kuov boy mucliledrt $.0,bttiavrfsdliétoPe uicl.Iay1, lbietoaisé as kefci iltatgrasfit, a profIt." M141ej?1, ThetasNsa t ain n. n>InIde le tepet cnna Tioother on».. It .i.veiops.a vrl tusveesé by th. se- 'Simply becau batéyh.ve bee" 11. Bité became e si.tinlj' eak, lir. SIi. diiId zo, M L7 A - %il r vLt!ant! toppét! the lbore- lius flt beén employet! In tva monible loonkeprs tiscussing vhetliér or atrlckcu train thé dockét vtt lavéand relatives&fetoithai the critlcal e-bé oaiefrmroihemc . Mlky îtesCu~ etri à* mw thé crumplet! body o! a cîthougli hé says ai home ant! cioirsnot tliéy voiilt!pey ovér thé addition- te rèluatate doua net méan that théy teck vhich tliey bat! fearet!, bat!or cusse tmdt!lemcn. Hé ventallternune. Wlimste *fu t lppet th ne bat- bis manier ta provIde forIli. Thé aI $100 or go to triai. It ls under- bavé béén dismisset!," States Attor- rIvet!. Shé grev vorse ant! nalythe enie e ooiomtc aystem o! lb. Meore, EIIl, Gincée, 8iÇmwk tance. court sugacastedt! tat If thèse ivo stoot!filet the bonding company paît! ccv Dady asertet! today. "'They have on Wèdnèsdey evening lapsetfille, Unitedi States. Opponwuec. m U*oeUi - À acie.!asis aneu!thé bady you.og mesn oult! work as théy msght li lbut $300 or $400. Tht-y aceét! een stricken train thé dockét for uuconscioanesa, not, liovever. betore 1 'I've vonderét! sometines vhy 1i1Perrine, - ; injwMf aoit a vois . ff oetie a enearliy bar-n. Dr. J. ta thet 'Mra. Hcnt!icksan vouit! have ecb O!thé saloonkéepers ta psy the urne being sa that tliéy may b l h at!roused up ealîtfle sat! saIt!coult gel but titrée cents a quert for bodyî eud!hond; 92000110141M h. T&lAw vas summonet!. but lié emple support vithout caîîing on thé $100. Tvo o! tilentconséntet!. but Ilt o h a n iintcutrgoly irIié os M. L. H. My milk. 1 vas toldIt t as thme - R.dolh, Arthur, Wtm5imk fo!tmm ,bitlite vas exinct. Théelre- county. Ila sait!thé other tvo nfity refuset!op the docicétWe clau havé thém Smithb eing préent with thé onier dléman In (Chicago. But nhie mflk- Rudoloh, Mms.Arther,.Wlanetba. - m&S vue removedt!etathe Treptow Boy Provos Surprise. ton a limé, but inaliy agreédt!a10pay rfepiacet! on théet!ocket vhenéver we tva. W. J. and! F. G.j man bas te pay $20 a week to bis SOhold, MI». futh. '70 Itoi"s avif & aW, m ndrtaking establishmenit Norman ,leyers o! Lke Foréat, $50. Thie othéra. fitla sait!,lied t dsré." Lying lu an unconscloua tate aelledriver. I undérutant!. He bas to ride.-ne lnta Set uboti'#lle b carget! vithiteng a deiins boy, makte up the dIfférence, jIl reply ta e question Mn. Det!y vas gîven évory possible cars that On street cars cnd! buy provisions.: ,mth, J.-C. TW WITESESTETIY.prvé! ssrnle olythlAnthony Mbren vas sent te prison Saidt! itre yl hé sa févcriminel a-trainet! nurse eut! iovlng hands There la $3,000,000,000 inveatet! lu Smiths 1M11111111084 boao "DOM biy alcobollatu vwas thse ver- Judgéand stat5'sa ttorney, but ta&Ili severai monthe ago t0 serve au indle- cases taelié trlét! et this tortu o! court couit! give t.0 lier eut! vhilè shé put rtreecalîéinAelanaiont Otsra.Mi. ah?.4. diat ~ ~ ~ ~ alir ,tre!Fi!yetnonyté ln5conceruet!. Wbén lhefins a terminate sentence o! from one ta 14 that ut vouit! net lié worth vhite te up a bettie for lite that estouishet b. cul In blitai! ndt!hesrare et @.A,&venue, Wlmet*. oomsjury vhil#Ijusestitied in- erraîgnét! tn court lie smoket cîger- yerB. He bat! made a murdenous taie up a cati. le says there may thosé vito attendeS lier, it vas roi-cordingly. One conceru manufactur- &Sui t!ll ephiS, SMfnb té he eet o!Edard Wiliams vbo ette5 eat! assoclatét! vitlibat! coin- esseuit on bis vite vll eith ammer. hé ouiy one or twa criminel cases izédt! ltisellecouit net succestuily Ing foodstuifs lu Chcago pali $à.- SiUII.,Csom. tse thea.!eat! l af uggEnotbo! peny. Tt vas shovn that lies o long- Soon aflérvard bis vite startet! thé triéS. stey the fiuai sumamons very long. 000,000 lu dividende. Alil 1h15conserf street. Chicago- [eeg Gril evé Th ur gg y tnoi.Thé er smo'aes and! las Improvet! lu se,-$$20.000 suit, dlrectet! against thé four Wlli thé Wésterlleld case lie ré- Teesix. "m ste lckarckot ftere rra agsount.is . lbo.!. i O . P 10 a« inli a s bwu t li y Coroner J. L.Tay- oral cither respecte. Hé vas réleasét! sloonkéepers. cliargiug tlat thée Itied!? lie vas askét!. SIX. 10v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t libsofc nuletvié ny tbs parents until turtlsér ordér o! quor Iléy lied soIt! ler busliend lied "I mut set'." vas thé el. bt Het! lis. Smithli Ivet!utlJueyt3 oîi$5000000 h on tsM let tue h»Isses er eéexamiiet!. but thé court. esuitét! In bis conidition. Plié charget! 4 tisisk il likeIt' ibis case viii go evèn 16, shé vouit bavé beeu 65 yeers aI tiry coult!h ticrlîroat! for hall o! tisati Thlhty-six -jsesaOnmver tëro iertestimony lieré seemét! lit- ByBnisU. *aisoeiliat théy bat! dèpnivét ler of vitistethé llers. Ilsewise thé LevisPlie lied hééuen vit!ov about ton amount. Eveyitoty lias ta ey bs rulet. n.!oUerIselu > ne. deubi but that alcoliolietu causet! Anthony Jorlus, John eut! Anthony ber hushauda tsupport. Moran wIs lBrown case la ta go uver." yéars. Toelira. Smithi vere boiresitar@ o! that. Thére are public uu.il-1: 30 P. M. Jau. 0. wvisséa eni Us ts.t o WllasiHévaa Mar ecellus, tersuet!thé boy blidts lié- brougbt hre train Joiet eut!vas Thé statémeut that thé Weslenlleîd four sons, aito!fvliom survive, niefitles veluet et $100.000.000 lu this Chicago. & Mlwaukee eaih4 the Tétt of aboutams.yées ait!. ceuse o! thir dépredatIons hère, preparèdta tetestlty ton bis vite In casé probabiy viii go uvér le aten ta threé aboyé ménlionet!, o! Waukegan, country that shout!liého onot! by thé bount!off t.se sha Tie membes o! thé jury vre: ere eraignét! In court iis morning. Case tih é saionképes at! gaule te men, lit many, that It never vi l iebc sd Chenes E. Smith o! Des Plaines, peol.me t t- p uli ré d a r, nd ho u U AM 1_ý IL. P. Schnceee, forernen. but thir case vas continuet! ta Jeu ,trial, brouglit ta triai again. fi la saisi c Notliwèstrnu engluées-. "What the déparît o gicI1 Tho car vas traveling ati m uary 15, et 9 ociock. Jaclus la tîi- thé staté's attorney iresénit! thse Mrs. Smithi vas a sisten o!flira, lune shouit!duola la maire BlOf a! peet!. vîtuesses Mî! id, ho i »k * J. . Trép .In thé custody ot Misa Ida Himusci- ~J' strougest caséelie couit! eut thé dis- Ileury Hérusar, wbo diet! hère sev- prectical usé ta thé fermer. Thé Sec- thé curve in the truck at Wblfm * .W.Tlp.reîcli, theé bumané offices'. îKLIALIATION IS agreement o! thé jury la saidt!et havé eral yéars ago, aieflo ire. John P. retary's report Sya that thé dopent- avenue. D. E. LlSage.yWright Sent la Asylumn. I~canvînceti hlm ihat anothen triailiMaxwcetlid ra. Thoeéa jahnoton ment la maîntaluét! et a coat o! $1,-1j Wîlboui vas'ing t turne.! ovg4« D.E i. n r y, Normal EanI Wright of IBeachi vas CiRi ~ Y L wouid hé no more succésaful. Of Chîcegu. 000,000 annualit' and thet hli as 16,000 befane thé passengera couut! àïý,. . alo ilg a co n o hé l qu s rraignet! In coun t court te test is C A G ,jN E D R 1 Th é Bro vn casé s th é one In hic b Born near Bostan, Nass., Ellen employ s. Sa ftanlit las onfI 'i t! Is ienescape utf i a. oglil ira aae i Ie tolwna iccords oftCoonqer sanlty. H113 molier tesîfilet!ta théeS.C SS ItC S rovu, e cotoret! man), la clargediliorèn camé veat vitli ler parents e.tlvtléa éhiéfit' !9,y distrbutin prlt h lvsoi U S fort trhaouétndtbas épllptlc lits tre- V .L S AR C S vitb thé murdér o! anothèr colorèt! when she was a éhild. Thèt' Iocated 'snovicdge. Carl Vroomau, assistant ceughsi lus thé tre jugut Peoo tn final. Ques- iuéutiy. Shé aise laid o! lis irra- mans on thé rifle ranjge nt Camp La- néar Vola, Lake coutt'. anS et ber sécrétant', eYS tata thé depertmént Mayproaweatit h ttinnel acté. léiest thé youug mans SÊTTLE FOR $300. gais Thé jury vhlcbhéliard thé écu- mans'iige aisé movedto nt that baulet lias seul ont 36,000.000 circulera. HowacietlyhérLio!is c lio: Wie di! ysîlint se hia w las rmn away an masy arocsons. Waakegan, Jan. Il. deucé falièt! ta agrée. wliere Ibet' residd!until i ley movét! mnt' alinéa o!firet! vouit!these cîr- théeaema !ne tepasseugerni WM -. Auavr: About 12:15 Tisuradat'Thé Jury fourni! his insane and hé La'ier 1his atternoon an agreement SoainItèreat la fs'tl luthé sînik- ta Mci-ièury. Theylilvedt! Ibre for cnlers butter. Théet!épartmeut mueallbe rIedo un uso ui. Slo ped li fr nt ! m ta tu w a a rd ret! com mîi to- th é insane wassreached w here lis'th é plaintif! &et- lg r am th é doc st a! th é G eorge Il. s veral years and ln 1987 m avi lt 0 a do m ore o n th é practical term er on la0,Stpp n ro t m Sfrai! u i li.tldtecas out ofcourt for $30 tMrrisla ecasé,. John apfe u- Wuegnwhicb lied sincé beenth'rthétre iscm é hé i-m. - Byrn C.fStl mt bn. Mt Ukui houtsand 1 wt t 01 0 t O'Ke"The IVatîkasacamtheir thétarrn o théIcn. opadD.Mu'a hé hall came fraie -W',sucauda ad cnt idi Cases Dismnisaed. damagés. Mra. Preder had held up perîntetislnt i 1tiséRails-.ct! Mens humé. h see butvis- ýrr. S i Thé casés of Ileurt Néisun, aclIied for $500 but finally contentet! to so- borné aiIltighiand Park, cherget! thit \lrs. Smith vas a mushér ot thée 8ufthIis country muaI do saime beant!inking iis: usy ai oleadintan o.Rcat lrg. cept $300. Thé court intructét! thé Mtarsu made Ilsleoîîè tateménrsé Fpl-,cpaI churcl. was a méember f liard headédt! hlnklug. Eugiend ilé Dr. Sonde vas crediiet! bY ta vn ac a lu iln'tj-Ii , tI)rouctî n t! go- c support casé. and Harrison I.oorniý, jury ta nturn a verdict ln accordanc abojut hir n l a panilîblet vhicb w jq te Wouans Reilef Crssdaloh'a teîisg t tlu lie re t o aedofthelraaciet.îi bft lug ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ubt hat aCi .tPét l a e dpndént cisc. ait wrs. r- o ewitls the settiéernt. écit out ta rnxsny ré i'nts a! 11gh- ofthlite aukegau Iodge ut Reijèkabri. ight bécaurie silo liasuttkncn onéo h ciet tulied j -j 1,j,'vidhlcen tt poflmaotincf the staSes cterneS wun'!I le s. e 1ýlr Pr.Th uv lsgr t fhr ig i iidor theavtmo! peues-, ThéaecesivbeU s~t !li S" tood Oa ' g lther Casea. is-s lii' r--xt casegp on railin 10crcjsiit tins' nio tr. OKe-e ainoaned tint SONS vvERi1-oPLLBEAE RSfl n 'tfgl o h ytmo nr1Teecsie do b î tlsétu. Chéries Fulirer, atl.'ge'I tori ied jjî j i t. Il ca-i e w-b'rin l r-"hoswojîll aékihtii-thje-case blied t h ted i jrlxjîjrai ut thé late Mrs Eute ?1101]q fortue ostrl ltiweté' observét! by e number oe4til~ Fréie tilped linsiola scalteat! gavé linqort, was oerl tr'su.r.td -s i, s ixig , -eP -- .liii idans- jîves- aa irs.St M. iwaq iid Suiiiiiav ai 2::10tha, !iIj *îjpti-m ipon. M'are sdrift-,itvbwo vere returning front a bim -cup o rtj., -s lied for Sawv bluco!, i h 'j-,al h é t hate rttoti lit'P alook'j fs ' sc , ,r-oi'automobiilisitesi , sîla jé i oin- it crn taheu isétiretrY e hotenuonCo Myl« létivon F-oj- rst j-illuit se fa u' ti ir, cojîî témoles uttrI nes0' j' r, ljéi'jr ýan lt, ' it-siljdruxini arj id Atul ESSOR 'LOSES THE 'i, j iiri ié iss iî'i ' -rilisi ta crtiy oa l atéil'd couru -r j jj -,c n- anijourls SIGHT 0F ' HT EYE. t1'a).î I)v fr1nl'of tthéet jîîljr-ton 'vjésiot a tsnius'nbut a coIlezé 'e ln dprmente trom blÉ ~ -tet! Ciiell i~ jriitîti asIThe ias o T1iiStiiii' f I ' i - a r ' i- s'i rj . c r.il-vt. i j ii il , ' l ic is ii: I st r'isr ,tis cvrd . anîtît' 'lt - i nt I'iitihsri' n oodrti r-i's, tn ndul iiblame ltte weecle -" s a d O , toi i vo e ai j j Park r jrwiial s cio. j f i -jI " ls-1ili ti- I 1') cv ii1 ui-l. r jI tarissu ,7.i c til tii rp Ii , eittir t" SS'- s h ta lh Car s he o i 70.~ i riI -1 ilnij f r ,I ii j, , ,yi ilotri ii waaul tiE. io évè-,as el a - ' Ft - (miani pisin -la r stC s-12.i e ls1oirx 1ist' l I ',It re il -t ', ' Ci i a1,. :I. s1 'j' r i ij1cu l"I î oitsj Il, lei, --.sr li i i -ijijils(Itsand1 j' Sii-t VhiSIi 1lts-i Vidtij t tI M laiit a$ cr n t toiii a ffl etIle llss to'W tali. \~ié rrîrîx sîtail ~ ilCi i tOSlr" i i , -jir' I j e - ' t-* - i j'i n r t lii .xr' ' ji' ',.i I -r' i iii' îtstlijrt .jiri 'iilrîiîs T osili - Ita, Jiix lIs' *, i sîst or-r'tira, __itl li tiandasI t trnetir Casu selél ue-