Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jan 1916, p. 13

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N -"--4;.. LAÉKB COU"TY INlEPIËNe)Žt, ifti iY; JANÉ4'?1y2,11.- SOLD -SUS RUMORI Ruor Seem Weil Founded * TatTwo Deidedly Import-1 ,ant Transactions Have Been i Made in Waukegan During 1 the Past Few Days. ERSKINE HANDLED DEALS? WILL NOT CONFIRM RUMOR Peabody Tract Inelludes Ninety Acres-is FinelyLocated on Grand Avenue at North End of Butrick Street Inside the City Limits..-- Waukegan, Jan. 1Il Persistent rurnors te the efeet thets th W. e. Keith property north of, tewn bas been sold as weli as that or th: Psabody estate on Grand avenue 'the Fun learned today are nlt with- out foundation. .Robert J. Erskinc, the real estate dsier. who represents Mfr. Kelth, practlcally admtted that he put orne of the c-Kth holdings under a RalE contract wtb.n the last tew days, but hc waa flt prepared te give any turtber InformatIon ai tis lime. . ja regard to the Peabody estate un Olrad avenue,.erontaining la ail abouti 90 acre., Mr. Eraine vas more reti- "ant.1 Il la a weil knovn tact. bowveer. that a promînent Chicago capita!ist, In campaisy with Mfr. ErakIne, went over the Peabody property a few d.àv, ago. and It la rumored that they taler proceeded te ('hIrago and eloaed r deal. Ail attempts to get any definte nr firmatifin on this deal vas unavil!' able. Mr. Ers'kine would neither ad- mit nor deny the transaction, but re marked that the real estate mar it vas Ini a very satisfactory conditin nt this lrne. Tho l'eabody tract lies et the north ensd ci Butric.k treet and ln one or the veil known pieces of proper'., lIýng insde thc city limita. Yearq 49o -Ilr. Peabody maintained a beau- tul home there and had as bts ho'> hy the launching of the biggestnonut tj~ faron ever sfartcd baeabaufs. »bey Instaled an inculngtor whlch Not $7,500 and for ypars the fine pèutry yards wich faced Grand ave- Une vere vlewed with Interest by per- sons paasing that point. It vas but I 's fev years ago that tbese buildingsr vere tern down. The Pcabody resi- dence burnsed nome years ago', but the bar" s sll stand and are uîed byj tenants In the second bouse erectedr for Mr. Peabodys dater, Mrs. Spurk. vba llved there for many years. 1 WORLD'S SECOND BECST CARTOONIST APPEARSIN CITY Aton Packard of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. Astonished Ail by Hue Abality. UNCLE SAM 15 HIS SUBJECT. Draws Crayon Pictures of Var- ioue Types Who Sign the Praises of Uncle Sam. Waukega.ti.Jan. 1. Alton Packvand. cartconisf ansi en- terfainer. furnshesi a mot deigbffui eveningsa ententaiislfeit et tise an- moi'>'last evening is the Redpafb Ly- ceusu course. Ever>' possiblie effort vas made 10 keep the naorn venu but patrons shis enes nevcrtbeless. M. Pacitrds vont wifh the crayon vas indeesi manvelaus. He la possessesi eltis a 'wonderful giftIo! portrayiiig is tLougbts la an am'tsing. exltiug. ansi entertaining manner, ansi tirougb- ouf tLe evening Le kept the audience envnappesi vith is star>' of is trav- elo fhnougisout the tflstesi States. lis iraI drawixig vas that ut 'Sau Wilson,' manufacturer o! arma vho durilila the civil ver sisys sent ouf munitions mnarites "IU. S. A." San Wilson, bistor>' Sa>s, la the original Unele Samu of the U. S. A. Tben bI -drcv petures of the natives ofthti various statea. He drev picfores ai tie natives of the Isands recently acquires b>' the 17nifesi States and e-Oh pcfre Le $troduced as Mn. Sa-Sud-Sa of fhe U.,$. A.,- 1Ur. Psckaentif la ansusiclan as vell asa cartoonlsf. He playesi andsosis ueei'al catcjýy gsngs of is ovu 0011 poafflan, ansi T. Arthur SIpson and a Onhusaud on more otier resisietaol WXg*laclapped tisein banda lu ai pliu infil fie teare - appoveosili tut. effl. 'rýo oiifehottiféf tproved ta o on o~ uoot sovel ud 1ftereflu 'Senator A. J. Oison Pre!erît*ng New Cubs-Whalts of Chicago 11With Mascot 'Which He Captured inW1oni Woods - 1~ 5 . a ayroll vas rumigatea ocuore it w vasallowed b>' tbe chier crecufive or ian>' City. The firercu ibad not reccivcd tbefr cash up ans initilt a laie' boir Wednes- .5 - ,lsl~o. X.. i day aftcr'soon, Lut it vas statesi tisa îLe>' vousîs get tiseir checkts Lefore - Thursday rnorning. Owner Weegh-ocn of the Chic igo Cube la chown heme holding the club'@. naw mascot, which was preo Mayor Pearce Las refus d ta cept sented to hlm b>' State Senator A. J. Oson, ut Woodstock, state asnator f roi this, the cighth senatoriai dis- la payroll If ît bears an>' iidcatilon et trict. ScissiorOlten 3 a a the ri]ht hansi ide of the picturs. State Represcntativ.O Vioker, ut Harvard, repre. figures havlng Leen crasesi or blot- tentative tram this district, is stand ing on the lef1. with Frankt M. West nof Naukegan, a c ose friend of Senator fesi. Some people fbink t tat he la Olten, tooplng. endeavoring t0 make thn animal pose.j too particular. Lut olisers dlaim fbhat _______________________if laIsmpossible fa Le fopartieula _____________________g other peoples' ca.1.1 NORTHI CIiICA6iO O e eeh a cut iRA RICE, FORMER ihi adt ssrs$eWV5for>iti'5.WT's jTq l Thse folioviug jîupils receivedi the igbent grades ln the' second Ihi- monthl>' test beld Iis vecit at tLe North seboot: ElebîL grade-John Scisuren. Mausi Kratisse.lHoward Phil- lip. Alphonse Derut'. Sesentb grade- Josephs Krause. Walter K'-ollI, eat rice Iackson. Minnie Bbehnke. Sixtb grade-Carl SvanAon. hRobert hrean, Helen Drust. Joe Itabaree. PU 1lh grade-43unner Berg, Johin Kabarec. Mary fivele. The count>' tests are flot gven belov the fiftt grade. Late Sunday nght uccurred ': deetb of Miss Anisa Vernon, P rcii dent of North Chcage. Il is saîd îiî4 ber death was caused by brain f'.ser. Two doctors were nt )-ec bedslde wbea site pussed 3%.5V Mia. Chas. Gatterman. wlîo was r,~ ceuti>' sîpoiniesi assistant librarian t Predicts Pennanit. <snv r (isart.-ý' 'o"Iinli of ni :1-s camiîatî'ît a n sd Vbaie. of 1iý <a ':o a few days ago I)redicle;l a pýi Ian i fon thle nnthlî ci club tir sîu yî'an. The nc.ison scas al new t-'t wtslh wes tresenîted ta Lus a>' Si,'ýe 9.'nafon A. .J. Oison of MoiL a The %prpseitation nia i' o'n thol rotof a!the Otia biiidin'ýz tsca, w~here the aliose 1ictune 55w aiaen. According 10 ftic ston> ,..old thi cew Cub nasa ai ithe' îr.scntio.i .î. ý 11. i Senator Osons ,,Party $110t îLe cuis s.1.l.î *.ma. ron i- 1in W~aîkegafl ta * Waukegan Locals etitheihme Mof bis aent ys ut 1 Gl te Rokave huPresa3tmrni ate R:o.c vasu fhraken sici fv eai :.H ago ad p eniasein onv Siand a'. ane vas on ina etgln Sindy l83 nie la theorn 1r.ansi Mrs James Morali. ' . 't %I'. 1 tc al tLe North Chlcaga lb-ary. tlas r'-iotiarust tise wilds aof î is.Tl,,! î 'orl m, eS signeli her position. M. Gaterm,.'s i iunaile ta undecaland tuic straug'3 day uf Il- iî'ain Sioux Cifty, la, lant veek purcisasesi the Frye conti - o_ ofira iliec. a for i r weii known resi- tlne>'streani mi. aterinan wl proceedings. rail toaMr. Oison and fi assiît ism wiii tise work of!tLe store. irnsediateiy ecanie is v.Liým fient.dei fX'î.i.i< NrRceisia We seee b>'The Sun and Timeis Re TherV waa a jalficalion lait), il lt(icre.ý; ' a fl î ii;l';tstained on Janu- w viev tisaf Davidi Itoascis iii agaiîs in the t ub office whcn Ain. Oison aidL; p- e- 1. \li1i ;i dclils lave not ty trouble thîs urne in Joiet.lie wais - joui ceo -.sîd i, ;,, iiii knowss Ibat fi arreafesi for aicemptesi burglary. liepart>' arrived witL tLe mascot. "'lie fplltontluil, jroion thse date meni- la now vantesi by the police ibore sud Juil whai we neesi." sai 'Ir. Wec '2h tioneit. broakîn,,; ,i llP. viti Le brought here as voeuas tlsev man. "The cdîilîliai good ii 'tý witil le receisel liii , '5 0f mesilcai a gel Ihrough witLh;m niat Joliet. lier,' ihe hear itl lad on the wctsidse. This.-)ention tut li.s aliiced age made il im is a case wbere the ofilcera a'ouid<'laiiire>irgu od beaieieV imsU'i).'for thse lujumy f0aa justflfed lu puiiing Housclis were ho line" Tien, gra5sing tf licahs i- o t ice -s 87 rears a! age. Il coul na oreDix, h t l! , c onslltiois Lecame cuda omr damage. le Las lie dida'i k'now the animai long o' . 1 caused trouble enougb aireai>' and wUeoîbt a lli as.. vi:krandd ieuîi sas not unexpecft- Le shoulsi Le taken care of Lfoce ili e Leet'p <mdittisai lot'Titer iassii. hipe fmI cammitsa amore serions offense. lead îhe 1916 chîamiîiions otf !lic,îî I-is îî.i Ia 1.e sipe ro A lttie more anow and the flood- tionai icague" Siourlii. i ilI arv Wue ing of fise Pond. ai thetar1 l,*w'i :I The'animai wi t l)ý îat'en ta . ý is'iolii r'-day ii ng et 9 'ciack f put tings lu ine shape for the boys, otaln Park, wîîcre il wll suend tise re- Il je loydly wil1 lic taken immediatel>' i ansi girls again. m'-lnder o l asoo ni i rw aOsksood ceiiwry, wlsere I ifyl ù Tlbc mariage o! Elmer Ilogan ansd 100 lange for coniori aisd safet>'. b adaa nt, a ylt Mary Jadricb took place ioda>'. BoIh 1,1;e IIIi efiiîl.. f,ýrmery were ver>' are veil knowîî bu NartisChicago. _______ -__ .ri niw n ln't .î.kegsn Lut fLey The question af lure water ihat is 'irs c m11(4 liveci lî,in several wears. fa Camle up for a vote onTuesda>'. loday for a vacation fon thes-'emaiis leilc ' adi-oibngvfLs onu, 1owec l1. lîi'e. ot Sioux Cif>'. Fehruary 8, lm heing quiet1>' disemsseit der o! tIse ss ek on accoont o! the ýt la nol. kan nes t vîsetîser or nott bore. As tan as cen bcLe iarnîs, fhere teaciiens' meeili t ii aukegan. . Mc. ice ssfll sccoîilafly the' nemaîns Bternsard Decken s ais the sick ist. b as developedsa 50fan but 1bille objec C. E.Sayîer la stlii1 ai hishome 'îf li's fatlir. Air. iice lm recalled b>' flain ta the poos hon t sla 30111-'Of !tIse oiliiîc nsisents a! the Waukegan. "f' Iknovn yef vhefber an>' meetings 55 &be1fot1orhChcao *y çbe- caliesi fa discuss the question or A large numbrrmNoLCicg i nat. AltbaugL iflta arguc b>' saine alteisies tht' Alonu Paeckard lecture IngeSlous fSvAndg.. f oi taxes are igh ere, yef ail agree authtie armer>' Isat evening. PMoc candlemakei5 bat@ boan de- ythat samcething should Le doue fa pur- Tîe North Chsicago Royal Neigîs- tectesi savfng w'ax and dotrauding eue- i if' ou veer. f l fanbeltn f do 'or sistcd iseRoya Neghbos tefs b>' eavlng tires alunit haies d Ly or wter itla ar ettr t doLor viite th*Ro*.i Neghbrs d'arousndithe vicit. iengtivise of the rif nov fLan 10 watt until conditloiis tise Lake Fonest losige asat evening. caudies Thîn tItons af vax si top beoama varde.i Mrs. George Cook o! Wisconsin h< SKiS iottotu cover the cilent, malted Dicit Peters, visa has heen visttiiîg visiting relatives lxi North Chicago. wax filie the huies as tLe cande iurus. ln Chicago, vntes that Le Las een AreL Hlet'of Cicago la vs iting al noffereti a position thene ansi na>'ne- tht'borne of N.Irs. Rudiger. Worth Whil. êuototln. id ain for the vinter. 1 Herbent Davis la ou tIse sicit list. MurTe In1 a paver lu a habitui )fThe commissariat deliarfueflt of Loralute Deacois, sho sîîraiuCd hec SIlii, ztaioù» biecause X vin@sfeuiogd p- the naval sfation Leleve in preparedi' soXhe moule timre aga la stili canfincid Mbriage custurnera. butf hi lnesi. -Tise>'are aov purcLsin,- fa tht'. boune. aal' Oso's aWn lite l0 immaupM. bread ftram fie Ideal bakerynot Northb1Blanche Deacen. -vha bas beele ,Y eforbt Ilavaais e>'Le ralsuagt t. 1 h Niîao. -thendCîga fev days wvifL ýber niont acart. bas a great Iniioe lu frana g9 Th hotsCicago schooia clasesi in Waulcegan, refumnesi Ioda>'. forwnng fi hear"-SOIacUei 0the Lake ('ounty Generai hospîfal is veek. This Is quite a record for he Institution. Mr$. R. K. flavie of South Park ieniie suetained paintîsl burns ta anc de of bier face this effemnoan vhen lburat of flame tram the' furnace doar ,truck bier. Ifla L elieved that the asideis Ignition of Ras vben the sionr vas openesi caused an explosion. A bysiclan vas callc d ni er Injuries 'ere attended ta. Miss Lydie Stecitie of the Cook court- Ly ospifai, vhere she vas heasi nurse fr oise and a Lait Yeans, la nov a urse et the Lakte Count>' Generai Hos- ,tat, ssbere seeIl an assistant af Mias Gladys McCune, the supeninfeni- ont of the Insfitution. The Institution is te be congratt4ated upon securlng anurse of sucb exrerence andi ai- ILy. i.amon Shimidkl, a resideuf of South Itica street. vas fa'ien ln eua- tody late Frida>' atternoan vhen îelghbors callesi the police ta bis home. He vas in the acf af giving lils vite on of tLe "Leatinga" oftlber UNe vhen the Pr' -iarrivesi, aotthe fomeigner vas taite1 the police fs- tion where Lie viii occupy a ccli un- til hie la gîven a Lt'aring on Saturday by the police magistrate. A number of local men, Including Parse>' BÇlm. Clint liumnett landi L A. Doolittie have van prizes vltb 'Leir displays af the Racine poultry shiov. Next vecit Mm. Boehsm infends f0 dispia>' aftise Milwaukee isoultry show. Judgs, Edwards fosiay overrulesi the motion for fie quaslslng of tise In- diettuent In the perjur>' case againaf Chartes Hartsoolt af Highliandi Park ansi set the case tom hearing at the Merch ferm'et court. . It vas ratiser coincidentai that firee deaths occurresi late>' 0f vam- en visa ln their carl>' lives vere close trienda ansi neighhors. On January -, occurrcd the deafb of Mrs. Ellen M. , Smith ansi Mrs. Levi Waif, Loti ot Waukegen. Years ago tise tvo farn-1 lics livesi close tf a cdi tier near' îValfi andi the siccedetits ab tbd~trrl tbe1efte w1eli ' nelgb'? As o gqxnday at WQ P~I'~ 'isati t"Msof ore Besie>' ansi Mrs. Siblie «no ceh other for ycara lnU Mdleur>' irs, coIn ndr as sucbtois ar. Maiv. ei vasiio unable fa L on bisr. Maxbelle Cha o sud o bM onlvau rn bec. Ciag vardtoil45w asu rtue ed. cAuntrdctourt$45ada>' nietcaein Charles L. Wiley vs. Mitchell Blackt. Tie largest f og signais nov ado use of are suppiied vltb borna 90 toat long aud tiseir blants are n0 pave?- lu] fiaitbey can be heard trou f von- ty-flve to fblrty miles at se&. ThoT are geners.ll>' aoirated by carnireisêd air, fie genelator bcbng dnîvan b>' ,& gfflline englue of about tw»t~- Ove hLorcerower. of ber aubject sud a 1éb speak bcdly tuin b'ot - Mr. R. B. lt fUwy director'l for W ist*iit ,' Irs entetafeal uengs,,- aid a the people reqeto bi m -tu 4 ls a greM t tarite utti la" dIeucos becaugeIpe. a1.4s tiing voYOu iltIo'ta sâÎ sun bOy ta sa>'Il. Moîploseo Patise. Chidren ame tinct ta lie1 duMib brutes. aund sgpotlmlg ab sali &bout Imporss on katian. Sens Globe. I r--- VuLTO*AJJEJ<cO ~3~~m - i minais (Opikisns> .3.h~' WEEK 18 ail it -will coet. JOIN OU R PHONOGR4A CLUB, ' Ilave ail the pIvasur("c and enjoyinent deriv-'ý ed froni a phouograph. Pa.y, for it on sueh.sma.àU sinus thtiat vou Nwill hardly miss the amouteach i week. The New Phonozraph Pan'15 Less T un aWeek Old'andla Taking Like Wild Fire--Jôtn-> Today. Any oue -anyw'herc in Lake Countv-cab»ý beeonme a ienmber. if you cannot cail at the' store the folloiving coupon addressed to us wl hring you eonmpl.ete details. Fultouî-Alden Co., Waukegan, 111. Ph(aiPe'- send nie, Without any obliggtion;ýce, iny pai4ý 'eciniplete itnformation about youti, Phionograpli Club plan advertiscd in The In Address ...... ... RESULT oF A FALI Eghty-Seven Year OId Man Wýho Broke Hic ianuary 12, Dies at Sioux City. BODY ON TRE WAY HERE. Remains Will Arrive Thursday jMorn;nni and !3urial WiII Take Place at Once. --JML mmmmý- - - - - MM"! 1 FUMHiAW TETownaClerk George Hutchingofl,' h e il b able to be ou ft bi a ROLL AUTER CHIFtic days njod Pa aew O'FARRELL SIO SI T agotiated w rah Iptntel es111e deais dumtng the iast few days. Ho sold the north 100 feet at the northý Major Pearce Demande That weat cerner of Greenvood and Northi Ail the,,Motinp L.ast W * ; iO'Farrell Sign Payroll Before avenue? ta Miss Mattle Kraft. He.11 i e aisol WOTO W#Mt Femen Get Cash. saisi the 57 teet of the same praperty.1 lIUBIShwl orn ng nNorih avenue, taorg FOLEY ASHfl- ESSENGER Ceînin GoEIHOLD 1MOP *1FEBRtJARY. A~Ju. Misi Anisa Vernon svho diesi at the honte of ber parents in Norths Chicago City Health Off icer Takes Pay- luýt Sonda>' night, had Leen sick for, lusseil, Wauoond MW roll to Home Quarantinied but tso days. wiîen slse was firn f-'and WauciW , At e ed by Scarlt Fever. ken il1 It was repgrted that she asMlfg Paè _________ rvr. uffering front th e grip. Dr. Jolley - The city firemen dldn't get their 1of Nortb Chicago war called In ta j 3esptthéfiew aoid mtke et, la« Pa>' today, despite the tact that i amn1 îeyon.ldye i 'ca k he i.attcstdance it thse vg vas psy day. t;uiday night. but site was In a dylug 1 condition. Ib-I., saisi that she_ died of meetings Of the farmesw itutt. When Mayor Wm. W. Pearce cx- bran foyer wr dlata.a.fM a hi, amiesithefirmen parol hedl.! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sioemer ot beeo more Intcrat inanlfeau &as covered that D. A. Hutton, assistant North Count>' sireet, leave toblght for wbo carne ver. tuer. tte irpue, chief of the department, Lad oafBesi Havane. Cuba. and ther points rf Of leaina Sd lne1f fo ep &metaaUd, bis signature. and that Sers OF-alTel luitereot lu tLe south. Tbey will go Tise meetings Worl idl at.Au _o boad neglected Wf do sa althougb Le direct ta Cuba. and plan on vîsitîng GraYOla'ac, Gurne*. Toit eodaoi. Oad had irelared the payroll. Is Florida sund bitersoutiernsMtes DeelThi#. Ab9~ftthe S lddk et - f Nov. Sars OFarrel, chso ie t te atter leavîng the Island. Mr. Sioe. ruai>' anothor son., ot meetiap i)p" fire department, la quarantined i athissuer les vice presîdent of* the Cyclone Le iseld ai limffùe il 'um Wi, borne on Washington streef. Hie elsi-FecCmpn.cndsu LaeSic.- estsonlasict ! saret evr. r. Everett Wlbur, is slck at bis home.' Thise flkeit, îa(lait wee)eo meei J. C.h Fo ley. th e f l' p s s c a . and th e services of a tra ne si nurse lgb e w .r a & U m a ",. "0 " . <. Lelhclmsinr,_ot Waukegan, go bave been retained. lis reistivea uivcr4ty , basA rùm . Urbo*. YA iMayor Pearce declded that it vusta hth afclgfrmtpod1r.Dt ap q Me.n ijÇ Le ellandvttin he utrpret- I tever. iia condition le mporfesi as ty ver. thé Ïspeakers out <arY I0ptc Cloetishe law f0 delegate James L. but littie Improvesi tody. ccrla .fîitltrstç ,Sr waescoeainj t counis Friend* ut Mia. John P. )Maivell,! the 'oeule ÏeTirid te a nf financeg, as a conuniftee of orne wife of thée Northwestecu ongIncer. tit« . - .- .ý te carry tisefIrerni'so Pyrou f vteege a erthtthéa bo Ioea.jqwcna offce t D. oie'. btbintrutios.sick lu Led at her borne In Chicago Sngren çpueyt>. gave tnaum a q. tbat Le faite iltabthe O'Farrci resi- Mn eiuana i rnéicas Weý d.îîce for the signaeture of the fire 1ser silie 1hsé voit Sonda. Ou fia sho came ta Waukpgan ta attend cheron Socet>' apoko at aceagaI or Dr. ole wa a1o Istrcte bythethe luerai of ber aiter. MNsn.ifllen the .fiugjM- .. a. opkisoblas tir Foe>'vasaie tnruced M. be Sm iths ansias sbe isasinotbeen lrc. mayor f0 fomigate tbe plece ot pa-an aveiieoetetesoi 'r< mc ani-bsd 1 pr-the payroll-before returning if n o elbfr hn h hck-TnWc a»»b di Ttý of ltier sisters deatis Lad the cfect of otflirs. Qray. vie vas tie This le probably thse flrsime n maklug ber condition varie aud ,up- of thé weà on banaoheld iiis the histor>' of the UniteSt Aates tL'tt on ber r eturu borne, sbe vent to bcd heiug of a ple*ng perso"l*e --. . .an4'snce bas Leen unable ta leave-1t,1 a reaftv speaker. hÎah »e

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