Lakýe County IndepenidentXd'~n/~s Waukegan Weekly Sun 1 Liaaof riiCle r<ywWe j. uffce ilephane rumber 1, ..u..-.yill txCang seda% lb. PostofostaI ibertyville, Ill., amS lecond Claes Mail MatteT Offiual Publication for Lako Ccunty Board of SupervisaI' Proc04diflhs tomd Every Friday. Advertitifg Hate.§ Madp Known on ApplicatloD. S*USCRIPTION PRICE, 01.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCEý W. a. .SMITH ............................... ......................................... Edtar 'O. 0 .*uiTN ..................................................................... Mnager 19. j WEBER ...................................... Resident Manager, Phone la -J Who says that A. K. Stearn traveled to Olilfornia on a pans? The vory idoat Such an absurdityl (A. K. neyer traveled on anything ese-if ho could help it.) It bas been sorne tinie gluce Waukegan bas had such a "idWstnguishd" quartet of ri8oflrs lu tho county jail ms at present Shériff GriffJfl .11beglu ýte- bel rosi <'coch7" if tbings don't begin to lot Up 8001. You vouldn't have thought a yesr or so ago that Wau- kea snd Iake oounty auto derlnr could put over au auoshow, vould you? Yot from vbat one her about tb. on tbat's ou the vay, it vii b. BOUE SHOW I The vway Oicago reporters ans banging about Wauko- ma n this Lake Foreet traedy makes officiais aud others Uie that this city just nov la the conter of the blgent sen- istiona& tragsd u his part of the country. Tber are "'Ane eka y 1 an Sd nDI 1cosUy onthe trial of Utls Attorney Dadyan Si Giiù They camp cm the court hontes itep, the utate's attornoy's office sud the county lai. ___ Saloneeer l 'is vicnity vers banded another Slr .zsmevtbrough the act of the appeflate court 'lu aDrsigtbi. Judgnieto! the circuit court lu the case Of Eroka< u bv5,1et al'.In fact%,.ainkeePs here bave bemi waging a loslng 4Mgh for soms ime. They have bot lu svery darage case tarted against thoni. Thore vua a ne vheu saloonldeepers versenvled for their "1uy proits"l Persistent prosecution ban changed this attituda, sud the average man vould hesitate some, Urne b efo.etering thb.saloon business. Týt 11111e village of Wauconda, siace tbat dinky rail- rad opmed up betweenit and Palatine, bas putoun aspurt wbâchwmt»Umont ring tub tpromlueace ia ths OOCKW.ET" ile somelblug la .xplolted vbicb .qsafter mmny yesrso! letbargy. Re- im1y the.lovm votsd for a tovnablp Iilgh achool, sud nov It la auouncd thal besdes Iis $2,OOO expenditvre. the fflap la, t onUt4IIaterysymto lcoat upwiards of $20,- MWWeui a 11111.village oeamake thé stridis Wauconda bus been makigone can'1 belp but 1"talte bats off" 1ki And nov il la the pants vbo are boing placed on pro- balgou by lb local qourkWaol, lbat's a nov idea. Why bamI Il beu tariedbefore? UThe & bout aamm ur «d n tlova ubo médcourt surveilano.ailb =mrlu vi -Ulqu tbo ndie th* rchildienai ther. au. Whliuavo niad olut prolsClon. The plan should ç*ont splnddly Isb u1dca parents te stop ad uuuhr Iftke arelookiug iter Ibir ovu childisa lu aa MM liait woulda't po"slby .k. lhem amenab. to lis 7lioalof tincb a Court saction. 1ev about TOUR MIre. Mllo Pric ofaiS. Paul, la vîitînu wibb, Mr@ W. e. Mflala ani famiiy.. Mre. hi. A. Protine rturaed home Wednesday from the Preeb3 Iciian bo. pitlI.Chcago. Miss Isabelle tbAlonn, wvite toche. scbool et Balavia, Ili.. @peut Sunda>. vith ber.parents bhr". Frid&y,98veaing, Fei.1\, lb. Llberty. ville Darvals playod the Waukegan Business Collieta thé, M. E Gym and dolested tent 28 ta, 2 Colline starred for the Darvole, making 7 baskets, ln te other game tit Libertyville Mdgetâ dueetedlianhoo 830te8. Kaiser vitit 8 aad Ooldenburg vîit 5 basketa, led the home boys. The neit number ofthlie Lyceum coure la b. giron under the auspîcle. o e i Chautuqta Association vîll b. givea by SuraL Mildrd Wilmerat the AudItorium Tueida>.. Feit. 22. It la net 100 mueb la say taI Saraht MIldred Wlmer ln te1 qualit>. of ber vork naw ranks ta lb. Lycouin vhsre Surah Bernbadl ranki la te titeatrlcal proifusion. la ber &blit>. te iterpre lite master lterary produclloeo tram lts pMatirma shobas noesupertor. lu lemperamenl, or smo- tionel pover. lte abulit>. te more an audience te, langitter or tsabrs, Um Wiimer te vititeut au equal. No takai ltrprelallon hbasebn egroal for ber ànd no 'audience. hevever greul IUn ezpsclallit, eror bas gene iviY 4Iw &ppointed. Titis generation has net knova a reader no distlactl> Sent as a messenger of enigttenment and cheer, and non. hue more clearly dieeerned itee 1mssion ltai bas Surah Wilmo-tite Ra-aithBerniardt af lhe Lyceum. Sm O3t F EmSTioRn.- leN lUE EWEDNESDAY Mr@. Beaubie aid ber litîle son ai Ciiego, vore la Liberlyrlble on Wedne- day. Mde. Bsaublen la a doter of tte ate Mms. John Thoregron, wvite6ilal snapposed cemmitted suicide ai ber home seatit et Bondant a short tint. &go. Mrs. Beaubien came lu inqui re about ber migter'- tItr-e itldren. sud wPnt ..uuh Supervieur rÈer tw itie bonte o1 Olal Titorugren sontit et Libertyilîle. ta seel tie childen. She expressed bar opinion ta noerea people br. ltast site bellered Ihat ber sltoe'biusband ktlled ber and vouid Dot beliere bar sMater commlttod suicide Mr..B"sblen sttud that the dld net knovaiolte truile deult »I bar sdoter und of tse oui"ldofai r. Thorugron about tva veeka later ntif titis vsik vbeoe.rscslv.d a nevepaper ellpping tram a trlsnd la Wleceneln. At lte lias of the deatit of Idm. Thorn- grnutlb.local autheriles ve. lId tai ui. had a .Mater living la this ulule but they dld net leurs bar viteresboute,. conseq»nnty NMms. aubimn vould net jhar aifte traodyuniese sbe would Za7. t Ilthrouqgh lte ncwspupen.. Reit attribut te ia effort$ e intrinSpervluor B. S. E«er slted on Wed- Kt II Litthe attention giren te the usida, Iahaîb.p" on ag lb. malterby the commiaslou. Mr. Rbtetttis thym T .n citidr.n la te lAb ACII M fl I M JU bas talked the projech .teber of Mns. Beau.- *f7 ~ated lIn 191l, aid le enineere Who Eqer tbithue vaseaot la a position 10 foi a m PU M bae It"eeben miaklng the sutrs m.four he t tmre ilire, butbiaI sitey -Mie ethnaiuem rePreeeate the eatlhu wceled te b.oe«»ebey vould b. yuil0 (3g~sb" MqUJgMIIIIIIa dura th@la et ofboul clubs lat ibleaecliou, ared for. elt ien M~ae @fu 11» t te sortit Tb@e geneRa imPr-iuaaole thal TO.os boue v oinseld tise 1 le Auses, ho 1 ipj oPe t e aeiUSUM t e hr. la euouzitsentiment te pnetue bellsred Titorarun bilud ber .1.1er @hoe 4re*et yensa eheunella Foug r. prolect lbrouab and tat orgaaiaudsMWuebintiMro. Tbiwng vascoua. « fe$W ej Vief efMt an thei v»Y10 o ~ t uahua algunmeel. fr ténlulua'6, ane 0aI108101orer rber Ving labe vas la prs pact odgy,. fui.the propoeition te b. put forvard tue bstd'à treaulnaltu ber ed bit îeviag thee auoâmat orpans deftite concrets fora. Therugimi bad serred an MUbas « ogadt f er w la cennectien vIti tue river dovai- Ivedea fera alspting te blIel efaltor. sca una mp imm, y te stte opnent Ide&, te ceamul intDs at Viveas ait e.M .W W ieslbon, pub. te poubMlty of tue tate maki"gEs i ILB I l.ýiel làtue ourber. mys tue Uglu the norterti laku thieaide -of te Ctmer etg Pébruy4.Wisconsin Une. loto a permanent tate ~ 3TJA M I secruts,>.y . É, K-sugr of the Il. OOoMueriaClubVIde&a*eit 1tuae l1bOnl of thte ProJect yl ho On Tussda.y moimnutb10:80 o'clock oppermtuulîyoueîeInd the propo-4 i. dlced later. bt la belioved thsiah t. LavrmS'g ]plseopuichurcit bu s t e t ofy la itegiag sa 169MidefetuPerviaera etfte couetsocurlte mariluge ai Mina "ma aludy ofthtie repart of tecsiso ethed voold b. vllltag te elp vith Keirl la Frank IL Stafford, son ai R. W. au veut lt. Il ethmussiast ly. the oupena. aid fille aald tuaI ne tcfford et Arm. -bIf llook» segaif nmîî sIn douât coniderable meney cauld ha Thte bride le a daughter af Mr. and lochadinltte as Il dm enu te sr asdlypopubar aubscrlption. Tt lKre. J"nVuKelri of Lierlyville, ced la lacelilai »sMathiatteht vaeu=smaibot 0owerni aone paid tue bib, eacb rery voîl baovnancd popular Ine ciurcit abri t, pan up. ihte ullc, votld have te pay but $10. c.releu. Sb@ served as ergmnelIlathe "Vift , thoçasi W'rrsm a qtblag for AgittiUoD foi-a chaiteol lathe river Epin»eo iurcit ur about terejurs snub an improvemei. t Ilweio*Uopa a neanl asubd as the setîlomente la ced vas a ineaier et te Allar Ouli. the entire ro, river vaIiey i-embu,'l.hex river valley, la 1846 citzen» Tite couple vers attended by Um Olive vitit naturel iteautiea uenoe& ci, 1througiteut the ville>. considei-ed Iurrldgs, a fread of lb. bride ced Mr. itandrede of auamer campaesandTre- dredglng and the building et a canal Gordon Kelly of Lako Foresit. Tb. soietos. Everybody ougit te b. lui te onect the river and Lake Mlciti- bride@ latter gare ber away. The chtoir tarer et IC ; an b>. a canal in the upper reicites sang SeraI bymneasnd Mr@. Ldo Mr. Krueer plane te Invite the help of Wlacont. A public medÙing vas Mattocke preslded et lhe ors'"nddusn and co-peratien et river enthuaiate, held at Geneva o>. Kane county sut- lb. service. bottilng and Oshng organsations aid tiersu June 6, 1846 and adoptai a ne- The Nop>leai Huciartt as celeOrated ettera in tue plan te make ai engin- 1Part that the Interesta Ofthtu people el 7:30 but lb. mariluge servie o laed effort te brlng about tlbe im. requlred hetter means ef communi- place st 10:30, bot bong coaducted by premecent. A conference vill prat- cation with Labo. Michigan and ez- lb. Rer. E. M. White. The citnrcb vu ably ho arranged t ai early date. pressed the conviction that the di-edg- erovded vît. f iend@ of bot young ftlghb Sort of Support Nee<Ied. Ing of the river vas teaeile. people-, a gi-coi nan>. coming front ont If tue rigt sort of support la Ise- A more pretentlous attempt va. ot town. ourud bei-e Elgin wîilget In toucb made alter the civil van vhen in 1867 Ater the ceremony an wrddlug break. wM o ther citto, tnvolved go tuat Octave Leundi->. ecurod a permit ' tanfat %vas servel ta relatives and frieDdu Ume vilb hoco-peiutlou al along navigate te treant from nt smoutht lb.- boume of the bhi-d tollevlng wviic te ine. Doubtlefl siilar actirit>. tc Elgin. Ho huit t stoamboat. thte bride aud groom lett for a short rUl fate place t al Pointe On lb. "Myflower," but il neter plled esie- i veddlng trip betore rturning to thpir river. , vhere titan heveen Aurora and Bata- hoine wemt t0f An-o vflam Reeh, vho, bas aui-ued a via, yhere the dam ovners retuse ta g- pa e a citannol in Uic nothera put la lacks. The boat vas prerldod Lydia F. and Fredelricb A. Watblna .16,b ,foryearavau titurlaeU ticaIwth vheels se tht il coubd be pulled 0f Highland Park bave cotrtbuted &W'$*~ Mud -eu« recomarbdution e! avor dams. Ifl Onalby vas sent 1te the $.000te lt out the operatiag om ofe the PrOPOffed uev toopitil te b. ereet- e aat.epnaion. Fristude or Mr. Fl'ex ukeragian. ed at Higland Park. la 9)FFIOIAL COAJNCIL POCEEDING8 VILLAGE 0F ISERTYVILLE Buglar meeting Feit. 7, 1916. Mens. boes prent Pre"doMrse, Truesle, %«ge faiI.CoRIlas Saue, Thas. Abusm The alies of Janury setina ver. read and aplwoved ane orreceiby motion o*o i ht arried. TU foUoevig bille ver. rmuan cd 0. K'd by te ineusoamllhse derder.d pai nmtm s malce elucd Eger vblcb carield ail votlug ae: Public erviçe Co.. ,power Dram DS.8 o Jan. 7----------........68 os W. P. Frmmuzen, coul----------...73887 J. L.eter, pele.-------------....... 4 0 L. R.Morrie, coiluclr epeclai for 1916-.........-.-............-.212 47 IL. Musiber MlIr. Ca., orks.......286 P. W.MKoe. s .........I . ....-----380 liabe Co. P. & P. C., printins ... 16 86 Uchancb]Bard woneCa., indse.... 90 Pitborg MetteC., repare ... 9 60 N. -&i.Laid, itacliig vaeiln rom Chicago.......................... 15 50 LIbrly ville Lunther Ce., inde .. 14 51 Keytene Prose, prining ...... 50O0 Chîcage Tel. C., phono......... 15 M. Pester & bon, reiîrs ... ... 550 A. Kllcimaa, Jannar>. mi....6500 D. Umbrry, Jaunar, salai-y 6500C B. Il. Corloît, 8 montit s alary.. 500OC E. 9. Corltl, tel. ced exprese .. 5 24 liireinen January R 7.alr. ...... OC FIrsen ore mu ....................1100 PubliceService C., Dec. igita..... 12636~ Publie Servie Co., Jan. ligitte .... 12A1 80 Movred by Omn" ed Colline ltaI lit ire ced vater eoaaeltee e b. uttarieed te bai a ors bainemendauJenter loto au agreement vith IM. R. Ladd te itaul lte Oir wagon at Ivo dollar. ced tOfty cente per cand. Motion oarrled &il voting aye. Meoved o>smrais and Hart Ihat tl.rOe and vîter comaitlee boyyoe pair ai lire booms. Motion carrled aIl votlng a!,. Moved by 8mâle andTito@ to) adjourn. Motiou carred. * E. e. Lorlet.t. Cerk. FREE SBIOW-The Grat Nortbern Railway will Rire amoring picture show sud lecture on Nionsiots and Nortb Dakota iarm lande and tarming at the Lery Theatre on Fsb. 28rd st 2:80 P. M. Ail are cordlallyiVt5d. Bsn Stillllng, ilepre.sntattre, Mcflenry, 111. It 1- 1 mmcz=C-M=CWO Li A Raoal Amount off SERVICE, SATISFACTON AND SIJCCSS While less thon rive geers 014, our Braeis Age.ucg of die 014 Michigan Mutuel ULte losurance Compang is comlrng repadiq te die fore auns progressve wel-me.ged agesucies. We ecceeded dhe speed r.eit of due geai 1914 bg over %27,OOOeof business lest geare and. the quelltg ofthde business is of e bigla grade.' Thougl due average policg i.s ueli. orne Libertpjile anpage arnnuetlgpremiums anieustis, te $458.55 durougla our Agei..ITis is a record deservsug .1 bigla commosde- tien, have a look et due best for due prospect. the broker enud due agent. JOHN UIODGE, (ieneral Agent for Lua, McHsnry, Rocs., Wineua, Ke ansd DeKaib Coma"ie N THSE LISERTYVOLLE Il C/,urc/zes NeIl Senday preechng serviesvii b. as folIe: la the moniulaatll o'clock Rr. T E, Boum vinI preacit an: "The ilee TitlRomane." Spelal mugie authem by lb. choir and solo b>. Mi.c Cryta ibtion. la the evening at 71.30a pr«ecbig services, short sermon by te1 past'tr. Speel.l muele, b>. the choir and a soie by Mr@ Eila Ring Ingrabain. Al cordieilly Iaited.t Epvorth Leffue service neut Suadaym evoulus at 6:45. bubjeet, '-The Tragody ai Indiffmruce 1 Leader, 0. B. Follett. Enthuelsi ei lglug and a varm itearted 8unday ucitool session escit Sunday morning promptl>. ab 10 oeiek. Ail1 devartmonts outilind by tSe @tete1 assocation bars been erganlsd. Classe. for & afl . Ail urged ta ateead. 9 Master John Butterfield vîli @uir ea tempeouc solo la Suada>. scitool neat Supday. Came and heur bhem.4 Junior choir vinI mtet oach vsek ou~ Tueeday ereniag la lb. Leugue room et 7:15 for roeeusa. Meeting of lb. aduit citurcit choir thie vsck Friday srenlungat 8 'clock. Presityterian. 10:00 a. m. Sunda>. echooi. liernlflg service Il a'clock. Chirsti»n Endeavor (S:45 p. m. Evelongservie 7:80.9 St. Lawrence Episcepai. Blol>.Communion 7:30 Ia.M. Cburch scitol 9:45 a. m. Moune« Piayr Ila. m. COLUDI LOUE ENTE- TAlSFIENIJS TV950ÀAY Columba Lodge No. 131 sntertainod a great neinher of viing memberu of that order and mon>. riends ot the loal memiters at a big meeting and banqnet at thet ova hall.L Lberty ville, Tueday nigt, 4aI vhk-it sveralprominent oflieers of the Mystie Workere vere la attend- &nes. The meeting vas ln the nature of a ,gett)geûwtr" and fouet, and thltsonwe vito piand and ezecuted t.e program eortaiati earried fi;o#eninSasshape. There wve. ntere.nutants dollveved b>. John B. Notisy of Kalamauoo, Mich., supervling dîreclor; Ailes M. Esenan of Chicago, lb. district manager; and the Preflecte re, Lake Forent, rayslakse, and Ivunho. cnd Uherlyrville lodgsu. The drll ai etofColumba lodge.ave a cary «eeeléhlaccouaI ai itaSf vmglte visiLlng officere verfondIaudinthir praîse af tb. verk dens >y the tesme. Ater te pregram hud boeue oiuded the IRoor vas leured aed danciong v aidulged ta, Bupke's ooum ur faalslg te munec. A veryfln. banquaI vas ser-ted le lte dlnlng hall.. over tvo buadrrd be«noesimd. ýiRSFATUR ND CARTEROEUTSSE Ne U1ESBJ NME PLACED ON TI3NCE TO JOLIET. LOANS ON AVEME MONTI PROBATION PRISON AS ROBBER IN TE PAST WEEK Judge Peisons A «erThey william carter, calaiad. who c,0, Total Amount of Loans for the Must Provide More Pr easobed atbnavi the:oHil and r for Daughters. deoet several menthea ao, vas Par- Pa FilWe 92 TntaIu 4sr raigned hetore Circuit Judge Claie Fls9 A peltin bs hen lîe ID C. Bdwards today. l'ak M 1lay, A putonba benBld a metiraptain of police o!t1 =Nrtiivetern Busineesoetthe rscorder'@ affcofor court by Mr. and Mie. John Bra a-! terminal ln Chicago, vepeen a the week ending Pebruary 12. 1916: asking that their daughter. Stella, he court and il waa upon bléi ened. Numbor of transfers, 72. returned to them from tho Goneva a0 ta atrweS :m% flts 0 sebooi tor delinquent girls. Indge ationdthrateaterwenene t 'a uimb r oInstruens0.ed Persona bu placsd the parente upcnn eu r m ntolt eu tem ntir. t ca ubro ntuet ud a motWeprobtio. If Siter hat Carter vas assistant porter ut the Total amou>t oftobnse. $69,450. time, ho la convinced that te pret depot when b. commltted the rob- BusIness bas beon fairly brisk and sbould b. entitled te the cuetodY and He appropriated a key belong- bans about the. average. The fol care et their daugbter b. may lune îg e neBrtpotrami 1a 0 loiareaegtemr mo the order which vîll permît the girllo otetrtpreamnnmdIwgaeaogth mremo- te b. returned. The action eft ac-Carpenter and leftfil in the trunk att- tant deals et tbe veek. lng the parents on probation ia re- or the robbery. This caueqd euspi- In ighand Park. Elizabeth L. gade n oe f hqmot nereti«ln t eatce to Carpenter l Randaon bought the Chai-les M. Park- gtar &de vae lop hèein Ot m.theugh the grand jury indlcated hotu Pr properiy oni Mrine rond for $20, Jubat batdetelaped b tse timehln00(). Jug een entsr ht ibe in.cbarged that betven $300 and Gilbert H. Scribner baught the oraeaforneSi. ens te -$400 Worth ai gands were stolon tram Russel D. HIilpraperty an J'airvlcw Oint place, thon. appears to beuuch the tun'< Mus. Carter denled an>. avenue for $10.000. dimension among te pns tbe ow eo t b ad becoine )f Jaeb 8.mand Jennlie B. markle vwe Oaly a few nlgbta ..q th,.t MM tbem. Nov Carter ha* donfesd tust bought tbe John ftramee property Sarakas«agnt ed errent et ber hua-. h e tt many ef the articles, includ- on Onventula avenue for $4,600. band on a charte et having driven ber Ing clothint., Je.lry, etc.. -et borne 1 Theodore ficheurmaun bougIht tvo eut ofthte bon»e vltb a store-poker. and that his wtt. hrbed theni te de- lots on Jddsen avenue. noeth or Rog- Thte buaband denied tbe charge and stray tbe evidence. The Oficials have or Williams avenue, trou Wm. D. N. made Selerai counter-cbargee .satest ne Intention af lnstituting any pro- Moore tonr$2.500and alse141ftet bis vite, saying he vould railler stay ceian ataiast ber but lt caused trestage cn Oakridge avonue. Hiah- la jalithan live vîti ber. thern te give up any tbaugbt oet dem- wcod, tront me. T. Wheder fer $1.- *ïTe sm&g hmyfil i a/ilit- ency la the caesof Carter. 10ou tle bnsarbas fkmily lete in pinLake Foreat. Nelsen W. Lee It svarunlng with roomer." JudgeboltheWstirsne flt Pe«»oea@d. -in tact, it le alaceut E A» CUt. u Western Addition on Deeryutb inccncelrable hb o emany-people un I1FRT3ujjIjgI'4' venueIMfRei ose A. Kansdy for flr nader the mme roof. Thorn le aromnd $9.00. anather girl la tbe famtly bouldsg Ros- A. ]Kennedy bought part of Stella. 1 cannot see under the cir- 3 SO L R ÀC 3EIJ lot34. Western Addition, tram Je*. cumstanâces bey thoes.girls eu bave Robertson far f$2.500. th@ PriracY the>. should. 1I b aç' e . J II ftIqujlê n WiIha5 . The Co-Operstive tered the parents that if they vant lJi 619L OF i 17 Y ,,llaryhoeat a lot an bMeAllîster are- Stella te coule homle that tbey muet lne, north et May street, fer $660. get rid eft teir roois and furnisb - David A. Wells houzht a lot on ber witb a. sultable homne. If the par- A warrant far the errent etf Alo. Indiana treet, nortil ot Grand are, ents vimb ta do tuis, b mu, censîder dter tationed aetlFort Sheridan. Who nute. ln Parker'es ubdiviaion, trom thsir petitlon ftavoably." le aocused et cemplicit>. in a crirn* Je,. T. Parf<sr fer $4F0. Llal ttac't mode upon Anna cmnp- Mary globe bought tbe 1H. H, brioska. 17 years nid, 1238 West Chf.!Beach prapert>. an George avenue. #R WÀU ICICELK cage avenue. Chicaga, in the Ohio west of MoAlinter. for $1.400. hotel, 603 Northt Clark street, pridsy Wm. C. Parker hought tho Lanyon T I U II o d. t5theNonthcener Str t hvostheobal arner stor TRCE R IE ÀRE yeare mon are held un the girls» nomnInal coneldoration. . emplatet. Tbsy are Simon Kroill 17, AnaJ. Mohrrnanned Barth iiwnr land Otis Jackaoover efthtie ho. at Genese street and Madison, trou 14UM 'INCRE S-ED to . Krall le ciiarged vith a gerfaut' Mrs. Flemminng for elght years ut _______offense. Jackson vue boeked an ho.: $65 a menth. Although the clilcaga & Miwaukee lng an aCceaory, ase charged wlth In ZMon City. Dent W. and Fred Eletrc rpot ssud onay orth harboring a girl under aie. J. Hiancock beught the e. Baillet Eletri reortlsuodManay or he Krolladmit. bis guilt, the police ProportY ouEmmena avenue, South year ended t)ocomben 31 shovs a loue sy. Accordlng te the tory, ho mot of Tventy-elgbth Street, for $2.000. in net tecoe present eperattonseut- the girl ln an tce creaml parler and' Jas. and Mary Young banibt tvc. tord the best net returu of many they vent for a valk. They met t:e Ilots an Enla avenue. South of Thlrty- Yer.Whilte th early months et soldier, vho le only knovn te KrolI 'Brut trest.' tram Jobn V. Veungdale tyar edlssde yas ',Hary" and vent te thc hetel. Ifor$80 thoyoa eiavo bae, uete thO The uoldler registered aq "John' In LibertYvilii. Gearge J. Hapke goneral business dopreseten earningu Smith.-' of Wautco<tda bought lte Mary R. began ta, improve murbedly la Deceai- Churchill preperty on Second Street ber and the ratio bas shovu, constant Wemun MAY rote at thne tovu ni.,fer Vrd B ad Ll betermnt eceberearitto wrethon AMl 4 on the eution cfi u- aOn bogt Ivo lots.andVItoia betermat.Decmbe eanins vretheialg lne oeay t Isu. S tree arm Jus. B. Heine for $240. avor 12 per cent botter ttan fer Sany OU in bonds te camplote ste feaiI Nwpr Tonh. Mai December tn tue hsteny ofthtie nom. ronde. aocordlng te an opinion ren- In cewpot Towsip. MLabbe p»Y I~~~~~~~dered by Attorney Brneet C. LutherYugbgtth i»lLae The gaiuare due te tva factors, counsel for the rond and bridgecon. tara oft100acresln sonthvcat quarter Manite of thoenty board, t A »trSection 22 fer $5600. a thoraugh adrortisina campaiga Dy ait SupevnS ILor . 1.Brigua of Au. MathieP. Chrtetianeen bought the Reelver W. 0. Johnson and In- roM a, cuaOt lte oemittm .Bail. Achft tara af 20 acres la creased rate*. When the nev lfopt Thir bas beu n ousiderabbe sgecula sautltvest quarter Section 19 trom tormnal er te copanyhas oua *u ver thie politaad eleotion gi:MaryA. Achon and sens for $1.500. termne or he ompny as eencials ane greatly înterested, sn"e ln Warren Township. Beni. J. Let- apened it la expected that the stock their vOrk vin be douhed vttVote. tu bought the. John C. Alfod d arin yitl be returned te, a dividend baste en roting. sepgrate polI books., , of 100 ucres la seuthmaut quarter atter reerganiaation plans have been lots and ballot botte belag n eusry northeaet quarter Section 31 fer $3, lndopeadent i-ache, ail poit* le. independent; lMoe rnidors th"anaf lOdenendent ad-ren by 16.000. >Lake. County. cOunty woukic embiuui. *1 Cui Lit, al 1 n Mt Mt an An roi V(I, Ai1 Du cm. of wt Ur, Sa Pli