Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Feb 1916, p. 7

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LAKE <JOUNTY I N DE PENDENT, F1RIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916. Wau&egan ~etv ALL BUT $89450 0F $509000 FUND IS NOW PLEDEED Chrst Church Endowment Fund Assured After Re- sponse at Mass Meeting Pont>' thousand Ofve hundredftyif> dollars cf te deah'od $50.'00 undow- ment for the Wankégan Episcapal cit c as delinilel>' ralsed wciea thé iss meeting closeti ln thé pariait bouse Wednesdhy evc'nlng. Wben té meetng opened, $35.000 of thé tundi "ad beén pledgmd, benec@ 6,560 vas raleti ameng thosu wite altendedthetti cmting andti Iose wvitent0D word1 tbore as te chat titiy conifi pletige tel th utti. BUT. chule there yel remins $8,- 466 te bu colleclud beforé te amount1 desirefi la attaineti, membéet lte vetry andiHeutan Ganster are pout- ive titat teful!nomuin lU hé rabaufi cery> abet'tly as tera are a nember1 et pletiges yul t tsegiven ln frein personsacite hase madi- promises but wbo cere net abIe to attend ]est eve- "Ther' ne question but thal thé fulil $.10,000 vlI bu ralseei" moid! Rec- ter Ganster afler te meeting andi combais et thé veaU'>', ver>' rucbi elalefi oser chat teineeting pro- duseti, said titiy filt te saine as thc reclor. Whore $25.000 Came From. Tl develops tlitIfour persoa n -il tribnted Juat hait etflite desiretisnu. as folloca: W. 9. Keilit *10,00<1 IJiarles Steels,-$i5.000 Bertha Steele-15.000- J. W. Banvel-85,OM0 Vaboua societies of te ciur-li maude plédges. ledludlng one of $2.5001 eacb trainlite Ladies' Aid anti SI. liargaret's Guitti. Titea. E. Morris peigefi 11.000 and Recten Gasier hlimae»lfpletiget I $1.00as a memonlali le his fatiter, Willibam Ganster. The sesti>' as a body> also plétigeti $1.000. Titi-Blases Bîiccîtet ofGurnep, plesigot $1,500 le memor>' et their fater anti motber. Blorer B. Steulé. vears age. ieft $i,000 for mal asucit a purpose as Is oec huma dhveoped andi ttis suinia atdéti te tite- ndocmient funfi. Thé Sunda>' su-ool aise pletige Il$,- Tbus, isitite $25,000 pluefi db>' te tour persoasandthlithousanfidol- lar items meetioneti aboyé. chén the meeting tarI-fi lest uvening. $35.000 real>' cas acuounlti ton. Thon lD casetet Biticcîl contributions anti stan> altera cie hc.ite ite figures vers added up, sitocuf ln aIl $41.650. 'rater tc plan, thé anus vite pietigé guaaantaé le va> up teir pletige Insidé of ise >eara, paylng thé prorata aitare semi-annuall>', aise te interesI thuruon. In thé moe- ýiste, as soon as thé "hote ol al" ls finisiteti.thé parlait dli tarI recelv-- Isg thé éareings cf te $50,000 fund. BLOOD POISON 15 FATAL TO IWOMAN; DIES IN HIOSPITAL Mrs. Georgia Costello of High- wood Dies at Lake County GerieralHospital Mdrs. Gi-orgla Coalello. elfe et Jo-1 aepit Cestutto. a Ieadtng figure in the ia&liancoton>' aI Highvood. dieti 4 tilé Lakte CounI>' GenerAi hoaPital Of1 oepticeniia. .t, Tl vas fi-Il>' twaanti a hait ceuts ago when Mra. Costello vas braught tram Hlgitwood te thée<ouet>' hespi- tal. Site cas a patient ef Dr. Prex- moire et Lakte Forel. Ber condition cas regardéti as ver>' cricat and Il cas qeemed adyleaséle teOperate On thé patient Immildatel>' e inte pesi- b4 hope il migitt gavé e, blitéf.'Te opration was a ver>' dlicate one. At fIrsl thé vicîin seeméti te hé semé-. wbat boter i'but thé eustléioisoetn cas ceiking: is va>'ltroiguthber sYs- to and renîtefi ln her dét. 1 %fr.. Cstello cas II1 about Ivo ceeks hetoeéshé cas brougbt te thé hoopital. In tact, she was 11 about a ceoit béfore a physiclan cas calli ln. Thé Costllos at first véré averse te ltaving Mu-. Costltlo removéti *o an>' boalital but consentefi vhen in- formédt ltItil as te one possible chance et savlng her lité. Thé poi- son bafi ta'rne sucit a boifi on ber s>'s tcm titat there vas no eayIn' eop irating atter sIte hafi buee meveti te bbc tocal Institution. Bésidea ber bushant site téaves titreeceblîdrén. A tilapalcit tram Meredith, N. H. statoa thn a man nb.ue GraV; #*ho lise-onSprbug cht. elilibtiaul i Pk. elý«~tted ucidie>t a bote] lax tlia MEMORJAL SERVICE ISTRIKERS DRI VE 0f REV. WATERBURY FROM CAMRP; DI IIELD SUNDAY -NIftT TIES BACK AT Members of Congregational Expected Riot at Roui Church Unite in Paying Hon- Averted by Presence( or to Dead Pastor. 1 Armed With Rifle Waukegae, 'eb. I4. Titi-pr-sue etofsix are Mémorial services for te lats thies. sent ent frein Waukeg Res. J. H. Wat-rbury ver- belti Sun- i-f troublé arng strikers day nighttIn te F'irst CongrégatIon-meut' employesStai teIci- ai citurcit. 'Te churcit aswu ltI E Round Lak itel'ltay nigitl. wt sorrowing frienfis. Ne more lm- fred et the mon cent eut Puesslvé mémorial service oser bas dentantiing an iecrease oet tiéen held bitre for seiloi han Ibère cents an heur te 20 cents been a résident ofth bCi>vitywo bas te représentatives o e i ben hlinlesuc i tgit estuein. Orderudthelté trikers off te Folleving are a set et reoînîlons tc>' sent Ie a MiaI cali thaI oc wréarendandi erdercd apréad Elmun CGreen. Hé dispabeit upen te citurcit records:shriff Rimer J. Green andi Il bas suemedtiehat te Dur Hi-aven- lies teate laite région.1 ]y' Fatiter. In HMinfinite ihdomn, ~tidi-t>'aboitfsNaarrivut al eail te itinsel! our paster anti trienii. Lakte thé employ'er' Instrt Mn. J. H. Waterbury; men taI their dernanti cou Whiie ce moure Our loe.,, v be- grantefi, anti that te>' couli Ilies.hé han entcreti opon-a nec lité moeé>'thé>' iat cemieg hi et je>' anti service, iéavinug dt usileg thetiselvés aI iti- time te memor>' of a ntan chose fat Office. Thé six depul>'osi stoodtheliteest o! doeeal affliction.,inainei aboutltlite ie hou chose citeerful vends itelped ti tera the ]ast af thé 200 strikuni citen bis ove huart vasàsaad, andti le t region fer titeir1 chose courage ID lryti.g circuin- Chicago. Theé men lalen ta stances iiili e a itinaulu» a il citeregien ci-ré Rd Lux, chier keec hlm. North Chicaago policé departi Wé désire te express te bis mns licein Clarence W. Hi andi daugitldns oua' appréciation of Thomnas Booltaof Waukel thé Ille aed voi'k oet hlur heloved Citanles Thayér. tatiter, anticanc deep symi at>' ciit A train ]aoafetChicago them In titeir bireasement. nIvet i B Round Lakte Saturi Wé necommenf ltaIa cepy eofttislg ng te take up te work a expression hé sent tae acit etfte mens b>'te sîikera. 'Te FIni anti daugitters andt lt a aminueoret aurda> taI Armour & thé saine bu incorporalti i n ti- Pib>'the tu-e cuter, 15 cents ruihrecorda, ant i Bthtie'clese nt the se L. 11, BUSHNELt., man isto bas remaicéti In I. il, TOMIIAUGH, pie>' tirouahout théeitanvst C'oininitti-i. i-uenis an bouc 'for user>' h R,, S. W. Ciidist Pl' paster eton telu-e. Ttc men su-e g rui - I'rexbytei--an hiiiiit. on butaît anti sheiter tiiring tier ti-e ,ai %ihn ioiterial Assaociation, pre- camps. ci'V.-e-a aglocîng tu-lnuie, le théa U. 'ritlibal!a doz7n aiils icei-Opatter. He told te ié back et the stnike blte clalu tiiiun îahiu-h hh bat eheit lanti vio ci-ré on titi-grounti. hbishi pueseece la misai-flbeyond sert taI the malorbt>' et thé powser of corda lia uzl.iain. carkers cene aatIsfld vîtht Members oet las ongregallonat thé>' wer- gi-lIma, but tit citurci to10k part in thé meinorlal talera conviecedtititi-ml services. Seldoin bas a man ne- shouiti i- e civtng more.1 céives. a mari- heatfel eulogy. 'rit,'mno ent on sînike antir, progaaleas Il wae gîti-n cas pu-inletireluireletateir vonkthlt: Saturda>', for ti- 5rmour cenapan> i psy lte men, off as tant as i ta bis vlndov. Semée 225 About 1to ciled ta r-main M L SWATROUIS rThe beadf heclité ce-raes 1 ý le troublé In getlng mneta C LERK FOR GEO. E.n pacs-ate vacant b>'tea FOSS I1N CAPITAL, AUTOOMIE Su' Former Waukegan Postmaster PROI1SES TO 1 Now in East in Officiai Ca- C M L T U pacity frFoss. O LE S A tact et intueat anti net hbuaieCavs ofte out plne oi hre bli taIChanlem Watrous. Crvs fteCut formeri>' potinater at Waullegau. be More lnterest Than ii nov tn Washiineacting as denti te Congreasman Gearge Etimunt Posea Previous Proieci oengressmnantramitis, thée'routit district. j Ttc Laite' ounlv automoi Mc. Watrous itas béen In thé cap- comnmîitt- - PibicitY, nav liai for thé pasI twe céeka anti bas.a canîvaSs ofet B gelr part hue serving in tée offIciaI capacIl>' countî. FRaY'litIthé inlere. w ciiMn. Fbaa bas given hit,. Junt automobile shtow, taelhi-bhé whal bis duttea are, la net knove. ýAu-mou- Febrear>' 24. 26, as but itlatebelteveiitère taI hé actsmi- ,gi-curai titan In an> ai as dlent or aucretar>' te thé congresa titn as taken placé In La] man chose vork'citile net ceespIcu- ouleldhlofethie -Laite cunI>' eus and Important as chen h» cas Titiy "i-ia e that titers chairman efthlie naval commillas dur- attendance ef oser 6,000 - i ing bis provieus termi, te neverte-1 abois The collection et cs less important enougit te requîre telspavn le se cotepllé litaI services o! a chrt. s vers exCeplianai apport Mc, Watrous, il la recailoti, vas rec- a1i-ver>' one inti-restedtIninoaitoi ommendefi b>'Mn. Posa as te sue- sepcte ni-ty latest developu- cesser te Clarence Murray on bis hiîits are aIr-ad>' arrivljtg deattnmre yoars ago. Anti, t show. Seméeof lte bust ai thé expiration eoflité teri ta hten- ciîgosheow ver- stippedtiUp suxt witeléross vas cengrèsman. lanr' nov lnetsbrage axating Mr. Watraus vas réappointeti ouchItna etflte Lakte ceuni>' shom lime, Mn. Watroua cas atl11 pont- Titi large altendanre ah master vion te Democratic, lani-1, Iili mati- lte meeting et alidu came aI itete lst preaidenîlal CeunI>' GondiRonde Associai leclIon anti te accordingl>' casde-!cilti>'oppontune and c gond posuti te gise way te thé Démocratlu- la hai-ng arcanai- fonrtat. appointmént et Daniel Grati>'.pr-sent jThc demanti tor anotiter posaimastèr. î Day" scas se Insistent tinat Inquir>' et relatives et Mr. Watrous 'ini-u-iial bdiision oethlie (C, as ta JstalctIUlie e ont rkhe la do- AasodIatjon tas eurangeaifoi Ing faledtia10 hing forth aeytiting "Drollar l'uni" cyset for titi détnlte. WilI Watrous. a brother. permiltteose atîcodîna te a, sait:'"I knov nolting o! Il except- ashowwand thé Gcaod Roada A! lng titbhé ieet dove Ibère about nuî-cungt0ai-et te salues1 Iwteek kaaeanti plans remalning ti-ce "Dollar Days" havi- n sevéral isééts. Yes, hé is vorkie- ki-cata timous ttreugitoul Ih vîtit Mr. Poea' committe. tramn vitltr TIre e lane doubi but tu I undenstanti." tuai-bîn of thi-Au-mor' wIlII hi Mr. Walrous. afîcu- leasing ltée post- t aie tttstim ae. 'Te dE Office. punchasedth ie Double BiatasIv: seummîna final pr-pana P1uare Company' ai Northt Cblca-gp 111hi-Installef beora lte anti 5111 r-taies ovnersblp. l isltliccd fuît' xhihlllon. Thé>' saiti bis ste>' in Washington la notîn- pn-a anythiing si-en u îtalId îng permanent se ho bas ne plans large chu-a5 Thé ilgbtîng e 'for gislng Up te Nort hîhcago huai- : be 1 mastertulecéentitis l roe. i bcong :cpee.ially ieigedh: vpan>'. Superinti-ndenel ito HELD 'l'O GRAND JUfty. ýof thé tate i-t' alviIs bis Waukégan. Poit. 14. ;suipervision. Titi-low prcciu1 ChalesE. flkitn, 5, for adtmission tatetéeuntm CitalesR. Eicton, 5.was au-- la;provîng popelar re'c , ule MnZon toda>' on thé changée___________ et oitainlng moné>' unfler taise pre- 1 ti-uses. Hé vas soîîcîîîng for a mna- MR8. JACKSON DIES SAI gaziiue. Il vas aise statefi ta Zien 1. Waukegae,1 oficers taI hc vas canteti b>' B CM. Mrs. Amice Jackson, au caeg art bouse fer haviug fallilte1diefi at itéebornéetofber aceunI fer $04 duetem. Thé>' ers Mrs. Cercle Fundicit. Bt 2 o', séndîng a mn up frein Chicago te in- urday morning, Deati esnui teu-lev hlm, Hé Iasai te have gel- bardoning ot thé artat'ies, ten $54 eut et Zienitus Ioda>'. 'T.edeosetihbas liveti 1 fflciksen isas held le the grand gea anti vicluit>' for ltepast jury In bonda o! $300. aI a 'clok comnn te &Xlse cowtty ti tiis attececon, He clU. b. brougitl ork, thé place et:hberb te Waukegan andi lotigel lu a colt bt , V» yearmo011L Ihe_ i te eun> at u.4 f 11drn *bta r Pape' S<véen A "rt; K.M v CJLJ « THE SIIERIFE MAY SUSPECTS IN ST. ARGUES STRONGiLY APPEAL TO LANDIS PAUL ROBBERY IN AGAINST PREPAR= TO DEFINE R16HTIS LAKE -COUNTY JAIL INli U. S. FOR WAR Lake County Sheriff Admits Mrs. Julia Leonard and iohin Joseph F. Gunther of Hall Day the Kelly Case Is One Which Zeck Brought to Waukegan Presents His Views on the Causes Argument. a Federal Prisoners. i President's Policy. ]yPheUandi. mtoonare i a-i huing amongGibier cnspcuous de. )tî, iLlnfoi j-i r hasu t the saine judge a righi ,,f]Pi i t the recent rohbery of the St. Plat' 1 iture In inale iroi. Xt and! e 'HOM OMr Grîffin Just what Kelly (ii and Paul postoffice wlierein $500,000 worth a-,k a few îcîn realizial. the dian- eaunnet do? iof revenue stampa and $2,000 in mon. gr tii uch roi I re. I y ie cail-66 Tlhat'-a what the sheriff i. f c'Iiigcv was stolen. .cd a n l(Il' (1i-t, I h7lexe.r ti at isi ýnd Lake te figure out and ho may n iki ý The jlrisoners are-cbut bple i ai Il rain I' a Cr%,fs i of Men pesoatviil te tlifge he ndis an JuPla Leonard, afi 0f Fdward a bîiliîiîne in btheod., ofHaIÎÙBV c es. Ni f lm withln bis rigbts ti oibuy>ing John J. Zeck, ,117 Soîuth IAncoln 'lii-rc Il food, or jusî a nibblî fort the federal Jufige. street. Chicago. fi oîght lii il for your readî-î a nedl depu- Despite reports vnlntedi n Chticago Thé womnans hîaisband lm ln the Netv ihave 1 I ccii in TheWn,. gan, avert- papers te the effect that Kelly sm ac Wheaton County jaîl as la allo George rao ' lolîr tChicago dailles. lu 0and Ar- corded al] kinfis ot personal priv- W. Blssett. The two men wprc heid oiir leadiing mîagazîies a reasou, fou- bouge on [loges. such as living in a fiai. and lit $10,000 bonde eau-h and Mrsî Lon thi mnnsp wsr Pcîtaluameul The~ Two han- blng out of jail wbenever he de- ard and Zeck were respective!>' lteld ('li-agir Tibîî.îc j,. *-pcclally insane on stike aires Sheriff Grlfnilistes tbai au-h In $50000 and $10.000 bonds b>' Cer- lt- stihipetandi xPt bas vouchated from 17% la nelt the case. missioner Mark t'oote Saturda>'. nlloiitCal ressots for thliugent need . Betore "Kelly" says the sheriff. "la ln He deslgnated Lake ceunI>' jail as 1 'f îrppairedness Our Preflidei, employer the county jolilail the flome, undcr the place toehbe llrs. Leonard and 1x liou) we have elecced as our spolies. premises guards, excepting when he goea te Zcck and the others weu-e sent te n iais .eîually ilIent. fi s pccches teaotfChicago te sec bie attorney, NM.r I llpage count>'. arp fIllIcO with Platitudes, gelleralities cd Under- ter. And Jufige Lendits gave me in. Thus, with William Orpet, te prin- 1aadmibre o! te man th 1 a sîge- fIve depu- structions that wbenever Mr. Milieu- ripailnb the Lake Forpst tragedy andadie oftemnwhasng- When the wanted te Bau Kelly. I was te s' Thomas Kelly, thte millonaire Cana- tcack mimd, anhl consider hlm one of It Round hlm ln and permît hlm te confer wftt iaon Contractor. allô held ln thecour- r greatest statesmen. F.or Ihat rea- -uctefi the Miller. The judge stated plaInly he t>' jaiLtake county. it là notired, hmon1aa bl htt ation, orntdins.nt nid flt ot ewotld hold Miller responsibîe for bolde a quartet of promîinent personsaeikejy o l ght ath.r ain s wh l Id get the Kelly until hi- was turned bai-k 10 perhaps the moet Important ln their lîkeli- te be the catule et war.I ie. nything 'prssent. rny deputy. general aspect than lever before B ai vbn rngw s rr fther li made ahClue a~ e keeperas "Kelly hasnfnot been living in a a single lime, were beid for an>' rem-jeu- nations, we, the people, ought to Powder, Mether n.e~ bal urtile re- flat since the time that 1 received di- son ai the saule time. kiow It, iaotat we ran find merne such wholesorne bakinga izntil uncs ountil ret orders te place hlm ln jail. Bissett. stayer ef Detective fier rncn tajamneîerpaebeseuclClmt i ha let "ecenly eseit . 1'shmn. rIageant William Russell le 1909 and or oherwlisep iaccable Prerd. i "î'Camtsut uf homes la on Inspecter tromn Washingtonu, came known toete police of a dozen cittes there la no reason wby. lead thicpeo 0 the lake te Wankegan and asked me how KeI. as a sateblower under tbe filme "The piPo-elv w a b ale .purity,strengt tt males ew 0f té 1' ws an whrc e wa. Isal haGîmiet Man," eas named fiaturda>' fiehf in a mînuîe an-d a balf W P nrilîmout ngtta esI tment; pu. was b l. ] but Mr. Fishinan did't as one ofttwo men wbo robbed the should have a gond argument betor- jj licite and even want te go over and sec hlm. Internat revenue office ai St. Paul on e onIder the proposition ot spend- fitey m*wcàut ýganl, and He asked me camail>' about the pris- Januar>' 6. Eda ard Lponard, 45.33 ing millions and then aîîreiv a bion on àaf ddntmieayPeint South Kedzie ai-'nue, Chicago, sald ln tîreparcdinemm. The masses direct. au »P 9". menan-whaeve. Itoli hm teneseeedb>' the police te havei a record as a i and indiu-ectitvwill -have te assm aymorie- te he a dispute butweun authoritIes safeblower. la alleged te bu the other itis burden. and Tt seems to e thle aandoeéf as te what 1 should do with Kelly man. have ai pr-senit hetter use for their an léarnefi when bis attorney@ aalked te bave Bîssett waa acrced la thc contes-moc. Company hlm brougit finte the City. Sonne peu- "ion of John J. Zeek lu whose home %Vhv 'slm iiqtOre hi-hoccote change s an heur, sons tell me I have ne rigiti te takm hi- wos arrested. ouîu poiicy for the pollcy ef Europe* ason any bhlm in. Jufige tandis laid me te do Capture of Bisseti came dramatical- W,,v bvis b aste? Tt ]clisk te a niai't, their em- s0. Se, who amn 1 te recognîze?" ]y as a rosuit cf Zec'îs confession iip the tree lice Poliltien, and mninhton gets 1714 The reporter suggested that seelnz Salurday In Chicago. manutactories, lu the event ot war tour spent Jutige t.andfis bad place.d the pris- Delectives Saturda>' went te lte coming Ie a sufiden Close, the>' Con given food oner ln bie charte, anal acelng that Zcck home ai noon. Wltb tbe Quicic-1 kesp IhPîr Organisation logether anil a>' at theé, tudge Landîs neyer bacike up Oit trIgger temper etf Blssett ln mincI, -e'I t'nt-lc Sam something he dont, tos~ wlual. b says or duous. that If he (he hp etcie entered with revolvers 1îîeptd at s tancy price. 1or wee rporer wee aortf, e' rpoznze n hndandbroe Ite hefront roin Whv sclutiwe be tlghtený et aI i ot uda tndl ani swndb>'thece f the Zeck flet. tacing Bissett b- time, or for a long turne te corp ne n 'flic as-saits. fore he nouid gel out of bcd. Theniwar pet-parediness' Thiu nations cnil te I-e- Siteriff GrIflin stated tat he be- the>' went te thé garret. wbere frein gagefi ln war, when thcy setie tUic the wagcs llcved ho would présent the point -.) unîjer a pile of bcdclothing lte>' dfference., wiil not bave change i the agi- Judge Lnadis iust te sec what thA draggcd lFrank Bbsett. a brother off*'nough te bu>' theusituenlt o a pig. bat tey ioerai judge thînks about it. Sergeant Russell's stayer. The Tapan mcure was a farce. andi When the In thte meantimé Kelly la stîlIlun " married a sîster eof Leonand's aureIy hiere la no danger tram bank- eused te )ail, accordlng te Shriff Griffun. Uc wlfe, andi have keewn hlm fer 15 moit. poor, aid Mexico. patarte t taiscetionuiersthe "t prstin, Inyeans," said Zcck in bis confession. The Boy Scouts of Wsîîkegan on stared e tat ecton werethe "tretis" 'Ten days âge two trunka carnéandth ie Texas border and a fcw in rois bey came roBam ani no(, ot course, tinside titi-L.eonard andi Bissett bati ail Indtla o -t ai Vera Cruz would be ample men quit. cella, for ne order bas heen issued ytrcs onene. Ihmad ees. Il et wok. ordeing himlockesem lntatingetngan cd finally asked Léon- Now, bois about Canada? Her pont expect lit- celi or anythIngIlîke that. He bas ard what lkas Up betiscun hlmf anal hisloris alîaks volumes against Mill- o take te a guard day and nigbt witom he per- Bisstt. Uc tld me thon Ihat te tairvpu-par-dties The reBnt ué bu- strilcers. sonal>'tpays. tu-uiks containedthelteamps atolen In laen Canadla and tbe Unitedi States,. hp F%?eriff Gruiffin dipules that Kelly bas St Pan]. I didn't know witer te front tic Sr. Lawrenels river te Lake f fIT made dal>' motor trips, as Chu-ago Turn my brother-In-faw oser te the Sîtlerior, la about 2,.000 milles. Ini the aave yeumoncyiC*lumtdoe-i papers report. police or alot, and butane 1 coutl makc vear 1812 thleu-e were 46 forts on the andi far superb tesmilit and up m in>'md t was arrestcd." Utiiled States side, a a a ninu.- 1 lieu- on lbhe Canadian aide. At SOPIe Oi BE AÀ III<iIILAND PARiese forts wPeee 5000 te 6,00o a,'lid hundredis et itghting craft. ~CESS INVEN S A D VICE PATENTS$ R~N E Prior fiii1812, ihen Poncé was d.cla CCES IN ENT , À EVFEcd.'a aueau m,îev men vere kIlléfi andi a umber o! bonts deslroycd. Atfté TO 3R SD N SO pen'ce unis deccared lhcy al gat bus>'yg îtrngheing the forts aniidin in Any ________ s ffl e as the great rry. Then what bai- Josph Cad e Hiitlnd ark-_____Pried. Two stalemen aI Washinglon Je ep B. ar f HiglandParkan"agreument datuai April 2s. bas becc granteti a patent on au. ap Titu-e Lakte ceuat>' men have hi-cii181at. He ml ucTA a cap>': bIa hwparatus for treatina voodun blocks. aranteti Patenta, accordîng te word 1. The naval feu-cea hencefortit te )ble thw rank MeArdle et Terre Haute. mnd, Juat receiveti tram the patent ofice li- maîniaineti upon the Great Lakes ina made aise i, given as one et the inventera. t Washington. The nanes of the in- saali- conlineti te the foilowing vee- t Lake Thé exact nature or te newdévlce venture andi the type ot patents au-ceai-la on Peuh ide: Pet ln thei-la net kuowu but Tt la suppesed te bho5as foliowa: 2.f >p L.ake Ontario.e, ncvéseplnat id ln the on te orer et the lîmber andi tic HtttA't H. SPONENBURG, Gurne; i0 exiceai 100 tons burden. carryeg ndbe 26 sîssigpan n Wnh<n more than 20 men and onu 19- lie vnHighland Park man's device la dit- FRItDEIIICK E. FRACER, Wio huop peunti cannon. . D S .I le CeUNt>' ferlent titan tce local one lu man>' Harber: Pecavalon buct cleaiter. 3. On the utiper lakeg, tva vesseisç, tlc respects. TIlai net known lusI chat OTTO A. KREI TBERG, Lakte BuONt; of'sm * dea 4amt e it î~a .. w111 bu an thé Inventer plans te do with lt. Ibeau-r tor matou- fluida mnannceret Turing thé Flloiing tea a technical descrip- The Invention b>' Mr. Sponeehurg a 4O at hmli.acvee ans t ~ tin et hé deice:an impraveunent on tlhe rail a»Chur et lîke aime and armuamat. Tt afords 1. In an apparatus for trualing viticit hé patented several years ac 5. Alater araned veasels' te lie unils for wooden hlockts, a lrêatlngr tank hav- and te wbich ho atdaB Improvemunts aitoce dlsmounled. and ne other vos-. voU mobiles te ing- an Impérforalé botein inellnlng freinlime la lime. The rail anchor, selt ftisar shah hbc builîlou- armat] U forte tEx- lateraîlly and dowevardi>'tram onu asnls name Impliem, la uacd ln anchr,-deug lte St. Lawrencc'river r ihe% = m : aIde of tsetank 10 thé oiller. a dis- Ina rails te the lies po lte>' ylnet Great Lakes. ýthé Chi- charge spont havlng its battent all cri-ip and cause constant repaira and The>' scltlédl ail lteir tilfuerencus bhi-ré andi allned wiit thé botlom efthlie tank traie wnei-ks if not nepaîreti fcdm lime uîp lelite present lime witliaut arma lte open- and lt reae edge dlsposed as an en- te tîme. MSaehr arcevn nitnacdai a turne vitn terri-, W.tiret>' beyond lte adjacent vertical royalties frein madBa ihicit arc uslng ftonal boundar>' lin8 es e-o netseI lte show wall ot Ut, tank. and meana epening is rail anchor. îîeîtned. thé Lake leto ltée tank at remotel>' localeti There lm a plant located ai Win- Tilmlaimpossible that ise chall hi- t tien espo- pointe for maIntaining a circulation thrcp Hanrborshenu' cxcax'ating or ici-keti ln gencuaions tho e Wby I prograinofethle trealîng medilumn.diti- lirguing achiines arc manutac- attnw ourselvea be he lhnown]loto ai r"olr 2. in an apparatus for îneating turO Witîî man>' types et excavaler [""c itspolititrîusanadmi unitionî ,"lte coi oden itioci, thé comiination of a ins, hI-h a buckt la uaed ltera la lte manufacfurera? ommercial éralieg tank itavîng an Impetinrale in0ruveniene et dIrt atlcking ta the Why net watt. We. nia>' bave a t r anoîben hottom nc neining lterait>' andi dove- l Cîde f he ucet Mr Bger e.commission Invesîlgate bois t e a. c 251th te wardl>' lbcotghent lis surface, a d îi-î11, Ih ru calit,. basiisoîvc ttis trou- ni-i $250,000,000 tappiropriat ion foc' uts m " oi iulomahîlecharge spout itavinlils boatent val! hie- crins' iudi-au-s ia hinan ruricT. 'rtlB@$R umà t ecalon alinéfi vitit the bettem of the tank Liutle as known .iou the devIce ccaims lit. ag.-, e I .i oe e mesue for whlcih and ieil frac edai- dîsposeal as anuen- pal t,ui- hvMu-. Kreutzberg et Lakte stainO cii-lu ',ar. tnd ln ail thèse adte WauI- tir et>' béyoed titi adjacent vertical ttliiff for liec voutti no(li- ocateti ont yi-eu-saud ui, wib a pile et jitik, as ho vun att thé tank, tir-ulatory muans 1h,'- 'phione Ioda>' caîr PresdlOcnt wnuld havi- us believe. O ist ceI>'. *-tutu thetank aiîeotey o-Whýits lunojtFlandi unnecessarv finitBAI taxi-f on calcd points, adsed noerrnc'he gi ~hîrdec il' taxationo uvn thu entrera lecoraliena Inm fer delivering mat e le uh- JIN KELLY LOS.~Ea ishoare deprived te efruits et thpir MANUFACTUIJA OF0 > ation dns tank remoe ot te inclieed botllom laborfr tu-u-te beneflt of lte rililarist 3Cars are Ibereot. _ _-F(iI"IIID A I ' pi armament ring. cho s peculatediM r l n rnt enonthe er-cistieg of goeergments? M r l n r nt y WTT ur-F16 T W TH EAT 9 Our relations wilh, ait nations are e fet the Ti-Kelly. thé véIl-known Waulte- fi 1*1. e us keép it an. There o u e i ne and IlsaD LL R IY Ban salooekeeper, lest bis baillé vltb.;5ci- more and moeépeople isba priais ,yice dCi- D It im 3-35 F tryil iendtmsl'. M onumentsiti ofth ité ComEV N idaugitten and i bIslister vére aI bis isoriti. nodi ho love mnakind vitere C m tr oko vr fru Blîech Lîc III BIO EVEN bedalde isien ito passefiaway. ' Tt-rIlIs foution eacth andti hëtr ~m tr oko v i pérsnal 'in Kelly vas one of lte hi-streligion lm te do goond, vitede net t 25 cents - itoisesatoen'ceepérs et nortitern Illi atr>'in u>' auccésa aItti- expenneDecitn thl-e show Wauksgae'a Dollar Day. Pebruar>' nois. Betore coming te Wankegan hoet titheir tclnw men sarrostite pond. 2E, promises te supassaail former operalteu e et thé mont popular anti1 If titi-e are an>' gond reamens for Correspondence solicitald evees etIbiskinf. Mecitala e hit paylng saloons le thé lou>' dia- ri-Paretins .pillirtit'Itm. il yen f.MON uer>' lofé are prprng ecupîtlnllutaiet ofChicago. Durlng bis ceai- havi- a mesage. cIitier il. ise os 1'eb. 12. toce th a ia>'. epiona ren itîtu et von lte respect anti aa-: hi- honest aIti Your rentiers. 41 Gene ZIFS ZLL

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