qgpants dfpend to a vu oeouIrble extentI os muit svings in ail ¶1. other words theg sýp toeimimate waste oupedagl in production '[ka a émmd poliqjand icbl n b %rm4apriaqconcers =1# one empiog. lbs ftaduIy put in fè'ré by the use à? Etectric Powtr, whlch.--to nome just ont Or its futures01 %ýdrity --collects p only for the W, Qrk it actually doès. irvoe mer of madimer hg town, whether in lite férm et an elaborfte as- seâlalae, or invoMsg ode ose simple plece of mecbauihmn, wilI find as aaiosgtion of! Electric Per Worth while and Public Service Co. à nwtbs*ulsis 1%6lb po«ou.Rie, la i te bave ha pol a " oft atS@standing betore a Imtnnor sd cunsig binsef. This Pua- tà l.ubeartilr reeommnded 10 poati et the pueseat day. llaviug ample lime le devoe t tet, they ceuld do the Job Such botter thau the buz? mii Whomueit perforce ivo attention te bla daliy gnd. me natter boy cor- dlally pseainne beekoni.-Kmms.cu 11 WHUEL TBOUBLM dn't ocour often suer w. bave repairedga ar. Wbet.her the trouble b. in tiro or bearin.,É we can*and do .100 it promlptI%. We treâaislaut trouble wiîh the @mre auces. Becanse we have fir.t the "lknow how" and %ecoiid, cvery facility for appiying our knowiedge. Senc your dimaabi.d car here for treat- ment. RER 1U9TOR COe Phone 8 LIBÉRTVILLr!. ILLINOIS Work turned outi mre dei as bog in. Price" 10w. Fine Workrnanship. Sp~e 5. UBVTYVELL &IC.urridgo & Son N..uriory Stock FRuIT ý:vlt Md in& laun do it for Fou, e an X=EM"'&O vory moderato. NfOW 18THETIME to ordethoe trum orubs, plants snd vlun for BPring plantbg. Fairholm Gardons Phone 102-R Here He Is'Again! WHO? Whq A. P. 51MITtl, of course. Where dees le live? Whg in Gralgmiake. of course. What does he do? Whg le deans, tunes end repairs pianos.' Just write hlm and le wiII le right on the job. Nothing dose ught unless A. P. does it. A Substantial Telephone Patronage is enjoyed hy te mer- chant who makes il easy for customers to reach bis store In tele- pho ne. Single line service af- lords a clear tracl, foi ail orders that are tele- phoned and for thai reason gives greatei telephone value in tht business establishr-nen than the party lune. If you are now on party' une, why no change to a single lin, and test these state menîs. The additiono cost is sumali. Chicago Telephotie Company. A. R. Andrews, Msncgcr Teleohone 9901 I I MOI and Thro ed.Tl bUinut behoNEOf thentbeseo fnde are distributed - on torod N O MOTII13R underethe old overseer cf the poor KIN UNE methods and ytm. IOE N RI R S The abeile telegrain vaec sent INL R » NT i No pensions were grilantdl Lake vate cau Bvimvne oreason.vhatoPery esofl teact ofthe opinionr B IT T ER MANNERý- the stipulation," Raid Mrs. Durand, RI3CEIVES PEN IOch caL.Pese o h oiin c _______ ever te bargain vith Gcverncr Dunne, lnel ta hr sarltv iContinued From, Page One.) and'Mr. Lucey. using the Ilate lgls- Two Apiain eeFldwocudadaol upr h ____________latures action as a bue ufor making Applicae s te ettions ere Fievocudad budSpoteni asi forw*arded te un vith a formai de- a settiement on the private damage but Petitions Were Not cHildvre n o the itlnta rean-d mand tfront the governor and the at- suit. Jit semed litre a cas of a man Granted Hienr.anaprpratonretan toi n r eerai ve muet Riga i holding a gla &t aothera head and talned bare, and the deeerving can if we wtshed to bave the geveruor1 teilhl iIf 1ho didat PaY ove? ai get linenciai aid by reamen of the alti hic name le the bill vhich the thousnd 4oiiars.lthat hl dpull the I RVN ALR15ohrlpnin c.I aecuc vbrsaur a amdadwich vas trisser. 'We vere toRdiIf vs dldn't POVN ALRm~~r eso i.l .k on tegiy siat r ure im psse sg.ud ilsh hvaz epa oty the township poormastera do anuci 10 pa tus o ou cattie." . clOa eb l cbdvsgn a AfdrWriter for Public Charity Serv. tovards aidlng thece destitute, and TWEN OUA 1>l U Thé atlplatdU vilb Ms. Duralad vith 1the Ibréat b»ainaOves une. v. ice of State Tells of Suc- th.e methers vho have no man te àaid the Only protectin iaan insurenes refuéo aidsil tol fix. Dud.ritupid e »X c f Venture. i tb it and teeding te îalren P1 *Cuincr i "SEIti 13. Duffidd tresGGD- evqmer D#dU tand. pelez._auton,________sic rand, Paintlfs. ta. EiBard V. Dun- Bunday nigbt Covar o lnne vas 1lle? lthcoption "le the Mlotllie Àofaepvntgad peJ).S. isIiR. M. Pattermon. reached.&tthé 11e1111111 aio i sca ogi~ r li i P. ricra S.indevios may hep bsthe Dynon. J. A. Moar. ILN. J.arsbali. officiaI act inluV,*tMoth1e appro» the, Publie Cbarlty BS01910 orf Ditti proieolion siait l Prs~ usibl.A. G. Qieiki. J. A. priation toirMm Dapur o lu etef ! hat bas been aocompiis " nuaoel Couliol and InTerns 0. HOOBel Dé- tieun "liltfr. and M LPurff 'Ofthdtau I-pr.terepres eitsch à,'o "0 anml signi the stipulation pw.wb i f11 ae upr 1.Pp? m i !~ ~~P% -whm5, theIbmRai paleals. scott torney Geeadýi KAEr hbo s. 'It aael DU2u ~ip .piae . usyuos.o t 9. Derand and C G. Dga, bave made »o dilrU*e *aM Un. DiRrand Au more comploe. Information plte fpiOlO.t reçoived Joli satiMUacMoÜ for 911 dam-bai «an e. i 10 W bWler PeTaOIIicomaes te 11ai concernlng thlbt. a ~tnamuPa m. IRN U ase claimed $IJ the aboies tiUttegisuit asisals *10 membleri of the loprlin e 11 o.a!e ot s lled ot Pavre he1n aloi. limes. càuse, nov. tbet-*Pruln de«OiiIa- live stock commiisin. UWoe& fte» Udm& iticrele lltebvbaui"MU tien of tho e ment by thé, dorsal- "il sas my dity te tartigunlthe, M' penson tas, on begii te dipir auti a e o omoliatnt ofcmoidt- clati ad govfnal hron ther that a bea î -" t l MdRTYEIA. . NAE lai th raeit veref l hreb ac damsthat mialatlbe brouglit for- and sii ambidied lu cold. legas ievteiebbtesadI aknowle4ged. a db.'egood aMd val- yard by alalpirola& bf r.phasbaelald !tt1uxo e ircUIteol tt" elà $teli efhalTM~4O oaleconciemil the oscett i bèr& igned the appropriation bill. 1 I rs anfae fi&Palos Bio, UUMatàf cf et lalituby ccnowleiaei, Itle la cvwished te preclude the poliiity of "It le dlificut te get ail the tafrr. 'us itcl!fasc 11e. Ç i. enantod. tiPulaled and s.greed by and 'Mrs. Durand culullestiflgflce for bier instiut. ncciicry te an impartis! aid Haimson as reproic.ntud birAlr.7I btween the partiec te ald cause that cattie." fr ujmnbtagae.oe? te ne"s Deaji and Je& G. Welob. >iel* IA O soniar etudcout. ad bult sa glanSi~ snid plaintifs yl disoiiil suai $l'na for IlS0Ml Hherd. ava, sonallowaotecn mcii.ann lit vn- 4svie ouili - i r on the finit day ef the Match terni. The item votned by Goveruor Donne48JadiI A. D. 1916, of sali circuit court. aund providei for the payinoit te Mrs. Du- oui cutiei. la intS1cieut te Prove 1hâtlhe batd he l. usty'. Tho nauaespi e,si- eor n that ca$d plaintifs and ach of tisentrand of $7,982 for theb ordnée val- ithat lis admnnistmral fait fan short cule vent b esiadteatr 4.atS.d.%Iwls, - ili brins ne thar or futher suit or ued at 8100.000. Bbc amocrti if @cha 1in approclating the purpcie andin.lu-cs ahkel thal lii. Jumrnallov Han-- proceeding againsttRaid defeadants or had igned the stipulation sea as t ent of 1the itatute. ion damagsi e 1.um of 0500 d- »l.N U~tL V thetr agents or servants ôr eliher or barred train making any attampt te them or any cîber perocon on account collet the hait or 1the snomaiowed - Kaubakee reports $4,000 and l3 cpite the tact Itt11e batl breught PIIYSICLUA m U suami of any lafim growing out of thse mat- whiîh vas te b.ceiiseed againet the famille$, au average cf $307.60 ; Poo- suit for $6,000. It le roponloi that gpeeim tedihuesn.owil u *ci~ ters invoivad lunî«Id suit or on ai- redierai govarnmeut. ria îounty $7.»5 and 35 familles, an Nation atil Ovnc property lu thé ene rieu e ien .1meâlad c --à-Lu. ilof e the examInatioti. guardtng, The history cf the laugiter cf the vraeo $1;txïmaîe eunty $5 ce Ounty andIit le beiieveil that Han- to 121tosi . e. ti qnarantlning. treatmant or killtng cf Durand bord and the subsequent ne- argec$17oniisletepoety te satif 1443 W. MADISON ST. ROiO th1e catIle or othor live stock of tb2 gotlations betveen Mns. Durand and 000 andi 21 familles or an average ofBnwllsiethtrpr plaintiffas or ether cf them; or on ai- tate offitlolal a stirriug eue trou> $238 per family. hie dlatim o! 500. DYMONO L AUSTIN *celant of any acts. lelters, writinge start te finish euh the atta'-k upon tlsPeofhg j1ai Tuh. commanda. dectarations. stateinanta Governor Dunne'@ action yeterday epssible ibat ln somne et these Etat or other conduit of the defendauts or promise turthler Intereseîng devalon -caae ail tuefndst cdevs m yTeu]. Rm. flig* thain agents or servants or titler of mente. althougi Jrs. Dupond nid 1net expendad and due alovance muaIt Age saits vith timidity te he spared Office li Kaiser elock. - zt 111cm. alimtug out o, th.e contraer- Suuday esns ae lk of 1the vhOlelha maiefr this tfact. Btbo In"ltolerable pain; youth. taking fortune LIB3ERTYVLLI. - auUtMl. iln oluregard te sli catlle or ethen affair sud iroffl ionildIgnifth 1e Goi- lan u C e n t B ~ut ow0 b h e beard, demanda loy ike a Rille stock of tise plaintiffé or lunre- orner and us ' -e oicas by further fotadrd rt în tes. eva- yriaht.-Stevenson. S mH AN 1 v. CM.« l gard te 1the plalatiffs thermole or action lu vbiob 11107 vere concernad. 0 tnad;olvn ntoevrAtt*rey.ct.L.w' either cf Ill mOr aiY ef the propecIY Deviné a* Wmd >of Veto. Oua couliile? The fali .acccrdiug OMM&& UOuile. cot Alse. pole3 er the plaintifse or either et thona. -Mm. VwrUtd cmlii me On the te reports, averagea about the sane .E stAud sid plaintifs hereby lointii long-dtiAn-deepboto tlte Saturuils linlUtiueelcouiles.. i sYVIL and several yachopviedge theue tie- nl D ur &mivertitlohtiehn practi- u JLB TVL, - n.N *mentI utl teate oe f ailiaitui by cally vste aw a s hnv at Cnth in f11ecsris: IlILYHLLIL U II rthoin ce Otler of thipm &gaat 1the de- ou the tn.ru qêlloU. 1I bu ber Peoria couuly vltb greaten population *Jiau.--à.5 Ifendants and osch of the detediitg. thatata nn 8«OtO R tndth" 11 11 1JCL«nan ad a much larger elt Amd sald PI*ite ulcbetilby autho-before umidfflt1 -lii.wd, LDâve l II etacP 3. Docovan, or any ciler st. toed. 811 gq t aiet héan11s tipula- Iv hlch, t il yl le coucidid, Ilerei 1 dl l Utoriel, et liv afflâtingfer -id de.tien u i 'y C2!" Uo pprd6*lation 'linmore 'Iaulaerisai proportionuataiF.I , fendants. ta lvel »n i med At 111y.nd fFa-provides $7.595 for 11115 purpome &adjI~ aIth lb. o c e.thse piniUfs. tr i#& & % à ji Z 1 fmll.fnileae'OhWisV4.?W. 'Datadiefbl, U h.WIs.J"aiuanvversion of the negellations vith aMrs. 27 S.Carcon u 27 A uMi- rnd ~Demie, Raid gr o 27 S.Cario h ai'gest P 27. A. ~ Lalcdy It5je'm positte lun1the state. excepCok ovis q, WAKGN - weeOus ci thmWQsd ârp th iti - ' 4014m biug $10,000 for 142 familles, an averageý Men ail ." =ra litre. Du" ptêrèn i*1nr. Dumnn il uh11 aedmc aae b.si ir as a660 t bberhoe fe in rm e*ectbu îw $o~r the cmt* il ucte amC"o qi .lÀke ÉlteIdal dhu: "We bud slau.'hfered é ait aveelMent for lion. but more agriculture Raid sItl- - i oeer~eUaDlt I4Oei tasmeot 1uid Iii. ?b . r cilles, Onde $8.,65ftr 1lOitm- f EmaddlletytJ 11nl t" . OseeXd ileminse tUlesaitI tor -'"uawr OOU0tn hd t vb O Ol" lie, mn average of $8440. Tisamseeaion Uberyvllm, IWitoh J $800.0110 bocase tlbntestaturs bai et air sne la..,.,bqs ln bi*coin-.1: Pasaute bit I à" lien lu fal 1cg ion i nol ai.1-iv nti 1.Jrs..Durai "The oliact of *the mothel 'peusion dei*SAiyai lno of tu vtoo!Sturiday nlht becalse vould lie comtellci te vait for ri'"sti oke u ole Ihm iuSin ut i"l l vo vould net al5a the UsItlptdA th 1ebiir-mnt of ber losses by tue slaugh- n ~o ta elnal briug up lier cati- vvr?~~"V l D.OV JToII suit ii b.oiisulmei mast themmre terof e bord. -erbr v irc-n u a "YWalalwfri""Wi Monde? moraing as v. hadl planned. de ne irondrcinad et'Mt Thot shows Our boneltyle tue mat- wtchlluas. but viiU m one hasard i ii whc coan" "Houns lte lpro-s. ~ iPhaevu w ter.IOL ÇPtheUI opinion tuaItue mother vlabo -,nonCMM >"an touaneooter. pirnie.num "TisaI Govirnor Dunne knev vo - -H Otîelvec $61.36 Perur in lutsai.'34 16DL.N. W. IfL N~ eregolng te drap the suit agalat iS 5t5 UVUW ol r144 u alltior $21i in o m-I..tit-i hlm and the luve stock commission., lWII eot Zai.O4MM".mCP ,~4, seeme very pparnt, for on Fehrnary AE>i naldtceh erf ain m. oi rgg ilg.ziq.s,* 2 eJutge Claire C. Etivardi o! Wauke- trmwr nddte hchme e: Ofii ors1 oi gan, vhlle ai Woodatect.sent tsIll Y IIJLUI ~elrtakliber tram ber fasmv'Tami.lanmd Yldya couly telegram te Senaton Oison. vho ln atibe4hmÀ TeN arYteBerUILDINGSa -,> 1 I. AYOR - ' turu forvarded il te Attoniey Get- atyperethomemu,tie cuethe aevi - .lFniNilemfurIlIkW t.kL ulI emai Lucey. Ofc aFrtNde u "'I bava been requested by Mr. and (Continueli Prom Page One.1 conglomorate ciîy, where the neati fe-,t t -"s-iî8:8 0 1-ius.!?nooSp M pi.Durand andi their attorneys te of seuls tte lb. eothe ise o ette 1emothen te romain at tise hoe.t seso.. tsilu. 11Iw4r..spqul diamisa suit againat elate officiais. vIndovs as; comparedte totua blon tue gratest, yet tue pension ton hep The order wili 1he entened oeit Mon- sae t.l h o day. The suit vili be diamissed. "Tpace. etc.urla lb. lasit.vetDL GOLDI»G CLAIRE C. !IDWAItDS, Some of the et arciiteci, t la Tepl>' cutsde"' DU IB 'Judge et Circuit Coul. sailli, neglect te Incorpenate, tues. in-- xnuch better for their dependent moth D ,-tENîa,-TI S p .J ude..lites, my attorney," Raid portant details le their plais wseu ens. Rente and lIving are loy ' there Tfi--u O 8 Fse 12Nliosl tea >M from JMr. Luîey oun1the saine day succ. a is u,.1.w Judge Edward enet hie:Wire il ad uemb>h,, of 811,001 boards. laav- ad frtue chi he aona I LRiillnED L.S IH mineai of the case il fnt he ausi-knovledge o h riîetde net go futher loaade keepn the fa.-____ - uent. Thmiseneceprepared by this g eth on o okngItth o Yinat bti as t ous.e office muni hoex«ecuted.' .got tepo 1!io Fglte.h ,-Ay.nacbu l UYDI.Lul. e- ULi 011r tAop, ES JAne. Durant states that bier attar- Ctirements of the lau'. rie or Alton, rouis are higis. forcing, F .SUOM Po.fouse-eil là a. m. adIoit .s neyeand nieue adised11cr~ te When MAr. Booth maies is report the motiser and lier ittIe famiiY iu.. IL sigu the stipulation and tise malter te hie dppartment et Springfild I audsnbenigsohosveese FRIDAY, PEU il ged liai aiong untit iset ifatun- probable Ibal recommandation WU hvit basineopporlun]tYtye rise a ga, -CHSN. M EN : 111 lit ayonvhiis11e gv-b1 sent eut te tue achof boards lu den. Tise salto e all fanllu . Comedy NightCIA.N STPE . .> er oîI sigu or veo te 1ebill pre- socmsof the towns in LaIte conuty te and sise muet go out te work vht.. viding for payaient for han cale. ce o osaluwyfon CUTHUECOK"PT1IAN and PAI'tfI That tue gevernen and hie cilice male 1the choots conflrm as . umin.h oca ogvyfrn"OR OUECOK".qudy esut h TOmC100 ai ite ON«o"c vas much wornied over ber tailuro te te reqnlreinonts as possible, TPhecolin- home, and han chlldron are under no ' 2i*~I '"ueLbctv1. D *agree te igu 1the stiplulabltinvas oit- ty superintendent of! moatla ngiven supervision, or licer supervision. ir "li . d Oroitni .- u ________________ dent from the tait that Iisroe or four th, autuolb under tise nesv lav te Muîh of the lime. except as tuero "nt.O-ut* FRED GRABBLE limes the day urglog lier te aigu thse aln ea-"ATF OEY-aý u stipulation. "I tld tise governerl."sepe thal mi buildings couforma te tue may ne pivate organIain t s PAtS1FCO8D" tî 'nPehlIe A«Cdi~s t said MNrs. Duranti, "that va coutdu'I 1ev. Undteo iecîiorder oetcoeuil- culns cane et them lturing lber ah- "TWO HEARTS AND A TIIIEF» pétrimnslon a Spclaty aigu suîb an agreemnt localeeIltlions there vaasne supervision o! this sanie. Tise averagea ln these coun- - - - iutal omedy Dales arrangud provided that vo veie vhiing te oc- kînti. Every nev scisca or addition ties are amail but ln tact thes' a' p Ph... si 6-M-2 Libertivilié c ept but a bait of what the state lav utbesm loti Adrmu OS8 provideti and eue-?onnlh of Iheir total nov must have the epproval Of the aven tes because lisera BmustÂY, EB. 1 value. 1I bld hlm If I signed that. rouuly euPerlntendeflt o! achole e- deduîtiena on account of the ceauio! PUBLIC AUY, NEEtII12 thal I vouiti ho teniodth 1e nIlhtle fore the wcrk cao hae, earted. admilnistration. "BLOW FOR BLOW" - - - tla. attention paid tu m e go te the national goverameut for lils _______"___ ' In er vends, itla f air te as- - 2-iîîo.-a.lhlauction>fl il ~and boit noults ID2. ahane of the cent o! my berd. 1 prie- IEM N' nt..arn.' lr eseted Io vain wllh the governer. sumo trom vhat vo mev and what RESCUC 0F THE BE - - i e, int fhor""',waglons Mm Ise lest l came te me ai15lé1CHr vodeduca f rom those figures that lu CHILOREN" tbarneuefor "W oa»txehaubet 491tubs - minutes of midnight Satunday. Hoeaus.a many counties 1the mothere' poeion - - - laurn.d lmeH N YSN then sai te me: 'You have but 156 E I AI1 V avba iaelth r e ifeona'OMNE !ADEIER" -Y s S NE~crv lt minutes left. Unlesas yenigu. Isaolt Of i L *-*-eu DY la11hemeahde anti syrsntomIfere eRu MANCE OFA- _______-______48____«_M_______ veto the bill!.' l - *ad yteeofr .uî.ac-'mdy - - Sr I nitdt h eero ia'i IU1'fI( i'u rseving tue pour. Il la the camne old PHONE 1140-M le veuld 11e abmund tor me te sIgu 1tehé N fIjLla) ÀS US thlug vith a different tille. TH11E MAN WIO CAME BACle1 cîlplation and yet 1 assura im hlmlaI "But there are other dlscouragui. t truai.- ý i..- o .and t ltl vieflury. W ï ÀW and tisa ethen Officuels vontd b. e a Pai4lece chltihirtis bisa beau dis- .Te '"TUadteEth hoinsPlra missed Mentiay asnvo iad preniuel. covered. testoi. andi Made practica- "Pi1k e"nuaor ut TH E WAR ON TIJSERCILMOSIS"V ilt nam utd-Tamr Reganilese ef mi Promise. . 1I lnt sc-, rdng te Dr. aiHnyDy en!bQard @hall levy e tsi ne t.11.6 A peecrîll .-'ofu ut tal oxporwill CRf*<e AJIA, hs a tllmrnd Iat vilnai11eeouai vo b"dis aVRuil Medical ecdllego.Dr. Davis cel 4in reetenths of e Outi, aud liorenisuit 1 i,.èt tu, fic ti n. Utspeclelo .GON net sugued the stipulallon tuat hoei- té%m about the discevery la ià1book yaî ve aid..fit aesreporte of 97 inspirue t fi, -uerIl