LAKE <'OUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY,FE]iRUARY 11, 1916. ~-~-w~ - - 22 DEATIIS IN DRYS WILL lBAVE 'WAKE4iAN IN TUE CIIALEN<iERS AT MONTI! 0F JANUARY POLLS AT ELECTION Eighf of Those Who Died Had Expeofs f0 Have No Less Than Passed the 8Ofh Mlestone Three Challengers at the -PneumoniaKiiIed Six. t Polis Ail Day. WERE AMONGBEST KNOWNI Tha thte campaige managers for ________the Anti-Saloon League et Waukegan The grin reaper ef teathI kce are entiallng aa iali army oet nul- aI the dourso! 22 homes lu Waukegan leagers wli vIl be posted t a ccl et tuinng h.nsonth o! Januars' anti es the len vetina precincts In Wanke- tablîshiel a neu' dealli record for the gan tow'nship On lection day la lie Cit,. report ot one dry campaiga manager An exainilon o! the cils' clerk's on Baturdas'. Rile t the Is' hall shows tint 2f, We latnto h ave ne less Ilian deth cerlilicuto vere flIed during tbree challengers aI evers voing pt-- th. pet fonts. Eft t ftiemevie cinet ln the townslipi on lection des,' eYès vere elomet i n bah lied pasal d be.. He claminstat tise mmpetgu lie &fli mhleue naîte manageru have un thein pcessMoeaa 70e% four lainle W, Mm at tvo &droll e! lie tegal votaseofteliy, l' but recsntly observe them 141h lirth- an t ies clalm liaI thes' procuroi ticys. Ibir Dtsfrein the potl book o! lie But oeschltit-a girl ef 3 sear-- test cils' électon. di.,! duing lhe mnti Tic deali cer Tomorrou' le anti-saloe a tis'for liictes show liat sI til ms resun-thile churehes o! Labe counts'. andthti ed f rom pneumeonls M". Agass E. drys dlaimtin at thes' uli vage a big- Johnson aege 31, de on Jmaury ger cainpaigts than lias been vaget 6ti of î-nbidt ps'e. ln Waukgan ln mans' snm. aget! $6, ded Ihe 7h. ofpneumonie.Tic "dry@" expet tn vin, so dj George W. Diver. ageti 82. dIedth. he le ets. 10th tes'o! the month of pneunonta; Anîloci le &gain lb. scane et as Joën H. W. antmeyer. aget! 8. lied bitter a vet anti dry Iliali as vas ev- o! pneumonia; %Ira. Mary Mtci, ai er vaget ln the stale. (Oac reoldeni the age o! 86. dieti o! pneumonie; anti o! ha tit cit' alms at lis vole this the Rev J. H. Waterbnry o! lie Con year wyul not dIffer materialy !romn gregational church died t! aheb age o"the one at the lest election, andi be A4 rears o! the saint disez. Harten- ,1eretl a bet Fi-day of even money nig o! the scieries claimet! sevecati I aitiere would nel lie a difference tives drng bbc mcmli 1. 5 soies afler they bldbee'rn ouhnt The Waukegan résiîti'. aio clo'..d id lichevet camùpaien managers C! thir eyes ili deatti diigthb' nionth \\>'..îkvFan expect to vin by even s o! JanuaD wcre iargt-r malorits' than the ic'dt ears Jani 21 -Sre SMar) .ra. , pari' a 'i'l'h. saloons have been operated agt'd 81; irirbo sc'itrose. inan ci-iris' ymanner ln the pasl four Jan. 22 «î liter Thonia. lin--n. years. andt tere ila110h e cleaner lit aget! 82; paralygiîs ttc':ty bin llinoia tian Waukegau." Jan. 24- William A Lese). ageti saîi one saloonkeeper Salurtias. 9: dit-t at Wootstock, pîralysis. Jan. 39-George N, Powell. agi-!F tIT N E Tidi ~4 actccio sclTroeii' Jan 30' Rev. J. H. Waerbury, aged 1 54; pncumonla. Jan. 30 telestina liroscic. ageti ~r3% years Jan. 4-Mrs. Luuid.M Pence. age 30; year; cause o e teli spinal meningi. lse. Jan. 1-tIrs. Agnes LO. Johbâion, age 31 ys'ocacuse, pesumona. ian. 7-tIrs. Sarahs A. Weit, aga 72 yeam; apoplexy. Jan. 7.--Beruhartit Ps'e, age 64 yesr; pneumonie. Jin. 7-John Sheridan, tied i a War- renton, burlet in Waukegcn, a 75, cause, coma. ian. 7-Mn.. Ellon M Smithb, ag0 64 yeam; cause. tiabete. in 9-Mrs. Saphia A. Boues'. aga 61 s'ara; beart trouble; tieti SI Wood- stock; burtda i Wanbegazs. Jan. 14-losepli Nelies, ag, 32, tubwitSlomIs. J"n. 11--George W Diver, cge 81 yeall; pneumonie. Je&. 17-lra. Mabei Grever, age, 34; aeptîc emb>oîism. isa. IS-Ira A. Rice, age 97; trac- tureti hp; die at Bleux Citls' ova: buriet ai Waubcgan. ian. 2-John lltnrs' Win Santi- mes'er, age 88 years: pneumonie. ian. 21-Wililans G. Besles'. age 71 years: dIabeles; dieti at Woodstdck; baried in M' aukegan. Jan. 22-Webster iThomes Green. age 82 years; ciironircrvstitis i an. 22-.lIce. Mary Mitsch, age 85 years, pncumiolia. tan . 30-Andrew Il'oisoslsa. age 40. beach isease CHICAGO M. 0. IN CHARGE. Wife of Weil Known Resident Hurried to General Hospital for an Operafion. Wabgai el. 4. Fnlentis o! Mrs. Aiciard S. Ba- nuns o! North Stendm IOC l îI cocae net neuina Ibt ie.,vas hurriedt th le Labe Coets»Bndm vW»»r.t»vBous hm e 5 peu"5 Barnumnb"liaI e k for *ek Mnd an ogratn vas dbous,! upoair bw1 sAâcMM. Dr- ami is hmmornina ah 9,'etdCk té 9paemmm5i O' o. Kniut s- Ualmov, tse lues.Barnums pi~"3~6ui~ tise petttnmoo te rl 9 M ~tlte>)uuê#uIulot. s0ma tlla b P t$4 j.» siso Mns. BarnV1ée, theettî'~s waE',là~o iâO. u;biea daegter et>fst» 1 im'U me 6.3cmis t1er et AtcrnyS WiIaSm C. Upton .nd EiariLU pton. N a ho TO REWARD; EVEN LONiED TO PASS ON Pefer C. Nolan, WeII Known Resîdent, Passes Away Fol- Iowing Prolonged Illness. t LIVED HERE FOR 25 YEARS. Peer C. Nolan. a welI knoov reei- dent o! Waukenann. tii-I at 4:30 ovtc Fia'afternoon ai his home,c 425 Norhi Utica treel. foitowissa an extended ilanesa due le gcaeral de- bilits'. For six wmexa shp bat been especlalîs' peorîs' anti for somne days lie u'ax ln c criticat state. Ilovever. liavlng reachedth te sge ef 71 s'eai, tIr. Neicis.1h rougi a pro longe,! scknets. lied reeciedth le state o mini -bers he vas rouis'and ti lt- ing te pas Inte the beyonti. for sev- eral limes o! tate lie aed placidîs' r.- market: "I realis visi rti go no- Ive been bei-e a long lIme. I bave neyer barmeti anybotis. anti I am ready to pass on." Antilnb mt that frame o! mid lie vent loto, the greal beyond, contenti andi satisfed tisaI it was 50. Mr. Nolan was born in Albiany,. N. Y., anti came West vben a young man, jolnng tbc throngs Who vent Ito th-c California golti fields. I.ater le relurnet f rom the West, marrieti anti sefttet i ;it oodstodk. is marriage taking place about 40 years ago. HIR widow survives hum as Weil as these chiltiren: Mrs. A. J. Broatibear. Mis. ichard Fogarty. Mis. LouIs Clarkte, Firankl, Joe. Arnoldi anti Hazel Nolan. aIl o! Waukegan. The Nolans movedt rons Woodotock to Waukegan about 25 years ago. malt- ina their home lier. ever Rince. The tu'e sens. Frank antiArneo,! have suc- cessfaits' contincteti the Bouton botel anti caffer mans' socra runeral ai 9 oclock Montas' troin lie Churcli ofthie Immaciete Con- ception,' hurlitln St. Marys ceins- tery. Just 24 years age Peiruars' 4 lie Or- er et Eashenn Stan vasorganise,! t Waukega4s.laInbonon oft he teuading oft ie members 0ethle Wau- kogan.14. .ts aalayfarts' ah tise 'Meeonia temple Tisursias' ve- n in&, Ainr 1the Aalbu Ung lite membere agi guesta e eited to lie parlera. wher* a prograux vas rentier' c.d. 'lirà. Umm&seNeien und Mine Grtggeemgt,anti a auies et redta- tions ver, givon. Dancing antiours! playlagwuvas tr er fottevliaft Se mec iftisa progrm.. Tihe annîvdr. ary Parts' w»a eit attendteti.i Wan% Foc Bale,. OU mde In the ýN. OBP<-N DENT reMb-mol 1,00PeMOn weekly. COUNCIL ELECIS DRYS FILE TIIEIR RECO VERS MONEY lm TIIEODORE DURSI PETITION CONTAIN= TAKEN FROM Ulm ~Y C ~AS COMMISSIONER INi 614_SI(iN ATURES WIEN IIE'S ROBBED While Selection Cornes as Big It Was Filed With Town Clerk Robbers, It Is Said, Refunded H - Surprise It Meets With Wide George Hutchinson This 1 Money and Bought Victim a NEGiRO VINDICATED sPreadApproval. Morning at 10:45. New Suit of Clothes. BE UBE L IU S MAYOR PEARCE OPPOSED. FUNSTON IS OPTIMISTIC.' Wacikegai lFeb. 4 G _______Two year.4 ago Mike %Ioehus, .a -B A B NL A SWaukegan. Feh. R. as ~" h nfW!r ii mly . wal Theodore H. Duret, preideîî of*,th Arean tiei oun and ,gagged. and robhlietof$."0 to Win-WiII Not Give Up ynmoe>iy two men. The robbery WITNESSI3S IN TRAP Security SavngBank, and r"09- oUntil Steuesosful. 3, 114 c Shown That Men Who Claimed intjrgesiectznwa' wlect- The question o! maklng Waukegan bters gave bimi to buy a new suit of Have Purch~ed Liquor ed by the Cty commission on Nfonday township dlry territory wili appear Olon hs orpaetieeohaîi' nigit o aketh poitin 'f oiis~thebalotatthe spring election as a danaged when Mile watt robbed. I H ad Been Drinking. sioner. made vacant by the death of result of a petition asking forsaime dm i toan stehave niet thietwo e GeogeN. owll.Th abily o tliebeng llil February 4th at 10:451. nwofedhmntI h ltr GeogeN Pwel. heabuiî o!th olocis with Town Clerk George n0na o! October 30. 'i Spent the aft- MEN PERJURED' SELVES? cmisoesta agree came somu- Hutchinson. ernoon an a Mar'îet street saloon, and John Hunt, a erope- hr wh sit as ta surprise when Tt vas first The petItIon bore 614 naines. where I1 bought thse two many a drink. Wben ,onducts a restaurant uni Southi Gen- learnedtia a selection had been as. under the law, but 230 nattes were 1 left the saloon one 0f thein suggest- C se sret wafon "otghy madie, but when lit beceme known t Iqred. it that 1 go te the lake with hlm taoI angestret. ws fond "et gilyThe. petîtion watt iDt by Rev. J,. see the kids in swimming. 1 tel hlm h 'n a charge o! selling liquor wthout Mr. Durst lied beau elected it wsW.15 w Punton. pastor of the Waukegan 1i la go home, go lhe tefIine. P 1icenoe hy Police Magistralte Taylor seen hu, the %election was easy. Tt M. EL. churcli and the Rev. J. G. Hfgh, -Tpu minutes later asi, was paing- ta claiined tlaa the lecectiori of Mr. Pasftor Of the Waukegan Haptist 4i h atneyhume on Market I VrdyngtDrt wfll Meet 'lth practically the Chuîflh- street, one of lb.e'men strucki me aoeT "*Sucli syttence! W!Iy. In ail myun The signatures of Ibose asking that the heati willi a bottin. and 1 feul un- h ife 1 never listenédta 10 Ire. men wlî uanimous apprOval cf eteryone In the question appear on the ballot ap. Consolouts tO the grournd. 1ratatineit ati le"a respect for le trutis. l'ld the City. petreti on 25 different shoots and they coneciousnea befone they liait coni- 4nl uityonhe eidnc? A Sun reporter calieti Mr. Durst up ahove t iat they hadl been circulaI- pleted tbefr vonk, se tiey bound mea Hunt gulity ~~~on théi ldne nte teephone immediately alter ed about thé township by these men: te the foncs ,villi the mupentiera l boulti say not This catté ln dis- ouel ein.Calabe".517 8. tu'ca oebeh sheyliait- strippe,! froin myw miseae." saiti Police Magistrats Tay- meti, W. P. iligley, 205 N. Utica. trouaers. The next mornimig 1 pro- lorr. i "Wili you accept tbe position",he Jan. H. Broad. 733 N. County. curesi a warrant for their errent, and Iflier vonec as thse fire it wtt as asiset. 9. R. Gebreclit, 308 Madison. T, .yrelanti Bois Hicks ventU "The action of thse commissIon Fred W. Ceok, 12 I%îteeltis St. bter oete arrest temta. Tholir t ts calleti ta tekre the stand. He J. L VeUler, 25 E. Seventeentb. mother tl thle policemen, liait tey a verse that lie bad pmrcliamet three or cenes te me as sueb a surprise that Reese W. Moody. 302 N. Genesee. . ati leftitisat mornlag tor Chicago. t four boultseor boer aithIe Hunt res-1 dont 1mev exactly vhe5, -50 55y.' Marjorie L. Davis. 631 Jultan. Two or tireis daya 990 tise IvO Manb turant nt 2 ociockIn atise meraing. Mr. Durst reptieti.'i have been slck à. A. Hathorne. 857 Grand Ave. returned ta Waukegan. I did not -tetol tu juigetha belet a liat home for a feu' days andi have petid A* A. Mettie, 608 N. Sheridan Rd. cas their serrest. They came te meP He tld he jdgethatlielefta ldgeHarol G. High. 307 N. G«nesee. and offeredtiat settle np If 1 venîti hali on Washington street at 7 oclock, . utile attention teatthe discussion that Lymnan West, 733 N. Sheridani Rd. net cause a warrant ta lbe Issued for md ie sen Ire.horeromnntbas gene on about the. office. Tbe Mary A. West. 733 Sheridan Rd. cou"arat Pav ecvre i mrond hestrel. H ni tat ieselection came vithout mY «lokng for Clarence DIver. 217 N. County 0-t. money they stole. anti $12 for & new arondth ereta H sidtht et-la fact. 1 dit! net even tlsln'i about tIrs. Jennie Just. 215 irst. suit of ciothes. Tbey hlred a lawyer lid net croate a riot in tb. negro r.. S. C. Arthsur, 324 'lraanklla. te reprenant thent upen tiseir natureà murant at 2 o'clock la the moraîng., it. Bot If thse people vant me and John 8. Claxll, 1'-7 N. St. James. ta Waukegan, se i hlred one, 50 that Gtto Pitz, another wtneas. told the feel that 1 am the man for the office Rutioiphb ricsion, 226 George Ave. they woulint boat me out et my mon- udge~~~~~~~ thth idgte w rlre feel il in My duty toa acepi. Yes, J. W. Funsten. 411 Cayten. eir. 1 wilflot cause their arrest ougtt o âif btee tau rnt î 1wîîîserve." Geo. M. Kieble, 220 Seward.-,' salid Mike tea areporter In b se ofaboertnt heli e st arnbu idt heol ertI h tin Jas. G5. Arthur, 459 N. Sheridan R.The Sun -office Yesterday. he ali tbt h an Honbe" lait Th ony rgre Intheeletio of ' Fuiston Optlmistia. The police still holti the wvarrantt spent the evening ai a theater. HletMr. Durst. accordlng to those who tMr. Funston, speaking about the for the arrest of the men on a for- aid tht lie lid not knov vIso paid have discuisseti is appointment, i,. 1iling o! the petition. said: 'We are ceny charge. 'orth ber.that the slection sliouid not have ment encournged over thse outiook and f for the beer. ~~belleve that Waukegan township thusR SBlÏcD John F'ulkerson. the tlitrd wtness, met wit etl i e îaninous apîîcovalî of yeac vll surely go dry. If Itdost sg1I stated that hieand bis companions the council. Mayor Pearce for som i el try again two years train 10w. MO IlIH I UR E had heen drinking anîd that hie couldo 't ra t h meeitedmaite knowîi We are mucli more confident this ..yearTOET cemember liow maîiy drinks lie hsd laut' ameet vas, paeîl"no"whn Mr.îa on wa dtw erati o ifrl;~ ~ n the restaurant.lHe said that hII rs' om a pa'di oma a dry town. Weill stick t0 our ce- lîdn't think lie liait gotten more Ilian dion. aolve witi a persistency that must- one or two drinks there. "Il lad mny reason foc nit voti.. iin eventually." H M O H L Tu one o te esauan tlifor Mr. Durgt.' the mayor said 10 'The drys started out ta get 500 sig- Thie jud r fathe trestauen htitee aprmn ?loig h on atures. that being Ibeir ain vhen thejude tat he hre me ha en nespaer enfolowig te cun-the petitbons were put'out in the llrst Captain Cook Asks That Some tered bis place nt 2 o'rlodk In thte ciI meeting. "f may deckie to maite place. They got 114 more than tbey one Corne Forward and mornng. and that Hornbedk hadl10- a w rltten statement whlch wIll ex-, girndetat. Petitions voe.clrculaled iultedl bis colored waitress by catI- plain my action." ;about the sitreets. in the factories, in AotS alBy me ierailthpvil naes hathe t wasn('ommissioner or-is vîho stores andtInbthe-country districts. 1-____ In lerai hevie anei ha leThe 1ev provides that tise petition Wauisegan, Fel) could lay bis longue ta. He toid FPa- frthruh' ci ugetonta alling for a vote on tise local option iWhio vants te adopt a brîght sev- lice Magistrate Taylor thaItlihe thcee a commîfoi oner fil]1 the vacancy lie feture shaîl contain sufficient signa- en-year-old boy? ýmen. when tliey left bis place. car. selectet!. 1 tures te maire 26 per cent ofthle votes Captln J. W. Cook of-the Volun- riei c a umbr o pis. nd hat I thiiik it Is our mandatory dutv cant at tise test regutar town election. teers o! Ameica today submitted the riedoffa nuberof pesand hatAt the tanin election Tatspint but folloving offer: lie bad calied in Police Offcer Hickts. ta pr51ced îth the election and 119i votes vere cash, 720 belag male -1 have for legai adoption, à He claims thal one or the men jerketi suggsst that ve de ce," hie nati. and 199 female. Thug a total et 230 bright boy wlth a bttl o!bee on o!ilspocet nd "Iam ready to vote." spoke up Coin- namtes was ail that voultiholie - good manners. He muet lbe iven tateneoftabe othof bis pceidemsinrSae at il opaequireti, but tise tirys"playeti sale." a good home, country peferred. ofetee tas upethng eabodr sa ede n omIsionation eane e!sheadolaceThey figuretithat If they toli tice References requieed. Seau.,, for of imiopettng biai pi an le i noinaio th noe f Teodreas many or even more naea th"n seelhlrg hie adoption by nmre consedl bis arrest for mteaing pies. H. Dursa 111i the vacanry for the watts nedeti Usere w'îîîlb. ne chance fam -his moti., le deetiandi Thos. TlYrrell dit! net boear the cvi- unexpireti terni" tearai»si n question as ta the legal- hie father la iuiable te. give hlm dec ntouede hetil et Consmissioner fietmeyer seconded Ity efCtrlaiRnemnaj.. the proper cars. Fot further In- denre ~ ~ ~ th mnotion.t hetia as At tise local option election lu'o formiltion Inquire of Capi. J. W. niglit but on Salurtiay mornlng li e mtinyse.@,go a total eof6"00 votes vers Cook, 246 North Jackson *tract, or made tis statement: "If 1Ihlldbean "i have suggestet! the nannes o! sev- j, elcudiag tlb. voeusavote. The telephone 1261-W." ,îresent 1 vouîti have causeti ae- sral men for the position, but they population ôttifheo ciyla ssait! te bave Il devetopi that tise chilIs nsotber motste ie ssuti fr le area o!bave nt been actet! upon," Mr. Ori. Incresset greslly incetisaI lime and vho liveti near Waukegan vas burneti rn tleleadfthenianrti ur issof 'u o ta r 'rMaur lob ok oran'*von faiter voie ta dealli about tour rears site anti tise Utirie. men on dukaddsr i ad btn ta r wyrthi%, year tien at tise let vet and since tisat Urne thse feilier basbiat sirl charges. anti Mr. Dielmeyer have agreeti upo.n dry igt. quité a lime givlng hlm thI e nts-a Attorney Aloi Beaubien. who rep- a men of Mr. Drrsîs caliber 1 amn - ary cars. The moliesr' deeli vas reenet JhnHnt tsratn.dta reedy to vote for hlm." s" u.ivur~causel liylber effotsta t«Mursfor tise remsnedJoh Hnt treaend Ilwil sy hat1 irt avorel heNE6RIK WH W ÀS IIEAHlttle f ellow vie nov la te be, adopteti. cause warrants tae ho umet on prlie iIss ta rtfvrt heygp Hfa e vIe sufferlng of pneutmonie and jury Ciazges. .candidacy of J . .Bidinger," Mr. - the inother v» lbastingsnom e lupus- Mon bs onenetfrinli vryDielmeyer said. "but 1 tati.,! ta hlm R1FJ D N IR Une andi lard te put on bis lunes. Huodas' anti bedfrottnfoe vry i1me lieI) « uNNdR The distih avhtiste luth flrat that lie neyer soni one hotU. e!fsolaconset lie a cadide for olied '~'fL I U 'u enplace,! Sol se bot tiat ah. boerat he esturat, nd ow he ot onset t bea cndiateforthedrapedItfvison aie triodta tePick beerUon athihe estaurateantinov lb.mLLOSAnit.upThe lîquid spiatbet on lber clt- police are willlIng ta betieve tisaI u hositionBTs LAng SUIcas I an tias "not guiltîs' o! vlolatlng lb. Il- glati le vote for 11r. Drt." _____.Ing anti became Igniedt rein the lire. quo slllg rdnane ! aukga .The inolion wan put ta a vote and DelrngIa h a irminat- Betore aid could reechliber sbe bad Hunt's frlends clairtet hle vas the resulted In three affirmative votes and ed against and tbat bis feelings eehmseis aî'ta et eult unenegtiv voe, he attr btnginuredtat the extent o! $200>, Steplien victim o! crrcumstane.oeneaie oeehelterblgClemens, a rolotreti man, vlio gays Ic D VD EtI __________ cast by the olayor. be isanuevangelist working 1 n Ibe flJ* RAI RLLU 13I There was somne question as te the nortli ebore churclies between Cil- Il IRSAT AW N OrdIng o! tbe motion whirh putiMr. cagand Waukegaln, appeareilbefore DEAD AT lE iM Armes, proprielor o! the Arlîngton I EUROPE; NO 'WORD was deridedti 10put the motion Ii hoel.justice Haso oiîi ud ont sec N SO X I Y A writing. The mayor suggested that Tt tliat way. îîowexer. and after lis _____ iltA I I I OS nasmucli as Ibis waq donte t would tening to the testimony. îism issed Relatlives aîîd friends o!f Mr,, îtay lica god hinNb oteon t aaîn the case. Mr. Armies was represent- 'Wben the case o! James L.. Swayer. h aome thg Inlvaoteronsîdered is eti y Attornsey George F'I ld. The Reesi. formerly o! Waîîkegan. wbero admInistrator o! the entaie of Anton inetogtlebd cosdrdbs olored main, lirougbh hp counsel. At- site very weIl known, were Kusianskl. deceased.vs. W. 0. John- vte ant iintended to malle the selec- toiîey E. V. Orvis, servedl notice o! sbocked to lear ofo! er dcatb at bier son, recelver for the C'hirago ant il.II-tion o! Mr. Dorst unanimous. but the an alîpeal to the circuit court. new hiome in Sioux City, Iowa, icath yankee elpertrir alîroati, vas cattet second vote brougbt the saine result. 'lemens said that he. In company for tria! In circuit court on Mondas' I tIleI probable that Mr., Durat viiill ih E. J. Hose. a white man riîiding orcurrlnig oit Monday. The cause of In Waullegan. vent bIbt te Arling- death Is given as tubercuiesis of the attorneys fon the tielense an-- nticedTa ito office ah tb. regular ton hotel on Sondas' January 23, witb whicb she badl b-ec ilI about six nouncedt tat tbey ver. readys'for trial ctni l etn etMnt ih.teItnino etn hi lnr ots but. the atertnes'for lie plaintif cuclmeig eIMniyngh.teItnio !gligh m dîne.nols steppeti for'ward anti ask.d for an ex- think it probable liat bis se- He saiti Mr. Armes Infommed ilh . Mrs. Reed vas bone In Wisconsin, tension ofth»ia. lection may cause sons. shith la Ibhe couidti11 gel a Ineal tisere becais Ho ati tie uiqu >10 hatattdeprtnenll eats, I tast~ xi.he v*@as coloreti man. Hose tois but early in lifealsie movedtateWat' lbe mde4-a. theqe p istn vIl dexateiet acubns, et poictanthie tbe stand anti corroborated tiese tate- kegan ulere sbc livoti for a number but on. exception are nou' la Europe nonf!li ooet e.e years. Hon humshanti vsu employet anti bave net been beard front. In 15 depetmént unier nome allier com- Mr. Armes saidtbtt he twe men inmjutbumwonén. Sins th"înbMr. Dorst ontereti bis bait o getiser and pro as a machinlat la Wanbegan, iotd»g ~W hve ndevosti n eers va' ms' o pacei a li heti f tse coocdçed tate ie.bxpom lie lolloweti c Position ila ot lgaZr retineiY posibe e e ord iolia v ils- cwa tma ti ianced ttelid'ý h ensraIbere,lio sali. andt tlt tens liefor a tong liMe. pouibl agtw tavaho, bht sel,!,coWedî "t a dfian e èp&ri'tfl ho-couli net serve thons. Wseneutlon Aboutl lriayears ago 3Mr. Ieetde&- wutielq lie savd e e tteonet caue o!tus eèce'e-tbusiness andtheliecotoreti man la saiti te have zone bu t hisatl' f v sgve t eè6sfel tnlnlng aieng luoà , ont mmeiltels', but Hese lingeretid e4t eml i ant elin bu ti'tlmoretie e If t t ilet àinont am3 et.,'ei, iltO. Cits'.lie opUloti a mamine abois ei Iltle oreUm wewIl beabe t lufac, r. wayrtbee' ený liecti 'I toIt Mr. Hlielie liaticauset me bis ovn anti, accoriing te reports, le deteinsine ldelÉtiFssiof'yY et îepantiient,>f sugfflt- enough trouble already," M3r Armes The Court copinuedthle case tte gtlieelafeable Mnrcli. te et 0court &as, tie ettornesys e&d thet sucÊ'a change mget vnrk ont saldt!. agaentlva iesipype. Be ~evotttibe l es t 'eSt?. Mr, tu'ayer snid "B'Msii! niit lipon cross examination lie sali Ms e, u 8yasot.B imftàttiathat Hose latbeen at. i otel on isa ber huslan4 and . oLidren asite MATCHt FACTORY MAY LOCATE A #16 PLANT, WAUKENAN -Ieads of the Concern Are Said to Be Favorably Impressed WithFacilities. GIVEN BIG CONTRACTS. Waukegan Is1, n5afair vas' te bave a match factory locateil vithul , his 'onfines tin a short lime. lltliecame known todas' tint lie beais e! a, ne' moatcl] ycompans'are7 Ioobag fU- eorably ulon Wau.sgan A a slT ith [he chiances verys' srong liat ie con- cern yull tc breugit bere. It ile'ul- deratooet laI th. chisce lieu hptweee Viauklgan anti Danvil. The- heatis o! tbe coacernaait Brst consideredtihIe advisafftI&y o o t 0- lng Ibeir ova plant, but At la said Ies' have reconsierel lita planami visac peter ho rent quarter. tfo ia pesuie If a sultale building c»rn lé McI. The Wankegan oim IWgU has been siuagestet=eteiu are maiti te lk1k pdn k t 41 i ibIs'. Within the vers' near Ait" if Io expecte tats 9Met1 hi b vitI lie beard rega 'tng~eq One e! lie thinga vîti rgardt6 the Waukegan t18aIon I% j»t q~ tnetie iee4a o! the qRPcn splendid. barbon hc oAI¶i1I tisia te bava tomber boai ir bqet Tbf relroa4ti im !a~su »-P' pealedt o liens ver' ornpý Jnst boy mans' me , e i Se o- ployet la net knbown bui# a tM*-- mlent vas mad des'"Y m l a*' mal orier lieuseantid qrl~ stores in Chicago bave cousiuatM tei taise a carlSceuh oea t uAce ai s veek. Thse préoilsolorsatlelee e. big damanti for thm produçt. The utalensent vas given out bICs' liaI the capital o e! i OUIS bas been subsenflbed s se rse &Deem » posslbilits' tiat c bolamor osle*11111l srription vilIl be asie. litlta 55401- stoodtIhat lie ma"cbnery il. belles constructet at lie prelben lins. "s soon as Ibis lu cemptetedth le biais o! the plant wvîl ho r«aIs' le miit> é> eratlon. 50db a Plant dtielitês voulti prove to lie One o!flbtheI sulistantiai In the cils' AREDLA&.01 DIES FOLLOWMÂ' TJIRE*DAY ILPe ie Pioneer of Lake CoumtY at Home on Fotwh Sfr Sunday at %boo Afred L 0»onorne 0 tbifrueph. nee?, of 1"e e ootv i di* M home, 214 IUuttkm eat1~M4 Sur4ay fUqU I UL~ three or lfzUys was <,aiied liy nruopMl Alfred I&weOOD. York, October 14,1Nw 05 ter. Weuh la hi*~m W was brougifte 4eq m7'e tamlly mttw e t Wrl comnty. viere tbe qobtall -8 M uedlfarm iuteieatu, 5uwC'S hii taYaurt e.W' uqe a hme readet IM4n. H. laseurvtved by hie bebviei ulfe, Cathemeha*Nb ;w * ' E. . ala awodM o Nil Omn; liMm Thomas Taylor of North~ avenue. The tuneral service wtt! lie bela at the Christian churcb Meuameiosa- lng et 10: 30. Internent lai* e u- soleuin on Grand avenue. M.Lw son was in hie 8Otis year et the heur of death. and Up andi until the bât, Illness, he always enjoyedth ie bet of health. He was among the boat knowa farmers of northern Illinois, and h4 friends In this locality were nu 1hered among the thouoantis. Mr. Law son was bora October U6, 1836, and was marriad Novembir 19, 1861. Chas. Steele wae initiatet lota thse l<nlght TemPlar lodge 01 thse Msff of Waukegaaa on WAdogd", ýt. Tlhe Chloeigo coaadqq>4o, e~ were lb. tInvlted v*ffffu <, * q casion ad 30 pisuseo of,,* « caga order caine le Wabea '169 oint In thse servies. M'arbleend g(mnite Cemetery Wouk of Every Description Correspondence nliIcited 11 oees St Page seven