Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jan 1916, p. 8

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lm-lWIUik TWO Wfl SS[ TÀL6MS.OO; FORDIVORCI3$ON T ST lkPP!S FILEO' TiUSaI1RUdüS TOUSE Of PUBIC! ATS WWL f.ty CcesRtrAtie r.MaryRoot of Waukegan Such la Message That Cornes nteresting Pacts About. Most -dn u U -~I Sy Hatteu ebdandDe- -le $lm ft O--effic unqw-sl YIWtaire-, oue f Wes MdeDwng Wk. serted Rer ln 1913. Proves It la Faise. t-~a une Dastaea.ofat ie rcordee'aoffice for 'rwa women fled bila for divorce NEYER WHItE MUTAW LIVES IN USE. OVER SIXTY YEARS., th wo odisJamuary , 1916. againit their hubum»ida ln clirci tfme ýftanfr,79. court Monday. In bath cases th. di Lucene Mutaw Declares That Côntrary to'Gerneai Bellot', iti' -To TO taluabertn trinet8 vid ordea rn.e ca fo re n iteud* as Longas He Owns Place, la Net of Unusual Depth- I 10u4.o i % $8,îî~ Mrs. Mary Itoat va. Johln S We Wli Ie* Usable. Wator la Fine. Toa ion o o»,$847.7 Mrs. Mary Smith vu. Oea. Smith. As - - oe c a q BestuAumhnabeaungeymquit@mticarne tat Ca«. manY ln Waukegan have Busiead la na l boom ve thea v-thi s . o t, heROu Cs e . o fii A - The Da iy Sun offi e mrly o n nver h d a drlnk front the W eil woe< ati omm a1111. bov th a* Ma. oot thomh br cunil, t- day rnmng, n saotoe 1* Wo which ptando on th@ porch ot thei oe '. 'The feUowlmg being the more torney J. 0. WelcJt, assorti that Ahe thîs: eTii. smla cua h uè meh un Il"ur e ~fthe ,We.k. anudber huabm'nd iwero maralletiN-d hllowould bu easier te ot. 4 In a~.uktipn. Plorence M. Dmko vombor 1 13.B uln.Asra . ique h ip it~ h tnm h aeta jbomaht te hadoetyo o1r n lvý,oehroui ,i ,11 ttemtpooryO ap--aniivd ae-eni Arl6,11, have ban removed, the. Paile uood aAdrink there thon t. amti. 1 Stee o12,0. wbw en ehsaya1 b. dosertod ber and in watOrinu hormea have been tek- mate thoos Who have, for almomi Otu l sorit o otlaW.Crook or h a sl SMo maya hate abs ant er uub n sway. No more wiI mon, evorybody heu indulged ln a drink Î t» ltërst f LuisW. rower pd1 Sie aystha Sie ad br hzbad ornn d ,hiidren, hors..and of thoe parkling water which la M ad.~ Marie MoAfl. la the Crooker prop- managedte tPuirchâse two plecea of f e'd fbl; quench thelr corne. fraie that Wall. ertyr, nortb af tbe Baptist cburcb on property on Market Streoet, one ot tliirett ai til famousillo which fti withiout doubt the. mont exten- Ieoi eo..a;e.N.61 nil.ahratN.73 ~he nover yot gone dry. alveiy patronlaed weli'lt e caunty, I~Iive h4 50 The GernisTurner.' Society aays that Viiotifber biiib5d leit thoso "Lucene &a.teaedrsdnadtiotiptaiItabtM.- ~ *d-btfoe Idont bugb ti. Wtt 202prpoity.on laca wrO fltU~b1~e ~o ~ wba bas just rentoti the place te. a and Mes. Miladnrîng thelr long1 for gou Sprilg tN'et for $9,0011, ehere tboy thousand dollaris. Mr. Kngpsn bas mov e otbe borne realdence i Gurnee always kept a1 iia.. throuhth luitond te enlargfe their baIl. fshe aya ah. bas continaitae a? ai b'is olà4 Robert, tu Wau'cegan. Andi cop on top of the puntp and no mat- Preoerte M. Morat; bought a lot- on $ntherl an tde martgagos, ,baa lwlth bis tioparture the new tomant ter wbat the boues aofilh or day ~m.etbsu.$those Indiuma Street ln Partie's subdivision pl ai al taxes,. asietmenti andi keptbatlonte aisodcpamytupaesyarawyswcoea train B. IL Simmons for a nominal tb, places i râiaf. -RNr hustband re LiklyËho a4n't cars te lie batbered stop and quencb their thirt-foril c ..-. » A . a dcI . K n s e a s ntl r t red ta W akgatnds . . s elt t people atppi g there day 'andi there's alw ays l ts of w ate î the re, beodii ouit -four loti on Laurel avenue iitoreail ln tbeproperty. a n thoir teai and taking drinks bornes wa:er there dally. On, nover tra~ ~ ins Noe Johnaon for a ltaminai con- tMes. Root Saya that the le maklg temaeîres. 'Bnt people oi tbe comn, passes barli but what namebotiy or I lder avtii. adrink plhor a nductree. t. , Her ae oe-batdoerti om nmllegti a drib ff IBMZurich, I Dvi .Wegb baught twa Iota ndlkpre on MVket te.Hp sutdoen change whlch c ame lmler Mutaw'i# Porcbfor the weil stands - Chantant Street, north ai Seward, mmd busland, ahe maya, bas tbreatened te about 60 years, due to the tact tbat rizht ta the weat of the h'u, ~,% jp hgforsale? Blto i.crnroait tet iefr ibbr uheamdseMra. Mutaw dled la November and ,But bave You ever figured out bow and, AAtama Street, treimTalas Jen- sears bi, wll do so. The court grant- ber ageti partner bas been obliged ta ong I9 hat well bas been hInuse? Do,, mieMm Sn for a nominal conaideration. ed an hijunctian reatraining Rout gv ptepaeat oot at nbd nweaty e.ay * .~Charles Petkevek bouilbt tour lots1 front encunffering tbe property ln. kegan. People atopped Sninday te body knol who canstructed ft? Could +++,ol . j.on May Street anti South Lincoln amy manner £06n ma iront Interfer- ime â , +1 ater theïr tenis only te finitIit lm- atil figure out boiw ntauy persoa tr i rons Edith P. King for s1,. lng witt the business of hie wife. Possible because tue palle andi cupa have satiafiel their thirat there alace **4++~Go7s Th Smlth Ciao.were Sone. Thun, for tue fiest tine it iras put ican ayoyetmt -,,,b bugt-wo iotctkMs.Smthass a. ndbe ha-ilntmalydecaties the pump was out the number o!fhoils'lives its rater ýýf t aa ro eb & Jennen'a Xiorth ide Addition bandi were maril e t Highland Par< f sriet hetnrîpbic tsbsave.hre. îc0mtrln -t.. OM 0te from Cors A.*Gray for $1.200. April 7, 1910, ant i lved together u niurvcetetbeng forn Gule. t' bssauls c earsaes.whchantylontg 1 o i m t 1 l~J n LaIt.Foreit. Standard 011 Ca. tiI Marcb 17, 1913. when Ste ap holle tnas tue dngefru S . t. P as oss- eaydaaserdonthe maty l e ___ Î 4 VoaI. W rite tooZ titi, ta proprty ut Leurel v.- dosertedi ber md tue twa cbllren b d i thog. tu L al r ss a rlget t he f o t dÉ. l ong enk? ptr«g, j»., p_ IL nue andi Western avenuetram C. W . whose names are Jane ElizabethNt.fsd *)UySt Martyn for nominal canidoration. aged flye years, and Virginta Bther. Nmeitl ort er St Ifailo can, loi thent came for- lu Viaoeecf Dorfiod. Chlatin la, agei tw yeae. Me. Smtb siis Intedttelya reortercallti upwordlt wuld b intrestlg bitary *sOIps gemstovola illager ofht a lon .Cntan v e- t oya dre. buSmth aînon ageti Mr. Mutaw anti asked hlm wbct Down 60 oarà or More. *OP» au à0ve about sncb a radicalton Central abis. et.oMutaforwaodivrce, lattaeibouse "l bos N17Pl-Jne trin Auma itra o gr .00 nti ti utdyo h htrn ad home. He e ledthat fitwasn't near where the wel stand., rentent. boup1 in -llalghot o . l etravenelIop-n a new PolIcY at ll, that it nerely bers te well for 60 year. He States polis, ve ur.bouht lo onHigwoo avnueog-VOLVÀL OSP ND as due ta the, tact that sanie mis- that it probably wms there before that Prmiv iastt Evolution aeu rmWm IL creant hai carrled off thue palis anti Unme, but hi.entemary laikes It bacli bousster u0vim Johamo for nominal canideration. tA fN~clip. that far. 1, imi I Grayalako. Lueila j. Hook $*iipj I N NIEW Mn. Mntaw bad beard tue report Nover Dry Vet.8 bon. Rvstiy oght te C. V Wpaebfrn r,200. ytbe latter part oi last week antifho- And, lbe adds, It neyer bas been dry9 0weobom o isliceon, WeGato wnsiplaceMfrius20 IaU T IE Im16nediately drave ta Gurnee ta se, il mInce be ha. beeu famnlitar with It1 It4u1i, i ulJvlbsPhione 4 i ratTwal. aisat bis tenant- bat takien tue palis away anti bas dally drunk I ts water. AiM , . ye n ouuteEie anti ciosed tue well ta the public's Naturally, the conclusion thon le wardMuelerJr. property ai ae Plans to Erlarce Prnting Plant use. Mr. Kingntan ai once told hlm that tue well muet be down niany teet loÎýt .obus",o.oD Dk Poit on Pstacee Lake for $3,800. -Candy Plant and Other In- he bati mt dame so but sontebody bai beace t wilI be surprising te know i ààuak I Ç*oé»Iem .A ekmier,. . 1 DInylboto I Towntaht. S<dcbaun dsrist Ejn s. walked away wîth tue drlnking uten- that ftis ont. of tuee nt sballow1 M.,j.A. oyeJ. oye ecktiiste heKi--ia alla. Accordlngly new clips and new weIIs imaginable. It la but 13 or142 1114t7~l, i 17pl teaim .0! 254 acres i sections 28 anti That Wilbnr Glenn Voliva, overseer palls will be procuret i a once. For feet ta tue bottoni. yet there le aI- 29 tari 837,912.50. of ZMon City, la planning te spenti years the Lyon store furolabeti these ways an abundant snpply oi water- S W yan pmdote ln Cube Township. joseph S. Haas $100,000 ln enlargtmg and building la- Pails, amd ln the 60 or more yeare and ti lài fine, tasty. clear and healtlî- eL.-biaul Ad. bought tee Daley farm of 80 acre* inDtistries at Zion City, Is thîe repart that tue well bas been ln publicune, fui water ai that. t sparliles andtInl s i------.1A eto Ofra oia cnlieain whicb was recelveti ln Waukegan ta- tuer, have been but one or two cases cool, le tact, there Iseno botter water "0buio aàauabor 4 Aài' t I Gossell bought the Jas. day. taifrton ecld where tue patte bave been etolen. The ln the, caunty. accardlng te many per- Murra teri of 20 ares I secion Acordng teInfomatio retaveapprli olate tsonsre whothhave- susemchhaviqu their he thiriet "r sÀi1>mod &AatIe, 12 for 14.00. by The Sun, Overseer Voliva wlll: xhaustibe welf. wbch gves forth there. - --------FIRSTbSpend housantis ln en. a colti. cîmar watel' wblcb la a plea* Jmat takimg an estiniate, or ae *,oote JWbitos Angiyzing the, Boy. larging the candy factory. ure ta drink. 'guet,," ane can arrive at sanie In- I «Rarmrln "10 would a boy graw up if b. SECOND-Enlarge the prning , 84 Lait Woek. tereatlmg figures about tuis welI. 0 vIu debth- neyer »Atimud betwoen bie taes anti plant. It vas Test Saturday, January 6, Deductlng: Suppoaîcg the welI baî a tomnhal- Mes. Hanter I4acb de- THItlD-Will buiîd lace works in that Mr. Mutaw reacheti bis S4tit been la use 60 yemrs; estînte thate Mode taelnow. Many baye have muti nO ev e.t only ml tue vay between thae, Moin City. blrtbtiay which wae quletly abserveti 50 persona on the average bave taken la exOsicange %cou and a tore bat, but ise on top Ftnanclally, accartilng te The Sun'a at hie aon's honte. Hie daugbter. drinks there durimg that tume (and ttié atol.. ut th. tain bat, cd SUTîl they moont Informant, Zion City ia botter off ta- Mre. John HaggBrd, came up tram that la net a blgb esftimate for many 4 mot d . g-,atetreMonom m evo't grow uil -Kansas iltv Sta day than lit bas beeu aince the tietb Joliet te be present. Mes. Mutaw, the tumes parties or 2E or maore stop there ,Kb m-w»ruse Thuu W.o!lits iounder. fIila .591 that Voliva aed partner of the vell koown Gar- -for a drink), one would bave: 1 it1bas met ail is blg obligations sudi mee rilt dieti met be!are Thanks- 60 years. WANEO-tteogrptsremd t~pe ttat lie bas more than enougb ntoney glving ai a very adivanced age. 21,900 timys. - a ba.thr,. for dtctapbione wurk. Mut bave fair on hanti now ta mun Zian for the. next Theres one buge boarti or planit At 50 drinks per day, 10500pt RFOMIoeed. 4euctban, know buw tu puntuate. four years. . uiderneath the. epout of that well sans.1 00101188 94ilI 418 Ou H laet- Exelieninppurtunity for young people fi la saldti hat Mi. Voiva itends hwicb alti-tiniero tieclare bas been In other yards. over a million per- lWlvseîeol.J. Witb bramae anm b nhition. plesatit ta spenti no lest than 150,000 in a there "fron t te Immemorlal." sons sattsfieti theIr tibrat tbere lnuth« belle N!Mrot4 191P O Demi- SuriautidÎnga Attractive honrs. Good lace plant for tue lace maltera af is oyere 4U bPbmsiAip-,-4 lImt 97.Y Wrltv.. cbtirch lailthetlacemakers inuZian INIIERITANCE TA Estîmating tht. number af borses8 71cQr',..,r eeadslrywne. Mayo h lc aes nZo ho have drunli there tiaily in the GO0I +* +SpoiaL Weolfare D.partment. ta '0>ure City,. or rather those lat Voliva's JCfM AYb D Il easatnavrgaieeprdy *p..aiont houe aurrmudinîge lor ut.,,I.-cbnrch, Test Ibeir Positions at the IYYYI fl Lf eauld b anaverag9,000 boisesrtat. K 1?t.,wn ppé.. iratik S. lt eVo.,lace Plant contiucted by Marshall I haFRvPCK oe quenchav te 2r9000hireth fa- 4e e~s 4 '~ tamuuon.lad. 17 2,Field mnd Conipany whee tbey re- IST T 15$ 0 0 mu c L8~4T8i rou wDt iî bath _________________ fusedt ha ubmit la the order o! their _______mousWolf. sIea iprovcmt IquLeo!WANTEO-Tu coîrrespand wth a reMnîd eniployers and lbe vaoccnated. It is mmlIuadLbertyville. ibit e 2. mdv wtco mtid lite a pcrmnnut shîiiî.hemei., . tthirpo Arthur Bîîlkleylanîtance tax ano . ~17.1 lc, s ïokeepciandl private vchccoî' tions at that lime wert. the best lace rlerl-h Cmot ekestate, A , 0 00 OINt jUtNTOR SLE-$6 tires aim eher un a Wi.crg.w,.sî.n rancýh. 1rt er makers Wbo ever stepped a font l-In. bs eatwt out uie~ ,i, sr ýt#NT0tR SLIE-8 ner Dair L1alù,[,ý of ýaI-hiig -ItisideP.e mamoPersans P. Loday.s They. totalotl tx ý.-0ItM straýi, or ui I cccic c. cl>aIlîîcclc.nicctvt Volîva, il la said. h planning la luuy as placeti against tht. estate by the D M E O H ~. Oea F Kosetti LIbeit vil e II ti'n lace machines a! the. latest d9- appralser was $9,165.M. This la one. LJS U~lS L1I 111 17,111-,, LcjiieU'rfciunfvi 7-.J. ign andI type. Thie machines nîay be o th argetnhraceaesht j ET-8roilon n Ni 1. 17c1 lniported trans Ireland sud England. has beln retu-ncd bere le tome time. rn XA.Curyof Winncottc iI.Is ~ort Ave, lîquire oi E. ..... Volîva bopes ho landi severai othcur t la cet as large as Ibat in the Sears. ,v Iih ýýftorn xc vol n & Lana- Nil. Phone 108-J. 1 - 1 . .+.+..+.+.. +. ..+.Iduistries for Zion City tbis year. Monît0inerx- Wsnd'or Steele estates, imieutof 'tiego lias tinou'ttsit 'c ~ FOUNb and members of hîs cburcb ýsay tbet but it la mnbh larger tllan the ondin cc t"c iî Chicago & Mllwci.cknoo lei,- - - JST Ianl d UND + 71on City wilenjoy as proaperoifa nary rinn afutaxes. Th. exentîtar of t-t ir nii 1 v nd tlbNorthu W»cli'rn . ,...+ . . .4 +4-+++.- 4*. .. 5 ..+ + ++ 'r ln 1916 as *fll Waukegan. lte catate will lurnethe puoney aven Ic, airilt]Piilncoinirs for tain. 4LOST -; vý- x î~ ' ita the caîînty treasurer withln a Short -,gscin ho iee um of $50.,00.iltSo'ne Abstractsof Tritie. l'it es onara*nî.ed. fiasonie Temnple et«. Wiuiegan. Jan. 3, 1916.-A. IF. Beaublen et a&. ta, 0.LU Olese. West 173 foot or lot 1 ioklHlgbland Parký Deeds C. B. Smilth and wffe ta W. U. Ber- rang. south bailofi forth bao i flot 2, School Trutees' Oubdiilslon of section 16, Bentown township. W. D. $EOc. Daniel Lee and wl! e ta 1P. J. Wnb- bel, lot i northwest quîarter section 17, LJ»rtyvlle townshîjt. W. D. $100, W. .]Étable and wlfe to F. J. Wub. bel, lot hInartbwest quarter section 17, Libertyvîfle townshlp, Q. C. .11.1 A. E. Kelly tu L. A. Kelly, l10 3, subdivisian af lot 299, Lake Ii'atst. Q. C. $1. Gardon Kelly and wife to A. Il. Kelly, north 60 feet of lot 2, subdivi- sion af lot 299, Lake Forest. W. D. 810. LU A. Kelly ta Gordon Kelly, nortb 25 feet of lot 3, subdivision of lot 299, Lake Fiorest. W. D. $10. Augnat Landan and wl!, ta Chrià. tian Ito.lliii, oetf60-teet of lot 51 bloc'i 3, Osterman'a Addition ta, Deer- field. W. D. $1,500. Jan. 4, 1916-Anguit Wendt and wfte ta Florence M. Dike, lot on nt aide Poplar street, aPpoolte ltdwards St, Wankegan. W. D. $2,000. bristine A., Vognlld tu W. S. West- i laklaIots 3 and 4. block 1, Merrywood 0aIn i ectian 13, West Antloch. W. D. $1,600 . Margaret Watson ta James Watson, north .118 feet eaet 175 feet, lot 49, Htghwood.Q.C$1 Jan. 6, 1916-C. W. Martyn and wlie ta Standard 011 Company, part or lot 4, Western Addition toa*iet Forest and land adJolntng. Q. C. $1. Matter hIcbancery toe ugene Stlckles, lots 40 and 41. black 2, Or- vis Subdivision, Wankegan. Ct!. af sale, 11,977.60. Manter In Chancery ta Helen W. Pierpont. soutbeast part of block 24, Meare plat af Highwood. Ct!. af Sale $4,666.97. Master in Obancery ta Est, of Hen-* ry Held, east 10 roda south 24 roda, lot 4 and east 10 rode. lot 6. section 16, B. Antioch township. Ctf. of sale, $3,475. Jan. 6, 1916.-B. E. Simmons andI wlfe ta F. E. Maffat, north 50 feet ai lot 5, block 3, Parkers' Subdlvl- alan, Wanlcegan.. W. D. $1. L. W. Croolcer et ai. ta liano and Kate Crooker. south 1456eti Crooker property, between Genoete and County atreels, antiSouitb o! Grand avenue, Waukegan. Q. C. $1. Nela Johnsoan md wfe ta C. A. Kingsley mnd vile, lois 21, 22, Si and 24, block 3, Moderwell's Subdivision. Waukegaîi. W. D, 81. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public notice ls icereby given that the- siihcriben, adminiBtralrlx of 'he etaIte of Frederlck Stocke. decea9iýd, wil attend tlîe Coucty Court af Lakte Coucty, aI a tet-n theneof ta be bold- en ai the Court Hanse in Wankegan, le sald Cauîîty, an the tiret Mamday o! March, next, 1916, wlien anti wbere ail persoas bvlng: cliis against saii estate are aoiified anti requeahed to pretent the am, ta sald Court for ad- judication. LENA STOCKE. Admînnltratrih a! the estate o! Fred- erick Stocke, deceased. \Vankegan. Ililinois, Jacuary 3, 1916. lteydecker & Heydeclter, attorneys for estate. wkiy-Jan 7 14 21 SLOCUM DRAINAGE DISTRICT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ta ail persona Icterestei that an Instail- ment of Tee (10 per cent) per cent o! the. aseesenent benetofare Ievled 18 eow due for dralnage purposet for tht. year A. D. 1915, upan lands iy- lng wilbln Siocun Dnalinage District, ie the County of Lake andI Siate .îf Illinois, and the same muet be palil ta the undersigned Treasurer o! salid Drainage District. at hie Round Lake, Illinois, on on beLons the3 FIrst day of Marcb, A. D. 1916, and In default of aueh paymeont the several tracts ar!land upon wliich salid lu- stallnient remnains unpatd wtll he s 0ld acconding to law la païc the amaunt of sc Installment and coOl,,. flated this lst day o! January, A . D 19116. E. C. WFI3ItER, Tresu ne r. . . . . . . . 4. 4 .4 îil iii, 1 ,c'lci .-..ticicî lo, Ijt,,e T' States Attorney [lady declared t te 1Yfi IFssatid, lui order thtictho may i olt C urni'. Il. i, allorpid.metym-an i4z tT£O-.-t1od girl 1cm, vtccraI l iic.. I dcay lucre woucllie no cal] of crim tke advnîtage of tht.dscont. Itljccrv ',ticfectl from a -BU M W t,-c . cil, L ddmaesW. tare (icl hl~tc.:~ht 2 i ic1 n ases ns Jil one or Iva iccopnlea hie delays over a stlpolated trtime Fir o' '"n i nd ADJUDICATION NOTICE f e- o c - , -arè schcclîed ta ietrled a jMotey iithbeld musttlbe îtaid witllî . c.'îof tc l'igcia nplirated an the i , lis terricf court.Ie sali the. cae 1c terli'tit 6 ien cent. 11,c lI oto1I 'gFid liiio lured Pcic c o aiccî .î ~cIucu cî MIr gcLcol Iccicsl it - m t:,,. lt.~-l3îî cl oxin. i'hargpd wthmur- 'The tate 'Mr. Peck nesild it 11gb. c i lir n ic, A, îc.itc cc.c i cc ciiiicici FI. iàihato. Pluit,,.i 21tit R. c. ...... iitilie ùcontiniced, ant ihe thoiîght hllid Park andl xi s vice pnoid eutt o!r fi î",c oxi i i sfl xxi 1h CrIit 1- l ccciî,c î i clt. ilit eiSli ci ~~~~~ -----CLIFANI NG AND OYEING-%' lici-cct iii, clrfet cai6e aixo -night bu thie lowman Dairy Company. Ilis P3o. l , 0.O Lloikway mdciv and ho a clih cc ii Ir cci iciii i;iack s r ita ta c f il clii 411 -,..t 'Ircci ccl,,", c, - cct ,it c c,'iicî 11 0the next terne o! court. tate bi v onili$5:.0110f . îccroding 'o! ionr ccu n tevie w Itî 'li i l îeicicl cc f tc iiidictcli. I'hne Lierîsll.- qiltî~ r c,, Ir i,.c .., 24î, ic, 11II-thle figur et of lIce appnsiser. rporter Alutornevi t.înn salît 'I h. ctcic-ccc, t-clt- cc.*c citi d té iJohn à t'ete.r*'c , 11.c. iiiI41 MR IGELCNE. Mr. Peck was oife etfus îcnautiuaen(ntl i'1 uirvmet iiurnv livreahconiof ciciciuiccii,.clcccridç,,îio ----.-.....--.-..--.....*. . ~ residents o! tht. nortb shore suhurb. n i, PPfoîtiillaîlc n liti platfrni clccc ii IT&O-Q9il for gi-etl lcic-L tHORSES SOLO, - itucaîiI.xi.aîb,. i g 22; cîaga; île hadsuffereti wîîb a cancer fàt tîo-ii 'ctictuI,-fie11 . Il- f Infi-oltnt~îi la îunacce c i~c l3iméL YSo. 4 % a v iii'. -caic.s ed -rmacitis d ,A idlit f.1, Chic5igo saule lime and flnalIy decided Lta ub-1 or a cei r td wcî t-un sr i a 2 i ~isaldaIieô. Lak Bluf Cashiii t.îtice N. Rimu'ii, iunt. , ramt te an operation. Ht. dletia short one. of hîs legs as a rsl itt c 17e1 Libetistville. 7W lnhutli. 1-dent retisuir? tilT C0 i£. hlme, aftenwar4. cîdent.' I ledependent reader? BE ON&. Feather" - "Talk about I fluffy, temptinc whoieaomne jeUy Roi%, good thingil Myl but CALUMET, BAKING POWDER cerainly beatsithe band for sure reinîta - fot puriry, econamy and wholesomne bmk ingp Tell your mothr ta Calumet Baking Poi- der on the mon-back RBeilsai BttonAWâ, Af. Cà*i ietpý mvyou, mon. Ci.aumt n.-îsvaw and fer ampetiot ta saur rnilk sd .h SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTIOC Notie ia berehy given to ailtse.i intereuted dtatn in@ta&iloeenb of t« PM cent of au naseemnent inenoie due Ws drainage purpuîeee for th@i' % unr A. i. 1915, opin lande lying withln tiie Vusn Skokle Draioage District tu th,- tiammp of Lake and Statut of Illinois, anid l9 ane muet b, paid to the undersigesi Franklin S. Kera. Treamurfr ofai di district a% his office in Lake om@.' National Batik, Libertyville, Ilinois. mo or belore the lOtb day uf bMarch, e. ID. 1916, mand in defauît of sucb paymMà the Beverai tracta ot land upon wh& @ald finatalImptit remains nnpapid wUl b. sold laccording to iaw ro pay the amomit- of sucti lntitaliment and conte. Dated tuis 2üd day of Janary. A. 9. 1918. Franklin S. Kera, Treamuru'. Jan 7-14-U1 SPECIAL ASSEESMENT NOTIOE Notice ie hereby given tu al peoines iuterested that mn finetaliment of tue, pu cent o i) mi ispoutuent'io es, wdes fer drainage pnrpoees luîr.the year A. 9. 1915 npon lande iving within the Fýa"v SkIuRh Utain)age District in the I1Oeid'r. oftAk Lak.nd Suite of Illinisl, and the sanie imust bc iaid t(i the nindelreigM&. Franiklin S. Kero. 'freaeureraetafli 'itriec t M im ufliré in the .Lake Couni' *National Banik, Litwrt.vilî Illinois, S o.r 4ifore the 1Uth day of Merih, A D. 11916, and in dp!auit 1! such paymoist il,, meceral tracte io lanîd upoîn wbli mad stne I it reitmiaiei piait] w ilb. -lit ai, c rdiilg to a aw I i a3 tIh. amaoo of .1ptIlt unt d î,.îîa,, cîsi Iiaied ticie 2wri ii of, Jaîîuarv, A. 9. I'ranliîîS. K- n. ,Trcaebute'r. Ja n. 7.14 21 ADJUDICATION NOTICE. l'lwcnotiul oIs l1,, îhy gîven thàt 0w subscriber, Adiiîlol tratilx of thie 's fýte of J!ohn A. Iofrfinan, deceasel, wM attenîd the Couîîty Court of Lake CuiXt 'v, ut a terni tlii'ftcof bc blde i IlCourt flous(-. i Waukcgan, la sald Ciîuntî', on thes first Monday nt e h c,-1 ii . 11)1l6, wlien and wiîere al 1c rons having rlainîo acinsttsali l. tate are nccitlcd and rpqucsted te pri oonfthle sntice to sald Court for a&- judical ion. gZJTII 1. CRAWFORD, Xýdniinl.tritrix of the Estate aofg A. tîotiman, decea4ed. \Wo;ukeg.n, Illinois. January 3,'1911,ý HeYIdlSclidr and Heydecker, att. neya for estate. wltly Jani 714M

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