Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Feb 1916, p. 12

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p INDEPE NDENT, FRrDAY,FEiBR1TARY 25, 1916. flh~iU in Hlglhlond Park. Margaret D. GRAI M. Jusîl bougit alto lcl ve- nue fron K, T. lusBti fonrL$1.n500.n i Theodore Sciseurmatn bougt a ilao ~ALiII~IIlot oun.ludson avenue. nortb of Mars- uadÂED 1ua,4709211-61 man Street, frnm Alice J. Greenfield way, cor IN LÀA KE COUNTY a o Igeoo Prws fral hti _______road, front Herman C. Wernecke for1 sulîs.1 $~, 3,000. ha s hee Omeiundred and rourteen In- TI es a îtruments Filed With 88 ________________ ar Transfers-26 Loans. J The MURPYi3 4~ LITTLE'ABOVE NORMAL.D S PE IN parts .1 »usness of the recordera ffice for partiali, I>Y ~ < the week endlng February 9. 1916: - owîshi Number of transfers, 88. ta i Number of bans. 26. that i Total number of instruments (lIed.Atd i - 1'otal amounit of boans, $90211.61.tro1o Buginess bas been fairly bries and jeans arc a 1111e above tbe average. Thse followlug are among the more lpyafltdeals. la rWanukegaii. Charles R. Whitney àr ught thise eI. Brittain property Mi Norths avenue, Second Street, Hlck- ail street. for $10000. jennie Lazzaroni bought tbe Paci- ai properti' on Nortb Butrick Btreet and also two lots on Illinois avenue là Oakland ubdvlson.for $2.000. ,VCharles iH. Cieever bougbtthIe îsoirtl at otbwcst corner of Ju- r a nd lilcXir streets, frontAlc Cheevr. for nominal consîdera-&I * James B. and Lillan A. 'Neely I lhsisht a lorty-foot lot on west aide jqodlav Street. Soutb of lidwards C-0ets u FR)ROADSTER gtreet. front Elizabeth .%Iller for to*LSiDivy Car inl ot $sus. iýts. 1 e. d ime No boit.. - Emamanuel Schswartz bougbt tise or serews te fasten or unfasten. &WO »4buIdîfls on.Grand avenuie. :at eaM of Hickory Street f rom the %et# Bank for $12.000. EsjamI W. Bnet'feld tool: tille rp ta. DuteTeld propesty on L1w to or $s". 1. Clayton RaIl bougit tbe Edgar I lie. proerty on North uUic Sutretjust nortil uf tbe Congrega- 4u*al churci, for $5S.. wI- iam Pepper Jr. bougist tbe Van- BMal property on east aide of Cha- #W mieet for; $8.0 lu arhctii hcago. Peter Dabasîn-! SHOW1fNG LOADINO CAPACITY Abli s ugt thse Wentber lirOPerty On Ma". te fit rear plattorm Of anY Iltip t.f reet e&t0 f incln "Of FORD ROADSTER - Whgm I.WaUicegn Townahlp. E. Le--ooe ivs305ladn pc :=a WIIbomtht thse radi faT Of 100 32 X 09 lUCHES 1 lbU.a section 18. dbMilwauke The .otlre attachint ls made Of roai. sortis o Speulding'a corners. extra besvy gavaaled steel ad Will Mar Ny . Destin for $15O.0 crya00deui ecrcaàl luZigs Cty. Afred E. Buisl boughtcaralodqult rcpcty *let on Horeb avenue. Soutb o Nîne- lsoeth trost, front R. Dereugows&d r nw ominal consideration. & . llott bossgit a lot on ~a saveaue. south, of Tblrtictb *olet.troam Wm. H. Fabry for nom- tat cousideration. la Llbeutyvltl. Chartes tP. lnault -Ut* Arbousgithlie LUJ. Knigge prop- gryon corner of Second and Hurt - ietaseafor $1700. Ulad..Doyle lt:tille te the I.ilder kit of 141.27 acres lu sec- 27~UmaS and 28, front Paul MacGuf- Ss afor 123,388.75. il a L. ShuB".Jeanette Mawmiii n look que te the Areus Pr0opertY, - W est «t thc rallroad. for $2.000e.chn -la Lake Forest Lille NI.- Weau - oat a lot ou Oakwood avenue op- PRICE $3500 aummit place, from John Grîf- R for nominal consideratlon. H .C A E R lis Deerfild. Amelis M. L Hardiu i .nU L~ et,*Lke Forest bougit thse 9cDou- < HIGHLAND PARK aid property on Front street for $3.- ILLINOIS ffl..Si gn aecut Mamie E. Lodge bought Ibree lots" oe Aet - ae Cut on Irisgtstreet and two lots on Pec- AT HE UOSOW Md treet. front Charlotte L MeDon AT 71 4,2ANO S.OW ald fer 10. I.4,2AN 28 At Lakeo o.y's 1 V 'P Ourestai, store. $.027x54 WILTON VXLV ET Rugs in the M at design8 Nover againat....... $O $200 picture; anl vsews and ases ...... 1.00 $1.75 Iron Boards, extra heavY, OUly .....$1-00 $1.50 Clothes Baskets, speclal ............ $ 1.00 $1.50 Wash Boilers, only ....i............$100 $1.50 Dining Chairs, Dollar Day...... $1.00 $1.50 Stoola, special................... $100 $1.75 Lace Curtains, ouly................ $1.00 îý $175:Bed Spreada for.................. $1.0 $1.50 Mirrors, apecial.................. $ 1.00 $200 Pillows, per pair only ..........$1.00 $1.50 Mattreases, only ................. $1.0 $1.50 BlaDketa, per pair ................*1.00 ' $1.50 Sheet, two for......... .......... $1.00 U.75 Parlor Tables for ...............$1,00 î, $200 Grade of Linoleum for.............*1.00 Pour 35c Shades for ................... $1.00 Tbree yards 45e Carpet, kitchen or stair. . *1.00 Make our store your headquarters when in Waukeeafl. It will pay yoa to visit the mont beau- PageARRIEepiNW AUastoinentse eloWMnay onn y arlo Ith ertuk.Tefi o MT TWP. ACCEPTS.mot of the woman and had tisen man Otto Meyer and Sergeant Harry'the I.uck wais spllled ail over the M D N U- tàken down by a reporter. Quinn, Irýeet,7but tl hfe urmn5dt ntInud frointPage One.) Ua"Inrriéd Walter O'Kefe lu Wau- :________ fescape wittout a scratch. Th&truck 'S SWo - 1ks lnaanNovember 2," she testifled. was turiied about by the Imp*t so _________9______________a__Justicev ofiithre a I histIltwas headingInteoVoe nîmmissioner is a radical de- 'Wewe rre dy utc fte drti wentesrtcrwa f roui the plan that lias ex- N ~ yP paSe. 1bave no certificate of mar- diecio wenthiI CARarwa but exprts hod MA ~ j nagebut 1 have the justice's card at 1 bifigt o sop 3r mani' years butexers ol AN 1AN DE IE I home. 1 livcd lu Oeabkoeh for a whute_________ nav pu nt eeat Il t s ale 'ofe as Nt Vheu O'Ieefe too' tise stand he m>iU~iUtI ~îouwcatis Edson Company, last beuai1.t oi Her Husband-Woman Fin. admitted belng arrested under a fic- AL IIINIB SIIIETI h e ntenmbriapia 13t hld that one 0( theis d nSro re.ob*tltloub naoms. He said he had neyer tinslforled utember o! n heAppli- is o the ihree Ilighway c0fi- do elu hre been marrled to the wontan but met on frme erhplteAm - cers plan is that the - -- h1 er in Waukegaii, four monthit agé db-- Waukegan, ('eh. 22. 1can Red Cross, wblch arc being ar sciîtered about differeit land tat he was acqualuted wlt ber atths feruiarouibodsobtynay0f<hcg po- fteonslad llhed Followlng ber arrcst ou the rcharge ieight montha provious to that Lttimu feroo o- - o ntdý ot bmen N or.însuU ags rnid âey ruay have a teudency to be of keePlng a dlsorderly bouse at 687 "1 kept ber contpany but i neyer car on thUic Cîl.a &Milw'auîkee dec-, etmn 1 o tlîeir ovin district. Mlake ad With jackson strect, 1 laue. Mad arrled ber." be sald, trie lino struex the 11111 Steaînhnat l to have 1,421 names on bts list. nîurnissioner eterted from thei - Maude 0'Keefe was floed $2Z and Company's motor ti...k ait he Teutbi ip at large itlai commcnded O'Keefe, who la 1_3 ycars old aud ar two other men were fined $10. Judige street crosslng. The aîutomobile boit *UV NORTI DAK<OTA FAR MSfroii le ill devc.te bis tiretoo eiket seller lu a Milwaukee "inovie"IPage ordered that the testimouy IlÇ juot) lcft the plant of the National En.j owner. and save agent's commis- nlty as much as anotb&. boettied ba ah was mar-iturned over 10 tbe district at#orney velopo Conmpaniy and -.a half way, slon. Write for partîculars. As a ny rate. the peopPle fGan cid 10nV/alter tYKeete, wbo lv for whatever action he oses \nt 10 across the south-bousd tracks wben Styles, Esmond. North, Dakota. cligI iv h ew p laicbarged witb belng an lumate. Judgc take.> The arrest was made at 5: 30 the street car, struck il lu the middle * kWkly-i t ___s _________ wor ou I W~hh Dreses$1 Woneiî's dresses, liii>te $3.95; it, a g4ootirange tif atye -'of- $2 53à.WaAts$1 f hite slut tionu of woli llIl4 ils 'iîîd ý2sils at s l1('l "ýTHE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX" I *,,îî-ti e $2 esii wats $1. dt ar "aýut, TI To-Morrow, FridaY, is Dollar Day at Which Time We Offer Hundreds of Sensational Jiargains to Mal<e a Wonderul- "THE" bargain day of bargain days and this vjiill be "THE' bargain store of bargain stores. At this store Dollar Day signifies the utmost in values and most of you know when Heii' s siay, "It's a sale," it's a sale. Vou will find many more special values not advertised. ChildVs Coats to Sweaters to Woineim's Dres- Children's $3.75 ai $1 $2.50 at $1 ses to>2.48, $1 Dresses ai A special .155(11t- Woiti( il S andeiî( l- Volllt's '~w a ,; I Chilthun 's Ment oftehlldhul's uwîss.1a<in il dresses in geod va- t t $2 sims ti coats in sizes te 14,; îu~te $2.50; ail îr i t o is and nîost al <dors; good.colors at $1. reIeis; Dollar Dav, $1 m sw (s. speuîal l1. spcial, $1. 5E i M~Fur Neck Pieces to Women's 1.50 Night 1rre$5 Now $11 - Gowns $1 15sc Car Covers l$ fur' îeî'k pieeesi Wolele's fine new 11si covers in aal sizes; values t'o~ ~ . od ies ~ î )ahtIhy t'ui 50c; three for $1. at $1. ned; sp<'<iiil, $1. $2 White Pet- $2 Soisette Pet- Two 75c Middy WoMen's ticoats $1 tîcoats $1 Blouses $1. Waists womcn's i i(,( 1y wo ei's l$2 petî rfTwo 75c.fine litw Waists et finished îîimsn et va in S III ull ttu iîiî(ly h)blse's; litatIV 1aiw 1, baits cot nal i , sizv; exellet Sti h s ti îmnd and iniail ini thle iNcvst 1%vortlh $1.50; sn (l lrNlmade;, enly 1sizes, i ti spee il, $1. V1 Sotof Middy Blouse I -- 1~ »d i Siri at $1 Sometliiiîg UCiv-iiitl suits consistiig <f a blouse and skirt; prcttily miade, i1 Child7s 50c rowIIs, 3 for $1 'Childreîî's regular 50C flaîînelette Uight goNwus; sies te 14; al colors; 3 for $1. $3 Linen Skirts $1 Woînen's white Irisul iii- en skirts; niniy styles; 0111Y 1.0 rassieres at $1l W oil en 's $1.50 beatitiftil lace and enîibroiderv trinimed 1~vsscVS;yery spe- Lejal at$1 $2 Auto Ve Worneii's auto v eoo'5; î'cgular $2 $1. Chîldren"s $2 Bonnets*at $1 A g<)od seleetioii of -iluldî'eîî's $2 boîîîîet4 it ill1 col<rs; îîieelyý tî'iîiiîet at only $1. ils $1 vils inI al -..-. .nt $2 nitdSets $1 Knîîtttl sets of s 'liian ci a.11 iii il lors; w îth k, $2 Knitted Scarfs at $1 Your ehoie of ans' Pf l)ur beautifully <col- oî'etl kîitted searfs; Woreith $2, a t 0111y $1. Childen's White Dresses to $3 at $1 ('hildrenl's white dresses ila iîuînher of pî'etty styles, sizeF to ; ver spe $2& $3 Leather dû satin Hais $1 Womien's ile a t her mnd satin bats; miost t'ashionable for.J4±FeCt ivear;. al etlors ai( $2 Kimonas at $1 Woînen 's kiînoiîais li <repe or tlaîînelette -pretty 1attertis andî ail colors; $1. $2 and $3 Ostrich Boas ORIY .$1 1>îtty, soit ostritli boas iii lack-and-white or plain white; worth $2 to $3, at $1. childre n's 1.50 S»oes at $1 A good seleetion cOf boys' and girls' slîOes - -e.xtra we pa~ade- good ranige. f .sizs; ejl. . uWsSip, 'W o m e n' ho ils - lýher or f sizes; extra for- Dollar Day $1 ýo 14, 3 Ps. Women's 5 cSilliBose $1i 50cila 50(- silk h <(se ii al sizes; extra speeial at tiie pairs for $1. $3 Slltsat$1 mige ixture(s anîd <lît'k, lit4011Y lV. $2 $2 s, ete., StNi(5s Si)ollir $3 at $1 W<<îii'îî's hatiar and silk hili(ibags in allstyles; îieîti $3, fer 1Dollar Day, $1. Tw -0c -1 - 1f To5SURcialf$1 \'îSpecisalt nai$1 e < s il 'e itrutîtin lugel ><valute, at tiree for $1. té $lOat $1' * Womnen 's coaf s from b)roken suits. Values to $10-Dollar Day oiily-special, $1. . 1.50 Corsets $1 For Dollar Day oiily, a, great assortutent of excel- lent iiew styles. b'rs$1 to $2 at $1 s$1,50 oei ' ors iii'. pîîicess )ers 'il i p s; beaîîtifilly sp ecial triîniméd, with lace yr oîîIy. a nd1 e nbr ouîtery - - »age Four m 1 0 1 « a 1 ered Dolta 1 -ir M%, al el. ý 1

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