LXCOUNTY INOPNDENT, MM.&YFMUAIY 25, 1fl6 *:ssSS SS @ **~ Z~xXXXX~~ "aI*epipil. 0f Il'. Ubertyvin5Rlfi N0 ech-ool 01h.od a very appropriaI. Wause.NEW TSNOONmý tl.progians aIt te sebool on Felda,UE * ~You know the weather u If t1111j c'st.df patriatie mangfe, readinses Tb* Or. department waucled1 ftd~ thi stye aîayu.o WU1~VW W su relcaîis.and va. given for $ho eodatrudmet aud Hart.» avenue Se4tUr. li te B ig . biool puplI. anly. dae.t îa oîta 'îc.vse Looekn urne pa 0 Uqb'etcen eutm er.rve. W r vt ou o u:; lb.hebomneoftClde A p e t s ma n ad Royal Nlgbbor ladwe.. vil vas lOcléd enfertbrofnrl. O ut! Build this Spring p ig 1er»nelsrtss@ba: odu ns o theAsierman tiO îa b wbPPearb.O: _________thesFor etNtin l b . h rn 0tisai . t ie . onld got t ÊXJÈXXeJ XJXÊ4XXXX XXX buildsin tuanlàMardi f§uat.The .luot lise ore .AD ln9eeîlgatlOD lu the lutertar To isur ptblitic intheInt"ý.building. vili b the a olodgse ilii of tb.boum by orne of lte fremeu dil. W iS eed orndent. copv muet b. In th. office no Inter jtât@, le ta b. nrplrel>'ihlt for club cluoses tb. troubW le a ua lotbei e f than Tuemday of éeh w.ek. Ad*,. rogue for the Lbertyville Commercial cfletsl The niglibors bail h.lp.d lte iàa the important isubject. tier, espeOlally are ase.d ta take Club. lsml remove céarl> alilof the flture n-.n C kpartIcula. nett[« go th§$seffect. Ll. Andrews la tbe second person 10 andrug@ frem lic lover fluor, but lie = *antouues that b. te a candidat@ for the Teofte... ofthsond bfelor. fe ed 0. ua..tL" Nws « ge a ofsoftloy. callector mbit 10tbe fOued vîit msnffucallg mnoke and st vas jau8LWU 4deoisica af thi e bublcancanons. A musbe.wqitlarbo "te QeG»M8sflbas bm u ni lte libis ohaeoelco Sfrl i nprsde rtma la sob .qvpts4 vith ro- ýS pecijai This is îUst borne ssinon daY tei i,tet fo ap he ne . jpIratoas..w.cgtolb The W. C. T. V .me1!? vîh*fi*ue, w.. >e MU.an a oathe irevWoulniranodail $a e rIAnre et0f Cba. Mrs.sn. lu Job ha demammîratoftaWlN.1p.blic liaI te Tip'e Preý : nzz 5di fzenon.r rewldfor the ofls. Tb@ pqeon toi à*A ot a:b wu ebsont. Iebrl Adew 1 jipii no II. petaeumhi limy' t s -I o t eosraet h pbi a na 151W. I'netda lu honoaimadehtaglUnettitmqe te d&ay and S*ndoW b.1Or-relativas. b1it LIDO. wm cloiedon '411hbaemoe la he B ia«tt the th W.qk Palier! ~Tb L'b"rW" râ<bMool, e i g~alie1 e.sj0 a ak tnu aigd l. hP.e islup lsItO*psris obot- us pailuglb hst Mesdlie . .Byul0 orl su *, .vtle day. ro4fWl h rce rei mISSe te nde uan ta *CIPr. sea m uELyM. ill Stmpwft4à 0> 1 10WU5 b ou'eilo os sedeetea ia * 1a1SSergo(Wo slli u h'haly~l u... sud wâý flb.Oen i' 4ruhie cadI Mie VletMore t . ~.. vvldly actid by Barry Morey, PeM aad1bp<>e of elatve M o or aWbtel..,ter part Blaire, b, R9gers Lytton sud George *1% i.. k tup cfie rmn nuli William Barron Of ttvle I. ite Pho»47 E. x.Bihopo M#. the. rab ol tb. wee l bluhieaunit, Mme. Oiuep Spotnge, Col.. vau receied ilise dovp emougli FOU1thebydraut mus ta M. Flle andfamly.ladeeudnt oicethelatter pr flen ump off snd ttabald ao ne sud of tlé ~. M. TuIler sud w ieb M 1r. lote. I« hat hob.n basehobfasutesi lutise bjdranl ~ Mr. and amr. C. P. Fould& etertaineld S"dbic ladlt arrivesi at Oluey ou the vlile 1te wagon vsnt OB, unroilliug lb. ~~ Mrà.. lro.I' braliisv, A. A.-Be1l0of ti sud fonnd hbeir ionmsbold gooda, bhase4 a.M"Ilà W" ta a teame r.7 piqua, Ohio. ou eday lutl veek. vbich 14e>' ehipped tram m .rluoin lie t& e st*trnek rmebedhei lb.eset 1 1fr.. nomAlW"Ilsed IjIlisdaughtet order. Regardiar tb. vealiser, etc., 1fr. lte Ore th@ m9lue@s il r..sdy t A ri Lucile via reelde lu Oregan, @pont Bun- CrOve wv'riiw on the. 14th: "The sun lb. bone or ladder as they ver. enabissi daynsiModa> br. lt~reatvee. Obusevery day sund it iastrozen aIl ttie tu put ou ".S boots sud rubier caïst» twa nlglile. The lb.rmametor regsere vhl ierDlng tu lb. place, inatessi ut lors. W. W. Carrol l.etlulet Thureda>' 65 ln tise ebad todaysund go0in lb. sun. bsviug -ho jrnll Sud tog vay at tbe for cimnstilsnd allier qtise Iun OhouW@e ae wel4onr muieseIr lte fild truck us le toper Calis. vieIt vith ber sIletr.tnd other relatives. tosy.Uared part of lut weve*tlu 1be Vos waut Id kmow what gour motor ce wvUI dow, *Tise .i#ioaecer IPerd PSUotwimm UC-s we&s qour question Sthb motor car InPe5ol dI dq . Urlord i. operaled and ..mssSla çà- or coisr o& bout twrt» *uwe-wah amvria Tod R.mbp~ f90 couip"ie 590 Town ce $60Seita.$740. f. o. b. Detroit, Ois dispieag antd sale at S;ch"n<k Hardware Co., v 1UE-RTYVUJZ UML I1'8 NO TROUBLE Te.yarbave your table Bupplied with whblesome food al Ail the frealinees, ail the goodnese that it i. possible to seonre May lie youre 5% any time. It sinply measo the sending of your orders here. Lot us repeut wbat we have many timnes atated before, sud what we are proving every busineas day in the year-that te ehespest estabies that con he bongbt are of thse highest Spoamble gade A1ways ready to give you our Ïbest service. Gorlett & Frectericks LIMÉMTYIILE, ILL. PHIONE 30. OseIgnresud Makrers et LIGHINGFIXTURES re &e meore plmclngVon order. Vietors welcome W. aloo bave a complet. plating plant for refinlehlai ~ONOLEPARTS TABLE WARE STOVE PARTS MWSU " ATHIRO014 TRIUOIN ss.VM PLATING NU U .E- PL TOCRASS PAM O COUMPE LATMI Show room and factory Scond and Orchard oqest. T SUEI'ONE 58 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS- ,LUMBER FEED and COAL SALT L-IME BRICK TilE SWEIPE ~W. F. FRANZEN, JR, Ta .0m No. 50 Ub.rtvili..Minois j;m BI~arry Boume sud chilsruof Ares,1 Sre epeadlug part of. tb. vmek etlie1 bomne ofIMue. floum'ae prents, Mr. sudl Mre. E. B. belle.1 Li. Baud, vba had bussvistinu wlth1 hi. .têr. %1 i.4 "sssic iBondifor titre. Brockvay, Motans. MimSe 8o1, flut grade lescher lu lb. Ljborly ville slool. wm calldlto Lincoln, Ili., lust Fidsy Ibroug thlb.deathi ans smut. 85e returnesi Sunis>' venlng. The local banke verselomedio ue day ln honoraof Washlngou'x brthday The poclallies sud Chler bneusi.bhome m. am a lnmd ths areater crl of lb tWiddtwmingllplowing sud yl beglu pIowW il Iiswook. ,1t tlnkIb tis climat@ taur a a tl Illinois, iu lb. vînlier at iemt, We e;pso& ta gîn ovlnu este la ut banl Io vee." tr Crave as formerly aagelr of the . (uabj fsrm eouth ut LiboirUis sud &boutsa monlt Mgobe vas mat by idfr. (3udey ta Olne te rafl te tslarge rswne b iere..Re hus charge of twvabg resbse use Qîne>, onc co»«ofaa'i7 000 scremsud lb. otiter 140.000 acres. Book@ are nov rossi.qW III b. ai F. Croker's tallor %hop ta raccîrv@out 51 t Wm. Wbmler, Cal lectar. wlih t0anogue liaI I arn a candi. >e for Toi Colistor of LibertYvilll. vueblip, cubject otahlb.wl.b of tie qmblica suuu. ipi Chat. F. Ling. TAX COLLECTOR vîi ta aBnance Ibat I ans acmai- te far lb. office of Town Collustor. led t' th ise .sllon 0otheb. iepublcan! vuW (;aeu@. eti Lyls Andrewm. Tolu 28P 1 dayM- . On Marcb Oirt lb. Merchant. Delver- st Snsru.uet fSeolsT loîurig ijmpasy .of LIb.rtivillie yltake mliJ Supeintndet o Scooi T.Arturaveu lb. country dseivrug lor. the Toi Simpson andi fsmlly 01 Waukegsn, $peut LlMetyviile mercisute. The sampan>' 281f Balurday sud Buudsy boet.tl Mr@. bus purchail esi bg Service truk tram t3imPeOu'c Parents, 1Mr- sud Mm'. Byran lie Trlmo & Taylor tar. and i vll add Couy. %bat tu il. equipment on that date.. Mue. George Greene sud sou Clarence Il 0. Cle, suprluendeut oI tbe rom- of Kaukanua. Wi., vers lie guests Ofl pany aurge il bs country route. Mue. Greene@ sister, Mfr@. Byron ColbY us 1tol1ovc: and famly tram Weduiesday ta oudaY ou Manda>', Wedue@da>Y sud Frisa>' of thi. week. te car yull rus soua ulital DaY, seet Mies Kat@ Caruoll entertainesi about la, Prairie Vev, uorllb-weot ta Mill thirty of ber Irleuds ut ber borne on corner ansi nartb t a Buts.rîeld ochool, Tbhurmday evenur ai lest veek ata w e@tt ltamonsi L.ake, north ta Arcs ",500' Party. The program aima includ- asud ast to Libertiville. est music aud dancing, sud a flue lunch on Tuooda>' andi Saturda>' car wil run vus seveci. outih elBslf Day, back ta TownU Ln. wa@ erved.rossi e al ta Tel.graph roasi norti bc w. E. Davisansd Edwin Austin are Rochlmdirass. preslta uRoudout ansi gerclur on the Ioderai grand jury lu veet ho biberlyvilie. Chicago. Theadore F. Swvan of Area. le Merbsudi@esvilii -b. arried Iot ansi aiea murvlng on tb. jury. 1Mr. Swan le troa s>'tarmnon lte routes, Tb. coni- village cierklt Ares. pan>' experut t put ou a seecnd truck of St. Ciarls.. ar., viiiug Mr@. Colb>". parente, 1fr. sud Mu. Henry LavrenceIICMN vba celebratesi Iber 301h suniversryIfIU¶ * I'ecday. Mue. Jame o DnY Ot ClIcr CASE ROFI S DEATII go, Io.salo Istlng nt the Lavrence home. 4r William Craies Chiscago Man vark- Tbe Royal Nelgbbor f suc>'dilU tosIn ig oauno f th. big larme soutti01 bas imued ilnvihations for a Wusiingbon Lbertyvllle, dl.d lant Frida>' inorning lah Party tu b. giron allihe Audtorium Gon mien O'clack froni an 06ttàck af1ecul Tneeday eventng, Februar>' 29tb. Tbe Internai toxenia. 1Mr. 6&W w vu taken rnusic vii b. furulesi by te Hspke slck horiy afler salug enpper Thure tria. Dancing v1iii b.from 9 liffi 1. day eventi nsd a Lake Forech plijocisi Admisou n50e a percon. 0 vas; clled. It vas shows et lb.e A daugiter va. bshu tur. sud M r@.. iquest belsi by Coroner J. L. Taylor ai W. E. Draker an Moudo'. 1fr. Md lin. Ubertyville, Prîdo>' afieroon taI b. Decher yl bave no trouble ln remeniber. carne ta bis deathitram esllng csucsed log the irllidaje o tbels tva cbildr.n soude.' as Ibeîr flet dangâtler va. bars on Tiebosi>' vs brougitîtothsTr.ptav Wasbluglon'. brtbday sud lb. second & Maeon undentt"lg esblisbmentlnl came a day oaner, the 21e1. Librsyvlils. I.deceasd vas65Yme IAs LaI ridU lMue. P. P. Clty, nam- va. talesn tags. home of Mue. C. Logan, psui.d by Ui lm e"li ece, left for ber 4650 Woet Adamo elrmet, Chicag uo »v borne la Mnneapolis.Ur. tn. " Suaday. Mue. Logan 1.5 easi t lb.t l.t soinsedibyaprevilansIolteks car i fdereui. lugi Minis dgod uo Iespv ber bans Home CHLAS. D. PROCTOR at TrIgg IUUSAN~Oryn blie batCem""aniauuW OBT. Pam184aR OMMc. x nle .ud r. rCe usmty. No matter bw large or ei»alI our e wib lr. asi re. hrlty. frelgisi baggale, or allierý artielce are we or0flter Tesm of Acme Camp No. wili deliver them at fJooiutg ratee: W. A., wili bold _&~ granid recep- Prom 1 ta 20 Ilo>................ 5Centa id bail sttheb.Libertyville Town 20 to 10 I bo...................10 cents nrPday evenlng,--gareb 3Wd150 ta 8MO lb.................... 15 Canto tsrcbre.tra vllurnl.b hei music. Over 800 lbo. speelal terMs. will b. dance@ for old sud yaung. Vive regular tripe dally leslêp5Jt 1o aare 75c. Retre@hment. cervesi. 0 the'own begidee. C. _________ IfMerchantatiellveryCo jeuade baker>' good% fo rsale daly ggc & Taylor'@. 2891 laoydJ. 10sylor wiii give lustructlol - on " Violiu onrd"ah eIl# o M sd I-Retven WlreMilI ildposbl IsOidaje Por f uil parOcul*f vMlh X karas ind lstick p. Flim ee oasll &.M.Tki; U l fPaStOM roiwno!deenenofic -mi. l bi$ lu. . 911, TtI NÉ tor' lB! Lake CoieityNational Bank on Vpssr vlogp os.ok musnsSe- ue stnsrosf.bm.kiu. WC invte go. t. keep gor acomaut wi sM ~OF>NS-A SAVINOS ACCOIJNT Lake County National %ei esplta, "i~lus sud Profita-slOOIOO0.O WINTIER MLIM Air cuirPICes Dur" Fewm" »qai baeh 13un MW bN e lsa b. mou e t he Cam. sei. 7«OO Ud a »V WimBoe Heté.4Sw 08Iibs sl PAUIAN COURs81.00te. 0 A. W. UNDIROTH, PbrvM pour at -ARONOUR- SPECIAL IOME MADIE BREAD mn rn m oa.rdson, of Grayulseo h». brought the lirat 100 Bread Wrmpporu and Cot $6.00 ln GqldL Who wi boeing the second 100 Wr&pperwâ and get s3.00 in CbashP The Libertyville Bakery Phone 68 - - Libgrlyville, 111. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM MORTGAGES If you are buying sefling, trading or improving a farm in Lake County, for which you need monèy, or if you have a loan falling due which you wish to renew, do not fail ta secure our terms and rates before, placing your loan elsewhere. No loan too large and none to smnaf. PROMPT and COURTEOUS attention toalal inquiries. Libertyville LîETYiL ILtOS TCia Surplit niiross - - - 5000 Cao:ald roiteurcet-s - -350000 0f) LibeiKtyvil dood fortune lias ,plaed in our hands for, quck clisposél a fine limne of MCROKM'Y and DISESB o1fevery description. This stock hm. ben placed in Our South StQre, Grocery, aindwi be on a1e 'commeUcUI to-day at prices whieh are mnere fractions of real,-value. We want to close thisstock out comnpletely and are sure to do soin short order at sucli figures. COME IN1 EÂRL«Y. W* W. CARROLL & SONS CO@ South, Store Pb~e i