Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Mar 1916, p. 3

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NEW gARN Saumal Iiruss, MM to Your order' IIARNESS REPAIRING AND OILING a5b5 la p bY~ a., sMd ae ilt « La hape te- .pimgw nk Rm- CHAS. H. KAISER LMORTVVILLE. . î.Nl FL C. Burridge & Son.Nurbery Stock FR«UIT TREES need spraylng and praing. Lt un do it for you, we are xpets.Cmt vory moderate. NKOW 18 TH TIME1 to order thome trees, shrubm, plants and vines for Spring plantlflg. Faiuholrn Garden& Phone 102-R I -------------USU-- ----- --------- TI LViORD Cernent StiLve Silo le"d geose. wlgean fflys. oul ewit tm- FW" r" tuhae retted mewg, endumpod M"ho rumb b eap &an lrgot. Il o.Iiie vir't a squo gou ae "RlgO f«%peu Sm orte tiUUvalue S of ern. Vo. ae thrWing wagmou Ittgcentse ofeverq :r Snt crop I. wo«hb mtuliz thaVSgu ooed iute the new PMailr spem of erecting Cernent Stae esilos? 4 t wu p&g g« Io iwstite. Au hInd of gemeal oernetlw«ik bg the day or oentrac(.Our prices amr ruqt. vO'SS BROS. âmmWmJvl& - .J~u.oiS~ 0girl, vas tho finit vitucas ta go isiforo tihe grand jury. For 30 minuts ho was questtoned aud cross questloued ly State's Attorney Dady aud by lie foreman of the grsnd jury. Tiers fa but anc tary vhlcli Franka Lambint could tel]. That of the dlcovery ot bis girl, ber eyes closed ta deaili, on a bcd o! snov lInle vaod lota south et Laie Forest. Prank Lambert could ltU the jurera. hhat lic suspi- cloucd Orpet of havlug murdercd ibs daugiten. bul the man dois une live wlio vltnosaOd the ailewd tragedi. Before the oons -lily»tus" tamibenttld of. 6dn~t Wgireold lai d.atàI ie W'(Iea vo.d l *. né lti 0f svuias id.51 vi M 4eUgIbo4sui good liclth;, dnKs uutonhng trom s nervous -breakdovL. 1The second tues betare the grand jury vas-Josephtae Davis, con- .idante of lie deail girl. Josephîne Davis la lie youag lady vha vent to liep lu the lame b.d viti Marlon Lambhert the. nlglt bofone aie mel deati. Josoglilu.Davis lu lie ali peron, in tahUic orld viacan tel 1whether WII (tyt met Marion Lam- Beforae ti.grad Jurons retired to thel, roc.,Clair C. Edwarde saad: "1 Gotre ta Inorm Tou that the state lava proidfr a fine of $500 for Say grand juron vWho relatet3 vhS, bias ocq1rred la the grand jury room.* State's AttolneY Dady entefed Ibo grand Jury rocs vith the jury and ho calleti ..eli itueca.,Ia& foiiows: JoSEPHINE DAVIS. ciaBamate and couidante of the isgdored girl. VIBAl4ICLAMBERT, father of the deemea. ELVIN J. GRIFFIN. aberiff of Laie couaty. Gribu vas St Madison, Wl.., MARON LAMgàT ('onttnued Tram Page On@.' mïe-mbers of the maie CdaS Sud v111 tell mani thingi, I;h la md, lu regard teta b.charactror otOrpet snd state- menutaolie tbom luit sommer. Uni«. aberle if fl0n or on.ofrlits Ida nottfl.d Optottsailiehobbailboisn Indicted for the murder of Marlon Lambert, the youug man dld fnt linov of the victoni scored by the tate on Mondsy untIl taday vben ho Ras vilted by relatives.and by hls attorney. 'TWAS ONLY A FLASH LIGHT. Waukogan, Mardi 6. Conternation va» crntad noon In the. court housi viien Normuan ^119y, a Chicago nepi- par photographer touchud off a ffmahllght ln the corridr dowu- snie nnapplng a plane of Josopkle. Devis, fiatnd of Marion Lambert. Judg. !dwards %va ait- tlog on th. boc" aud spetaloro dentr, ho jum.d abeut six lnchs- se whll ethers, Rot as heavy as the. judgo, assaI Up .lght er lon. The. f05aI etonce spr5ad tisaI .omabedy had bos om htloose ud wus the oo f e te o.fu, hsvy ameiphr. ua.lclg the souad agil tii e-rvir.tug. Thesocirs vasose nirkd e the ofowd whlch fillld thae Co.f1sss aud the. court r.... Uat Judo. Ed*ard. at once.notifisi Ooputy Sherlf Green t. ntfy Chcago navapaper mon that r.petition of suapohots ln the court heuas would bëlng Imnudat. airestae o thse epotmt Tribune. Hua oovirid Uic @tory sils..thoemilet 0f Orpt. HARRY IFRiIWD. reporter for the Chlcaga Wensid JOHN B. K;SOLER, reporter for ite 'Chtc&gd Henald. JAMES KING, foreman of the coro- uen's jur. DR. J. U TAYLOR, physîisua who conducted thc tuquest. EDWARD OWEPI ORPET. father murder. D. H. HIOGINS, reporter Chilcago Journal. EvEEETT E. PRIGANZA, reporter Chicago xmnr JOHN O. KING. reporter Chicago Examiner. WARREN pRINNET, reporter Chi- cage Nova. JOHN S. SKENE. reporter Wauke- gin SUD. WILIAM MARSHALL, professIO- ai golfer at Onventaig Club. vho vas vitis prank Lambert vlieu ho fouud the. dsd glsa body- Wm..j. White, John T/at sud Jobn E. Barnett ver. ixcuaci romservice as grand juron, sud Herbent Yu-gor, John Stratton sud Willim Meiody vere anssd lu taie thulýI paes. FGeorge Webb af AnlIiw va ItIL Of AILUiED muRI)1R O F GIRL State's Attorney Ralph' Dady Wants to Begin the Trial by March 13th. The state LI prepartng ta rush i àthinge lu the ce o0f Wil ot. hld lu " t O asf the d.ath of Marlon Lambrt, the Laie Foreit sobool girl FAccordlug to Prosocutor Ratph .1 SUtpERVISOIN SESSION; LITTLE DONE ON IST*DAY (Continued Prom Page One) Edward Wbltecf Pi ..s-k.and John CarIs of Sprtng Grave appeared beoro the supervizors and explined the status of the proposod nov bridge project acransaFax river at Fox laie. Thcy told boy the governinent Ja glven lsenaînt 10to theplans, boy s bill nov la before Coingre.. provld- tng for permision to carry Il Iliroit and thei, asked the. board's assIstance.j Dady today. the. young Wlaconan uni- Tbey expijhned that the Imprêotement venalty student'a attorneysanar going wiii dot about $O.000. The rosit andI to fiud a sterm and stundy match for bridge commttee of the boatr viii go te Fox Laie on the 16th te Invea- vbhatcver appeala they may maie for tîgate. ýmotion toantss iche ndctment, for RetWrng supervI.sera today Invita-I a change of venue or for a continu- the board te the EusB' club Thuradfty noon for dinner. ance af severai veoka ln arder te The supervisera ibis mornhng heard more pertectly preparo tlir case. Supeinnendent Russel o! tlie hîglivai The grand jury considers the case department dutlile Plans for cretng on Monday. Mardi 6. Mrt. lady lu- iIntereat ta 'tho proposed bond Issue alsi@ that se bcavy la th. veight ..Ita Lake couiity. He read data and questions on a simlir movoment ln evidence agiantthUi boy, an tadictIKm. eo..ty. ment vîli ho handed dovu liaI afler-1 The hoard put aven for Isaer con- aoon. ldenstion lhe alovlng of $75 incas "Aud ou Mardi 13, ain or shie, vo jWet brit, &donVeno tw vint te go Iln the trial," l lta fbis u- iti h sqfont and mouludises». then statemont. "Wi've got enougih *I a ' »or h tat but lite lova. evdence 10 convict WIII Orpét of the ebîpo havi pald for tbh4,usqf iMe rosit detÏ ofMarion lanihort. Wî i ioutfil lait ummien i"SnLielutend- counfnane ~ olai ~ oet Rusaell wv a ntrectid to nottfy couaenane n delys rom oua elbis toecle*adrois' aI oues. Wie mea o t o w ork stnslgbtway,______________ and v. vtll convict this boy as a layer."blâa1i «lun vlew of the: tact that Influences JW CU SI arewù, uongod athrit, o o Wwkur outsmodV ai von upon the Orpet farce* ta ln- j, P,-fl s . Flne. Womanshp. duce the boy te tbrovhimaolf uPO pon ue k. Ua*M'rrUI thc Mercy of the court, Mr. Dady ai ____w______&__ asb.d victbe o i. ould. lutht case, a for loniency from lie court. «Ha.enthIonglit about th5 iI. P arV'r he repiled. 'Hes veny Young,. 1 o!o cour.., sud leuloay m010t hoe Xpect. fif a"<r cd from the court, but voe havsnt J..JU gJI consldered requ..tang Il a yet.Wev r had aur bandâ fu11 0f ollidr data. 2 1s î est cars and viii b. ai hand-heauled business mou sud tarm- era. Meautime, young Orpel lu noadtng thmougb hilsdays lu the Wauiogau jaîL He lbas asiîd for Toltoi 'War sud Peace." aud la devouring Il Paie aftt. Pige. 'l Uc lita book hecus. tdepicts the sufforlug of vomen su graphlcally. se gympethtca1ly," ho lu naidt!a ha..emxarked. "It's vondenful. sud l taie. nymy .104off the colug No one à@ sfloved ta seo Uic boy xcosplli gils attorey, Loufe P.j Rana. vlo. b heUc vy. viii Dot l- v"io hat tho difense Planp. sud hie parents, Mn. sud lira. 1. O,49 pot. They come ta 1- hMIr*gelpr- ly, tai loug vtth hlm sud loo'< quit. chienrful. Th.y brlng hlm cgare ln floeu of clgaluttel.Wf wxhh ouailae ho seims te. havs 10.1t tots. brt by agreement. or viether ho on- IF d s orena 0fhicgrndTur ttced ber tb the vood Iotsafater she by Circuit Judge Edwards. ~m vo hait lc!t bonrboome for ochool. 0.,O Orpet, fatior of lb. aliOieduI4 I4 or a nov. tool on in fsot a nov joephine Davis 55051rd inth" iae a s ,w eue o!lb.hestvlusOs-J 'anything for ypur auto enoucm cIruI cortrom S <30 Sh v* maerr ive e edouIt0hm" i. .or- IMW AtARI btain it hore vithout del&y. crucourtod by te8Re. a 0pt did not mingle vli tIte 0Omar dIt. Auats viliitoit yon that onrability Roberts, paston oftheic Fsobteiaunisasuaedîenau. l - Were Not Loc4cd In Samne Ceil te, supply suytbiug for iheir Cars la cisurci ot Laie Forent. Thrnouot quit. evtdent tiat thie gint of litsae Cut tic marntag Josephîne Davis occu- ab lias dtaturbod Mr. Obé'ài# a Jail as Was Re- unuîim'led. Se if yourmimahine la pîod ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - a eta i ilbu iebers. He appears ton yis ader prtdon Thursday. shy of auythiugj stop here and get pida&s itergtbn iethan le d o i ayo i by. wiîa .il. Toaodesoauis gtîg o! tie mtnluten sud viien ah. vas O h a fIa os WI .Orpot, sileged munder- gti t called ai s vltuesa Vernue Jackson, arat. '*HeOlutic onl min 1tam or of Marlon Lambert, occuples a promptiy sud guîtiug it ight. auolier higi ichool studeut. toi lier gonfy for," laid one vituisu. 'Ho clt on the third floor of lie L3ie sat. stands atone int iiitrial, andti Initi cont ijal.l tiaI States AttorneyiDadi sliould Wilatmouaischarvontetln-lo VernueJackson bas beo au ld fitcalled aledhlss v e atalu ono bym usfliei ea t hao sen t ho a'~ against lita owu flesi and blooti." îald dondo ganse, occuples a ccli on lie onteda ai-nPet dah oesecao.second fon of tie saime juil.Pon outi ayMalu etdat. ncapdaln It vauld ho Impossible for tie clair- LIU LN S lcredited vili havtng midie he Voyant to tati viththe legO ..L1aiTVVLI ILN I stateuseut liaI aie env Orpot beci4n A D 1 E C£Wco! ofthe higi ichool girl. 10~~~~~~ MaroutrPUohudaNre.she0,LIIL FmVIaiMuci lias becu prlutod about the went ith ario to te OFmâ ileged ilayer sud the clirvoyanit veutvîtiMarln le lie Saorê~ crnDV EIIli occupylug tic sime colIs, but Slieriff Heart academi statio onautle mon- I. VRI VI USDEÀ UOF GriMnu asys ual Ilat.tbey are not ou h lug et tic tragedy, sud she vas t0s.the saine fon e icjail,i, sudDMa"iaI M ONfli LÀhl cel i! he eau iolp It. ýsu iai. barrng Orpel. To date Kaiser has becu uniuSd- JosehineDavs wa beailyVe ld T/lit Orpet lias turned phiflosophser. cesstul. on ratlier bis vite lias beauan andsepue D oakis vmseportyes. orTho youth, wvi a hbetd latahe Lake unuccsIi s!ulin luproctsrlug hall. Mn$.v sudnetscdb tlivit raontrs.orcovt jail t aWTaukegan for lie sup- Kaiser bas made au attempt te Pro- toprmtreotrsti htorp br psdslaytug of Maron Lambert. uehala auembut lias éImiomlo iep I! Will Orpol la couvicted on s mur- Lake Forait ichool girl, lias taietaled. Sic mîlced States Attortiey - derchageJosphne avi, u astudy of lterary Immortala t Dady t reduce thall, but he han dot iare. aseilu Dais~stoi7 ville amvihils tIme before hiei Sp- eue bd yull have mucl in1 do wlti lb.eiver- proachtag trial. __________do__o jdidt o! the jury. The. studeut bas bis ovu Ideas ou it vs 1:17vienClare Ed bils case siould bo 'vntlten UP."* Attorney E. V. Orvîs, repremcullug It as 0:'7 wen laie C- .Hoelias pcuned several artîils, desa- Mrs. tva Hamlu o!tLaie Villa, filet! vards, crcuit judge. rend bisls mtruc- ug vthieil own case lu ucyspaper a cross bill 10 the divorce bill oftiDlctlianuy ls thons le tic JurorM, sud dtschargod stylo.Frn alpesdtofhev[ toti nu them ou tiseir mission o! mercy. if ,-He neverTlets anyone sec vîat FaiHmtpeielo i i &Uci-ce o u -" suCi l miglil lie tei-med ho vites.", Orpet'i col] mate told logae of Lake villa. Mn,. HamiluIhi lie reporter. He yull vrite for sev seelta separate mm2îea1e. He pIIýo Before thie grand jurons tooi up oral heurs at a turne, rosit aven vial charges cruelty sud thc turther t ana thi labors. States Atorney Dadi be hani vnttleu wtt apparent sâtis- that lier hushaud refuses lai nesido !io-tmltthposleSh teshot l-with lier despite lber efforttaime He finit ciangod the jurôra tiat "Once ho îbowed me tie icadîng concliSton. hie sskcd tliaIlben hu-' - loysiutdne prmî psson pro- o! ancetfbts 'stonies1 'Real Fadîs ')and lic restralued tram dispoalug of -pu eboe4 judesonaud n jusermtfasio of etthe Lambert Cas' vas viat 1bie property. Tic lujunclIin vas piiea opat l u st flng m otion madc out. Then ic tare Il uts andrtd .Mn.Hmlva grte playa prt u teir indngs Heex-lmughed. watd r.Hmi a rne ptained ta hbem liaItihelavu f a! tse ..'f vre coveri-iug" his case $10 a wei temtsorary allmony sud sate empovered them'ta lundîi or for s ucyspaper. i'd sowovhem how $50 soicîtor'a tees. Ilubisibblt for te returu no true bille. and tuat ho. ta vnlte lt, bhe boas ted. divorce Hamîhu ciangod crietly. Mnre. the states attorney, weuld iay lha- tîsmlnuesic l and @&Yasthe ai- tare them the tvldencc vilc lie liad - Rus. That la VOibldden. ways vas as iusIanudIndulgent vite. at lits disposai. He m1" va Byd oldiers are çrb'ideu >y Iternea uath iloni iav to pr-ýtcntl1 o dead or A pttion for bauirutey vas fled jurers 'tiaI lie stato chargod thi uWounded -th ithse ,bect o! la'lug the inluChicago Tburmdai by John W.' _____ viti ercy, sud liat lieyf sbould suemy ai a dsadv.,ntage. SI-ie, Libertyvillte medant. Lthhît- - -o ds~euse -... .. case o any évdences 11eare uliovu as $572; n ata-. o BETWEEN XOU B2À 1 the only protection i a tomu .~ policy. Caution. csrêý of fire prevemtipîg san a~ dovicesm my heIp cbuthe.~lI absolute protection agiinat lons inscrance in a good cornpeay. W*,, represent auch a Companysud, bu plessed to issue you oneo'If te Pol ic0e08 of protection. 'î 1 DURAND & DURAI4p Phnez UBERTYVEÂL£t U.N 7.1iUbîsosT. tatoL OffIcWln Kalitok. LIFtYVL! CHIAS. De PROCTO tzd. & OSes ab Home, Cook Ave..Pm LYWlR MQ PA&UL MACOWU& D&R. . PouIt agU. Oid Trlg Sd. ubslP Tbwadiys nad Vida» <l 4 Di, I. LW. AYPOM DE BOnrTS te XIIiaS-i tg Over itNSl aoOBt-Sh Office Pbacs19-J4 i. "Pblas154 LJhVIOnvtl. flBIW DL IL SffitH DECNTIST. avna LLA carnE., aiwiosAs a$ ouas-il tc ili a.m. sud 1i t.là eiX. CHtAS. N. STEiPIW'S .I PisY. Is OIll5oiOpdt~ LÂsnyreiI - FME JA* ~ PuBUic Auc.0 N ffM uion at udention p.ld ta toitn "me udbot usil1h Ail htnds ai liion« i, n»~ barneis for- poteor peease et 9 HENRY Sir& Violinist, pianist and ToI~ SSCOnY AvEjv. WAUIEOA. Ho*o$m . . fafflp. -. - - - - --------- Citizens o! Libertvle Mg ca"ddacu for (ho Repub&an somma- tienfor Tait Collecter of Ubertyville lu weN kuowe aoflou. Assurances 1 amn daily reoeiviq inicate (hoee i au overwholmlmg support developing la mg laver. 1 appreciate tiis. especiaNg thle large mm- ber of progressive larmers, buinss 5men enad professlonal mien who are workiqg for me. These men give me tis support, nt ho- cause 1 arn a woman seelting au office, nt lie- cause 1 need tIis office. but sollg ia (ho spirit in which theg would hire q bookkeeper or ang hoUp ini their own business. This is thie highest tenorf et izenshlp. Ik le a responsibilitu (hraast on each one 09 us whem we are compelled te exorcise eur chouce for public ofldcals. The one and oalg question te ask gourself "Us tis person the one 1 would hre to transact (is particular business if t was mg own private b sins?" In deciding te vote for or againut me at the Republican Caucus ask gourseif: "lu Nelle Griswold (ho person T would bre te collect Mg moneg, keep the acceunts straigbt, and tra (houe (<ndu over te me Intact?"0 1 stand on mgi business record and will ahlde Iig gour dedusion. NI3LLI3 GRIS WOLD wlthia a few buandrod foet of the hlgh school tudent viien she died. HARRY BEARDSLBY, detectîve vorklng for lthe state. CARL. FISCHER of Baraboo, Win., alieged te have beeu a confidant coi Orpot. CHAR1LES HABBEINGER, rog donr. ThiIs Young man dlaimâ ta have sold Wm. Orpet a two-ounce bot- tie. DETECTIVE E . S. TOBIN, investi- gator for tid state. CHRILES PETriLJA, chauffeur at tbe Orpit home. Petitsla the Young man vho daima tuat It would have boom imposible for Young Orpot te havi entenedlthe garage ait the Me- Cormick hum, vltliout avakeulng hlm tnom h l sep. PERCY LONGLAND, assistant gardemier ai the McCorie-LC' estata. Longland lu ia ld that E. . Orpet, father of Wm. Orpit. ordered hlm te demInai cyand of potassium sud cor- taina cid a s it lad heen male inovuL that Marion Lambertdided of cyanide polmoni-z- WALTER NOBLE BIURNS, featureý noi aiscues auy ýD" Qý *.y V.-..

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