Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jan 1916, p. 7

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i . L~.EOONTTIDNDU !1T,_W8fiÂ' JANIJARY 21, 1916. k'au&é~vk .fi4u4 dm 41RFIV IROMNTIIS sk Park Young Man Who Ptotted to Murder Parents, Known to Many Here. J, Herbert Updike, younget of the twe 0OM Park men whoaé plot te murder 'Ibis' parent@ ln order tb gt their fessitune, worked ln thé Waukegan wlre n«itfér titre monthe two yenre &go. 'Th'ls w»mthé isatement made Iodai' br i mn who claims te recalled aôufUpdike vir' welI end rémém-. Ié*# the tact that hé was nfot mi' too @*Md t the timte and sve upinalli' t* r«Wrn té hie home In Onk Park. 1*L it<le tinte. Thé Sun's lnfe*f.ananl 81se, .Il va inavu that iii4iie has bM sent hère ta onork1,et actuai badu éierlence atd that hlm ta- t»W vas ver' wa ésthi' Hé recille VMat even t thé imp artiarticle 'ap- ~ telubloclpapers. telling of thé a« etf a nilMaisrefroixi Oak Park beh#îpoYed ait. hé ,local plant. l~?aie tion thatsitdike workéd borewvasthat Updlk" wag tundér Fore- mu >Wiliam Whte AlalIlà Hlm Wols. lçqWry et thé vire vorks faled to rmmél a gréalt deal about thé report bMU tue; ln fact, officiais théré vers imdlned to dôubt Ibît ipdikt, actuali' vasiui there. Hawv'., lalér Thé Sun boited a worman wlo mev Updike ueÇ sud &ac itle vry wli acquanted i«h théeider Cpdike at Oak Park. 8b0oerboratpd thé éL;taenenL that be iod vorkéd hét. and gae addi- tMoMaidetails of i presence iii thé TAKE UP GATE ORDINANCE. Glen Flora Avenue to Be Open- ed and Extended When Land TRIt s Aoquired. Waukegau. Jan. 18. WORIÇ 0F COUNCIL 1-Councîl décides toa stt he work of opening GIeFiera avenue to thé flts ne néon au lad dan be secured. 2-Ordîqance demandlng gates b. placed nt wést aide crofling o! electric Une deferréd untll requet' cen be made of the compani'. 4 3--Relutlon If adopted thankingi Ceptain Moffattfor courtesy and, asuinng hlm of co-prallon on1 thé part o! Waukegae.1 4--Civil servce commissilon presénts report for the yeur; mayor vote&s agnn eed.ilg t becumne It ffam net tendered t. hlm pérsonall'.. 1 6«-Reselutiée la adoptéd, ubjét la mayorse approval, provldlég for4 tht Installation of elecric lilhte on tend street.1 "UIhl éf Anton Chrîtanson la*Il-i Iowed; ther mattera are trane - actsd bi' councli at Mondsv nlghtj éeasen. 1%U"TSIXBELOW ZERO 1MONUAY, WAS E166IT LAST WEEK Tested Thermometer at Naval Station Did Not Reach Ten Bolow at Any Time. waukegal Siinday vas thé' coldèt aitier. bni aI no imé on LiveS ait the "Y." 'il Os ýcoid sl vas Th Ste soiS: "'l'es. 1 know lite Updieg Friday mornlttgs o!asnt suryi'vlI. 1 connut undî'rstand thé mércury ln thé, thèrrn situation. Théeniatér vored me so léréd ? and ; ' blov ait 1 siépt but 1111e lait tlIglt. lhbnkinm l5a1 on lIme dld il go ohet il. Herbert vorked et the vire d,xéree betov zéro. M tiner 'llllly' Wlité. anS hé Tura.m- iani' rea'i bele liave éd et thé Y. M. . CA. le vms ofine regarding thé véather,a Y" mon ând ýI cau't ondérstand bêlé Thé Sun pracuréd1 tilt trouble, for Ibère muet hé corné- madini;a fro.lth' outrer( tN.g back o! il ail. the Great i.okps naval eu "I koy hie father velt. sud hé bs reedîngs are tubý-n every a fins min. Thé father didn't vant dai'. Herbent isving arounfi ln vacation, ce Thé officer oft lb, day tva years ego. after ho fénlahe-ul bgh hermomter readu8 deS '4 sboti, hé sent hlm h-ru- t gel a job zcmo on Thuràitay sud Fi a»d hé vènl lu thé uic- iiiitl. b- a' oé That c%-s thé lit about vitb t oung 1,>.peic f tée citi' tumérc ached. Monda, somewbat Surlng the Summer but 1 cas 4; dégréés belev ZéTc vién vacation drée lta a close hé Ipft Thos. Tyrmnèl l airmsi liere 10 go te Loilt-cîIilé.K. te cul- Il dégrées hétow zero loge. Hé lefI hère abothe ii'rst o!fmornlng. end i hs thémuto Septéemben, Ivo Sean ago. Cînreul 14 derres eslo'a "Hie fathér aie avs gvet.tu iinore- lai'mornitg leit titne, thon lié earn.Ji'dnul t'as jîîst l'bs mornîng Geo. N. thé betfathér a bit o'culitbav. Illîi fereul te bt SMr.Tyrmél hé bas done uhat t1 'uîèasIrau that hé couldnC uni'a net undémstand. Iliii fatiter h-i a splen- in thé citi' that vould d15 mon and as i kîîow hlibreîésonally. semne sdld thé tbérmo t grievé vth ii i huai'ýf-rtbie silu- héhiait aI bis home. Mr. ilion. Herbert lavsî vcmed te thIni lIo ail nearby ha¶tdware se much of lts fathler and mother. vhén literturned ta th, AnS 'b link tIsaI lie' as planning te saiS. "A sale bel -couidi nerder thém' Theýre muet hé nome- Istered thermometer int thing baek o!fl al" At thé naval trainn trIg a nd Herbert Updiké vhô te¶peraluré te laken dû ,,nfesséd te a plot te kit] Ihelr faîher veéry'hour o! és.ujry day mand ntother werî' u"Iiii-Cte, 0 héicialii' recordeul in bie brnogbht 10 thé Couo. rounty jail Iodai', théstation. fléy vere spi-lléd avai' laie Mondai' White thème haie béén nigt fom thé Oak Park policé sta- stéménts as te thé ca'd tîbm vheré they had PoineS thé pré- somé saying thé mArcui »Dps 24 houre anS lociéd op aaev droppèd 1t0 24 blow, li I# a place vbémc it would hlèels eéaey sltton shows that the tifonde te procuré thelr rete'asé on rnoS hIe bas héen btl8 bail. This actlu't hi thé police fol- 1, 8 béiov me ehovn ou loveS an abrupt changé in thé mtti- thrmmntter, one vIsici tude of Forman P. Updiié, the faîhèr hi' acCurate and vbich Ia ef the prisoners. lHe péremptomili' ré- hi'employés aI the etatioi ftuod ta lîtén te bis vIle smeicta- do thatl ecllictc ai. tiens sud funnsh $10,000 bonds for Thé Sun Iodai' aikéd bis tva eons. Hé matid héleféored them et emjémature for theé both. lu order te show vbat -John Upike, o brother of thé Iv ba been and tIse officei w« eblld aI thé Oak Park police sta- lien glves )t as follove, ilieu chargéS villiatlémptlug ta kilt thé firet lime, thé mat agir parents, gavé a statment b lite er tu titis localtiti. 0* Par pollicé tday silav bitI ea0ay, Januar 17- il Ucorné le Chicamo trou Cati3ra- i a. m-6 bev. #0 ou sadvicé from hie brother, 'fler-. 4 a. m.-7 blev. héit th, vatch bis brother trvin. Her. 5 a. m.-6 blov. brt baS vritten o! thé plot ta bill 6 . m.-6 belov. thé taIt'. 7 a. m.-6 helov. 'My' brther bas héén sufferlngfrom 9 a. m.-6 blow. asMus, afor'moneyi' hî<h e havé ne- Il i. m-éro Méffi. but diS net lhie vas se ex- Noon-6 abose. WSIiM htIt vonîd caueani' sucb Sundai'. Januari' 16- b, Mpt on bis part,' hie solS. H 6>o., a -2 bétow. w 1 a. front thé yonngém soûn Ié. i .m-2 bbov. bUt taI thé ftler ot vinS o! thé Noon-2 bébov. allr.edPsu te mli hlm. M.tpdike., 3 P. m.-8 aboyé. wio le 65 years aid. and repi'ct" I ùý p. m.-2 blay. bé vorti moare tIs -100t0l seont. I8 P. m.-4 béov. féripigtraem a cancér of thé efI éi'é, 10 P. n.-3 blav. it. la @Mld.- vhl<t la éxpected 1e end Sabrdai', Janari 1- isité bethré MaRy mentbe.1 But 6 a. m.-12 above. ltvlnL aocotdlg te thé police, Wii' 8 a. M.-IO 6aboré. jno Wnvat 'to vait thâaI-Ion& bocanIs Noo-21 abôyé. hé feuméSthe' ,'àouhieagbbw ta 3 p. m.-30 abové. éboule bis viii and dlbrt tiéM. 6 p. M.- 20 aboyé. an. Jan. I17 ilt day o! thé m Sundai' vas 'bansdai'and ktéwee. Thé Tuéter remis- 1day Sondai', go dovo ta 8 ;c béen mod- and ta settie thérometer rof thé day a' lttion, vberé ry hour ut thé legréés hélov trlday of ist véi,.t tempra .morniug on Moudaii ométer megi.a ezéro on Fri N.Powell .f- l] a név bal i hermometer crégieter thé ameter vhich rTyrreli veoit re storesand the station hé st buy e reg- thé City."' kgstation, thé dowu officialt' myad It ie ut- " -log- képt rut en ail r>rts o. id this inttr, tri' bau évén iqVlry aI thé se caldeet pý- 8hétnv .T4at o réal téstpd ,h ie obsoilét- sa réaS hourI>' ,on assignéS lu ifor thé loy- past fév days kthé véathér cr aI the eta-' 8,itoving for ofIMCIel veatle FATIER LYINQ - URUNK ON FLOOR; MOTIIER DESTITUTF FAST I3fMSS LEAVES11 RIL ATIÀXiI VENU Car Did Not Turn Over, but Three Mon Had a Close Es- cape Prom Death Today. The Mlwaukee express car on thé Chicago & Mlwaukee Electrie rail- road, whlch tale étr knowts to thé rosd 'H émployes am "the red bail fty- er,- or "thélilghtaing express.- ieft Truant Officer Finds Filin, iOgt 4 Saturdai' morning, but did Poverty and Drunken Par- ni tomr over. .t lo déclaréd that thé ,,ar was traveling at a speed cf more ent in One Home Here. than 40 mites an bour at thé limé of! WhY.In ll y tavea 1théý accident. Rall1roaelmen assértM neFr isit? h. i Il omiclel- tiat thé four odSpants of thé car1 nhefer othdscathi d omicayile.awId have tien Instantty kilted had ( drunkén tuPor on thé floar. Tho As i war roffover té ié ta motîjer lai' lck lu béd. Thé chlldren ,A led o tr w o r uthe thé wéck weré huddiéd about thée mol toveé ingcrî arorlvéond ps uitîcedthé rcal in thé kitchen, and they vere in their igba ýw rk o hé tads. - th cr bore féet. Thée lureintj %tové-a takoshed offcai uce l fue étayé ablyout.lgheeldimtr gan from thir homes in a spécial car I was narli oct Théthermometer aodaunvtgalnatohécséf registèred twa. Ibreor fouir dégrées 1thé urIneigetbong a e. theîe o hlow zero."'i rc abin ae htp This 1vas thé story told ta polie corne une tampéréd wllh thé switch,t officérs by Mrn. Banné. truant offcer wlich l8 locaRted Jugt blow thé Grand1 The bjet efbervist tethepo.avenue crosslug, or whethér tée trackT 1 e station vas ta persuadé police. ItadIji i nt nowu il this time,ail-8 men e acomany er e te hoe toug itin le rportedi hat severalà ofte ta accompe all br ta hé o me f? raîlroad mfn heliéve that a deliberoteL aoéut she hadrnd oatrattempt wae madeé ta wreck th(, ex. "Thesitatin i mot dploift press. Officiais of thé road dlaimi "viTMthéelluaon isst dnkrt théy do nt knav what causéd the amvid Iythé thu e irragdrunkard. ,_wrec*and Ihat no elatéments wil Ll arn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b madetht yu hve rré,lhahmve,,,,omffle..,,,.,1* È BOUNU OVER TO iRANU JURY; IIAU A PUNCH BOARD Peter Christoff of Naval Sta- tion Electric Depot, Was Ar- rested Last Night. Thos. Quayle. a mémbér cf thé Law and Order Léague, bas put in an ap- péarance in Wau<éegon followlng a year or so of absence, and as a ré- suit of hies vsit te thé citi' oneéman le lodged béhjnd thé steél bars of thé county Jl. Thos. Quayle insiste that gamblI ne In Waukegan and north shore clIes must céase. and bts liglit againet gambling bas caused thé arrest of Peter Christoff. who, Quayle allège.q, operatés a gambitng dévicé In one of thé stations of thé Chicago & Milwau- kee electrlc railroad. Christoff opérates thé candy and cigar counter--likéwisé thé ticket _! flcé-at thé station at Great lpkés, and Mfr. Quayle rhargés him wlth ha"- ing aperotéd a "punch board" whlle1 at thé offce at Great Lakés. Saturdai' morning NMr. Quayle carné te Wankegan from his humé In Laie Bluff and Informed State's Attorney' Raipli J. Dady that thé ticket seller at the Great Léakes station cf the C. & M. E: R. R1. was opérating a ganm t>ilng dévicé. tater In thé day Mr. Quayle asp- pearbd before Justice cf thé Péace Wm. W. Weiss and caused a warrant to hé Issned for Chrlatof's arréat. A ,iéiil4vshérif was ment ta Great, OW ý4»«mqu»ý un nurnerous occasions. fre l h i , their love iigatien. takés and hé re;tre vW' té i kekgan Business Collage training and pi "Wby whe 1 kockd onthe oor Officiaims of thé electric company seller. vho vas -Iven a Iearing hée- good bard vork boasted me aong rap- thf and vas admitted, theré loy thé hue- reacisèd Waukegaas long béfore day- foré Attorney Wéiss. Hé vas bound ily unili nov I nu longer hold a job, on bna uthé ftér, on th lie uée- break and one or tvo of thém wéré ovér la thé grandt jury on a chargé,1 but havé a reai position, neot onu' ti wif a runk n lireod hé. lu. i on bond whén thé vrecking créw or- of opratfug a gambllng dévîcé. sud that, but I arn holding Ih. tac, and fur- i'e, vie a sc lnbe.Shé vas oct rvdl akgn i od eefxda 50 évsther advonceméot lla l ht-thank e l wéli énough to get out af bed and rvdi akgn i od eeiida 50 ewst h ann n emmyvi t adiitrt h at fle i. Tii' expressacr louves Evanston tinahié ta givé bonds. so nov héec- [fh ena u séhg ane-t adinistanr te th vaentero!ber at bout 3 o'ciock In té emorning. and cupies a ceDin bthé canat' jali. 'je. forts cf yoursélf und ire. Muneon ta tho spln, n té bidenvéésufé-thé irsti slop-unIeBssIl Ile flaggéd-isleglse héo nde soeéone ta go bis inae éa blinuesu maioettoi! me. 1 toc a fron thé o fr h. - u edMilwaukee. Thé express cerrneper- bonds hélie ii bé beld a prisonér un- ido01esknvbytexrsat the rat co v dro f o hin?" akdishable goods and les Rid ta hé thé tii thé grand jury convénes lu March. myséif ln regard te thé Waukegan col ihétman olicr t obj Mynrd fa-lest train apérated btweén thé w uéalge thaCrlto Basiusiness Collège and what it has doué wi léganthemn.o a oi des Thé cor lbas héen known ta operated e garnbllng dévicé at thé for me. 1 knav this. though, that ta- tri somehin," aidrun Irom Evanhton la Miwaukee Ir, naval station ticket offIcé for many day money could ne lotbu&tam me on soèhng"c i aynard, pointing an hour and 53 minutes. monthe.and lhé évén Intimate that visaIt 1récelved frott the bande of T offcr Th.sTrrt.aell oi _____t_____ hé Profite néttéd hi' Christoff amaounit- ourséif andi yonr goûd!vî olIncer. nue' -e r. aon d Ioabout $100 a véék. Tî,ey saw the sténographlfie ld Io sei sudMr ~rrii erendîg t th FIEEL 3 D IMr.J Quayté Intimotes that hé la on crowdéd and that yoo neyer met any- nu héntrou o Waukegantés who ae op witéétpoundRnEkZES. Litén.F1 lr homeoet ant, hunger--and drunkentetalo akgntsWo r it leepudn es itn r Tls-o omutrril 9teeit. NUS NO U erat ng punch bad n i hbréot- Munon 1didn't réaliy vakel:p#S ns-sa--on SuthDUtica sréetenlIStIcause hlsl ret. m epniite frwoya lern drunken man iThis te thé firteofficiai visIt "Ir. I léft ichool. but thé traininm ! gain- dS, drnknmo iii ne'.ér appéarlun Pria. N on neds far or chnge R fi'MlPEZES FOO Q.Yi.o! thé Law and Order League cil thére gréw wit, me and pusbéd print oonéeesférfobacanase paid to Waukegan in many nie along vhilé i nus growlng up. ii orndto ie ii enntt w aoes nteTn months. but Ibère vas a timé vhén A brief outline Of MYi' ereC lth irue a n olie had he ct lu woLboes niheaney écauséd an arret néarbi' éveri' mightbhé iîelpfut and éncourogbng ta thén huee t teinquiré h Ci Thu lJob Are Remnoved 10 Jane tintélhe camé ta thé clty. otiiers jusl starling. Whén t hadl t- dn e t attèudîngta chooi. They McAlister Hospital. Thé punch boards oîteroled ln thé Iéndéd yuur seboot for about six Iftou id esegné1echolFidvstale generaîli' gîve candy, cîgars. nioîiths you ver' kindly placéd me ifIltiiî,ddéèrédthéiriari. Waukegan, Jan. 15. :,pet and smaii pièces cf jeweiry 10t.ilt thé Chicago & Mlwaukee Eiec- iheî acre shuléts. Théy wére watt. v.1t1ll emtlovéd as laboreirs ai thée tite' î,rsons who are lucky éneugh t.î trie rtslroad at Higbwaod, salari' 450 ng .sîOut ou the raid fluors ut h" , 'arners on ltiiefls, Ivo meli cet une 0f thé wlnning numbérs. Ca iionih. Il was onu afler a yéar o lioaé n tîét bre eet 'ltéras e ~ C,,: ' niîîsiirtht tîeybaSMlnths, ye. years ago. thé policé iliere hat I vent with a sciiibouse ma bas beén rallildta thé attention oft oî,. 1w îîvdto 1,, Jane McAlIster chiers of Wau'uegan tabooéd punch ln Chicago as sécreliari' ta thé crédIt bo tée Hitne Society',and uniess the Cinpitît tiîday. Their condition is sald boards ln Waukegon and it te doubi. mîanager for $75. t worked thére tees ie tutti, r and hushonld of thé flork 5su- ,,ui,'rit rat Tiieir naines are: fuîll If over tbrée could lite found ln than a y'er vhén I vas offeréd à po-m iî.s p ad ols10vor lé viiité MARTIN' JOYCE. .'géd 30. residing thé cîy t i'eIbis limé silion as privalé secrelari' ta thé gén wu ou ;,,cced and vatér flu a Place that ut 157 Cii iion sielt Chic-ago; both eral manager of thé Rock Island fines ci ducs not réa', o! hilth, but whére the lhautd] fozîýn. Waukégan. Jan 17. muld went ta Oklahopma with hlm. This huhues. trampts and décenerates are ENO (tIitONXL.améd 35; living i'loigTo.Qai' éd~ oiin10 Iéaloe h n ta ilirvu ihén hey si fr a aigh' h,i- diiurid bl tin uWaukégan: 'Punch board stores" Salurdîiy. Wau Sitatés. StY home vas on a prîvaté îy lodging Pérbape hée wiil fitd a tew l-ft faui fr,,zén.liégan rrhants who opérotéd fise car. atd nty salamy rimrin froo0a bedbugs ln thé place.le imai' ind t3nt1, uf te i(iistaare éntpioyéd anîd lencent huards vith boxe Of lupnttiand ail éxpenseés ta$140. i A other lbnge, but t isIlefot thé feul ni(, iig C.lssbifiii'e tatnéery. Théy candi' as prîzes. ducked thant under bellid huaposition for nearli' Ové yéars ni ut thé management. 'rbéy are carrléd wccc.,-frzen o i t ork Friday Thé counitèrs. aTui vhen men CIsci' sou yoicao appréciaté that it was aR lu i'Ih trmp, ud he yl 01 icitbut diii nul cpurt thé malter knévw enléréd their placé's they would gii'ait î,iicallon for mé-work vile lîkéno hé detroyed to glve pesée of mmndutil Ilis nuring. Il vas déeméd permit thenital play' thé hoard as long' 18 t saw thé Américan and Cana- 10 aud body' t0 thé man vho le lhrown besl lu rare forthi inin Luthé hospîlal ,,, . a th sor.diai, lockiéa, Yosemite and Yébov- a Ibère for nul provlding for hie vifé I)r c E 1),nil l.n attèndance. One man vas bound uèr ta theC sloné. Niagera Folie, and, In, facl, alk and chiidréu. Operalc on Today. grand jury Silurday un a 'gamtttig" of Amurtca's heaulie and mot pald Si By Mondai' thé ébilîdren vîli hé sur>- ,Irs. 1F C lark if -148 Papiar stréél. charge. His ag iedtu havé opérot- véli for doinmfit. plléd wtmli esansd It is éxpected 'atiki-gan. vas upîcatéd on aI thé éd a punch huard et théetC. & li. E. Wé amaie elong stori' short, t1 Ihat lhéy viii rejabn théir casses 3t Jane McAIisler hîîsîital Iodai'. Thé ticket office et Gréat Lakes. If thé tefi ltté Rock Islond and accéptéd a n ii o'clork Mondai' rornlng. oéaInwa ic'dlct ~~yegmnl oaSgil'tély'pito thIi iml ivueal Thétran afiérhadanthr asNIrs. Clanks condition havIng beén est fine wblch cao hé asssed againel iln thé building matertale ibpartoent ni 1a look up. A i'ounmster o! ton Or 12 sérions. She paserd threttgb thé or- hlm le $100. as a salés comspondent. W'bén on Y' i'ears had misséd mechool for a veék déal ln fine shape. iiîwévér, and la ré- For yéars punch huards havé béén rseltembér lit at thé Milvaukee and1 or more. Hé vas louaid t is borné Portéd lu hé rèsting eul . oprldlcai'tme.Tévi-Ccaobncscnoided îl . suiking hécauseeIlhéhaSl béén %Gue oerAe lpendîsors.Th wtiChcao rachs onoltiodfute.l fused APPedicils Oeraton. er af prîzes genéraîli' récéivés a thé Général Western dénartment 1al l a "vomi permit." lié vantdIa .zo Frank Fruit, an -mPoye o! thé Ar pound-or o haif-pound box o! candi'. Chicago 1 vas promoted t0 thé pool--tb te vomk. Hé did nat vont te, go ta cadi' famni, vas cii, hed ta thé Jane It costs but a nickel or a dîme ta taie lion cf assistant ta the salés manager di school. Thos. Tyrrèli poid o viil, ta McAlbter hospitai FrISai' night a pîunch aI thé board. Four out of of tIse building malérlîsdépartmént. bis home and hé villilhé arong thosé wherè hé suhmiled ile an opération évr fise péeona do net vin a priait, Thé neet promotion le ta that o! salé,li marked prssent on Mandai' morntng. for oripéndicitis.Ilis condition lai ré- but in most cases thé sîxth min vIns manager eit sornèthing oser $7000 a . Anoîber borné vas found vhere lthe gardèd as favorable 1 ueband vas ouI o! vork, and thée___a box of candi'. i'ar. and belleé've me, Mm. Munson, 1 mother complainéd o! not beig Théré la bel littié chance of Thos. AM GMtING TO GET IT! in 's trong énaugh ta taie Cdooré the Goverment Sets State Free of Quayle catchbag thé Waukegan mea t gues you Ik4v thé secret-Il's >home. One child vos vorkuug in a Hoof and Moutb Em- vîo operalé Punch boards, for te' thie-DON'T S T O P STUDYING lu factryanoherwasdoig th boge arg Toà nul Permit trangérs tplayph'and WliEN YOU LEAVE SCHOOL! My' le faor. Teattr via eo kin e fosraroToathosé Who do Plai' are rémniar es.- schooiinm dd alot for me. but lte M vomi. Thés fanér vae aot oon (n Mfor Ptwadreiig h.tomérs, and men vbe con afford il. muet valuobié eson I learnéd vas fi ,Mandai', or hé yl l oin the South 1cama's lise stock Industri'. vhlcb haq o ite1ke, ;c evn h Utica sîreet man ln the bosaient of biln demrlized évér since thé fl. COLD AND SICKNESS PREVENT. W Il. C. i havé complèted a Colnne le thse Ciy iii. POition o! rthé foot anS month quar- E0 G. A. R. INSTALLATION. bin aw, finlsed Mm. Sheidonse course Tèehv béu1caéo!fu nIeaOcor 1114va in OintatéWaukegan, Jan. 13. lit thé science of business, taol the There haveben 15 caes of tréxtreielionOcolServ3,th-14Page takeniswcoursetheaxtadsertlolingesud 'anci'frtrm choole during thé pasl E Yéterdai' vhen thé ?Werai gavera- er anS much sicknes <llit bas lavit-PgSai.cus navets n 1 Ivo véeka. and Il le expected thal ment réteaaed prectlcilly all inat'eéd 115dm ranis, Ibère vers vr' fév amrn rgbt nov devotiug everi' eparé 12 or 13 cf the truanle vill hé back front thé dimeéaeé embargo. o! thé G. A. R. offIcers préséent in the minute ta théeaIeS>' of sales promo- altIhéir deskés on Mondai'.Llhértiyitté township lu Lake couan. Grand Armi' hall Thuradai' nigbl tion ln aIl Ils phases. Thére are al- e 1vh ny ertr n h tt hén thé Joint Insltalan vllh the asJbhierufostngpes ty e té nli teniori inth eltéW. R. C. vos ta hase toila place. Ais asjb ibru o tngahr Waukean, Jn. 1 .1111l affecteS I' thé quarantiné, and a recuit thé membérs o! thé G. A . ILtal fil but thé trouble le that $20 or Tlire hrse, htche taa frteevén Ibis la cbangèd tront a loseS ta vha veré présent décidéS le posl- $25 poundbng kéys orttn cornes so eau' Taonbrehrse, in tedl tka afart.arerCe rab h 0 netponé thé Installation ta a véek tram that thé abilîti' ta hotd "that hîmber wagn hlonbng10 I Hoka f rm- Oretmic e are hi' ctve ovèaeotomorrow nlgbl vhen I11te hoteS Ihal Job" lit neyer ncqulred. or living velcof Gurnce, rau avai'y dr Iicsbcmsefetv o a, lthé oiicérs vl héieable toaltend. about 4:50 1atngt n fe While this Soe not i'el throy Openi Thé ranks o! thé W, R. C. vere Weli, Mr. Munton, b bavé calS te() tuat dshup ouset mîree, hroghthé lradiug, anS féedlng end o! the sadiy dépietd froint thé saine réai- mucli--but I arn proud e! what Watt- thé crovded trééOta. turneS eta Mai- caIlle Indnstry. ivhich Il normal limesans§ but Il vas deeiffdd l-Intal gn IBusness Collège diS for me. faon street, sud vers éaught ai the comprises about 16 petr cent or thé mOni' vos carrnéS out. Mrs. KnEst' ýeawf-mti go ueo corner o! Counti' and bushness at thé stockyardà, It l8 01- acting as thé iislallung officer. e IbaéiltsIlt nctins Iby * J St-11 nd W dJ.I..,. pected that su order releasing slip- An afternoots vW".héidf o!lite. My' businessIlife nov mises hy . J Sahiau W.J.Lscr. menti or Uve' stock foe tsadlng viWld vas wuquit.te Ilrgéiy attendod. me ample tinete10dévote to mi' chVreh be lufflvitin 0 amMont. homo préent veto Olited 111h a ieféasd ta Godes vorl sud tae1Mm la%* coe m, 1 su r a ~ lacé, intu lstallatio P, weeiy-T. l hé isuodvthin thé 1431 Mnt. supratokD& t Ïn vtbci " Uo and 1e the Waukegsu BusinesCollage PENDNT.IuI>eflént~ff-r.s hi USOO. progrsm vaag rtier short. I amsthatka ilt inlumy aman vai' SAYS BUSINESS COLLEOE LEA» *HI§ TO FINE_-POSITION A few years ago B.A. Munson saw aYoung m'an drlsing an express wag- on at Area. lie thought bé tooked as If he had more in him than a imeré <driver of a wagor. MNr. Munson tliked with hlm; hée ug- gested thal hé consider a course In t ho Waukegan Business Collège. He ilerested thé Young man and he final- y agreed tu, take a c ourse in the Wau- kégan echool. That Young mlalTis nani,' waFs. and js. EI)WARD W. FISHER. 1 Trhe course which h. took lu Wau- k, car spèiied for hlm, and i 0111Y gués 10 prove that a Young inan wth a dtermination ta succeed van forge ta thé front If hé vishes.. Fis.her nov le one of the Important employe of thé big H. W. Johns-Man- vill1e (ompany of Chicsgo, and Inré- sponsé tiy1Mr. XMunccn's réqwéet Ibat hé furnîsît something about big éxperi- éfléS in answer ta the récent request of The Sun for facts concerning Lake county Young men vho have forged ta, the front, hé ?rovIded Borne intès esting facti. In a personailttér ta Mfr. Munson 'he ssd among aLlier [inge: A lýrèf explanation maY ehorten this ltttér oméwhat. ShOrtiy iflter 1 talked wth ycu In Ares t bell thé raliroad mre forlilfe snd acePted a position wlh Ibis OompaoY. Wall- vci Ve t ntia ne? cas the doi rea Dai .e toI w! in cor etr, hef as luil th" SUN AT NWS SA rhat the prIsa of Wsnkeasle d. 'ving of muci of the crodft for tl» ctory won by thestuea, viez the Lte'8 attorneéy IsJift M -cm0> Ighom (Colored> fer arge, et a tult vit Ihintent te **u lé= i itention 0ne*aMI GM USte er for the doeumit Wby, but a fé oir hureb«<othe Ie vas giroen loto ie ii rors. they *v1e '~g 4av lstreéts of WéelA e wen s ing had a.1,staIy~1s a .d th. beadi fua = lMo ' d ally SUD. Whichho miugi n erjury' and 'ooouii ka* barges;,' "sald A±IoIUY Jmep selch. Speaking turther on thé iubéet At- rney Weieh sudl: "On l'rlday nigit lthe igrus vais ,atking aiong lie îééip, ..a Ipassing thé e set"ndlàa aer ar Washington sMd reets, they sav a"d e êW edlies lnThé Stm &Jv w* 'rded as folloivi: 'Cotlo-aalVraménp t:hazgam -Thé neit day ltee Rd tD1$. 0iÏs * Dady charges vfffléU" WM Pur ing selves.' "I contend'that; the Jurona try-aIad as a rédUit 1 ilabad much tedo withth acng thé jurors tovaro E gi11, and ln ua y A t Jndse Claire C UvaiWsct t rarer voeo pruitto$i *eeta at their Iebfeup.uum1 era pérmitted tu0 s~s Cure 'show. 1I shlAI~5* se proau of Was m b Lea W nthe neyes tandtWW* * aseed wlth atée Inatlng pétjury~It~su~ le that theé mlgbty W0 egaR bad muatdo ue ictcs'y lot téaa~4 indlng Wb"c vouliM" O Edwrd ommlt lourder. M9 Ced, but biWu twev émith entoIldas S bond&a mttW i rmorrrov Jtv .. 1 lli bear théeruuwI Insation May hé slbuhg ey lames 0. WeIdkb hê Ibohaif ot the Méondan Nelch bas itrocureé 3n containan thé )thé tri an sd lise VUMMu lced and hé Plans tW s4b~W in hies argumentts on SstUZdU. DIEU SUI)MNY- Waukégaa J =à-18 Mrs. Sarah Shea <lesDM50i)>j, tf thé les George 8h05,il mddeniy this eontezn t raib V it er home, 1208 North ') id sufferéd of s a n ~ 1 &eh for some limé and hd been confined te ber numbor of vééhe sud ber. 'as regardéd as ,Oerla.b« cme very unexpéctedi7' Farly this xnornng MMsla* tken wlts a seyere eéhgé hIysîclan vas simmoue y, but ee41d befdtýEbil Mrs. i6bea vasboE5 Auguet 28, 1854. n1? united In marrtage te,0o 'ho dIed some 19 irt &5 kmo 4's cldrén géré baum as&ar%«*, nion. Ono diési la Stac7. long SIX cbldieu ntrIr: ' nd Herbert of W*d8wi) Mre. Mandé Neve« U lsu kegan, and HoWar*e Ste"lla and RoDe lire«* JohnE mery ed John Emory, 70 7w* m 'aI »W neer réident efthéé f way Tburaday aftuOi! ti hie home lu Wad*vert made hie home lIffI WédrOM-bthb yearo. lthatl1hbaietb» -ubela ie %oilthis dovu ail yon Vfabd4 tiill Ita oyour Yo58ung MMlSgfl desire-it mlght bet hem. - 1 hope to, eat t4rkeY Ilth P 4F Area Thanhsgivbg. If Y$* to be pas8lng by, drop la ss* q.f 1 çuid lke you and * meét Ms. Vileré. Weii, Iviii hé gWat tho«w 4'0 1g ln regard te théesaogq lm. Give my béat rU14t Muneon sud viti usy -1, fr thue futursenacornset * *WO Sef andthé Wankesan3881040% C» lefe, i amn, Slncérély yer trism Miarble and Guut Monuments

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