Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jan 1916, p. 4

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4Cflt,(dWn/~ ««e...4ffuqide augr hoan ý4 pmdmt ofu". L* m ntrarmers, ààd ~t tmd the Î&-' 40Mday. , lb îet b.eoaUmm fo e ma auappw.-"tiie ounmty ould . rmeto Uppoet t». ysarly lu- ~~Zf se mnucàb bneât l heii leu nam peclaDy good one aud s v ombor rnttae fm maugtoi,, talc- wu tobe eq te o utaUn sami aq!" bu hem Of -bIooded Guer hm ie t. bw Mmd .. 0feit cnfdet hey s haiýtuam ffl to e b.aunued u much u iV twMmI l theLake oouty uchool This w# ** o,am ut by tihe sp.rintend- OMbIu. p*md eut ulttiort utethe bust ~I*upI but th - teachers tiiemuelves,1 "eo.. Hor lu ont tuat thwu XWM totachio s d b. devot- lbat tbey may eotrid o hm ds, we wish we liad the abilit 'a en the **uJct, MOTI . ith bé odIor aMd tii, masgér of The. id a lma whtch w"da emot de- wu lamue.tat i thi orro'w re *Wuhgoas timabors, that ve Rodag of; our Mlm. ouruMother. m tbtero btidre;n d home, milia mutr. r Alecosuntr farmr =egttl - a t tt butm=thd of banding If us l. uuof he mihi a *obd tise m*wUDg-theym1d packs I~ê~OmIsbmor>*ton. teis of 'Ç m lh4t's for thir ofr slh- ~ nrappt*dbia tte f forti ibishouedp oui ftormion os %W.hadilm oa lb. val Ou mao m a iao t oucfuloeu .t tu i -jp1m isi dp usloubeqî~S aMost easy liii ~ih.tWr. &U juat mou admit- Miu mi 1oui m Ur. Nuimu cnu ai» àt lumoi e ailover te. Im toos UZ mmd W' mm ~~ Ombrst qumb&th*sirdor Imbune . "0ato Ia imofdao turn fo vae. h- bau beena sort à" tud timr latldltc bgà bae oumédI ties fpm tbse * for ttoidm-y.t tboy 9 slom 1» ubïiàaubs Bar Ouot irbo Ioquit*eBsk la elovly L is..40o. frey ot Wiliuult., spenl bMtuaian d Soudai at the Guyot bouse. Mmr. ry BSkvull, roened from' IWIIU,~à~,8.IO4.~ I*re. a, a i. Hele" Wright ha. «ose laMet Lauiq to lb. homu. of lier brotber. Witt Wright, 1W slay for a moni. lMr. Wright -abo ls he prosideal of the National Stock Yards National Buaaa Mait Met Louis. >1111 vltb bis, vwIf. maks 1 àtrip 10Cuba, and MUlm Wright vii Lmanage Iheit home durlng tbeit absence. Prtdzy .veulag..&aauay 14, Acme camp No. 176 M W. A., vili gtve thoir annual manque baIllst thes Uburtyvilii Audttorium. Tbls dance lasîae lookesi torvard 10 an thbi g social evont of Ibe year bi ail Wooditinand tblr frienils. The musié >*Iill )frulshed ls Bapke'a four-place orchestra. Ticket. are 75e pet couple, Wl aspecta. toa 25C. 1"- The snnai m1ckbolderg meeting af the Firet National Bank va. lu the book'@stronemTuuiay attem-oon. Tb. entir. board af directors van reetd an voeer. .officrs of tb. batik. The dtîeetom eeeced are: Attoruey B. B. Miller, Dr. J. L. Taylor, J. H Gridlpy, Albert Sauer, Wm. Wslruud, Fred b. Tis.amd Getbatd &Jsreck. The officers re.el.'cted are: B. B Miler. presideal; J. L. Taylor. vics.preaid.ut; J B. Iridiey; aa.blr;e Q Grillsy, asisteut casbier, LRarry O. lleer,aelnetant ca@hlot. Lamî t Prly mori'nng Jas. Ralpin, driver for Dr. Taylor, vbo van exerclia the. physicien> botses, sud J. A. Graves, 1 bo van rlding witb hlm, met vltb a very bai aciJedt when the bots. h. en. t rlgbl.nsd at a paasingr auto truck. A. th. bots. stsrted lu run theo ueck- yoke broke, allowt..g lie 'pois ofthIe buggy tri drop ta theo vound, upoetlthe buggy and threw both men Wth îe gronnd. lir. Halpin van on bis teet lu a moment altbougb b.e vas badly braisai and mbakeu up, but Mr Graves va. knockéd unronpcious sud lie vas biedlng at tha moutb sud noee. Pbyal. V .. w.T-0 "W,,i eocllod tand Dr. MartIn 'bh. unly doctor lulotun a1it te L ime, arrived sud examinai lMr. Graves. R. ai uaes nos hlm ta bis home, vbrre Mr. Oraves rnmgslueonelousneo. In les% than hall an bout. Or Gravesva. alo bailly buuised aboutc tb. body but no boues ver. brotes. Be la repotted to ho getting along nicely. INIATLL OFFICERS 0F EASTERN STAR WEDNESDAY Wedueeday ulght the Llbertyvlle Chapter No. 488 Orde Eastern Star beld s Publie, Installatilon 01folficets ai the iudge bail la the Pi-t National Bank bolldlug, about Ivo bundred memberes of th, o der and tbett ttlande beiug promeut te vitne.s tus beantîtul Installa- lion csrmony sud the flue musical pro- gram givon. Uts, battra N. Taylor van $»e Instali- Img clfficor, Mu-a. Addle G. Ellsworthb vap lesialling mcareall, Ors..Auguste Loveli th. ln@Mallng chapliansd Uts. Fiers Durat! lnetailag organist. As lb. clone 0f lb. program o01 mugie sud recitallonmsu11preeul vent actas. tue .to». te 1h,Éarm lilie bal. viiers ais "lboralsbanquet va.servsd, arly 150 ts& placéstthe ibefisables. The Installation and lbanquet vwu tb. bflt .isocial Prousias earledont b.r. tas alomg lIme. The follovlng were intalied: D"ly Morse. Worihy fMauron. UgprCoorasiî,Wovly Patron. UmasCorImîl, Aseoclals Nstn, JeunelI; Wilson, recrel.: tl'brttua Kera, Trea.urer. Rubj Treplow, Ooqductreee. lim ayMu.Anociéte Marthha Ghevor, Ohipla. Gelrtrude laudoul, Ma"iaI. Loin blaitockm, OrgauInI. Blamnc iKmbati, Adab. Baccio bond, Ruth. Violae euvood. Eslher. Nell@ aplou, Ma-lia Itioda Pomdlk, dtca. Eva Mas-in, Ward. floavseitDoonu, omtiDC. SPECIAL ABSUES8MIIIENT NOTICE Public notioe la given liai the ieth lmtaliusuî 01-OPMclalAsmmenut No., 2 cUBa of Ubouly villa, sued tlis Cl luoàâIlg"nti 01 spéuial AeummenlNo a 99uuld sillm eare hoti du aned ayable mt esuof the.VilflgeConletor la 11!q Lu..building. 17cR 14w .,H.Morris, #VillageColecter. REWARD-11l2lioffored fur Iuformation loadlpg teothee uwirtctoi of lb. person orbe robbd tie retlns, 0f H1,L.11all, borth of LbberlyvWle, on or aboal Thsuksgting. 1c PrevlFlugfor puy Day. amvomp am ie oci stuniayute "0" bmu- fI la Psy dv. *gai le O&MM agu kki vaffl mq mlahlg DULLIETIN. Reproaentativea Of th.esttomobll. feInrvIliclha#l tion -siokmigt Oina r th.eaemi- lin£gOf 11Michrles have sont word t. t*6 neewbers of the Comm»eal Olub ler.elau 'Frdday ;htlMun. 40 ,t ta SIIPP ttanes. panywuthéii. he.- mary 1»4 nUsd building. Ihast the PtOpOsltliwould 'hosciiàod ".Y 000.. Tey .1*1.4 thatîîhle -ecemsari contracta wO;uld b. drawn 'Up at once and it la Possible lhat th. papOrs viii b. rmady for Çonsid.ration et the n.xt Meeting of th* Corm-nmrcial Club whlch wîli b. h«Ild nt thé Mmouic Hall Mon. dey night. il Ie sald thse company propose$ te operate the factory hors on a large Mcl. and that many mon would find.. .mployment et 90CIFas$the fietory cari b. put ln operation. Thm comýpany I. id >0 b. anxloos la get tart.d nt once end vilii os. no tima in getting the deal cloa.d u>p lhould 1h.faclory b. started haro. t vili he th. e tn and quickest deal the representa- liv. buele.sp o hav, put through là y, Ladd 1h.brlnging of the f&CtorY lhtre wyul mean coniderable ta th., village. Laut IIrlday nlght lwo ropr.s.ntativesl Of ba utomobiles couceru er, bore tramn Mlwiaukee and met a Duumbr of the mnembers ot the Coummercial Club. r'h, gentlemen Put op a proposition te iocm.e à, feCturY boe.providod the club îcald provide lthe cumpan'y witb suilsiae buildings. Seversl ofthle club mombere, beaded bY F. . HJ us, maie a couintor proposition ta the gon¶JLemen sud offered tu Purchas ethe@Bain bJ*actory bulld- tnps sud give the factory tre uoseofuthîe buildings fur a number of yeare unîil oncb t'm, a. the tactorY wiBsi]au aeurs.d sucees vwheu the buildings would ho turned tiver lu tbem. No tunîber action van taklon lite motter. 10H1EI«>CERY AND MARKET SELLS OUJT On Saturday to W. Neiob, IL'. pro- priefor oftheb.Modal liroSr.3 sud lMarket, mSuli@ îenlîrsstock sud the Bitunres ot the @tore 1tutre, business buses doiug a fllke basin... bore. The marchants wio tormed the. pool sud bougit tie goods sud lRtures are %ni WalroDd aud tbo firme ut Trigeo & Tay lor sud Corlett & Fredetlcks. The Model store vanciaseil up atier busines, bouts Satu r. day nlgbt and tbe marchants bobk puseeselofotheb store libuiday mornîng. The place w1ili not houe r-opeuied for bnlss by thase marchants an tbey wil dlvld, the. stock lu the near tuture sud lbe Bitures-are for sale. The reason lit NoleL solid is business je tbalt; or severni months 08.1 lb. Armant Paukinsii Co ban beau holding a Position open tut hlm et Iheir Racine brancb shicb le said to ho more lucra- tive than the tununng Of a store,.lir. Nelsh bai] rasigned a very tood] position vîtb the Armour peoDle over s ysar ago lu putchalle tbe store boe.thon con- ducled bî fi. L. Solt. He eujoysd a guud Patronage but lu ordor lu take nop tb. Position which lho once laid duvn b. bai tu oeil sud oeil qusck.The businoss mail wbu bouétis i@stock sud Batures uilleraid 10 do 00aeaI laioice ptles u d tbsir oSfer W»a acepwe. Mr. belmb tbrteil on bis duties vllb the Armour brancb lu acla. iMondai, uuorang. ne tormetir Aas avaluai employe.0f ube compaay, bavlng tison vlîb the Company even Jeare betore ho res1110Ina. taport la buoineslfot blussif ber@ OVer a yest ago. Reports ene, eard Mouday thal T. A. Reynolds ban rented th@. building 10 ho madevaanot by tii. losing of lb. store and th&% ho wouid remov, bis stock ot gent'. funablng frttm hi* Prenatljca- lion a4 sonon anthe Coude vera removesi tram the Model store. Mr. Reynolds vW" asked regardilug lh. report just hêoor. ho isft lotP lorida vlth Mr&. Reynolds on MoudUJ mornlng end ha dnled uhat %boe van y trntb la lthe report, NERCANTSDEL ÇA. ELECYS NIECORS MI OFFICEES The stockbolders of the Mrhant» Deh-vriug CO-.4A ibeîhrtYville hld hbir avnal umtig s lb. village baulun douday .veulng sud eleeted the follow. tagdlrectoretfor toyar: Wjn. Wairond, a a. Triag, B. a. Orliet, a. B. Rpgr sud Lysl 0. Morri& The board of direciore juet Cbounntlbn *Islitd the tolovlmg Officrs 0othle Pre.idnt-Wm. Walrand. Vie-Pre.dnt-R. 8. Trige. Sectatry and 'rsa.urer-Lyeil a. Morris. 1%9 Morchaute Delvrlug Co. ban bild a veÉry Isussaul ar. havlng pea oa 4lîvldeud ut six Ver coul on le stock. Tb coM pauyéov_ as - gb_- ago l oiVILLA QFLi5 VYIu =~lPtw IÀ*tu . vio f~ oiîoe ,U5UIDrîàeillgs. a.1015.ià neo loid.tin. Mtn inlaboueprmoný, Pdorts.otfruîêm Lakue tunt wovasbru la Torke, CiinrBrmae iu.Au En~, d.Apîi 1,1836, sud 1pu0u,10%V 1 . 1 fa Iti home 0f he danght.lire. Thé inlUtes 0f ttMtIvgUIST Diet- Joa- Lves,, e usrivne eavil tl -it rowl aud appqd on-mot" Weids*ymotning, Jaa 5, 19108. ReoftTimiand Sua.. vas 80 joare o of'.all, t theime Novai bv Colline and Boua.leiai lish of his deatà.. malter 0f bowilie lile icm ous.b l t lu le ~ai 157 t. olsu va uu the l 150.. 091millee.., artied. ID mylap10 les arih Whle-wbi -The areanorer's andelrk. revorts 010 iiidn dîaIn Euimand s a s on« W..'TOan d suditOd byhlb.the nam Çae,. a lista. peet 20, ypare of M., b. eqmmitt*ee and cptud onUmotionl or élAme 10 .the Unhito eteà w wtb hiUgo! sad Tti. wblctr urried. Young bçtde sand qsathde'i. vre.*î Tb@ foiiowlug bilde wve.rebd snd townabip, vw.reb.e dis helb. teraadtG by the àBaSa.conlstte and paît of bhi Ietlme and wbere ho*won rdeffl ald 'on iploion of Tito@ and we-il kDOwD sud bail a large cireie of Suai.: Iriende, moet of wbom bhave pamsd on Publie ServiceCo.,powerflcî. 29 beotoebié tuon<. a........................ 862 M1 fietll having pasned away ia 1870, Oeo. Trigâ-. etreet work .......56 25 ho won ugain unlS.d la marriage tùtire W. H lituder, mrvejlng .......... 575 Dors Branids, ubo precoded hlil indesah W. ID. Decker, book ................ 80 atbout il 3.ars &go. Lakt Co. P. & P. Co., prlntng . 2 50 la the hume oftheb degoaed nic, Lyrie restaurant, luceh............ 80 chidren wer. born, seven ot wbom sur. Jý T. Deavis, draying...............i100 vive 10 mouru th. deparînre. uft ir A Nagel & Co, eewer vork.....162 50 laIner. Fun ou a Do tbre. auiihiore. National Me! Co. repaire.... 8 1( Tituson@UDaie: Thoe C. L.tof Wiaal. leuî Ioilg. on., repaire .......... 6 0 Win.; JubaD H. LoItue of kHalneenvilîs EEtI. Gorlett. fexp. and stanipe 6 à89 Bejtmin J. Lutu tas o ryelake, and J Lester, Police..................... 40<> Wuà. Loitus of tChicago. Hie daughters A. Kicbman. Dec. eaier........65(0 art: Mrte. Mary Lssroeo Libuîjvillls 1). Lmberry, imec ealary .....650oo wiîh whom he bas Wotle hie hunte for irempu Dec. salsry .............. 21 01) t. paet four>oas; tire. EHaîrivtThomp. An ordinance amendiug the ire lirait eon uf Waukogagi. and Jare. Rouee!Nord. ordinance wasttaad. Moved by Eger meýer of Wauconda. snd 14mai, thel ordinance N'u. 274 ho lit. Lattas was ouggoed lu fariug in pansed as resd. Mion carried ail Fremuit towushlp tbe greuter part u of rîfg aYs. hie li. He as a ujan of quiet and lioved bY Salis eand Colline thât the tetlrlug habiteansd bîgbly osr.aemed, 0supee111afcolutructillg lb.exteunsiof eepecially by those Who kuew bhlm bots. theeaitsrY eewer e3stem aun Stewart i. wàs baptimed in the (thribtian Isîith ln A... tfront a poiut commeuclug Bet the the Emtabl.ebod churcu of iruglaud as-d 91 iibole lu the! ofHStwart Avei. wu& a morutirlun thât doLiumlnat&6n la' lb. intertectIon of South Park Ave. unili h. came ta thie cduntry ethen ho.trtaherenilug eoutb oue bundred Itoquantiaîîeuded tLe Congrega!tLin a eentY feel, hb. anewaud agalutet the. cbu,eu at loambo.. Proiierty beuefi ted as flilo we: Iroeneveral years ho boad nul been yry Lot 1 Crime sbdavlsonu........$28 00 active. btcause of eult-ebled heallh afiuortth 50 test of lut 1 block 3 Olten feeling thut moet ail ut bis Ula Kuebkere sîîtbdilion.........28 00 neiitbbore bad iRoue un belote hum. ho Lot 10 block 2 Ballard'. euh- lmit t.511i sud reocucîd tu the comiig division......................... ..... 56 ot deatb it, anou time and ai laet wbhru LoiS block 2 Bullird'oputdivi»iun 36 60 drath beckoued, ho tell tutu a calui sud Lot2bwock 2 ltsllard'sesubdivi..lon 3660 uudieturbed elumber. Anuât aishonid theowovur or owuars - of lot 2 B. J (Ijnos subudivisiou and Il, CARO OF THANKS owuer or owners oftheb.50> tent souhh ut W. desire to expreesounr beartfeit and adjolinnît he uffth 50 letut lot 1 thanks tu the nmauy trieude aud uelgh» bluck 3 Kuetkerà subdivision ove! hors for their kînduee during the slek- dosire ta coiuneîtheir propetty viti nos. sud death ut aur h.'oved father. the sanitary sewer me@tpem they Le per. Alsgo tins. eho gtave floyers mnitlod tu do no only ilpon psvmout uf tire. John Lawreuce and tamuîy. troutageouonthe basie ut (39).&hirîy-aneu _________________tetfor eaeh piece aboye doeriboi. Cut IThis Out. Mton earfled ail votlng aye. Bach yesr corne Many questions M&oved Ihy Titus sud Eger 10 adjonrn. gardlng the. care. and culture of eveel E.H.arrled.Clrk pase, but for lerseneus nothilg couw .H CreiCok surPase the. brief etatement made bY__________ a vory muccessaful grower la Eingland "T.1rench deeply, mentira ilberajiy Au Me Und.rntoo It. Plant thlnlY, stake qulclily, watee ai A Bible iouLher suuong the. outi. and dJavodl promptly." r blacks, deiosof waktng the dormant povers of a acholar, a.ked ibe questton: "Wbat ar e .o tb Ndew Nov. Against Stiump&. bY %ha htstoric Incident Of Jacob BDecaps bortng stumps preparatony vrestlilig vith the angel r 'l'h eau- tu blIng la an ardnaus taak an in. ou. tepiy came: "Dunno 'aatlY, bul ventor hbu devisea an augor driven by 1 s'pone 'tvas 10 teli us vo musln'l a Portable gasolinu englns. mi" evuing Uts. nsle«abi v e.ectvln. lb t subm otaEvrhe lir M.BanE Wtije r-«Mk 7:80ctité u Ai r dai iiy0- vjme4 TBe ombyanHoe UsRoi~' Jangl ofh tbhe ome@oLa"». Prahwotesbytlat" 10:00 t8ua m. undy molW ritian E'devu 6:5 pl a Bt@ . Elam$çe WinD. Thehee Meaneat M. bhllndmne a ekck et e a 7 Jalng.1beth omeà There's a littie Équipped with -r~ devioee ià wiII polibdk: verwaoe, haPm.oe Iery, grind coffee aId umerous other(mi ýhat are laborions wbm 'dome bg hmnd. lIta an exam Pice of t.he ada4,l- ability of Electricity 10 the doing of sny hind of worký andlikewjse illustratn th* vanity ol motor manufacture THERF'S A MOI OR MADE FOR EVERY MACHINE iPublic Service Co. of NortlinM"Rmi - .0.-~ L YoU CANNOT REFUSE for "6NO" je mot the anewer. Whether mou let the doctor looek geoa ver or not. whether mou wili psg for the Policy or mt, yen omt tar Lt Insuraumoe dowm. T&e act je. It is mot Liéela. sursace et ail, it is the onlu sure way ef prolidimg for dme future. Vour !"No» boday mease mt gour wudow send ddren wil have te work 1or whsb mou refuse te provide rlght fow. Yeu cso't evade bg putig off. for if gou, WON'T gour flk$ WILL have te. @JOHN IIODGEti District Manager ~jOLD MICHIIGAN MUTUAL

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