Look Otd! Wise Special Sale "1Physical Culture Cord Wood work fatu Phm» 47 etx-b diMinîeu.anl right, t ight, Sh U ot to dois te 1op tmr uho ifrst AIt th. o IeAil kiow. the.moi-k i.samtis m dew tauid aPrie« 1,ma m Will see below I M-1. ieu» oekq... -.. 7ge thrtio oItesrt..m.linom 61 ber aieg weathe I X fbe tqvée M' A. p RHume Mr Uih.ortb bht. Tou kRlow teeat j ruImolvfl *tord tom hi.e l bt hl bu1 ~ .lwwa O ister teSOmntbe@tfrr won't b. tb.is style . ...---- Conte in, see our nev plam BuiId this SPringl Seed Corn' in the. Important subot. Better Se Ours This is just the Time to ta*k over ý.he thing y'oz mus8t nulater. DO !T NOW! g A. I O -i O 'O O O -O O O O O O n. 'O O O -i O O O O O r., O i.on'e soles i nd rntl.ler i,î, I hlidren'e euit bimd L.- .. 39 owia m anrasenRIm &Wb l 39, emn Aul wmik d o s'asday a& re. ELECTRJC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP Sprmgua Streut.' M ieryWII You want te know what qour motor car itt Ido. The .nigion.oer ford performanoe answers gour question SUIIpýIIag the inotor car needs of 4U <4ases, thIsF" is opereted end ÏÎoatalneii in city or country for about twoceats a mle-With universal Ford servie bebdnd it. Tour îog Car $440 Reaontt 3ffl Coupelet $590 T~ aCar $640; Sedan 8740.1.0o. b. Deh-olt. On disonla ndsale -et Schanck Hardware Co., USERTyvIL1& EL GROC!UIY SATISfACTION Il Your grocelr plenea.you in every particular, you have ne eueofoS ehanging Evon WE eau do no mure than hhat. Bu" il ye tbinik mre of mahinu a shift, ve woIld bt glad t WO YOMjeuthe best service of wbicb we are capable. O.. Mmd Oten we have tarned hocwad-agein ceatores m Imypatrom. And we 1050 a surprising few of the relly particular groeery hujer, vho onoe become our cOutomers. Try ms on anything yen likie. Gorlett'& Frectericks LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. -A imMANt)PÂOTURING CO. -.GHTING FIXTURES Os s n boe piscing von eider. Visiter@ meicume W. alis bave a complet. piatinor plant tor refinphinu AINM ÇIZPARS, TAUXE WARE STOVE PARTS 7$bw rocm Md h.ori Ssammd WOrebard stresS LIRETYIILlE.ILLINOI S To Insurpublication ln the indepen-J dont. Copi muet ho ln the offie no latera than Trueda, of each we.lc. Adver- a tisons, especially are asked to telks1 partlcuiar notice to thla affect. I Addiioual Local News on Page 4 1A C. fiee bas been on the @ek Hot thi. meek. 0. A. Newpme sserving onl B jury in Waukegan tht. msek. Eala Loveeand la serving on the jury in WBuîkega th. meek.à chai, Il Matou ot Chicago, ipeet SUD-e day boeIch bis aon. Chas. 9 Mason0 and tamliy Mise Bessie Wbtmore @peut Sonda>' hu Gra>3elake attheb.hhme0otbehisatorr.idMr. Joe. Pester. f A C. Marra>' maaiIn Waukgae Tee day to se. hie mobion, Mri. Nancy mho le very fl. Mrs J CuRfe> bas gani' le Arora tu vit Smoof9t ten .s>st v.e ntier- gune operaion.. Um ieslde Wits of Chîcago, vlit.d lust Scanda>'wh bber brother. ch. Bus. E &. White amd mss A Valentine part i>mlii h. glven hy ithe 8barylOtrnleclub as the Auditorium on l'iureday eveahmg, Feii. 10ib. Thei.W C. T. U. 0 wii tmuet alibie homeofa Mrs 8arab Morse ou Tuestia>'.Jan, 25 Toboid lite Oular bimneee meeting. Mn and Mr@*Ben>'yf)oebier loftcMon- daey for Cltrom,.le, Alabama, and other iunte Ini th.e ontb. Tiîey expeet to ho gloee verai montb.s 'Mr@. J. J. Wilson and littie ebiid relourd ceth eir home Im Waterloo, Io m&, alter a vîsit ai the home ot M r. and Mr@ Sias Wright. "r,,ris-,r , V 1 -*o(,iridge exjwctà ti I icaotb,c.nnotuithe meel on a trip tel Màicuesoca te eteit with relatives. ne milii b.gone about cmo meeo. E. J. Lu. anti tamil>' et Minneapotie Mimaii , vietteti their menit, Mrs. W rn Wbigam tiedueeda>' mule ou cheir may la tii souotb tu @pendt h. intir. l'he'Rov anddlUns Edward 8 White r.ctureed trom their medding trio on Tharsday nigtotlaet meel. The>' have moved inAte theirncem home on Sa. Park avenue E. B. Neville. ut ray'lale. viîsited hi. son Mark, mbu ia rmplo Pd ait Deeeni1 Piarmacy ber. tara t,,m minutes Wed- ta-ada>' eîreiug wbiie ou hi@ ma>' te Waulegan. A chlen scpper and entertaiement mill ii beeenhe h.Ladies' Aidfat tch. Md. E churcil Thureda.v, Jan 27. Suppen tram 6 p. m util ail are »erved. Tickets 35c. 1lSd Invitationîs have been lssued ton a dancing part>' mbich miilho beld t the Auditorium on Thereday ,vaniui eb. 24tb Masous ftive-pigee orchestra miii tenniq, he tii.tale. Oiver W. Nolsh, Who le employed at th. Racine bnaeb hbouse ot Armant Atilorneys Beej. H. Miler and Paul Ca. @ pont Sunda>' boe. mtb bis tamll>'. MacOuffiu of Lihertyviile. havebhein Tii.laml>'exvtuete remove te acine apltdt h.Mmesi amte lu the u.ar future..apitdt h emeei omt eft h. Navy League oft1h. Uaited Ilcates TTiri us Chapter ah lb. Westminster and will help la epreoittblaI orgânixa' Gid miii meet et Teeeday evezieg tdon lu tbeir districtlnl the active. aggnes. mlcb lire Warren A. t'ibclao. takimgslv9 campalgu wmiti t le carrying an hn the third mmd founth ciaptere cf "Hloe,&Il -part@ioftch. coumtry te belaif et miesions in Action),' adequate pr.panedmeis agalist Invaso- The local inencante mho porchaeed A feecilette, hac tae reslved b>' the. stoek andi fxtuMqe cf the Mode, abers Meuts. Miller andideeOfieby tii. Navy Smo meelesuao, bave rsmovu-d off cf tie Longue. eotlt>'lug thei oftchoiliappoint- stock and b it aexpeeteul the fihtnrsee mlii10meute. bo eald le a shot dise. % Tinredla>'nigbt.ot limt eet the eem There mvers ma services et the Peaby-industries cotemibtee and the. dlnectons tontam eburcb on Sonda>' moraîng on cfl the Comipenclai Club ipike et tbe Labe accocnut faumetig goîng mrong mti Cesaty Nationaal aBéo e t wmil Sipas th. fummae. Tii servies la tbe ovomlng Sbre. gentlemen tram Ubilemo whe are mas Wed et the neomi bour. Intarceteul ln a mew stfflgo battry ighllmg aystem and wio siWiisklng a Mies Florence Goidanborg hm ecovorod location fortheir faer> mors Presses. traM a veiJrbus atteet Of PsMOhtia Ti@ gentlemen explimidodior propool.4 weheh abs contracted wmille 8Cilcago on bat no ction W&S baken cm Si. on ber buda>'vacatIon. M» àR ISil, t.matior. The pronnatel a wiubed ta oeli id boumch. latter parc of IbIs miel. live tionsand dollars lu stock IlutÙ4 The LUburi> viii.les Co. bas bosm dncerit h.>'ta holul about tmeulY rutting a lom qualit>' o! lm aitt6d.gyavif biquad ofhthe twty.fietbosamd, pib simca ths eold tmapest 1l. Wort cf dollars cptliahi. The atorfgo. 9111109 thé Feviralhouse.n ig on and b.W sejem aa iov I.lalul dta bc munany tecama are umd le iamhiog thes i.. vel3"uitable for farine and largre bnlid. A uarriaze Iliceuse a Immed n Chi& lugeas tch., cuud 'bc operated vry 'taMudaySaLacs W MaermmdMis etlstactot'tilandl st t lbmcool. The çaMoargeie b LeW. Mierand Misepromatirs ex piamu-ultiat t lw or, nom Margérie Hrte ef hlegô.Thebaàviez the igbtiiig systeme mianu- Wedding ha tu tale place macurda>' even. fcue > ocramtcnrlelh lng Mn Maher lia sonai M. and MUts. atrebt concternwied ot enrletabi Nat@ L.UMaber. tmbtta e ibdt aala __________________ aefactcry et thhiromu le i.hetyviIle. War deeiarrdi WherO'? pý Labe Co., The LhertyviiVoiunteen Fln Depart- ioi delil chart4, lnheea and tooad.tabp.sment mlii give theur sîti maul damce Iow R, yR> th Quiekedge buiepsur. De. ai tie Tamn Bail cm Fi-da, svenlon. inebaleinti. mdumle' ~ga.Tee hl aple's fou D-lesorelcetm à vear onid Jobsu>'or Uildvd is gée bes 1suppet mii h.cssfed. Dameais Si nsear -due o k ils or seisore »m teemor. $1 pet couple. Ti$i frem-'s dm111,.Sl wmtsy seconde. Cal I'iomus 108-J ori ml*owone of te tiiciPDPIW Sdm80 280l-M42. Spi lfIbo maison.14 9 'bl Vt: repto* tlft 'inefflay oSTflîi fcIe b". ui ta lormont, riMb, tr, bdMb* MW"teutabout fiesva à.ibers ic* hI. parents,..Mr and Wr.. ia. ý P. Treptom, asud is brocher. Undertaber JOURsA. Tropiom aud lammhiy. Mis Paulné tTurerrmas toit-e ta the Jane@ Allter houpitlinI.Wmukcien on leondamad ani Tuesda> Uftuierm.nt an oppration tanr appeudiechts. M i.9 Turnermis btâer hJen mtiiMn il Mr@ Jordan ut thu . erlc station, eh. biihjg atiek .ît YMie Jmrdau The imasqiberad.. dane gleen b>'the. Woodins-ts îîdge nt the Audioriem hast Frîda>' might mas a hiuigucesé., about 2P0 peoiple twr in teatesndamet' The .modt or the ocssl.t mait fortîlseod b> Hapke'so.chieecra.Thi-ve mer. quit. a Dumber uftwbanctul ciie.tuonîe. lu Incouectlon mtîb the ehilee senpper surwd et the M E ciiircb Thnrsda> eveulug, Jan 27tb there miii he a siocifllhis pi Plertalnidëtic Nul uni> -membé,esied rritdeotftb.. eborcb aer urgea tii et ..iîd, but the publie hi cordi aly nvited sai meil l it M ,.C 6 t iemelofttTuevday tor Grand Rap %.,lSe.ttbpbiu her muttrlu.lsw, Mroi Guirgo, fsase. mhîi mini cher.. nome timte muo. George lesac sud hi, son Carl alse e'e to go tu litre I, Grand limptide ns sumsas t bey eau die. pose oft ih.ir huereseslu th. L.lbercvili. Plauhîîg Mili Word he been r"ceived bers trom idMri. Swa a ban o mîig bir damiit-r Mise Mary, tà nu. esa.lig teSenttfr, Washington. ibhat tii.>' ave .givpn 6î ch. idr-a ut g.,ing tu Cahîfgorula belon.. rstorminghoef, auid mbhch tii">' bad pianed on dolez it wn chu-y left ber. last full. Tii.>' rpect tu retru about Match fInit. W. W Camaoil bs bren compelird ta b. absent tromi A tsore part ur the cime dorlmg 1h.' pasI meel on accouent ut haviez trouble wlth carbeiîciee on ils nerck. iHe.msutiabie to emal. hie r.guiar tripe te Chicago ce do' but hcg tor the ste... and hie daughcer. Mis- Kate. mad. the.trip tur him un Fnida3 sud again oit Tuedayr ti's.. . A. Tr.ptom aied iti..daugiter. and Mr*. E (J Ticumetrmnau a oscer a' Undrtaker Tr.pttîm.left: Soda>'morte- fi;gtar Olahma Cty w here ch.>' @pet a couple ut da3W mth br Treptomeo si@cer, Mr@ Frpd Braeced anîd tamil>' The>' ih,tie oîmt'illupd on thoir trippct Texas, mhrre hoW la'dui ave et.er ivicg TIi.>'expeet terecuru In about tbre. moutho. The 8 8 Orlastra. coiposed ot Mis>. Grame. utte.lipid. Aithur Preston anti Gordon. Fudwir, viitletall andi R.M Tavior, curietimt, piayrd tî.gmthi'r tor che. tirot time u t ci'. 'M E. SutidaymechotA lait Sentis>' Mr Sharur>',eil lb.. oi> Publimshicg Ca ,hattepreéeemied kiosCarri' Chard ihthe . nee rehetre book>. amd as the'y are veî>' eX-,'eMve ch.. orchetra i. v..ry graiefui to Mir Shore. Amocg the ri'cnt "Bazarde@ tfHileu" th.'re ji.ncatie hastrpa"m "~The I>tater Tank Plut" le point ut thrilis H,'ei, Himu. climbcetu hgh onch.. cru-sieoutea bridge, eming. hbersei tfrote a mater tank jet(i a MnVîng eniglîce and engages le a scirit..d combat ..ith the. men wmh Pl&,- te poison a caniuad of raco borses An excellent pietur. In stary' and treatmnt. At ch. Liberty Theatre, Saturda>'. Jlan. 22. la. piew.v fse il V ade t cnéotbà barill 1% lon 'roms at W.omdmmbdl mmome euse.eaiallumuer. 'Poiaale bbrne dokssd anrdobsisSldd18~1 l'ami Round Latte b, a good immml. mmnd Ma Pum~Iwlummcl eleted ose, be oueos. cf is race Tlés Satérutey pretidu ma'.bunemp ithees at Grm>laîe, "lrod C"'beoteau e.emi mmii tagalma4t thrte. ther starters. Thei. l.umhgsoetheslaits cif the comm .do .01 ismt ) ha,. beoome reconelieul te ,Io -i,* utthe bhowling cii.>' tu tii. Cole & ilioum..r.tablimbtme,ît a couple of weels ego, uhitch heomnens dtd ou aatit oftheb.fa-t chat the 'rllahega boatrd at the lant reglar ii"î.tlmg refeseul (0 log er iiie lîcenseon bowling bellei. l'h, ownene du'clarw.d Btiual cime that the.v were ruumlmîg c h. aile. té ta lo». and vrould b. comnplleuhto lom.. thete Il ch. llc.na oouldot b.ol'edu.d. On'eof the lubs uftché. taonare .alîl tu bo alter tiw,.allo.ista riait th'm fbaut ch. pro. prietuir and It le cbîîughc ihi.dentlmlii goa through lu order te boum Litbertyvilie, it le. flot oui, nêevsa tuO'write arnd tait ahuieth, but en&s'aorî fluet ho madsl ta matle tmure attracetive. Tht. cam bp don>. tu a certain extent b>' mailîîg -trvet leîproven,iits Every mennla mot expê.cti'd si) huid a palariai mamlon, erludîvideail>' îcarc a largo. factory. but yeu Paun speal litndi, <of v.ur egh. es ,-or*. lMaksteracigeVe tel .1 ionf. .. thoe oe.tatown.aed enstain publie improvempiti. ,even il fIs>' do rl' oe. tlIt tou tur th. prfeee. Itepair year .idemalks and tupnesg, irlm vc0lr trees, and paint yen .'ne.Tii. greast thlî'g i. lor eer> body tu b. (tut empthhng, pesbig atwatt, bettenlngj the condlition ofi chlikzpabout and aroucdyvoîit let th. dut>' ut eeerycliizen te autlnI building np the. dit , tmhirh hf. liPs.. SPECIAL ASSES$MENT NOTICE Public notice is heru.hy mcv.. t at the. luth lnetallmput or tp.'clalAssunt Nu. 2 village otfltwty ville, acd ch. 6tb inetalim..nt ot Appeclai Acmeement N'o 3 vu ot enid village. are bîîtb due and ipay ahle bt th- ofie oft h. Village Colietor in the. Lue. building. 171;2 Lyell 0. ilorrie, Villag» Clleccor. No matter hnm large or sagit our trê.lghb agfiale, or oih..r artice,' are me ilii deliver tuu-teait tîîli.îmng rate.: Fromt 1 to 20 th ...... ........... 115 eenta '2) te 150 lb ................I_10 cut. 150 te 830 lb@.............. ....15 cente ijeer 300 lb. sc.icial tcrn, Fiee regular trip@ daiiy co ail partm -t th.. tome beelde.. 'f tirrebaritm D.lî.'ry Co. ln aceordace.. ,dh the. mnanniuItre-, qquet on, man%, aw,al i riëîîd..I l.rleedship Court 748 î c..f te oiert ai Honni'twiii give Ii.- nf th..lr taliular Hteno parti.'îand dlai.e.Thuredar vi..e gIi..g. Jan 27. a' M vi uleWîî,ers hall. l'b..eegai h.ring- of Frird.hip i'nurt e.. weii at'..nd..d and ail ar. a.-ur.d a good' cImne too.,nmir ji. Tute 25v a p..r. A nation--*i 1SNT TUE fAI Our Ba"kis *"ý USAY ETY SÂLtT TILE IME BRIOK SEWERPIPE W. F. FRANZEN, JR. Tolephone No. 50 Libert7vilk lehpW. FROM OUR- SPECIAI HOME MADE BRIEAD 85.00) IN CASH miii b>' paid to the prmun who bri»go the lirst 10u wrapp>erm, 88.00 IX CASH for the secontd 100 Wrapperm. $2.00 M C(ASH for the third lto Wrappers. WATCII THIS SPACE IFOR oTriR PRE WUMS The Libertyville Bakery Phone 68 -- Liberlyvile, InI Remnant and Rummange Sale, Clearance of Remnants of every Description ine dl*mualin, sheetinga, outing flannel, uilkolins, erals glnlijn, io~eedlawns, table clotU> tiékings, diiuand e leitem.at ab h alprioe to clos. them at once. 2,000 yards of white goodeo onottiiîg cf dimity checks m»a plaidas t 8o pe yard, a large variety of patt.crnw of mree'rized table aloth, rine value f.or 35u.,, Theoe goode were bou,5ht at an advantage and cachiot be deplictated through the season. There i. a speciai lot af sateen petticats, colore and bltuk, $1.00 value to close at bbc. Ail that are Ieft of aur children's dresiles at juet haif price. Speciai line of mucha n nderwear, îlightly miiosed, at littie more than bal thoir ueual pr des. torBet covers, drawers, combinations, etc. W. W. \CARROLL & SONS CO*.* SOWH STOFR GIRORY DEPARNTPHON il De.by the Od DupL e.Des. he. 20 yeari L. A. Biahop, Mg Iuterest Paid on aviuge During the year 1915 the tbrlity people o1 the Unàéed gSWu er. ,rowarded wlth in the torm of interest padto them-on thdr a#ingu. If you did flot recoive eour proportion- do flot deliy aady longer, but Oýpen a S3avinge Account TO.ayl, Lake County NationalBai Capital, Surplus and Protit. 8100,00 Total Remouroos, 750,SO.00 LUMER FEED and COAI Il'