Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Feb 1916, p. 11

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-- - rÂTF1I! i'fUtU'I1v Tfl E'~T1WWl' wPTrlAVi1'1~TflÀV FET~RUA11V 11 ~ .LL~.LL.52j ~ LJ XS JJ~ ~ - Lake CountyId nettfVSteÀi3M JI'PWindefild h tf~ It Io indeed to b. Certe htNrh Oicago "edm t~AL3lUUI te Paua the bond issut e *ho.oject wu to provie a filtra- tion.plant for that city. . eçpite thé peat utiniber of t#- Boxes Are on the Way Here I ph7icland other cases of à.cImieàs froMÏ North Chicago dur- for Use of the Waykegan 1 Suthe past year, it appeu as if tii.citIi» if~fl ot Postoffice Departhient. bens ficlently lmprsegd witihe lipOf theO ltuation as regards tii. *ater supp . tuIa third WILL BE AID TO CARRIERS. o!t, th patients in Mceàitor houp taal- 'Mu comling freMNorth Ohicago, IV phpuld b..prltta oish Excess Loads Wili Be Carried muet be dons luin orC hicago te eradcate the Boum 0e10 to Remt, Parts af the City the various kinda of allniÎýÏrà. Ï*hM. wald Northi Cli- ta Serve as Bases. cqo 4o if kcAIIter jqjdptal ue«vlt n rsrefused its resideiits? Thon a hosptal of its, own wauld bave t e b.Wltblnthie next few days much lm- provided in nmre mannrer, by somebody. And whienei OfSrtan t equiPuient wiII be added to considera the matter, the McAlister héosptal Ïs purely a the Waukegau postoffice. Recently1 Waukegan Institution and mlght be closed te North Oi-~i Postmaster Dan Grady put In a re- cagoffsal a aor4w te ie preference toe bdé-qulsîtion for sx arg* soagoxs Manda of, av& .Tis, t uuch sa peuiblity aJous This mornlng he recelved a billoM comronlnw Obiagoit ld eer tht ti. nv a the which causes him to thIn'< that1 coufontng Ciefl, i di zom tht te ineat hesbipment already bas arrived at luit cflii~* n a fu1ter lant wiche ursly would great- the local freigbit depot. prokroosilys and çanýstutwlti Northi Chicago% sspirit of great aid ta the mail carriers. Th-ýy PuaH. It usons that palitics, persoral.ities, etc., .ntered 111l he sometbing In the nature of to theii bond matts-and the. public iiealth miuts mfer' h r1 ntbgpre mail boxes. as a moult. Witîî rnth o rk lu s post delive7 -1- carriers. This paper frequently receives letters from residents These boxes are to be stationed Iu of Laske county who m*e eXtensve joUrneys, such as to far distant points of the cty. Heavy Florlda ou Oaldorràa sud who write back describing their Iepar aeotc.mail inci'idipg aga trpin detail, giviug personal epriences, what tiiey ~s.w paeet, ilblaedo 1 lec BretmspeoDle wonder why we don t u,,d ber7oPahe toonedcr priaitthem. Thoy sM it~féeethat they are Blglited if:rl:rs wbo will place thçm In the prop- w. don't print tbéfr 1.onUi butian. Tiie fact is, people for- er bOxes.c This relieves the neceasity ge tat travel tiie.daylmàn't se, out-of-tiie--ordinar as of mail caliers cartlflg the parceljs àudte b. yers 4§ù; his seemta forget that news of Post a long distance betore delivertug the. day foigretér #Md mot varied than it WUas 'a Tbe carriers will take an oruinary 1 1t"t hte take precedence over con- loati of mail out of tbe office. By the, tributians.such. atc sr Jdsaneys, etc. A nevipaper ilght time tbey reach one of the parcels like to priit aMl ouhc oitliutionu, but it costs moneyta Post stations tbey wili have delIvered Est.tbsmup ud i ai ruovesitsel! tote editoryu it I the mail In the pouches andi can » p ad.i a movess atak aload ofparcels post. I this as te what the. public wants-wiietiier it wants toi read I ay tbey will serve as bases of dis. articles o! ths.t cbarater o! wiietiisr it prefers NECWB in- tribui.Jon. steed. Ail pua&nhmve lmtied facilities for settiiig up A simlar plan was put Inta- execu- the. inatter wiifcb shalfIM ho columna, therefbre, witiithe Bon hy Postmastsr rady about a great amount of news tbat existe in Lake county ail the Vr ago. He causet loatis of par- time, it requires car"fulpicking te select mat what read-cldtai to b ten otcae s. ens prefer. And, froin wbat we hear, journeys of rosi- Tbis reiieved the carriers of totins donts wio ma.y cover a long distance don't appeal te the it an unuecessary distance. Proms roaders like tiiey uaed te before it became se ordinary a tinte to lime It bas been possible Ia thlng te go !rom ceut te coast. Accordingly, Unles ucii' :tabl is stations in stores lu tbe ont- trip areaccopanid byoutof-te-orinar exp* s Ib te ity. Tbis bas lesseneti trie ae acomanid b ou-oftheordnar exeriences the work of tbe carriers. Tbe Instal- of the travelers, times have changed se that such contri- lation of the new boxes will be sîil Sbutions muet neeualy take second place in the uebec- inore or an aid. Eacb carrier will tian of news. We s# ths not teo ofend tiiose wiio are bave a key lu the boxes, but tbey wil k.tnd enough to send us letters, but merely toexsplain tic be as securely iocked as the ma~il uuny o! tiiem wiiy their contributions do not appear. make a requet for more boxes as tbey are tound to be necessary. uirements of Ibat iywudcs fILIKAION P LÀNTI 2out $25000. Pîacîug their stamp CAM IUB N lof approvai on tbe proposition tbey CAN UB N le MMIrEI~ rN UV àAiputt he finl deelotn un tn the vut- I -ÎI Mll LIMM es,..electian aL, vbi b b easkedti EHLVOU O TWO TO ONE VOTEfOVery E ise plan IO S II O E _____apjîeared un the sorface cuti IL Mai O S IHP U have beeu Iis vhicb causeti the ha- Mrs. John Suekas Causes Ar. Narth Chicago Votes . DoWn I l l u oPrevail that the pflan voulti rs fHsbn ensa the Proposition ta. Issue ha. receiveti avurabl>'. Weuliegeu. Fai. 3. $25,000 City Bonds. The tact thal Ibera bb've beau ant i'ock me up, I voulti rathen stav - IstIli are a large number a! typhoiti lu jail Ihat live vilh my vife. I LOSES IN ALL PRECINCTS. cases lu Nortb Chicago, altributeti voultint eat the foot she prepanes. direcîl>' to the valar sopply, vas oue 1 woultin't live unuter the saearua! Thos WhoFavred he o!n l te reaefons vhich causeti thofa vilb ber. i viii privitie for my chu.- Thos Wh Favredthe lanwbo tavoredt he plan 10 Ibinlu ltaetiren. but 1 viii navet- contribule ane Cannot Understand Its Over- 1 'oteras vold ftvon relief, cent lovants my vîtes support." whelming Defeat. This sîstement vas matie hy Johný CECTiIM ii IIICSucka. auempl. of!te Reiasscoal North Cblcagaen*ti ly au aser- EIJ U1HAIiU oksfloin i ata Wtna QNhelming uîajariby utis avent Ieonta Whemin waorty f oer wod a nacharge of! wite beaîing." ana, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H onTeta,îreidv Iew~K, fF N) B as arresteti on complaint ut Mm., oneon uesayfurnd -dow th. e SRE .E AND ayS proposition o! isang $253 000 vorth 9 e bonds for the installationi ut a noti- em n ilîrattion plant in Ibalýc il>. The tiefeat o! the meastire came as a de-1 clded abock lu msny for preditiona isssibeau matie lreeiY Ihat there vas' l111e or nu oppusition to the bond isue anti that it voolti carry by a tretueudous majorit>'. The smallness or the vote likewise vas a surprise as il beti beau predictedt Iere probabi>' v«oulti ha 1,000 men cund vumen et the pols. As a matter et tact, OUI?' 359 votes were ceet. The nsots b>' precincts Vau'e as foiiovs; tII PIRST PRECINCT- Por. Aganst. Men-------------...36 64 Women ............. 2 35 $1.15 FOR 10 IJOURS Laborers in the Employ of the Chicago- Milwaukee Ejectnmo Struck on Tuesday. Section hauts lIb heeMpla>' a? tht- Chicago & Mlwaukee electicraiel- roat vaiketi out on strike atIlmoou ou Wedeaay. Tha>' ara dëmandîng an IBrease of 25 cents a day lu vages. Il las saiti thaltishe men nov recelvati 150 fur 10 bours' labor. anti na,- the' ct-e temautiug $175. The>' daim tisat tbe vages ut sec> SECOND PRECINCT- ion nanas lu tue emptu>' of te Men---------------..3 83 Nrtbweteruand ti ler a! the large1 Won ........17 2 raliroatis enterlug Chicago sud Wan- THIRD PRECINCT-1 Men............... 22 27 kagan vere Increaseti 25 cents a day Womeu cu..... 7adt I> nsist that tha>' wiIt nul take rup tiseir aboyaisutil their damanti1 Toali............ 116 243 la met. ona of the section bauds1 As vilI ha seau trori thaforegoing daimg Ibat tisa>'are ccllad uofe bigures the proposition ualou i>'losI thein bats et least ana igbl a veek; dlt iu ever>' precinCl bol il vas re- andt iaItisa>' are shutate ram na jactdtib>' hsMen anti vomealu InCit>' luanatber cI ail houonsof lime aacb precincl. day and nlgbt ta repair avItcheo, or NotlbChicago rit>' afficîias bat rabui dplaces o! the roadhet. Itlal gana mb othe valet- purification prOb- saidtbilalt tere are ueari>' 60 man lemtcet-y deepi>'anmuthlis>' ad declt2d sfunllng On tlsa section gang of the tisaI the oiY va>' o!fsecurins Pare lectriocCompani t thi tilma. Ac- valet- tut-Norths Chiefago-vas ta In- cordîng tc, vilI lis aIgu a filtration plant. Theî lad se- *ipe is .fM* iieotalielm fuItad stiele itlci sJOWa . piacas of tisemen Waotiroppadt tisIs rpIa plarctge anaug h ta me. th e 1e-1ou n Tueay>. fuckas. vbo alieges tisaI ha beat hanr wils c poker on >lundcy ulgbt. andi thal ha Irove ber acutiber chiltisai out into the colti ou Weduesday nigst 'I didult drive my vite out o!flime bouse. Site loft ns>'ouse anti bot anti vbau I fount iber, aime vas living vitb friands un Merkat street. Bise tbrew mi daghter's ciothes out lis- ta tbe street. Bbc took foodi out af enothet' daughter's packets s0 thât sie vooultigo buugry vitilaet aichool. i 4ou't vautt t ive vils er. Wby. I would rather kill mysaît Ibel live UA- tien the sanlie roof vllh ber.' Tièsa"me as dusminseçi fan vent af evideuca. Buc'<as branded as faine the sateents of hip vl$8. Naighboirs dlaim that Ibe>' viii neyer agrea im thff Itlas hait tiesa>houiti separate. Sucitas dlaims hg viii relain a levier anti bring unit for a di vorce. Hîs employer. daàim thet ha b«, navet beau knovu lu teke a drink q intoxicating liguorsi aund that lh a, aiways et vork. Tjsey delam thalleM la tnt a qnarm-àeimanim, andtib4$ bis wite's actions lad to the traul>la. et tbe home on Mondai ent Wednee- dayý nights. Il vas b>' the request cf employars tisat Bacisas vas releasati fronces. lady b>' the police Tbursdcy moom- li-,NW h 0 S»,Li 000UtO fi - MdvtieS S t on 10eh" ~cn4ede~~51iI oh, ff £iWI thb laÇ -- - -...-- - Pa e Three 1. morning. and takan away tram thar lu the early ev eui ng. T hisa practice DillM A NS r&iic'ue ~muwuuE n 16 permitteti lu Waultegand Tnhbë The chldren's parti whicb the N. CeIAIJ3 E FAio À A thebe ealth ofilcers are Inclined te Ifl-P LàiVi .a C. L. . A. njoyai lestavaolg, wa ~ vtA i~ ~ -'onu bieme the spread ut scarlet fever and T"2H !t1b undoubtediy, the "most fun" of the IE f L 'lL other diseases lu North Cbicago b JIL L A éIJ1 year. There were little girls wilb Ibis practica upttu the part of thé Dutc eut, an litle irlswithcurl;1,milk dealers lu North Chicago.A Ducbcui nt i~te irs it crl;Miss Himmelreich, Humane moat rigfit investnadnu en oint Raised ln WiII Conteat in Ilttla girls ln hawitchlng eprons and.;y md yt ato . en little girli vt!l tainty Frencbhtiress-1 Officer, Hat an Exceedlngl atebyte lealtb officers, audtbey! Effort ta, Discredit A. K.'s es; tbey ail bai big bows anti con-i Pitiful Case Presented. ro osetaInspeel aven' tcrm f coin Standing. mnn suesa andti ome vare socks' wbicb milkiils sent Into North ('lii ~'edisstasa te usnes f heLACK 0F CARE CHAMRED cao.ThIciedste beethoiersta rePASSED? NO! BORROWED. evenIng thwrvlneo uhdsae( as dusposeti of ln short or- * u nlnt abaetefrmeror_____ der anti by fer the greater part ofutepeaec o uhdsaeI the evening given aven ta just bav- Miss Himmelreich Finds Lad this section uf the state St ibis hour, Former Legisiatar Declares H-e liig a "heap of fu." In a gum-cbew- Did Plot Have Praper Care ibut lhey do llame the method 3 Of Borrowed Maney- ta Make Ing contest Mrs. Brait of Hyde Park, After Having Operation. baudlug milk for the sîtrenti ut car- Trip to the Coast. a guest. won the prise. protiocing a 1_ai________t dcor wr lu muet lIte-lika monkey tram a stick Miss IdaIs limmelrelcb. human e Offi. in thair pt-aise of the wonk accom- Friands of Arthur K. Stearns of of l3eman'a Pebesin. There were aIl cer, vas called opon a te. days ago plisheti anti the Inspections made ny, aeBufadWak.naeItr sorts of gamons.sucb as tirop the te vituesa une of the most patbatic Healtb Ofyiclan .C.e E. ancds. etei l ern hti h iicn hand'iercbiff armer ln the del], etc., si gbîs ever brought t0 ber attention. eat M rCleneEHik. 1sednhaIgta ntewi o- and &Il soreowiued lntheir s eth Ine a amore revolîijig case- 1It was rumored about the City that test which lbe sud bis relatives ae- anti mli soti ot ituns lu whichthe 'ner ,sip fo tW Ihebaaiih offIcers were planning t waging I-'alifornia, ha bas bee5k litleguul shwe tef ry Ilgb 1 was not aI'1,ý'- ilcaur Wý.se the arresis ut two or tbree mien chargeti wilh having travaied ta CLI- andi dexlerity. Missen a s lagher nigbts" NMiss Hlmmeireich saiti. ..'lu North Chicago, but ibis report tamnis.tome lime ago an a pes. showeti ptrtlculer skilî lu goiug boîte I may neer sec auch a case cooltinectlie veriiied. ýIr. illearos tenies he used e aisU& thraugh the brooatici and Missagain.' Alle Btratitreet won easily iu tha The place was a litIc bavel on Tey bave speut two ticys lu Ibis Be insiste hae borraveti the money ta bigh jumît. There vas aiso sn lut- 1BSeridacn roati. North Chicago. There part urthte state, anti'cannut tell at i t5<ee tbe trip. prumptu,,program as foliows: Reci- may bave been more titan two rooma. Ibis time when tlsey viii complete Juat vbat differanca a pass o alt tation.-'w-Up Dol'a Curie" - Mabel but It there we1Miss Himmelecb ibair inspection at North ChcMago. make lu sucb a litigation la baud toi Coo; eclataa-Maiculn ~i vs nl Ine~ îsc' e 1 Tito yetits ago Dr. Cooi e ci-understanti, but bere's vheî e Chi. Doll's WlUgrNis"-Margeret Ward; thesa tva meagerly furnisheti rois Ian>' with Heltb OfflcarC4arepce E. cago pepen says of tbe nuttar: Song-"My 'l'.ddy ]Bear"-Viola Shir- lîveti a famlly of iglt people. Tile licits, inspectad every dairy tarmn n Sauta Barbara, Cal, Peh. t-iD th* ling; R0citetiOn-MY Dlla Bath "-eigbt apparenti>' siepl lu Ivo bats the easîrn bal cf t.ske county anti second content cf the yul of Uhe lett Matjatte Brasa; Reattion-'Ni' Sun- whicb were crowtied into the 11eaarsi tIervstmr ai John T. Beale. wbich ls be4ug t-li* day et"-ngehre treei Reta-badrom. ue oly therruai lutary quartera were but for cowa. aud liera, an attempt vas matade yb tlou-"My Bitbdy Pàrty"'-M'iniredti he bouse aîpeared te be s kitehen. other caille. They Inspecteti every attorneys for Mrs. Beele te show tisat Yoles; Song-"Diddy's Girl"'-N-iarga- A 11111e seveit year-old boy'lay 11i barn,- aud every mil'i depot aithIat Arthur K. S8tearng o! Wakegefl,à rat Doyle; Dance-idercedes Nec ln beti Pour monîhs ago he badil ime, anti similar Inspectiona -e , - epbctw o! the deeedent, and cote of haens; Rectàtionb-«My Penny Bank" been oîîeraîed on for appeudîlcîtîs. been made f tfr -" ' by the tie contestants. treveleti West ta ses -Edith Mrris ; Dut-«SchoOl Day," The parents feitthIe>' coutîtinet et- local autîtorîlies suiive lIb visl of Dr. Mr. Beale Ivo yeUrs eg a sePOie -fian Cook anti Eliabeth Koebker. tord ta kaep hlm lun the hooptial un- Coley te MWaukegan. turnishati b> Charles E. Werd. sacra.. This pt-gast-nwuassort of a content, i]ha recovereti, so ha vas takan .taT et-teLa-- Sfl~ le 13»44 TIai- "My Bundal Mat." by Ingabore Streed, borne sbortly aller tbe operation vas The. Foilow Next Docr. Company of Chicago. Refartinc va vinning Ut-st prise. Eva Browne, performeti. Itlai the fellow nexi door, wbo vertmede tuate Ba ntar Lotim.rt* e- Meredes Neaeus and Aice Bt-ad- "Ha vas not given proper cara--of put-Pie socks, ur who parts bis bair lu tigatious lu vhicb the iank tlguid. atreat, vera tis aremiutg 1111e bos- that I cm certain." -%iss HlimMeljelcb he amiddle, or wbu weers bis coal Mr. Bet-ns. vWho ves tofnaéti îteasesof lbi avening. anti their parti sai. "A doctor diii cli ha coIlifor oreves one tbsnuurtciiohRcuunonmde'riltathc bilinosmade thétfl51 vili go dowu ln Aumiliar>' aunais as tbe youugstet-. but tbe mother sîthar or who ata hsp bande, arnuIseadeueinat ha b d bati e lI tâte' oua of the plsesantast affaira of thea titi unnderstaud ur tiieregerdati bis tisraugtb bis nose who Irritates us and epesyn aht orvi I year. ~~~~~~~nstructions. for the littia fallaw ittI sakes us wieh occaisionaîlly for te un-neear mnetamlfWud The librery board met lu ragimiar lu a pitlful condition wbau tI 5ev liniteti ciub-ustng fraedom or Ihe stane session lest evening 1t9 a comnltea hlm. The vounti lu lis abdomen haud m.e. Il la your tiret cousin witis ili A 0004 Tise.. roons et tisa city hall. lit as the irtqInul becleti anti there vas nul aven curable cetarrb and a aiender incarna This la e fnnny *anid. Aà as i usvtta gaeIltise aorani Mofeth. c (lean cloth on IL wha i laua mamch for yuu andi wbu go ou t et nigit vils$58 id've 'Th chltibat ben lacti u btispoilia aur lamper, nul the anarchiat Su liait mornili w*iitiat e iuiC Hayes andi Biet-vin ware preseul for vithout as ono ltig nheDa tur who tbreateus your poet hiwi i ot.mdci t tirt lma.Theraola buines oti, cstiit t lotingon isant idment jour life-Excmauge. goodttjne-Columbla Béata. th iettn.Terglrbsnsboy anti, oh, sueh a beti! Théra ________ vasettntiti é mcb Imabei ga a feather beti utder hlm anti Rcii Pat Bcd. Ner Mcscow. tiatty Togt spent ln dsessing the pracîicabilliiy another oua uver hin. 't'he dacom- A cenurys i 1)PIfPe>ut ear Man. 'r-na oititude i talé ep th e s "mi of taking avez the Auditorium for a posing legh about the uncareti for e0w bas l'enau cquireti b>a RussnI possession ur c Mana seiz anM comnaunity? hanse andi for librat->'pur- vounti gave forth c ucus eatlug atior. campai>, vbicb vîli ta l eu bitrat oshe dut"-leSt poai. n.IpakInisapplieti for Wile I v as luin abueIb 1eanti cauvert UIntl tletlot tt m iieaturb ing hor dnger iai itàm the position Ur assisant at e Ilbrciry fellaw screameti anti crieti, so great hbon ite cl>'. a LoI anti ber application bins the ouiy onea vas the pain. but the muother %sentuaiti raceivedabc ha as unanimousl>' aiect- quite unconcerneîi. 1 learnedtbtit eti. The fit-t Mandey ln the montb two or thrae other chiltinen lu tish- ' was tilvidd oti posas tittiints.oftt tti-t famtly verse rovded mlot e esa*~ lus anti thenabaing no turtner busi- lbat witb the 11111e luvaliti aceb unt nase the meeting adjoarned. "I coolti net coucaive haw a miattâr ( ~ ' ~ ' O Mis aha eiani.stlitiinwould permit such c condition 06 te-. I ~ .. court ra]ýotInlg et Woodutock. I. 1 uffereti anti urgeti the mother The lailchers' training clouas teets te let me senti a Irainati nurse te the W IF t l wilîb Mrs. Baker of Broadat'Iis bouse daly ta rare for the -chilti butt evening.. the mothar refuseti. î1uigt 'aven TO WORK IN TH1E WATCH FACTORY AT ELGIN, 1LLý Thea Preebyterlan Ladies' Aid viii bave gone ta courtacuti secoed' -a meet Tburaday atternoan vith Mns.. rit permlittlng us ta tale the 1,éy LU QUT W ORK (K)OD PAY John Get-tle'. ftram bis parents util ha gui Watt lad Nov viset yl \tr1h Chicagu o nat the physicien lu the cise l intnhd ., ~ ---, for drink if the luvu gens dry Ibis nie thare vas nu chance o! aitust sprnt«g? tilit 111e falav's lita. Tise negleét ~ r- - . ... ~ . Mg. F. N. Tomlilsun ls lu a seul- hlia bd sofferat iebd beau mare thena .e t- -~ teniomu la Chicago raceving treat- bis tender littia constitution ecatii ..l -dv niants, stand." . Mn. John Reidenbuh of Kenosha But nie 11111e chIllt'asaufferngu : .5 - va, a dinner guast otfHt-. anti 3r Win. SchuemenuneIeeig Mrs. Sulliven lis a visitar ta Pis-' Points Ioda>'. lIns. Win. ichumaun and t taMar- garaItYOKeef e tare lu Chsicago Sun- day. SMrs. Bt-att of Il' de Peark vas s guest at the Auxiiiary part>' lest ave- ning. Th e Beu Hur piano vbich bas beau moveti tra the Progress lubboose ta tiée bine of Micha.lelb, vas greet>' mis;eti et tise Âu ÙW ià éa-ý lusg lesI uight.i Tisa baud Issue ton a ne*filtration plant lofft Tuesday b>' a vote of mura tisan ttoo na. A ilgist vote wasù patldt! u the irat andti hrl5r varis eut aven ils thé e mcondi, iiéf abit- tan vota vas polled.the baquestolosIa two ta apa. *Wanen eotêAt~iniar aa i a $eproposition tisa 14h nen lu il ie kardsaxcepî tiesa sïçond . Tisera aaeseverai caunsis - it fOr- waf4 15-tj tfg f l n~re. ea!oftaxation w on e. ci#1 *sasassusnts anditaes tnt! some t'a' ides, fui, pi4t41ti d -but hîia ie o ;itis ïTt a tibt tbil tisa on iýà* taO iiîèit- eu 'a!ë' vas b ýgo ôtlfat-- tiser a -theà ilte *ptise ntiub i csJ2, 4' coure -4. e'Lteuarit 0. ii that thelilf-spark bas lullereti tott from the 11111e pain-vreckad body, anti gone on lu Ils reward lu the Greant Beyoud. "I's bard 10 say, but i cm glati tiie- Ilttia telluw la out o! bis miser>," Miss Iliinmelreicb saiti. STATE 1IEÀLTI OFFÈCES MAKINfi INSPECTiON IIRE I - Factory"o e ligiefNational Watch Compay DocorsCmaw~rd ndCoaey Begluners may lve, If they choose, In the Ceàm- Fînd Doçiorable. Conditions p»~y s ote!lfor employee. in North Chicago-. ARRESTS ARE TÔ IÉOLLOW. Lay Down the Law to the MiIk Deaei'-Sai~JQ0Wlth tbe LacaiConitont TisaI Waukegcn la as dean aund healtul cil>' of 20,000 as, en se foant inl the mididle vest le Ibn stats- meut cf Dr. Cravtarti, prestent et the Illinois huard ut heaîtb. viso vils bis aitent, Dr. Cooaua>. i rQàinýt', bis annns.1 Inspectiun a! Waukogal andi MortlChîcago. Dr. Cravfat-t hati man>' nica thîlnw - lu se>' of Wcokagau cud tils beàltî bîîe b ii 8Mal vieil la Norths <iiçeo, ~CMOTflE Wsoms, GOOD MWEALS, for violations o! tha iseaithla» ôtER ON EIECESM4C S ltae slaIe May Se matie.'M E.NCN NI CSNAU OT Dr. Crawford.It is.seiti, la anilhing bat satlpnp fl cniWos ~ onti Fei paf ticulars, address S4.PERIN4TEI'DE1NT it onisi ui vsea,1nahil ELOIN NATION4AL WATCII CO.' à" fund m weremilit i:0 1 IUS à ot ttaefantined homse.las _______ 1 JLjAAIli UV U INT 1

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