11'-. ei eg iig vi obeiInoid tbe, le :t~t t'Oi'e. Tbey .Am, uniqule îwb~ ~Piy hve bee»> piaüned, Weî,leume tbey'otr [fý nmdsiof w ite gI1nent, ad' Ueïr , ,mvttes. tcin,npot -. ftctic amlvo euta o witerstocka, by the nieans of uiase your <~ M. 's, a digni4led panby h hwe abaim rgývm witb every 10e >rch&M d1< ýut.Tey are re eexnable 'à» tifoe k- l" *1mb wn. iais andelsy '110 li ýIn- 1901[ Alarge ausortie en'& stylbub. ahoes -frein brokiiUn ne h es tlt3 ribbou tniýn9;1 - ri siýd ub The c wom an who b",', b Weil rewaî4ed,.for the prçe, -did sye f I I. Broken limes'o! f iien's.9 oalim s- Short- in36 lengtb OA»i* o0Gdwe MUiO calics ni llfltît d 4rè O&an& cdueldarai ie« m »ersod le in-r oI and eoui rhite Oif AiSuit3 lR44 buya uitatthis c1le=rneé sale, will be aeextreme, an i h armqpta of spien- $1ts Fotmerly 5d.4té $1.0 à th iasortnent ire "ute Of jàaniMis, serges ahid broad- ( 9 .tailered qutilities, ncl %Mloed 6»dailk lined; nvvy, litrown, green and pl ....... i1elt ail "and wne l ar i & varied asaort- ne4of- modelb;, velveta, = or;values to -$2500; 1 ~suits tUnt baveéopxe Iw ighWst priedaart me. IBeauifiy aeàin]1f .4 cf tue i eetvlvetso Â%A,*tsofet nateriiilfor iniin&'wWear apd Womeidran e 36 inches wi4e; exeel- lent 1jj> 4alue, yard 14c. fineOrm lired; mkesthe dailntiest enta 36incha wde;12-yard boit, oth12 Yards $9 qit~sed ferthev,'ery finoat à." ittcbes wide; 12-yard bit,$98 jâh-pigyadê 22%c ~ièê~thOai èt ta' f 4 4p~I1 baf d g*..ea aeep ls sheeta that ,$9;'Mmsg 96 Inàhes; salerie 'j tatou avydubldga- troua finish; 7 2 - iâ- iches wide;", $1.25 grd;d7 Extra'fin3 Jiheavýy udèr 1e 18 biches ide; bleaced., with MOTedbode; i14 yard .....4 Velue,y %. inches ide O 72-inh re2ui muak in MW 4p.d t"dem1gus;A, Flua w»y weight;double é uea,prcd eaeh ....... 14x28-1 bbi ed' huek towels red-border; sa price, eci deda, soi. O~ttn ? d Ismkta-hisblaiiet f orme eof t1ie hepiinattmectoni of t *el al~eSae Plai grey or colord plailb Jb fleeced nmd bave a fine woo1 finish; 'aize 66x80 inches; actual .*2.26vl-' ues; per pair ......................... Gotton Fissed Blankets' 'Sc 'These ane large- ime and *the. sort that tegularly sel for, $1.00. IHeavy oottoi ec edgei; eolored bordera, lxpIf7U.. MATYRUfl PfOTECT*ke-uado bu fuiq I*, ObIm .4gu .Pul that eomni beet $2.00 v, t4ve 'W"k new, . ( INPANTS' V«$"S AN*II llSI yq vAu t ... 158 I*U and e goar rim 1 . . . . 4