LAIE fJOTNTYJN =il 1 Dopsrm St4e 1~~oixnd LS lle Ph* 10 llio le Hundreds of Bargains in this great sale. No m&tté Bargain evmi, ..W.e're overstocked ict many-$I#xs, Piricj-esbv ~i 1 Wè d4o thi-s even in the Lice of advancîing çices on ail fines of iod %&ubl# on sale just the kind of goods you need right now. It wll repa-Y You weil to "ëllc PRIGES ARE 80 LOW . WILLA Sale Starts Friay, a1,79-4 37 Dozen Womeu" and Childrê,n*!tmuWuS' "Footrest" 15c SWtklngs on Sale'at 9c Ihie is a 1H al pporitil1ty tee, lay in a !gt.od supply of -tw<k- ilIgs a. a big savinîg W~e sectired ')-àd-îzt- n 14the-e famnus ',toi kiiig. and hidi t them i 'n alec {it 'of three pairs te-)9 Cieh îxdxfiviual ) at, pe'r pair. .............9 FLOOR OI CIOTII Lowest prices ever named i n Lake County. One and a-half Yard Wsde Floor Oilcloth (iu'îd patternis te) s (-(t front-ireguapi xî'- - e ci.~41 Carlteb ex' (h tllt-e i vv >1 < ar <... . . . . . ..1' One Yard Wide Floor Olcloth-Regzl:xî' .'O<grade; Wc4'29 hci's 'lvaranee Priee, yar*d ..................... N'<otion'Bargains Merriek Sewing Thread - -_4 x- yard spools; al nd b~;llark or white; tiv'e spools .......9e Pearl Buttons- Wbite î,earl buttons; d'.'zein on' a card; two cards ............... . ..7c Hair Pins-AIl sizes; pet' pavlk- dOMeI1,.................... le Writing naper-Buxed witilxen- velopes to naei;15c grade. 9c TABLEINEN lI'îîe bl)Iaehe(ltahie liuîeîx (vx- tra heavy quaity; WebIer's ('erneSale 1rce. .. 67c TABLE LINECN p>ure hien1ela d incre iz1/(d ta- ble daînask; good 'vîdth; îîretty Ipatterns, per yjw Women's S<okings Woiiie- *s black lace stcwkings; formxer values 25e and 50c; spe- v'lmil tihtlîey last, Webber's le-araxec 1riee, p~er pîair... 7C Embroidery-Edging and ixîser- tein -values up (o1 ejrya, 'Nebber's ('lear4nee Sale...5C Embroidery-Edgixîg an:d ixser- tion; vables up to 15c; per yard, Webher's Clearance Sale. ..~.8e Torchon Lace-lÀinenüi torchon lavv pietty patterns, g<iod. Nvi<ths, values np t4) 15v, at 7c., 01191 >It1i(I. lot, yard ..........4è Cotton Battingi->ille whyliteJ eottoix lbats; lO-oz. size; regulri prîce, 1ec; but wortliix 8e; We)- Iber'.s ClearanecoPrie...... lic1e »ibJve ertbaO ci couMdMn oitUfmetptcin many ~s *~# v~tin<9U~to corne. r iSen!.I.tinqiqd Fui Webber's Bargain se a~nosthe Cost M .of Former 'rces MKen's, Work Obirb-hîlutding ail kiixds - I)oI1C les sîhan 5(k- values; tuany '75e grades- Weibtlk'r*- Çk-araniee Price............ 37e MKen'z OveriMl and Jacket--Thesc arc 75e-' and itl.4ý grades but are slightly soi1ed w(- her's ('learanice Sale Price.............. ) Neni's Khaki Pants-Mostly large szc- regzular elf5 and --1.50 grades-hrs - ('lde . ....r.c- .................. 74C Work and Drus Pauts-Cassiineres, wora%- teds anxd eheviet.-; velues forrmierly selling frpxî ii 5 up to q:.00-Webber's Clearanee I>riee .......................... $1.49 lMën'a Overcoat-Plain blaek anàd faney mi*x- tu res -.gon>d .quality inaterials; former. values j up to $10.00-Wébberis Cleéancc ePieP.a2o9 r . C ' Bargain Prices that will move these oods qukldY Boys' 8u#t Oo&.ts-OdMd coats Boys' Long PSiII-For boys up f rom suits forrnerly selling up to to 16 years old; $1.25 values- $2.50 and $3.00; excellent values. Webber's Clearancç Price, 59o About four dozen, including ail I os like éias sizes; special, each......... 19o os lnkt Mclas I Sizes froin 32 to 37; Wcbber 's linds; formîer values up to $7.00 -Webber's. 'Cairance Pre, eaBo h.................. .$ 1.69 BoYs' Rues PantB-Sizes 6 to 16; kuuîe-kerboekt!r styles; 50e and 75e values; hluîe serge, inelitded -~Wcbber.'s (Clearance Sl (Jicarance I'riec ...........179e 'Boys' Ruse Pants-Knicker- biieker styles; ages 5'to 1.0 years; Webb4er's (leýarane Sale price, erpair, 19e Boys' audo.ungM.n's liats- Oie lot, inciudlng sôft felt; val- ues up to $2.00; Webber's Clear- hlèè aW to~wà Women's and Mihas' Shoe8-Fo.rme.rly si- îng up to $2.25; Wehber ing ulpt bers Ch pair .... Boys' Shos-AII si-tes from 101ý to 6; iw]liug up to $2.00- Webber's Clearance Prîe, $1.29 s ad IXtsU' -fà.' ~d 'orinry' sadi- bé-~OTl1 o $~0- efr up tu$.- cara nce 0Price, berIg Clearance ..... ... Pair.. .... .. jet,4 to 2; former v iù I1#~ sf- -À,» sigea,81/2 tb 131/2; ËVeb- tup to $.O ebbcr's Clear&woe fe...........$1.40 Noya Bhou-AII sizes in the lot -fomerpx~E~e '4to $3.25 - Price. have ben reduced té ftlyt 1 Boys' Feit Overs-Onle hîxekie style:, sizes 9 to l"); reguilar $1.50 grade l>îiee ...........1.09 Men's Ate--1e< '.tle:\Veîlîî"9Ue Famous Lambertyile Red Bottom Bool- vmH xlîe; Webbýir's Cleixaîx c 1>ne . .. $4.à7 - lIsh's Wfi~i*~toVf1*b0X ~g.bbers Otor~. anee e~......*2.89 ; * r's Clea~ance Pri9è. t. 0~-.50 vàltîe; Welrber's Clearance Price. ..$2.97 t'pay Vyou to corne t'O this great 4'ntiI next season. Aten lines. You will fir.d '10 *.Days Great1#p argain Sale of GROERI ES tiu sale; 1-4 bM.. . .ecaeforJ15 (Lirnit of 2 sacks to a eustomier.) Amrican Parnily oap-Special25 (The above is with any 50e purehiase; sugar, soap and flour excepted.) ]Butterne-Jelke "Good Luck,"ý 5ls 98e; 211îs. 43e - per lb....2 c Bweet Corn--ivervicev hrand; 8 per doz., 79c; per can ........... 8 Peas-Early Jutie variety; pe dozen, 79c; per ean .........r... 8c Buyder's Catiup--1fegularlý' 25e; 8e 8avoy Salmon-Ve ry lîest grade; '25e Bize, at ...................... Sic.2e *Pork and Bean- Artnour's N7erihest brand; 15c kind, for ............. 12e California Cherries-The lest 25e girade; speeial, per cati........... 19C BKitchen leanser-Famous Sunhright bî'and, per eaun.................. 4C K. C. BaIng Powder- Regular '25c. eau .-51)Ciall...................... 19C E.ofled Oats-Kenncedy 's special, per package.................... ...... 9c Buckwheat Flour-'46'0W 'Fashïort(»( branle10Iba ................... 43e &cItr, Lemon or Orange Peel -Spe mial, _er lb ..................... Q ]Pddine-.i-eiaî Çr this sale offly- dampells oups-Any ki ixi; si><iial, wlft' Pride Laundry Soap-3 bars for........................... 9q >Iflb8-sExtra fancy "Richelieu" Ital- 1811 Prunes, lb)................... 14c tkrainges-California Navel Oranges- (,E dzen........... ......... h1 es. Pins-Special for this sale; 7 bEn for....................10er 101 80 Bap-Special for this sale-9 7=9~tFaiy Soap-For this sale, $' brs 1.85; per bar..........2 c Navy Beans-Fancy hand picked beaus .3 b..... ...........23e taid-Best open kettle rendered, none ,4 >tter, per lb.. ........... 134 C Uce- Faney headiec; special for thisý sa~~ 3iba . .. ..... _2c tUI'0Acc0 BAIRGAINS âÏeet Cuba-Fine eut, pW b... 38e ~EoseoSmoldn;10ectinsfo.. c Twin (Qako-Smoking;. lOe tins for Se I~g-Snkng; 10e tin~s for ....... Se t-S'king; 5c tinis 'or .....4 , Wq .vp4 r lie-Cut plug; 10e p kcg. .7e ?i .;.Fine eut; 26e:p~....9 'I4ýô - '~1 So Àgh *> duc Ais liee hol per 'il. -1 - -ý 7a--" Itý- - ý - ._- 1 Alm