Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Mar 1916, p. 11

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------vrt .111P= F-IRIDIAY-M1&i1CH 3, 1916. I W ~l~f*vun U ~ iiMt 't - ie triât .1! li should happen IUiIkt W'AIchild' molli'r was Nrs. Hiannah Mc. thâ real mother of the chiid lq-lot a from h.'iacsJY Ii*1î [at kt~~'êwot~~ss~~~o. ~ t1ça" 1a.r: la Idlcted onscagtIhI JVI'f~U ôii.Wp ata timle watt qaý propcr person to have ilB custody and Permilo 88119 îuld This alto la ý«rI mtèr.. wuU Med no W4 _means o! a oin gmey IAP a CIE le it-od*'to bti ne byta have been separated front ber htit that the petitioners will furnlsh Jack colidared .lMrtn.cehive lagosa -te-* buy 41V keeue et cfý IFýT Kaiser dld flo make ~ t7 'wseployed as a mental atnd too.k There seemus no doulit but that th,- Pa oo od Melg fl f~~~~rum à mmli wlth mm:e ounW.olm an 'i t*mpt to procure maney lie Atf URF LY no Interest ln the chtid. petItion wlill be granted and thal o tk fi~ h lnigara 1* A ui1 h. almOU, and -that by' bUlhng îlueb dld, tel&$ noney from the girl. The little wait, neariy dead tram Jack Woods soon wll change hie godraidy lu April. At that 0W- ~ 1111 I&fl kene with a look or oi bai W64v m M OND-Tat the Young lady did - -ep r.wttrnoe ote aenm.Tt pttoesaeoftelm vr rsîd et igt u u t)y UUIU JJ mballe tiat dÔêiPd flot gliend ber own moebtoney Mr.-. Arthur Wish MeAlîster hospItal, where il watt opinion that Inq. McDonald 1 ln ::e e y t e pin Ilge routhan aid. ~~ -~~ aaued Bort by the lot of. Beptember." the clairvoyant. rodupain th e Wods ltoc a keen Interest Itn the little lel thi>' are flot sure of this tact. bywldnaehirus7s.te 8i At Ol1bitl ursa> Sets ?HIRD-Fhat she was sent ta the the w0w. doart Ihi htvs ciid ,610 ~* "ag 0 je h«, ealmld clarvoan Fuenrrhm a loniree wscl iwill donate their services-al in the lghte PO1W-Ta theel PEUITION TODAY. wanî B oeME ~ DN RTC intereal of gopd ruade. The plan la Il p Atmuys.Jcgeaoa ndDuai PURT-Taî hi larvoyant lie . appropriais narne bce was gvon the BRIDGE BUILOER'8 RIGHTS. souîwhal simllar to that ezîcuted IJtII tt ho *»a of tl&e spiahi that lCs- liheves h. con bring about the lîraxu- Mothler of OJItd 4&i to Have surname of "Woods" because hi ha( etfl yGasaemnwt u' yrs. s~dci uIIti rale imd oteyugld. Been He" to Pay Itee baund lu the woods. Slnce that (Continued from page one.) Isces hnIebsns i haras vus' ae Di Jadge lZd. dîn-lie hi bas been known as Jack IIdne vrisa vn a a! Efortto etHisReIaseF~~ virsItj5i 014e t l. It B f mt.Woods. aud others who niay have bigh boati. 1.haullng and spneadlng gravel on an -Judge EdWards Made bols M. -Kaiser, and a roilDi' Peepie Quse -Rue Acress." About tbree months aga ;Mir. and Everybody la for t. aiod dir>' road soulbweat of tavIt. P!1 This Statement ta Mis Attogi - P fl «È of th- two meJ '« -1dom'". 1epeirumrs-Wuum.Mrh Mn. Arthur manifegted an Intînîst in Ta vrbd _______ eer- the bus taliel about--omed saut e q, esgloaUy. t, aboula ho a A petition aaing tbat Mr. and mna. the a!,adatog henre ftebig a lne o sei ficys: 'The Fac That HesRo. e1*vous «gope"ade reÙ hos b>' hbs tUme It i badchdnusiag enres tebdeas1aneno se. cevd u 7.15 Il ~ h'th las side dpvia mm eg "' 1 sibipm Ga illb wole. Fancy ail ani's J. P. Arthur. the iqymer being the bated ta part wlth hlm. they permit. dent fram the fact that the' St. Paul Net Soulu. Vil *i.u i iw *' herii madier n o attemPlt chue. escoîimtesa turnîng inta pulls presîdent o! thé Cycigne Pence Coin. ted him ta hi taken ta the Arthur Reliroad C'ompany already bas dedi- 'là the head of the bous. t 1 ?bS s~~er ~ terial-He ffIht Have Bdt Whaterver -te dîn>' an>' stalemenmade cm eMW$ agfection-lho the topes the pay eprste oIglyao on nNrhGnsssne. cated a 40-foot strip acrass is land aaked the &at as titi lulsiftl -t)ad ,O -atto * fft b>' the wllas. UlPuttans tid rofhd Oulavir. If Jacîi Woods, a Wilt the>' have hein Itecently' corlgl thos who ai the point near the bridge. Other !amlY aseied thei ààoibqiLIlak n a se e or. and Jury-i-M oe th st al uo th"meeSain - had. Vde Ouiymr i tied have cartng for at their home for tbree have charge of the court case, the laurd awers the saprohig avel*- &txo MaeK..IUf. Tells Judge tieln, aht wu.. . oný ta" steee ater ihit ae ml- monthe. was llid 'In; . circuit court mnothir af the chld wha ripatedl>'are ad h sm hnato wbaî lino « goude yon ire introju. How Cl-vyn1hWlimH Orvet. aedlIntr.."crne: aazn. thîs afternon. Pear-tit Ierbaps the bied retuaed ta laIte the chld or, bave wh Irh shows the giflerai feeling fa- 1g Dr wisehr lb.' Would: At ln our W"@ _o~S~Ullr Marlia Laeubrt. CbfrU ontrRs-SIne*Mazi. chlld'a mathîr, Who n&ver )W~ a bown anytblng ta do wi;h Il. called at the v.ralile ta the proient. astabiîaboent or but. th6t phaset thelb ta Brun lier * Mwii asrsrrepst ma. au attempt ani 'ntereet ln Ils -welfare. la said ta Arthuir home and was Permltted ta Witb refernce ta !Gardener's atrblgnth _e4MQ ; to a Manf Who Did Not Exist. sêe~.i ei. as bitls tikt wîth A affl ires.Amasvl have bean wliat- presp ted Mr. an aies Jackt. The fear that ahe mlghtlelaIms Ihat b>' drivlng ane pos bc butleat m@ý*Hyu eo.l"tjlg: Orpet duwta& hti sta>'l i »WL. but TM ià e tay wodtd. A a ilMrs. Arthur to tle ea'éurl action. try.ta taire the child away with ber bas couserved bis rights, itla pointed r4eto bu i sogne taslut ua c tg William Kaiser, clairvoyant asâdlteY agapts ~Were straUted ,by 90 AU et, 311111 wlîb O487 eand vaks Two yeara , go laati November. a la Bq.d ta baie cauied Mn. and %ira. out by MaJor Judson tbat the pu t oa, ber oyze ato h h o tita s medium, was reeommittid ta th~e Deput>' ;lses'hTluer Gren. 110 uez& MousSs wlith the 87 rents and ne-onlb a od b lt rttr1 îiio or to 0 r ltl b ih lc v n ifh boue, 1ot sUd ay h ofcatiivger Joli Wedneaday mornlng by It wau 0te elldent ts. the a polcw in bis moutb, and Cali il à vooda s'eet cf Noib Ohi[ago. inves. ee e illai adoption. dld go 'abead wlth his plans--the>' puce.". Claire C. Edwarda, Judge of lb. clm-rtue Umon rovui*'bia St titat -11. 'IM~ 'sSe ll-iaZietfort tisI bave bien du-ieu quits a distance 4 cuit cour. 'Who denied the petitian ' for a yult o! bbas. corpus. _____________________ "Trhat man shouid hi trlîd. I thmnk the bond o ! $1,000 ver ly 0 s~ h tbe man recelved but 17.15 tg nit mateial, hi might have goUten $41.- g000. anfm lin.KIe Tbrough hie attorneys, Peter joy- soueht 10 relese blusel! fro,. the cuatody o! 8ShitS Elvîn J. GrIll., b>' the habes corpus route. But One Young lady ioak the wtt. nias stand sud told of boy th. "sein' hsd seîtanated ber from $7.1,-. jqdR Claire C. Edwarda stopped lae Vit. nias lu the Middle of ber icry Witli thîa remark. -I tiblu tbis Mon tbould b, trted, your pîtition jor M writ of habeas corpus la denied." Judge Edwards lnetructîd Attor. ueyî Jorgenson sud Dean. that ho wax o! the opinion that If Kaiser s gulil>. as çbargsd. 1h. bond aboutit hi mucb bigbe,' Iban $1.000. In the absence o! SWtus Attorneys Dady aud Runyand iroM Wsukegsn, Second Assistant itaies Attorney' .%frtin C. Bunmker ûllclated aa 'prose- rotor for the state. Walter A. Taylor, police m"gha* trate. was the Orntal lais. calild t laItethe, stand. Hi iiDliseil that State'i Attorney Dal>' ba4, catin -ai bis Office et 4 Oetuck on Mo nda>' and ssled for> aWarrant for lte oazpoit or s Pofssr"Kaiser. ".Hi ##kel Ibat le hi arrestedl on a charge of et- temptlng ta obtain mauey by a con- fidence gamns. Depuly Sirif rieen s wllb the stste's att.4Wmey and i find that be served tl1e w'aui. I- plained Police Magistrat. Tayor. e Mir. Taylor a taids o! bs' the "seer" had bienu bronsht before hlm Y l' foilowiug hia ernt, aud how lie cae Uncanny Prformance vvitn Canny Tnrint: The New 31400 . .m.Chalmer bad bien contiuued for eight Isys air.p m the request o! the at&te's attorney' and~3~we beaseoehetct& Kie ago automobile manufacturers began An en e of m*ght can give you eieotwo thinga: bad ual employed cou usel. cutting their eye teeth on-,high-speéd motors. great speta, or a wealth of great ease anid smoothness- Maye K. Shuits. Investîgator for ¶1e%6valuc"of hi h speed in.-electii motors or steani neyer bbth. the st1th. vas the second witnea;s Z n enff R callil b>' the attorneys. for tbe de- tuIieta -in reoo tak Hugli C-h1' a lm,on t 1Bhe mmhene thatio otfe' ita'o> 4Ie r...ciples t aknwwhat A eia rivers prize beyomdaithings else. Dayhs reueled btSaes iltatsia ls U IWAdflult ton achil* with safety. So he bujît the principles of sa~rm acekration troua anavering quetions o! othos. ~.s tsheill ï- lIte>' reMt. talmr titin case al the' necesa' nîmumno heob ýwU'vn uvëiéé engine vu of 3M, revolutions luteîy rimi and most co pc m utof egn et lInse, sud lIen she aï4td lud7gi 3pr1M'tetck< wslutegafe . bS Kdwards lt.ahe would beobeld lu con. Chtïes.gier A vd'e jb mosf*î h euti h M r .m hles t$00 tempt of court Il ahi refuaed ta an- egn p dbymeans ofSae steg me111ý ,euti h 40r .m hiir t$00 aven the questions put la ber b>' Kai-eglsedb fste tiIsii blend of ability and strength, fusing uncanny perforrn- sers Iawyîrs. co ring &ýrfaces, and =mple r tkn.*ce with canny thrift--delivering Smed up o 6 "I1 cannot forci you la answer auy e4is ttnslatî the~ s do 0M o t.mlsa or 8mlsfreeygIo fgs n questions wbich mtghl lie put to yop mie an~ 1or 18 mile fo 4,31alo>f n albs ie u Id ultlntila ltu O rspecu. It is uilt'f the oa ,not longeNity frth-« that w'11 amnazean eirtyu s' lo aaae uefu ua The ca is here n'ow, ready toi pe r%1.mfor you. wer no t anwerý*ýnné,ué4in conneetion Vfh ThnAssatSaesAtry ino àÇi s a vast range of flexi- $1050 Detroit; Dicker Inslructed the witueis slot ta-- oreiito thie m'otorist than ail the anawir questions.g mAttorneys Deane and Jorgeusan, . eaý~ peed on earth. vire attemPting la show that MrB. Shutta was sPendlug Sun moue>' aud not ber os'n fends when ahi jpal thd "sien" for the readingsansd tie "ban affining1' 'lh.>' were Int;l ta show that Maye K. fibuttsa e lt bienu separaied o! "ber" moue>' b>' Meana o! e confidence game oplerate4 IUA TO SALES %COMPA N '1heu &ttorney' Decker lnitructid the ituns t tel ofbervisi tathe336-342 N. Genesee St. Mglors o! the clairvoyant. Mn-. Sh1t exîie htai a Takgn lliniP o e25

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