pomeBliaberé Melttii ê î AN teto begln the work. fiL waa referred tO caLed l uiÀeS. ddigo Is10 t sýu I0ICcs tiwl. lanCoa . d e u mmû the. sonate naval affaira comtmlte.of sirable pa*fri." Tho" üý ô Pb, Lke u$ ew-liéks.'Xepcted the committee wouid make lao .W .f WiiI fleae tO UCw dMs.Twnf _________ wilI fneýiMr Oilwa h*nig f r inWcipal and . a favorable report on it w thin a few R ch Péet Bd . Note RMOd ~~ of lira ~Espey, wtt boa bieen 111 at the 'heIwS4iibatipeeW. i c1d~uZui fctW& biospital for troîtent on saturdayirA tr opiifrBon iebsSenator Plielan of Californla also C6omper~w iiîh wîft dr&W heurtdia W n Meo n oaite an agedcol- recovered eaflOh te be out again 1'Washington, D. C.,Feb. J.-Senatorhabitaeall . and couvert t Into ' lectflci oxWdfflu ut Zion City, talleS Lo&how.He expet tW turuthis home fin ewls ofîIlinois îoday întroduced a new naval academy In hie tate. heat the cIty. sx4Éie Itaaesrli.4tbcomr paaotbspaeTedy.we bu e megaure calllng for the erectlan of a "ttnqueationab)ly' aaid Senator be Wt t, à-,.z4.AIL, lm, 4hbpré saw that hie hor.es were lMra. C. U *lley 0f'Chicago.wsio SZý r 1 eWîs, «"the country neada another na- utbubhqOU Julimaiuitïâ,-al dai, tIe7 began tuo Wnder i afer In w4 aa Cal aadenytheemuhoravs mor Lilla ci e lât rierilsi W!4. a ~~~~~~bro;iei shonider a a cdm.W uthv oeLstne where tii.teBaster wa. jthe lhome of b4r aliter, lis. H. 0. Ifihigan wlthln the -hot!ndarlea O!offias hn vc naae y for ja couiatry« Me»b brdeia I IrU , H1%11ces,0fth*n Semo.ana In Luuitania ls the an#tmt Lain Tbey i4liymadie t~rw-y ln tuThompeon. lle"fi Iig flIcely.li4er, Cook caunty. ahould ha located, inlatad. suthet nmuet Identical vili'those <of OMCra Cd"Ui .*r tbi' legilatut' the 'bi4Oa'se sa hlm ln bed, but pyîlnfrmCla was'hara ta-1Tii. senators measure provides lna case of war JiLwoiaid flot haan lm- otgl fotkW- Opg, h ayliti £Olt SUaPIionP t4lt aIl wâa nOt1 day tg dreas iiitbo racur. appropriation o; 1,Woo,ooo witb which medisie abject of an attack. if la- WAa BJim looklng tirer the politleialrtgbt.l S00 CsptalnWalier, chiet'pô- à11e. aaca wu, en i e ~ carrive<a. d of ion City suf- tO il' gtutpIS onte wg ,AIS a et theb.jes- e-M. Sesd. A. , ~ , , ~. - tdy. Ac utrln tiHoweyor, Captain VWalker fait or abe la resting eesalî.'his body and foufi that lt stili waf t~ &orte dIn~rua, o! ifwaram, hence tbe coclusion l1 thaï Gexeue >-*diate, fr maintin ProuLice vaï tLbau, h" Ki & rt a.br'tS p r o p e r ty . N id10 t a h e r , L R eo u da t te r tcl o e Lo 6 5 a r ci fate. for sétme yeari He la l1dt ______________ sPûkP.sn&:t. th he Lews ',.d St.10 elo! n uot Helbes Aoda.lk l. i now wlt 1a oiuihwbicb ,lat.èwýl zâ,Cty. and w at=cobir ldILI~ wi5. meut ano d waistooat. mnd whet te s m. apopalt. t tes éWloeirf laa" lb." R,21 m wa ttn 'ie 6 eA( Sensationat E vent Wa <kgn Has K1(,v > plac.erete Soutse al.wo sfed s Rememo5r ii is fortke JTkree Days On/j' eua<ltcbardae couct et iWlneu mad vl g e Mt t tl qlpoeforia feber bat.P I. m.aef MIsHuéitt Townseaad écipt VeNorthCbhago- suJc# $ 1 , *L<fS -i O adI * 4w. zgayumrIoemvMr.all b wbo Ln a Uài m,~ofVoats ~s.~o~r~Zîi Moat1j ~ c Miiar It will pay yoifif vou are; or w.il.he, ini need of furniture to buy NO*, and save considerable. On qucat eiýgoôds WWI be held for future delivery sith- One-third oft on close-outi. A much as 25% off on our regulp hues. 016P.00 9-piece (CharIoa #0.00- 3-iece Walnut IL Dtmiumm Bu" .j~ParlorBItie-Covered -i~ 0i~i~ 1 11, in geuuine - Spanlih -apeimah trpeÜÉ4 wv» mot laBmul ~mvf~ràZmi~thoestef rst rt. scar uvmo», tçiwmship coliector P, vas the sa &"I ce ah tu b At each of the foll9wing prices there are numbera of haiËdàoxncly styled' gar- mkent@ iii ýll coloisi, fmateriaLs and mod- $10 éo*«tin a good range of 3,9 fabricsan~d Moors, at....... $16.50 coats ini rough wveaves;. ai styles, high! collarg,.apecial ' a t - e .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . t ...... .x.I tb $27.50 coats 'aU icolora and styles -broadelothM, "vete$, plusbes I.... $35 coat ini v i luShés am i h -4 â..% -ï L: - 35ç Dresseý' Neat, pi-ettiJçrs es in light *pt terîîs and in r 'm2- to 6. $1.-00 dr.0 bi $-siürs to 14; good, Iil'i, at ...... ...i.,.. nunibei'of, 9tl only ....... Wornen's 75& gowns,* nicely inade nd*ish ed, at offly .. Children 's $2 mweaters i xnôst ail eolôt. 79c size's, at ....... Boys' 50e i îsizes to, Womn 'W $- 4nis sand hangbags in gooS&D W6I ~ ~ twe iSko Ail Furl tss 'Than $3 munffs in the hest styles and colors; Si>ecial V at ................5 $10 nnîfs, býrrîeI or flat; good furs« sud eolorSà. . ... $5 heçk- pleees in some s'erv Pl' ctýy sty1. s'yspecial l f $10 large ne~k pieces; good stve~ndc1o~;prie- &à C d at ............. 2 Woinen'saijuI white petticoats in. value» to $M..Qat ... Children 's regular 50e 'amIëe.&IJ sleeping garmfentà; very Spe- ciaj, at .. Women'a uxnbrella s to $1.50, wi fancy carved handies; verýy gpecial ....% ... Womiens 35e flece 1n. et pants; al sizes; prlced seoa Children 's 50e flannelettegowfou in g.ood tul sizes and colora; t rinli .......... 29c, Wornen 's and chldr~.ed 2-3c hose, ini ail siffe';jrod ...ia.......... ....... SuhsM These suits are odds and ends and inelude those with both long and short coats. There are ail styles and sizes to i)C had. The foilosving two items are with- out equal ini Lake Couinty wc are cet'- Suits to $25 e$29 Suils to 5 t$5 Many, of theae 'Suita, iA wili be no- ticed, posÈes some of the moàt im-, portant style features for spring. The, colors are perfect; soine are f"irtrixn- neèd-; some are not; some have. belts; others are loose. $3 all-wool skirts ini serges 13 and mixtuýres; gond styles.... $8.50 and $10 skirts, in taffetas and jPolSins, Frpneh serges,jeO plaids, messalines, etc..._4X Wornen's $5 serge dressés iii gool styles and nieely made, 2 at ..................... 29 $18.5i> serge dresses in handsoine ucw styles; al aizes and colurs tbaýt are new and popular, ~ , a....... .. w William He. me 13 ut buhtb b.ig gawu s'»o* P ardigG hý qaÀ. au b mo h.o lwU~~ cm * I7tle a wM 11mat md5..0 y. BU semse, a", ~ h ta. 1110 uldo, la lilngrHa a Muïl. M., ana AI auoqu». DL I.LL .Haught.Igmgwu 'à ih tth aIl bt i 1f4udg *tYiwowntesléoGIta dajV* Pjtptibla1-7 ~NV Ishke erit lu sQ.abtuç drem *as gir.oest a luacheos ut pv.It&aw 1(*ibb a ha . p oLa, tnI.. of ntiona Le uupposcàzi p" bgW um n la the maLtr rnatfillaM " he Lb.sot oettéai %in ooai6wda or n f ateiwa r drýà oi Our ,RVARY 4,1916. eý, M FÂFqjmmig.i -eoinýft 1 ýW4-, ý