Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Mar 1916, p. 15

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.TATrIEV(OTMPT PMEPENDE1NTU l,'PrAYN'I A ,rT1,î1*AiJttÂ1.t.t)fLS4fAfÂ. ISIlI..i.' I2-208-210-212 North Gene- 'We Givo and Redeem Mer- 1tk-rritifiiiwhll irte v Nother Iii.WorLarge" tac~ se Sretcandiso Bondls; Save Th ;rn artd goîrtur arei--l rt~ Ien's &C & Leat 5.Ou.UE IN S I see Street ch - pr-av atylea atrd Nuýwftor Hein'sGret $42,OOSpr i~~Sui Starts Saturday, Mar. Il (& runs 10 days This store goes forward because it keeps faith with the people--It stands behind any of it's advertising anyandalilthetime. Stralghtfo-ward reliable mer- Chandise at the Iowest possible prices "Good" things cao' be sold for Is sweeping this store steadily ahead Moath 6y month. For the careful attention of ail saving men and women, oneof the strongest femmues of our servile is tie extra value given in our "Merchandis.e Bond Tradirp %Stemps." ~I. For Extra Fine Sateen PetticoiNts Ail colors and sizes e <aine iii a speriî ueîs uîîtulel iii soie of the Prettic-st 'A-C havecen Saté .n PlwCOat3 43c Womaie a mereertaed sateen ptticoats Iu aIl cor and fiizes; worth 75c; apeciai now at 43c. Specially Pric,& New WashDrsea$ Bcautiful velles, lawns, rice-cloths, etc. n a fine asaortment o!fiowered, figured ard strIpeci effecta in thre newest spring styles. The actu'L 'aluç e' tltîere dfeses 1, brt ,ere 1 rî ut, acwed anl flnislied an hlgb-power. blah- s,eed nachlnery, tîrerefore they cati Of Serge Up to 86 à io îîst wonderful value is tlî Threare iuost ail colors and xuîl- fille styles. 06.50 54111 Pepliri '>-, Dresse&, Speclal <> 71 New ones that hate juxt been received. They k are apendidly fashlotred from good-lookbng l)up i aanted colora and most ail ,ie- They are very i-fftetiveiy trimined; spe- r-rat ai îîaîy $398 $12 Party Dre s 3es 9 Speci ai .. Tb'I h a vtry unubuai collection of party rît i err.î i -rtalia y , a r ery Uiîu al pracr-, liii~ ~ ,w rtiiart-eare- notird for.XIIAiti- trii-w tiglt t Ilng lIrîde niad lbett ýyli are ; Others $10 to $1J-A.5O-up hg sold at $1. Wash Dre$ses to $4 at Thisilola a made up of sales- an'a .and sbortroom samplesj and lnclude onte rery fine fab-1**5 ries, utylee and colar effeeta. MwSpring -Coats Ver9 Specially Priced -a:, $8.75 and $15 Tjiire are slîtrt spr1nt v oats ail(] dress oo e ats; in fact, ail thîe bitest noveities arc lîere in ail sizes. There are white ô, black-and.white. green- * - and-white and brown- -and.whit. chinchillas. -beaides aliks, gabar. -- dines, covert*, etc., in Most ail colore. ,<e<"I eteeke Sport hiats, Plin w .98tv n Great Ska O.m.- Best Corsets Y, i\\- mi ie tlîîe t) blîîy ,oi* l îiai '\a - ie siurît YOII ailîlîit dt t-att - ii i-lies es l 'ec llie qw spîil- I~J<sarfi iîlîîItdeîi at tut fol- Ail Our $1 CGreis. 75ç-,ouiç$1.50 Oorsels $3.50 CresoS$ h$ ~rPs(nly :~8 fo bue rarrea that am. I.$7 5 Fi t triregutarrIre fhc lj1 jl 11-111 itl irprett4t enbrpid. bîeaàttul îràssierr-s o! lc eu f,ýyan. iAora c xcllept grade Ir d. n rboa sd nîuslin. M ora iln corc.inal i-taces, lttIU ilere! 875 New Spri-ng SuÎ6 te SeIl at $10, $15, $18.509 $259 29.50, And EverVone a Special Value Two striking facts that shouid go a long way toward convincing any woman that this in the place ~ to "lbuy" are-First, we have the largest stock ini the state, outside C3hicago..- Second, we eau seil 25I'î less than Chicago stores on accouat of their enormou expense. /i/l e-V4, 9 Aprons Onv or our gretitest h -rfa, nsl Frie~ or tlir ri Iling cost o -r h, zr nt v. vtor s t1 1offer tht-r-r;if9 Pure Liner.' Wvasb Shifts V'onr'ýn - pure linenm-isit rrhifc Palm Beach il irr1 ri rpretty ani al $1 IhousDresses ln glnghams, percales, ehani- brayas, etc.. in good ai ripe, CI) 0ek, figured, and pli 69 colora.Severai new st> le p I lnCh5Oe CIm nosfty . Gloves, only 43c Then;e are the washable kind and cr ire had ln aeveral thades and ;0 iz(-rs. Regular 75e ralu-s at $1 Gloves at 69c Wornt's sued e-fabrle- ,a i a b 1ahie t-cold water glovea ln ail colors 8cFor $1.25 Sf111 A mnost beautiful assortment o flac silk erepe de chine corset cav- ersad tod amIsoles with Irandaome lace and rlbbon trlmming in a great abundauce are offered ai only $195 Knitt]Scarfs -at 69C Hpre are acarfs of teveral rrid1hrr lun plain and a great va- rtety af Pretty color Combina- tlon-r made ta seli for $1.50 and 75c Sc&rife3r9c Y-nrr hoi ce of these 75e j rcrfs 1lu several pretty color cmbinat ions. Women'sCdChIi> d-ren's 25c ItosêULc Corne in black anly and are reg- ular 25e values la ail aizeri. Womens 35c Bosel119c TIres- are an especially good val- ie andonue aiortlr romiiug for. 25é Corset Covers I Wo0m e a'semhruirlery u trîrnmed corset covEirs of iE gocd rty les. Ail -lzes. 50c Corset Caver 33e i or eCt (over-, rif exeeptional r vity -in n (cra an i r cry prctty Mrrt, XI . i zer ~n.For $Si MusIin Including the Famouis "Woohtxý' SW"ý 8753 Fine New Spring Suits-frcsh froin the world'à grp!test-ta.i-os-n*4 a-i istiipoing stîglit ani ifte caleulateci to thrill înost any wolrnan oj i4es fie jîude tine- Frenchi serges, gabardines, pretty poplhne, new PoiWAtvil v-tîîr ulet-,gm (j<e londres, taffetas, ojoverts and the vory new;,aiy clotrba. Tlie cotors are twilgiht lîlut-, reseda, rookie tan, grey, Belgian ttlte, rse, îîav -v, hlaek, etc. (Xtats tire shown in belted, flaring and lolrst- box iods; skirts are fuit. Soînc charrning effects are sbowfl iii c-rninations of taffetas and serges. -SpecigtI1y Priced st 0,$1 , 0# S8.5.j .5 iOSg Three Extra Good Values i Girl"s Wash Dresses$PA Ail c lors, Win sizes up ta 14 Mmieo ad e fr-y jrettv eutored gigiîliaîi is in tîtlîî'els, pilaîds and pretty striped cf- ft-'týS inîmaîy deeffledly îîew and hei un- iîîg styles. & . lia thîr- hune, as lu aIl others. aie are firat 1e %ý' I"~L Gowns A skiî-ttîal ltî ise tqf good soft Judiaît I cd a rrrrri Iwith nire ng a -tiirrlroidery;,i lu dlil tail ini si /is S til20. Blouîses lhave 1 attd ~ li d ( a Ille1- 1oi-ket. 50c Gowns Mdd pca rtrr or ii <jo'js\ tes t,-ii-eMidtud uI ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _____5___;__ ____ I ' L'2 t is v lu i t I t',, d'Ablo u ses '-rt l d e ,i Pl in ti ît îie-tItc i ti i tiîîiitd. Gir's.and Mtisýes' ReguIpr 76cMlddy, 43 ornen .s rl*, BIouseOi. Spçc4aI ai ......... 3 nbuOdr )t * XTP.A. SPk-CIAL ITEM 1T $.apd 1.50 W4-s, 5poial 37c Thles- wasts liav -e eore -siglîtlý -r rîled frttîît tti- roliter handling but î-înthrace 80it11W -'tysylsatt fill. fabries. Mandsomne Display of $2 Waistt Ourrt.oprtmont of $1.50> md 1 2.00 waists in vieIw b*tIstes and silice witt wrn your Filetant appraval so pretty artt. ~Thre are ail sizes and many styrles at r tisýse dom indeed t1m.t -Crepe dle chines, satin sueh lhandsorne w;tis , istripe tb siks ini a mium- ai»4 blouses ever flncl their .. er of pretty stripç effects way onto a $3.98 table, bîtiitI scores of new eolorings. 4 hcere tbey ,are iÙ a got- i îs Iav iQ the new cuffs -and array' of new eolorings, high'or Io wcoilars. Corne elever. styles, etc. ni ail sizes; special, $1.98. lui greater number of 1,atmonableuess o! ar SDresses 43c This r-, a lot of salesmairs sauples and as sucIt are the best manuutte- tiirrers cati prarruce Size-, b 14-....3 E tyles shown a-d the pricep. Sizes up ta 14. 50c Aprons 29c Tliire arcaail sîxes in tireulîandy and speeially prcc ugalw aponis. Corn in nanypar r'il A ~pec~isl Pur4i4~p *4~f~ For CýÈ1%ren f qil4 There arc dozens snd dozens of pretty littie pettieoats, prineess sgrp>- ai ighitgowns of nîoist exM - r uality. Tpisiss by far thie greatest smaI., of cNt- drenis in ns e-ley tg occur t rieeare h il . to 14, andi nty a" and very prptty mimle styles. Wlsat kludof truwers eou34 yo nake or buitanywhere ewe Jc? Tîtere are- very eCl gWt njd'tut and are nicely tritmats weIl. Tirey are trade toa $ - Our Great Sale or Spring SIirts Is attracting Much Attention Be- causc or the Extreme Reduction. $1.98, 2.859$5 Z69"j ONE-'I'iilImdafld OE-HALF isj 11 ; ritilr' c--entage of the redue- tirtie <ta lt tiîctse skirts. Every one is, ir- InibighIv desirable. Ail sizes. - Xater-ih are serges, popIInS, taffetas, grcadna huddah clotha. etc., ln al r r>ors, plaid.;, reeks, atrîpes. etc. Newr 1 ,rrd Urara and gto1Unes are shp)wn ln ri-trtû arrit pastel eloadea lu pretty styles aind 'Mnost all zes. $3 Feather Bo&îs for Fancy feather boas ln platn whibte or blaCk-anal-whlte of a fine quality, wlth tassels, r-ery .UsJ special. Last Ça); fp.ý Wite C.i~ P In this lot are ceordg,- roys, mixtlres, p t~> weeves and plain 1- ries.- in all colors and I206 -212 NORTH GEN"98 ST., W4ux We Make a Specialty ai Sqits 2ut -!, 'it-ItMI wé en14w tu Ilr otinir vfor te 4i'el ab .Niri-t rtares ask $1850 and $20 fer iheeu raie anits, and we must r-aY they are wortl IL. T Irere hg a flue assortmeut af iera fab ries and colora iu the moat .,Pproved aprlug modes from whlclr tir choose at $15. EXTRA SPECIAL! Girls' and Misse%' New $1 MIiddy Sifiri and Wouse 79c A hto4 P rî4îI~ip Display of Popu1at~r, 4g%êiw, q rîn lwliunery 119v'. 1-011 Seiîî ont- newly eniarged inil linery depaetrîu-ît ? It's a Nvondeî- to Ite- liold,. with its 1lîîîîîdî-e.ds of clever new~t trinuiiib ats. shapes anîd prctt «v tejîn- Ilungs-aud tue bt-st of ail are our ex- trtae ie ow LkHA -. T r - - eare shper Leec trirnmed dress hats 0. -ellip turbans wvtl sinart ioop of ribbon. - and hand some lower and lace trimrned bonnets, Ig4vpýq0ed Shapes, .8 la tbis assor4ient are a goodly number of satins, hen saand eathei-. -~-One ;lance at t*te <. IDontfail to a oliir ts- iPlay of pBaâa. Am"n to-the-m1nteta treet hbU .Iand pretty flgi1t91 s wIl t ell, wly WO ,Ilnps1. - feature them at..94W*D at illIXI" qivu ýN 1 1 lýN li 1 Ihi I-M A KÇ Page Seven IL

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