Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Feb 1916, p. 7

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BOND Wact&egan.etu RE4 NAUE $20,000 0f NEUpED $359000 FOR A NEW CIIURCli Of This Amout $18,263 Was Pledged at the Threo Se"v- ces HeId Sunday. A sév finit Metirodist cirurci lis W s haomécae a resUt> on Buis- day virés enthuslatie nénhérs o! thé congregatios pleigad $18.263 te a$aldfg fnifor thé e ebmpli. Tatélu <out82,000 or $300 adiit- io tla a igIt tlu fit tisai$110,- = 0 *'a eisératlve etimate O! tire mdh . a t = ýw asei éardithéct 'af etthére.Il ham heau filt that 'Ilossibly $15,000 wouli b. Courseof th day. T~.~p3 mt siouli1.11.1 besu jofli>' 'n enriso thé p4W"é speaker at thé 10: 30 a. n. éu4tvee. Tire ilshop ta.1eét on thé valuof a cirurcir ta the commun- IW ne MW sai t vas qute siguicant tht *éciurpir shouw e xistLnlua cqm- nUptfgàfr 7 i an-lt vas ln 1849 tht thé local churcir vas erécteti. Th palrtéief tire vostiéful laàgac éxrtedi y hirocburch., te- geft itvltia Ij ontierlul valué In "Whiilé Vé Mai havé a home tirat lumEPlé .and oh fasioiset." héesa1i. "vo io' procoeei te Iirov toné tisougir the vintiova. Théemrng l Iriséof eut churcir hère. -W. éls vhéit a tront Influencé itfiras ex- eti for goond. But tiré imé bas came te, huiid an even btter churcir -anti thé tume i. ripé for uIL, la mskIng an singeai for genereos lleigés hé usai thé simle o! a man pouring iis [ife Jinoa great voi'k thai la vertir viile. Rev. Louis F. W. lt-emamun andI Bey. John Thempion. ioti of ('hi- case, spohe t thé afttrnoosr anti ove- iing sessians. Rev. J. MI. Funsiton. thé local pastor, anssstet i e ail sony- tees. Thc largest single plétige vus 8Il.- 000. Tiers vere tvo o! tirén. Tiere veré séverai pletiges of 8500 aaci. Otirer pledues rangei ail tireva>' lavis te a 1ev dollars. Wirle tiré$1.0%0 gietges veré thé largngl mae hi single Itiivitiuais. largér pleges vére made,* Fan In- stance, tire ?astor's aid Society, pleigéti $5.00.L "olov*Ing are nmre of tirs pleges maie b>' churcir organ- izations. LChancir Extension Cocie>... $2000.00 Pastor's Aid Society' .3,00000 Sunda>' sciool ...-787.50 EDvortir League ...........400.00 Choir ...... ........ 250.03 Social ('Ircle > . ... .. 413.00 lis bantitr . .. . . .. . 2,000000 Thée etimateti cot a! the nev cirurcir, plans o! vhich are heiug travu aItirheprésen t tue1le$35 000. No time la tu hé laist in callisg for bhua anti awarding lire cont t 'ho churcirpériple li ope staýrt1thé a 'tuai vorlu of buiidng thé nevl -burcir about theIretIo! May. At thé cirurrir tedication it le belleveti tirat thre sumn of miono>' tint rémaine un- paid vilI hé snbscriuéti andtihir , rh vilI ho tiedicateti free o! debI COURT RULIN4i BLUCKS PLANS FOR NIEN WAUKF(1AN Co. tiprincfti. TIIll, Pcb. lé Tire su- prène court in an opinion iauiéi devis ln tire nase o! tire People ex rel, Freierick S. Oliner on a.tioing huoI- nes as Oliver & C'ompany o! Chica- go. against Secretary of State Ste- venssas, holtis inralitire art permit- tn elestalo agéncieh 10 iner- Trte. act, a ase -b, the, Fort>'- nIr hgénérai assenninieAttornsey CetéraI Luce>' hein tiat lb Vlolateti t hé constitution inmitutnpting 10 amendth ie générai corporationis act b>' tille onl>. On hIma opinion,. Sec- rétar>' o! State Stevenson refusedt 1 grant Incorporation papers 10 Oliver amidlire mandamue vas brougirt Tire court upiroltis the viev tiraI the act is lu fact an amendmeulta tire general corporations adI anti 001 a separate art. as il purports ta ho. andt tat i ns tiereforê unconslttm Tiré abov-e court décision disap- pointestiré plans of R. J. Ersino, the local real estate dealer, via vas shoot to launcirtire Noréru Ilt. noie Réa! Estate Corporation," cap- fital stock $100,000, pouding tire deci- sion of tire ahove casé, "We vere ail reati>' b incorporate," saiti Mr Brekiné. Ir ladt, tiré capital stock has héen fulI>' subseriboti anti ve vere vatchn thé outcome O! tiré apoyé5case. vhicir o! course Puts an endti ncorpenatiirg thé compan>'. L. Hover. some plan mar tré yet ar rivéti al te get aroundtiis court nul- lesn. Yen irnov. there are severtil F ais te kil a tog bosies ianginir "Woulti il méan arythînrrebtire advantage o! Wau'iegan t! tiré pan coulti have heen carriedti irougi? hé vas asreti. Yu, it voulti eventually mean rnch. Yau sec, thé assets o! tiré iopan>' voulti he Investeti mostl>' i n Waukegan anti viciait>. Stnîî 1 am net tiscouraged. Tieon vil) hé a conférence oi mi atoimatés vIthIli Stire iext fév iasai sueédeluile p" a etil Wi t vhrebs mat- tncas pr9oM aAs rertur Ivnteui' NOT FEELINfi WELLl DR. fi. Se WIIEEER. FOUND TO RE SICK SUCCUS AFIER A W I T il SMALLPOX PROLONRiD FI1IIT N"rt Western Fireman Who Weil Known Pioneer of Wau- Was Sent to Chicago Sick, kegan Passes Away at the Has WeH Deflned Case. Ripe OId Ageo0f 88. Wauhégan, iéeh. 17. Dr. George S.Wheelér, a Pioneer Bulis Ehais, a Nortirveteru lire, business mni ~Wmikgnda t mnan, Wiro for nseédais hans irééis iésidencé on usasitu- sleeping ighte lnua sent o! huni- day, rébruar>' M0.RHadii motsuffer hougesmaie aver frai aa box car andif nom cq-mW dses iis« btfraisthé taftoneéilstsornatir cf tire local Inimmit to li spgnévé>'. during irIs rousi houe, van Wetinésday !ound long Iletéof 98 yîea., baving expert- le;ViMes. mont ef Dr. Wirééer was hor ln Rpkla- ln Cntant utth hun anti as a rassit. 1828, . 4 mavéii vUW spgren4tat1 Héaltir meér Hicks toiay *pont tire Cilcàu 4 19USS, via hlcsp ia a dey tri tutround tieM up ami Po»u1tmt .00LG. This qunQéy of! bave Béela vancimatési'andti tirntiri' e vééhsjvo_,maiýe t. p it homés fumigate& . tagse, and p&eW bh asaIbét'A$ Thé fireman hati sot heén feeling ire vés céi> a bro. heà refemisnreedj liéli for Moile tuée. Hé madeélirIs mer l> tiré ylvId lacté g9 tire ourne>', ruas ta Wauhékgan ant i onTuésia> asti sPOk» Oten lla Intr y7aro! his, nIaht au ha biaidaméuefor nsem ne tlrst et o!Fort DOébonn iii the past. slippé no té iuniWm il als o! tiré slochadeglaten- whireréhé ssi.pfor lire nisghtHq vasisg la tire sun, andi thée entrles pacngi unahle tta aie bisrus haoh te Cii. acir andi forth, 1 caua Wbhisésiansd thé boramais o!f ]Par vi" earstic faiUliIvétion' thé local station sent hlm haci ta a farts, lire sentir lsé a£! vicirle tCi îtatebave médical attentons. tire présent soutir houndary a! Lin-i Arrivai ln théerit>'bstr.gven tire cols Park. ln FébruanY, 1841, Dr.1 attention nressry anti yard vas Wiréeler'a fatir estnait unon a tract1 asiret bacirte Waneégan that ireo!fland Ivo mlesoutir oi Liberty-i- br1 s@éI delned e o! emalîpox. ville, andt treé ived untllbiis deatir robe autirorlles tireéat once isolat- lis 1881. ait hlmn aisti hy>'sant vorniaIthmome Dr,. Wiéelr vas éducate I nu a pr'-* vitir vbom rh aiiréen lu contact vtal scil la Chicggo, anti entereti should lie va rînatai andttefir homos Rush Medtcsj colégé, tram viricir iro fumigatetiifle edieansé va hie 'vas graduateti le 18! . Duù-ng tii'. cheeet. Iycr héa .-liaidStary' Coldi Have, Aisrm et Yards. vrhai corné vtir nparénts from Tiérercept c! tire yard naturslly iPavîucket. - E . tateIllinois Lis 18M. causai muchr exciternent ln the locaiFor six 7.mB re hapracticet métilne Yards oflire rompan>' anti tir e mn lu Lké andi Kasocountiés. las 1856 wiro knov mpy iré'ed béom xposet i ie tiluanîntieti iis practice, %ant loat nu imé inlu aumîting hoa vaccin- uoming ta Wauhégau, hirenereti cm- ation, mercial Il!(, taking a patnersip la Tio mtnîtion lq riot one viricirtire bock store o!fiis fatiér-in-iav, causes lical tironriies to feel tirat ReV. E. G. Have. 1*1er ira pur- an>' great cause for aîarm la noces- chasét i is partnere sirare anti con- sary. btb ty are taling ail possible tinueti util bis retîremeul frai husi- precannîlons. 1inmess in 1904. signe on Cam. In tire hall century that ire vas a Tiere are four signe on the ca". Waukegan business man, ire estair- tvenon osltier itié-the>' reai Quar- lisirétia fieldi o! vide acquaintasce antiné-ésmalipoi" andti tere tsis'î and énloyeti an unusual populariy an>' danger of hoboes or athére trying anti élte. Wbile neyer activé in ta break tire lochs vhlch havé closel public affuYuns.bis store vas a iread- tire olti box car for use for lie resé- quarters for thé mont tirougir'ful of et . In tact, tihe chances are evén thuone mn engugeti, anti iis counsél ralîroati men vont caré ta sieég n vas sougirt b>' ail o!tireur. As long tirat car amy mors lu tiré future ami as iis strengtlirmmItteti, hé took an t mai hé shltéd to soie point vire active iterest. un tire affaire a! tire the fuels are not irnovm or It mai hé Presbytoriais ciurcir. Hé vas a mem. déstrayri. ber o! thé Wau'îegais Commander>' Thoser Wl... 41rt Theré. Knigirt Templfrs. It eéems tira? thèse men wore fount Inl Octeirer 1893 Dr. Wireeher vas ta havé leptlntirlieaieecar viîh marriéti ta 1d, L. Jone o! Wauke- Fadie an Tuesdav nlgit 'irarles gan. vira survive hi. He oso Hayes. J .1 HSoller. Henry Kerle heures t.iréc daugiters. Mrs. Etiv1is anti Peter OSîpey. C' Crawford o! Eranston, Stra El Rsides tiré aiove. 0111-en Iliig n- r. ard Ji, Curtis o! Chicago, antiNlrs. day determinedti iaI fuit>'10 tIroers ChresetP.Ingalls o! Waukegan. An hati irén expoqreti FadoFasdtisoui>'son. George Pearson Voieeber. nov la ielng coninét inlutire Io anti a taugitrér.Mme George B. Wart- liton irspitai. Chicago, anti fNm ara nn tinetimais>'years ugo. hetti tiat. seeung biriscase Wetinestiav Funerai t bis alé résidence. 21.3 vas roportet i b> experts talire lis the Julien S. Tuestia>' Fobruar>' 22. at fliti day ni ertrtion, tirat those vîtir .' urliprivaté. virom hé rame in contact vhile go-- Ing ta Chicago irfore Ilb vas lnon rsbat tlleul hlm. al0o have iroon ex- poelanti %iontidho vaccînatdti OFFFR B1I TRACT Sévère on Rue. Tire NorthvWemtérn officIaIs have i9- nti notice to ai men viro are ln litsOf LAND NORTHI 0f Pntplo>' vio vore n anyva>' exposei III'! taEads tiret ihe>' muetlire vaccinatiA-t~AI1LM T éd ai onc" andt iat, irefore tire>' cas U EG N L IT reluri ta vorr. tire>'met sirov a ____ ph>slian's curtifirate slroving lirat 'hiirgo papers are carrylng arge tiré> havéeirécn tuaculuteti. udvertisements lnis vriir647 acres Tire car In qesbion la taélho lé- o! landi tying lust northro! Waukegan stroyet Iif Offier Hicks iras iis va>' la holng oféreti for sale. Thé fuel about Il. Ho ai leasi viii order It tirat a large syndicate iras secturu.î coistimnéti. HéPstsiglrsi Il vas surir an enormous tract o! landtitran tiré mont iltiry nokirné place for men Waukogan accourts for tire fart ia' ta aleep tirst coutti hé Imugineti tireéhave beensan ian>'rosit ertate - transactions near bore durnug rIhe ,WINSRACE ITH ast cfév montia. A ccrding 10a tire ativertîsoment, WINS ACE W Tli v-acre tracts are heing offeréti for AT sale at $999 rip, acre tractsaut S229 5'A~ P: anti frontage on Shridan ronid DEAIW WOMAN AT ah $6 per front foot anti op. E Tiré adverlseîéut rends sonie viral as follova: FAT ERS BOII SIE Prîre ordînan>' farm landi in thii' -finitiscarcel> an>' tiret ut>'lhe se- C. R. Manderville Of Austin, curnnétia thèse figures. Northr Sirre Minn DiesiustAtte Hîs Acres (ihe nome giveir thé tract)ist Minn', ieslustAttr Hs apropont>' nf groal natural ativan- Daughter Reaches Him. tages antibéant>', near Wauuiegan; Il _________ saiigir, ieuvil>' vootieti, maslpic- Mrs- Clama fiscirof, vifé o! Dr. tureequé, 647 acres lu ail.,tlvitiet Fre Bichof o Wakegn ad Ci-practical>' un.tvo b>'tire Chicago sud FredBiscroifo! Wuirean ati MilwMauke electrie. vjicir offérs. rago, von a race against tieuti Sois- vi tirte Northvestern raliroati close day anti Monde>' ast viren, n rept>' at bond,- unequallei transportaîîon to a telégram, airé left Chircago forfacilittes." Austin,.MMin., called b>' the seions Itilatire belle! lirat tire syndicate, sicirnees o!lir father. W. P. Mtan- realzing tire fuct that Waukegén ls dervîlle, on tire verge, one migirt aimentsi n> MNi. BIscioff arrivei ai Austin on tiré cret o! tire hlggeat ltancial Manda>' before noon anti ben fathier bocom lu ita iristor>', tint Il voult ihe vas able t0 recognîze honr re ire dieti profitable to purcirase tire large tract a ev irouru iaten. o! landi for spéculative Purposés. Tire But vhlr- Mra. Biscirol! raciret belief prevaile liraI vien outtide peo- hep fathiors side befoné ire passei pie bégln to take up parts of? la ava>'. Il vas coincidental tiat tire large tract filvilli bing n largo nurm- irgei ian passeti on juet ater hie son ber o! peophe ta tris vicinit>' a*I vIlI liead left Austin ta retumnt is h Isiome do muta o id inntiré grovti o! tire in New Mexîco, Tir tact, tire son liaiti t barel>' reuch iré eirshome nthe satir rommuni> virén It vas necéisear> to viré him ta etrrn tan Austin, lirat hie parent CLAYTON RUTT BUYS liai dieti, M. Mandérvihhé hliedbéén sicir for THE HOSE1 RESIDENCE. nome lime, but Il vas et outil Sun- day tint ire sutaînoti a relapse vicir i'a>ton Rutt. disee énîihos-e o! tire dévéhopei suab serons symPteis Waukegan National bik:'-and tax tiraI tire Cirldrén wve summonei. collecter pf Waukegan toWxi3ilp. iras .0r. Mandervll vas ln tire S88 purcirasedýti trHase properî>' on Nati anti vas soeviral aCquaintet In Utica treet, wviîcile prohabl>' bet Waukegan tirougir having vstaitiis ter knovu aîong Wurrkeganités w( daugiter vién tire Bluciroifs hvai thé Fhagg hometeati. Mn. Hoae ix birer. planning ta Isavé Waukegan tin a ev dais for tiré eutIviere hoireleta ~. la4*~~d ~mah iis ihome. -4irnvBe»éilct The ndépadolit uft oldthe property -for Mr. Rose. Page Seven ~- e LAKE COUINTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, FEBIRUARY 25, 1916. ordo dIves e is sCon- 5.-- 2.89 i boots, laI.ha ...25c ... 3c 2()c lb. ...33C 33c .... 9 C )LI) TO ISSUE CÀR- TO START WORK PINE VIEW, NAME MANY COMPLAINTS FILED. I Truant Officer and IProbation BYR VOTE 0f ON AUTOFACTORY 0F NEW CEMETERY Officer Visited Mattress MIOST 3 TO ONE Ogren Automobile Cornpanyl ESTABLISIIED fiFRE &c actory Today. Heads Make Important A-bwh c hbn fiedt! iththem ta tho re Carrnes by 192 Votes nouncement Regarding the !Announcement Given Out To- lift the a gnewmtre atr e One of the Largest Plans for Plant in Wauke- day That 120-Acre Tract tet~rî lb r miannal Iotémpl. a Sohool Election. gan. Here Has Been Sold. tent iiMr.G. C.Ranne, truant o0cr voteof eary tree a ole aukganFeb 18 Anotinenint adeMise Ida Himmeireicr, probation oIR. anote f na treday ai,,-, b 8 Anonc en uaetoday rorro cor for thle countY Court, CéMiuetei a n $iie.o Stra r Announcement that wrouird wii ho borated the report whlch became cur- orn netgtina h hlti srried the 890,000 bond lissue broken In Waulregan for the aew cent severai days ugo filet Waukegan ornofn vg a r&tte montotâth erection of nev schoors in 1150,000 structure of the Ogren Moter le to have a nov cemetory. The reports that badl béen auge ta theis n. A total of 420 votes was Works, ire.. vithin one weok from Plie View C(etery Association, as adt which they inlYé5igited: t o!tht numér frer wa tody. ae mde hujday night by it i. called, le composeti of local men 1-That mas>'cirtdru. o! the ~'i ty of 192 forý the bond issue. Hugo W. Ogren. pregident andi gen- who bave leunched tbe projer.t. It Chicago sehools, ranginq tImL oté etooi as follove: eral manager of the corporation. was organized in Waukegau. ttebru- third to the aixtr grades, bave beir: DND 19ISSU- About a dozen ieadlng contractors arY il.lis charter la e rretual. glven ernploymtent. q, 167 votes. are nov at worl revising bide, from The site of the new ceilielery :s 2-Trat five chIltirén trouth*is n-189 votes. whlch vill be selectei one that vili on the old John lElliot stock ferra North school, Northr Chicago, have rT BONI) ISSUE- assure thre completion of Waukegansa northwest of Wankegan, on Beach Qi colti ekat o.t 101 votes. nev automobile factory withIn go roati, a tract of landi whlch lien bau rkqt holthir c andtanty. -13 Vallèe. dey. h.ct'. tifully andi vhlch for yeais vilas con- 3--That when thé>' are re"~ male vote-248. Thé sélectionofti t ath ducteti hilMr. Elliot asnaIl ck terii. vorking pérmita f roi thé achosi at, majomiy--46. site for a Plant which promises to A Fear or tvo age, C. C. ards andth iorities thé>' Béco re @m frM élib femelle voté-162. spread on a sigantie scale withmn a Elaru Clarke Ptirchased thre proper- er sources, contrar>' ta av, 0 us.JMjiY-126. short tinie, me&ns mucir for industriel ty and have ownedIétt sioce. 4--That one littie girl lIs the ait, roté fer lmear-2306. Waukegan. as vell as havIng man>' Tire cemetery *fl hé conducted no- ond grade le trylng to get a cesttflcate voté agalmstissué-114. ativantages for tire buildérs. it vas der virat la hisovisas the "Lavir andi no ohe con go ta '*bft. hae@4 Ukures fila seen that polistét ont by Mtr. Ogren. Thot thé Park'* mystein. This vil hé thé onîr 5--That thée hilites ame héutt 1> eo nunihe. aoféfmale votes cit>' viii soon rench national prom- cemetery olituide of ChicelUoI thé the offer of tén cents aa bou' lr thél maiiéxbly aeier than the inence se a motor car manufactur- staté ofI Ilitois virere heautiful dIr- rt.&&"t«D W s, the saajority givsntfoitire Ing conter vas predîcteti by 'eclals cular lots cati hé purcbased at about firt v u %eyi MM4thus D t U s me b' tieivoil« vas about of thé compan>'. Tue>' base tus the saniefrrce pan for tire olti style 81.25 a veQis. ie ot thé male voté. forerast an more thsa $3.00.000 square oneé. 6-4lst cldrén undét 14 yéars gt le~ "a hM tur the Cen- vortir of advance orders for cae Thé Oifficrs of thé association areagarputaorcosa>'ath loi bottéles thé hours of ti jcb nvi boer thé "Mlade la #au- as follows19 ave etr atl Y0rléh Utéa» atternoon. képis" tlql, a. veli %ja te a nation- C. C. liidwards, président. .5t. lave àof tiré bobd of éducation vide advertising camPaigo reach!ng W. 0. Me)tlnoey. vice président. 7tirsae from NteCrIs fomaa 1rs" andi clerks. more tiaî$,000 citige and towns EIMard Conradi, second vice proi- 91tré1,ir délsWakuai- inOUeté?thy-!set that the thronghont tire tUnltédStates. dent.,tireragthen S o atilà t*. Mvs. liachif 1rier. prohably "Ativuice arders for the manufac- Willard R. Wlard, tréssurer. ar ie ebloek i an twlcé as large as tirat usu- ture and delivery of 3,000 Ogren cars W. B. Wettél, secrétary. FI,.Rk . ýr.. ý ;= eint 01 tetàa choil bond élection. means tirat about $3,750.000 vorth of Elam L, Clarke, attorney. aIM"Le. laB iCh~ p. acoustait for by theé faet that new business yull ho brought to Wau. Th'irs association vas organizeti for cpain N~éiortish Pr 1 lection vas advertined more kegan In our dit year." sait! Prési- tiré purpose of bhnI4ing a ne* cerns- report theaNoree ely thanusetag -and thére vas dent Ogren. "These earnirrgs of tér>' along tirebat lineg. lncludlng tairén ont ofail rs elool tgaio,é. i ton thé part ci tseéta de- course ,ilil i.rely dispénset InluPerpétual care toaait lots and plot!'ee cs a e eiaW elli i Bmeasuré. Thème facts re- irayralla and Inl building extensions. One hundréti andti tenty acres bave ec aeh f da*tw* nstiliig up internât- "Waukegan isa logically an antamo- bée es ee tedlre and oné-hél tificate as hé dii la Otira 11111114~ of tbheé visovottetil Isfavor bilé manufacturirrg renter, and la bel- miles nortir of WaW4e'égn on tie ren spte apit ta gét h nai c )ad itsue méclared that tire> ter provided, as to location and rail- Beach road. on thée electrie lunée, néér tranm aohso tôe g ad o~f ly did sot lavoir thé pa-opel- va>' facilities thon mont citiés vhIch Beach Station.frmeeirmaée aisè i- tI thé>' préferreti ta gai have fIoulsed untiér tire prespér- A contrattiras béén enteradi lito Ing. Hé says tirat tfir h a"mNw Ik bondedürin a pri 0j o of ýtse ans as ied it eroporfl b alefflo >asds ~ r doig eloo 0ossn thé automobile Industry. wlth the dévéioplng synicats, viosétoa sh tire etate tactçry lnspéetp, nu th"> do to havété, ho By locating lu Waukegan ve are engineers anti landecapé archritecte maite an Investigation. iahé a direct Irv>' anti cer adjacent ta thé E., J1. & E. rairoa". are nov varrmng on tire plans. Mrs. Ranne and Mise Hinuéleé sienr te pay forthe etir Placiug us un touch witir ever>' rail- It in the Intention of thé associa- vent ta thé factory tis morm.tséi" next yéar., mati that 'runs out of Chicago, thé lion ta moihe Pise Viéw one of thé made a very sareblisfl svmtMo. ohiécteti ta thé manner of v oritis railwa>' center. lu addition mont modépit and béamlttful cemetériée As a mossit tléy say thé>' humi thé thé éection. saying there vas rire Chicaga & Nortbiveetern ralva> un tire middle vent. Tiré ceméter>' rauore gréati>' ex&ggeratei. cy connectedl with thé. bal-_roidsus vitir qulck shipping lac- vilie hé ult on vhat le hisovi as o hMnde of ballots lay on a ilities ta the éest. tire lais and park systeinanivîî Hère are nome aetirhe thiage tiré artéjtié. Ou alt We choose to uini aur future witir contain many varieties of treés andti T th oeeîl vi fou"nd:ic hket . l'or" andtihtré othér'- tint of Wanikegan for a rumber o! ebruhe. h eautiful aentrancel mortu- 1Tiacon hitiva fu i t. A" rvoter vas permit-]I otherréasons. But ve hélieve Wau- ary chapél. lodge and omflc u in, éva rerrei set homean hbl tvo o! thé ballots, go to! kegairnela tahé congratulateilat trie gardener'. cottage and green houe. l2-Ta t Ivo hmenréhomers. oa ,t f thé monm he chose and décision. nat merely hecausé of add- Dévéiopment on tis prpcrtîr 50 - ha ne cebrfcéenmioira t$aa ta thé juiges thé ballot re éd, business and adtiei pyrolls, but tempiatét inl thé early eprrng or as wére mn oeuîitsycnmcp ta cant. Hé destroyedthethé beause thé automrobileé iidtry S onm ief01 .ote h rui ie n hesa not érf a utés. Frank West vas aire vho oh- lits very nature. blazes thé trail of For a lonrg timé théré has héen a 3-4%'at se, faeres ti ve sailé tathé propositton atian pblîcit>' net only for lis avis priat- gréat tiémanti for a modérn comery ~~ hs~vn ooiiu sé 1early lis thre atrnoon tianî udts, but for thé citles IwIcir It IrWaukegas, wvire. eautiftl circu- thagnerestr14 oempyi tthé it lection carriéd lhé vould rm- tirrive.Thé nome of Waukégair as lar lots can bie securéd. Tventî 4-the h air f1 ioed a thcpanlt- attornsey andiflgrt thé reslt a rival automobile conter ta vell acres viii hée laid out aisd brougit ta veetigation, and vers înîormed jI h rurte. conseniing that it vas knovis eastern cities vilI hecome mI- a contour suilace, se tirat viréi a chiliren' tiat thé>' ane reeostwsaul :conduct ans élection Is sucir presséti on thé nittloisa mimd. aird lot ta moiti thé adjoinlng lot la u u h a o 89 a$ e a r. thie réputation yul accrue other cern- perfect laisn anti rmiî for intérment. ths- rain .90 tIlgirl ar visait, I. not the Australian ballot mercial ativantages Important ta tire Thé ides a o vi li h vul gcivrl 90for thé'oh mas and ve are not obligeti ta use whote citi.' nonuniformIty of cars anti grade g v il do toda>'. Stemi." Antirev Coche. presi- Capaclit 110,000 a Vear. Ing thé unir mais thé sasse alteqtioit 6-Traît the superiuteistent e!tirée the scirooi board, sait! aller Thre nev plant of thre Ogren Moter as thé man of veaitir. lssuing vitir factor>' seéme very antious tae omý 'es irati heen counted. "Tire Woris vili cover 140,000 square féet. escir deedtiat lots. plets anti single in- vas coistuèted accorting ta ant i vii havé an Initial production técients a perpétuai maintenance pI>' vitr ail provisions o! thé lav mm 1 eare villing ta ahitie capacity o! 10,000 cars a ear. A clause hh assures tire purchaserba offered ta foiiow thé sisggestboe ýsis o! the courts." least. that numbér o! cars havé al- permanent attention ta ii lot, for Boh oend54.. ba n h inot surprlsed-l expectêd roanly been appiéd for tirrougirout thre ail tiré lime ta roi@e t tiré élpéis5 virole tirey founti tire conditions mulit id iesue ta carry," Commis- c-ountry hy automobile dealers eager ef the association. A fund yull héehbtter tiranstire>' iai béesn euoré Irvis sald wvirn ire learnédtiat establisir agencles for thé Ogreis creatéti for pérpetual care. ilts. "Myonli désiré vas to car. whIcir ias airéai>'estabieéti Prément Conditions More, ba them. Thé>' said tirat s flair ait nublie sentiment no tirat ail lit qualit>' b> remarhahle succéas bIn Wauhegan ha. a popuulation of they cerjitisele, tiré cIrilrea did lent shedl couiti voté on tire prop- International raclng conteste andtInl near>' 20,000. anti a eurrouniding pop- have te verh especiat>' bard a"i thé The people have voteti for trying tests o! standard service. ulation of 80,000 vithln a radius u! thé work did not apjszr t 1 a i arm Ls-the>' have expreséd tirer Fînancial arrangements absolrrteiy 20 mites. Piné Vlev vill ire able, ticularly Injurtous ta tir héaltr. and 1 ai satisflei. "Mr. Or- assu.riirg tire bildting of tire nov Qg. tirrough tie excellent transportation Wbile It venld have héén héttel, for 1complaîneti that an effort ren plant vitin tire time btrfore &tat- facilîtles. ta serve thîs entire popula- thé chîltiren to havé rémînéi i s ug madie ta sirouti tire*elec- ePd have beon coîpletéti vith Green, lien. tonneraI cars over tire eléctric thcirool. th condaitirion irenvtiril sereyColie& Company. tire velI kirovu interurbans vîli maite ît possible ta thé vyorkisgcil tipe ae etén tire 850,000 Ill hepano ankers of La Salle utréét, Chicago, carry funerals of ah saites at little Thé insvestigations vîll have ans f roIl hourd ta erect Ivo név Mr. Ogren annouircés. This positive- differeuce in rice (considering prices fect, it la salt. It vili meathat bouses anti remodel thé aid 1> aissures tire completion of thé plant with Inerpetual cure vili ho a consîid- n.otiéclienvrbaés. iront. They feel tris vIii pro- wab alireraI vorking capital anti Its erablé ativantagé and Tinvg) . romuetof reulreorhg beer onlét- commotiations for chîltiren for reailtuess for manufacturing witin Wauiregan's present ceineteriés am roe lIhaetreuwru tee te te ne té came the given limte. Green, Collins & full. tireo eing very fev lots re- It alec vill mean tirat no ilgsu; Company' have takén thé ontine issue uraining ln thé présent cil' téfliétery.detiegeo14vlhéaert. o! preferred stock yet unsubscrtreti, Tis shows thé peeti for a nev ur- e ri- thi s ie a re s1onll h tole uad thus pli.lug tire corporation on rire criscenreter>' organizeti vitir paré r e olachltr airéepstanti tire LAR DAY ON soundoat intanciai folundations. tuai care funti ut about thé saine supérlntendént sayFtaîrmebb r t ni O'& erotin of taprevail __ virn tire ciidren tdéclmre thé>' aee Mr.Oge nACali0 re mmuet 25K E Hi tecmpn ttne e;mun l nuhit l i. ticiît for hlmta t 25 tellE that thtecare hnaiteilattendee aryaS. evenlg un thé armor>'antid II tU L rrc u1thattéaenttiig tr DCLUTIE VEUT there Mr Ogren saiti a fév, yards ta V A UA 0 insU I rt !RCI-UNII.L YLiN ir novtfeienis un Waukegan aller asirthe coépny's pllotosi Wau $16OOOIN A NEW COMES TO ATTEND 1for a dollar. Astave for a iregan. 5 More of snmetbing élue tirais Liter rotirte press. ho stateti thal A i rcarry' home for a dollar, tire compau>' ist openori bides on thé HARBORMNEASURE FUNI3RAL àE RS0 best merchannduie service ta Waukegan job andti tey raugeti ho- id anyvirére for nolhing. Dol- tir cn $152.000 to $167.000. ; yuil ire tire blggeet merciran- He statéd tint more ids are yot Washington Telegram Tells oi 'YP À 9.U f tever hefore, sne h rgat îîkn-nî and ha- n st but ,.ee Status of Harbor Appropria- Waukegan, Féh. 17. in évéry store. Initilt voulti ho doué rer>' siortl>'. tion Items for Year. tnnrimg a spéclal effort litire hY. Il sciretipes have been an. Pascien Bras., the mon viro built thé St. C. A. rédemption ffa»d campalUM on thé electrlc lune te tal,, ig muniîcipal pion. Chiicago, biti $160,- înéxpecteti gifts are madie a"uvmilb ire crovtis tint vili ire In ar-00o andi viile Itl isadmittéti that the Washington, D. C.,Fei).i l;.rire un Inlérésting vays. ýDollar t)ay anti aI tire Coud tren people favor thram, î na feit river anti iariror porir barrot, carry- Ou Monday of tis veeh. Waàuhe- neeting andi théeaUtomotniie(tithtney nray nt gel ilfirecausé of ing appropriations anti antorizations gan tost one of ber héloved wavon, lire diqcrojncy in tiroir bld.. of $41,318,410, iras roliot a b tire 'Mies Elvîra L. Buttérfieli. On Tuée- horme pneople shoulti do tireir TIno tlrst buildings tabehoerecteti b> honnse today by ('iairman Sparirman day, a Hi!e-loirg fîténi- e! Misa »t. ýearly if tire> 'vant t, se.tire Company' include: o! tiré rivers anti iarbors conrmitteo tefielti camé ta Waukegan te attend ýbest values on tirat day eea factory--769 foot by 16g after Ifbit ir ppunen badly battéret Iin tiré finenél ervices »ài irard of tré ascarcely a lino of merciran- t ,one stor>'. commnittee. Y. M. C'. A. camuMa. As an ex- t iras not heen espécialy fie'0 .11 tres nth ie comurnittoé the bill vas or- pression ot!lier interést ani as a to- er February 25.Ofc 0h 1fo. to to e iréiroînortédtia10théhouse@b>' a vote ken of her fréntbiéhp fer irer tniemi, ______________Power plant-<10 hY 96 foot, o! 8 to 6. For tire tIret limé lu a de- sire gave ir check for 82100 aie a At tire power plant tbère will hée catie a figbt vas mati eon tin i coin- mémorial guIt. This fiénid sties a1 IL. parato coal Iracir amnd running t0 mitléee One flomocrat. Représenta- that irer naome hé vltnireii. but t1iat DYFA X stire factnry prorner yull ho a service tive 'Gallaeper o!f 'hicago, refusedta d tos@ not titradt itemthé hesutiftl vitch trackIr n antionu. . vote for it. thoughtfuliséss vhlch prornptéi ber irher officiais o! thé cominan>' vere The nov nmensuro is just as gérni- ta* remeniher irer find 1) TO LOU iALL vihiN essrs. Ogron anti terotir'>anti clonne as tire oncshe ici vre béat- thé>' aill xprosséni a visir that théy ten in thé last Congrésu tirrougi thre X'aukegau Pcb t7 %vore nnnnvait ork on thé, Wanîkegan Opposition of Représentative PI'ean fe> iuhn ! et~ improremont vhich la ta oite tus , o Wisconsin lu thé bouse anti Sen- f. D I S O A ber 100-a(-re tarin on cil t fannnotnaas au auto cli>'. Iwdalors erto ItOha. Knatuci> ! MANU VAOTIUNER or roati, noar tine Spauiting If vas admnitteti y h>tie pronrnters lo ate otrers n tr eekna the bouse. ta touts Wult, a mem that thé statua of tire lamndvitir réf- South viricir heretoforé have héen M r l n r nt tho grocery fbrrni of Itartion orornco bot-cJmes Norrov romains un- gdadsmhtn agoe- Tirenîca va, maie h A.ciangéti. NIr. NMorrov iras ntot -n.agg atatagrtnN tglm L Th del ws mae b A.ment éxpense are given appropria- M onunuenis ra, tic local rose aal es tietid an>' funtirér points, tire comn- tiens In tire bill. Van>'e inas mot ases iretamtodo so anti Trd tm o lbni oiv

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