Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jan 1916, p. 6

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LÂKE OOU ~uI~Dmrr. i~a04Z .TANtJ m RMDIMO.LAKE LAKE ZURICH 1rAY3>IIIMRO g ~ ~ ~ iti SPearil Ray W&* a ', 1 i ir HINTS FORCI3ltLA, tor Fiday.anreaienilhaà.1 SWN er of HWchkiey I ,vs"d *Mr- Uat.vovrsats .ttitotg in CTUE.g.III LEII LA1IJRE liad gnt Pr. Anfet s randtriid t, Ji ad lit Ah1. lnit. Bîcr horasestt wiayskIfTI Ci.~pc~dint mur Agînt Pe flotnRss$ud rcît j' catîrict i litIIwceht aMt Gets Evidence Ttat Resolution Fort _____________________ syvth initleiailne t.r, iîr.IVirvesfion the State Records Never Nar Th Uarnimtind Lmkt e C II ireh we, tirsthuiter lariitnslerpîtîn OWere Passed. Wsdae@&sollicViaAgii* lu t>&.9 n,, ait md'>da 'evo llu J'> 1»' l t Iat Zurich ml bave a dcicta! lu the prlngfield. Ill. Jan. 5.-In wbat be TtrE tl sttma& Ladies bring Sour bâ*k'e. bring Iiats te. ha tt. .-doit Iasti nea future actif was an effort to jet evidence th-àt Ca-PB 1?e yel cnn. fat i ,erctite -i1_e'1 Miss Ksibt.-tie Bretter spt.nt Sund&y. the «records of the ,Illinois general as- bO 41 fe,,ddaugh it- ani attend ati irig 17.1 rdéniu.sembly bati been talsîfied AAtorney %MIfY Mi..kýADnaand l-nriotat L ý elMod tFyett S.rtrt, atormefliruea itOft Sur.d.e.y.~~~~~~ t Mis,.Anaat ctttt es Irvintg Seip epert Tiursday wtth IvaetleS.Muno fre Port ffis;. formmi ng and dauzhiter vis- Wiiiî l antd triend t il>tlay a sentet, r n M@ rum - atie r ofith aousePar toda ied t"iswSk wiîb C. A Bapke andi A ttoseî's bertirets i r ndMs . rsmt-senives fmbr o! tihlbone PartIre- faulJBLlOtIVIIî.Frank tJonsn o a Wet'gaflspeut %ira wal H. Eiehman. Jr, has Iteen tant: the &epositions of two members »WPIff ite inlcemest wearber qulte aSUIý st Buteesl of the state senate. naefil oli lclut titgooti skatitig aon M, aid lMr- E. Sctiro.der mere Hon- sedn evrlwe@i haaSenator Kent K. Keller of Ava te>- L..kôfiI Bond". dit sistt)rs@Sutiay. [)&aioi MTagbrt, touchter of the tlfted that he had no knowledge of Mia Doa «ilaaddauittr vfIn dt.upp.-r gradeo, gave bis pupils ant outing senate resolution No. 76 ever havlng M m ois oevil nd au gth l S n- T ncLadies Aid will l o te t Mrs PO M onday ai tertîton by takittg tle ul tt> been iutroduced. This resolutioti M f tbw ead Mie. ien ri e i turday m rntltg Jan 20-. Barriîgtn where the Ptulimnb exhitti- creatd the Baidwln committee, which Cao vrbd nie inwslocateti Invettigateti the Chicago board of - « LWton»ý"Mnue IB ide M rs A owei gave a partY tu Gilmer bIrs.. irei Havorson ot lryotal Lake, luoeîîon. iWbkd ut th. Htw1toru tarm Sueday. gcitott girls Saturdas alternan lu Loltar spent Saura n lnday visitiîtg Senator E. S. Smithb of Springfle!ti Jb ohsQia a nFa nk sseliNuhGames werepia3êd miii> ber parents, Msr. anti lire Cas-also laatifd<lin his. teposition that hc mlobir et Delabli Kants , an@ lier. 012 aud conteste were etlaîcut. A dainity Wolf, had no knowÏedge ofthte resolution quo 0 -i1»Srtious Mlossi01t ibeir' lnch wu@ serveti Emit Frank wu@ a Chicago caller beig ntroduçed or adopteti. aithougit t* s.DOn Tuý@sday. be saliti he waa present durtng the en- bw 06101» bing, eto abe n lii , at itAM E ay anti Tom CoursrofCbitt&go, were tire session or June 11., wben, accord- bs iWae ou i adwothba VAJlOi.. ., Lak; Zurich cailers Suaday. loIg ta the journal. thte resol>ttiofl was Imprvei in B&ajet Sociail Vîaiitc>nd Lake ChurItlt ermuI .. Profita as a Chicago adopteti. md ia». . ain ad dng.tWeduesday evening Jüun10 - e0Ituf ait cler Mtnday. Thee Ottier Subpoeflhe ,Issued. 1ir________1__B._ayneand____h The depositions were taken betore te O ahoS lait Thuidai for an e- ta attend. Ladies brnh* Sour beaaets. John Pflieffer, a local atýornBY. Aside teIv ri * -li4P iitdbsprnt l l-G G Sbsn ili the voit, wttbh f-- ram bIng a uatary publi Pie fr tc4IInsýsl00atiàobwitIve pain&. . oa sh vstetit arnei. i J ' A.Ebsn fficiai standing. Accordinsi lurh. , flmothl.,meetintg othlie ,ta ee tactaller he other parties . t3st~it Tii la. wa hld u e Gor'getHawkins atiended a lse Cubt Several ln tht vîinitY an@re rcoveriDg bMno fe h ther xpartites D~ 4ift Tie 'Ce wçà elli n the Lake luff aturd evýanir bis suiteveq aestionibPgle thebs euiendesturin ,~ .Tedaio ttis wtk. a aeBufuttrayeelgatita>svesatcsOtFrpe ot certain committee lunds hati berr Tiipp deipiakX&itEiad wa n v(utn iitrnotifieti ot bis intention f0takie the Ut. g~ae ]km 8. L. TrippiEpE rtedarya"tasasaëu vêEranf then vis ritar 'te loeiffacia. vitire they e*.MIMisary Pilbsbe vrykltt tc rdy epositiorte, Pfleffer, as a notary pli) ~ ~ wS il i b.ledtn cntespast westt but te gatntng -a"IltlDeaW. ise aude fletterwatt talion tu teic, hall the right lito issue subpoenas ,*bOShIlle SflItitThe annuel meeting autlthe ciurcit anti Preuàbytenian iosîitai in Chicago tast 1for witnesees. ______________ hicke,, pie oupper wili lie iteit FriilaY weit. SAnother Resolution Questtoned. evenilg at the churcit. A Coîrdial invita- Itnit. Kerrys s@Jeter, Mr.Vasa, otla senators ws-re questioneti ')y tion lasextencd ta ail. 1wit h erIltosband aitd si-xtehiltinennrri voitMunro concernittg oh-r resolutiont> Miss Doara Itoli lr vteted berinttter trom îtirthcîfl Wntstttt5tiuSttnday tt,,lwhlch appeare i n tic senale joiirr fiis M II ipnt ar nilet a the Promb)tctiafl hoiltia Sundav. expettul more on. ta titeir tarît. ual as ltaving been adopteti, but ~.j~~$~ilfl5l5Wauigan Shetfoind ber ting tiiiely antihuiltes ta roeentll purcitasetiof Wm. Pester. miicir Munro contends ut-ver werc - Au~hi .. or taMi.ani us.have h ie umosme1iUe nexI eek. Litoci Itluil spent seversl days las;t atioited.Onteoftihoese No. 77, prit- *~l Vut.mJas?.Mrs. Dolpit bas bcert iti witi thet grippe week with 1, Auanu and talait>. sideti for Chicago offices for' the sen- ~tttUeri socmaz h n ite5k 1the past two meeke Tito Ladies Aid did natineot titis meeckat SetrSntb ldhhaio IjlsBesCalullerliàhviitedhermister, mtît Mri Jas Taylor because tiiterealcin tan uhrltot f~t1l I IM e illu al t tei fiMrs mbdonttetak ,te atter part ott he tis c rres tiiobo miuib was iteii at and cetil o t a e c nett eju M MO~ 5 5 . g Mmoge ait h itn hi D r w e kuruce:. - iitba t! b e h ard ofi l.t Yt. tésf ofs IllaakoiiiatDog of il. S muy resuftering witit raids anti Morton Date ai Austin, s unda "i arn the Sringflt'ttl represcntat! M i eIVO i h nli slc ofitt Ip iolti "S Mtit a re ou iie lm possibe ta ame with Evan Law rence anti taîily.Su d y and eertaitilY wouit bave rsente<l thent aileiffi 14ireilsHuitharti basgip batheen ld. . an>' movo 1ta lte state Offices aw.1y tbisrilM@,Hbbr h@ fnentort.iblItg t rou> the calitota,' o etsifiler. Itov, Ua onkm nievn n Tite 1ev. Mr. Wangelin wam able ta ber iter train Missouri. 't~ guslID I.a Cicao bspiai estattend riturcitSuntiay the tiretÉtinte r' wse.. Jh la aisemina lcul fautl oin tr O IU R inca coWivz lhreidaI____ CLÀIMS IMÀRRIÀ(iE -M m 'LX .aM.A . r-----ld a Ca,.trihlitid) ollitlauik n tday nigit, Jan. on ecemiter 30, 1915t, t lier htome BY FRAUD; COURT Ato , [li L..-.-near lvanboe, NUrg. E.tier Braillcr(] ~ luibUîbh bas ien vf~ oli hul Basktiffociat at Diamonti Late t7,utit passed away. Site mas laîi ta retu R N S À EC F ~ js~igu0 bud 50 la on tIi. ain nov. Wednsday eventng Jan 1) Dont lait thes Icanbffecemetery an NwYear'sdaY. - t0 attend. Ladies itring 3onr itaskPt" Esthter Jane Clark waaebaun April 18. 1W Mt" es hosladicg te eet wilhli f:r,î a lnq cabin oea! Lakeesta. july 23,t 115, was quite an eventfill U~i~wt8us J.i)olemuahr l Lier- The itter scbaal closeti Tuesduy. Site mas ltsedaughter ai Hiramn Carkt day for helen Sarabaîka ohrms Jan Il th au acroint ar et. mucit sicti- anti Melinda Ilay ns. being teecaîtti known as Helen SzarabajJkja, o! 6#e9bw *IàooIMcCurcit. - Bnndav fimis It wliimoreon Manday. dan 24 tiaugitter in a tamiiY ai tour ciiltren North Chicago. She recelvoti an la- ~~il b .;suoli l aiD MinesElma Patte vtited uattitae zinc- Alitis aiyiaigpeeieibrl iaintram Walter JachIman ta ',-s--.---Dbiiol).- SI-- ticP.M. atit lier talter anti Iotiter ere cameefta aukegan anti take lu a I~*1UibI ioiis45pî. M. Pîa or day andi Mondat. memuiers i tfamilles mita more amongpîtesh. She acceptet i wIh goug#Wabicseeug7:30 p . raer ti nt Ms tt .450 W odisI adifrda 8:3 p. a. rMrand rsW.Kpan)renea tiy gir are Sthe the pantser settier@ of Laite( càtttY anti pleasure. 4aé mïwy btudy :9)p.M pdaen8ts rabb lbar arwbo wmeste ortîfiisers andt harter Insteati o! taking ber ta the pic- - La" âti ANanstOit --,ysecond dmemit8h er@ ai ths present lvanha Contgre- ture show she saya Jachituan book lr4»ISI 01u06011, saonth. The Y. P. A. Thte 1ev. 0, Beise rtreiFia gai tocal citurcit ber ta the court bouse. where hi taok hé a~u.teessamsng nce mout lom aiewdaveviai luFb. VayE, lier giribooti anti earlY wmualitiOtout a marriago licenise andt ten tank 4ëWI, U m a«idà y pajer Meeting. lad, verse pent in Mlwaukee, until ber ber ta the office of Justice of the SbEvoislsm. l NordIX leSnnd a ail. ExSntr i nkJ auxno arriage in 1863 ta George iS. Brainerti,. Pence Roy 0. lMason wbere a marrI- flu. a. e (ho- MeOJn. 1up. EUt ali îto Frdakle.Ctunon "Mai- idt iresyearsaga. Four ciltren age was perfOrMeti ern ormn Kigdo, utthear verswm haro to iblis union, at,t iree At the* lime she titi fot psy macb "tf-e Neithein 11. Dist .o tle. ntl- suMrmnKnda, ttieam r ev.attention ta bb ceemony as able ~SaooLîgUDfllOo5,vîll .peak inwWed. nigt as Oue of thbe numbeis an site mas@tse cîtst member of te tbougbt fi vas nome littIe business t-, f-be 3MiE19. Cbecbla Fistle @Visv. the.Redpath iyceum huleau.Sena- l&hecucbt npito ieadmte hnJcia a rnat - lb. pabbe la.cordiatii iovlt.ed ta lieux toi cannon gave a complte expose Ivani.tu chubrsci baind pait teit malt Ser hall Jac h e va bnt-u bb,#WhMalba esdon.sud wbat of Mormuniemt, delvering tatIt il ll Jeae a neîitieip, anti m as tdtlitime Sk atben n te no u g«' ilfemine Sa be dons ta makte Ouriste- He hs iimbel te tson of a bvîtiteiledin aciviti h as wokand a short tinte antsaklbIorf Noom et eailm iisNation. former afficraifte Mormon citurcit. lu spîte oi yeari of invalitiîsm r.-nain d _______________ Te ectue 'ias n. t bie msb l- - Wben îicy returnedtatoNorth Chi- 'reectre" oe o te Mst n-a memtter oft s itepaiet WNNoann cgo he say% ber cugort Informoti ber f-flatlay Oongmegaiioeuat Church traigadmsInruiv e Cioa Toutperanice Union. that Bite mas his wife. This slle te- x 10» a. m. SBnade sbool marshup. hoard lu Waukegan. Many conipiain For tse last Ibrte years sbéitas tîcen .,tit most nignaoîîy andi moult hase 7t4 p a.Pi.eing hr. eogethat the aimory was iather chliy andi muctu aitite time coninedtu t ber home rotbing mare to do with hlm. I tact. 745cMGimaiOChC Mi-theoAnti-that this aarredt teir enjoyment of anti allen to ber -bid, tut titrougit aIl sediFneeabvecc i fiaituo iemk SBndli evening. Alithe lecture, Ihbis lime @she bas mantaîneti a living sneta ie TruhAtre uîCAROdaOF TlalNsti.inlereet in ail gaing au aroundi ber Site Maxnc bt ti ie Tbrouhabl or fosai. .Trickey. iniuer. CRwFT-INS as a great reator, keufing beréeehithMa Prz t of he flietiagbiI or 1deire la extenti MY s. lite annuimenntailo!pie@oe marriaget oni eluereinlrmti n al tpie a tie dy sp the bcgroundis that it wae perpetrateti thanks ta te many friends for teir aîiy the lunes aifreligitons înterets. ihtierkaeieanicsn. Pair ICtnd of Sympattiy. jkintinense homu turing oui recent lie -_____lie________anconent Sup thM ittbegins anti ends ilav teIn uthe lose of aur buebauti. ail ervce t etIftu hep te an ocCrtr-Lon eueo cO oîatinyoftvaths cse today- Miss Szarabafta tes- n . t R S . J , A . C H R I S T E , C r e -in e n e C o p a n a s t! it ie d hb c c an t r p e t r H aW Da ,11 . fled mîtt Ihe Lakte county recarder ju tice g a t rp et r Jan. o. The concern is capibalîzed ti 8 aI pldt stand anti toit o! thevilpat1 $640.t)00. The tucorporatars are given bis office try the couple. fie sali ho 8. L. Tipp, R. . PauseIrvng E. Payne. as Jonas Carter, Auguet Long anti Ben akdteut b oIg woman Pr,*Sdent. Vice Praideni. catie amin Parmalee. There are 17 stock-soengil anti that bbe reply vas J. Il. Rouge, Agît. Cashier îaîdrsin heConer A th p epolt Ent'le that bshe sp:ok.e a blitle. He oit ,'g D~t~ MaA5Uieut bume the magnetos are huing manu- rotlb. sors% vhber the man or te THE CITIZ -NS" BANK facturedIn NorthChicago but tbbc un wmrnumadetie Baee ADFA IIL.Company plans ta open anti operabe Jachîmau bas disappee-ied anti en- a tactory o! its owu as sOon as pas-r tered no opposition ta the suit. affble. Mi. Carter farmeily vas an Judgoe dwaide orderethebb evi- Reporl e! condition li coge of buginess Dec 31, 1915. . icricaI the Pfanstieletpilant aI dence vittten up anti as soon as titis REBouRCES LABlLlTIlES Nortb Chicago for several yeaîs. Theba endewi ntradre Losoi m Dwomw...... .. 5674.8 cpitl nok pid4n.1196307 nem concera. la given authort! ta grantiug the anttullOlett o! bbc mar- 14.369'88 eb)tt -Casittic 05*5......5... *42.32 manufacture and BOLsa taIouI Mag-nae vinam su ext« .... . 1 4017 Dlfl profiil t.... ._. 79415 ntt u UMd Ratmbl ul i ............4115761 ?~e rino tt. and Taxst '20 nt00u0a dda< utmblesp ---- ~plies. ', .. ................... t>Î,M28 .... L J" H. Bouf. &ut. csher oft 1e above named Bati, do solemuy ,wear lb&t ae *ou e ment %, truc and corect tu th bet of My kowleduc aad bellif. JOHN B. MOUS£. AM Vasier. 5uIWWlbed sud sworntu beore me thsts y 0 1 yo JaourY. A. D. 1916. BOWARDQ. P~nE otte? Publie. CITIZENS' BANK M»mi BAZK TOR BUSISS si]"$ iw Dosa. fS o oi et r s.Jio TH] Victîi uof g Painleus Ach$s. An Eat ite couple, accampm.nted by temir our-year-old mariel. staititi fox a motion picture show the altai I ight. on lhe vay te tile 1boy said* l'Ob. mamma. Pie sot a tum.! acite. . Mter thon gsagestet that tuTy siiotiltireturu home ai once. itiotai eiig tais motie. Thé. llUle iiilow tbought bettar, afIl1. '*My lnmmi aches." lhoalâide& - bat It ioemt huMs- "sam ty'star. Winl Knigge Licensed Embalmer and Fanerai Drector have bien sent ta bte var departnient oftii t t res nime Mip P wNiÀ lIE ~ aI Washintgton SbYlnterested ctze. TWOMsiWC iip. f ani anmy ofic sin u tht eSntra v is t titiplans for tii. A C I(E JI E fi .'W b eor bte requcet ingrante i q ull lu co dz i dn »hV am Q0 1MUVIUs dpeuts. accordiug ta statements yete ecamp a ot il U i e tornlay, on- the Interest the people veted Malrmly i. 4aotittom 1a Sheridan Will ProabIy Be- nranitest. 1al-y vo, The. plbd#g , # nmed as One Camp--Naval1 The places suggeeted for the cn-ý camp wviihe plaiget ai PuiS Station as Another. campaents are Frt Sheridan, Frt mIn Harrison. The ruesr BenJamin Harrison. neai Indianapo- Sparta, Wis., yul b. umsetWC6~ se citizon' mlttary training lie, anti ollter Fart Sebbîng t Min- tor the trainng of natonal , itb facilibios ta accammotb neaplis or Fart Rlley lu Kansas. Na- compaflies la machine tIku». 0 roobties," are contempiatet by vl ofIcesis aea exerbing efforts tiliey. signal corps sd g 1 uthoitios for the vicinlty o! ta have a citizens iaal tranng voilE. Tu a la*Ar of pes- Fuis The Balanced Food The crowning acbievement of Dr. Price-a cereal food which combines the nutritive elements of wheat, rnec, cor7n, rye and. oats, in the proper proportions- a scientifically balanced human ration- f1let fascinating in its delicacy and its de- Every member of the family will est Cream-of-AII with pleasure. Every package contains thirty libenal servings, thirty meals at one-haif cent per meal. The last word in cereals io fflremuPrtSàang Coupens aî Try it for 'breakfast tomn The exclusive Dr. Priao * * Store in your town i8 'o TR1GGS & TA Telephone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE SAFETY Is a goad l îrtt(t n nti1trt, otot- iiThat te tle item whicb estailie the idividiD9tg un e tbeen iu- ve-tineut and specu4atittit. Anti mhenani instituliani is go solidly established as ta me$ure ta its stackholders nt ouly safety but alet> an arunuai incarne of six pu centt, the inveetuelt ije liesI. j h is undor the-e oanitbiontttat yoît are offcred a patriipaionu inte unsoiti portion (ah-tut $10,000) tf Sib,,000 authorizd preferrotl stock of the DeSmet Quartz Tile Co. There are nuoltaod' and noue can bc ssued. Iu case of dissoltion bbc preferri-d tok rigîte are priai ta tho@e of the common. Beides recetving a six per' tent cumulative divi- dend the hoidens o? Vite preferiicdstock also share in the excese arnings. 'Te secniity embrace8 aIl machineiy, materiale, mapiufactured stock ou baud besides the secrets anti pitIcesses of the company. Thte shares now selling at Si10.00 vil1 50011 bu naised to SI 2.50. I)eSmet Quartz Vilt C90 in Every Package orroW. x Pure Food .YLOR ILLINOIS Store Phom 248&W. I Riiânaad Nlght Ph... 238-R________________________ AIMA. IIDL. / AREA4 ELLINOIS

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